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The most important aim of science should be to improve people's lives.

To what extent do you agree or

The fundamental purpose of science has always been a topic of debate. Some people, myself included,
believe that the most critical objective of scientific pursuits should be the augmentation of people's lives.
At its core, science serves as a systematic enterprise that constructs and organizes knowledge to
comprehend the world's natural phenomena. While one might argue that the expansion of knowledge
itself, independent of practical applications, is the cardinal objective of science, I would argue that such
understanding gains true meaning when leveraged to enhance human life. For instance, understanding
the subatomic particles is undoubtedly a scientific triumph, but it is when this knowledge is harnessed
for practical applications such as medical imaging that it becomes transformative.
Ultimately, the very crux of science is embedded in exploration, innovation, and the application of
knowledge to address problems facing mankind. Medical science, for example, has been pivotal in
augmenting human longevity and the quality of life through vaccines, therapeutic inventions, and
improved diagnostic techniques. The eradication of smallpox and the rapid development of COVID-19
vaccines show how science has directly contributed to safeguarding human life. By the same token,
agricultural science has catalyzed advances in food security through high-yielding crop varieties and
the promotion of sustainable farming practices. The Green Revolution, which transformed agriculture
in the mid-20th century, averting widespread famine, is a powerful testament to this.
To summarize, while the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is a noble endeavor, it is through the lens
of improving human life that science's potential is fully realized. In essence, the ultimate purpose of
science lies in its power to better people's lives, a principle that should guide scientific pursuits for
generations to come.
In many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the
countryside is decreasing. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
In light of rapid urbanization, an increasing number of individuals from rural areas are relocating to
cities in search of better opportunities and a more vibrant lifestyle. This trend, which is evident in
various countries, has led to a decline in the population of the countryside. While this pattern of
migration is not devoid of drawbacks, I am inclined to believe that the advantages are more considerable
and are therefore indicative of a positive development.
One of the salient issues that emerge with the surge in urban population is overcrowding, which has
manifold repercussions. Crowded cities often grapple with a shortage of housing, escalated levels of
pollution, and the stretching of public services beyond their capacities. For instance, metropolises such
as New York and Hong Kong have been struggling to cope with the housing demands of their burgeoning
populations, leading to the proliferation of slums. Nevertheless, it is essential to recognize that these
problems can be assuaged through effective urban planning and progressive policies. Building
affordable and sustainable housing, augmenting public transport systems, and enforcing environmental
regulations are strategies that can significantly alleviate these issues.
As the problems arising from the rural-urban movement are soluble, I am convinced that this shift is
largely positive, with numerous benefits. Chief among these is a more efficient allocation of human
resources. Cities are the nerve centers of economic activity, replete with a myriad of job prospects and
avenues for upward social mobility, which are scarce in rural areas. For example, technology hubs like
Silicon Valley draw talent from all over, including rural areas, and provide a milieu that is conducive to
innovation and economic development. This migration not only enhances the individuals' quality of life
but also acts as a catalyst for societal advancement by pooling in diverse skills and expertise.
Another intriguing merit of this migration is the potential upswing in rural development. As individuals
move to cities and earn higher incomes, they often send remittances to their families in rural areas, and
such an injection of capital could help boost local businesses and services. Besides, with cities getting
denser, governments may find it judicious to channel investments into rural regions to promote
balanced population distribution. For example, the Chinese government has been assiduously investing
in rural infrastructure and services as a countermeasure to the extensive migration to cities, fostering
better living conditions for the rural populace. (Có thể bỏ)
In conclusion, despite challenges such as overcrowding, the long-term benefits that rural-urban
movement holds for social progress are far-reaching. Through strategic urban planning and a focus on
rural development, the negatives can be mitigated, paving the way for a more balanced and sustainable
society that leverages the strengths of both rural and urban environments.
In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an ageing population
creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly
people.To what extent do the advantages of having an ageing population outweigh the disadvantages?
The increase in life expectancy due to improvements in healthcare and living conditions has given rise
to an ageing population in many parts of the world. While some consider this demographic trend as a
positive development, citing the enrichment of society through the wisdom and experiences of the
elderly, others are wary of the potential socioeconomic implications that this could entail. After weighing
the two perspectives, I am of the opinion that the challenges associated with an ageing population
notably outweigh its potential benefits.
There is no denying that an increase in the elderly population can yield certain benefits. Predominantly,
senior citizens possess a wealth of life experience and wisdom, the sharing of which can foster
intergenerational understanding and societal harmony. This is particularly evident in many Asian
cultures, where grandparents are instrumental in nurturing family values and cultural traditions
among the youth. Additionally, given their typically retired status, elders often have ample time to
engage in volunteer work and community service, contributing to the overall welfare of the society.
Notwithstanding these benefits, the challenges posed by an ageing population are more pronounced.
Foremost among these is the surge in the dependency ratio, which signifies the ratio of non-working
individuals, predominantly the elderly, to the working population. A higher dependency ratio puts
considerable financial pressure on the working-age population and the government alike, as they are
tasked with providing welfare and healthcare services for an increasing elderly population. Japan serves
as a prime example of this predicament, struggling with escalating healthcare expenses and a looming
pension crisis due to its significantly aged population.
Furthermore, the shrinking workforce resulting from an ageing population can have deleterious effects
on the economy. With an increasing number of retirements, fewer individuals contribute to economic
activities, which may result in a slump in productivity and innovation. Countries like Germany are
already feeling the pinch of this demographic shift, encountering difficulties in securing enough skilled
labor to sustain their industries.
In conclusion, while the presence of a larger elderly population can bring certain societal advantages, I
am convinced that the detriments, encompassing economic burdens and workforce shrinkage, are
considerably more significant. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for governments to adopt
proactive strategies to address and manage these ramifications, thereby ensuring societal equilibrium
and sustainability.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others
believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
The realm of academia is full of learning opportunities, stimulating a debate about the breadth versus
depth of knowledge. Whilst some university students advocate for a diverse academic portfolio, others,
myself included, argue that undivided attention to their primary discipline is paramount.
Lãnh vực học thuật đầy cơ hội để học tập, kích thích cuộc tranh luận về sự rộng và sâu của kiến thức.
Trong khi một số sinh viên đại học ủng hộ một danh mục học thuật đa dạng, thì những người khác, bao
gồm cả tôi, cho rằng sự tập trung không chia tách vào chuyên ngành chính là điều quan trọng nhất.
Proponents of academic diversity often. perceive university as a platform for intellectual exploration.
Studying disparate subjects, they argue, can broaden one's perspectives, foster critical thinking, and
spur innovation through interdisciplinary connections. A computer science student, for instance, might
benefit from studying philosophy by developing ethical frameworks for artificial intelligence. However,
it should be noted that the university curriculum is meticulously designed to provide in-depth
knowledge in the chosen field, and that deviation from this might lead to an incomplete understanding
of essential concepts. The intricacies of specialized fields, more often than not, demand focused attention
and rigorous study, which might be compromised with academic diversification.
Những người ủng hộ sự đa dạng học thuật thường coi đại học như một nền tảng cho sự khám phá trí
tuệ. Họ cho rằng học các môn học khác nhau có thể mở rộng tầm nhìn, thúc đẩy tư duy phản biện và
kích thích sự đổi mới thông qua các kết nối liên ngành. Ví dụ, một sinh viên khoa học máy tính có thể
được hưởng lợi từ việc học triết học bằng cách phát triển các khung chính sách đạo đức cho trí tuệ nhân
tạo. Tuy nhiên, cần lưu ý rằng chương trình giảng dạy của trường đại học được thiết kế tỉ mỉ để cung
cấp kiến thức sâu rộng trong lĩnh vực được chọn, và sự chệch hướng từ đó có thể dẫn đến sự hiểu biết
không đầy đủ về các khái niệm cần thiết. Những sự phức tạp của các lĩnh vực chuyên môn, thường đòi
hỏi sự tập trung và nghiên cứu chặt chẽ, điều này có thể bị đe dọa với sự đa dạng học thuật.
An intense focus on a primary discipline can equip students with a robust understanding and mastery
of their chosen field, which is crucial in today's competitive job market. Specialized knowledge can help
differentiate candidates, offering an edge in specific industries. For example, a biology student aiming
for a career in genetic engineering would benefit more from advanced genetics courses than studying
unrelated subjects. Of course, this does not negate the value of a well-rounded education, but it
underscores the significance of cultivating expertise in the chosen field, given the limited timeframe of
university education Sự tập trung mạnh mẽ vào một chuyên ngành chính có thể trang bị cho sinh viên
một hiểu biết và sự thành thạo vững chắc về lĩnh vực được chọn của họ, điều này rất quan trọng trong
thị trường việc làm cạnh tranh ngày nay. Kiến thức chuyên môn có thể giúp phân biệt các ứng viên,
cung cấp lợi thế trong các ngành công nghiệp cụ thể. Ví dụ, một sinh viên sinh học nhằm mục tiêu sự
nghiệp trong kỹ thuật di truyền sẽ được hưởng lợi hơn từ các khóa học di truyền tiên tiến hơn là học
các môn không liên quan. Tất nhiên, điều này không phủ nhận giá trị của một giáo dục toàn diện, nhưng
nó nhấn mạnh sự quan trọng của việc trau dồi chuyên môn trong lĩnh vực được chọn, với thời gian giới
hạn của giáo dục đại học.
In conclusion, while the exploration of diverse academic territories can indeed foster a holistic
educational experience, I believe the primacy of specialized knowledge in one's core subject should not
be undermined. With the competitive and ever-changing nature of the professional world, a focused
academic path provides an essential foundation for future success. Tóm lại, trong khi khám phá các
lãnh vực học thuật đa dạng có thể thực sự thúc đẩy một trải nghiệm giáo dục toàn diện, tôi tin rằng sự
ưu tiên của kiến thức chuyên môn trong chuyên ngành cốt lõi của một người không nên bị đánh giá

thấp. Với tính cạnh tranh và thay đổi liên tục của thế giới chuyên nghiệp, một con đường học thuật tập
trung cung cấp một nền tảng cần thiết cho thành công trong tương lai.
It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.
Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?
Risk-taking can be critical for people’s working and private lives. I believe the merits of taking chances
outweigh the drawbacks.
The main benefit of throwing caution to the wind is that it leads to opportunities. For example, if people
take the chance on a new romance they might meet their lifelong partner. However, without taking the
plunge there will be no opportunity to move beyond single life. Similarly, accepting the risk of a new
job offer may help a person move forward in their career. The new job may lead to the acquisition of
new knowledge and skills, which could propel a person up the career ladder.
Furthermore, taking risks can also lead to greater resilience. This is because the change involved with
risk-taking evokes emotional responses such as fear and doubt. By actively experiencing these emotions
people can become more tolerant of them. This is a valuable attribute as change and a certain level of
risk-taking is unavoidable in all careers and aspects of life.
However, risk-taking often involves a certain degree of danger. The unpredictable outcomes of risky
decisions can lead to deleterious outcomes. For instance, my Nephew invested all his money in a new
business venture. The business failed and he became both bankrupt and unemployed at the same time.
This had disastrous effects on his career and marriage.
In conclusion, I believe that the benefits of risk-taking surpass the drawbacks. This is because the merits
of creating new prospects and building resilience outweigh the potential hazards of negative outcomes.
Furthermore, the dangers can be mitigated through contingency planning for negative outcomes.
Some people believe that professionals such as doctors and engineers should be required to work in the
country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if
they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
A common debate is whether specialists trained domestically in vocations including medicine and
engineering are obliged to take on employment in their homeland or should have the discretion to choose
an overseas role. This essay will first elaborate on the merits of each assessment, before explaining why
I agree with the latter.
Supporters of in-demand professions having to work where their education was provided have several
justifications. The first is tertiary education is often subsidised by taxpayers. The cost of educating
students is prohibitive, so if they do not receive government funding, only the wealthy will be able to
graduate, limiting the opportunities for potentially brilliant talent. Therefore, alumni owe a duty to
repay the society that assisted them. Furthermore, these professionals are likely to be more familiar
with the unwritten cultural norms of the country, so can often achieve better outcomes for citizens.
Nevertheless, many believe it must be a professional’s choice as to their employment’s locale. The most
important consideration is they devote years of their lives to study, neglecting relationships and accruing
debt. Allowing them to move overseas for higher income or a better lifestyle should be a reward for that
sacrifice. For example, Indian doctors often move to Western nations because not only are the salaries
significantly higher, but the natural environment is healthier for their families. In addition, it could be
argued that all taxpayers receive benefits of some form or another and likewise have obligation to their
country, creating a potential roadblock to any migration.
To conclude, I believe both sides contain valid reasoning. However, in my opinion, if a country provides
all citizens equal opportunities to be educated then there is no reason to limit anyone from freely making
decisions about their career location. Moreover, I argue that migrants often contribute significantly to
their homeland through financial remittances. Therefore, I suggest governments focus on creating the
economic conditions that encourage in-demand professions to seek jobs locally. (322)
Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a
positive or negative development?
It is common for many youngsters to use their mobile devices for a significant part of each day. This
essay explains the reasons for this phenomenon, and why I view this trend as creating detrimental health

There are several contributing factors to substantial smartphone use among children. The most
important consideration is that contemporary education places great emphasis on virtual activity. Often
pupils are required to research and submit assignments online and tend to do this on their smartphones
due to their ease of use and accessibility. This was further emphasized during the recent pandemic when
learning was predominantly via the Internet, requiring students to complete teamwork using mobile
applications. Another reason is social media has become the default form of communication among
youths. If children do not constantly access their smartphones to keep up with the activities of their
peers, they may become socially isolated.

In my view, there are more shortcomings of extended smartphone use in the young, mostly related to
their well-being. Physically, the downsides of extensive screen time are twofold. First, eyesight can be
damaged through constant exposure to damaging blue light, with children’s developing eyes being
particularly vulnerable. In addition, smartphone use is often directly related to a sedentary lifestyle as
it commonly replaces physical activity. Turning to emotional harm, if device usage is not strictly
monitored, youngsters can be exposed to inappropriate violent or sexual imagery, as well as online
bullying. For instance, many nations have seen an increase in mental illness among preteens as they are
ill-equipped to deal with frequent harassment not only from their peers but also from delinquent adults.
In conclusion, lengthy time spent using smartphones is attributable to educational demands and
changing interactions among the young, and I view this tendency as being problematic for both the
physical and psychological growth of children. (305 words)
Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and
treatments instead of visiting the usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Unwell individuals are more likely to seek out remedies that are contrary to mainstream medical advice
these days. I mostly think this is problematic due to potential misdiagnoses and unproven therapies,
although the burden on the traditional health care system could be reduced.
The main reason why I believe alternative medications could be detrimental is the higher likelihood of
misdiagnosis. Patients could either diagnose themselves incorrectly with limited knowledge gained
online or through unqualified practitioners with limited liability. This is in stark contrast to doctors
who undergo years of training and are guided by strict professional codes of conduct to ensure
appropriate treatment.
Furthermore, many of the substitute treatments are not backed by science. Mainstream medications
prescribed by doctors are subject to peer-reviewed research to ensure that they are completely safe for
the consumer. In contrast, many alternative medications are designed for different purposes, and may
have increased side effects or decreased efficacy. For example, many non-medical professionals
promoted the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, even though it was designed for the
prevention of parasites on animals. Needless to say, the results have been inconclusive, and its use has
resulted in some severe side effects.
However, I consider the alternative treatments could be beneficial in terms of reducing the burden on
public health care for treating minor conditions. Doctors are often overworked, and it is exceptionally
expensive and time-consuming to train new medical professionals. If people with minor ailments were
to seek out trustworthy alternative treatment providers, the pressure on the health care system could
be significantly reduced and allow doctors to focus on more serious cases.
To conclude, I somewhat believe that sourcing alternative methods to alleviate ailments is negative, as
although this could relieve under-resourced medical practitioners, there is a higher likelihood of
patients relying on an incorrect assumption or unverified and inappropriate medications.
In some countries, more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or
building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this question?
In many nations, people have an increasing fascination with learning about the background of their
place of residence. This essay discusses some of the motives for this as well as how people can unearth
this kind of information.
There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. The primary one is due to concern over potential
building problems. By examining past records of one’s place of abode the structural soundness of the
building can be determined. Moreover, many people like to verify that high-quality building materials
were used. Another factor is due to curiosity. Many people wonder about who has lived in their house
in the past and delight over the potential discovery of previous occupancy by a famous person.
There are many methods to discover the history of a building. The most effective one is to check public
records. From these records we are able to determine who the building was built by and blueprints of
the structural integrity of the construction. Another effective method is to simply ask neighbours. In
many cases, neighbours have been living in the area for a long time and have a wealth of information.
Furthermore, houses in the same neighbourhood often share many characteristics.
In conclusion, the main reasons why people are interested in discovering the background of their places
of residence is due to concern over the structural soundness of the premises as well as a natural curiosity.
The best ways to find out this information are to search public records or simply ask around the
In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some
way.Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Companies often advertise their merchandise as having novel features. The reason for this is that
product differentiation is often critical to convincing consumers to purchase. This is a progressive
development as it leads to more informed consumers.
The motivation for commercials to highlight product innovations is to persuade consumers to purchase
the featured products. By communicating the unique features of a product consumers may be convinced
to purchases it. This is because they will see the featured product as being better than others. For
instance, every time Apple releases a new version of their I-phone the new features of it are clearly
articulated to potential purchasers. This highlights the value that can be derived from upgrading your
phone to the latest version of the Apple brand, which increases the likelihood of a purchase.
This is phenomenon is highly beneficial to consumers as they become more informed shoppers. By
having the information about a products unique and novel features savvy consumers are able to make
product comparisons and choose the exact product that best suits their unique circumstances. For
instance, I purchased an I-phone 12 because I saw that it has the highest camera resolution of all phones
currently available. As an amateur photographer, the purchase of this phone ensures that I can take the
best photos possible with a smartphone, and this feature was well worth the high price tag to me.
In conclusion, companies are choosing to advertise the new features of their products as a way of
convincing shoppers to purchase their products. This is a highly constructive phenomenon as it is
leading to more informed consumers who are making better purchasing decisions.
Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health
problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.
Do you agree or disagree?
Many people believe that food and beverages that are high in sugar should be sold at high prices to
discourage people from consuming these unhealthy products. I totally disagree because I think that it
is unfair to consumers charge more for these products and also because there are other more effective
ways to discourage consumption of these types of goods.
The main reason why I believe these products should not be made more expensive is that it is unfair to
shoppers. These types of goods, when consumed in moderation, are not a health risk and therefore it
does not seem reasonable that everybody who consumes these goods should have to pay more.
Furthermore, for people on a tight budget, a sweet snack is an affordable luxury. However, if prices are
hiked this might put people’s favourite snack out of reach.
In addition, there are more effective ways to decrease the consumption of sugary goods. The best way
is for the government to engage in public service advertising to educate the public about the need to eat
these types of products in moderation. This type of approach has been useful with other vices such as
alcohol and cigarettes and so it seems reasonable that it will also work for sugary products. Another
effective way to decrease the consumption is to ban advertising of these types of products. I feel this will
be effective because it will create less of a psychological desire to consume these types of goods.
In conclusion, I am totally against increasing the price of confectionery. This is because it is not fair to
consumers and there are better ways to reduce consumption of these sugary goods.
In the future all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles
would be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?
Technological advances are leading towards all vehicles becoming automated and not having a driver. I
believe the merits of this far exceed the drawbacks.
The main benefit of this phenomenon is the increase in safety. The absence of a driver means that human
error can be totally eliminated. More precisely, car accidents will no longer result from a lapse of
concentration or poor judgment in the operation of a vehicle. For example, there will no longer be an
issue with intoxicated drivers getting behind the wheel and endangering themselves and others on the
In addition, it will be more enjoyable for all occupants of a vehicle as no one will have to perform driving
duties. People who would have been drivers can now relax during a journey. For instance, they will be
able to watch movies or interact with their friends on social media while travelling. Furthermore, the
stress of a long drive can be avoided, meaning that they can arrive at the destination in a more relaxed
However, there are likely to be cyber-criminals who will attempt to take advantage of this situation.
Hackers may seize control of these vehicles and use them for their own nefarious purposes. For example,
a hacker could use an automated vehicle as a getaway vehicle or to block traffic in order to evade the
police. Even worse, they could hack into police vehicles rendering them useless in a chase.
In conclusion, I believe that the positives of this phenomenon greatly outweigh the negatives. This is
because the increase in safety and enjoyment when travelling surpass the threat posed by cyber-
criminals. Therefore, this new technology should be embraced.
In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this
be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?
In many nations, home ownership is considered to be of great significance. This essay discusses the
reasons for this and why I believe it brings merits.
There are two main reasons why owning a house is considered to be of high importance. The main
motivation behind its popularity is because it is seen as providing a more stable base for a family. This
is because the family home becomes the key place where different generations of a family gather and
build cherished memories. For instance, every time I return to my family home it reminds me of all the
fun times I have had with my family there, and this makes me feel closer to them. Moreover, houses are
seen as a good form of investment. This is because real estate prices usually increase over the long-term.
I believe owner-occupancy can be seen as leading to positive outcomes. First, the stability that it provides
to families is paramount to social stability. When the bonds between family members are strong, this
alleviates problems such as social isolation and depression. This is because when people are surrounded
by their family, they feel loved. In addition, property owners build equity in their homes, and this assists
them to retire comfortably. They are also better placed to ride out any financial hardship. For instance,
during this current pandemic, people who lose their job but have their own house will not be evicted
due to not being able to pay rent.
In conclusion, the main motivations behind home ownership are a desire for a stable family environment
and a sound form of investment. This is in my view, highly beneficial as it results in strong social
cohesion and financial security.
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything
they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some believe that newspapers and books in printed form will become obsolete as people will be able to
read all that they desire, free of charge, on the internet. I totally disagree because there will always be
people that will buy printed material because of the aesthetic appeal of it and due to its collectability.
The main reason why I disagree is because there is some sort of aesthetic appeal to actually holding
printed material in your hands when reading. There is always going to be people who will want to buy
a novel or paper as they find it to be a more pleasurable experience than reading on an electronic gadget.
For instance, many people find it easier to read words off a page instead of a screen.
Another reason why I believe printed material will always be purchased is its popularity with collectors.
We can often see bookcases full of books when we enter someone’s home as they are an artefact just like
a painting on a wall. Moreover, there are organizations, such as libraries, that serve to collect books and
newspapers as a form of public archives.
In conclusion, I completely disagree that there will ever be a time when people no longer buy books or
papers. This is because I believe there will always be people willing to buy printed material due to its
physical appeal and there will always be people and organisations that want to collect books and papers.
Given this situation, it seems that printed materials will always be available.
Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people
think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion.
Some believe that commercials induce people to make purchases; others feel that advertisements have
become so commonplace that we simply ignore them. This essay discusses both of these perspectives,
and why I believe that the case for the power of advertising is stronger.

There are two main arguments to support the strong influence of advertising. The first is that whatever
gets advertised heavily seems to get purchased the most. We can see that the most popular brands of
products that are advertised on TV and the Internet also seem to be the ones people are purchasing.
Another popular argument is that companies would not advertise if it did not lead to sales. Commercials
are extremely expensive and as companies keep running them, they must be successful otherwise the
expenditure could not be justified.
However, some argue that we no longer pay attention to adverts. They argue that people do not see
commercials on television because they switch to other tasks whenever they appear. For instance, when
there is a commercial break during a TV show people often use it as an opportunity for a food run.
Moreover, when people cannot avoid advertising they just ignore it. For instance, people have become
so accustomed to popups and marketing content on the right side of the computer screen that they tend
to just ignore anything that occupies this space.
In conclusion, I believe that both sides of the argument have merits. However, the case for the power of
advertising is stronger. I think this is because advertising constantly evolves and finds creative ways to
attract our attention and convince us of the need to buy a product.
In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?
In many societies, youngsters are given the message that anything can be achieved through diligence.
This essay discusses the merits and drawbacks of expressing this philosophy.
There are two main benefits of telling children anything is possible with sufficient persistence. The first
of these is that it can be a powerful source of motivation. This is because it will encourage young people
to work hard towards achieving their goals and to be tenacious when goals seem unachievable.
Furthermore, this can inspire young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with hope. For instance,
children from poor families might find solace in the notion that studying hard can lead to a prosperous
However, there are also drawbacks of this approach. The most significant is that it can cause a great
deal of stress. This is because children who are unable to achieve a goal may burnout due to working
increasingly harder in the pursuit of an unattainable goal. Another limitation is that may lead to
youngsters wasting their time. To illustrate, if a child is pursuing a goal that is truly unachievable, this
time may be better spent on something else.
In conclusion, giving children the message that they can achieve anything through hard work is highly
beneficial, as it becomes a source of inspiration and comfort. However, it can also lead to considerable
levels of stress and time-wasting brought about by attempting to reach unachievable goals. Therefore,
it seems that children need to be given some sort of parameters regarding the situations when hard
work can lead to positive outcomes in order to prevent the deleterious effects.
Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of
money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion
Some believe that it’s important to be accepting of negative circumstances when they occur whereas
others emphasise that it’s better to try to seek solutions in such situations. This essay discusses both
perspectives and why I believe that the arguments for seeking solutions are stronger.
There are two main reasons why people believe that we must be accepting of bad circumstances. First
of all, we often cannot avoid bad situations. Since these situations can’t always be avoided it’s best to
just accept the reality. For instance, economic downturns can lead to the company we work for going
bankrupt and in this case, we should not feel hard done by if we lose our job. In addition, unnecessary
stress can be caused by dwelling on our current circumstances. If we are accepting of our circumstances
this can allow us to maintain a positive mood and to continue enjoying our life despite a setback.
However, others argue that we should have a proactive attitude and find solutions to any negative
predicament. The main benefit of this approach is that it may lead to eustress which helps to motivate
us to find solutions. For instance, if we lose our job we should focus on finding a new job to solve the
problem of being unemployed. Additionally, focusing on solutions can divert some of our negative
emotions such as a feeling of bad luck or guilt into more positive emotions such as feelings of
empowerment in our ability to solve our problems.
In conclusion, I believe both sides of the argument have merits. However, I believe it’s better to focus
on finding solutions because it increases the likelihood of solving our problems and maintaining a
positive mental attitude, which is far more important than the benefits of avoiding stress through being
accepting of our circumstances.
Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of
plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinion
While many believe that the extinction of certain species is the greatest threat to our environment, others
feel that there are more pressing environmental issues. This essay discusses both perspectives and why
I believe that there are more critical issues than the loss of species.
There are two main reasons why people might believe that the extinction of certain plants and animals
is the most serious issue. The first of these concerns the way that plants and species are interrelated and
how the loss of one species can lead to the loss of other species. For instance, if coral dies many of the
fish and marine life that feed off it also die. Moreover, many people note the importance of the
biodiversity of the planet and point out that when a species dies this is reduced. This biodiversity is
important because we are constantly finding that certain species have important applications such as in
the field of medicine.
However, others consider that there are more serious environmental issues. One of the reasons is that
the extinction of a species can be considered a part of nature. For instance, we know that the dinosaurs
died out due to naturally changing weather patterns, and life of our planet still continues. In addition,
man-made problems are emerging such as Global warming that are so serious they have the potential
to wipe out all life on our planet. If the earth continues to experience rising temperatures it will start to
become uninhabitable even for humans.
In conclusion, in my opinion, both sides of this argument have their merits. However, it seems that man-
made global warming is the most serious problem because it ultimately threatens to not only destroy
certain species but also destroy all life on our planet including humans. Moreover, it seems that we are
not taking enough steps to mitigate this catastrophic problem.
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion
Many people believe that music can connect people from diverse cultures and generations together. I
totally agree because people can feel closer by enjoying music together and it is a medium that helps
people understand each other better.
The main reason why I agree is because enjoying music allows different types of people to bond. This is
because people from different cultures and ages can enjoy listening to similar genres of music together
and through this fun shared experience they can feel closer. For instance, at New Year large groups of
people, of different cultures and ages, can count down the New Year and sing Auld Lang Syne together,
and this can be a great bonding experience and break down barriers between people. After singing it is
common to see people of different ages and nationalities hugging each other and genuinely wishing each
other well-being and prosperity in the New Year. Consequently, it’s clearly evident, at this time, that
people feel closer and more connected despite differences.
I also believe that music can increase the understanding between different cultures and generations.
This is because when a person listens to the preferred music genre of another group of people they can
know more about that group of people. For instance, when I listened to the famous Australian folksong
called Waltzing Matilda, I was able to understand Australian culture so much more. Moreover, I could
understand the struggles that previous generations faced in Australia. This increased my understanding
of Australians and older generations and made me empathise with them, and understand why they
behave in certain ways. Consequently, this increased my ability to bond with them.
In conclusion, I completely believe that music can bring different types of people closer together. This
is because fun shared experiences lead to bonding and increased understanding of others leading to
empathy and an increased ability to bond. Therefore, I believe music should be used more as a way to
break down barriers amongst different types of people.
Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organisation.
Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?
Many people these days decide to work for themselves instead of being employed by others. This essay
discusses the reasons for this and also the drawbacks of this choice of career.
There are two main reasons why people are choosing to become self-employed. The main one is that
people feel motivated to become entrepreneurs. This is because they see running their own businesses
as an exciting challenge. For instance, I was bored with my regular job teaching at a school and so I
started my own online IELTS teaching company in order to have a more stimulating work day. In
addition, running your own business can lead to better long-term career prospects. If you work hard at
your business and develop enthusiastically satisfied customers you will be deriving all the benefits rather
than passing these on to an employer.
Running your own business is not without its drawbacks. The biggest downside is the risk of venturing
out on your own. If the business is not successful you will not have an income. For instance, my uncle
opened a restaurant, but it turned out his cooking skills were not as good as he thought and he could
not attract enough customers to pay all his bills and finally, he became bankrupt. As well as this, it can
be extremely stressful to run your own business. This can often be due to the lack of resources to help
you with issues such as the need to run your own website.
In conclusion, many people are venturing out on their own due to their interest in running their own
business and believing that they will have a better career. However, it should be kept in mind that this
can be risky and stressful. Therefore, this type of career is not suited to all people
Every country should have a free health service, even if this means that the latest medical treatments
may not be available through the service because they are too expensive. To what extent do you agree or
Some people believe every nation should have free healthcare, even if this doesn’t include new medical
procedures that are expensive. I completely agree with this opinion because a minimum level of
protection is a human right and also because free procedures are often necessary to protect the health
of an entire nation from medical emergencies.

The main reason why I believe a minimum standard of health care is needed is because it’s a human
right to have some level of access to health services. In some situations, such as when a person doesn’t
have a job, basic healthcare should be available. For instance, if somebody has a life-threatening car
accident emergency services should be available free of charge. This is because it is not humane to let a
person die just because they don’t have sufficient funds to pay for treatment in this sort of situation.
Another reason why I support the notion that free health you should pre-provided is due to the fact that
it is sometimes necessary to protect the health of all citizens. Certain medical situations, such as an
outbreak of a virus, require quick and widespread medical attention. This can best be achieved by
having a free medical system, in order to circumvent financial issues that might prevent certain
individuals from having access to treatment. For example, the current coronavirus is spreading more
rapidly in countries without free healthcare because people are often reluctant or unable to seek
attention if they have to pay for it.
In conclusion, I completely agree that every country should have basic minimum level of health because
it is a basic human right and it’s necessary to prevent widespread medical crises such as the Corona
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙮
𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙗𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚. 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙧𝙚
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙮
𝙙𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙
The escalating traffic and transportation issues are a cause for concern worldwide. A proposed solution
involves promoting urban living over suburban or countryside dwelling. This essay will analyze the
impacts of rapid urban population growth and strategies to preserve the quality of life in cities.
In the first instance, an influx of people into urban areas intensifies existing infrastructural pressures.
For instance, Hanoi's rapid population growth has led to increased vehicular congestion and air
pollution, impinging upon residents' health and daily commutes. This situation is exacerbated by the
city's limited space for expansion. Furthermore, such density strains public services like healthcare and
education, often resulting in diminished service quality. Yet, these challenges are not insurmountable.
Cities like Ho Chi Minh have successfully employed passive architectural strategies, improving air
quality and reducing the urban heat island effect, which demonstrates the potential for innovative
solutions to mitigate these issues.
However, I believe that maintaining quality of life in densely populated cities is feasible through
sustainable urban planning and community engagement. By prioritizing public transportation and
creating pedestrian-friendly spaces, cities can alleviate traffic congestion. For example, the development
of the Metro system in Ho Chi Minh City is a promising step towards reducing reliance on personal
vehicles. Additionally, fostering green spaces and community centers can enhance social cohesion and
mental well-being. These initiatives not only address the immediate effects of population growth but
also contribute to building resilient and livable urban environments.
In conclusion, while the rapid population growth in cities presents significant challenges, it is possible
to maintain, and even improve, the quality of life through thoughtful urban planning and community-
focused initiatives. Encouraging city living should be coupled with sustainable and inclusive strategies
to ensure that the urban experience remains viable and desirable.


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