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The Amazon Rainforest II


Delve into the incredible world of the

Amazon Rainforest and discover what
life is like in its incredibly diverse

Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley

habitats, and learn about some of the
rainforest’s most fascinating and intelligent inhabitants.
Find out which are endangered, and learn about
rainforest myths and legends through stunning images,
interesting stories and fun facts.

• Reader cross-platform application
• Multi-ROM (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOSX)


ISBN 978-1-4715-1522-4
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The Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest is in South

America. It is over 2 million square miles
and covers roughly 80% of the Amazon
Basin, including parts of Brazil, Bolivia,
Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela.
The Amazon River, the second longest
river in the world, flows through the
forest. The river begins high in the Andes
Mountains and flows all the way to the
Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon Rainforest
has a hot, humid climate due to its
geographical location and the fact that
the equator goes through it.

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Word Bank & Activities pp. 30-31

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful garden in which all kinds of
fruits grew. Many animals lived in the garden and they were allowed
to eat any of the fruits they wanted. But they had to follow one rule.
They had to make a bow to the fruit tree, call it by its name, and say,
"Please give me a taste of your fruit." They had to be very careful to
remember the tree's correct name and not to forget to be polite and
say "please." It was also very important that they should remember
not to be greedy. They should always leave plenty of fruit for the other
animals who might pass that way, and plenty to decorate the tree itself
and to provide seed so that other trees might grow. If they wanted to
eat figs they had to say, "O, fig tree, O, fig tree, please give me a taste
of your fruit." If they wanted to eat oranges, they had to say, "O,
orange tree, O, orange tree, please give me a taste of your fruit."
In one corner of the garden grew the most amazing tree of all. It was
tall and beautiful and the red fruit on its long branches looked
delicious. No animal had ever tasted that fruit, because no
animal could remember its name.
In a tiny house near the edge of the garden lived a
little old woman who knew the names of all the fruit
trees which grew in the garden. The animals often
went to her and asked the name of the wonderful

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fruit tree, but the tree was so far from the tiny house of the
little old woman that no animal could remember the long,
hard name by the time they reached the fruit tree.
The monkey thought of a trick. The monkey could play the guitar.
He always played when the animals gathered together in the garden
to dance. The monkey went to the tiny house of the old woman,
carrying his guitar under his arm. When she told him the long name
of the fruit tree, he made up a little tune to it, and sang it over and
over again all the way from the house to the fruit tree. When the
other animals asked him what new song he was singing, he didn’t say
a word. He continued walking and playing his little tune over and
over again on his guitar and singing the name softly.
At last, he reached the corner of the garden where the wonderful
fruit tree grew. The red fruit glowed in the bright sunlight. The
monkey bowed, said the name twice and asked for the fruit with a
"please." What a beautiful color and what a delicious smell that fruit
had! The monkey had never smelled something so good. He took a
big bite. What a face he made! That beautiful, sweet smelling fruit
was sour, and it had a nasty taste. He threw it away from him as far
as he could.

The monkey never forgot the tree's name and the little tune he had
sung. He never forgot how the fruit tasted, either. He never took a
bite of it again; but, after that, his favorite trick was to treat the other
animals to the wonderful fruit just to see
them make faces when they tasted it.

Word Bank & Activities pp. 44-45

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A Skilled Hunter

Word Bank
(pp. 18-21) perfectly (adv) = extremely well region (n) = a part of the body
skilled (adj) = able to do sth very well thick (adj) = having a lot of things paw (n) = the foot of a four-legged
stalk a prey (phr) = (of an animal) to close to each other mammal that has claws
quietly follow another animal in vegetation (n) = all the trees, plants, crepuscular (adj) = (of an animal)
order to kill it and eat it etc. in a particular area active after the sun has gone down
creep (v) = to move quietly and prepare (v) = to make sth ready for a and before the sun rises
carefully particular purpose dawn (n) = sunrise; daybreak
target (n) = (of an animal) an animal it massive (adj) = very big dusk (n) = the time just before night,
plans to attack muscle (n) = a tissue in the body that when it is not completely dark yet
connects bones and helps apex predator (phr) = the animal
red brocket deer (n) =
movement which is at the top of the food
hiding place (phr) = an area where an chain
shy (adj) = (of an animal) easily
animal cannot be seen or found food chain (phr) = a series of
escape (v) = to get away from sth organisms in an ecosystem in
hide (v) = to prevent from being seen which each species is the food of
or discovered the next member of the chain
jaws (pl n) = the mouth of a person or
get startled (phr) = to be suddenly carnivore (n) = an animal that only
an animal
surprised feeds on meat
deadly (adj) = able to cause death
graze (v) = (of an animal) to eat grass
bite (n) = the act of cutting into sth turtle (n) =
freeze (v) = (of a person or an animal)
using the teeth
to stop moving
skull (n) = the bony part of the head
stare (v) = to look at sth intently
which holds the brain capybara (n) =
scent (n) = the smell of an animal
bone (n) = one of the many hard parts
patterned (adj) = having a design, provide (v) = to give
that make up the skeleton of a
such as lines, spots, etc. human or animal body spotted (adj) = having small, round,
camouflage (v) = (of the color or the colored marks
drag (v) = to pull along the ground
shape of an animal) to make an
throat (n) = the front part of the neck
animal look like its natural
chest (n) = the part of the body
environment, so as not to be seen
between the neck and the stomach
by its predators or its prey

Pre-Reading activities

1 a) Decide which of the following sentences you think are T (true) and which are F (false).

1 Jaguars use their paws to kill their prey. ........ 4 Jaguars only eat meat. ........
2 A jaguar’s teeth can pierce through bone. ........ 5 It is easy to see a jaguar in the forest. ........
3 Jaguars go to sleep after dusk. ........

b) Listen, read, and check if your answers were correct.

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4 Choose the correct word.

While-Reading activities
1 Deer are very deadly/shy animals; they get
2 According to the text, which of the scared very easily.
following is NOT true about jaguars? 2 Jaguars prepare/stalk their prey for some time
before they go after it.
A They are active at dawn and dusk.
3 It is not always easy to see a jaguar hiding in the
B They are apex predators in the wild.
thick/massive vegetation of the rainforest.
C They eat plants as well as animals.
4 After killing the deer, the jaguar drags/grazes its
D They stalk and surprise their prey.
body to a place where other predators cannot find
5 The jaguar’s skilled/patterned coat provides the
3 SUBJECT-SPECIFIC VOCABULARY: Find perfect disguise for the animal.
the words in the letter grid to complete the
6 After it has finished its meal, the jaguar licks its
sentences below.
paws/muscles to clean them.

Q E Y C X N F N L X A B P After-Reading activities
A A U E R R O I C I T H X 5 Look up information on the Internet to
complete the fact file.
Type: Mammal
A Y H L P W N A U Q M P T Scientific name:
E H X R T E D U C M F S R Mainly lives in:
O V I C A R N I V O R E S Head and body: .........................;
Size: tail: .........................

1 Animals that are lower on the ............................... Weight:

are eaten by bigger animals.
Carnivore – mainly eats:
2 ..................................... are animals that are not
hunted and eaten by other animals.
3 The two usual ................................... of the jaguar Lifespan
are the spotted one and the black one. in the wild:

4 ................................... animals are at their busiest

at dawn and dusk.
5 ............................................. are animals that only
6 Use the information in Ex. 5 to present the
eat meat.
jaguar to the class.
6 The jaguar’s spotted coat helps ...........................
it, making it difficult for other animals to see it.

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How the Jaguar Lost its Fire

Word Bank
(pp. 26-27) raw (adj) = uncooked curious (adj) = interested in and
cliff (n) = an area of land high above jealous (of sb) (adj) = angry with sb wanting to know more about sth
the ground usually near the sea because you think they are getting tribesman (n) = a man who is a
pole (n) = a long stick made of wood more attention than you member of a tribe
or metal that can support things mean (adj) = not nice; nasty log (n) = a thick piece of wood from a
excited (adj) = very happy; thrilled miss (v) = to feel sad because you are tree

lose hope (phr) = to stop believing not with sb keep a promise (phr) = to do what
that sth will happen tears (n) = the liquid that comes out of you have said that you will do

bow (n) = a long piece of wood that your eyes when you cry precious (adj) = important and worth
bends with string attached to both promise (v) = to tell sb that you will do a lot
ends; a weapon that shoots arrows sth for sure hero (n) = a person that everyone
arrow (n) = a long, thin stick that has neighbor (n) = a person who lives admires because of sth great they
one pointy end and one with near you did
feathers keep a secret (phr) = to not tell others skill (n) = the knowledge and ability to
recent (adj) = happening not very long what you know do sth very well
ago cottage (n) = a small house in the
shake my head (phr) = to turn my country
head from side to side to say ‘no’

Pre-Reading activities

1 a) Try to put the events in the order they happened.

A Botoque’s brother pulled the pole down and G Botoque climbed up a pole to get some
left. eggs.
B Botoque and some tribesmen stole the fire H The jaguar took Botoque to his house.
from the jaguar’s home. I Botoque threw two eggs to his brother.
C 1 Botoque and his brother went hunting. J The jaguar taught Botoque things.
D The jaguar asked Botoque not to say K The eggs became stones and broke his
anything about the fire. hands.
E They saw a macaw nest at the top of a cliff. L The jaguar helped Botoque come down.
F A jaguar saw Botoque at the top of the cliff. M Botoque went back to his village.

b) Listen, read, and check if your answers were correct.

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4 Replace the words/phrases in bold with the

While-Reading activities
words/phrases in the box.

2 Read the text and for questions 1-4 choose ● shook ● skill ● cottage ● precious
the correct answer A, B, or C. ● mean ● were curious
1 What is the myth about?
A how two brothers got lost in the forest 1 The jaguar invited Botoque to his house.

B the history of the jaguar 2 The jaguar’s wife was very unkind to Botoque.

C how humans found fire 3 Fire was very important to the animals.

2 What did Botoque think was amazing about the 4 Botoque looked at the jaguar and moved his
jaguar? head.

A He walked on two legs. 5 The villagers wanted to know about the cooked
B He had his arms full of food.
6 Thanks to the jaguar, humans now had the
C He was hunting in the forest.
knowledge and ability to make fire.
3 How did the jaguar’s wife feel about Botoque?
A She treated him like a son.
B She was sad to see him leave. After-Reading activities
C She was jealous of him.
5 Use the following words to complete the
4 Why was the jaguar angry with Botoque? summary of the chapter: tribesmen, arrow,
A because he went hunting without him hero, cliff, promise, raw, keep, bow.
B because he didn’t keep his promise
C because he took his food one day when
Botoque was hunting with his brother
.......... . Later,
his brother left him alone on a 1) ............
Botoque come
a kind jaguar came by and helped
.......... meat with
3 Fill in: hope, tears, pole, neighbors, miss, logs. down. The jaguar had some 2) ............
house for some
him and asked Botoque to come to his
ate cooked meat
1 After many days at the jaguar’s house, Botoque cooked meat. That’s where Botoque
many days and
started to ................................ his family. for the first time. He stayed there for
3) ......................
the jaguar showed him how to use a
2 Botoque began to lose ................................ that ar also showed
and 4) .................... to hunt. The jagu
he would ever make it back to his village. k meat. When
Botoque how to build a fire and coo
3 There were ................................ in the jaguar’s 5) ......................
Botoque left, the jaguar made him
eyes as he said goodbye. when Botoque
never to tell his people about fire. But
6) ......................
4 Botoque couldn’t climb back down because his went back to his village, he couldn’t
.... about the fire.
brother took the ................................ away. the secret and told his 7) ..................
jaguar’s cottage,
5 When Botoque came home, his mother invited the They went and stole the fire from the
.. to his people.
................................ for dinner. and Botoque became a 8) ..................
6 The people from Botoque’s village took all the
burning ................................ from the jaguar’s

6 Tell the class three things that

impressed you from the story.

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Listening activities

1 Listen to the following dialogue. Then, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

1 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A how to teach animals to use tools
B ways that different animals use tools
C what it means when animals use tools
D how animals make tools out of stone

2 According to the speaker, bottlenose dolphins use tools

A to play games.
B to break things open.
C to catch food.
D to protect themselves.

2 Listen to the following dialogue. Then, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

1 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A how sloths resemble other animals
B an ancestor of modern sloths
C how sloth metabolisms evolved
D the largest species of modern sloth

2 What do some scientists believe is true about Megatheria?

A They moved faster than elephants.
B They killed and ate sloths.
C They moved fast when they were hunting.
D They lived in North America.

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3 Listen to the following monologue. Then, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

1 What is the main topic of the lecture?

A warriors that dressed up like jaguars
B how Aztecs used jaguars in battle
C how warriors fought jaguars
D Aztec gods that protected jaguars

2 How did an Aztec become a jaguar warrior?

A by killing as many enemies as possible
B by catching a wild jaguar
C by fighting in many battles
D by capturing his enemies

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Amazing Facts

des and
Capuchins crush up millipe
is keeps
rub them on their backs. Th
During the times when there is not 1) ........................ away.
enough food, the 2) .....................
male in a group of capuchins The name “jaguar” comes from the
always eats first. Indian word yaguar, which means “he
who 3) ........................ with one leap.”
Unlike most cats, jaguars like wat
er and
are quite good at 4) ........................
. Brown-throated sloths can turn their
5) ........................ about 300 degrees.

It can take sloths up to a

month to 6) ........................
the food they have eaten. In the wild, the 7) ........................ of
brown-throated sloths is typically
between 30 and 40 years.
A group of monkeys is called a
8) ..................... , and there are
8 to 15 members in it.

1 Fill in the blanks. Use these words: kills, troop, digest,

lifespan, heads, swimming, bugs, strongest.
Listen and check.

2 In groups, collect more facts about capuchin

monkeys, sloths, and jaguars. Prepare a Yes/No quiz.

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The Amazon Rainforest II


Delve into the incredible world of the

Amazon Rainforest and discover what
life is like in its incredibly diverse

Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley

habitats, and learn about some of the
rainforest’s most fascinating and intelligent inhabitants.
Find out which are endangered, and learn about
rainforest myths and legends through stunning images,
interesting stories and fun facts.

• Reader cross-platform application
• Multi-ROM (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOSX)


ISBN 978-1-4715-1522-4

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