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HIE(electronic health information exchange)- Information shared b/n Hospital to provider.

complete online system and it works and happens purely ELECTRONIC

ABN(Advance benificiary notice)Functino/purpose-Get reimbursement for the services provided to

the beneficiary of the Original Medicare Plan.

RVU(relative value unit) US physicians convert to USD

RBRVS(resource based relative value scale)- RVU is a part of RBRVS

LCD(local coverage determination)- reimbrsmnt for local (contract based)

NCD(national coverage determination)- comanding LCD r incrsng reimbrsnnt for non cntrctd

participating physicians(PAR)-payment service provided by Medicare. mandatory services

non-participtng(NON-PAR)- der wsh only.

PHI(protected health informtn)-is any information in a medical record that can be used to identify an
individual, and that was created, used, or disclosed in the course of providing a health care service,
such as a diagnosis or treatment.

HIPAA(Health insurance portablty and accountablty act-1996)- don’t not cover Workers

Intiation for patient privecy

Treatment information, including past and current medical conditions

Fees that patients or their insurance companies paid for treatment

The location of the treating healthcare provider

OIG(Office of the inspetor General)- purpose medical billing n coding insurance for patients not
acting fraudenlty

How many medicare serives are there and what:

part A (medicare) inpatient

part B outpt- incluudes clinical infusion,hospital inpatient, ambulatory, inpatient

Part C medical advntge care

part D priscription mngmnt

Category II- supplymntal trackng codes can b used performance measurement.

Operative report contains; facility informtion: patient info; date of service; surgery info; pre-op post
op info; type of procedrs perfmd

4000f- theraputic, preventive r othr intervention

Place of service 17- Walk in retail Health clinic

Place of service 14- group home

How HIE happens- Electronic

HIPPA established for fraud and abuse programme for what

Ans: to combat fraud and abuse service between public and private insurances companies

Place of service12- Home

Which of the follwoing term is correct for medical necessity- Linkage

which federal compliance program for physician practices

Ans: Office of the inspector General(OIG)

What is the use of HEAT?

Ans: Health Efficiency Access Treatment

Fraud and Abuse intiatives-

ill treat of pt.

improprer billing by provider

miss use of medicare funds

miss representating services suppyls nd procedures provide to pt. eg: X-ray performed widout
provider order bcz of mny sake

side income

Mid level provider- Nurse


1. Planax- is a tubular bone v can called as Finegrs

2. JVD- Jugular Vein Distension

3. Thromboplebitis- diz iz a inflammatory process dat causes clotting in veins

4. Colposcopy-Visual examination pf Vagina

5. Medicare eligiblty criteria-

Ans: above 65 years

If less den 65 years physically handicap and ESRD pt.

6. Sclera-part of d EYE

7. ARDS acronym- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

8. Tympanoplasty- Surgical repair of middle Ear drum

9. Basal cell carcinoma- Skin

10. Total 206 bones-i.e devide dinto 2 skeletons

AXIAL(Head,Trunk&Spinal cord)-Total 80 bones

APPENDICULAR skeleton(Extreamtitis, Pelvis)- Total 126 bones

· Percutaneous Insertion- pins/wire/needle insert through skin

· CKD- Chronic Kidney Disease- N18(update N18.3 is devides into 3stages i,e. stageunspecified 3a,3b)

· Lympatic oragn-Spleen

· Endocrine- Pitutary

· Left ventricle-thickest, strongest, largest.

· Trichomycosis- Fungal infection of Hair

· Polysomonography- Comprehensive test used to dx sleep disorder

· Cataract surgergy- Lens

· Menorrhea- Noraml menstruation

· Warthin tumor- it is a bening tumor presents to salivary gland

· Tuberculosis- it is bacterial dx n it'll longer

· Myringotomy Surgical opening of ear durm to drain d fluid-tymponostomy- Surgical opening of ear

· Lower and upper respiratory part- Upper RS(nasal cavity, epiglottis, vocal cords, trachea, pharynx

Lower RS(Trachea, primary bronchi, bronchiole)

· Thymus gland – Immue system.

· Peripheral nerve- Popliteal nerve.

· Pronation( Face down toes down) and supination(face up toes up)

· Ectoropin-Is a condition in which the eyelid is turned outward (everted) so that its edge does not
touch the eyeball.

· FISH- Fluroscent In situ Hybridization and comes under cytopathology(pathology section)

· Pulmonary vein function-carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium of the

. Pulmonary artery function-carrying deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

· Shoulder parts- clavial, scapula, humerus

· Back to front-PosterioroAnterior

CKD Which system-Urinary system

· Left ventricle strongest thickest compared to right ventricle

· Dacrylectomy-removal of lacrimal

· Pneumonectomy– removal of lung (lobes)

· Cryopreservation- preserve (cells or tissues) by cooling them below the freezing point of water

· Polysomnography-sleep medicine
· Which is not belongs to male genital organ system-Labia Majora

. Fungal infection of nail-Onchomycosis

· Leukopenia-Low white blood cells

· Dacrylo-lacrimal gland

· Filtration- purification

· Cell study- Cytology

· Menorrhea-normal menstruation.

Cryopreservation- Freezing

· Type of blood vessel (arteries veins capillaries

· Spleen function- Filters d blood, removing foreign bodies, microbes and Graviard of RBC

· Cataract means- Lnes of d eye progressively cloudly n it becomes blurred vision

· Sudden abnormal discharge of cerebral- Seizures

· Type of blood vessels- Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules n Veins

· Spleenorraphy- suturing of spleen

· Thickest and stronger heart chamber left Ventricle.

· Basal Cell carcinoma is a-Skin Cancer

· Polysomnography-Sleep Study

· Endocrine gland-Pituitary gland

· Which ventricle is more stronger and more thickened?- Left ventricle is more stronger and
thickened and circulates the blood throughout the body

· Patient is received the graft from the close relative-Allogenic graft

· Type of connective tissue attaches a muscle to bone-Tendon

. muscle to muscle-Ligament

· Dysmenorrhea means - painful menstruation

· RBC & WBC & Platelets present in which system- Lymphatic system

· 1. Hematological- about blood

· 2.Cardiovascular- about circulatory system

· The system that provides resistance to injection and toxins - Immune system

· Thyroid gland is consider under which system- Endocrinology

Meningitis- inflammation to the meningeal layes

· Paralysis keyed by C area affected Temporal, Parietal, Cerebellum, brainstem

· Sac - like structure at buttock prone position - Pilonidal cyst , Burtholion cyst, Bakers cyst

· Contrast' is word not considered as with contrast - Intrahecal, Oral, Intra-articular-( Answer is ORAL)

· Red cell, white cell, platelets are belongs to C study neurology, Hematology, Endocrinology

· Thyroid gland system-Endocrine & Digestive

· Adams apple - Thyroid cartilag + Vocal cord

· Which cyst is present in pelvic region - Bakers cyst

· Which lobe maintain taste, smell, - Parietal lobe in brain

· Female patient is documented as having monorrhea the patient is experiencing (Normal


· Parts of upper respiratory tract-nose, nasal cav-ity, paranasal sinus, and the pharynx (throat)

· Smallest gland in brain- pineal gland

. Which is not part of a Female reproductive system

A. Couper’s glands

B. Bartholin’s Glands

C. Skene’s Gland(answers)

D. Labia Majora

· Which is a part of upper respiratory tract

A. Conchae(answer)

B. Xiphoid process

· Surgery performed on right part of upper abdomen, on which of the following organ- Liver( Right

A. Liver

B. Spleen

C. Stomach

D. Pancreas

· Stapes is in which part of the ear

A. Outer ear

B. Eustachian tube

C. Middle ear (Answer)

D. Inner ear

· Small gland in the brain- pineal gland

· How many lobes are there in Right and Left lungs- Right have 3 lobes Left have 2 Lobes
Hip is in which cavity- Pelvic cavity

Diaphram opposite (lateral) which colon- Transverse colon.

• Splenorrhaphy repair of spleen

• Bariatric means-obesity

• Surgery for deviated nasal septum-Septoplasty

• Dacryocystectomy-removal of lacrimal sac

• Ports are inserted RLL by direct vision, which approach- open, laparoscopic, transthoracic,
transurethral answer: laparoscopic

• Outside layer of eye ball-sclera

• Which of the following is not a part of female genital system - Cowper’s gland?

• Corpus spongiosum is found in which part of the body - penis

• Part of the peripheral nervous system, spinal cord, brachial plexus, dura matter, pons

• Bariatric means-obesity

• Surgery for deviated nasal septum-Septoplasty

• Dacryocystectomy-removal of lacrimal sac

• Ports are inserted RLL by direct vision, which approach- open, laparoscopic, transthoracic,
transurethral Answer: laparoscopic

• Systolic and diastolic BP definition- 120/80(Relaxatino of Heart- Diastole)

• Macrocytic anemia definition- bcz of small red cells

• Suture of spleen-Splenorrhaphy

• Intra umbilical location will be what- Below to navel

• Which of the following is not in auditory system - ciliary body?

• Part of the peripheral nervous system, spinal cord, brachial plexus, dura matter, pons

• Parts of ear- OUTER- auditory canal

MIDDLE- mallus,incus,stapes

INNER- cochlea,vestibule

• When the incision is done at neck level and bone marrow aspirated

• Inserted through the femoral, from which bone it is aspirate

Outermost layer of eye ball- Cornea & Sclera

• Larynx is part of which body system- Respiratory system

• WBC, RBC, Platelets which body system- Immune system

• Pulmonary veins transfer the oxygenated blood from lungs to left atrium of the heart
• Body part not included in female organs? (Vulva, Bartholins gland, cowper gland) answer:
cowper gland

• What is the first part of small intestine- DUODENUM

• What is the second layer of skin- Dermis

• Warts removal and extra fluid from body which system- Integumentory

• Gland in mediastinum- Thymus

• Which is included Peripheral nervous system-Extending nerves from the brain n spinal cord

• Hematology- study about Blood

• Corpus covernosum related to which part- male reproductive system i,e. penis

• Corpus spongiosum related to which part- male reproductive system i.e, penis

• Mediastinum is under which system- Respiratory-

• Removal of primary lymph node is called as- Lymphandectomy

Mutual organ btwn Digestve system and Respiratory system- Pharynx

Sciatic nerve- lower back

Blood flow path- superior/inferior vena cava-->RA tricuspid valve-->RV pulmonary valve-->pulmonary
artery-->lungs-->LA bicuspid--> LV-->aorta--> rest of the body.

Icd guidelines

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57 modifier

Procedures ip op anni

Time based coding definition

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Excludes includes definition with scenerioes

New prolonged cases

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