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Government of Karnataka Department of AYUSH Dhanvanthri Road, Bangalore-560 009 T.No: 080-22876553, Fax: 080-22340139 No: AYUSH/O2/EST (1)/2021 (Part-1) Dt:05-02-2024 NOTIFICATION Applications are now invited for Consultant Teachers in Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Shivamogga, Ballary and Government Unani Medical College, Bangalore of Kamataka from candidates possessing BAMS & BUMS Degree with Post Graduate Qualification (MD/MS) in the respective system and subject, from recognized University and included in the Il Schedule of IMCC Act 1970. Applicants should have the requisite teaching experience for the post of Professor and Associate Professor. No teaching experience is required for the Post of Assistant Professor. Selection will be on merit-cum-reservation basis. The appointment will be Purely on temporary basis for a period of 11 months or till filling up of posts through KPSC/ any other Agencies notified by Government whichever is earlier. The selected candidates will be eligible to receive consolidated pay as detailed below. I. Assistant Professor - Rs.40,000/- per month, Il. Associate Professor - Rs.45,000/- per month. Ill. Professor - Rs.45,000/- per month. Further details, regarding Number of Posts, Subject, Eligibility, Reservation and Format for Application are available on the website: Last date for applying is 01/03/2024 at 5.00 pm, Sd/- Commissioner Department of Ayush AYURVEDA ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Subject | Rachana Sharira/ Rachana | Shareera | No. of Posts OL Essential Qualification Required Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and | Post Graduate Degree in Rachana Sharira awarded by an University established by law in India and inchided in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine | (Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of Kriya Sharira’ Kriya Shareera | Dravyaguna OL 02 1970), | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Kriya Sharira awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970) Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Dravyaguna awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of | 1970). Agadatnatra/Agada Tantra | & Vidhi Ayurveda e | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and | Post Graduate Degree in Agadatnatra evem vidhi vidyaka. awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. | Central Act 48 of 1970). Kayachikitsa Ol | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and | Post Graduate Degree in Kayachikitsa awarded by an University established by law in India and | included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). | Shalyatantra/ Shalya 02 “Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Shalyatantra awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970, (Central Act 48 of 1970). Shalakyatantra/ Shalakya Ol | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Shalakyatantra awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970), Panchakarma Total AYURVEDA ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS O1 | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Panchakarma awarded by 10 an Unit rsity established by law in India and included in the IT Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). Si. | Subject _No. 1 | Ayurveda Siddantha/ Siddantha Samhita/ Basic Principles | 2 | Rachana Shariral | Shareera 3 | Rasashastra & | Bhaishajya kalpana "No. of Posts 01 Essential Qualification Required | 1, Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in | Ayurveda Siddantha/ Samhita awarded by | an University established by law in India and included in the If Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council (Central Act 48 of 1970) Act, 1970. | . Must have not less than five years of | teaching experience in Ayurveda Siddanta/ Sambhitha in an institution recognized by the Government. Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Rachana Shareera awarded by an University _ established by law in India and included in | the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central | Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). . Must have not less than five years of teaching experience in Rachana Shareera in | an institution recognized Government. by the | . Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Dravyaguna, Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana or Bhaishajya kalpana OR Rasashastra OR Rasashastra Bhaishajya kalpana awarded by an University established by law in India and | included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council (Central Act 48 of 1970). Act, 1970. Nv - Must have not less than five years of teaching experience in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana in an institution recognized by the Government. 4 | Swasthavritta . Must have not less than five years of | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Swasthavritta awarded by an University | established by law in India and included in the IT Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). | teaching experience in Swasthavritta in an institution recognized by the Government. 6 | Shalakyatantra/ Shalakya | Total . Must have not less than five years of Must possess a Bachelor Degree in | Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in | Kayachikitsa awarded by an University | established by law in India and included in, the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). teaching experience in Kayachikitsa in an institution recognized by the Government, Must possess a Bachelor Degree in | Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Shalakyatantra awarded by an University established by law in India and included in | the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). . Must have not less than five years of | teaching experience in Shalakyatantra in an | institution recognized by the Government. AYURVEDA PROFESSORS: SL Subject No. of Essential Qualification Required No. | Posts 1 Rachana Sharira/ ov Rachana Shareera ;2 Roganidana/Roganidan | 01 | | | | 01 4 | Agadatantra/Agadatantra| 01 | & Vidhi Ayurveda . Must have not less than ten years of . Must possess a Bachelor Degree in| . Must have not less than ten years of | . Must possess a Bachelor Degree in . Must have not less than ten years of - Must possess a Bachelor Degree in” Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Rachana Shareera awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central | Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). teaching experience in Rachana Shareera in an institution recognized by the Government. Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Roganidana evem vikritivignana awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). | teaching experience in Roganidana evem Vikritivignana in an institution recognized by the Government. Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in | Swasthavritta awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of | 1970). | teaching experience in Swasthavritta in an institution recognized by the Government. _| - Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in | Agadatantra and Vidhi Ayurveda, awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). ] 2. Must have not less than ten years of teaching experience in Agadatantra and Vidhi Ayurveda, in an __ institution recognized by the Government. | 02 "I. Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Shalakyatantra awarded by an University | | | established by law in India and included in | the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of | 1970). | 5 Shalakyatantray | Shalakya | 2. Must have not less than ten years of | | teaching experience in Shalakyatantra in an | | institution recognized by the Government, 6 | Panchakarma Oo + Must possess a Bachelor Degree in | Ayurveda and Post Graduate Degree in Panchakarma awarded by a University established by law in India and included in the If Schedule to Indian Medicine Central | Council Act, 1970. (Central Act 48 of 1970). 2. Must have not less than ten years of teaching experience in Panchakarma in an institution recognized by the Govemment, LI Total 07 | Sl. , | No. of - an . No. Subject | Pests | Essential Qualification Required | 1 Tashreeh-ul-Badan | 0 Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani (Anatomy) and Post Graduate Degree in Tashreeh-ul-Badan awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the IT Schedule to Indian | Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. Provided that if _no person is available with | the Post Graduate Degree in Tashreeh-ul-Badan then person with Post Graduate Degree in Ilmul Jarahat awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 May | be considered. /-2-Timul Advia-wa-Saidla (Pharmacology) 01 Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani_ and Post Graduate Degree in [mul Advia-wa- Saidla awarded by an University established by | law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. 3. | Moalejat (Medicine) ol Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani | and Post Graduate Degree in Moalejat awarded | by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. 4 Niswan-wa-Atfal (Gynaecology & | Paediatrics) ol Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and Post Graduate Degree in Niswan-wa-Atfal / mul Qbalat-wa-Amarz-e-Niswan awarded by an University established by law in India and. included in the Il Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. 5 Imul Qabalat (Obsteterics) 6 | Jarahat (Surgery) 7 Amraze -e-Jild-wa- Zohrawiya (Skin & 01 | | ol | | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani | and Post Graduate Degree in Niswan-wa-Atfal / Umul Qbalat-wa-Amarz-e-Niswan awarded by an University established by law in India and | included in the IT Schedule to Indian Medicine | Central Couneil Act, 1970. | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and Post Graduate Degree in Jarahat awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the IT Schedule to Indian Medicine | Central Council Act, 1970. Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and Post Graduate Degree in Amraze —edud-) wa- Zohrawiya awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. Provided that if no person is available with the Post Graduate Degree in Jild-wa- Zohrawiya then person with Post Graduate Degree in | Moalejat awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 | May be considered. 8 Tlaj-bit-Tadbeer | (Regimenal Therapy) Total 01 | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani 08 "and Post Graduate Degree in aj-bit-Tadbeer awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian | Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. | | Provided that if no person is available with [the Post Graduate Degree in Iaj-bit-Tadbeer |then person with Post Graduate Degree in Moalejat/Tahaffuzi-wa-samaji Tib awarded by. an University established by law in India and | included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 May be considered. UNANI_ ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: SAAN ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: ‘si. No. Subject | No. of Posts Essential Qualification Required | 1 | Kulliyat-e-Tib | | (Basic Principles) 01 (1. Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and | Post Graduate Degree in Kulliyat-e-Tib awarded by an University established by law | in India and included in the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. Vv (Medicine) 2 | Moalejat a | ol TA . The person must have put in not less than five years of teaching experience in the subject of Kulliyat-e-Tib in an institution recognized by the Government. lust possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and | Post Graduate Degree in Moalejat awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the I Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. | . The person must have put in not less than five years of teaching experience in the subject of | Moalejat in an institution recognized by the | Government. | Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and | Post Graduate Degree in Niswan-wa-Atfal / Imul Qbalat-wa-Amarz-e-Niswan awarded by an University established by law in India| and included in the I Schedule to Indian | Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. | . The person must have put in not less than five | years of teaching experience in the subject of | Unul Qbalat in an institution recognized by | the Government. } 4 3. | Niswan-wa-Atfal ol [i (Gynaecology & Paediatrics) | | | | | | | | | | 2. | | | | | 4 | Amraze -e-Jild-wa- o1 1. Zohrawiya (Skin & VD.) Total Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and] Post Graduate Degree in Amraze -e-Jild-wa- Zohrawiya awarded by an University established by law in India and included in| the II Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. . The person must have put in not less than five years of teaching experience in the subject of | Jild-wa- Zohrawiya in an institution recognized by the Government. Si. No. UNANI PROFESSORS: Subject Munafe-ul-Aza (Physiology) No. of Posts Or Essential Qualification Required | ‘Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and Post Graduate Degree in Munafe-ul-Aza awarded by a University established by law in India and included in the I Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. Provided that if no person is available with Post Graduate Degree in Munafe-ul-Aza then person | with Post Graduate Degree in the Kulliyat-e-Tib awarded by an University established by law in India and included in the IT Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 May be considered. The person must have put in not less than ten years of teaching experience in the subject of Munafe-ul-Aza in an institution recognized by | the Government, 2 Moalejat (Medicine) Total Ot 02 Must possess a Bachelor Degree in Unani and Post Graduate Degree in Moalejat awarded by a University established by law in India and included in the If Schedule to Indian Medicine Central Couneil Act, 1970. The person must have put in not less than ten years of teaching experience in the subject of Moalejat in an institution recognized by the Government. : | a Selection Committee for Consultant Teachers Department of Ayush, Bangalore Terms and condi SS 1. v 10. ll. 12. ns: The appointment is purely on temporary basis for a period of 11 Months or till the date of filling up of posts by KPSC/Any Agency notified by Government whichever is earlier. After the period the appointment shall stand cancelled automatically. The appointment is for particular institution. Change of place will not be entertained after the appointment, The appointing authority has power of termination without assigning any reasons. The selected candidates will be paid a consolidated amount of I. Assistant Professor - Rs.40,000/- per month. Il. Associate Professor - Rs.45,000/- per month. Ill. Professor ~ Rs.45,000/- per month. (Subject to statutory deductions if any) The selection is based on merit-cum-reservation roster system as per existing Rules. For higher faculty merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in UG & PG, Years of experience etc., For lower faculty merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in UG. The selection committee has the powers to abolish/reduce/ increase the number of posts. Age:- Candidate should be in the age group i.e minimum 18 years and maximum. as detailed below as on the last date of submission of application. GM 2A Cat-l SC/ST/ 1. Consultant Assistant Professors 35 38 38 40 2. Consultant Associate Professors - 35 38 38 40 3. Consultant Professors - 35 38 38 40 Experience certificate should be in the prescribed format for the post of Associate Professor and Professor. Application sent through e-mail/Fax/online will not be entertained. Domicile certificate of Karnataka is compulsory. Decision of the selection committee is final. Candidate should indicate the subject applied for clearly on the sealed envelope and submit the same on or before the last date is 01/03/2024, at 5.00pm and addressed to The Commissioner/Chairman, Selection Committee for Consultant Teachers Directorate of AYUSH, Dhanwantari Road, Bangalore ~ 560 009. 13. The candidates applying for more than one subject should submit separate application for each specific subject & post Documents to be submitted along with the application 1. SSLCiequivalent marks card for age proof. 2, BAMS/BUMS marks cards of all the years & degree certificate 3. MDIMS Degree Certificate, Marks Card, MD/MS Grade Certificate and PG Registration Certificate. For fresh P.G Graduates Provisional Degree Certificate and receipt of application to KAUP Board for P.G registration will be sufficient. 4. Experience certificates in teaching in the prescribed format. Three recent passports size photographs. 6. Valid Caste/Category/Reservation Certificate/371(J) format etc. in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority for candidates claiming reservation under the prescribed roster. ” Information to the Applicants * Self attested copies of the above documents should accompany the Application. * Original Certificates should be produced during the time of interview by candidates. © The date for interview will be displayed on Intimation for interview will be E-mailed to the short listed candidates Commissioner/Chairman, Selection Committee for Consultant Teachers Department of Ayush, Bangalore Terms and conditi 1. » 10. ll. 12. ‘The appointment is purely on temporary basis for a period of 11 Months or till the date of filling up of posts by KPSC/Any Agency notified by Government whichever is earlier. After the period the appointment shall stand cancelled automatically. The appointment is for particular institution. Change of place will not be entertained after the appointment, The appointing authority has power of termination without assigning any reasons, The selected candidates will be paid a consolidated amount of I. Assistant Professor - Rs.40,000/- per month. IL. Associate Professor - Rs.45,000/- per month. Til. Professor ~ Rs.45,000/- per month. (Subject to statutory deductions if any) The selection is based on merit-cum-reservation roster system as per existing Rules. For higher faculty merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in UG & PG, Years of experience etc., For lower faculty merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in UG. The selection committee has the powers to abolish/reduce/ increase the number of posts. Age:- Candidate should be in the age group i.e minimum 18 years and maximum as detailed below as on the last date of submission of application. GM 2A Cat-l SC/ST/ 1. Consultant Assistant Professors — 35, 38 38 40 2. Consultant Associate Professors — 35 38 38 40 3. Consultant Professors - 35 38 38 40 Experience certificate should be in the prescribed format for the post of Associate Professor and Professor. Application sent through e-mail/Fax/online will not be entertained. |. Domicile certificate of Karnataka is compulsory. Decision of the selection committee is final Candidate should indicate the subject applied for clearly on the sealed envelope and submit the same on or before the last date is 01/03/2024, at 5.00pm and addressed to The Commissioner/Chairman, Selection Committee for Consultant Teachers Directorate of AYUSH, Dhanwantari Road, Bangalore ~ 560 009. 13. The candidates applying for more than one subject should submit separate application for each specific subject & post. Documents to be submitted along with the application 1, SSLC/equivalent marks card for age proof. 2. BAMS/BUMS marks cards of all the years & degree certificate 3. MD/MS Degree Certificate, Marks Card, MD/MS Grade Certificate and PG Registration Certificate. For fresh P.G Graduates Provisional Degree Certificate and receipt of application to KAUP Board for P.G registration will be sufficient. 4. Experience certificates in teaching in the prescribed format, Three recent passports size photographs. 6. Valid Caste/Category/Reservation Certificate/371(J) format etc. in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority for candidates claiming reservation under the prescribed roster. ” Information to the Applicants * Self attested copies of the above documents should accompany the Application. ¢ Original Certificates should be produced during the time of interview by candidates, ¢ The date for interview will be displayed on Intimation for interview will be E-mailed to the short listed candidates Commissioner/Chairman, Selection Committee for Consultant Teachers Department of Ayush, Bangalore

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