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國中 英語科 考試卷 ___年 ___班 座號:___ 姓名:__________

1. ( D )
Teaching is like flowers. You have to be patient.

2. ( A )
Everyone in the square got when they heard the band playing.

3. ( C )
Jim told me the girl to him this morning is his sister.
4. ( A )
AI want ______ learning English. It is too difficult for me.

5. ( B )

AJames is excited Ms. Johnson will teach him English this year.

╳ ; with(D) about; to
6. ( A )
AStudents, why are you all looking outside?
╳ (C) that(D) which
7. ( C )
My mom had to work from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today, so she asked me care of my five-year-old sis

8. ( B )
Stella bought a bag was designedby her best friend.

9. ( A )Alice learned from the TV news

Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day.

10. ( B )It was important for Kevin

his homework quickly because he had to help his pare

11. ( B )
AIt’s already 10 p.m. Haven’t you finished ______ your homework?

12. ( C )

Eric enjoys to music and homework at the same time.

13. ( C )
James is planning ______ the baseball club althoughit is difficult ______ him to play baseball.

14. ( C )
We all like to go to the clothes shop fashionable clothes and pants.
15. ( A )
Mr. Wu takes trips a lot. Most of the places ______ he has visited are underdevelopedcountries

16. ( B )
Hey, the knife to cut meat, not bread. You the other one.

17. ( D )
The boy who is playing basketball with my friends excited.

18. ( B )
The story that Jenny wrote me a lot.
19. ( C )
AAre you reading the book is about Jeremy Lin?
╳ (B) what(C) which(D) who
20. ( A )
This isn’t the topic I want to talk about.
21. ( B )
AWe plan ______ camping next weekend. Would you like to join us?

22. ( C )
The sign says flowers in the park next weekend. Let’s come here for a walk then.

23. ( C )
Kate is the girl Tom invited to his birthday party last Sunday, and Tom is the boy helped Kate’

24. ( D )ˉˉˉˉ the lesson before class gives me a better idea about what the teacher is going to
(A) Previewˉ(B) Previewsˉ(C) Previewedˉ(D) Previewing
25. ( D )

Enid tennis since she first watched Serena Williams play tennis on TV.

26. ( A )
All the cookies this supermarket sells look yummy. Could we buy some, Mom?
╳ (B) who(C) what(D) those
27. ( D )
The man is cooking dinner is my uncle. He wants to make steak for us tonight.
╳ (B) which(C) he(D) who
28. ( D )
It’s almost midnight, and I’m still in the office because my bosstold me that the work must by t

29. ( B )
Tony to Joan’s birthday party three days ago. He said he had a good time there.
30. ( A )
Look at the photo Matt took. It is so beautiful.
31. ( B )
AI like to music. What about you?

32. ( D )

AAre these plants ?

33. ( B )
Ann is a stingyperson never buys anyone a drink when we go out.
╳ (D) which
34. ( D )John always goes to bed late at night, so ˉˉˉˉ early is difficult for him.
(A) get upˉ(B) got upˉ(C) gets upˉ(D) getting up
35. ( B )
AWhich cup do you like?

36. ( C )
The boys were in Ms. Lin’s class playing happily on the seesawnow.

37. ( A )
The house four rooms Mrs. Prince’s dream house. That’s why she is saving money for it.

38. ( B )
The letter in English. Could you translateit for me, please?

39. ( C )
The actor you saw last week had a car accident yesterday.

40. ( B )
Sorry, I can’t go out today. I was asked ______ care of my little sister.

41. ( C )
James Do you see the street vendor over there?
ˉˉˉˉ is wearing a hat.
(A) itˉ(B) he (C) whoˉ(D) which
42. ( B )
AThere’s a spinning bikein the living room.

43. ( D )
Playing tennis ______ not difficult for Meg. But ifshe wants ______ the school team, she still h

44. ( C ) AJamie told me you are scared big dogs.

╳; of; scary
(D) that; about; scary
45. ( A )

The comic book really interests me. I really want to buy one for myself.

46. ( D )
My pet cat always likes with this big towel after I wash her.

47. ( C )Those teachers believe it is important to teach students what ______ and ______ out
from the history books.
(A) forgets; leaves
(B) will forget; leave
(C) has been forgotten; left
(D) to be forgotten; left
48. ( C )
The little boy shouted and waved his hands at his grandparents in the car, but he and they just d

49. ( A )

My parents always tell my brother and me each other. They want us each other.

50. ( B )
Lisa was made the report by tomorrow, so she can’t go to the party with us tonight.

51. ( ) “Are you dating anyone special now?” is a question that popular movie stars in
an interview.
(A) to be often asked
(B) are often asked
(C) being often asked
(D) who are often asked
52. ( )Alison doesn’t like
what to do. She only does things she wants to do. 109

53. ( )Fiona loves listening to her children sing songs

at school.110

54. ( )
Doctors always tell us more fruit and vegetables, but it is not easy a person’s eating habits.

55. ( )
The flowers put in the vase picked by my grandma this morning.

56. ( )
I don’t know your sister is. Is she the one you said hello to a few minutes ago?
╳ ; who(B) ╳ ; which(C) who; which(D) who; that
57. ( )

AThe man the party is a movie star. Do you know him?

58. ( )

Actor David Piper became tired of talking about the movie after he was interviewed about it man

59. ( )

AWhat’s the weather like in your town in winter?

60. ( )
I like ______ comic books and listening to music. ______ my favorite things to do in my free tim

61. ( )

The flu thousands of people since last December. My dad to the hospital because of it, too.

62. ( )

AI can’t standstudying English two hours a day.

63. ( )

AThe trash here. Who it here?

64. ( )

AAre you studying math?

65. ( )
The hotel in we often stay is small but comfortable. More importantly, we can have free breakfa

66. ( )

Paul from Nancy for a week after they had a fight, so the present for Nancy to her, although her

67. ( )

ADid you finish ______ the flowersbefore 3 p.m.?

68. ( )
Taipei is the city in Sandra was born.

69. ( )Many famous people visit this restaurant. Popular singers like A-mei and Jay Chou
here with their friends.
(A) to be often seen (B) often seen
(C) are often seen (D) and are often seen
70. ( )
AThe woman hair is brown is my aunt.

(B) that; who

71. ( )
Tina loves ______ people in trouble. For her, helping others ______ out of trouble ______ a goo

72. ( )

A______ taking photos interesting?

73. ( )
Carol talked about the people and the things fascinatedher during her trip to the USA, and she shar

; that(B) which; why
74. ( )
Stop ______ fun of your classmates. ______ not right to treat people like that.

75. ( )

AWhy does Toby keep ?

76. ( )
The good news was to Mr. Wang. He became very after he heard about it.

77. ( )
Something to save the planet, or it will destroyall of us one day.

78. ( )

the spooky housesounds to me. Count me in if you want to go.

79. ( )

AThe boy a pair of glasses likes the girl next to him.

(D) who is wearing; who
80. ( )

A______ a bikealong the river when it is cool ______ a great thing to do.

81. ( )

AHenry, could you help me with my homework?

82. ( )

The shirt four pockets by my brother.

83. ( )
Jenny Kim, is my best friend, will come to my nineteen-year-old birthday party. We will have a

84. ( )

My grandfather an old sailing boat, and he now spends most of his free time .

85. ( )Julia tries to change how women ______ around the world and ______ up for those in
(A) to treat; to stand
(B) are treated; stood
(C) are treated; to stand
(D) are treating; standing
86. ( )
Mr. Huang was the teacher taught Terry a lot of knowledge about nature when he was in junior h

87. ( A )

ACould you lendme the book ?

88. ( B )
Mr. Liu loves . He goes every morning.

89. ( C )

AWho is the man ?

90. ( D )My dog Jimmy loves

with a comb. Every time I comb his hair, he will close his ey

91. ( A )
The man with Mary is talking looks friendly.
╳ (C) that(D) whom
92. ( A )Frank
was thirsty when he was jogging, so he stopped ______ some water.

93. ( B )
The plate I bought for my mom by my little sister. However, I wasn’t mad at her because it w
╳; was broken
(C) ╳ ; broke(D) whose; was broken
94. ( A )I was surprised to know from the newspaper yesterday flowers do not always
smell sweet; some can smell like dead fish.
(A) that
(B) when
(C) where
(D) which
95. ( D )
______ the swimming race, Gina practices five hours a day, seven days a week.

96. ( B )Don’t come to this hotel. I ordered breakfast online but ______ where to go to get my
breakfast this morning. I spent NT$500 but got nothing.
(A) never told
(B) not to be told
(C) was never told
(D) was not telling
97. ( B )
ADo you know that one of the dogs in the park is Helen’s pet?

98. ( B )

Cindy feels about the vacation. She a plan for it already.

99. ( D )
I have two sisters, both of are married.
100. ( A )Can anyone who knows the answer
it out loud?109

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