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In some sports, the players seem to be getting younger and younger.

(1:35) My
guests today are 14-year-old Alice Winters and her coach, Bruce Gray. (1:42) Alice,
as national junior tennis champion, has been described as the most talented young
player for years.
(1:50) Alice, Bruce, welcome. (1:52) Hello. Hello.
(1:53) Let's start by talking about money. Have you found it easy to get help in
that respect, Bruce? (1:59) Not really. We've applied to local companies for
sponsorship, (2:02) but they would sooner put their money into something which gets
them publicity.
(2:06) Alice isn't that well known yet, so we'll probably have to get there without
it. (2:11) And I reckon that with Alice's talent, there's no reason why we can't.
(2:15) That'd be an even greater achievement, wouldn't it? (2:18) Now, Alice, you
must do a lot of training.
(2:21) Is it sometimes a bit too demanding for someone of your age? (2:24) Well, a
lot of players my age might ask themselves, (2:27) why can't I be like everyone
else, you know, free in the evenings and at weekends? (2:33) But that side of it
doesn't bother me. (2:36) I must admit, though, that there are times when I just
don't fancy it, (2:40) you know, freezing cold winter mornings when Bruce comes
round to take me on a training run (2:45) and I think, oh, go away and leave me
alone. (2:50) But apart from that, well, I do it because I enjoy it.
(2:54) Nobody's making me do it, are they? (2:56) So I don't really see it as
making sacrifices. (3:01) And what about your schoolwork? (3:03) Well, I'm managing
to keep up with that at the moment, (3:06) although I can see that if I do get more
successful, (3:10) the sport might get in the way of academic work, (3:12) but,
well, I know which comes first for me. (3:16) After all, if I make it to the top in
tennis, (3:19) I won't need any academic qualifications.
(3:22) Now, Alice, when you're competing in a tournament, (3:24) is it all terribly
serious or do you have fun? (3:29) Well, I'm only there for one reason, really.
(3:32) I mean, I can't see the point otherwise. (3:34) I'm not one of those people
who think that taking part matters more than winning.
(3:39) I mean, I know I can't win every time, (3:41) especially up against people a
lot older than me, (3:44) but that's always the aim. (3:47) And if I lose, well, I
look at my performance with Bruce, (3:51) look at ways of improving it and, well, I
don't know if it gets to me. (3:56) I'm just more determined next time.
(4:00) Bruce, what do you think makes Alice different from other players of the
same age? (4:05) I've never come across any young player quite like her in all my
years as a coach. (4:09) What amazes me is you can watch her play and she doesn't
seem to be trying, (4:14) even though, of course, she is. (4:16) With other
players, you can see the effort involved, (4:18) but with her, well, she's just so
(4:21) So, Alice, how do you see your future? (4:25) Well, I'd love to turn
professional, (4:28) but it's a bit early to think seriously about that. (4:32) I
mean, I'm a big fish in a small pond at the moment, (4:35) but as I get older,
well, there are going to be a lot of tough players out there. (4:40) If I do end up
doing it full-time, (4:43) the lifestyle looks glamorous from outside, (4:45) but
it might just be too hard for me and I might decide to get out.
(4:51) But it's hard to say. (4:53) Some people stay at the top for years, don't
they? (4:56) Bruce, do you and Alice get on well? (4:58) Is she an easy person to
coach? (5:01) You know, sometimes I find it difficult to remember how young she is
(5:05) because she's got an old head on young shoulders. (5:08) We've had the odd,
shall I say, disagreement, (5:12) but she doesn't have much of a temper.
It soon passes. (5:14) She doesn't have a great deal to say, I guess, (5:17) when
we're working or travelling to tournaments. (5:20) She has friends outside the
game, (5:22) but she doesn't have much time for her social life at the moment.
(5:26) Well, Alice and Bruce, thanks for being my guests (5:29) and good luck for
the future. Thank you. (5:31) Thank you.

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