Are you killing Time or Time killing You

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Are you killing Time or Time killing you?

Life begins at the point of your past life’s death. When you die on the one side one chapter of the life is
closed, which people think was your whole life. It was only a chapter in a book which has infinite
chapters. One chapter closed, but the book is not closed. Just move the page and another chapter
begins. The person dying starts visualizing his next life. First this is a known fact because it happens
before the chapter closes. Once in a while a person comes back from the very last point. For example
drowning and he’s somehow saved almost in a coma, his water has to be taken out and artificial
breathing has to be given and somehow he is saved. He was just on the verge of closing the chapter.
These people have reported interesting facts; one is that the last moment when they felt that they are
dying that is finished. Their whole past life went so fast before them in a flesh from birth to this
moment, within a split second. They saw everything that happened to them that they had remembered
and also that which they have never remembered. Many things which they have not taken note off and
they were not aware that they were part of their memory. The whole film of memory goes so quick in a
flesh and it has to be in a split second because the man is dying, there is no time three hours to save see
the whole movie. And even if you see the whole movie you can not relate the whole story of a man’s life
with his small details insignificant. But everything moves before him that is a certain very significant
phenomenon before ending the chapter.

Become a tree, bring fruits bring flowers or whatever happens to it. You cannot read it in the seeds but
the seed has the whole blue print. There is a possibility one day the science may be able to read the
seed the whole program that what kind of branches is tree is going to have, how long this tree is going
to live, what is going to happen to this tree, because the blue print is there just we don’t know the
language. Everything that is going to happen is already potentially present. So what you do at this
moment of your death determines how your birth is going to be. Most of the people die clinging they
don’t want to die and one can understand why they don’t want to die. Only at the moment of death
they recognize the fact that they have not lived. Life is simply passed as if a dream and death has come.
Now there is no more time to live, death is knocking on the door, and when there was time to live you
were doing thousand and one fullest things wasting your time rather than living it. I have asked people
playing cards, playing chess what are you doing, this is a killing time from my very child hood. I have
been against this expression killing time. My grandfather was a great chess player, and I will ask him that
you are getting old and still killing time. Can’t you see that really time is killing you? And you go on
saying that you are killing time, you don’t know even what time is, you don’t know where it is. Just catch
hold of it and show me. And all these expressions that time is fleeting and passing and going are just a
kind of consolation. It is really you who are passing, going down the drain every moment and you go on
thinking that it is time that is passing as if you are going to stay and time is going to pass. Time is where
it is, it is not passing. The watches and the clocks are man’s creation to measure the passing time, which
is not passing at all.

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