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Its Discovery, Its Preliminary Orbit and Its Approximate Positions

from 1910 to 1940

By LiEut.-Commander Walter M. Wynne, U. S. Navy

HE year 1930 is a of the object until its identity and na-

banner year in as- ture were better known.
tronomy because of Moving bodies in or near our solar
the comparatively system reveal themselves on a long-
rare feat of adding exposed photograph of the night sky by
another major planet the streak of light that they trace, owing
to the eight that to their motion—the fixt stars remaining
have, up to now, as mere points of light. In this manner
been all that science they may be pickt up, as Pluto has been,
allotted to Sol's family. Not since 1846, but once such an object has been noted
when Neptune was discovered, has a like the problem begins of identifying the
feat been recorded; and not only that, wanderer. Usually it happens that a
but the incident of this year, together newly found wanderer within our solar
with the one of 1846 are the two out- system turns out to be either a comet or
standing achievements of theoretical as- one of the minor planets. The latter
tronomy whereby the mathematical cal- are some very small and tiny fragments,
culations of the astronomer were the supposedly, of a former planet, situated
contributing factor in the later, optical, between the planets Mars and Jupiter,
discovery of a new planet. which was disrupted. The fragments of
On the night of January 21st, 1930, this planet still continue to move in orbits
lying, with but very few exceptions, en-
Clyde W. Tombaugh, an assistant at
tirely within the space between the orbits
Lowell Observatory, saw what seemed to of Mars and Jupiter. Lying, as they do,
be a planetary object on a photographic somewhere this side of Jupiter their
plate he had just developt. He at once daily motion, comparatively speaking, is
took the plate to the director of the ob- quite rapid and some notion of this may
servatory, Dr. V. M. Slipher, who in- be had after one or two nights' observa-
stituted continuous nightly observations tions, following which the body is def-

Mercury uses some forms of spelling recommended by the Simplified Spelling Board


Lowell Observatory withheld the news

of the discovery for a month and a half,
then, satisfied that the new object was,
actually, the ninth major planet of our
system the press was informed of tho
The day chosen for giving out the
news was March 13th, an anniversary of
the discovery of Uranus, also the natal
anniversary of the late Percival Lowell,
founder of the observatory.
News of the discovery of a ninth
major planet was not at once given cred-
ence—naturally enuf, for other observa-
tories wanted to confirm the discovery
by observations and measurements of
their own.
For a time, a number of astronomers,
both here and abroad, have continued to
refer to what they call "Lowell's Comet,"
not that they seriously doubted the ac-
curacy of the announcement but, owing
to the decidedly new feature of the new
planet's orbit—its great eccentricity — a
certain amount of skepticism was voiced
as to whether the newly found body, in-
stead of being a true major planet were
PLUTO not a "planetary object," possibly a
The trans-Neptunian planet, photographed "planetoid."
thru a •24-inch telescope at the Lowell Observa-
tory, Flagstaff Arizona, by Dr. C. O. Lampland. To understand what was implied,, the
The two white arrows point to the newly dis-
covered planet. reader should turn to Figure 1 which
The bright star showing the crost lines of
light is Delta Genunorum. It was used as a shows a plan view of the solar system.
guide in the search — success of which was pre- The point of view, as the reader looks
dicted 16 years ago by Dr. I'ercival Lowell,
founder of the Observatory. down from the north pole of the system
Keystone View Co.—AP —which happens to lie in the same gen-
eral direction as the north pole of either
initely known to be one of the planetoids
or minor planets.* the earth or the sun projected into space
—and the view shows the planets all
This was distinctly not the case with
moving about the sun in the sense op-
Pluto, whose motion was found to be
very slow, showing that it lay far out in posite to that of the hands of a clock.
our system from the sun. The sun, center of the figure, is not
Or if a newly found object is a comet shown, nor are the two innermost
it often, tho not always, reveals its na- planets, Mercury and Venus, owing to
lack of space; but outward and in order,
ture by its peculiarly-shaped head and
from the sun are shown the orbits of our
tail or again it may betray its position by earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
its rapid motion. Comets are pickt up as
and Neptune, together with what is ac-
they drift by not far from the earth and tually a trial orbit for the new planet.
are not followed outward away from the For convenience in drawing, the orbits of
sun and earth very far, because they can
all planets except the latter are drawn
not be seen at great distances. circular using as radii the mean distance
* Or the body might be identified from the of the various planets. Actually the
known orbits of many of the planetoids. The orbits described by the older planets are
Bureau des Longitudes in Paris, publishes elliptical but only slightly so. In the
every two years an up-to-date list of the
minor planets and the elements of their case of Neptune for instance its orbit is
orbits. so nearly circular that even if it were

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X.TO* Lonjphjde.
Projected on the Plane of the Ecliptic, as seen from the North Pole of the
Ecliptic. (Note: Use years near 1930 only.)

drawn in exactly correct, the eye would great, yet even with the latest and quite
have difficulty in seeing that the orbit reliable figures the ratio of the minor and
was not circular. With the new planet major axis of Pluto's orbit is as 1 to 4
you will note that it, unlike any of the still a fairly flat ellipse. It was chiefly
other major planets, moves in an orbit this flattening-out of Pluto's orbit that
which is a greatly flattened ellipse. As has led certain astronomers to hesitate
it so happens the path of Pluto, shown in calling Pluto one of the major planets
Figure 1, is approximately correct for a and instead to give it the rather anoma-
short arc either way from the 1930 posi- lous term of "planetary object." There
tion and the amount of flattening of the is now, as we shall see further along, no
ellipse, termed the "eccentricity," is too remaining ground on which to question

Pluto's right to title as a major planet of Gemini. It is a point of reference, at

our system. present, in locating Pluto. The photo-
Shortly after the news of the dis- graph is of a highly magnified view. The
covery the work began of computing the other "stars" photographed with Wesat
orbit of Pluto. At that time I wrote to are very faint. One of them, the one
the Naval Observatory at Washington, to which the arrows point is the new
D. C., requesting that I be furnisht with planet: an object of but the 16th mag-
the elements of the new body when they nitude in brilliancy and invisible to the
were available. Under date of April naked eye. From Pluto to Wesat at the
21st I received a reply from which I time the photograph was taken, was only
quote in part: about one-seventh of a degree of arc and
"Harvard College Observatory has were Pluto visible to the unaided eye ic
announst the following elements of the could scarcely be distinguisht from its
object resulting from preliminary com- bright neighbor so small was the arc be-
putations by the Lowell Observatory tween them. Remember with this that-
staff in collaboration with Dr. John A. Pluto's movement from January 23 to
Miller, Director of the Sproul Observa- March 23 Was a" mere two-tenths of a
tory, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania: degree and you will quite readily see that
• - Mean Equinox 1930.0 so small a movement is wholly incapable
Node 109o21'
of yielding anything like an accurate
Inclination IT^l'
orbit even tho it can be useful, thanks
Log. semi-major axis . .2.3359
to precise measurements and calculations
Longitude, perihelion 12° 5 2'
Eccentricity in outlining a short arc of movement
Mean daily motiont near the time of discovery.
Mean anomaly ^...,.3 20,47"
Such has proved to be the case. With
Distance from sun 41.3 astro-units
the coming of summer time the sun has
"The orbit is based on Lowell obser- come too near the new planet to make
vatory observations made on 23 January, observations profitable but in the mean-
23 February, and 23 March. Considera- while researchers have not been idle. I
ble revision of some of the elements, have just received a letter from Prof.
especially the eccentricity, may result John A. Miller dated July 30 and I am
from observations covering a longer taking the liberty of quoting from it, as
arc." it summarizes the progress made to date:
I have computed yearly positions for "After the preliminary orbit .... had
Pluto employing these elements and the been publisht by Lowell Observatory, it
results are' given in the accompanying was possible to locate approximately
drawings and tables. I chose the time those plates, taken several years ago,
limits as between 1850 and 1950 and the which would likely have the image of
drawings show graphically the solutions. Pluto on them. The plates from which
The tables are only complete from 1910 the orbk^was computed at Mt. Wilson
to 1940 as computations beyond those were taken in 1919 and those observa-
dates would be unjustifiable. tions were combined with the observa-
It should be stated here that the object tions made in 1930, giving .... a period
of the preliminary orbit is to outline the of 251.8 years Later, Ross at Yerkes
path followed by Pluto for a number Observatory found the planet on a plate
of years, say ten to fifteen years back, so taken in January 1921 and on another
that it will be possible to pick up earlier taken in January 1927. Pluto was also
positions of Pluto from prior records. found at Uccle on a plate taken in
The photograph reproduced herewith January- 1927. Leuschner computed
will give the reader a very good idea of from "all this data, including the Mt.
what Pluto lookt like at its discovery Wilson data, and also from observations
this spring. The light-struck image at made at Flagstaff, another orbit which
the lower right of the photograph is the was based on eighty observations in all.
bright star Wesat, classified as Delta of He found a period of 249.2 years: 1
t The reader should understand here am sure there is no question that these
motion in anomaly, not in longitude, etc. later orbits approximate the truth. When

the orbit was publisht from Lowell Ob- have orbits which lie nearly in the plane
servatory there was available for com- of the ecliptic, varying but a degree or
putation an arc of twelve minutes which two from it. Mercury is the sole excep-
the planet had described in two months. tion save Pluto, with an inclination of
We were aware that in all probability seven degrees.
the orbit we obtained was not entirely The tables of the yearly positions of
trustworthy and publisht it as a pre- Pluto should prove useful for the bal-
liminary orbit which we hoped would ance of the present year or until other
enable astronomers to discover the image tables become available. The yearly
of the planet on plates taken sometime positions are given for the beginning of
ago. That was just the result. The each year. These positions were in each
elements that have been changed most instance computecl by correcting the
have been "a" and "e".t The inclina- elements of the preliminary orbit and
tion of the orbit and its node are not employing the tables of true anomaly to
very different from any of the other be found in Watson's "Theoretical As-
computations.' ' tronomy."
"But of course the final orbit wall be To use the tables all that is necessary
much more accurate after a few more is to pick out the values for the year
years of observations. I think there is desired and if not near the beginning of
no likelihood that it will vary greatly the year to interpolate for the required
from the elements that have been given month in the year. This can easily be
by Mt. Wilson and by Leuschner." done by inspection except in the case of
In fine, it should be understood that the longitudes and right ascension. To
the orbit of Pluto depicted in figure 1 interpolate in longitude see the table of
gives approximately true longitudes for months and find the day of the year with
a few years either way from the present which the month begins. Likewise, if
year. A more accurate orbit is much no ephemeris is handy, pick out the
less eccentric. A statement given to the approximate longitude of the sun shown
press on June 17 by Prof. Harlow opposite in the table of months. Add
Shapely of Harvard Observatory sets the day of the month to both the values
forth the eccentricity as 0.2500 and selected and the results are the day in
further states the perihelion, where the year of the day desired and the
Pluto is nearest the sun, to be in the approximate solar longitude.
year 1988 when Pluto will He slightly With the first of the three digits of
within the mean orbit of Neptune. the day of the year multiply it into the
In employing Figure 1 therefor con- value shown for the "movement in longi-
sider only a short term of years either tude for 11 days." Multiply the nearest
way from 1930 and consider the arc cir- second digit into the tabular value of the
cular or tilted slightly so that as time "movement in longitude for 10 days,"
increases over this short arc the body then add both movement values to the
draws nearer the sun. The line of nodes longitude for the beginning of the year.
is approximately correct but the peri- The result will be the approximate
helion shown should be dis egarded.* heliocentric longitude of Pluto at the
Figure 2 is useful as an illustration oftime desired.
the tilting of the orbital plane of Pluto. For instance suppose it is desired to
It is a true projection. The tilting is know the approximate longitude of
correctly shown but only dates near 1930 Pluto on the eighth of September, 1920.
should be regarded and the perihelion is That year was a leap year and the month
reacht in north instead of south latitude. began with the 244th day. Eight plus
The inclination of Pluto is over seven- 244 is 252, the day of the year. Like-
teen degrees. Most of the major planets wise 8 plus 158 is 160 degrees, the
approximate solar longitude. With the
t The semi-major axis and the eccentricity.
day of the year, 252, proceed as follows:
* Figure 1, by the way, was drawn with multiply 2 into the "100 day movement"
radial distances of Pluto equal to the
radius-sectores of the planet for a par- of 0.55 degrees to obtain 1.10 and mul-
ticular reason which is now pointless. tiply 5 into the "10 day movement" of



O) u d)
o TJ
3 3
O s:

a. jt -C
X- -C
% D
o O
d) Co


Fig. 2
Preliminary Orbit of Pluto
Projected on Vertical (Y-Z Plane)
to the Ecliptic.

0.06 to obtain 0.30 degrees. Add 1.10 Saturn, beyond which was the empyreum
and 0.30 degrees to the new-year longi- of the fixt stars. Saturn was the last
tude of 92.0 degrees and the result is of the "sacred seven" that we read about
93.4 degrees. The third digit if small in Dante's writings.
can be disregarded. It is said of the great astronomer.
The value of 93.4 degrees is still only Tycho Brahe that in one of his years
the heliocentric longitude. From it we of exile from his native Denmark that
pass to the geocentric longitude. The he visited the young astronomer Kepler,
geocentric longitude could not be in Germany. Kepler was then engaged
found by interpolating between the in turning out an elaborate model of the
yearly values owing to its eccentric solar system based on the regular poly-
changes whereby it apparently accel- gonal solids, the so-called "Platonic
erates and at times retrogrades. To Solids". As there are only five such
find the geocentric longitude in the ex- solids Kepler imagined that a definite
ample above subtract the longitude of limit was set thereby for the solar sys-
Pluto, 93.4 degrees, from the solar longi- tem. As a matter of fact the ratio of
tude, 166 degrees nearly. To avoid a inscribed and circumscribed diameter
negative result add 360 degrees to 93.4 to these solids in a certain order do give
degrees and from the sun, 453.4, sub- a very fair approximation to the mean
tract 166, yielding 287.4 degrees. Then distance of the planets and sun from the
with this value of 287 odd degrees enter earth and Kepler was enthusiastic about
the table of parallax found herewith. his model. Brahe, with the tolerance of
Use only the value of 41.0 units for "K" the mature man, did nothing to discour-
(40.0 is close enuf) and disregard age the young astronomer but advised
incidentally all the values of "K" which him to engage in those researches which
may be found in the table of yearly posi- are today the fundamentals of modern
tions. Opposite 287 degrees (290 astronomy.
degrees is close enuf) and under "K" With the discovery of Uranui. in 1781
equal to 40 will be found 1.4 degrees. the idea of limiting the solar system at
Since 287 was entered at the right hand Saturn had to be somewhat modified.
side the correction of 1.4 degrees is ad- The astronomer Bode, who named
ditive so that when it is added to the Uranus, developt, or rather gave pub-
heliocentric longitude of 93.4 degrees we licity, to a so-called law which bears his
have the geocentric longitude of 94.8 name. This law, an empirical one, yields
degrees, or 4.8 degrees of Cancer, if we the mean distance of the planets from
choose to write it that way. the sun according to a certain numerical
A change in right ascension propor- But Bodes' Law did not last very long.
tionate to the change in geocentric longi-
On the night of September 23, 1846
tude will be a very fair approximation Neptune was discovered optically in con-
to the desired right ascension, within the sequence of the calculations of Lever-
limitations of these tables. rier. It was pickt up within 52' of the
Any values selected or calculated from precise point that Leverrier had indi-
these tables should be labelled "P. O.", cated. However, when Adams and Lev-
indicating its calculation from the pre- errier attempted to lay down a prelim-
liminary orbit. This will avoid misun- inary orbit for Neptune they ran into
derstanding in the future when more difficulties. They assumed that Neptune
accurate tables appear. obeyed Bode's Law. It did not and their
All tables and considerations of an assumptions proved seriously incorrect.
orbit aside, the discovery of Pluto is a It is astonishing how some people will
milestone in astronomical progress. One, cling to old laws which are obviously
if not the most fascinating, of problems empirical. There are actually some who
for astronomers, has been the extension claim that because Neptune does not
of our own solar system. (SEE PAGE 100)
Once it was believed that the solar • See Young's Manual of Astronomy" page
system extended no further than to 312.


(As Per Preliminary Orbit)

Longitude De- R.
Lati- Longl- 100 10 Lati- Longi- clina- Ascen-
DATE tude tude Days Days tude tude tion sion

0 Jan. 1909 —13.6 58.4 1.12 .11 22.2 14.0 S b 26.6 6.0 N 57.5
" 1910 —12.8 62.5 1.07 .11 22.9 13.2 " n 0.9 7.5 " 61.5
" 1911 —12.0 66.4 .99 .10 23.7 12.4 " " 5.0 9.1 " 65.4
" 1912 —11.1 70.0 .93 .09 24.5 11.5 " " 8.8 10.5 " 68.9
" 1913 —10.3 73.4 .88 .09 25.4 10.7 " " 12.4 11.8 " 72.4
" 1914 — 9.5 76.6 .82 .08 26.2 9.9 " " 15.7 13.0 " 75.6
" 1915 8.8 79.6 .76 .08 27.1 9.1 " " 18.8 14.0 " 78.6
" 1916 8.0 82.4 .71 .07 28.0 8.3 " " 21.8 15.0 " 81.6
" 1917 7.3 85.0 .67 .07 28.9 7.5 " " 24.5 15.9 " 84.3
" 1918 6.6 87.5 .63 .06 29.8 6.8 " " 27.1 16.8 " 87.0
" 1919 5.9 89.8 .59 .06 30.8 6.1 " " 29.5 17.5 " 89.5
" 1920 5.3 92.0 .55 .06 31.7 5.5 " EE 1.7 18.1 " 91.8
" 1921 4.7 94.0 .52 .05 32.7 4.8 " " 3.8 18.7 " 94.0
" 1922 4.1 95.9 .49 .05 33.6 4.2 " " 5.8 19.2 " 96.2
" 1923 3.6 97.8 .47 .05 34.5 3.6 " " 7.7 19.7 " 98.2
" 1924 3.0 99.5 .44 .04 35.5 3.1 " " 9.5 20.1 " 100.2
" 1925 — 2.5 101.2 .42 .04 36.4 2.6 " " 11.2 20.5 " 102.0
" 1926 — 2.1 102.7 .41 .04 37.4 2.1 " " 12.8 20.8 " 103.7
" 1927 — 1.6 104.2 .39 .04 38.3 1.6 " " 14.3 21.2 " 105.3
" 1928 — 1.2 105.6 .38 .04 39.3 1.2 " " 15.7 21.4 " 106.9
" 1929 0.7 107.0 .36 .04 40.2 " 17.1 21.6 " 108.5

" 1930 0.3 108.3 .34 .03 41.1 0.4 " " 18.5 21.8 " 109.9
" 1931 0.0 109.5 .33 .03 42.0 0.0 " 19.7 22.0 " 111.3
" 1932 + 0.4 110.7 .32 .03 43.0 0.4 N " 20.9 22.3 " 112.7
" 1933 111.8 .31 .03 43.9 " 22.1 22.5 " 114.1


" 1934 + i.i 112.9 .30 .03 44.8 i.i" " 23.2 22.7 " 115.3
" 1935 + 1.4 113.9 .28 .03 45.7 1.4 " " 24.2 22.7 " 116.4
" 1936 + 1.7 114.9 .27 .03 46.7 1.7 " " 25.3 22.8 " 117.6
" 1937 + 2.0 115.9 .26 .03 47.6 2.0 " " 26.2 22.9 " 118.6
" 1938 + 2.3 116.8 .25 .03 48.4 2.3 " " 27.2 23.0 " 119.7
" 1939 + 2.6 117.7 .24 .02 49.3 2.6 " " 28.1 23.1 " 120.7
" 1940 + 2.8 118.6 .23 .02 50.2 2.9 " " 29.0 23.2 " 121.8

Heliocentric to Geocentric Longitude Beginnings of Months

Longi- Longi- Approxi-

tude tude mate
Pluto Pluto Leap Common Longi-
Less Use Parallax Use Less Year Month Year tude
Sun Sign (K=40) Sign Sun Day Beginning Day of Sun

0 .0 + 360 0 0 January 0 280

2 .0 + 358 31 0 February 31 311
5 .1 + 355 60 0 March 59 339
10 .2 + 350 91 0 April 90 10
15 .4 + 345 121 0 May 120 40
20 .5 340 152 0 June 151 70
25 .6 335 182 0 July 181 98
213 0 August 212 128
30 .7 + 330
244 0 September 243 158
35 .8 + 325
274 0 October 273 187
40 .9 + 320
305 0 November 304 218
45 1.0 + 315
335 0 December 334 248
50 1.1 + 310
60 1.2 + 300
70 1.4 + 290
80 1.4 + 280
(Geocentric Longitude)
90 1.4 + 270
100 1.4 + 260
Zodiacal Begins
110 1.4 + 250 Sign Symbol at
120 1.3 + 240
130 1.1 + 230 Aries T 0
135 1.0 + 225 Taurus y 30
140 .9 + 220 Gemini H 60
145 .8 + 215 Cancer 2d 90
150 .7 + 210 Leo SI 120
155 .6 + 205 Virgo TIB 150
160 .5 + 200 Libra 180
165 .4 + 195 Scorpio tt). 210
170 .3 + 190 Sagittarius } 240
175 .1 + 185 Capricorn V3 270
178 .1 + 182 Aquarius zz 300
180 .0 + 180 Pisces ^ 330

obey Bode's Law, it doesn't somehow difficulty, even on Pluto in daylight altho
really belong in the solar system. What- very possibly many things might inter-
ever value such an inference holds in fere with so doing. One thing that
metaphysical thought it is hard to see someone on Pluto need hardly fear is a
any worth for it at all scientifically. "hot spell" such as the United States
Indeed we would be hard up if we could has sweltered under this summer, for
not find some newer "law" that would it must be intensely cold on such a small
include Neptune also. There are two planet as Pluto at that remote distance
such, at least, that will; one of which from the sun and it is still pleasant, if
is a very pretty one indeed, based on a unprofitable, speculation, whether their
series ordered by the arrangement of the can be any life possible or not on that
leaves about the stems of planets. You far planet.
will find that on page 107 of H. E.
Lick's "Recreations in Mathematics^. Possesst of a very eccentric orbit
Pluto differs greatly from the other
The inclusion of Neptune in our sys- planets in that respect and of course
tem does not need the support of "laws" Bode's Law now goes supremely to pot.
governing its relative distance from the But of all the novel features brot to our
sun and the planets. It has long been attention by the discovery of Pluto per-
noted that successive planets in our sys- haps the most significant is the possibility
tem have a tendency to "twin-up". Thus, that we may be on the point of greatly
excepting Mercury with a hypothetical extending our knowledge of interstellar
interior planet (Vulcan?) we find Venus space by the extension of the known
and the earth to be neighbors and almost limits of our solar system to within
of a size. Mars pairs off supposedly with equatible measurements as compared
the Abelian planet which was "spoiled with the nearer of the vast dimensions
in the making", whose remnants are of the-universe.
thought to be the "asteroids". Then
Jupiter and Saturn are neighbors and To understand what this means, see
pair off nicely in size and sure enuf, figure 3. No illustrator has yet at-
Uranus and Neptune fall readily in line. tempted to draw our solar system to
Neptune is no doubt a bona-fide member scale with the nearest of the fixt stars
of our system and now there is no reason because no discernable drawing would
why we should not include Pluto too result. The preliminary orbit set up for
even tho Pluto must remain unpaired Pluto envisaged a probable extension of
until a next step forward is taken, when our system to nearly twenty-three tril-
perhaps, a twin for him may be found! lions of miles or about two hundred and
forty six times further from the sun
The discovery of Pluto brings us to
the present time and brings us into new than we are. The actual orbit of Pluto
territory. Its disc has not yet been seen does not extend as far out as the pre-
but presumably will be, before long. A liminary orbit assumed but we are not
statement given to the press on May 31st for that reason to assume that it will
gives the mass and size of Pluto as not prove true for other wanderers to
about that of Mars. It is therefore a be discovered in the future. The ap-
much smaller planet than its immediate helion, or in other words, the greatest
inner neighbors. I might add that Pluto distance of Pluto, following the prelim-
is of a yellowish color. It's next two inary orbit becomes one sixty-fourth of
inner neighbors, Uranus and Neptune, an inch to a scale which would place
are both of a blueish color. It is, at Alpha Centauri, the nearest fixt star,
this time forthy-one and three-tenths as at twenty inches away. Figure 3 shows
far from the sun as our earth is. The the relative distances graphically; the
light it receives from the sun is com- half-distance to the center of the near-
parable to that given by an ordinary 50 est extra-solar system and the aphelion
watt "bulb" twenty or so yards away. of some supposed planet of our system,
A newspaper could be read, with a little beyond Pluto. It is interesting to note,
in correction with inter-planetary and
t D. Van Nostrand & Co., New York. interstellar distance the similitude be-

n0fPlut0 0066
5U.H^? -

nfll Jfe Dis+ancc from out- sun -fo nearest fixed stai; 4.3 L.Y

Figure 3.
tween what we note on the huge scale Contrast these figures with what we
with what we know to obtain in the now know of Pluto. Yerkes Observa-
relations of electrons to atoms and the tory at 1-53-47 G.M.T., on the 17th of
distances between electrons and atoms March measured Pluto to be in:
and inter-atomic separation. The ma- Right Ascenslon 7h.15m.14s.
crocosm and the microcosm evidently (qj. geocentric longitude ....107o28'53")
follow the same pattern. Declination North 2207'18"
While we are referring to other pos- Tr i. tv i • > i i.
sible bodies beyond Neptune it is well , " we com^te Pickering s planet O
to know that Prof. W. H. Pickering has to1". • )ve1- ? 14 t0 J36,?,. ,, f
P1 0
been laboring to locate, besides Planet "f "? declination and altho about one
z dia cal s,
"O" which is related to Pluto, two more ° , 1 f £further a ong ,than
bodies which he has called "P" and "S". "aI P13"^ Ti W?. T Tv, •Se. SIg^
Some wisp or another of evidence points °£ the eP?chal Ioneitude'»
de e
to these hypothetical bodies.t f ' o£ .Cancer-W111'3 P!ut° Wfu
T .. - - . t t i actuallyJ discovered at the eighteenth
I regret exceedingly that I have been degree of Cancer that in a was
unable to get hold of any of Dr. Per fortuitous, what seems to have been
aval Dowel s writings on the trans- the real accomplishment of the research-
Neptunian planet which has since been ers ^ the approximate location of the
found. Seemingly the demand for the ascending node of pluto (actuaiiy in

T.T Chas
Philadelphia °plf available locaI
'5;' in
been very great. How- nineteen of Cancer) and when Pluto
came close t0 its nod as it did earl
ever I have been able to make some notes this it was found,
from the writings of Prof. Pickering
who has continued in Dr. Lowell's fool- But surely there has been glory enuf
steps since the latter's passing. You will in the finding of Pluto to satisfy every-
find at the end of Prof. Pickering's one engaged in the search for it. The
article on "A Search for a Planet beyond happy feature about it all is the way in
Nepiune" _ the following assumptions which many workers share in the praise
made by him in 1909 for the hypothetical for findine' it
planet "O": '
Right Ascension 7h.47ni., (or 116045') Clyde Tombaugh, from Kansas, a
Declination ..., North 21° self-made student of astronomy, had
Further for the epoch of 1900.0 he been engaged in his calling only a few
has the following: months when he found the tell-table
Longitude 105.8° plate
Mean Distance 51.9 units
Sd^;;i MSon The le s o£ the
" |iant telescope at
Lowell observatory that magnified the
t Planet "P" supposedly 19 times the mass • „_(
lma -pi,.+_ k,r ^
of the earth, o/llth magnitude, 6.3 trillions ge of Plut0 waS he^n not by a
of miles from the sun; Planet "S" only 5 manufacturer of optical goods but by an
times the mass of the earth, of the 10th amateur, a clergyman in a New England
magnitude and distant about 4.5 trillions of •, who
, was
miles. Further see Prof. Pickering's writ- y seized with the desire to
ings. turn out a mammoth lens.

Then, of course, there was Dr. Per- Lowell Observatory has amply justi-
cival lyowell* of Boston who started all fied the efforts of its founder and we will
this business to uncover Pluto. Origin- hear more from it in the future.
ally no astronomer at all, but a well-
known globe-trotter; he turned to astron- * The new planet was named Pluto not only
for the significance of the myth concerned
omy in later life with the avowed object but also because the first two letters of the
of locating trans-Neptunian planets. As name are the initials of Percival Lowell.
he was a man of means it was not hard The letters PL may be used as a monogram
for him to establish the observatory for the new planet until a suitable symbol is
adopted. This may be best done by writing
which he needed to carry out his work a somewhat smaller capital "L" over the
and which now bears his name. shank of the other letter.

Final Tables on the New Planet, Which are Likely to Remain

Permanent for Some Years

By Ijeut.-Commander Walter M. Wynne, U. S. Navy

N the September, I shall not attempt to give the elements

1930, issue of "Mer- of Orbit 18. They will be found together
c u r y ," there ap- with much other interesting matter in
peared an article by Tick Observatory Bulletin 427.* I shall
me on Pluto: the proceed at once to a short description of
newly - found plane- Pluto's orbit and then complete this ex-
tary "object" beyond position with a few numerical examples
Neptune. for the benefit of those who may wish to
use the tables which follow.
To the editorial
comments that I made regarding the new Turn to the diagram of the orbit. The
body I have nothing to add at this time. central point is the sun. The first small
I have, however, to offer a satisfactory circle is the approximate orbit of our
outline of Pluto's orbit. In the last earth at one astronomical unit of distance
article I could only refer to the prelim- from the sun. The outer circle is drawn
inary orbit, or rather one of the pre- with a radius of .50 such units and is
liminary orbits of Pluto, and to those divided into degrees which are the de-
who read my article the delineation of grees of heliocentric longitude since
the trial orbit must have seemed to them everything is centered on the sun and
to end "in the air", as it were, since only the plane of the paper is the ecliptic
a portion of the orbit was described and plane. The reader looks at the figure
that with an injunction to exercise care from the general direction in space to
in employing it except very near to the which the north poles of either earth or
present year, 1930. the sun point.
Truth is, that the computation of All of the planets so regarded—Pluto
Pluto's orbit has gone forward at such included—revolve about the sun in a
a pace that it has been impossible to counter-clockwise sense. The orbits of
adequately report its progress in a Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
quarterly magazine. No less than and Neptune are represented as circles
eighteen separate and distinct "orbits" at their mean distances. This is not far
have been calculated; the last of which from the truth, generally, and moreover
(No. 18) is a very satisfactory one and these better-known objects revolve about
bids fair to remain the most accurate the sun in what is very nearly the
orbit that we can obtain for some years ecliptic plane.
to come. The reason for the excellence Pluto's path is decidedly elliptical. The
of No. 18 is that it comprises no less plane of the orbit cuts the ecliptic plane
than 136 observations of the body, in- in the "line of nodes" and is inclined a
cluding four from photographs made in little more than 17 degrees to the ecliptic
1919, one in 1921 and two in 1927. Be- plane. Therefore the reader, looking at
cause it reconciles all of these observa- fig. 1, should remember that the portion
tions and covers a period of nearly eleven of Pluto's orbit lying to the left of the
years, accurately, it must be the very line of nodes extends rather well above
best that can be done until not a few the plane of the paper and is in north
more 3',ears of observations are made or latitude whereas the portion to the right
unless the image of the body can be
located on photographic plates taken be- * Address: Students' Observatory, Univer-
fore 1919. sity of California, Berkeley, Calif.


of the line of nodes lies below the plane must remember that the geocentric posi-
of the paper, in south latitude. Pluto has tions are set forth merely as a guide in
very recently passed thru the ecliptic the computation. In the preparation
plane at its ascending node: from south of an ephemeris it is the heliocentric
to north latitude. That node is now* in positions, generally speaking, that are
longitude 109° 21' 36.9". The planet computed and we pass from them to the
will continue as indicated by the years geocentric ones so practical to us on
written along its trace and on February earth, by certain transformations. The
27, 1989 will be at a point nearest to the heliocentric positions are relatively very
sun. This is its "perihelion": indicated easy to work up; the geocentric ones are
on the diagram by the Greek letter "pi". no longer computed directly because the
The perihelion is now in longitude earth is "off-centre" in the solar system
222° SCK 3.0" and the distance at and motions as seen from the earth be-
perihelion will be 29.549 units. come complex.
Pluto was in its last perihelion on We shall proceed in the usual way
December 29, 1739, in longitude 219° with an actual example.
51' 31.2"—it has therefore a "period" of
249.1661 years. It was farthest from Let it be required to find PlutP's posi-
the sun on July 28, 1864. If we con- tion on August 8, 1881. Enter, then, the
nect the nearest and farthest points we line with 0 January 1881 and find helio-
have a projection of the long or "major" centric § longitude 57° 43.6'. The figure
axis of the orbit-ellipse. This is shown following, 4.63', is the amount in longi-
on the diagram. The sun is at one tude Pluto is moving during a month of
focus of the ellipse—the other focus lies 30 days. August is the 8th month and
in space, in south latitude, at a point be- August 8th is nearly 8^4 months from
yond the orbit of Uranus as indicated by the start of the year. Therefore multi-
the point "F" on the projection. An ply 4.63' by 8JL equalling 38.2' and add
approximate minor axis is also drawn to 57° 43.6' to obtain 58° 21.8' which
in, showing the "centre" of the ellipse in will be the heliocentric longitude desired.
space beyond Saturn's orbit. To pass to the geocentric longitude put
aside the figure last found, for a moment,
This should give the reader an idea
for we will return to it again. The next
of the great distances comprehended in
step is to subtract the heliocentric longi-
the movement of Pluto. tude of Pluto from the sun's longitude
The short tables of Pluto which follow on August 8, 1881. If the reader does
give at five or ten year intervals the not possess an ephemeris of 1881 he can
heliocentric position of Pluto from 1740 do well enuf by referring to the appended
to 2000 :$ more than one complete table of months and noting that at the
"swing-around". That part from 1870 beginning of August the solar longitude
to 1940 is tabulated for the beginning of is about 128°. On the 8th of the month
each year and is adapted for the use of the solar longitude is approximately 128°
the average reader. It will be noted that plus 8° or 136°. On subtracting 136°
positions for the beginning of any one from 58° 21.8' (first adding 360° to
year are given both on the heliocentric 58° 21.8') we obtain 282° 21.8' which
and the geocentric scheme but the reader we will use solely to enter the table of
parallax to be found immediately follow-
ing. The reader will probably have
•At the beginning of 1930.
t I should have stated that the tables have
been checkt for errors by various means. § The reader will not find the heliocentric
They agree with the 1891-1930 ephe- latitude given. He will have little need
meris publisht in Lick Observatory Bul- of it and it does not vary greatly from its
letin 427. geocentric equivalent.

noted a column headed "K"$ after the examining the geocentric ephemeris for
heliocentric longitude and its monthly the first half of 1931 in which the values
advance and noted that in August 1881 are given in considerable detail, quite im-
its value was just under 47^. Enter the possible to arrive at by simple rule of
table of parallax and interpolate between thumb.
280° and 290° for the value 280° 21.8'
The values of right ascension are now-
(or 282.4° nearly); also interpolate be-
here given. If desired, its value at any
tween the vertical values of 45 and 50
time may be found by summing the log.
for the particular value, 47^4, for K.
cosines of the geocentric latitude and
The parallax will be 1° 9.8'. Opposite
longitude with the log. secant of the
280° or 290° will be noted the plus sign.t
declination: the sum will be the log.
Therefore add 1° 9.8' to the heliocentric
cosine of the right ascension.
longitude, 58° 21.8' and write the geo-
centric longitude as 59° 31.6' or say I might add that if one chooses to
59° 32' which if we choose may be split hairs in the above calculation, the
written in the nomenclature* of the day number of August 8th might have
zodiacal signs as 29° 8 32', since Taurus been looked up in the appended table. It
begins at 30° longitude. would be found to be the 212th plus 8
or 220th day of the year or on the 30
. That is all that need be done in com-
day plan that would have been exactly
puting Pluto's position on 'August 8,
8 1/3 months. The geocentric longitude
1881. No tables for the conversion into
would not have been altered in this in-
geocentric latitude and declination are
stance by this added refinement altho it
provided. The effect of parallax is
is likely that nearer the end of the year
further compounded as for latitude and
it would have amounted to over one-half
declination and would only add to
minute. It is suggested therefore that
further complication. However, the
near the end of the year the advance in
movement in latitude and declination is
longitude be subtracted from the next
not great. The reader may interpolate
for geocentric latitude or declination new year instead of adding to the last
new year.
directly but is advised to put his answer
in decimal degrees in order that he may I will conclude with a last example in
understand that an error in the last deci- brief form which I trust the reader will
mal degree may be expected. Thus for have no difficulty in following.
August 8, 1881 we may write geocentric
Eet it be required to find Pluto's posi-
latitude 13.60S., declination 6.40N.
tion on November 9, 1932:
The effect of movement in the geo- November 9=1.7 months from com-
centric co-ordinates can be best noted by ing new year, 1933. 1.7 times 6.37/
equals 10.83' the negative advance
t Or the radius-vector of Pluto multiplied in question 112° 18.2' is the longi-
by the cosine of heliocentric latitude, tude on 0 January, 1933 less 10.8
t It might be pointed out, as a generality, equals 112° 7.4', heliocentric longi-
that if the minus sign were indicated the tude November 9, 1932—112° 7. 4'
planet would be retrograding.
plus 360° 472° 7.4' less sun's longi-
* The practice of reckoning in "signs" died tude of about 218° plus 9° or 227°
out among astronomers in the opening
years of the last century. Formerly it is 245° 7.4' (or 245.1°). "K" is
was the practice to reckon by signs, de- about 40.6 therefore parallax (inter-
gress, minutes, seconds, thirds, fourths, polating) is 1° 17.6' to be added to
etc., of arc. The tendency has been to heliocentric longitude (112° 7.4')
cut down subdivision to the limit and equaling 113° 25.0' or 23° S 25'.
more and more to the decimal system
so that now many favor only degrees The geocentric latitude is 0.8oN
and decimal degrees. and the declination is 22.4°N.

EPHEMERIS 1870-1940
Helio- Advance
centric Per Month GEOCENTRIC
Longi- of Declina-
DATE tude 30 Days K Latitude Longitude tion

0 Jan.1870 47 31.0 4.57 47.87 15 S 17 16 y 34 2N 8

" 1871 48 26.6 4.58 47.88 15 " 9 17 " 30 2 " 30
" 1872 49 22.3 4.58 47.88 15 " 1 18 " 27 2 " 52
" 1873 50 18.0 4.59 47.88 14 " 53 19 " 23 3 " 14
" 1874 51 13.7 4.59 47.88 14 " 45 20 " 20 3 " 36
" 1875 52 9.4 4.60 47.87 14 " 36 21 " 16 3 " 58
" 1876 53 5.1 4.60 47.86 14 " 27 22 " 13 4 " 20
' 1877 54 0.8 4.61 47.85 14 " 18 23 " 9 4 " 42
" 1878 54 56.5 4.62 47.83 14 " 9 24 " 6 5 " 4
" 1879 55 52.3 4.62 47.81 14 " 0 25 " 2 5 " 26
" 1880 56 47.9 4.63 47.78 13 " 50 25 " 59 5 " 48
" 1881 57 43.6 4.63 47.75 13 " 40 26 " 55 6 " 10
" 1882 58 39.6 4.64 47.72 13 " 30 27 " 52 6 " 31
" 1883 59 35.8 4.64 47.69 13 " 19 28 " 49 6 " 53
" 1884 60 32.2 4.65 47.65 13 " 8 29 " 46 7 " 15
" 1885 61 28.8 4.66 47.60 12 " 57 on 43 7 " 37
" 1886 62 25.6 4.67 47.55 12 " 46 1 " 41 7 " 59
" 1887 63 22.4 4.67 47.49 12 " 34 2 " 39 8 " 21
" 1888 64 19.4 4.68 47.44 12 " 20 3 " 36 8 " 43
" 1889 65 16.4 4.68 47.38 12 " 10 4 " 34 9 " 4
" 1890 66 13.6 4.69 47.32 11 " 59 5 " 32 9 " 26
" 1891 67 10.7 4.70 47.25 11 " 46 6 " 31 9 " 48
" 1892 4.71 47.18 11 " 33 7 " 29 10 " 10

" 1893 69 4.3 4.73 47.11 11 " 21 8 " 26 10 " 31

" 1894 70 1.5 4.76 47.03 11 " 8 9 " 24 10 " 52
" 1895 70 59.8 4.79 46.95 10 " 55 10 " 24 11 " 13
" 1896 71 58.0 4.82 46.86 10 " 41 11 " 23 11 " 34
" 1897 72 55.3 4.85 46.77 10 " 28 12 " 22 11 " 55
" 1898 73 54.2 4.88 46.67 10 " 14 13 " 22 12 " 15
" 1899 74 52.2 4.91 46.57 10 " 0 14 " 21 12 " 36
" 1900 75 51.4 4.94 46.46 9 " 45 15 " 21 12 " 57
" 1901 76 51.5 4.96 46.36 9 " 30 16 22 13 " 18
" 1902 77 51.5 4.98 46.25 9 " 14 n " 22 13 " 38
" 1903 78 51.3 5.00 46.13 8 " 59 18 " 23 13 " 59
" 1904 79 51.2 5.02 46.02 8 S 43 19n23 14 N 19

EPHEMERIS 1870-1940
Helio- Advance
centric Per Month GEOCENTRIC
Longi- of :lina-
tude 30 Days K Latitude Longitude ;ion

1905 80 50.9 5.04 45.89 8 " 27 20 " 24 " 39

1906 81 54.2 5.06 45.77 8 " 11 21 " 29 " 0
1907 82 54.3 5.08 45.63 7 " 55 22 " 31 " 20
1908 83 55.7 5.10 45.49 7 " 39 23 " 34 •' 39
1909 84 58.0 5.12 45.34 7 " 22 24 " 38 " 59
1910 5.15 45.19 7 " 5 25 " 42 " 18

1911 87 2.8 5.18 45.04 6 " 47 26 " 46 " 38
1912 5.22 44.88 6 " 29 27 " 50 " 57

1913 89 3.2 5.25 44.72 6 " 10 28 " 53 " 17
1914 90 7.0 5.29 44.60 5 " 52 29 " 58 " 35
1915 91 16.2 5.34 44.39 5 " 33 1 EE 4 " 54
1916 92 21.3 5.38 44.23 5 " 14 2 " 10 " 12
1917 93 26.2 5.43 44.03 4 " 54 3 " 16 " 30
1918 94 32.1 5.48 43.84 4 " 35 4 " 23 " 48
1919 95 39.4 5.54 43.66 4 " 14 5 " 31 " 5
1920 96 48.0 5.60 43.47 3 " 54 6 " 41 " 23
1921 97 53.5 5.65 43.28 3 " 34 7 " 49 " 40
1922 99 0.1 5.71 43.07 3 " 13 8 " 57 " 57
1923 100 11.4 5.77 42.87 2 " 52 10 " 10 " 12
1924 101 20.3 5.83 42.66 2 " 30 11 " 21 " 29
1925 102 28.7 5.90 42.45 2 " 8 12 " 31 " 44
1926 103 40.4 5.97 42.24 1 " 46 13 " 45 " 0
1927 104 51.2 6.04 42.01 1 " 24 14 " 58 " 13
1928 106 5.0 6.10 41.78 1 " 1 16 " 13 " 26
1929 107 15.2 6.16 41.54 0 " 38 17 " 26 " 41
1930 108 29.4 6.22 41.32 0 " 15 18 " 42 " 54
1931 109 45.4 6.28 41.08 0N 8 20 " 0 " 6
1932 111 1.7 6.33 40.83 0 " 31 21 " 18 " 18
1933 112 18.2 6.38 40.58 0 " 54 22 " 37 " 28
1934 113 35.2 6.43 40.33 1 " 19 23 " 56 " 38
1935 114 53.2 6.49 40.08 1 " 43 25 " 16 " 47
1936 116 12.0 6.57 39.82 2 " 7 26 " 37 " 55
1937 117 32.0 6.65 39.54 2 " 32 27 " 59 " 2
1938 118 53.6 6.75 39.28 2 " 57 29 " 23 " 9
1939 120 16.7 6.85 39.01 3 " 23 0 SI 48 " 16
1940 121 41.4 6.96 38.74 3 " 49 2 " 15 " 23

Heliocentric to Geocentric Longitude Beginning of Months

Longi- Longi- Approxi-

tude tude mate
Pluto -VALUES OF K - Pluto Common Longi-
Less Use Use Less Month Year tude
Sun Sign K=35 K=40 K=45 K=50 Sign Sun Beginning Day of Sun

> / o / o / O /
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 360 0 January 0 280
2 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.4 + 358 0 February 31 311
5 8.4 7.3 6.5 355 0 March* 59 339
6.0 +
0 April* 90 10
10 16.6 14.6 13.0 11.7 + 350
0 May* 120 40
15 24.0 21.7 19.3 17.5 + 345 0 June* 151 70
20 32.7 28.8 25.6 23.1 + 340 0 July* 181 98
25 40.5 35.5 31.7 28.5 + 335 0 August* 212 128
0 September* 243 158
30 47.9 42.1 37.5 33.8 + 330
0 October* 273 187
35 0 55.2 48.3 43.0 38.8 + 325 0 November* 304 218
40 1 1.7 54.2 48.3 43.5 + 320 0 December* 334 248
45 1 8.0 0 59.7 53.2 47.9 + 315 ♦ NOTE: If month Is in leap-year
add fl) to the common
50 1 13.9 1 4.8 0 57.7 52.0 + 310 year day.
60 1 23.8 1 13.5 1 4.8 0 59.1 + 300
70 1 31.4 1 20.1 1 11.2 1 4.1 + 290
1 36.2 1 24.8 1 14.9 1 6.9 + 280
(Geocentn<c Longitude)
90 1 38.2 1 25.9 1 16.4 1 8.8 + 270
100 1 37.2 1 25.5 1 15.5 1 7.7 + 260
Zodiacal Begins
110 1 33.2 1 21.5 1 12.4 1 5.1 + 250 Sign Symbol at
120 1 26.3 1 15.4 1 8.2 1 0.8 + 240
130 1 16.6 1 6.9 0 59.4 0 53.4 230 Aries T 0
1 1.8 54.8 Taurus a 30
135 1 10.7 49.2 + 225
140 1 4.5 0 56.4 50.0 220 Gemini n 60
44.9 +
145 0 57.7 50.3 44.6 40.2 215 Cancer 5E 90
150 50.4 43.9 39.0 35.0 210 Leo a 120
155 42.5 37.0 32.8 29.8 205 Virgo m 150
160 34.5 30.0 26.7 24.0 200 Libra 180
165 26.0 22.8 20.1 18.1 + 195 Scorpio n 210
170 17.6 15.3 13.6 12.2 + 190 Sagittarius t 240
175 8.8 7.7 6.8 6.0 + 185 Capricorn V3 270
178 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.4 + 182 Aquarius 300
180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 180 Pisces 330



*- ~
<vf/ 3(0


Hi Jiu

0 Jan Lat. Long. K DATE Latitude Longitude
/ // / //
1740 15 N 49 219 52 28.43 Dec. 30,1930 0 N 715 20 S 2 54 4 12
1750 11 " 22 246 5 29.51 Jan. 7,1931 " 7 46 19 " 53 39 6 13
1760 5 " 29 26 8 47 31.51 Jan. 15, " " 817 19 " 4411 8 13
1770 0 S 28 288 34 33.88 Jan. 23, " " 8 46 19 " 34 30 10 12
1780 5 " 37 305 49 36.26 Jan. 31, " " 917 19 " 24 54 12 6
1790 9 " 41 320 57 38.48 Feb. 8, " " 9 47 19 " 15 42 13 54
1800 12 " 43 334 31 40.50 Feb. 16, " " 1016 19 " 7 11 15 34
1810 14 " 50 346 49 42.29
Feb. 24, " " 10 45 18 " 59 34 17 4
1820 16 " 12 358 13 43.85
1830 16 " 58 Mar. 4, " " 1114 18 " 53 6 18 24
9 38 45.27
1840 17 " 8 19 8 46.28 Mar. 12, " " 1142 18 " 47 55 19 32
1850 16 " 52 28 53 47.10 Mar. 20, " " 12 12 18 " 4410 20 27
1860 16 " 10 38 20 47.64 Mar. 28, " " 12 40 18 " 4159 2110
1865 15 " 41 42 56 47.80 Apr. 5, " " 13 9 18 " 4124 21 39
Apr. 13, " " 13 38 18 " 42 29 2155
1945 5 N 50 128 58 37.33 Apr. 21, " " 14 8 18 " 45 12 21 58
1950 8 " 3 136 55 35.86 Apr. 29, " " 14 36 18 " 49 32 2148
1960 12 " 20 154 53 32.90 May 7, " " 15 3 18 " 55 24 2125
1970 15 " 46 176 6 30.31 May 15, " " 15 32 19 " 2 40 20 52
1980 17 " 9 200 28 28.69 May 23, " " 15 58 19 " 1117 20 8
1990 15 " 28 226 28 28.48 May 31, " " 16 25 19 " 21 4 1914
2000 10 " 57 25133 29.66 June 8. " " 16 50 19 " 31 51 18 11

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