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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Chapter – I

1. Brief definition of Artificial Intelligence.

It is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans
and mimic their actions.
2. Machine Learning
It is a concept which allows machine to learn from examples and experience bye processing data.
3. Neural Network
This is a technique or methods of modelling data within the discipline of AI. This method tries to
mimic or stimulate the working of human brain.
4. Data Science
AI systems are dependent on data and this term is related to collecting, managing and analyzing
data. There are number of areas in which data science contributes-
i. Managing big data
ii. Data acquisitions
iii. Data modelling
iv. Data analyze
v. Data Curation
5. Robotics
These are computing machines that have both hardware and software components that deals with
construction and programming of robots.
6. Phases and development of AI
First and second stage: Internet and advancement of mobile internet
Third way: IOT
Fourth way: True artificial intelligence

7. Types of artificial intelligence

i. Artificial narrow intelligence
ii. AI which is capable of performing simple one task at a time eg: Google now, Alexa
8. Artificial General Intelligence
These systems are capable of learning and developing on their own they are not limited by the

9. Difference between Weak Artificial Intelligence & Strong Artificial Intelligence

Weak Artificial Intelligence Strong Artificial Intelligence
Weak AI, or Narrow AI, is a Strong AI systems are theoretical systems that
machine intelligence that is limited to a are actually process intelligence.
specific or narrow area. This is the current E.x – These systems are currently in research
scenario. stage
E.x – Self driven Vehicle may recognizes rain
but can not understand what is rain

10. What are the real life usage of AI ?

 Gaming - AI systems now a days make games more interesting by not limiting it to pre-
programmed interactions.The technique learns from its experiences and hence forth
provides better gaming experience.
 Natural Language Processing- It helps in advancing computer systems to understand
the natural language spoken by human beings.
 Decision Making – With this technique, the system can predict or make forecasts
relating to the future .
 Vision Systems – These systems help many real situation by interpreting and
understanding visual data.
 Speech Recognition – These systems are able to allow computers and robots to
communicate in a natural language without using complicated syntax.
 Handwriting Recognition – This AI helps to convert the handwritten text into computer
editable documents.
 Intelligent Robort – These systems are capable to learn and adapt.
 Life Saving AI
 Commercial Establishment
 Entertaining AI

11. What are the domains of AI

AI is generally catagorised into three categories
 Data
 Computer Vision
 Natural Language Processing
Data : AI is heavily dependent on data for its functioning and can be considered as the core of
AI. For other two domains also the AI system heavily dependent on data.
Computer Vision : Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to
interpret and understand the visual world. Using digital images from cameras and videos and
deep learning models, machines can accurately identify and classify objects — and then react to
what they “see.”
Eg: Face recognition, content based image retrieval, smart interactions, environment perceptions

Natural Language Processing

These systems are capable of communicating with human beings using natural language rather
than using syntax or by keywords.

1. Natural language understanding
2. Natural language generation


The relevance can be seen through six dimensions of AI
 Automation
 Augmentation
 Adaptation
 Analyses
 Accuracy
 Acquisition

Smart home- Houses that use smart devices.

Smart Building- Any building which uses smart devices
Smart cities- Cities which have smart home, smart buildings and use smart technology for
improving lives of the citizens
Smart devices- An electronic device which is capable of communicating through internet or aslo
among themselves.

Advantages of Smart cities

It can serve better to the citizens residing in the city.
The data can be collected from smart buildings for improving services
It can interact with smart buildings for providing end to end citizen services.

Benefits of Smart living

One may regulating environment
Emergency services
Information alerts
AI in current real life scenario (Few examples)
Hello Barbie
IBM Watson
Deep Mind
Talking with machine (BBC)
Google Brain etc.

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