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University College of Pharmacy

Standard Operating Procedure

pH Meter
1. Application

The pH meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of solutions in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Remove the electrode dipped in electrode buffer (3M KCI)
3. Rinse with distilled water.
4. Dry the outer surfaces of the electrode with a clean dry tissue.
5. Dip electrode in solution whose pH has to be measured.
6. After use rinse the electrode in distilled water, dry and dip the electrode back in the electrode
7. Switch off the instrument after use.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the pH electrode with care to avoid breakage or damage.

 Always rinse the electrode with distilled water between measurements to avoid cross-contamination.
 Ensure the calibration buffers are fresh and properly prepared.

4. Maintenance

 Rinse the electrode with distilled water before and after each use. Store the electrode in the appropri-
ate storage solution.
 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The colorimeter is used to measure the absorbance of specific wavelengths of light by a solution, which is es-
sential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Turn On the Colorimeter: Press the power button to switch on the colorimeter and allow it to warm up
as per the manufacturer's instructions (typically 15-30 minutes).
2. Select the Wavelength: Set the colorimeter to the appropriate wavelength for the analysis, based on
the absorbance maximum of the analyte.

2.2 Calibration

1. Prepare Calibration Standards: Prepare a series of standard solutions of known concentrations.

2. Fill the Cuvette with Blank: Fill a clean cuvette with the blank solution (usually the solvent used to
dissolve the analyte).
3. Zero the Colorimeter: Place the blank cuvette in the colorimeter and press the zero button to calibrate
the instrument to the blank.
4. Measure Calibration Standards: Replace the blank with each standard solution cuvette in turn, record-
ing the absorbance for each.
5. Create Calibration Curve: Plot the absorbance against the concentration to create a calibration curve.

2.3 Sample Measurement

1. Prepare Sample Solutions: Ensure the sample solutions are prepared as required.
2. Rinse and Fill Cuvette: Rinse a clean cuvette with a small amount of the sample solution, discard the
rinse, and then fill the cuvette with the sample solution.
3. Measure Absorbance: Place the cuvette in the colorimeter and record the absorbance.
4. Repeat Measurements: Repeat the measurement for all sample solutions.

2.4 After Use

1. Turn Off the Colorimeter: Press the power button to switch off the colorimeter.
2. Clean the Cuvettes: Rinse and clean the cuvettes thoroughly with distilled water. Allow them to air
dry or dry them with a lint-free tissue.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure all cuvettes are clean and free from fingerprints or residues before use.
 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid contaminating the optical path.
 Ensure the colorimeter is on a stable, level surface to avoid vibrations during measurements.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

4. Maintenance

 Clean the exterior of the colorimeter and ensure it is free from dust and spills.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The centrifuge is used to separate components of a mixture based on their densities by spinning them at high
speeds, which is essential for various analytical and preparative procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Press the start/stop button and slowly increase the rpm to the desired speed using the dial
2. Once a run is complete, make sure the rotor has COMPLETELY STOPPED before opening the cent-
rifuge lid by depressing the red stop/start button.
3. Remove sample vials.
4. Remember to return the rpm dial back to zero after finishing.

3. General Precautions

 Proper handling of the instrument

 Ensure level and stability
 Balance centrifuge tubes equally
 Ensure use of rubber cushion for glass tubes
 Bring speed Knob to off and increase the speed gradually
 Do not open the lid in between the centrifugation cycle

4. Maintenance

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Photo Colorimeter
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The photo colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of substances in a solution by detecting the ab-
sorbance of specific wavelengths of light, which is essential for various analytical procedures in the phar-
macy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Insert plug in the socket.

2. Switch on the instrument at least 15 minutes before use.
3. Ensure to keep water blank before switching on the instrument.
4. Set the required wavelength.
5. Select %T using the knob and adjust to 100%.
6. Switch the knob to O.D which should be zero.
7. Clean the cuvettes after use.
8. Make an entry in the log book.

3. General Precautions

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.

4. Maintenance

 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Auto Colorimeter
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The auto colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of substances in a solution by detecting the absorb-
ance of specific wavelengths of light. This automated instrument simplifies and speeds up the process of col-
orimetric analysis, essential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Insert plug in the socket.

2. Switch on the instrument at least 15 minutes before use.
3. Ensure to keep water blank before switching on the instrument.
4. Set the required wavelength.
5. Select %T using the knob and adjust to 100%.
6. Switch the knob to O.D which should be zero.
7. Clean the cuvettes after use.
8. Make an entry in the log book..

3. General Precautions

 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid fingerprints on the optical surfaces.
 Ensure all solutions are free from bubbles as they can affect absorbance readings.
 Use the same cuvette for the blank and samples to minimize variations in the readings.

4. Maintenance

 Wipe down the exterior and clean the cuvette holder after each use.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Digital pH Meter
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The digital pH meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. Accurate pH measurement is
essential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Remove the electrode dipped in electrode buffer (3M KCI)
3. Rinse with distilled water.
4. Dry the outer surfaces of the electrode with a clean dry tissue.
5. Dip electrode in solution whose pH has to be measured.
6. After use rinse the electrode in distilled water, dry and dip the electrode back in the electrode
7. Switch off the instrument after use.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the pH electrode with care to avoid breakage or damage.

 Always rinse the electrode with distilled water between measurements to avoid cross-contamination.
 Ensure the calibration buffers are fresh and properly prepared.

4. Maintenance

 Rinse the electrode with distilled water before and after each use. Store the electrode in the appropri-
ate storage solution.
 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Weighing Balance
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The weighing balance is used to measure the mass of substances accurately. Precise weighing is essential for
various analytical and preparative procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Clean the Work Area: Ensure the workspace around the weighing balance is clean and free from clut-
2. Inspect the Balance: Check the weighing balance for any visible damage and ensure it is clean and
properly maintained.
3. Level the Balance: Ensure the balance is placed on a stable, vibration-free surface and is properly lev-

2.2 Calibration of the Balance

1. Turn On the Balance: Switch on the weighing balance and allow it to warm up if required.
2. Internal Calibration: Perform internal calibration using the balance's built-in calibration feature, if
3. External Calibration: If internal calibration is not available or additional accuracy is needed, use certi-
fied calibration weights to calibrate the balance.
o Place the calibration weight on the balance.
o Adjust the balance to read the exact mass of the calibration weight according to the manufac-
turer's instructions.

2.3 Weighing Samples

1. Tare the Balance: Place an empty container or weighing paper on the balance and tare (zero) the bal-
2. Add Sample: Carefully add the sample to the container or weighing paper. Avoid spillage and ensure
the sample is evenly distributed.
3. Read Mass: Allow the reading to stabilize and record the mass displayed on the balance.
4. Repeat: Repeat the process for each sample, ensuring the balance is tared between each measurement.

2.4 After Use

1. Turn Off the Balance: Switch off the weighing balance after all measurements are complete.
2. Clean the Balance: Wipe down the balance with a suitable brush or cloth to remove any residue.
3. Document Results: Record all measurements and any relevant observations in the lab notebook.
4. Clean the Equipment: Ensure the balance area is clean and dry.

3. General Precautions

 Avoid placing wet or hot items directly on the balance to prevent damage.
 Handle all substances carefully to avoid spillage and contamination.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Clean the balance and surrounding area after each use. Check for any visible damage.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The magnetic stirrer is used to mix solutions uniformly by rotating a magnetic stir bar placed in the container.
Proper use of the magnetic stirrer is essential for various analytical and preparative procedures in the phar-
macy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Set temperature by turning the temperature knob in clockwise direction.
3. To select a speed turn the “SPEED” control clockwise until the desired mixing action is
achieved. The illuminated “STIR” pilot light shows when the unit is stirring. Stirring capabil-
ity is 100-1000.
4. Turn off the temperature and speed knob, then switch off the instrument.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure that the container used is compatible with the magnetic stirrer and is stable.
 Handle all substances carefully to avoid spillage and contamination.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Clean the magnetic stirrer and surrounding area after each use. Check for any visible damage.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Bulk Density Apparatus

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Bulk Density Apparatus is used to measure the bulk density of powdery or granular materials in the
laboratory. Accurate measurement of bulk density is essential for ensuring consistency and quality in various
pharmaceutical formulations and industrial applications.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the apparatus is clean and dry. 1.2. Calibrate the apparatus if required.
2. Operation 2.1. Filling the Cylinder - Take the appropriate measuring cylinder. - Fill the cylinder
with the sample material up to the marked level without compacting the material.

2.2. Weighing the Filled Cylinder - Weigh the filled cylinder accurately using a calibrated balance. -
Record the weight.

2.3. Volume Measurement - Measure the volume of the material in the cylinder by noting the level
of the material in the graduated cylinder.

2.4. Calculation of Bulk Density - Use the formula: Bulk Density=Weight of the mater-
ial (g)Volume of the material (cm3) \text{Bulk Density} = \frac{\text{Weight of the material (g)}}{\
text{Volume of the material (cm}^3\text{)}} Bulk Density=Volume of the mater-
ial (cm3)Weight of the material (g) - Record the bulk density value.

3. Cleaning and Maintenance 3.1. Clean the apparatus thoroughly after each use. 3.2. Ensure all parts
are dry before storage. 3.3. Check the apparatus periodically for wear and tear and calibrate as neces-

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the apparatus is placed on a stable, level surface.

 Handle the measuring cylinders with care to avoid breakage.
 Avoid compacting the material while filling the cylinder to ensure accurate measurements.

4. Maintenance

 Clean the apparatus after each use.

 Inspect for any damages or wear and replace parts as necessary.
 Store the apparatus in a clean, dry place when not in use.

Prepared By:


University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee

Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

UV Spectroscope
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The UV Spectroscope is used to measure the absorbance and transmittance of UV light by a sample. This is
essential for analyzing the concentration of substances and the chemical composition of various solutions in
the laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the UV spectroscope is clean and dry. 1.2. Turn on the spectroscope and al-
low it to warm up for the manufacturer's recommended time (usually 15-30 minutes).
2. Operation 2.1. Calibration - Prepare a blank solution (usually the solvent used to dissolve the
sample). - Place the blank solution in a clean cuvette. - Insert the cuvette into the spectroscope. - Set
the wavelength to the desired value. - Zero the instrument using the blank solution.

2.2. Sample Measurement - Prepare the sample solution and place it in a clean cuvette. - Insert the
cuvette into the spectroscope. - Set the desired wavelength. - Measure and record the absorbance
and/or transmittance values. - Repeat the measurement for all samples.

3. Cleaning and Maintenance 3.1. Clean the cuvettes thoroughly after each use with distilled water and
allow them to dry. 3.2. Wipe down the exterior of the spectroscope to remove dust and spills. 3.3.
Perform regular calibration checks and maintenance as per the manufacturer's guidelines.

3. General Precautions

 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid fingerprints on the optical surfaces.
 Ensure all solutions are free from bubbles as they can affect absorbance readings.
 Use the same cuvette for the blank and samples to minimize variations in the readings.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check the lamp and replace it as needed.

 Ensure the instrument is kept clean and dust-free.
 Perform periodic calibration and maintenance according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Prepared By:


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Digital Tele thermometer

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Digital Tele thermometer is used to measure the temperature of various substances accurately. This is es-
sential for maintaining precise temperature conditions in various laboratory procedures and experiments.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the digital tele thermometer is clean and dry. 1.2. Check the battery level
and replace the batteries if necessary.
2. Operation 2.1. Turning On the Device - Press the power button to turn on the thermometer.

2.2. Measuring Temperature - Insert the probe into the substance or place it on the surface whose
temperature needs to be measured. - Wait for the reading to stabilize. - Record the temperature dis-
played on the screen.

2.3. After Measurement - Remove the probe and clean it with a suitable disinfectant or distilled wa-
ter. - Turn off the device by pressing the power button.

3. Cleaning and Maintenance 3.1. Clean the probe after each use to prevent cross-contamination. 3.2.
Wipe down the exterior of the thermometer with a clean, dry cloth. 3.3. Store the thermometer in a
clean, dry place when not in use.

3. General Precautions

 Avoid submerging the device in water or any liquid.

 Handle the probe carefully to avoid damage.
 Ensure accurate readings by allowing the probe to reach thermal equilibrium with the substance being

4. Maintenance

 Replace batteries as needed to ensure consistent performance.

 Calibrate the device periodically as per the manufacturer's instructions.
 Keep the device clean and dry to maintain its accuracy and longevity.

Prepared By:


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Dissolution Test Apparatus

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Dissolution Test Apparatus is used to measure the rate at which a drug dissolves in a particular solvent,
typically under standardized conditions. This is essential for assessing the bioavailability and performance of
pharmaceutical dosage forms.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the dissolution test apparatus is clean and dry. 1.2. Fill the dissolution ves-
sels with the appropriate dissolution medium and ensure the temperature is maintained at 37°C ±
0.5°C. 1.3. Calibrate the apparatus according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Operation 2.1. Pre-Test Setup - Select the appropriate paddle or basket and attach it to the appar-
atus. - Lower the paddles or baskets into the vessels containing the dissolution medium. - Set the rota-
tion speed as specified in the test method.

2.2. Running the Test - Place the dosage form (tablet or capsule) into each vessel. - Start the appar-
atus and begin timing. - Sample the dissolution medium at predetermined time intervals. - Filter the
samples to remove undissolved particles if necessary. - Analyze the samples using UV spectrophoto-
metry or HPLC to determine the amount of drug dissolved.

2.3. Post-Test Procedure - Stop the apparatus after the specified test duration. - Remove the paddles
or baskets and clean all parts thoroughly. - Record the results and any observations.

3. Cleaning and Maintenance 3.1. Clean all components of the apparatus, including vessels, paddles,
and baskets, with a suitable cleaning solution and rinse with distilled water. 3.2. Inspect the apparatus
for any signs of wear or damage and replace parts as necessary. 3.3. Perform regular calibration and
maintenance as per the manufacturer's guidelines.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the dissolution medium is deaerated to prevent air bubbles from affecting the dissolution rate.
 Maintain the temperature of the dissolution medium throughout the test.
 Handle all samples and apparatus components with care to avoid contamination.

4. Maintenance

 Perform routine maintenance checks as recommended by the manufacturer.

 Calibrate the apparatus regularly to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards.
 Keep the apparatus clean and dry when not in use to prolong its lifespan.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Disintegration Test Apparatus

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Disintegration Test Apparatus is used to measure the time required for tablets, capsules, and other solid
dosage forms to disintegrate into particles. This is crucial for ensuring the quality and consistency of pharma-
ceutical products.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the disintegration test apparatus is clean and dry. 1.2. Prepare the disintegra-
tion medium as specified in the test method and maintain it at the required temperature, typically
37°C ± 2°C.
2. Operation 2.1. Pre-Test Setup - Assemble the apparatus according to the manufacturer's instruc-
tions. - Fill the disintegration test beakers with the disintegration medium. - Place the beakers in the
water bath to maintain the required temperature.

2.2. Placing the Tablets/Capsules - Place one tablet or capsule in each of the six tubes of the basket-
rack assembly. - If using disks, place a disk in each tube over the dosage form.

2.3. Running the Test - Lower the basket-rack assembly into the disintegration medium. - Start the
apparatus and begin timing. - Observe the dosage forms and note the time taken for each to disinteg-
rate completely (no residue remains on the screen).

3. Post-Test Procedure 3.1. Stopping the Test - Stop the apparatus after the specified test duration or
once all dosage forms have disintegrated. - Raise the basket-rack assembly and remove it from the

3.2. Cleaning the Apparatus - Disassemble the basket-rack assembly and clean all components thor-
oughly with a suitable cleaning solution. - Rinse all parts with distilled water and allow them to dry. -
Clean the beakers and water bath to remove any residues.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the disintegration medium is maintained at the correct temperature throughout the test.
 Avoid touching the tablets or capsules directly to prevent contamination.
 Ensure all components are properly assembled and secured before starting the test.

4. Maintenance

 Perform regular maintenance checks as recommended by the manufacturer.

 Calibrate the apparatus periodically to ensure accurate and consistent results.
 Keep the apparatus clean and dry when not in use to prevent corrosion and wear.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Polarimeter Standard
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Polarimeter is used to measure the angle of rotation caused by passing polarized light through an optic-
ally active substance. This is essential for determining the concentration and purity of chiral compounds in
various solutions.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the Polarimeter is clean and dry. 1.2. Turn on the polarimeter and allow it to
warm up according to the manufacturer's recommendations (usually 5-10 minutes). 1.3. Calibrate the
polarimeter using a standard solution with a known specific rotation.
2. Operation 2.1. Calibration - Prepare a standard solution with a known specific rotation. - Fill the
sample tube with the standard solution, ensuring there are no air bubbles. - Insert the sample tube into
the polarimeter. - Adjust the instrument to read the correct angle of rotation for the standard solution.
- Record the calibration result.

2.2. Sample Measurement - Prepare the sample solution and fill the sample tube, ensuring it is free
of bubbles. - Insert the sample tube into the polarimeter. - Measure the angle of rotation displayed on
the polarimeter. - Record the angle of rotation. - Calculate the specific rotation using the formula:
[α]=αl⋅c [\alpha] = \frac{\alpha}{l \cdot c} [α]=l⋅cα where α\alphaα is the observed rotation, lll is the
path length in decimeters, and ccc is the concentration in grams per milliliter.

2.3. After Measurement - Remove the sample tube and clean it thoroughly with a suitable solvent. -
Rinse the tube with distilled water and allow it to dry.

3. Cleaning and Maintenance 3.1. Clean the sample tube and any other components that come into
contact with the sample after each use. 3.2. Wipe down the exterior of the polarimeter to remove dust
and spills. 3.3. Perform regular calibration checks and maintenance as per the manufacturer's

3. General Precautions

 Handle the sample tube carefully to avoid breakage.

 Ensure the sample solution is clear and free from impurities that could affect the reading.
 Avoid direct contact with the sample solution to prevent contamination.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check and replace the polarimeter lamp if necessary.

 Keep the polarimeter clean and free from dust to maintain accurate readings.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Sieve Shaker
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Sieve Shaker is used to separate particles of different sizes in a sample. This is essential for determining
the particle size distribution of powders, granular materials, and other substances in various industries, in-
cluding pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and construction.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the sieve shaker and all sieves are clean and dry. 1.2. Select the appropriate
sieves for the particle size range you want to analyze. 1.3. Stack the sieves in order of decreasing
mesh size from top to bottom.
2. Operation 2.1. Loading the Sample - Weigh a representative sample of the material to be analyzed.
- Place the sample on the top sieve of the stack.

2.2. Running the Sieve Shaker - Secure the sieve stack in the sieve shaker. - Set the timer for the de-
sired shaking duration, typically between 5 and 30 minutes. - Turn on the sieve shaker and start the
shaking process.

2.3. Collecting the Results - After the shaking duration is complete, turn off the sieve shaker. - Care-
fully remove the sieve stack from the shaker. - Weigh the material retained on each sieve and record
the weights.

3. Post-Test Procedure 3.1. Calculating Particle Size Distribution - Calculate the percentage of the
total sample weight retained on each sieve. - Plot the particle size distribution curve if required.

3.2. Cleaning the Sieves - Clean each sieve with a brush or appropriate cleaning method to remove
all residual material. - Inspect the sieves for any damage or wear and replace them if necessary.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the sieve shaker is placed on a stable, level surface before use.
 Handle the sieves carefully to avoid damaging the mesh.
 Avoid overloading the sieves to ensure accurate separation and prevent damage to the mesh.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check the sieves for any signs of wear or damage and replace them as needed.
 Clean the sieve shaker and sieves thoroughly after each use to maintain accuracy and prolong the
equipment's lifespan.
 Perform periodic maintenance and calibration of the sieve shaker according to the manufacturer's in-


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Digital TDS Meter

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The Digital Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter is used to measure the concentration of dissolved solids in
water or other solutions. This is essential for ensuring water quality in various applications, including phar-
maceuticals, environmental monitoring, and water treatment.

2. Procedure
1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the TDS meter is clean and dry. 1.2. Turn on the TDS meter and calibrate it
if required according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Operation 2.1. Calibration - Prepare a standard solution with a known TDS value. - Dip the elec-
trode of the TDS meter into the standard solution. - Adjust the calibration knob or setting until the
meter reads the correct TDS value of the standard solution.

2.2. Sample Measurement - Collect the water sample in a clean container. - Rinse the electrode with
distilled water and blot dry with a clean tissue. - Dip the electrode into the sample solution, ensuring
the electrodes are fully submerged. - Wait for the reading to stabilize and record the TDS value dis-
played on the meter.

3. After Measurement 3.1. Cleaning the Electrode - Rinse the electrode with distilled water to re-
move any residues. - Blot dry with a clean tissue.

3.2. Turning Off the Meter - Turn off the TDS meter after use to conserve battery life. - Store the
meter in a clean, dry place.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the electrode is fully submerged in the sample solution during measurement.
 Avoid touching the electrode to prevent contamination.
 Always use clean containers and distilled water for rinsing the electrode.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check and replace the batteries to ensure consistent performance.

 Clean the electrode thoroughly after each use to maintain accuracy.
 Calibrate the meter periodically according to the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure accurate read-

Prepared By:


University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee

Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Tablet Hardness Tester

University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The Tablet Hardness Tester is used to measure the breaking point and structural integrity of tablets. This is
essential for ensuring the tablets can withstand mechanical stresses during packaging, shipping, and handling
while maintaining their intended release properties.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the Tablet Hardness Tester is clean and dry. 1.2. Check that the device is
calibrated correctly as per the manufacturer's instructions. 1.3. Collect the tablets to be tested and re-
cord their identification details.
2. Operation 2.1. Pre-Test Setup - Turn on the Tablet Hardness Tester and allow it to stabilize. - Select
the appropriate test settings according to the tablet size and type.

2.2. Placing the Tablet - Place a single tablet in the designated position on the hardness tester. - En-
sure the tablet is properly aligned with the anvils.

2.3. Running the Test - Start the test by pressing the appropriate button or lever. - The machine will
apply a compressive force to the tablet until it breaks. - Record the force required to break the tablet
as displayed on the screen.

2.4. Repeat for All Samples - Repeat the test for the required number of samples, typically a min-
imum of 10 tablets. - Record all results systematically.

3. Post-Test Procedure 3.1. Cleaning the Apparatus - Clean the anvils and any other components that
come into contact with the tablets. - Use a suitable cleaning solution and ensure no residue is left be-

3.2. Recording and Analysis - Analyze the results to determine the average hardness and standard
deviation. - Compare the results against specified limits to ensure compliance.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the tablets carefully to avoid pre-test damage.

 Ensure the Tablet Hardness Tester is calibrated regularly to maintain accuracy.
 Avoid touching the anvils directly with your hands to prevent contamination.

4. Maintenance

 Perform regular maintenance checks as recommended by the manufacturer.

 Calibrate the device periodically to ensure accurate and consistent results.
 Keep the apparatus clean and dry when not in use to prevent corrosion and wear.


University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee

Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Deluxe Photo Colorimeter

University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The Deluxe Photo Colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of substances in a solution by determin-
ing the absorbance of specific wavelengths of light. This is essential for various analytical applications in
fields such as chemistry, biology, and environmental science.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the colorimeter and all its components are clean and dry. 1.2. Turn on the
colorimeter and allow it to warm up according to the manufacturer's instructions (usually a few
minutes). 1.3. Prepare the standard solutions and samples to be measured.
2. Operation 2.1. Calibration - Prepare a blank solution (usually the solvent used to dissolve the
sample). - Fill a clean cuvette with the blank solution. - Insert the cuvette into the colorimeter and set
the wavelength to the desired value. - Zero the instrument using the blank solution to set the absorb-
ance to zero.

2.2. Sample Measurement - Fill a clean cuvette with the sample solution. - Insert the cuvette into the
colorimeter. - Measure and record the absorbance value displayed on the screen. - Repeat the meas-
urement for all samples, ensuring the cuvettes are clean and free from scratches or fingerprints.

2.3. Standard Curve Preparation (if required) - Prepare a series of standard solutions with known
concentrations. - Measure the absorbance of each standard solution and record the values. - Plot the
absorbance values against the concentrations to create a standard curve. - Use the standard curve to
determine the concentration of unknown samples from their absorbance values.

3. Post-Test Procedure 3.1. Cleaning the Cuvettes - Rinse the cuvettes with distilled water after each
use to remove any residue. - Clean the cuvettes with a suitable cleaning solution if necessary and al-
low them to dry.

3.2. Turning Off the Colorimeter - Turn off the colorimeter after use to conserve the lamp and bat-
tery life. - Store the colorimeter in a clean, dry place.

3. General Precautions

 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid fingerprints on the optical surfaces.
 Ensure all solutions are free from bubbles as they can affect absorbance readings.
 Use the same cuvette for the blank and samples to minimize variations in the readings.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check and replace the lamp if necessary to ensure consistent performance.
 Clean the optical surfaces and cuvettes thoroughly to maintain accuracy.
 Perform periodic calibration and maintenance according to the manufacturer's instructions.


University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee

Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Abbeys Refractometer
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The Abbeys Refractometer is used to measure the refractive index of liquids and solids. This is essential for
identifying substances, determining concentrations, and assessing purity in various industries, including phar-
maceuticals, food, and chemicals.

2. Procedure

1. Preparation 1.1. Ensure the refractometer and all its components are clean and dry. 1.2. Turn on the
refractometer light source (if applicable) and allow it to stabilize. 1.3. Calibrate the refractometer us-
ing a standard reference liquid (e.g., distilled water).
2. Operation 2.1. Calibration - Clean the refractometer's measuring prism with a soft cloth and a suit-
able solvent (e.g., distilled water or ethanol). - Apply a few drops of the standard reference liquid onto
the measuring prism. - Close the cover plate carefully to spread the liquid evenly over the prism sur-
face. - Look through the eyepiece and adjust the calibration knob until the boundary line between the
light and dark fields is clearly visible and aligned with the crosshairs. - Record the refractive index
value. It should match the known value for the reference liquid. If not, adjust according to the manu-
facturer’s instructions.

2.2. Sample Measurement - Clean the measuring prism again to remove the reference liquid. - Ap-
ply a few drops of the sample liquid onto the measuring prism. - Close the cover plate to spread the
sample evenly over the prism surface. - Look through the eyepiece and read the refractive index value
directly from the scale or display. - Record the refractive index value of the sample.

2.3. Temperature Control - If the refractometer has a built-in temperature control unit, ensure it is
set to the desired temperature. - If not, use a water bath to maintain a constant temperature for the
sample during measurement.

3. Post-Test Procedure 3.1. Cleaning the Prism - Clean the prism and cover plate with a suitable
solvent after each measurement to prevent residue buildup. - Dry the prism with a soft cloth.

3.2. Turning Off the Refractometer - Turn off the light source and any other components when not
in use. - Store the refractometer in a clean, dry place.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the refractometer carefully to avoid damaging the prism.

 Ensure the sample is free from bubbles, as they can affect the accuracy of the refractive index read-
 Avoid using abrasive materials to clean the prism to prevent scratches.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly inspect the refractometer for any signs of wear or damage.

 Clean the optical components regularly to maintain accuracy.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Calibrate the refractometer periodically according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Counter Top Blender

1. Application

The blender is used for mixing, blending, and emulsifying various substances in the laboratory. It is essential
for preparing homogeneous mixtures and solutions.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Ensure the blender and its components are clean and dry.
2. Assemble the blender by attaching the blending jar to the base.
3. Ensure the lid is securely placed on the jar to prevent spillage.

2.2 Operation

1. Loading the Blender:

o Open the lid and add the substances to be blended into the jar.
o Do not exceed the maximum fill line indicated on the jar.
2. Starting the Blender:
o Connect the blender to the power supply.
o Select the desired speed setting based on the nature of the substances being blended.
o Start the blender by pressing the power button.
3. Blending:
o Allow the blender to run for the specified time or until the mixture reaches the desired consis-
o If necessary, pause the blender to scrape down the sides of the jar with a spatula to ensure
even blending.
4. Stopping the Blender:
o Turn off the blender by pressing the power button.
o Disconnect the blender from the power supply.

2.3 Post-Operation

1. Unloading the Blender:

o Remove the lid carefully to avoid any spillage.
o Pour out the blended mixture into a suitable container.
2. Cleaning the Blender:
o Disassemble the blending jar from the base.
o Rinse the jar, lid, and blade assembly with warm water.
o Use a mild detergent and a brush to clean the components thoroughly.
o Rinse all parts with clean water and allow them to air dry.
o Wipe the base unit with a damp cloth and dry it with a clean towel.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the blender is placed on a stable, level surface during operation.

 Do not operate the blender with an empty jar.
 Avoid overfilling the blender to prevent overflow and damage to the motor.
 Do not immerse the base unit in water or any other liquid.
 Handle the blade assembly with care to avoid injury.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly check the blender for any signs of wear or damage.

 Ensure the blades are sharp and free from rust or corrosion.
 Clean the blender thoroughly after each use to prevent contamination and buildup of residues.
 Store the blender in a clean, dry place when not in use.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Turbidity Meter

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The turbidity meter is used for measuring the turbidity (cloudiness or haziness) of a liquid sample, which is
an important parameter for assessing water quality and clarity in various laboratory and field settings.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Inspection:
o Ensure the turbidity meter is clean and free from any visible damage.
o Check that the batteries are charged or the device is properly connected to a power supply.
o Ensure the calibration standards are available and within their expiration date.
2. Calibration:
o Turn on the turbidity meter and allow it to warm up according to the manufacturer's instruc-
o Use the calibration standards provided by the manufacturer to calibrate the turbidity meter.
o Follow the on-screen prompts or the manual instructions to complete the calibration process.
o Record the calibration results in the logbook.

2.2 Operation

1. Sample Preparation:
o Collect the liquid sample to be tested in a clean, clear sample vial.
o Ensure there are no air bubbles or particulate matter that could affect the reading.
o Wipe the outside of the sample vial with a lint-free cloth to remove any moisture or finger-
2. Measurement:
o Insert the sample vial into the turbidity meter’s sample chamber.
o Close the lid or cover to prevent external light interference.
o Press the measurement button to obtain the turbidity reading.
o Record the reading in the logbook along with the sample identification and date.

2.3 Post-Operation

1. Cleaning:
o Remove the sample vial from the sample chamber.
o Rinse the sample vial with distilled water and allow it to air dry.
o Clean the sample chamber with a soft, dry cloth.
2. Storage:
o Turn off the turbidity meter and disconnect it from the power supply.
o Store the turbidity meter and its accessories in a clean, dry place.
o Ensure the calibration standards are properly sealed and stored according to the manufacturer's

3. General Precautions
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Handle the turbidity meter and sample vials with care to avoid damage and contamination.
 Avoid exposing the sample vials and the sample chamber to direct sunlight or bright light during
 Ensure the sample vial is properly cleaned and free from scratches or marks that could affect the tur-
bidity reading.
 Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for calibration and maintenance to ensure accurate and reliable

4. Maintenance

 Regularly inspect the turbidity meter and its components for any signs of wear or damage.
 Replace the batteries as needed or ensure the power supply is functioning correctly.
 Keep the calibration standards and sample vials clean and properly stored.
 Perform routine calibration checks as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain the accuracy of
the turbidity meter.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Conductivity Meter
1. Application

The conductivity meter is used for measuring the electrical conductivity of a liquid sample, which indicates
the ionic content and overall quality of the water. This is crucial for various laboratory and field analyses.

2. Procedure
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Inspection:
o Ensure the conductivity meter and its probe are clean and free from visible damage.
o Check that the batteries are charged or the device is properly connected to a power supply.
o Ensure the calibration standards (KCl solutions) are available and within their expiration date.

2. Calibration:
o Turn on the conductivity meter and allow it to warm up according to the manufacturer's in-
o Rinse the probe with distilled water and gently blot it dry with a lint-free cloth.
o Immerse the probe in the first calibration standard solution.
o Follow the on-screen prompts or manual instructions to calibrate the meter.
o Repeat the process with additional standard solutions if multi-point calibration is required.
o Record the calibration results in the logbook.

2.2 Operation

1. Sample Preparation:
o Collect the liquid sample in a clean beaker.
o Ensure there are no air bubbles or particulate matter that could affect the reading.
o Rinse the conductivity probe with distilled water and gently blot it dry with a lint-free cloth.

2. Measurement:
o Immerse the conductivity probe in the sample solution, ensuring it is fully submerged.
o Stir the sample gently to ensure homogeneity.
o Allow the reading to stabilize, then record the conductivity value displayed on the meter.
o Record the reading in the logbook along with the sample identification and date.

2.3 Post-Operation

1. Cleaning:
o Rinse the probe thoroughly with distilled water.
o Gently blot the probe dry with a lint-free cloth.
o Clean the sample beaker with distilled water and allow it to air dry.

2. Storage:
o Turn off the conductivity meter and disconnect it from the power supply.
o Store the conductivity meter and its probe in a clean, dry place.
o Ensure the calibration standards are properly sealed and stored according to the manufacturer's

3. General Precautions
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Handle the conductivity meter and probe with care to avoid damage and contamination.
 Avoid exposing the probe to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures during measurements.
 Ensure the sample beaker is properly cleaned and free from residues that could affect the conductivity
 Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for calibration and maintenance to ensure accurate and reliable

4. Maintenance

 Regularly inspect the conductivity meter and its probe for any signs of wear or damage.
 Replace the batteries as needed or ensure the power supply is functioning correctly.
 Keep the calibration standards and sample beakers clean and properly stored.
 Perform routine calibration checks as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain the accuracy of
the conductivity meter.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Friability Apparatus
1. Application

The friability apparatus is used to determine the mechanical strength of tablets. It measures the ability of tab-
lets to withstand abrasion in handling, packaging, and shipping.

2. Procedure
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Inspection:
o Ensure the friability apparatus is clean and free from any visible damage.
o Check that the drum is properly attached and free from any residues.
o Ensure the power supply is functioning correctly.

2. Sample Preparation:
o Select a sample of tablets, typically 20 units or a number equivalent to 6.5 grams.
o Ensure the tablets are free from defects and are within their expiration date.

2.2 Operation

1. Weighing the Tablets:

o Accurately weigh the selected tablets and record the initial weight (W1).

2. Loading the Drum:

o Place the weighed tablets into the drum of the friability apparatus.
o Close the drum securely to prevent any tablets from falling out during the test.

3. Setting the Apparatus:

o Set the apparatus to rotate at a speed of 25 revolutions per minute (rpm).
o Set the timer for 4 minutes or for 100 revolutions, as per the standard method.

4. Running the Test:

o Start the friability apparatus and allow it to run for the set time or number of revolutions.
o Once the test is complete, stop the apparatus and carefully remove the tablets from the drum.

5. Post-Test Weighing:
o Remove any dust or broken tablet fragments by sieving the tablets.
o Accurately weigh the tablets again and record the final weight (W2).

2.3 Calculation

1. Friability Calculation:
o Calculate the percentage of weight loss using the formula:

Friability (%)=(W1−W2W1)×100\text{Friability (\%)} = \left( \frac{W1 - W2}{W1} \right) \

times 100Friability (%)=(W1W1−W2)×100

2. Recording Results:
o Record the initial weight (W1), final weight (W2), and the calculated friability percentage in
the logbook.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

o If the friability is greater than 1%, the batch does not meet the acceptance criteria and should
be investigated further.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the friability apparatus and tablets with care to avoid contamination and damage.
 Ensure the drum is securely closed before starting the test to prevent any loss of tablets.
 Clean the friability apparatus thoroughly after each use to prevent cross-contamination between dif-
ferent batches of tablets.
 Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for operating and maintaining the friability apparatus.

4. Maintenance

 Regularly inspect the friability apparatus for any signs of wear or damage.
 Clean the drum and other components thoroughly after each test.
 Ensure the apparatus is calibrated periodically as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to main-
tain accuracy.
 Store the friability apparatus in a clean, dry place when not in use.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Tissue Homogenizer
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The tissue homogenizer is used to disrupt and homogenize biological samples, such as tissues, cells, and
plant material, for downstream analysis. It ensures the uniformity of the sample by breaking it into smaller,
consistent pieces.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Inspection:
o Ensure the tissue homogenizer and its components are clean and free from any visible dam-
o Check that all necessary accessories (blades, probes, containers) are available and in good
o Ensure the power supply is functioning correctly.

2. Sample Preparation:
o Prepare the biological sample by cutting it into small, manageable pieces if necessary.
o Weigh and record the sample weight if required for the experiment.
o Place the sample in a suitable homogenizing container (e.g., tube, beaker).

2.2 Operation

1. Setting Up the Homogenizer:

o Attach the appropriate probe or blade to the homogenizer according to the manufacturer's in-
o Secure the homogenizing container in the holder or clamp.
o If using a cooling system, ensure it is set up and ready to maintain the sample's temperature.

2. Homogenizing the Sample:

o Insert the probe or blade into the sample container.
o Set the desired speed and time parameters on the homogenizer.
o Turn on the homogenizer and gradually increase the speed to the set level.
o Monitor the homogenization process to ensure the sample is adequately disrupted.
o If needed, pause the homogenizer to scrape down the sides of the container to ensure even ho-

3. Completion:
o Once the desired consistency is achieved, turn off the homogenizer and remove the probe or
blade from the container.
o Inspect the homogenized sample for uniformity and completeness.

2.3 Post-Operation

1. Cleaning:
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

o Disassemble the probe or blade from the homogenizer.

o Rinse the probe or blade with distilled water to remove any remaining sample.
o Use a mild detergent and a brush to clean the probe, blade, and container thoroughly.
o Rinse all parts with clean water and allow them to air dry or dry with a clean cloth.
o Wipe the main unit with a damp cloth if necessary.

2. Storage:
o Reassemble the cleaned components or store them in a clean, dry place.
o Turn off and disconnect the homogenizer from the power supply.
o Store the homogenizer in a designated area, ensuring it is protected from dust and damage.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the tissue homogenizer and its components with care to avoid damage and contamination.
 Ensure the homogenizer is placed on a stable, level surface during operation.
 Avoid overloading the homogenizer with too large or too hard samples to prevent damage to the
probe or blade.
 Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the operation, maintenance, and calibration of the tissue ho-

4. Maintenance

 Regularly inspect the tissue homogenizer and its components for any signs of wear or damage.
 Clean the homogenizer thoroughly after each use to prevent cross-contamination.
 Perform routine maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure the accuracy and
longevity of the equipment.
 Keep a maintenance log to record any issues and actions taken.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

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