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University College of Pharmacy

Standard Operating Procedure


1. Application

The autoclave is used for sterilizing laboratory equipment, media, and other materials by using high-pressure
saturated steam. Proper sterilization is essential to maintain aseptic conditions and ensure the accuracy of ex-
perimental results.

2. Procedure

1. Open the lid of the autoclave by pressing the steel base at the bottom.
2. Remove both the perforated steel baskets from the autoclave.
3. Pour enough purified water into the autoclave such that the heating coils are completely submerged
in water.
4. Replace the stainless steel baskets back into the autoclave.
5. Load the material to be sterilized into the basket.
6. Close the lid and clamp the screws in place.
7. Connect the main cord to the supply socket and switch it on.
8. Heater will be on and the temperature starts to increase.
9. Solenoid valve will be off when the temperature reaches 100°C and pressure gauge shows the pres-
10. When the pressure gauge shows a reading of 15 lbs and the temperature display shows 121° C.
11. Timer will be on and time starts to decrease in minutes. The heater will be cut on and cut off to
maintain the pressure at 15 lbs and the temperature at 121°C.
12. At the end of 15 minutes switch off the heater and the solenoid valve will be on to release the
steam pressure. Pressure starts falling.
13. When the temperature reaches below 100°C, Solenoid valve will be off and allow the autoclave to
cool for 15 minutes.
14. Unclamp the screws and unload the sterilized material.
15. Use separate autoclave for sterilization and decontamination process.

3. General Precautions

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.

University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

4. Maintenance

 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure


1. Application

The Laminar Airflow (LAF) hood is used to create a sterile environment by providing a continuous flow of
HEPA-filtered air. This is essential for preventing contamination during microbiological procedures, cell cul-
ture work, and sterile compounding.

2. Procedure

1. In front of the blower, there lies a mechanism through which air blown from the blower produces air velo-
city along parallel flow lines.

2. Inside the chamber one fluorescent tube and the other UV tube are fitted. Two switches for these tubes and
a separate switch for regulating of air, the air flow is fitted outside the apparatus.

3. Before starting to work in the laminar flow hood, turn on the blower and wipe out the sterile area with 70%
alcohol soaked piece of cotton.

4. Let the blower run continuously for 30 minutes. When this time has passed, repeat the wipe out of the
sterile area with 70% alcohol soaked piece of cotton.
5. Switch on the UV light for a period of 30 minutes so as to kill the germs, if any present in the area of
working space.

6. The front cover sheet of the apparatus is opened to keep the desired material inside. The air blower is set at
the desired degree, so that the air inside the chamber is expelled because the air inside the chamber may be
contaminated/may bring contaminants.

7. Sit properly in front of the chamber again, wipe the working table with alcohol to reduce the contaminants.
All the works related to pouring, plating, streaking etc., are to be carried out in the flame zone of the burner
or spirit lamp.

8. In microbiology laboratory, horizontal type of laminar air flow is used to supply the air through the filter.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the HEPA filter is properly maintained and replaced as needed.

 Do not block the airflow vents to ensure effective operation.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.
 Be cautious when working with open flames or volatile chemicals inside the LAF hood.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

4. Maintenance

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

pH Meter
1. Application

The pH meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of solutions in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Remove the electrode dipped in electrode buffer (3M KCI)
3. Rinse with distilled water.
4. Dry the outer surfaces of the electrode with a clean dry tissue.
5. Dip electrode in solution whose pH has to be measured.
6. After use rinse the electrode in distilled water, dry and dip the electrode back in the electrode
7. Switch off the instrument after use.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the pH electrode with care to avoid breakage or damage.

 Always rinse the electrode with distilled water between measurements to avoid cross-contamination.
 Ensure the calibration buffers are fresh and properly prepared.

4. Maintenance

 Rinse the electrode with distilled water before and after each use. Store the electrode in the appropri-
ate storage solution.
 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The colorimeter is used to measure the absorbance of specific wavelengths of light by a solution, which is es-
sential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Turn On the Colorimeter: Press the power button to switch on the colorimeter and allow it to warm up
as per the manufacturer's instructions (typically 15-30 minutes).
2. Select the Wavelength: Set the colorimeter to the appropriate wavelength for the analysis, based on
the absorbance maximum of the analyte.

2.2 Calibration

1. Prepare Calibration Standards: Prepare a series of standard solutions of known concentrations.

2. Fill the Cuvette with Blank: Fill a clean cuvette with the blank solution (usually the solvent used to
dissolve the analyte).
3. Zero the Colorimeter: Place the blank cuvette in the colorimeter and press the zero button to calibrate
the instrument to the blank.
4. Measure Calibration Standards: Replace the blank with each standard solution cuvette in turn, record-
ing the absorbance for each.
5. Create Calibration Curve: Plot the absorbance against the concentration to create a calibration curve.

2.3 Sample Measurement

1. Prepare Sample Solutions: Ensure the sample solutions are prepared as required.
2. Rinse and Fill Cuvette: Rinse a clean cuvette with a small amount of the sample solution, discard the
rinse, and then fill the cuvette with the sample solution.
3. Measure Absorbance: Place the cuvette in the colorimeter and record the absorbance.
4. Repeat Measurements: Repeat the measurement for all sample solutions.

2.4 After Use

1. Turn Off the Colorimeter: Press the power button to switch off the colorimeter.
2. Clean the Cuvettes: Rinse and clean the cuvettes thoroughly with distilled water. Allow them to air
dry or dry them with a lint-free tissue.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure all cuvettes are clean and free from fingerprints or residues before use.
 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid contaminating the optical path.
 Ensure the colorimeter is on a stable, level surface to avoid vibrations during measurements.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

4. Maintenance

 Clean the exterior of the colorimeter and ensure it is free from dust and spills.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The incubator is used to maintain and cultivate microbiological cultures or cell cultures at a constant temper-
ature, which is essential for various experimental procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Ensure that the incubator is properly connected to the power supply and Switch on the main
2. Turn on the red colour power knob towards 0-1.
3. To set the incubator at 22°C , set the lower temperature 21°C by pressing the ‘SET POINT -1’
and simultaneously adjust the temperature with the help of screw of SET and RST by screw
4. Set the incubator temperature to 22°C. Wait till the set temperature is reached.
5. Take a calibrated thermometer and dip it in a 500 ml beaker filled to 3/4 of the volume with
Glycerol AR grade.
6. Keep the beaker inside, at the center of the incubator. Close the incubator door. Allow the
temperature to equilibrate for 30 minutes.
7. By following the same procedure as above carry out calibration by setting the incubator tem-
perature to 37°C, 44°C and 55°C
8. Record any discrepancy observed during operation or during temperature monitoring to Qual-
ity Control Executive and notify the defect to technical assistant for rectification. Affix
“BREAK DOWN” label on the instrument

3. General Precautions

 Ensure that the power supply to the incubator is switched ‘OFF’.

 Dedust the incubator daily externally with a clean dry cloth.
 Once a week remove adhered dust by wet mopping using detergent solution. Afterwards wipe
the surface with a clean dry cloth to remove traces of detergent.

4. Maintenance

 Once a week remove adhered dust by wet mopping using detergent solution. Afterwards wipe the sur-
face with a clean dry cloth to remove traces of detergent.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The microscope is used to magnify and examine small or minute specimens that are not visible to the naked
eye, which is essential for various analytical and educational procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Clean the Work Area: Ensure the workspace is clean and free from dust and debris.
2. Turn On the Microscope: Connect the microscope to a power source and switch it on.
3. Adjust the Light Source: Set the light source to an appropriate intensity for the specimen being exam-

2.2 Setting Up the Microscope

1. Position the Specimen: Place the slide with the specimen on the stage and secure it with the stage
2. Select Objective Lens: Start with the lowest magnification objective lens (usually 4x or 10x).
3. Focus the Specimen:
o Coarse Adjustment: Use the coarse adjustment knob to bring the specimen into rough focus.
o Fine Adjustment: Use the fine adjustment knob to achieve a clear, sharp image.

2.3 Viewing the Specimen

1. Center the Specimen: Ensure the specimen is centered in the field of view.
2. Increase Magnification: If higher magnification is needed, carefully rotate the nosepiece to select a
higher power objective lens (e.g., 40x, 100x).
3. Refocus: Use the fine adjustment knob to refine the focus after changing the objective lens.

2.4 After Use

1. Lower the Stage: Lower the stage to its lowest position using the coarse adjustment knob.
2. Remove the Slide: Carefully remove the slide from the stage and clean it if necessary.
3. Turn Off the Microscope: Switch off the light source and unplug the microscope if required.
4. Cover the Microscope: Use a dust cover to protect the microscope when not in use.

3. General Precautions

 Handle slides and coverslips with care to avoid breakage.

 Always start with the lowest magnification and work up to higher magnifications.
 Do not force the adjustment knobs; use gentle movements to prevent damage.
 Clean the lenses with lens paper or a soft cloth to avoid scratches.

4. Maintenance
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Clean the lenses with lens paper, wipe down the stage and body of the microscope, and cover the mi-
croscope after use.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Incubation Chamber
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The incubation chamber is used to maintain a controlled environment for the cultivation of microbiological
cultures or cell cultures at a specific temperature, humidity, and CO₂ concentration, which is essential for
various experimental procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Clean the Chamber: Ensure the interior of the incubation chamber is clean and free from any contami-
2. Turn On the Incubation Chamber: Switch on the chamber and set the desired temperature, humidity,
and CO₂ concentration according to the experimental requirements.
3. Preheat the Chamber: Allow the chamber to reach the set conditions before placing any samples in-
side. This may take some time depending on the settings.

2.2 Loading Samples

1. Prepare Samples: Ensure all samples are properly labeled and sealed to prevent contamination.
2. Arrange Samples: Place the samples in the chamber. Ensure there is sufficient space between them
for air circulation.
3. Close the Door: Close the incubation chamber door securely to maintain a stable environment.

2.3 Monitoring

1. Check Conditions: Regularly monitor the temperature, humidity, and CO₂ levels to ensure they re-
main constant. Adjust the settings if necessary.
2. Record Data: Document the environmental conditions and any observations in the lab notebook or
data sheet.

2.4 Unloading Samples

1. Remove Samples: Once the incubation period is complete, open the door and carefully remove the
2. Close the Door: Close the chamber door to maintain the internal environment for any remaining sam-

2.5 After Use

1. Turn Off the Incubation Chamber: If no further incubation is required, turn off the chamber.
2. Clean the Interior: Wipe down the interior with a suitable disinfectant to prevent any microbial con-
3. Document Usage: Record the usage details and any maintenance performed in the lab logbook.

3. General Precautions
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

 Ensure all samples are sealed to prevent contamination.

 Do not overload the chamber to ensure proper air circulation and temperature consistency.
 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats and gloves when handling samples.

4. Maintenance

 Wipe down the exterior and check the temperature, humidity, and CO₂ settings.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Laminar Air Flow

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The laminar air flow (LAF) cabinet is used to provide a sterile environment for the manipulation of biolo-
gical samples and other sensitive materials by filtering air to remove contaminants. This is essential for vari-
ous experimental procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch “ON” the mains. Switch “OFF” U.V light

2. Switch “ON” laminar air flow and light
3. Check and ensure manometer reading “0” mm of water gauge before switching “ON”. Check and en-
sure the manometer reading between 10 to 15 mm water gauge after switching “ON” the LAF and
keep the record of reading
4. In case the manometer reading is found out of limit, inform maintenance department for corrective
5. Clean the LAF bench with 70% IPA before use and after completion of work

3. General Precautions

 Validate the LAF twice a year by the third party for DOP test/smoke Test for air velocity and for non-
viable particle count. Maintain U.V light burning record

4. Maintenance

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The centrifuge is used to separate components of a mixture based on their densities by spinning them at high
speeds, which is essential for various analytical and preparative procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Press the start/stop button and slowly increase the rpm to the desired speed using the dial
2. Once a run is complete, make sure the rotor has COMPLETELY STOPPED before opening the cent-
rifuge lid by depressing the red stop/start button.
3. Remove sample vials.
4. Remember to return the rpm dial back to zero after finishing.

3. General Precautions

 Proper handling of the instrument

 Ensure level and stability
 Balance centrifuge tubes equally
 Ensure use of rubber cushion for glass tubes
 Bring speed Knob to off and increase the speed gradually
 Do not open the lid in between the centrifugation cycle

4. Maintenance

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Electric Stirrer
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The electric stirrer is used to mix solutions, suspensions, and other liquid samples to ensure homogeneity,
which is essential for various experimental procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. The cleanliness of the stirrer must be ensured.

2. Fix the shaft or propeller to the motor. Keep the shaft into the suspension to the half of the
depth of suspension or up to that level so that suspension should not flush out.
3. Put “ON” the electric supply and start the stirring.
4. Stirring is carried out until uniform slurry is obtained or for specified time period.
5. Switch “OFF” the mains after completion of the operation. 6. The equipment must be cleaned
after the use.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the stirring rod is securely attached to prevent it from coming loose during operation.
 Do not run the stirrer at excessive speeds to avoid splashing or spilling the solution.
 Keep the instrument clean and dry.

4. Maintenance

 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Photo Colorimeter
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The photo colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of substances in a solution by detecting the ab-
sorbance of specific wavelengths of light, which is essential for various analytical procedures in the phar-
macy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Insert plug in the socket.

2. Switch on the instrument at least 15 minutes before use.
3. Ensure to keep water blank before switching on the instrument.
4. Set the required wavelength.
5. Select %T using the knob and adjust to 100%.
6. Switch the knob to O.D which should be zero.
7. Clean the cuvettes after use.
8. Make an entry in the log book.

3. General Precautions

 Keep the instrument clean and dry.

4. Maintenance

 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Auto Colorimeter
1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The auto colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of substances in a solution by detecting the absorb-
ance of specific wavelengths of light. This automated instrument simplifies and speeds up the process of col-
orimetric analysis, essential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Insert plug in the socket.

2. Switch on the instrument at least 15 minutes before use.
3. Ensure to keep water blank before switching on the instrument.
4. Set the required wavelength.
5. Select %T using the knob and adjust to 100%.
6. Switch the knob to O.D which should be zero.
7. Clean the cuvettes after use.
8. Make an entry in the log book..

3. General Precautions

 Handle cuvettes by the frosted sides to avoid fingerprints on the optical surfaces.
 Ensure all solutions are free from bubbles as they can affect absorbance readings.
 Use the same cuvette for the blank and samples to minimize variations in the readings.

4. Maintenance

 Wipe down the exterior and clean the cuvette holder after each use.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Digital pH Meter
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

1. Application

The digital pH meter is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. Accurate pH measurement is
essential for various analytical procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Remove the electrode dipped in electrode buffer (3M KCI)
3. Rinse with distilled water.
4. Dry the outer surfaces of the electrode with a clean dry tissue.
5. Dip electrode in solution whose pH has to be measured.
6. After use rinse the electrode in distilled water, dry and dip the electrode back in the electrode
7. Switch off the instrument after use.

3. General Precautions

 Handle the pH electrode with care to avoid breakage or damage.

 Always rinse the electrode with distilled water between measurements to avoid cross-contamination.
 Ensure the calibration buffers are fresh and properly prepared.

4. Maintenance

 Rinse the electrode with distilled water before and after each use. Store the electrode in the appropri-
ate storage solution.
 Surface area should be cleaned.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

Colony Counter Apparatus

1. Application
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

The colony counter apparatus is used to count colonies of microorganisms grown on agar plates. Accurate
colony counting is essential for various microbiological analyses in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Sampling Procedure:

 Put 0.1ml of water sample on the nutrient agar medium.

 Spread it with the help of spreader.

 Now, incubate the plates at 370C for 18-24hrs.

 Count the colonies appeared.

2.2 Cleaning and operating procedure

 Clean the colony counter with lint free cloth.

 Clean the magnifying lens with lint free cloth.

 Switch on the main power supply to the colony counter.

 Press the “MAINS” switch on the panel to start the instrument. The digital display will dis-
play ‘0’.

 Place the petridish in which colonies has to be counted in inverted position on the stage below
the magnifying lens.

 Check the ink in the probe before taking the count.

 Observe through the magnifying lens mark the colonies with the help of the probe pen by
pressing it lightly on the petridish till a beep is heard. The count will display on the digital

 After counting the colonies, remove the petridish from the stage.

 Press the ‘RESET’ key before checking the colonies of another plate. Ensure that the digital
display reads ‘0’.

 Press the ‘MAINS’ key to switch off the instrument.

 After use, once again clean the instrument with lint free cloth.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

2.3 Calibration procedure (Frequency: Once in 6 months and after each maintenance job):

 Check the colony counter is properly connected to the power supply.

 Check the ink in the probe pen before taking count. Ensure that the digital display displays

 Manually press the probe pen lightly against a clean glass surface 25, 50, 100, 150, each time
ensuring that a beep is heard.

 After marking the colonies with probe pen 25, 50, 100, 150 on the glass surface, check the dis-
play on the digital counter.

 The count display should be 25, 50, 100, 150 ± 01.

 Report any discrepancy at the time of calibration or operating the instrument, to the head-QC

 Maintain the record of calibration of colony counter as per Annexure-I..

3. General Precautions

 Ensure the agar plates are free from condensation or excess moisture that might interfere with count-
 Handle the plates gently to avoid disturbing the colonies.
 Use such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Wipe down the exterior and platform of the colony counter after each use.
 Inspect the lenses and lighting components, and clean them if necessary.
 Perform a thorough inspection and cleaning of all components. Check the calibration and operation of
the counter.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Weighing Balance

1. Application

The weighing balance is used to measure the mass of substances accurately. Precise weighing is essential for
various analytical and preparative procedures in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Clean the Work Area: Ensure the workspace around the weighing balance is clean and free from clut-
2. Inspect the Balance: Check the weighing balance for any visible damage and ensure it is clean and
properly maintained.
3. Level the Balance: Ensure the balance is placed on a stable, vibration-free surface and is properly lev-

2.2 Calibration of the Balance

1. Turn On the Balance: Switch on the weighing balance and allow it to warm up if required.
2. Internal Calibration: Perform internal calibration using the balance's built-in calibration feature, if
3. External Calibration: If internal calibration is not available or additional accuracy is needed, use certi-
fied calibration weights to calibrate the balance.
o Place the calibration weight on the balance.
o Adjust the balance to read the exact mass of the calibration weight according to the manufac-
turer's instructions.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

2.3 Weighing Samples

1. Tare the Balance: Place an empty container or weighing paper on the balance and tare (zero) the bal-
2. Add Sample: Carefully add the sample to the container or weighing paper. Avoid spillage and ensure
the sample is evenly distributed.
3. Read Mass: Allow the reading to stabilize and record the mass displayed on the balance.
4. Repeat: Repeat the process for each sample, ensuring the balance is tared between each measurement.

2.4 After Use

1. Turn Off the Balance: Switch off the weighing balance after all measurements are complete.
2. Clean the Balance: Wipe down the balance with a suitable brush or cloth to remove any residue.
3. Document Results: Record all measurements and any relevant observations in the lab notebook.
4. Clean the Equipment: Ensure the balance area is clean and dry.

3. General Precautions

 Avoid placing wet or hot items directly on the balance to prevent damage.
 Handle all substances carefully to avoid spillage and contamination.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Clean the balance and surrounding area after each use. Check for any visible damage.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Bacterial Incubator
1. Application

The bacterial incubator is used to grow and maintain bacterial cultures at a constant, controlled temperature.
Proper incubation is essential for various microbiological analyses in the pharmacy laboratory.

2. Procedure

2.1 Preparation

1. Clean the Work Area: Ensure the workspace around the bacterial incubator is clean and free from
2. Inspect the Incubator: Check the bacterial incubator for any visible damage and ensure it is clean and
properly maintained.
3. Prepare the Cultures: Ensure that the bacterial cultures are properly prepared, labeled, and ready for

2.2 Setting Up the Incubator

1. Turn On the Incubator: Switch on the bacterial incubator and allow it to warm up to the desired tem-
2. Set Temperature: Adjust the temperature settings according to the experimental requirements (e.g.,
37°C for most bacterial cultures).
3. Monitor Temperature: Allow the incubator to reach the set temperature and stabilize before placing
any samples inside. Use an external thermometer to verify the temperature if necessary.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

2.3 Loading Samples

1. Place Samples: Open the incubator door and carefully place the culture plates or tubes on the shelves.
Ensure that the samples are evenly spaced to allow for proper air circulation.
2. Close the Door: Close the incubator door securely to maintain the internal temperature.

2.4 Incubation Process

1. Monitor Conditions: Periodically check the temperature and humidity (if applicable) to ensure they
remain constant.
2. Record Observations: Note any changes in the samples at regular intervals as required by the experi-
mental protocol.

2.5 After Incubation

1. Remove Samples: Once the incubation period is complete, carefully remove the samples from the in-
2. Turn Off the Incubator: Switch off the bacterial incubator if it is no longer needed.
3. Clean the Incubator: Wipe down the interior of the incubator with a suitable disinfectant to prevent
4. Document Results: Record all observations and results in the lab notebook.

3. General Precautions

 Handle all bacterial cultures using appropriate aseptic techniques to prevent contamination.
 Ensure the incubator door is closed properly to maintain the set temperature.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Wipe down the exterior and interior of the incubator after each use. Check for any visible damage or
 Inspect the incubator for proper functioning and clean the shelves and interior surfaces thoroughly.


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure

Magnetic Stirrer
1. Application

The magnetic stirrer is used to mix solutions uniformly by rotating a magnetic stir bar placed in the container.
Proper use of the magnetic stirrer is essential for various analytical and preparative procedures in the phar-
macy laboratory.

2. Procedure

1. Switch on the instrument.

2. Set temperature by turning the temperature knob in clockwise direction.
3. To select a speed turn the “SPEED” control clockwise until the desired mixing action is
achieved. The illuminated “STIR” pilot light shows when the unit is stirring. Stirring capabil-
ity is 100-1000.
4. Turn off the temperature and speed knob, then switch off the instrument.

3. General Precautions

 Ensure that the container used is compatible with the magnetic stirrer and is stable.
 Handle all substances carefully to avoid spillage and contamination.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety glasses.

4. Maintenance

 Clean the magnetic stirrer and surrounding area after each use. Check for any visible damage.
University College of Pharmacy
Standard Operating Procedure


Mr. Faizul Hasan Dr. Angshu Banerjee
Asst. Professor DEAN University College of Pharmacy

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