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How to read anyone’s character


7 timeless tips:
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Evaluating character accurately is
one of life's most valuable skills.

It will save you time, money, and


As the cliché says, "we are the

average of the five people we
spend the most time with."

Here are 7 timeless ways to

understand someone's character
1. Observe Their Partner

Who people choose to partner

with says more than anything they

It tells us more about their

desires, assumptions, and needs
than anything else.

It indicates their priorities and

values, as well as what they think
of themselves.
2. Observe How They Handle No

Rejection is a big part of life.

Those who take "No" poorly

usually have an overinflated sense
of entitlement.

The world owes no one anything.

Those who accept and live by this

are people you can share bad
news with easily.
3. Observe How They Handle

Freedom of any kind—time,

money, or network—is a huge

But unfortunately, it tends to

amplify one's negative qualities.

The characters you want by your

side are those who are gracious in
victory and defeat.
4. Observe Their Upbringing

People’s character and ability to

handle challenges are formed
during the first two decades of

It's rarely a surprise to find those

with the highest levels of
resilience as those who have
endured the most heartache in
their upbringing.
5. Observe Their Calendar &

How someone spends their time

and money reveals explicitly what
they value.

"Show me your calendar and I'll

show you your future."

Actions—or the flow of time and

money—reveal what a person is
far better than words.
6. Observe Their Talk-To-Listen

In a social setting, someone can

talk with others, listen, or avoid

Listeners are rare, valuable, and


Exceptional listening correlates

strongly with self-awareness, and
self-awareness is a key indicator
of character.
7. Observe The Small Things

This is a universal rule that many

must learn the hard way.

People who are dishonest in small

things will be dishonest in big
things as well.

The little actions and words that

people make tell you a lot about
how they act and what they think.

1. Observe Their Partner

2. Observe How They Handle No
3. Observe How They Handle
4. Observe Their Upbringing
5. Observe Their Calendar &
6. Observe Their Talk-To-Listen
7. Observe The Small Things
That's a wrap!

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