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What is Climate Change?

Alright, so climate change is like the long-term weather and temperature shifts.
Sometimes, this happens naturally because of stuff like changes in the sun's behavior
or really big volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, it's mostly us humans causing it.
We're burning things like coal, oil, and gas, which messes with the climate.
When we burn these fossil fuels, it lets out greenhouse gases. These are like a comfy
blanket around the Earth, trapping in the sun's heat and making things warmer.
The main troublemakers causing climate change are carbon dioxide and methane. You
get these from things like driving a car (using gasoline) or heating a building with coal.
Plus, when we clear land and chop down forests, we let out more carbon dioxide.
Agriculture, as well as oil and gas operations, are also big sources of methane. So
basically, the main culprits are energy, industry, transport, buildings, agriculture, and
how we use land. They're the ones spitting out all these greenhouse gases.
According to the US Climate Action, coal, oil, and gas, which are fossil fuels, are the
biggest players in making the Earth's climate wonky. They're responsible for more than
75 percent of the greenhouse gases causing global warming, and almost 90 percent of
the carbon dioxide emissions.
As these greenhouse gases build up, they act like a blanket around the Earth, trapping
the sun's heat. This heats up the planet and messes with the climate. Right now, things
are heating up faster than ever before in history. With time, this extra heat is messing up
how the weather works and throwing off the natural balance of things. This is risky for
us humans and all the other creatures on Earth.
Actions for a healthy planet
 Save energy at home. Much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil
and gas.
 Change your home's source of energy.
 Walk, bike or take public transport.
 Switch to an electric vehicle.
 Consider your travel.
 Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle.
 Eat more vegetables.
 Throw away less food.

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