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Year 12 HSC Mathematics Advanced

2024 Assessment Task 3 – Calculus Assignment

Name: Teacher Name and Class:
Mr Dang – 12MB711
Ms Zhang – 12MB712
Mr Setchell – 12 MC711
Issue Date: Due Date:
Term 2 Week 7 Term 2 Week 10 Wednesday (3rd July) 23:59
Task Type: Total marks:
Assignment 100%
Weighting: References and Topics:
Maths in Focus Year 11 and 12 MATHEMATICS ADVANCED
20% – Chapter 6 (Year 11)
– Chapter 4 and 5 (Year 12).

Outcomes to be assessed:
A student:
• Applies calculus techniques to model and solve problems (MA12-3)
• Applies appropriate differentiation methods to solve problems (MA12-6)
• Chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively in a range of contexts, models and applies critical
thinking to recognise appropriate times for such use. (MA12-9)
• Constructs arguments to prove and justify results and provides reasoning to support conclusions
which are appropriate to the context (MA12-10)

General instructions:
Produce a 10-minute video that documents Calculus and associated concepts involved in a problem
selected from the provided compilation of HSC band 4/5 questions. Your video should showcase at least
one HSC NESA syllabus outcome in Calculus and demonstrate comprehension of key concepts from both
Year 11 and Year 12 Mathematics, specifically Chapter 6 (Year 11), Chapter 4 (Year 12), and Chapter 5
(Year 12).

Submission instructions:
Submit the video by Week 10 Wednesday 3rd July 11.59pm on Google classroom.
o If I am absent on the submission day of this Assessment Task, I understand I need to inform the school
and speak to the Mathematics Head Teacher or Deputy Principal on the day. On return to school, I
will complete an Illness/Misadventure form, attach the supporting documentation and give it to the
Deputy Principal or Head Teacher. The Head Teacher will negotiate an alternate task or alternate
solution such as an estimate. I will be prepared to complete the alternate task on the day of return
to school.
o I have read and understood the HSC Assessment Policy Booklet and understand the requirements for
submission of this task.

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Plagiarism: I declare that this assessment item is my own work.

Signed: ____________________________________ Date: _______________

Marking Guidelines Grade

• The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content.

• A very high level of competence in appropriate use of the required problem-solving A
processes and skills is demonstrated.
• Reasoning and conclusions are justified using appropriate mathematical language, 90−100
notation and symbols.
• The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content with a
high level of competence in the required problem-solving processes and skills. B
• Demonstrated ability to apply this knowledge and skills to most situations.
• Reasoning and conclusions are justified using some mathematical language, 70 − 89
notation and symbols.
• The student has achieved an adequate level of competence in required
mathematical processes and skills with some errors.
• Student demonstrates developing use of appropriate language, notation and/or
45 − 69
symbols in working mathematically.
• The student has basic knowledge and understanding of the content and D
demonstrates limited use of suitable mathematical processes and reasoning skills,
mathematical language, notation and/or symbols in working mathematically. 20 − 44
• The student has elementary knowledge and limited understanding in few areas of E
the content, and has achieved very limited competence in some of the
mathematical processes and problem-solving skills required. 0 − 19
Total Marks
Task Rank: / Awarded:

*Task Rank may be subject to change. /100%

Teacher Feedback
Student Feedback
_____________________________________________________________________ _______________
HSC Mathematics Advanced
Assessment Task 3 2024

Calculus – Differentiation and its applications

Deadline: Week 10 Wednesday 3rd July 23:59 Weighting: 20% Timing: Term 2, Weeks 7–10

Outcomes assessed:

• Applies calculus techniques to model and solve problems (MA12-3)

• Applies appropriate differentiation methods to solve problems (MA12-6)
• Chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively in a range of contexts, models and applies critical
thinking to recognise appropriate times for such use. (MA12-9)
• Constructs arguments to prove and justify results and provides reasoning to support conclusions which are
appropriate to the context (MA12-10)

Nature of the task:

Produce a 10-minute video that documents Calculus and associated concepts involved in a problem selected
from the provided compilation of HSC band 4/5 questions. Your video should showcase at least one HSC
NESA syllabus outcome in Calculus and demonstrate comprehension of key concepts from both Year 11 and
Year 12 Mathematics, specifically Chapter 6 (Year 11), Chapter 4 (Year 12), and Chapter 5 (Year 12).
The video must contain your own voice throughout and should be pitched at someone who has completed
Year 11 Maths Advanced and beginning Year 12 Maths Advanced. The video should be no more than 10
minutes long and include clear explanations, examples, and tips you would give a new Year 12 student.
Furthermore, it should include the steps needed to solve the selected HSC question and which NESA syllabus
outcomes (see appendix) it is aligned with.
Submit the video by Week 10 Wednesday 3rd July 11.59pm on Google classroom.


• Select one question from the provided compilation of HSC band 4/5 questions (see Appendix 2).
• Begin the video with a brief introduction, stating the HSC Maths Advanced syllabus content (see Appendix
1 in Google Classroom) involved in the selected question to be demonstrated.
• Highlight the concepts behind these contents emphasising their relevance and importance in differentiation
and its applications. You can use examples and diagrams to aid your explanation.
• Provide at least one practical example and mention how these concepts builds upon Year 11 Maths Advanced
• Introduce the HSC Band 4/5 question selected from the given compilation (see Appendix 2).
• Clearly state the problem and outline the steps you will take to solve it. Show your problem-solving process
step-by-step, explaining the purpose of each towards obtaining the needed answers. Use appropriate
mathematical notations and techniques. A full worked solution is not needed due to the time constraints of
the video, but steps and strategies utilised must be made explicit.
• Conclude the video by summarising any key takeaways or tips you would give a Year 12 student at the
beginning of their Further Differentiation and its applications learning journey.
The method of presentation can involve but is not limited to:

• A video of yourself explaining the concept using a whiteboard.

• A PowerPoint with a video recording and explanations provided, line by line, or written by a stylus on a
compatible device.

Additional Guidelines:
• Use clear, concise and technical language throughout the video.
• Spend 4-5 minutes on the introduction and concepts followed by 4-5 minutes covering the selected HSC
style question.
• Utilise visual aids, such as mind maps, diagrams, graphs, or animations, to enhance the understanding of
complex concepts.
• Ensure that the video is well-structured and follows a logical flow of ideas.
• Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by approaching the selected HSC problem with confidence and
accuracy, highlighting the purpose of each step and why it is required to progress towards the final
• Pay attention to audio/video quality, ensuring that content is easily understandable by all.
• Plan for a total video duration of 10 minutes, as typically people go over time.
• Remember to consult your course materials, textbooks, and any additional resources available to you to
ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of your video.

The video could include some of the following:

• New terminology or key concepts used and their meaning/relationship expressed in your own words,
moreover showing the links between concepts.
• A brief explanation of what the subtopic is about and why it is worth studying.
• Notes on questions studied in class.
• Screen shots with annotations explaining how it helped your learning.
• Reflections on what you are learning and how you are learning it
• Links to internet resources you found interesting or helpful
• Useful reference sheet pointers.

Marking guidelines:
You will receive a copy of the marking guidelines that your teacher will use to determine your mark for the
task. The marking guidelines will clarify the scope and expectations of the task.

Submission Process:
Upload the video through Google Classroom by Week 10 Wednesday, 3rd July 23:59. (Suggestion: Upload
your file to Google drive or similar cloud platform and simply submit the direct link to Google
classroom). Alternatively, submit your work by Wednesday 3:10 pm to the maths staffroom using a flash drive.
Year 12 Mathematics Advanced Assessment Task 3 Marking Guidelines

Name: ________________________ Signature: _________________ TOTAL MARK: /17

Marking Criteria Marks

Compulsory Year 12 NESA Syllabus content dot point or sub- dot-point) /1
• Chosen NESA syllabus content is clearly and wholly stated, as provided in the appendix. 1
• Chosen NESA syllabus content is not clearly stated 0
Explanation highlighting main underlying concept(s) as part of content chosen /4
• Exhibits a comprehensive and insightful understanding of the main underlying concept(s)
• Clearly and effectively highlights the significance and relevance of the concept(s)
• Provides a well-elaborated, coherent explanation supported by appropriate and effective examples, 4
diagrams, or other visual aids
• Demonstrates the ability to make connections and showcase broader applications or implications of the
• Demonstrates a general understanding and insight into the main underlying concept(s)
• Highlights the relevance of the concept(s) with reasonable elaboration
• Supports the explanation with appropriate examples, diagrams, or other visual aids, although some
aspects may lack clarity or depth
• Reveals a basic understanding and insight into the underlying concept(s)
• Makes an effort to highlight the relevance of the concept(s) with some elaboration
• Provides some examples, diagrams, or visual aids, but they are not fully integrated or effective in
supporting the explanation
• Introduces the concept(s) but provides little to no significance or further explanation
• Explanation lacks depth, clarity, and supporting examples/aids 1
• Does not successfully highlight the relevance or importance of the underlying concept(s)
• Demonstrates a lack of understanding or interpretation of the underlying concept(s)
• Fails to provide any meaningful explanation or elaboration on the concept(s)
Connection to Year 11 mathematics advanced knowledge /3
• Clearly and effectively demonstrates an understanding of how the associated concept builds upon and
extends Year 11 Mathematics Advanced knowledge
• Provides a well-elaborated explanation that highlights the progression and connections between the 3
current and prior learning
• Supports the explanation with relevant examples or references to specific Year 11 concepts or topics
• Demonstrates a partial understanding of how the associated concept builds upon Year 11 Mathematics
Advanced concepts 2
• Attempts to explain the connection, but the explanation is incomplete or lacks depth
• Makes a basic reference or mention of the relevant Year 11 Mathematics Advanced syllabus or resource
• Connection to Year 11 knowledge is superficial or lacks clarity
• No connection or reference made to Year 11 Mathematics Advanced knowledge
• Fails to demonstrate any understanding of how the concepts build upon prior learning
HSC question selected /1
• HSC question is clearly referenced and stated in video 1
• HSC question selected is missing or not chosen from question bank given. 0
Explanation of the solution to the selected HSC problem /4
• Clearly and accurately explains each step required to solve the selected HSC problem
• Skillfully justifies the reasoning and purpose behind the solution approach 4
• Effectively integrates and applies prior knowledge from Year 11/12 concepts covered
• Showcases advanced problem-solving abilities by coherently connecting concepts
• Logical, well-sequenced breakdown of steps to systematically reach the final solution
• Explains most steps required to solve the selected HSC problem with reasonable accuracy
• Offers justification for the solution approach, but reasoning may have some gaps
• Applies prior knowledge from Year 11/12 concepts covered, but integration is not seamless. 3
• Showcases general problem-solving abilities by connecting relevant concepts
• Provides a mostly logical and sequenced breakdown of steps to reach the final solution
• Outlines the underlying mathematics needed for the chosen HSC question
• Provides a reasonable breakdown of steps to gain the desired solution
• Attempts to explain the purpose of each step, but some gaps in reasoning 2
• Shows some evidence of applying relevant previous knowledge to the solution process
• Demonstrates a partial sequence of logical steps needed to answer the question
• Basic mention of how chosen concepts are applicable to the selected HSC question
• Explanations largely consist of theoretical knowledge or direct repetition of worked solutions
• Limited breakdown of the underlying mathematics and steps required to solve the problem
• Minimal evidence of drawing upon relevant prior knowledge
• Limited or no explanation of steps to approach solving the question
• Significant errors or omissions in the solution process
• Little or no evidence of reasoning or justification for steps taken
• Fails to demonstrate application of relevant concepts to the HSC question
Technical and level suitability of video /2
• Formal mathematical language is used to share and clarify ideas. Appropriate symbolic notations are
utilised in explanations. There is evidence of consolidate thinking and extending prior Year 11 ideas in
mathematical terms. 2
• Video is suitably pitched and informative wrap-up/tips/advice offered to an early Year 12 Maths
Advanced student.
• An attempt is made to use formal mathematical language to interpret information. Some use of formal
mathematical terms or symbolic notation is evident in explanations.
• No use of formal mathematical terms or symbolic notations to interpret information is evident. 0
Quality of presentation /2
• The video is well-structured and follows a logical flow of ideas and consolidates thinking.
• Concepts are explained clearly and concisely. 2
• Visual aids or other resources are used effectively to support understanding of the viewer.
• There is evidence of some relevant visual aids are used to support understanding of the viewer. Basic
logical flow.
• Limited or no visual aids are used. Not a well-structured presentation. Limited logical flow. 0

Further feedback:

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