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Fact Sheet

The passage discusses the prevalence of teen pregnancies in the Philippines
and the challenges young parents face. Aleng, a single mother, shares her experience
of having a teenage daughter who became pregnant. The country's statistics reveal a
significant number of young mothers, often leading to school dropouts. Financial
support typically comes from relatives, but the long-term stability of such arrangements
is uncertain. Early pregnancies pose health risks for both mother and baby, especially
without proper prenatal care. Lack of awareness about reproductive health and safe sex
practices is a concern, highlighting the need for comprehensive education. Save the
Children advocates for open communication between parents and adolescents,
emphasizing the importance of providing accurate information and fostering respectful
relationships. Empowering young Filipinos through education is crucial in addressing
these challenges.

Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is a significant issue, causing many young
individuals to drop out of school. This poses economic challenges for the country, with
one in ten births attributed to mothers under 19. The Philippines loses around P33
billion annually due to adolescent pregnancies, impacting the future earning potential of
young mothers. The UN, WHO, and other agencies have launched a $1-million
campaign targeting over 275,000 adolescents in two provinces with high teenage
pregnancy rates. This issue not only affects health and education but also hinders
economic development. The Philippines faces a learning crisis that affects its labor
force's global competitiveness. Efforts to combat teen pregnancy are viewed as
investments in improving human capital. It's noted that adolescent mothers are less
likely to finish their education, leading to higher unemployment rates. The government is
taking steps to address this issue through sex education in schools and providing
support for young parents to continue their education.

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