Proposal for Sekuru

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Pond size 20x30x1.

Capacity: 9000 fish
Damliner: $636
Fish feed: $2052
Treatment and medication: $240
Bird net: $240
Fingerlings/fish seed 9000: 360
Total Expenses:$3528
Fish farming training: free
Approx gross profit: $12150
Approx net profit: $8622

In addition to $3528 total investment expenses ,theres $1500 yeborehole.

-i don't want to bore you with essays ,but here a few basic things to know about fish farming.

Basically everyone wants to know what *#Fish Farming is*

*Fish farming or pisciculture involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures such as
ponds, usually for food. It is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under
mariculture. The ultimate goal of fish farming is to grow the fish as fast and economically as
possible to a harvestable size. Some of the factors that farmers manipulate to influence fish growth
rate include pond environment, type and density of fish, food, fertilizer, water quality, and growth
period. Worldwide, the most important fish species produced in fish farming are carp, tilapia,
salmon, and catfish* .

Why do fish farming:


Take this to task , with many diseases currently occurring in today's Lives,coronary
heartdiseases,BloodPressure(Bp) ,Diabetes,e.t.c, people are being encouraged to eat healthy, to eat
food reach in protein and energy, less fats,high in proteins, highly nutritious, e.t.c by Heath
experts. think of precious lives(hupenyu weVanhu),How people like their lives. And You just put
their prescribed organic farmed Healthy and nutritious meals on table.
#market demand. Now fish is on very high demand because of its health benefits.
# requires less labour. A few people can look after multiple ponds.
# uses quite good space for a good profit. You can have multiple ponds on a small piece of land
hence it is land efficient
# it is an environmentally friendly project

The are more reasons to do fish farming and I just listed a few.
The first stage in Fish farming will be to get your pond constructed... Please note that this should
be done by experts to enable whole gases ventilation and avoid external use of oxygen in the pond
later plus designing it to be more eloquent.

I visited a fish farm early january ,the plot is 2has ,the ponds occupy 1.5 hectares...there are 13
ponds..and all of them are managed by only 2 people who do shifts...heres the oeners number

Water source

*So basically any clean water is good for Tilapia Fish Farming.*

*Either be it from dams, taps, boreholes, rivers, streams etc*

*How often you change your water in pond*

Under normal conditions, your water in the pond should stay as clean and healthy as the one
pictured above until you harvest your fish.Under these conditions you will not need to change
your water at all until your projects are done.... You will only be adding about 5% of the total
capacity every month to Carter for the water lost through evaporation.

*Fish Growth*

-fish grow with respect to good care , enough oxygen, less stress, good feeding and favorable less
polluted environment

*Advantages of Fish Farming* :

Contains essential nutrients, with a high protein value and low to moderate fat
in comparison to terrestrial animals.
 They can be over populated
 Easily-maintained, requires much less attention than cattle and other farm
 Part of an aquatic food chain, therefore it is not taking prey from omnivorous
and carnivorous predators.
 Provide income.
 Fish provide vital nutrients which improve on human health
 Fish farming makes use of non-arable land.
 Makes use of manure on the farm, cutting costs of feed by use of the integrated
 Provide recreational facilities e.g. Rainbow trout fishing at Trout Beck Inn in
Nyanga, or Carp fishing in Chivero, or Tiger fishing in Kariba.
 Fish are of sentimental value and can be kept as pets.

*Disadvantages of Fish Farming* :

 Fishing business can be expensive. For instance, most of modern fishing utilizes
technology such as weights, nets, seine nets (e.g. beach seine), trawls (e.g.
bottom trawl, dredges, hooks and line (e.g. long line and hand line), lift nets,
gillnets, entangling nets and traps
 Threats from contamination and pollution e.g. Oil spills, human material
thrown in water) often harms fish
 High density to volume ratio, fish often clustered together thus causing high
stress level which increases susceptibility to disease and transfers disease at an
accelerated rate


This project run for 6 months. This is when the fish have a good size for harvest

We assist our farmers in making water suitable for fish production, whether it's from the tape,
bolehole, river, well or dam. We have a team of experts who will make sure you won't lose sleep
over this.

Pond size. Water capacity

10x10x1.5 150 000
20x10x1.5 300 000
20x20x1.5 600 000
30x20x1.5 900 000
10x10x1.5. 1500 fish
20x20x1.5. 3000 fish
20x20x1.5. 6000 fish
20x30x1.5. 9000 fish

*Fish Stocking Density*

What does stocking density mean? It simply refers to fish population in a particular pond.
What is the required population ratio?
We use the ratio of 10fish per cubic meter.

For example if our pond is measuring 20m by 10m by 1.5m depth. It simply means to find its
capacity we say 20×10×1.5 = 300

This is 300 cubic and our ratio is 10fish per cubic

Total fish for a 20by10by1.5 fish pond is 300cubic multiplied by 10 which gives us 3000fish in
that particular pond

Stocking density is one of the most important factors to consider when doing Fish farming project.

We should not over stock because the amount of dissolved oxygen will be less in the fish pond and
this will caused stress, deaths and slows the rate of growth as well
Unlike us we inhale oxygen. Fish inhale dissolved oxygen in water, so it has to be enough in the
pond. Overstocking is dangerous as they will compete for that dissolved oxygen.

We should stick to our stipulated stocking density ratio.

Is Tilapia fish farming a good business?

Well, Commercial fish farming has already been shown to be a profitable business enterprise
throughout the world. Fish, as a major source of food and protein, is in high demand, and the price
of fish and fish-related products is fast rising in tandem with population expansion.

Their WhatsApp business line: +263779016446.

I have talked to a number of fish farmers/pond constructers ,above inumber dze one of the
businesses ,you can call or message if you want for more infor.

Quick facts on pond construction:*

The process works like this:

1. You make a booking requesting that we send a team to construct fish ponds for you.

2. We send a team to your place.

3. The team makes an assessment of the site to see whether or not the place is suitable for ponds
4. If the site is suitable, you pay 80% of the total investment for the selected fish pond size.

5. The team starts working on your pond.

6. You pay the remaining 20% when we deliver your fingerlings, fish feed, birds net and plankton
booster. *This delivery depends on how quickly you fill your pond with water.*


You require land for tilapia fish farming. A large enough area must be available for construction
of the necessary ponds. When you are evaluating and selecting sites for your fishponds, you
should take into consideration some physical factors which include the land area, the water
supply, and the soil type.
To be successful in fish farming, you must properly design your ponds and pond systems. If your
ponds are not properly designed, you will have several problems which include ponds that
cannot hold water; ponds that cannot be drained completely (which leads to incomplete harvests
thus poor production in future production cycles), ponds that break up etc. You should take
several factors into consideration before constructing your pond, which include: source of the
water which will be used to fill the pond; type of soil available for constructing the fish
pond; size, shape, and depth of the pond. Your fish pond should be drainable, and should have a
controlled inlet and outlet. Swimming pools can also be converted into fish ponds, and this is
what some fish farmers in urban areas are doing.
There is need for a good water supply at your fish farm. It is advisable to use borehole water for
the fish pond as it is safer for the fish as compared to the Zimbabwe tap water. You may also
require pond heaters for maintaining the right temperature during the winter, pond filters for
filtering the pond water, fishing nets for harvesting the fish, and a refrigerator for storing the
harvested fish.


The demand for fish is high in Zimbabwe. The annual demand for fish in Zimbabwe is estimated
to be 40 000 tonnes per annum. The most consumed fish species in Zimbabwe is the tilapia,
followed by the trout. Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty
acids and vitamins, its rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such asiron,
zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Fish tastes good and many people love it. You can supply
your fish to individuals, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and butcheries.

My proposal is ,i have been working and saving capital for quite some time ,im still saving ,and
the issue was land ,everything else is not as hard ,but on my business plan ,land has the biggest
chunk of capital and i thought to myself i might be stressing myself over something that might be
easily fixed so i thought of you ,i don't intend for you to pay for anything ,all i need is land and it's
a win win for both of us ,in the sense that..i will only operate for a couple of years till i buy my
own plot ,leaving you with an asset + borehole ,plus off of the fish farming profits i give you a
20% as rentals.
Get back to me if you are interested so that we can discuss further.

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