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Position: _
Dear Sir,Madam

I am graduated on July I 210 2014 G.C m civil engineering from Hawassa \;niversity Institute of
Technology in degree program and studied my master degree in Road and transport engineering
at Addis Ababa Instirute of Technology waiting the research paper to be graduated.

During my stay in the universities; I took several courses that equipped me with profound
knowledge that will be from me delinquently, indeed the Interest I have to apply what I haYe
learned together with my curiosity to know more about new things giYe me greater idea.

I would appreciate the privilege to discuss my qualifications,,ith you and do my best to execute
the responsibility expected from me and for the achievement of the organization goal if I will the
opportunity. Hence lam looking forward to sec your calling at earliest of your comenicncc.

I sincerely hope that you will lei me know your response soon. I enclosed my curriculum vitae
(CV) that give you further infom1ation.


Bonat Fininsa Dhaba

4. Computer Knowledge
Basic Introduction to Computer skills:
• Microsoft Word
• t--licrosoft Power point
• AutoCAD
• Eagle point
• Etabs
• Water Cads.
• Different software and technical trainings.

5. ,vork Experience
• Internship at ERA road construction project i.e. Nekemte-Bedele-Metu Road Upgrading Project
for four continuous months
• Construction expert at Oromia Micro and Small Enterprise Development agency for one and half
• Civil engineer in construction projects at Oromia Construction Authority.
• Construction works supervisor at Oromia Integrated Urban Land System Project Coordination
Office until now.


• Dr. Mesay Daniel, GM at OCA

Mobile: +25190403220 I

• Mr. Taddese Kurfa, Government expert.

Mobile: +251911478903
1. Personal Information
• Name: Bonat Fininsa Dhaba
• Sex: Male
• Place of Birth: Bako, West Sl10a, Oromia
• Date ofBirth: Sept I0, 1991 G.C
• Nationality: Ethiopian
• Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact Information:

2. EducationalBackground

Level Name of School Place Year E.C Certificates

:\faster of Degree Addis Ababa AA, Ethiopia 2010-Now On Research
Institute of
Bachelor of Hawassa Hawassa, Sidama 2002-2006 BSC. Degree
Science University Region, Ethiopia
Preparatory & Bako School Bako, W/Shoa, 1997-2001 Certificate
Secondary Oromia
Primary Shoboka School Shoboka, W/Shoa, 1989-1996 Certificate

3. Languages:
Mother Toneue: Afaan Oromoo
Laneuaees Speaking Writing Reading Listening I
Afaan Oromoo Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent I
En!!.lish Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent I

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