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The notion of context in Pragmatics

In pragmatics, context is a fundamental concept that influences how meaning is

іnterpreted in communication. It encompasses various factors that provide background
information, helping speakers and listeners understand and convey messages effectively.

We distinguish several types of contextual information: physical context,

linguistic context, and social context.
1. Physical context encompasses what is physically present around the
speakers/hearers at the time of communication. What objects are visible, where the
communication is taking place, what is going on around, etc. I want that book.
(accompanied by pointing) Be here at 9:00 tonight (place/time reference).
2. Linguistic context also known as co-text. The co-text of a word is the set of
other words used in the same phrase or sentence. The surrounding co-text has a strong
effect on what we think the word probably means. The meaning of pronouns depends on
the linguistic context. "John was late because he missed the bus."- The pronoun "he"
refers to "John.". Sentences sometimes omit information that is understood from the
context. For example, I have finished the project. Have you?"The second sentence omits
"finished the project," but it is understood from the first sentence.
3. Social context – the social relationship of the people involved in
communication. In public settings, people tend to use more formal and polite language.
The relationship between the communicators (e.g., friends, family members, colleagues,
strangers) influences the formality and style of communication. For instance, the way a
student speaks to a teacher is typically more formal and respectful than how the student
might speak to a peer.
Context allows speakers to convey subtleties, perform actions through language,
and navigate social interactions effectively. It is the framework within which the
nuances of human communication come to life, ensuring that both literal and implied
meanings are grasped accurately.

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