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Maria Rojos Dynamic and innovative professional with 6+ Paces ee oreo ha ee cue eet inthe rs tec with vendors, we ates ee er ee Dene me GEe Eo) 9 Toronto, Canads WORK EXPERIENCE Professional Graphic Designer Freelance - Orange Media = 09/2018 - Present Achievements ‘© Establish and manage a freelance graphic design business that aims to assist companies in brand development. © Spearhead visual identity including brand positioning, promotions, and digital marketing for different companies. © Develop creative advertising content for various media, including ‘2talogs, menus, business cards; flyers, posters, t-shirts, and product packaging while ensuring maximum brand awareness of target audience/market. © Conceptualize logo design, gif animations, videos, websites, and social media channels to promote product brands. © Leverage rebranding exoertise in enhancing client's corporate 1age to ensure profitability and business growth. Graphic Designer BIDA KUH Marketing & Media = 0372015072018 * Produced both ecommerce and non-eCommerce creative website layouts and content or the use of cients. * Created designs, concepts, and sample ayouts, based on knowledge of layout and esthetic design concepts. * Preparedillustrations and rough sketches of material discussing them with lent, and making necessary changes. © Developed graphics and ayouts For product ilustrations, logos, and websites mitroring company brand ste. Graphic Designer Blue Lens Media Corp osj20s3-07/2015 Achievements © Uslized After Effects and other computer proficiency in making ‘mation graphic animations For video productions. * Performed video and sound editing for diverse ads while ensuring high-quality media productions. * Coordinate with the cient to successfully create prolific social media graphics suitable For target marketing years of invaluable hands-on experience in handling several See ee een rete Dec coe late brand awaren eta eter rarisrojoscom — @ instagram com/maria_sojos AREAS OF EXPERTISE Seen TECHNICAL SKILLS ‘Adobe Suite Photoshop, llustrator, After Effects and InDesign Coding HTML, Java & CSS. PERSONAL PROECTS Content Producer Personal Youtube Channel (09/2018 — Present) @ © Developed concept and overall content of my personal YouTube channel © Eclted videos for proper timings of audio and texts while choosing creative video thumbnail or uploading. 1 Reached 10.000 subscribers in the First year. Graphic Artist @ 2017 Cancer Awareness Campaign © Led the creative process and developed innovative concepts For Ue 2017 Cancer Awareness Campaign. © Provided infographies and other materials and posters For the Use ofthe Onzarie Cancer Awareness Foundation, EDUCATION Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts University of Toronto port-2014 INTERESTS © Video Games ©) Photography ©) wrtical ntligence AA renewable Energy Diana Johnson Customer Service Representative Multi-lingual employee looking to help XYZ Inc. provide stellar customer experience. Strong Comte eI aA LAK sence ey orev eS Cond = SKILLS SUMMARY a Customer Service © Developed and implemented a successful I 1m with customers, which ong aizanrs| caused clients to double thelr orders at, siege ee ° © Developed partnerships with multiple small and medium companies that promoted Copenhagen, Denmark referral revenue. ® Educated thousands of customers on the superior quality of Company products and e services, Ensured that al customers were educated on ov products and services. © Provided superior services and promoted a friendly, comfortable environment by e providing fast and friendly service. linkedin comyin/disnajoh product Knowledge mson © Tested and got familiatized XYZ Inc. services and offerings over the last 2 weeks. 29 Discovered 3 cases where new users can face difficulties in the on-boarding process, COMPETENCIES “Which Ste curently not mentioned in the Help Center, spe Problem Solving © Used analysis sills to plan outa sales campaign that helped attract younger customers to 5toGo Caf © Oversaw team members and developed best practices to balance workload during peak hours, reducing hourly burden per employee. CERTIFICATES Become a Conversational Support Expert (01/2021) Intercom Acadeny Customer Success & Account Health Check (11/2020) & Breese Hubspot Academy Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations (06/2020) EDUCATION BA in English and Organizational Communication Copenhagen Business School INTERESTS 08/2017 - 06/2020 © Video Games & Chat Bots PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 4s Renewable Energy Barista 5toGo Café 06/2019 - 03/2020 60 artificial ‘Intelligence me Ce ETHAN Artes INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ATTORNEY / SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE CONSULTANT Driving sustainability, productivity, and oquity ecross global food Strategic advisor, policy consultant, and thought leader driven to transform and improve agricultural and food industries. Out- of-the-box thinker focused cnidentitying the environmental, economic, seca, ard politcal drivers that impact food production and distfbution, Unique expertisein international commerce, erwirormental planning. and focd systems, leveraged to empower all stakeholders through sustainability solutions. Collaborative leader who drives trust and unity among private, publi, and nonprofit actors. Fluent in English; praficlent in Spanish, French, and Geernan. > Enabled publication of guide for commercial actors on laws applicable to crose-horder‘trade and investment. } Advised on devolopment and publiestion af Kxxx strategic plan to drive trancnational justice for individuals > Led implemertation of Slay workshops on secured trantactions reform in Xaxaxr, exon, and Xeon. a Ruaeg scat Agriculture, Law, and Policy > Food Systems and Nutrition Cross-Border Trade and Investment > Food Production and Supoly Chains Business Development Svateay > Intergowerriental Orgonizations Research, Analysis, snd Reporting > Environmental Planning » Food Systems and Nutrition Stakeholder Engagement PROFESSIONALHISTORY a | Private Law © City, State 2020 to Present Yoon for Comparative and Internation SUSTAINABILITY EXPERT / CONTRIBUTING AUTHOR he of the world's most prestigious research institutions dedicated ta international and camperative lew, SUNIMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Research highly technical areas of law related to agr-business transformation, sustainable agriculture, and food production, Produce reparts,artides, and analyses for industry publications and deliver presentations, SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: > Publications and Reports: Drafted book chapter analyzing structural barriers to sustalnable food systems in developing countries, such as limited credit access, Inequlties in farming contracts, and industry-wide market concentration. ‘ooo " City, State 2013 to Present SENIOR ATTORNEY AND PROGRAMMANAGER Intergovernmentatorgontcatien dedicated to promoting democrocy and econemic development among member stotes. SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Oversee planning and implementation of sustairatility and capacity-bullding projects in the ‘Americas, Infiuence department-level strategic planning as trusted advisor to senior executives. Coordinate workshops far gabal stakeholders wlth dlverse interests, Direct in-country teams ta execute project objectives cn time and under budget. SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: > Strategic Guidance: Advised on development and publication of strategic plan for Neoocom its future activities in private international law in the Americas to support transnational justice far Individual, Rs TAMICA SULLIVAN Pas kid > Capacity Building: Led implementation of 3-day workshops in Xmas, Kou, and Xouxon secured transactions reform, Coordinated trainings for top-level decision-makers in he publ, private, academia, and nonprofi-sectors + Turned around project that was 15 months behied schedule; completed en time ard under budget + Produced docurnentaryilustratinghow expanding access to capital enables women owed businesses, International Commerce: Enabled publication of widely acclaimed guide or laws applicable to cross-border trade and investment, which promotes inte maticnal commerce by improving legal certainty for commercial actors. Cross-Border Cooperation: Partnered with Xueax cn Private International Law to lead the Inaugural virtual meeting of legal advisors cf the forelgn ministiis.of OAS member states to discuss private international law. Yoanouxx Consultants * City, State 201 to 2013 ‘SENIOR CONSULTANT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Environmental eonsuiting irr representing businesses inthe eneroy and public wits industries, ‘SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Led cross-functional teams to complete environmental impact assessment (EIA) reparts for ‘multibillon Risk Assessment: Forecastad business impactson TERA and clients resulting ftom Xu Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, including legislative changes to assessment scope, processes, and requtements. > Industry Presentations: Delivered presentation on haw EIA reports could be used talmareve global foed security at 23rd annual canferanee ef the international Association for Kwon. Soin Consulting Ltd. * City, State 2008 to 2011 ‘CONSULTANT AND BOARD MEMBER ‘Consulting firm that conducts monitoring ond evaluation of international devefopment projects. SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Planned and executed field evaluations of International development profecs in Kin, Kaa, and Xnoun. Researched and prepared RF? responses from project stakeholders. Conducted qualitative and quanvitative assessment of project outcomes, Drafted reperts and recemmanidations fer doners and ether stakehalders, Advised principal partners on business development, ‘SELECTED ACCOMPLISHRME NTS: > Business Development: Mapped business strategy for pursuing high-value sewice agreement wilh U.N. Development Programme (UNDP). Bult ear of consultants to research opportunity and draft prepotal a new lire of business TEACHING EXPERIENCE (SELECTEO): Xnous, Washington, ¢ | Course Cocrdinatar, Achieving Fou Secuzity Through Private Publis Partnerships; University ef Xoo, Faculty of Law, City ST | Instructor, Legal Research and Writ; Yawn’ University, Facultyaf Lam, City ST | Instructor, International Susiness Law BOARD LEADERSHIP: Board Member (2019 19 Present) / Board Chair upcoming 2023 to 2024), Xxxnx International, Inc. Pale vre | [Master of Environmental Design, Some Liniversty # City, State ‘Master of Law, intematisnal and Corsparative Law, Some University « City, State Bachelor of Science, Agriculture and Eeonamnies, Some University City, State

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