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Part- A (2 marks)

1. Define – Stress. (N/D -09)

When an external force acts on a body, it undergoes deformation. At the same time the body resists
deformation. The magnitude of the resisting force is numerically equal to the applied force. This internal
resisting force per unit area is called stress.
stress= σ = P/A
Unit is N/mm2
2. Define – Strain. (A/M-15)
When a body is subjected to an external force, there is some change of dimension in the body.
Numerically the strain is equal to the ratio of change in length to the original length of the body.
Strain = Change in length/Original length
e = ∂L/L

3. A material has Modulus of rigidity = 0.65 × 10 5 N/mm2 and Poisson’s ratio = 0.28. Find the Young’s
Modulus (E) and the Bulk Modulus (K) of the material.
Given Data:
C = 0.65 ×10 5 andµ = 0.28
E = 2C (1 + µ)
= 2 ×0.65 ×10 5 (1 + 0.28)
E = 1.67 ×10 5 N/mm2
K = E/ (1 – 2µ)
= 1.67 ×10 5/3(1 – 2(0.28))
= 1.67 ×10 5/1.32
K = 1.27 ×10 5 N/mm2

4. For a material, if the modulus of rigidity is 80GN/m 2 and modulus of elasticity is 200GN/m 2, determine
Poisson’s ratio.
E = 2C (1+µ)
200 ×10 9 = 2×80 ×10 9 (1 + µ)
(1+µ) = 200 ×10 9/(2×80 ×10 9)
(1+µ) = 1.25
µ = 1.25 – 1 = 0.25

5. State Hooke’s law. (N/D-09, 16)

It states that when a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is directly proportional to the
Stress α Strain
σ = Ee
E = σ /e N/mm2
Where E is young’s modulus, σ is stress, and e is strain

6. Define – Shear Stress and Shear Strain (N/D -09)

When two equal and opposite forces act tangentially on any cross sectional plane of the body tending to
slide one part of the body over the other part. The stress induced is called shear stress and the
corresponding strain is known as shear strain.

7. Define – Poisson’s Ratio and Rigidity Modulus. (N/D-15,16,14)

When a body is stressed, within its elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is
constant for a given material, which is known as Poisson’s ratio.
Poisson’ ratio (μ or 1/m) = Lateral strain / Longitudinal strain
The shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain.
N = Shear stress / Shear strain

8. State the relationship between Young’s Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity. (M/J -10, 14)
E = 2G (1 + 1/m)
where E is Young’s modulus
G is modulus of rigidity
and 1/m is Poisson’s ratio

9. Write the relationship between Bulk Modulus and Young’s Modulus. (N/D -14)
E = 3K (1-2/m)
where E is Young’s modulus
K is bulk modulus
and 1/m is Poisson’s ratio

10. Define – Limit of Proportionality (A/M-15)

Hooke’s law states that when a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is directly
proportional to the strain. This is called as Limit of Proportionality.
Stress α Strain
Where σ is stress
and eis strain

11. Define – Lateral Strain and Longitudinal Strain (A/M-10)

When a body is subjected to axial load P, the length of the body is increased. The ratio of axial
deformation to the original length of the body is known as longitudinal strain.
The strain, at right angle to the direction of the applied load, is called lateral strain.

12. Define – Thin Cylinder (M/J-13)

If the thickness of the wall of a cylindrical vessel is less than 1/15 to 1/20 of its internal diameter, it is
known as thin cylinder.

13. What are types of stresses in a thin cylindrical vessel subjected to internal pressure?
These stresses are tensile and are known as:
a) Circumferential stress (or hoop stress )
b) Longitudinal stress.

14. A spherical shell of diameter 750 mm and metal thickness 12 mm is completely filled with a fluid at
atmospheric pressure. Find the maximum pressure that can be permitted if efficiency of the joint is 80%
and the permissible stress is 90 N/mm2.
Circumferential stress (σ) = (p × d)/ (2t ×ηl)
whereσ is circumferential stress
p is maximum pressure
d is diameter of the cylinder
t is thickness of the wall of the cylinder
and ηl is efficiency of the joint
σ = (p × 750)/ (2×12×0.80)
p = 90/39.06
p = 2.3 N/mm2

15. Define – Strain Energy. (N/D-15)

Whenever a body is strained, some amount of energy is absorbed in thebody. The energy which is
absorbed in the body due to straining effect isknown as strain energy.

Part – B (16 marks)

1. A tensile test was conducted on a mild steel bar. The following data was obtained from the test:
(i) Diameter of the steel bar = 3 cm
(ii) Gauge length of the bar = 20 cm
(iii) Load at elastic limit = 250 kN
(iv) Diameter of rod at failure = 2.25 cm
a) The Young’s modulus
b) The stress at elastic limit
c) The percentage of elongation
d) The percentage decrease in area. (A/M, M/J – 10,16)

2. A composite bar is made with copper flat of size 50mmx 30mm and a steel flat of 50 mm x 40mm of
length 500mm each placed one over the other. Find the stress induced in the material, ehen the
composite bar is subjected to an increase in temperature of 90,C. Take coefficients of thermal
expansion of steel as 12x10-6/oC and that of brass is 18x10-6/oC. Modulus of steel as 200 GPa and
modulus of elasticity of brass as 100 GPa. (N/D-15)

3. A thin cylinder sheel, 2m long has 800mm internal diameter and 10mm thickness. If the shell is
subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5 MPa, find
(i) the hoop and longitudinal stresses developed,
(ii) maximum shear stress induced and
(iii) the changes in diameter, length and volume. Take modulus of elasticity of the wall material as
205 GPa and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3. (N/D-15)

4. A steel bar 300mm long, 40mm wide and 25mm thick is subjected to a pull of 180kN. Determine the
change in volume of the bar. Take E= 2x 105 N/mm2 and l/m= 0 (N/D-16)

5. An cylindrical shell 1 m diameter and 3 in length is subjected to an internal pressure, of 2 MPa.

Calculate the minimum thickness if the stress should not exceed 50 MPa. Find the change in diameter
and volume of the shell. Poisson’s ratio = 0.3 and E= 200kN/mm2. (N/D-16)

6. when a square bar of certain material subjected to an axial pull of 160 kN, the measured extension on a
gauge length of 200mm is 0.1mm and the decrease in each side of the square bar is 0.005mm.
Calculate the modulus of Elasticity, shear modulus and bulk modulus for a material. (A/M - 15)

7. A solid cylinder brass bar of 25mm diameter is enclosed in a steel tube of 50mm external diameter and
25mm internal diameter. The bar and the tube are both initially 1.5mm long and are rigidly fastened at
both ends. Find the stresses induced in the two materials when the assembly is subjected to an
increase in temperature of 500C . Take coefficients of thermal expansion of steel as 12x10 -6/oC and that
of brass is 18x10-6/oC. Modulus of steel as 200 GPa and modulus of elasticity of brass as 100 GPa.
(A/M - 15)

8. (i) Derive the relationship between bulk modulus and Young’s modulus.(6)

(ii) Derive relations for normal and shear stresses acting on an inclined plane at a in a stained material
subjected to two mutually perpendicular direct stresses. (10) (M/J-16)

9. A hollow cast iron cylinder 4 m long, 300 mm outer diameter, and thickness of metal 50 mm is
subjected to a central load on the top when standing straight. The stress produced is 750000kN/m 2,
assume Young’s modulus for cast iron as 1.5 x 10 8 kNm2and find (i) magnitude of the load, (ii)
Longitudinal strain produced and (iii) total decrease in length. (N/D-14)

10. A flat steel plate of trapezoidal form of uniform thickness of 20 mm tapers uniformly from a width of 100
mm to 200 mm in a length of 800 mm. If an axial tensile force of 100 kN is applied at each end, Find the
elongation of the plate. (N/D-14)


Part- A (2 marks)

1. Define – Beam. (N/D -14)

Beam is a horizontal structural member, which is supported along its length and subjected to external
loads acting transversely or perpendicular to the center line of the member.

2. Define – Uniformly Distributed Load. (A/M -14, 15)

If a load, which is spread over a beam in such a manner that the rate of loading w is uniform throughout
the length then it is called uniformly distributed load.

3. Define – Point of Contraflexure. (A/M -14)

The point at which the bending moment changes from hogging to sagging or vice versa isknown as the
point of contraflexure.The bending moment is zero at that point.

4. What is meant by positive or sagging bending moment?

Bending moment is said to be positive if the moment on left side of the beam is clockwise or the moment
on the right side of the beam is counter clockwise.

5. What is meant by negative or hogging bending moment?

Bending moment is said to be negative if the moment on left side of the beam is counterclockwise or the
momentonthe right side of the beam is clockwise.

6. Define – Shear Force and Bending Moment. (N/D-15,16)

Shear force at any cross section is defined as the algebraic sum of all the forces acting on any one side
of the section.
Bending moment at any cross section is defined as the algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces,
which are placed on any one side of that section.

7. What is the maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of span L subjected to UDL of w
over entire span? (N/D -09,10)
The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of span L subjected to UDL of w over entire
span is wL2/8

8. What is shear force? (M/J -13)

The algebraic sum of the vertical forces at any section of the beam to the left or right of the section is
called shear force.

9. What are the types of beams? (A/M-10)

The types of beams are:
a) Cantilever beam
b) Simply supported beam
c) Fixed beam
d) Continuous beam
e) Over hanging beam

10. What are the types of loads? (N/D -09)

Types of loads are:
a) Concentrated load or point load
b) Uniformly distributed load
c) Uniformly varying load

11. Write the assumptions in the theory of simple bending. (N/D-16)

The assumptions in the theory of simple bending are:
a) The material of the beam is homogeneous and isotropic
b) The beam material is stressed within the elastic limit and thus obeyHooke’s law
c) The transverse section remains plane after bending also
d) Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract independently above or below the layer
e) The value of E is the same in both compression and tension

12. Write the theory of simple bending equation. (A/M-15)

The theory of simple bending equation is:
where M is maximum bending moment
I is moment of inertia
F is maximum stress induced
Y is distance from the neutral axis
E is Young’s modulus
and R is constant

13. Write a short note on location of point of maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam.
The bending moment is maximum, when shear force is zero. Equating the shear force at that point to
zero, one can find out the distance x from one end. Then find the maximum bending moment at that
point by taking momentsof all the forces on right or left hand side.

14. What is meant by transverse loading on beam? (A/M-10)

If a load is acting on the beam, which is perpendicular to the central line of it, then itis called
Transverse loading.

15. Define – Cantilever Beam and Simply Supported Beam (N/D -14)
a) A beam with one end free and the other end fixed is called cantilever beam.
b) A beam which is simply supported at its both ends is termed as simply supported beam.

Part – B (16 marks)

1. An overhanging beam ABC of length 8m is simply supported at B and C over a span of 6m and the
portion AB overhangs by 2m. Draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams and determine
the point of contra-flexure if it is subjected to UDL of 3 kN/m over the portion BC. (N/D-15)

2. A channel section made with 120mm x 10mm horizontal flanges and 160mmx 10mm vertical web is
subjected to a vertical shearing force of 120 kN. Draw the shear stress distribution diagram across the
section. (N/D-15)

3. A simply supported beam of span 10 carries a concentrated load of 10 kN at 2 m from the left support
and a UDL of 4 kN/m over the entire length. Sketch the shearing force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam. (N/D-16)

4. Find the dimensions of a timber joist span 5m to carry a brick wall 200mm thick and 3.2m high, if the
weight of brickwork is 19kN/m3 and the maximum stress is limited to 8 N/mm 2. The depth is to be
twice the width. (N/D-16)

5. Draw SFD and BMD for a cantilever with single concentrated load at free end. (N/D-16)

6. A 10m long beam ABC is simply supported at B and C over a span of 8m with end A being free. It
carries point loads of 8 kN and 4kN at distances 3m and 5m from C. The beam also has uniformly
distributed loads of intensity 4 kN/m for a distance of 4m starting from C and of 6 kN/m on AB. Draw
shearing force and bending moment diagram indicating all principal values. (A/M-15)

7. A fletched beam is made up of two timber joists, each 60mm wide and 100mm deep with a10mm thick
and 80mm deep steel plate placed symmetrically between them on vertical faces. Determine the total
moment of resistance of the section if the permissible stress in the timber joist is 7N/mm 2. Take the
modular ratio between steel and timber as 20. (A/M-15)

8. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam given in Fig. (M/J –16)

9. The cross section of T beam is as follows: Flange thickness = 10mm, width of the flange = 100 mm;
thickness of the web = 10 mm; depth of the web = 120 mm; If a shear force of 2 kN is acting at a
particular section of the beam, draw the shear stress distribution across the action. (M/J –16)
10. A cantilever beam 1.5 meter long, fixed at A is carrying paint load of 1000 kg at B, C and c each and at
distances of 0.5 meter, 1.0 meter and 1.5 meter from the fixed end. Calculate the shear force and
bending moments at salient points. (N/D-14)

11. A Simply supported beam AB of span 4 meters is subjected to two point loads of 2 kN and 4 kN each at
C and D, distances of 1.5 m and 3 m from the left end. Calculate the shear force and bending moment
values at salient point. (N/D-14)


Part- A (2 marks)

1. What are the methods for finding out the slope and deflection at a section? (N/D -14)
The important methods used for finding out the slope and deflection at a section in a loaded beam are:
a) Double integration method
b) Moment area method
c) Macaulay’s method
The first two methods are suitable for a single load, whereas the last one is suitable for several loads.

2. Why is moment area method more useful when compared with double integration?
Moment area method is more useful when compared with double integration method because many
problems which do not have a simple mathematical solution can be simplified by the ending moment
area method.

3. State the theorem for conjugate beam method? (N/D -14)

Theorem I: The slope at any section of a loaded beam, relative to the original axis of the beam is equal
to the shear in the conjugate beam at the corresponding section.
Theorem II: The deflection at any given section of a loaded beam, relative to the original position is
equal to the Bending moment at the corresponding section of the conjugate beam.

4. Define – Method of Singularity Functions (A/M-15)

In Macaulay’s method, a single equation is formed for all loading on a beam. The equation is
constructed in such a way that the constant of integration applies to all portions of the beam.This
method is also called method of singularity functions.

5. What are the points to be worth for conjugate beam method? (A/M-10)
The points to be worth for conjugate beam method are:
a) This method can be directly used for simply supported beam
b) In this method for cantilevers and fixed beams, artificial constraints need to be supplied to the
conjugate beam so that it is supported in a manner consistent with the constraints of the real beam.

6. State the relation between curvature, slope and deflection at a section. (N/D -09)
The relation between curvature, slope and deflection at a section is:
Deflection = y
Slope = dy/ dx
BM = d2y/ dx2
SF = d3y/ dx3
Load, w = d4y/ dx4

7. List out the points used in Macaulay’s method. (N/D-15)

Macaulay’s method is used in finding slope and deflection at any point of a beam. The points used in
this method are:
a) Brackets are to be integrated as a whole
b) Constants are written after the first term
c) The section, for which BM is to be found, should be taken in the last part of the beam

8. Write an expression for deflection by moment area method. (A/M-10)

The shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam is given by:
y = Ax / EI
where A is area of BM diagram between A and B
and x is distance of CG of area from B

9. Write an expression for the deflection at the centre of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at
the centre. (N/D-16)
The deflection at the centre of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centreis
given by: yc= – (WL3/ 48EI)

10. A cantilever of length 3 m is carrying a point load of 25 kN at the free end. If the moment of inertia of the
beam is 108 mm4 and the value of E is 2.1 x 105 N/mm2, find the deflection at the free end.
The deflection at the free end is given by:
yB= WL3/ 3EI
yB= (25000 x 30003) / (3 x 2.1 x 105 x 108)
yB = 10.71 mm

11. What is meant by propped cantilever?

A cantilever which has an additional support at the free end is termed as propped cantilever.

12. A cantilever of length 4 m carriesa uniformly varying load of zero at the free end and 50 kN at the fixed
end. If I = 108 mm4 and E = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2, find thedeflection at the free end.
The deflection at the free end is given by:
yB= WL4/ 30EI
yB = (50 x 40004) / (30 x 2 x 105 x 103)
yB= 21.33 mm

13. A cantilever of length 6 m carries a point load of 48 kN at its centre.The cantilever is propped rigidly at
the free end. Determine the reaction at its rigid prop.
The reaction at the prop (P):
P = 5W/16
= (5 x 48) / 16
P = 15 Kn

14. What is a conjugate beam? (A/M-15)

Conjugate beam is an imaginary beam of length equal to that of original beam but for which load
diagram is M/EI diagram.

15. Draw conjugate beam for a simply supported beam with a point load at its centre.

RA = W/2 RB = W/2

WL/ 4EI Zxc.

Conjugate Beam

RA* = WL2/16EI RB* = WL2/16EI

Part – B (16 marks)

1. A cantilever of span 4m carries two point loads 10 kN and 8 kN at mid span and free end respectively.
Determine the slope and deflection of the cantilever at the free end using conjugate beam method.
Assume EI is uniform throughout. (N/D-15)

2. A horizontal beam of uniform section and 6m long is simply supported at its ends. The beam is
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m over the right half span. Find the maximum
deflection in the beam using Macaulay’s method. (N/D-15)

3. A SSB of span 6m carries UDL 5 kN/m over a length of 3m extending from left end. Calculate deflection
at mid- span. E= 2x105 N/mm2, I= 6.2 x 106 mm4 (N/D-16)

4. A cantilever beam 4m long carries a load of 500 kN at a distance of 2m from the free end, and a load of
W at the free end. If the deflection at the free end is 25mm, calculate the magnitude of the load W, and
the slope at the free end. E= 200kN/mm2. I= 5x 107 mm4. (N/D-16)

5. Derive the equations for a maximum slope and deflection of a simply supported beam (SSB) with central
point load. (N/D-16)

6. A beam AB of span 7m is simply supported at its ends A and B. it carries appoint load of 10kN at a
distance of 3m from the ends A and a UDL of 6 kN/m over rigid half span length. Determine (i) the
maximum deflection in the beam and (ii) slopes at the ends. Take EI= 10000 kN-m2. (A/M-15)
7. A cantilever of length ‘L’ is carrying a load of W at the free end and another load of 2 W at its mid span.
Determine the slope and deflection of the cantilever at the free end using conjucate beam method. Take
the flexural rigidity for the half length from fixed end as twice that of the remaining length. (A/M-15)

8. Using conjugate beam method, obtain the slope and deflections at A, B, C and D of the beam shown in
Fig. Take E = 200 GPa and I = 2x10-2m4. (M/J -16)

9. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends carries two point loads of 48 kN and 40 kN at a
distance of 1 m and 3 m respectively from the left support.
(i) Deflection under each load
(ii) Maximum deflection
(iii) The point at which the maximum deflection occurs.
Take I = 85x106 mm4, E = 2x105N/mm2. (M/J -16)

10. A horizontal beam of uniform section and 6meters long is simply supported at its ends. Two vertical
concentrated loads of 48 kN and 40 kN act at 1m and 3 m respectively from the left hand support.
Determine the position and magnitude of the maximum deflection, using Macaulay’s method. If E = 300
GN/M2 and I = 85x10-6m4. (N/D-14)

11. A cantilever of length “2a” is carrying a load of W at the free end, and another load of W at its center.
Determine the slope and deflection of the cantilever at the end, using conjugate beam method. (N/D-14)


Part- A (2 marks)

1. Define – Torsion and Torque. (N/D-16)

When a pair of forces of equal magnitude but opposite directions acts on a body, it tends to twist the
body. It is known as twisting moment or torsion moment or simply as torsion.
Torque is equal to the product of the force applied and the distance between the point of application of
the force and the axis of the shaft.

2. What are the assumptions made in torsion equation? (N/D -09)

The assumptions made in torsion equation are:
a) The material of the shaft is homogeneous, perfectly elastic and obeys Hooke’s law
b) Twist is uniform along the length of the shaft
c) The stress does not exceed the limit of proportionality
d) The shaft circular in section remains circular after loading
e) Strain and deformations are small
3. Define – Polar Modulus (N/D -14)
Polar modulus is the ratio between polar moment of inertia and radius of the shaft.
Polar Modulus = Polar moment of inertia (J) / Radius (R)

4. Why are hollow circular shafts preferred over solid circular shafts? (N/D-16)
The torque transmitted by the hollow shaft is greater than the solid shaft. For the same material, length
and given torque, the weight of the hollow shaft will be less compared to that of solid shaft.

5. Write the torsion equation. (M/J-13)

The torsion equation is given as:
T/J = Cθ/L = q/R
where T is torque
J is polar moment of inertia
C is modulus of rigidity
L is length
θ is angle of twist
q is shear stress
and R is radius

6. Write the expression for power transmitted by a shaft. (N/D -14)

The expression for power transmitted by a shaft is:
P = 2πNT/60
where N is speed in rpm
and T is torque

7. Write the expression for torque transmitted by hollow shaft.

The expression for torque transmitted by hollow shaftis:
T = (π/16) × Fs × (D4 – d4)/d4
where T is torque
Fs is shear stress
D is outer diameter
and d is inner diameter

8. Write the equation for maximum shear stress of a solid circular section in diameter D when subjected to
torque T in a solid shaft.
The equation for maximum shear stress of a solid circular section in diameter D when subjected to
torque T in a solid shaft is:
T = (π/16) × Fs × D3
where T is torque
Fs is shear stress
and D is diameter

9. What is a composite shaft?

Sometimes a shaft is made up of composite section i.e. one type of shaft is sleeved over other types of
shaft. At the time of sleeving, the two shafts are joined together in a way that the composite shaft
behaves like a single shaft.

10. What is a spring? (N/D-15)

A spring is an elastic member, which deflects or distorts under the action of load and regains its original
shape after the load is removed.
11. What are the various types of springs? (M/J-15)
Various types of springs are:
a) Helical springs
b) Spiral springs
c) Leaf springs
d) Disc spring or Belleville springs

12. Classify the helical springs. (A/M-10)

The helical springs are classified as:
a) Close – coiled or tension helical spring
b) Open – coiled or compression helical spring

13. What is solid length? (A/M-10)

The length of a spring under the maximum compression is called its solid length. It is the product of total
number of coils and the diameter of wire.
Ls = nt × d
where nt is total number of coils

14. Define – Spring Rate (Stiffness) (N/D -09)

The spring stiffness or spring constant is defined as the load required per unit deflection of the spring.
K = W/y
where W is load
and y is deflection

15. Define – Pitch

Pitch of a spring is defined as the axial distance between the adjacent coils in uncompressed state.
Pitch = free length / (n -1)
Part – B (16 marks)
1. A shaft is required to transmit a power of 210 kW at 200 rpm. The maximum torque may be 1.5 times
the mean torque. The shear stress in the shaft should not to exceed 45 N/mm2 and the twist 1o per
(i) the shaft is solid
(ii) the shaft is hollow with external diameter twice the internal diameter. Take modulus
of rigidity= 80 kN/mm2. (N/D-15)

2. A bumper is to be designed to arrest a wagon weighing 500 kN moving at 18 km/hour. Details

of buffer available are diameter= 30mm, mean radius =100mm, number of truss= 18, modulus of
rigidity= 80kN/m2, and maximum compression permitted= 200mm. Find the number of springs required
for the buffer. (N/D, A/M -15)

3. A hollow shaft is to transmit 200kW at 80 rpm. The shear stress in the shaft should not to exceed 70
N/mm2 and internal diameter is 0.5 of the external diameter. Find the external and internal diameters
assuming that maximum torque is 1.6 times the mean. (N/D-16)

4. A closed coil helical spring is to deflect 1mm under the axial load of 100N at shearing stress of 980
N/mm2. The spring is to be made of round wire having rigidity modulus of 80x10 4 N/mm2. The mean
diameter of the spring is to be 10 times the diameter of the wire. Find the diameter and length of the wire
necessary to form the spring? (N/D-16)
5. The maximum torque may be 1.5 times of the mean torque and the shear stress in the shaft not to
exceed 50 N/mm2. Determine the diameter required if (i) the shaft is solid (ii) the shaft is hollow with
external diameter twice the internal diameter. Take modulus of rigidity = 80kN/mm2. (A/M-15)

6. It is required to design a close coiled helical spring which deflects 1 mm under and axial load of 100 N at
a shear stress of 90 MPa. The spring is to be made of round wire having shear modulus of 0.8x10 5 MPa.
The mean diameter of the coil is to times that at the coil wire. Find the diameter and length of the wire.
(M/J -16)

7. A Shaft has to transmit 110kW at 160 rpm. If the shear stress is not to exceed 65 N/mm 2 and the twist in
a length of 3.5 m must not exceed 10, find a suitable diameter. Take C = 8x104 N/mm2. (M/J -16)

8. A Close coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 100 N and the mean coil diameter is to be 8 times that
of the wire diameter. Calculate these diameters. If the maximum stress is too be 10 N/mm2. (N/D-14)

9. An open coil helical spring made of 10 mm diameter wire and of mean diameter 10 cm has 12 coils,
angle of helix 15 degrees. Determine the axial deflection and the intensities of bending and shear stress
under a load of 500 N. Take C as 80 kN/mm2and E = 200 kN/m2. (N/D-14)

10. A leaf spring of semi-elliptic type has 11 plates each 9cm wide and 1.5 cm thick. The length the spring is
1.5 m. The plates are made of steel having a proof stress of 650 MN/ m 2.To what radius should the
plates be bent initially?
From what height can a load of 600 N fall on to centre of the spring ,if maximum stress is to be one-half
of the proof stress ?Take E = 200 GN / m2.


Part- A (2 marks)

1. What is meant by perfect frame? (N/D, M/J -14, 16)

A frame composed of such members just sufficient to keep it in equilibrium, when an external load is
applied, is termed as perfect frame.

2. What is tension coefficient?

The force per unit length of a member is known as tension coefficient.
T = F/ L
where T is tension coefficient
F is force
and L is length of the member

3. What is meant by imperfect frame? (N/D -09)

A frame, in which number of members and number of joints are not as given by n = 2j – 3, is known as
imperfect frame. This means that number of members in an imperfect frame will be either more or less
than (2j – 3).

4. What is meant by redundant frame?

If the number of members are more than (2j – 3), then the frame is known as redundant frame.

5. What are the assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame? (A/M-15)
The assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame are:
a) The frame is perfect
b) The frame carries load at the joints
c) All the members are pin-jointed
6. What are the reactions of supports of a frame?
Frames are generally supported as:
a) On a roller support
b) On a hinged support

7. How is a frame analyzed?

Analysis of a frame consists of:
a) Determination of the reactions at the supports
b) Determination of the forces in the members

8. What are the methods available for the analysis of a frame? (N/D -14)
The following are the methods available for the analysis of a frame:
a) Methods of joints
b) Methods of sections
c) Graphical method

9. Define – Principal Planes and Principal Stresses (N/D-15)

The planes, which have no shear stress, are known as principal planes. These planes carry only normal
The normal stresses acting on a principal plane are known as principal stresses.

10. What is the radius of Mohr’s circle? (N/D -14)

The radius of Mohr’s circle is equal to the maximum shear stress.

11. How is method of joints applied to trusses carrying inclined loads?

If a truss carries inclined loads hinged at one end supported on roller at the other end, the support
reaction at the roller support end will be normal, whereas the support reaction at the hinged end will
consist of a) horizontal reaction, and b) vertical reaction.

12. What is meant by compressive and tensile force? (N/D -09)

The forces in the member will be compressive if the member pushes the joint to which it is connected
whereas the force in the member will be tensile if the member pulls the joint to which it is connected.

13. How is the force in a member determined by method of joints? (N/D-15)

While determining the force in a member by methods of joints, the joint should be selected in such a
way that at any time there are only two members in which the forces are unknown.

14. List out the methods to find the stresses in oblique plane.
The methods to find the stresses in oblique plane are:
a) Analytical method
b) Graphical method

15. What is the use of Mohr’s circle? (N/D-16)

Mohr’s circle is used to find normal, tangential and resultant stresses on an oblique plane.
Part – B (16 marks)
1. An element has a tensile stress of 600 N/mm 2 acting on two mutually perpendicular planes and shear
stress of 100 N/mm2 on these planes. Find the principal stress and maximum shear stress. (N/D-16)

2. Determine the forces in all members of a cantilever truss as shown in Fig. (N/D-16)

3. At a point in the web of a girder the bending stress is 60 N/mm2 tensile and the shearing stress at the
same point is 30 N/mm2. Determine, (i) principal stresses and principal planes, (ii) maximum shear
stress and its orientations. (A/M-15)

4. Analyze the simply supported truss as shown in Fig. Q.15 (b) by method of joints. (A/M-15)

5. The stress on two mutually perpendicular planes through a point on a body are 30 MPa and 20 MPa
both tensile, along with a shear stress of 15 MPa, find
(i) the position of principal p[lanes and stress across them.
(ii) the planes of maximum shear stress
(iii) the normal and tangential stress son the plane of maximum shear stress. (N/D-15)
6. Analyze the cantilever truss as shown in Fig. Q.15 (b) by method of sections. (N/D-15)
7. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile stress of 110 N/mm 2 on one plane and a tensile
stress of 47 N/mm2on the plane at right angle to the former. Each of the above stress is accompanied by
a shear stress of 63 N/mm2. Find (i) The direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress
(ii) Magnitude of greatest shear stress. (M/J -16)

8. Find the magnitude and nature of the forces in the given truss carrying loads as shown in Fig. (M/J -16)

9. The Principal Stresses in the wall of a container are 40 MN/m 2and 80 MN/m2. Determine the normal,
shear, and resultant stresses in magnitude and direction in a plan, the normal of which makes an angle
of 300 with the direction of maximum principal stress. (N/D-14)

10. The principal stresses at a point across two perpendicular planes are 75 MN/m2 (tensile) and 35 MN/m3
(tensile). Find the normal, tangential stresses and the resultant stress and its obliquity on a plane at
200with the major principal plane. (N/D-14)

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