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Macaroncio, Sheila May I.

Art Appreciation
BAPS 2-1 Philippine Art

Guide Questions:

1. What defines the Philippine Contemporary Aesthetics?

Today's age regularly uses the phrase "aesthetics" on a variety of platforms, with
social media being the most popular. The majority of millennials use this phrase to refer
to aesthetics and the subjective concept of "beautiful." If one does not participate in the
movement to improve the quality of life for them, with equal opportunities for education
and livelihood, with guarantees of respect for their cultures, and assurances for their
personal security, survival, and the welfare of their communities, it is not enough to
patronize, collect, and support trends in indigenous art.

2. What is art according to Alice Guillermo?

Aesthetics are derived from three different premises by Alice Guillermo. First, we
derive meaning from the artwork's content. Every work of art is unique because it has a
different shape, composition, and structure. Every piece of art also conveys multiple
meanings depending on its deep-seated subject matter as well as how it is presented
visually. Second, it is historically and socially located and is influenced by the social

There is a language and terminology unique to art; activities, rituals, crafts, and
traditions from many tribes and societies are examples of art. Every custom, ritual, and
craft has its own history rooted in the social structure, history, and culture of the group.
A third premise is that aesthetics, like art, is historically and socially located and is
influenced by the social circumstances of a certain period of time.

3. What are the styles or qualities that is unique to the Philippine traditional art?

In the Philippines, traditional arts include folk architecture, marine transportation,

weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk (oral) literature, folk graphic and plastic arts,
decoration, textile or fiber art, ceramics, and other aesthetic manifestations of traditional
culture. We are special because of these ancient arts because Filipinos are
extraordinarily great artists.

4. Why is establishing a homogeneous identity of Philippine art significant to its

development? What is the relevance of the subject matter, content and meaning
in establishing a national identity in art?

Our ability to make decisions, our preconceived conceptions, our disposition, and
our emotions all have a significant role in how we see the world. Our culture is intimately
related to these elements. Our prejudices and our ways of thinking both contribute to
how we judge something to be excellent or poor. Our mindset and degree of drive are
Macaroncio, Sheila May I. Art Appreciation
BAPS 2-1 Philippine Art

important factors in determining whether something is simple or tough. the idea that one
must be able to extract a certain picture and deduce a specific interpretation in order to
enjoy art.

5. How can the different planes or levels of visual art emit its meaning?

Any surface area in space is referred to as a "plane." The "picture plane" in

two-dimensional painting refers to the flat material—such as paper, canvas, or
wood—upon which the image is painted. On a flat image plane, three-dimensional
forms can be shown by using aesthetic features to suggest depth and volume.

6. What are the challenges that the Philippine art is facing

Being a contemporary artist in the Philippines is difficult. Though the life of an

artist has never been simple, the art world in the twenty-first century is currently dealing
with a variety of identified challenges. Being a successful artist has always required a
little bit of luck; most have undoubtedly had similar feelings to those who find a winning
lottery ticket. But today's art industry looks less stable and predictable, more enigmatic
and turbulent, in contrast to prior periods, when gradually accumulating a portfolio and a
run of shows were part of a "typical" career arc.

Additionally, the existing pandemic is one of the most difficult periods for
Philippine art. Due of the severe guidelines set up in response to the epidemic, many
museums and art galleries are closed. Although there are many virtual tours available, a
personal tour is more engaging and unforgettable. As a result, the COVID-19 has made
it such that instead of individuals being able to enjoy museum and art gallery visits, they
can no longer do so. On the brighter side, digital art become in today’s setting.

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