Macaroncio_functionalism, Action Theory and Institutional Theory_p.26

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Macaroncio, Sheila May I.

BAPS 2-1

Share your insights on the following topic:

✓ Functionalism Theory of Art

The primary tenet of this theory is the assertion that everything are works of art because
of a unique purpose they serve in society. If functionalism were more closely tied to the
world of art and the actual making of art, it would make more sense. The definition will
lose what little essentialism is left if the required and sufficient requirements are
removed and institutionalist components are added.

✓ What do you think makes an artwork less or more expensive?

There is much more to art than what superficially appeared. Art's worth is more a
function of sight. Art has no restrictions, no rules, and it doesn't have to be anything in
particular. I believe that the price or value of an artwork relies on its production and the
value in the creator's eyes. An artwork conveys the story of the artist.

✓ Abstract Expressionism

The degree to which we can appreciate the early acclaim and critique of this movement
will be strengthened by a historically pertinent and informed look back on Abstract
Expressionism. Writing or doodling to encourage the mind to release its preconscious,
subconscious, or unconscious elements; reflecting on these improvisations to see what
kinds of structures they suggest; and organizing all the elements into a composition that
takes these structures into account and builds on them. This provides the reader with a
clear explanation of the underlying psychological elements that the artist may attempt to
express and denotes a particular knowledge of how the Abstract Expressionist artist
could develop his works. More than many of their artistic predecessors, these artists
placed a strong emphasis on the medium of their works; they aimed to achieve the
spiritual through the material by pursuing ambiguity and cultivating an aura in their
creations that would divert viewers' attention from the contemplation of a painting as an
object and evoke the mystery of being.

✓ Institutional Theory of Art: Is art only confined through the institution or

convention of the society

Given that art is the culmination of the infinite mind's experiences, which have no
limitations and given that experiences have no borders, art will never be restricted by
any institution or tradition of the society.
Macaroncio, Sheila May I.
BAPS 2-1

Show your talent!

Do/ create an action painting. Use watercolor and an Oslo paper.

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