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Macaroncio, Sheila May I.

Art Appreciation
BAPS 2-1 Function of Art and Philosophy


1. How is Philosophy and Art connected?

An art is the expression or application of human artistic flair and imagination,

usually in the form of visual works that are valued primarily for their artistic value or
intense emotion. In order to create a masterpiece, you must be imaginative and fully
convey your emotions, and purpose of creating an art. And that's when philosophy
enters the picture when you begin to consider the mystique of an art form and the
profound significance of artist's work, which suggests that philosophy is expressed
through arts.

According to the course materials, philosophy and art both describe reality as it
relates to man, including man, his spiritual world, and the relationships between people
as they interact with the wider community. The notions of philosophy and art are
inseparable. They resemble each other whilst being distinct. They are more like a
counterpoint to one another, which is why it is impossible to separate them. This is
based on the line from the study guide that denotes, "In certain broad terms, the real
philosopher is like the poet."

Through an artist, we can see how art and philosophy is intertwined. In fact, an
artist is required to have the artistic talent for freely associating ideas with integrated
visuals. And in general, without acquiring the capacity to view reality from an artistic
point of view, one cannot truly master creative thought in any discipline. Everything that
goes beyond the empirical representation of facts, beyond calculations and graphs, may
appear dark and fuzzy without this priceless intellectual prism through which humans
view the world.

2. Discuss the various purposes and functions of art in our society.

Art has been seen as one of the lenses of history and humanity. The usage of
arts as a glimpse of the current or past occurrences made art as one of the treasure of
the past. Throughout history, art has served a wide range of purposes such as the
predominant one which is self-expression and societal representation. Art for pleasure
is when a work of art is created with the intention of captivating, beautifying, and
enlightening anybody who sees it. Also it has been a tool to amplify the reality of a

In the Philippines, Juan Luna's Spolarium serves as a prime illustration of this. It

shows the occurrences in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period.
Additionally, art can have symbolic, ceremonial, and spiritual purposes. It may be the
Macaroncio, Sheila May I. Art Appreciation
BAPS 2-1 Function of Art and Philosophy
dance that people do at ceremonies, religious jewelry, or other things, depending on
their cultures or beliefs.

Another excellent example of art is the Taj Mahal was buit by a devoted husband
Mughal emperor Shah Jahān for the tomb of his favorite bride, Shah Jahan. In this
instance, the artwork acts as a memorial.

For other reasons, some individuals may employ arts for political, social, or
propagandist purposes. Recently, several artists have used social media channels to
spread awareness and inspire people to get involved in political issues.

3. Explain the meaning of “And no wonder, for art is a powerful catalyst for such
abilities as power of imagination, keen intuition and the knack of association,
abilities needed by both scientists and philosophers.

Scientists without an artistic factor are pedants as dry as dust, and artists without
a philosophical or scientific mind is nothing for it lacks of intriguing, informative and
amusive presence. On the other hand, a real artist continuously flow their work through
current with philosophical and scientific advancements. Philosophy and science
sometimes lead us into "the wilderness of abstractions," but art embraces everything
and imbues everything with its vibrant, unifying vision. Scientists and philosophers both
use art to communicate their fascinating ideas and discoveries. They are able to convey
a philosophical and scientific viewpoint on the universe through creative means.
Therefore, it may be said that both scientists and philosophers actually require art.

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