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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

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Modeling and optimization of water mist system for effective

air-cooled heat exchangers
Hyundo Park a,b, Jiwon Roh a,b, Kwang cheol Oh a, Hyungtae Cho a,∗, Junghwan Kim a,∗
Green Materials and Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Ulsan 44413, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Air-cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs) are one of the most efficient and widely used equipment for heat
Received 27 September 2021 exchange. However, the main disadvantages of ACHEs are their heat exchange performance is decreased
Revised 3 November 2021
by high ambient air temperature (Ta ), especially on summer season. To solve this problem, a water mist
Accepted 20 November 2021
system that sprays an amount of water is applied to ACHEs. However, the water mist system causes cor-
Available online 6 December 2021
rosion problems of the peripheral devices. Therefore, it is crucial to find a proper water mist system with
Keywords: optimized operating conditions that improve the cooling effect without corrosion. Herein, we developed
Water mist system the CFD model to find the optimal amount of water sprayed. Cooling effect and water evaporation ratio
Air-cooled heat exchangers according to the amount of water sprayed and Ta were calculated using the CFD model. As a result of the
CFD calculation, the amount of water that gives the target cooling effect as all water evaporates is 3.364 kg/h
Nozzle spray cooling and 7.928 kg/h at Ta of 303.15 K and 313.15 K, respectively. This study provides the optimal amount of
water sprayed on the water mist system considering the cooling effect and corrosion according to Ta, and
it can apply to the commercial processes.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction Recently, there has been growing interest in water mist sys-
tems to solve these problems. Water mist systems have become
Air-cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs) are widely used in the increasingly popular owing to their high specific heat, simplicity,
chemical and petroleum processes. ACHEs are used in the cooling and large evaporation heat. The water mist system lowers the am-
system and use ambient air for the cooling medium. Air is a re- bient air temperature (Ta ) as water droplets sprayed from the noz-
source that can be obtained without cost consideration in the sur- zles evaporates. The water mist system has an excellent cooling ef-
rounding environment. Therefore, this cooling system could save fect due to the rapid evaporation rate because fine droplets from
a lot of water and has a lower maintenance cost [1]. In addition the spray nozzle increase the contact surface area between the air
ACHEs are free from contamination and corrosion problems [2]. and droplets. Owing to their superiority, several studies have been
However, the main drawbacks of ACHEs are their low thermal per- conducted on water mist systems used in cooling towers [16–19].
formance due to the low air-side heat transfer coefficient [3] and Alkhedhair et al., [16] investigated an experiment of water sprays
performance affected by the ambient air temperature (Ta ) [4]. To for pre-cooling of inlet air to enhance the performance of Natural
improve these drawbacks, a popular suggested solution for these Draft Dry Cooling Towers (NDDCTs) during high ambient temper-
heat exchangers is using extended surfaces or fins in the system ature periods. They analyzed the effects of drop size distribution
[5–8]. The conventional finned surfaces such as wavy fins, slit fins, and air velocity on droplet evaporation, cooling effectiveness, and
louvered fins and fins with vortex generators [9–14] have been de- coverage area. Xia et al., [18] performed CFD analysis on different
veloped to enhance the air-side heat transfer coefficients with rel- water spray systems in NDDCTs with nozzle arranged types of ver-
ative success [15]. However, as temperatures continue to rise along tical and horizontal. As a results, they confirmed the vertical ar-
with global warming, there are limitations to conventional ways to ranged nozzle has better performance than the horizontal arranged
increase heat exchange performance. nozzle.
Many studies have been conducted on nozzle spray cooling us-
ing CFD as well as studies applied to cooling towers [4,20–28].

Corresponding authors. Montazeri et al. [20] used CFD simulation to analyze the effect on
E-mail addresses: (H. Cho), (J. Kim). the turbulence model, particle stream number, and nozzle spray
0017-9310/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

sion causes another increase in costs of the process. Therefore, this

Nomenclature study suggested the optimal amount of water sprayed of the sys-
tem to solve the low cooling performance of ACHEs and the equip-
A area [m2 ] ment’s corrosion problem simultaneously. The optimal the amount
ACHE air-cooled heat exchanger of water sprayed was derived with the developed experimental re-
Bm spalding mass number sults and CFD model. CFD model is based on the experimental de-
BT spalding heat transfer number vice. CFD model calculated the cooling effect and water evapora-
C heat capacity [J/kg-K] tion ratio according to Ta and the amount of water sprayed. As a
Cd droplet drag coefficient result, the optimal amount of water sprayed that can solve cooling
Cp specific heat performance problems and corrosion problems at the same time
Dt diffusivity was presented, and water mist system was applied to commercial
d diameter [m] processes.
h convective heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 -K] The novelty and major contributions of this study are as fol-
hfg latent heat [J/kg] lows:
k thermal conductivity [W/m-k]
• This is the first study to solve both low cooling efficiency and
m mass [kg]
corrosion problems due to excessive water in ACHEs.
Nu Nusselt number
• The cooling effect and water evaporation ratio of the water
Pr Prandtl number
mist system were calculated according to Ta and the amount of
q heat flux
water sprayed by developing an experimental device and CFD
Re Reynolds number
model for ACHEs with water mist system.
Sct Schmidt number
• The developed water mist system with optimal operating con-
Sh volumetric rate of heat generation
ditions was applied to commercial processes and demonstrated
T temperature [K]
by CFD model with calculating the amount of water sprayed.
u velocity [m/s]
In this study, ACHEs of applying water mist systems are mod-
Greek symbols
eled using CFD. To validate the CFD water mist model, the results
ρ density [kg/m3 ]
of the actual experiment are compared with the simulated results
μ viscosity [kg/m-s]
of the CFD model and the error rate was obtained. The amount of
ε emissivity
water that needs to be sprayed is derived from the validated CFD
σ Stefan-Boltzman constant [5.67∗ 10−8 W/m2 -K4 ]
model to increase the heat exchange efficiency that falls according
θR radiation temperature
to the high ambient air temperature (Ta ) by case studies. Further,
λ thermal conductivity
the water mist system based on the CFD model is applied to com-
Subscripts mercial petrochemical processes. By implementing the water mist
a ambient air system, the optimum amount of water sprayed to solve the prob-
b bulk lem of poor heat exchange efficiency in ACHEs during hot weather
i pipes inlet is proposed by using the developed CFD water mist model.
o pipes outlet
p particle (droplet) 2. Methods
pv particle vapor
w wall We used an experimental device and CFD to derive the optimal
water spraying amount of the water mist system. The experimen-
tal device shows that it can be applied to commercial processes
angle for the sensitivity analysis of evaporative cooling in water in consideration of actual phenomena. The schematic diagram of
spray systems. The CFD model created for the study was validated the experimental device can be seen in Fig. 1. However, it is not
using wind-tunnel measurements. Models constructed using the easy to conduct an experiment by controlling all the desired condi-
Lagrangian-Eulerian approach are suitable for evaporative cooling tions with the experimental device alone. Therefore, we developed
with acceptable accuracy. Additionally, Montazeri et al. [21] used a CFD model based on the experimental device and performed case
CFD models to perform physical parametric analyses that affect the studies. Therefore, using the developed CFD model, we were able
performance of the water spray model. The difference in inlet tem- to analyze not only the thermal analysis of the water mist system
perature between air and water and droplets size was found to but also the cooling effect and corrosion according to Ta and the
have a significant impact on the cooling performance. Hou et al. amount of water spraying.
[22] studied a numerical simulation of multi-nozzle spray cool-
ing heat transfer. The effects of the heated surface temperature, 2.1. Water mist system
mass flux, and the optimal number of nozzles on the cooling per-
formance were presented. Raoult et al. [23] performed CFD simu- Water mist systems are composed of a fan, nozzle, pump, water
lations to identify the flow geometries inside the heat exchanger tank, and pipes. They have the same configuration as ACHEs except
and compared the water spray model comprising the evaporation for the water tank, pump, and nozzle. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of
process and the dispersion phenomenon. Consequently, the accu- the water mist system that is composed of a water tank, fan, and
racy of the CFD model increased, allowing for an in-depth study of droplets obtained via nozzles. The fan is installed under the pipes
the effects of the physical parameters on the cooling performance. to collect and send air under and around itself toward the pipes
Various studies have been conducted to improve the perfor- while the water droplets sprayed out using the nozzle and pump
mance of the water mist system, but existing studies have focused are raised toward the pipe. The sprayed water droplets evaporate
only on the cooling performance of the water mist system by us- and remove the heat of the ambient air to drop the ambient air
ing CFD and have not considered the problem of water corrosion temperature (Ta ).
caused by a large amount of water from the system. However, To develop the CFD model, we designed an experimental de-
corrosion problems are the most important issues, because corro- vice that fully reflects the commercial system. The difference be-

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 1. Schematic of water mist system.

Fig. 2. Geometry of the CFD water mist model (a) before symmetry and, (b) after symmetry.

tween the experimental device and the actual device is that the difference between the pipe inlet temperature (Ti ) and the pipe
distance between the pipe inlet and outlet is shorter in the exper- outlet temperature (To ) measured by the sensor. The primary pur-
imental device because it has been reduced in size. To solve this pose of the water mist system is to spray the optimum amount of
problem, divided pipe lines are designed. The pipe is divided into water to ensure that To reaches the target temperature even under
four pipelines at the inlet, which then merge into one at the outlet. high Ta .
This is done because the fluid flowing in the pipes is divided into
four parts to decrease its velocity. This increases the heat exchange 2.2. Geometry
time and the cooling effect. In addition, a sensor is installed at the
inlet and outlet of the pipes. The sensors are used to measure the The geometry developed for the simulation is based on the
temperature of the fluid flowing in that area and, observe the cool- actual experiment device. Fig. 2 shows the geometry of the CFD
ing effect. The cooling effect is an indicator of the reduction in the model. Fig. 2 (b) was divided by the YZ plane from Fig. 2 (a). The
temperature of the fluid flowing inside the pipes. This indicates the CFD water mist model is composed of pipes and spaces, along with

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 3. Mesh 2 of water mist system (a) Pipes in the cross-section, (b) Boundary layers of the pipe.

result of the mesh independence test. As the number of mesh ele-

ments increases, the error rate decreases, however, the calculation
time increases. Although the error rates for mesh 2 and mesh 3
are not significantly different, the calculation time for mesh 3 is
approximately twice that for mesh 2. Therefore, we conducted a
case study using mesh 2 (basic).
The mesh quality was judged on the basis of skewness and or-
thogonal quality [30,31]. In this model, the values of skewness and
orthogonal quality are 0.20586 and 0.79295, respectively. There-
fore, it corresponds to "Excellent" and "Very good" grades, respec-

2.4. Physical models and governing equations

The realizable k-ε model, which gives a more accurate predic-

tion of the spreading rate of both the planar and round jets than
the standard k-ε model, was chosen as the turbulence model. The
discrete element model (DEM) is usually simulated for the multi-
Fig. 4. Results of mesh independence test.
phase flow system. However, the DEM has limitations in simulating
commercial plant-scale multiphase flow systems owing to, its high
Table 1 computational cost [32].
Results of mesh independence test. For spray modeling purposes, the most common method in use
is the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach [33]. Therefore, the discrete
Mesh 1 Mesh 2 (basic) Mesh 3
phase model (DPM) in ANSYS Fluent was used for applying the
Total number of mesh elements 557,347 1,063,834 1,804,492 Euler-Lagrange approach. The fluid dynamics are described by the
Calculation time [h] 3.23 6.15 12.42
Error rate [%] 2.06 0.91 0.55
averaged Navier-Stokes equations with strong coupling with a dis-
crete particle [34], while the dispersed phase is solved by tracking
a large number of particles, bubbles, or droplets through the cal-
culated flow field. The dispersed phase can exchange the momen-
a fan with dimensions 2 m (X) x 2.165 m (Y) x 4 m (Z). It has the tum, mass, and energy with the fluid phase [35]. This approach
same dimensions as the actual experiment device. However, this gets considerably simpler when particle–particle interactions are
geometry is symmetrical to the XZ plane relative to x = 1 m; thus, neglected, which requires the dispersed second phase occupy a low
only half of the geometry was simulated for reducing the calcula- volume fraction, even though high mass loading is acceptable. The
tion time. This model used only one nozzle, which sprayed water particle or droplet trajectories are computed individually at speci-
vertically; it was located at the center of the bottom. This geome- fied intervals during the fluid phase calculation [35]. A solid-cone
try was built in 3D-CAD in ANSYS Fluent (version 2019 R3). type was adopted in the injection model to represent the water
spray nozzle. The simulation was interpreted as a steady state.
2.3. Mesh
2.4.1. The conservation of mass, momentum, and energy
As the simulation was a computational solution of a system of The equation for conservation of mass or continuity equation
equations, it was discretized with a system of finite volumes where can be written as follows [35]:
the equations were solved [29]. To increase the accuracy of the ∂ρ
+ ∇ · (ρv ) = Sm (1)
analysis, i.e., the temperature change in the fluid inside the pipes, ∂t
three boundary layers were added to both the inside and outside of Eq. (1) is the general form of the mass conservation equation
the pipe using the inflation function (six layers in total), as shown and is valid for incompressible as well as compressible flows. The
in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 (a) illustrates the cross-section of the pipes to dis- source Sm is the mass added to the continuous phase from the dis-
play the mesh and Fig. 3 (b) demonstrates an enlarged section of persed second phase and any user-defined sources.
the pipes. Fig. 3 (b) shows that there are six boundary layers in the Further, conservation of momentum is described by
pipe, as mentioned above.

Further, we conducted a mesh independence test of the CFD (ρv ) + ∇ · (ρvv ) = −∇ p + ρ g + F (2)
water mist model using mesh 1, 2, and 3. The total numbers of ∂t
mesh elements of mesh 1, 2, and 3 were 557,347, 1,063,834, and where p, ρ g and F are the static pressure, gravitational body force,
1,804,492, respectively. Fig. 4 shows and Table 1 summarizes the and external body forces, respectively. F also contains other model-

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

dependent source terms such as porous-media and user-defined described in modeling the turbulent production in the k-ε mod-
sources. els. Gb denotes the generation of turbulence kinetic energy due
Furthermore, conservation of energy is described by to buoyancy, calculated as described in the effects of buoyancy on
  turbulence in the k-ε models. YM represents the contribution of the
∂  fluctuating dilatation in compressible turbulence to the overall dis-
(ρ E ) + ∇ · (v(ρ E + p) ) = −∇ · hi Ji + Sh (3)
∂t i
sipation rate, calculated as described in the effects of compressibil-
ity on turbulence in the k-ε models. C2 and C1ε are constants. σk
where hi is heat transfer coefficient of species i, Ji is the diffusion and σε are the turbulent Prandtl numbers for k and ε , respectively.
flux of species i. and Sh is the volumetric rate of heat generation. Sk and Sε are user-defined source terms [35].

2.4.2. Species transport 2.4.4. Particle force balance

While trying to solve the conservation equations for chemi- ANSYS Fluent predicts the trajectory of a discrete phase particle
cal species, ANSYS Fluent predicts the local mass fraction of each (or droplet or bubble) by integrating the force balance on the par-
species, Yi , through the solution of a convection–diffusion equation ticle, which is written in a Lagrangian reference frame. This force
for the ith species. This conservation equation takes the following balance equates the particle inertia with the forces acting on the
general form [35]: particle, and can be written as
∂ du p u − up g (ρ p − ρ )
(ρYi ) + ∇ · (ρvYi ) = −∇ · Ji + Ri + Si (4) mp = mp + mp +F (11)
∂t dt τr ρp
where Ri is the net rate of production of species i by chemical re-
action, and Si is the rate of creation by addition from the dispersed where m p is the particle mass, u is the fluid phase velocity, u p is
phase plus any user-defined sources. the particle velocity, ρ is the fluid density, ρ p is the density of the
In Eq. (4), Ji , which is the diffusion flux of species i, arises ow- u−u
particle, F is an additional force, m p τr p is the drag force, and τr
ing to gradients of concentration and temperature. By default, for is the droplet or particle relaxation time [36] calculated by.
laminar flows, the diffusion flux can be written as,
ρ p d2p 24
∇T τr = (12)
Ji = −ρ Di,m ∇ Yi − DT,i (5) 18μ Cd Re
Here, μ is the molecular viscosity of the fluid, d p is the parti-
Here Di,m and DT,i are the mass diffusion coefficient and ther-
cle diameter, and Cd is the droplet drag coefficient. Several droplet
mal diffusion coefficient, respectively, for species i in the mixture.
drag models assume that the droplet remains spherical throughout
In turbulent flows, the diffusion flux in the following form:
the domain. With this assumption, the drag of as spherical object
 μt  ∇T is determined by the following [37]:
Ji = − ρ Di,m + ∇ Yi − DT,i (6)
Sct T
0.424, x > 1, 0 0 0
where Sct is the turbulent Schmidt number and can be expressed Cd = 24 2 (13)
1 + 16 Re 3 , x ≤ 1, 0 0 0
as ρμDt , where μt is the turbulent viscosity, and Dt is the turbulent
diffusivity. The default value of Sct is 0.7. Re is the relative Reynolds number, which is defined as.
ρ d p u p − u
2.4.3. Realizable k-epsilon model
Re ≡ (14)
The Reynolds-averaged approach for turbulence modeling re- μ
quires the Reynolds to be appropriately modeled. A common
method employs the Boussinesq hypothesis to relate the Reynolds 2.4.5. Heat and mass transfer to the droplet
stresses to the mean velocity gradients. The droplet temperature is calculated according to a heat bal-
    ance equation that relates the sensible heat change in the droplet
∂ ui ∂ u j 2 ∂u
−ρ ui uj = μt + − ρ k + μt k δi j (7) to the convective and latent heat transfer between the droplet and
∂ x j ∂ xi 3 ∂ xk the continuous phase [35].
where the turbulent (or eddy) viscosity, μt , is computed by com- dTp dm p
m pC p = hA p (T∞ − Tp ) − h + A pε pσ θR 4 − Tp 4 (15)
bining k and ε as follows: dt dt f g
k2 The parameters m p , C p , Tp , and A p are used to represent the
μt = ρCμ (8) droplet mass, heat capacity, temperature, and area, respectively. h
ε dm
is the convective heat transfer coefficient, dt p is the rate of evap-
where Cμ is a constant. The modeled transport equations for k and
oration, and h f g is the latent heat. The heat transferred to or from
ε in the realizable k-ε model are
the gas phase becomes an energy source/sink in the subsequent
∂ ∂ ∂  μ  ∂k continuous phase energy equation calculations.
(ρ k ) + ρ ku j = μ+ t
∂t ∂xj ∂xj σk ∂ x j When the vaporization rate is computed by the Convec-
tion/Diffusion Controlled model, the convective heat transfer co-
+Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + Sk (9)
efficient h in Eq. (15) is calculated with a modified Nu number as
and follows [38].
∂ ∂ ∂  μ  ∂ε hd p ln (1 + BT )
(ρε ) + ρε u j = μ+ t
1 1
Nu = = 2 + 0.6Red 2 P r 3 (16)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj σε ∂ x j k BT
ε2 ε where k is the thermal conductivity of the continuous phase, and
+ ρC1 Sε − ρC2 √ + C1ε C3ε Gb + Sε (10) BT is the Spalding heat transfer number defined as.
k+ vε k
In these equations, Gk represents the generation of turbulence C pv (T∞ − Tp )
BT = q˙ p
kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradients, calculated as hfg − m˙ p

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Table 2
Summary of simulation conditions.

Domain Value

Fluid inlet velocity (u) 11.9 m/s

Fluid inlet temperature (Ti ) 387.15 K
Gravity -9.81 m/s2
Ambient air temperature (Ta ) 295.15 K
Water droplets temperature (Tp ) 293.15 K
Water droplets diameter (dp ) 22.08 μm
Water spray angle 45°

For high vaporization rates, the effect of the convective flow of

the evaporating material from the droplet surface to the bulk gas
phase becomes important. The mass transfer related expressions
related to the rate of evaporation is as follows [38,39].
dm p
= kc A p ρ ln (1 + Bm ) (18) Fig. 5. Comparison fluid outlet temperature (To ) of simulation results and experi-
dt ment results.
where kc is the mass transfer coefficient, and Bm is the Spalding
mass number given by: Table 3
Comparison of the pipe outlet temperature.
Yi,s − Yi,∞
Bm = (19) Case No water mist Water mist
1 − Yi,s
Ambient air temperature (Ta ) 295.15 K 295.15 K
where Yi,s is the vapor mass fraction at the surface, and Yi,∞ is the Amount of water 0 kg/h 4.194 kg/h
vapor mass fraction in the bulk gas. Fluid inlet temperature (Ti ) 387.15 K 387.15 K
Fluid outlet temperature (To ) (experiment) 349.15 K 341.15 K
Fluid outlet temperature (To ) (simulation) 348.17 K 344.25 K
2.4.6. Nusselt number Error rate 0.28% 0.91%
All the surfaces of the solid domain other than the solid to the
fluid interface were considered to be adiabatic. Once the velocity
and the temperature fields were known, the local Nusselt number 3. Results and discussion
was evaluated [40]:
hd qw d 3.1. Validation: CFD water mist model
Nu = = (20)
λf λ f (Tw − Tb )
To verify the accuracy of the CFD model, the simulation results
being qw the wall heat flux, h the convective heat transfer coef- of the CFD model for the pipe To were compared to those of the
ficient, λ f the fluid thermal conductivity, Tw and Tb the wall and actual experiment. To is an indicator to check, the cooling effect;
fluid bulk temperature, respectively. Arithmetic temperature differ- lower To indicates better cooling effect, which is the goal of the
ence method was used for evaluating Tb as given in Eq. (21). water mist system. Therefore, the CFD water mist model was ver-
ified using a comparison of To . The difference between the sim-
T f in + T f out
Tb = TAMT D = (21) ulation and actual experiment results for To denotes the degree
2 of error in the CFD water mist model. Data were compared for
Also, qw as given in Eq. (22). two cases of naturally cooling (i) without water mist and (ii) with
water mist. The amount of water used for the water mist model
qw = q f = m˙ C p f T f in − T f out (22)
was the same as that of the actual experiment, i.e., 8.388 kg/h, but
where m˙ is the mass flow rate of fluid, C p f is the specific heat of 4.194 kg/h was used considering the half analysis using symme-
fluid, and T f in , T f out represented the inlet and outlet temperature try. Fig. 5 shows the To results of experiment and simulation. The
of the pipes. yellow bar represents the experimental results and the green bar
represents the simulation results. We can confirm that there is lit-
2.5. Simulation conditions tle difference in experimental and simulation results.
As evident from Table 3, the error rates confirm that the differ-
The simulation conditions of the CFD water mist model were ence between the experimental and simulation results is minimal
the same as those of the actual experiment. It is a cooling exper- in both cases. In the actual experiment, the results for the cases
iment that cools the flowing hot fluid inside the pipes with the of with and without water mist are 341.15 K and 349.15 K, while
ambient air and water droplets sprayed using a nozzle. Ta was the simulation results for the both are 344.25 K and 348.17 K, re-
295.15 K. Ti of the fluid to be cooled that flowed in the pipes spectively. The error rates in both cases are and 0.91% and 0.28%,
was 387.15 K and its velocity (v) was 11.9 m/s. The water droplet respectively. Because the error rate was less than 1% in both cases,
temperature (Tp ) and diameter (dp ) were 293.15 K and 22.08 μm, the CFD water mist model was verified, and the analysis and case
respectively. Here, dp is the Sauter mean diameter (SMD) which study were conducted using this CFD model.
is defined as the diameter of a sphere that has the same vol-
ume/surface area ratio as the droplet of interest. The nozzle spray 3.2. Analysis: CFD water mist model
angle was 45°. The simulation conditions values are summarized
in Table 2. Additionally, the flowing fluid inside the pipes was hot The cases for with and without water mist were compared
air. The simulation was run using a desktop computer with an In- and analyzed through Figs. 6 and 7. A temperature contour of
tel(R) Xeno(R) CPU, E5-2667v4 3.20 GHz processor, and 128 GB both cases is illustrated in Fig. 6. It shows that the temperature
RAM memory. of the water mist model is lower than that of the model with-

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 6. Temperature contours of the pipes (a) No water mist case (b) Water mist case.

Fig. 7. Mass fraction contour of H2 O in the model (a) No water mist case, (b) Water mist case.

out water mist at the pipes and their surroundings. Fig. 6 (a) Fig. 8 shows a contour of velocity (v) along the pipes. In Fig. 8,
and (b) denote, distinctly different parts, i.e., the surroundings of it is evident that the velocity in the pipe inlet and outlet is higher;
the pipes and the outer pipelines. In Fig. 6 (b), the color of the however, it is less in the pipelines. As the fluid flow gets divided,
outer pipelines is sky-blue and their temperature is approximately the total amount of fluid flowing per pipeline decreases. Therefore,
300 K, which is significantly lower than the temperature of the the velocity of the fluid flowing through the divided pipelines de-
pipelines illustrated in Fig. 6 (a), which are depicted in a grass- creased, thereby resulting in more heat exchangeable time, which
green color in the outer pipeline area. Additionally, the color of the is good for cooling.
surrounding pipes is bluer and their temperature is approximately
280 K. This difference in Ta ultimately results in different To of the 3.3. Case studies
Fig. 7 shows the mass fraction of H2 O (side view). The no water The water mist system is used when Ta is high; it is not usu-
mist model actually shows that water is not sprayed, thus the mass ally used when Ta is as low as 295.15 K. Therefore, it is necessary
fraction of H2 O is 0 and the color is entirely blue. Meanwhile in the to observe the effect of the water mist system in the case of high
water mist model, the water is sprayed through a nozzle. It can be Ta . Therefore, the validated model was used when the ambient air
observed that the water sprayed from the nozzle affects the pipes temperature was 303.15 and 313.15 K to observe the cooling effect,
over a wide range. which denotes the difference in the fluid temperature at the in-

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Table 4
Summary of case study at Ta 303.15 K.

Case 1 2 3 4 5

Amount of water [kg/h] 0 2.097 4.194 6.291 8.388

Fluid inlet temperature (Ti ) [K] 387.15 387.15 387.15 387.15 387.15
Fluid outlet temperature (To ) [K] 351.76 348.91 347.80 346.77 340.86
Cooling effect [K] 35.39 38.24 39.35 40.38 46.29
Water evaporation ratio [%] 100 100 100 100 100

Table 5
Summary of case study at Ta 313.15 K.

Case 6 7 8 9 10

Amount of water [kg/h] 0 2.097 4.194 6.291 8.388

Fluid inlet temperature (Ti ) [K] 387.15 387.15 387.15 387.15 387.15
Fluid outlet temperature (To ) [K] 356.13 353.75 352.42 351.44 346.44
Cooling effect [K] 31.02 33.40 34.73 35.71 40.71
Water evaporation ratio [%] 100 100 100 100 100

study. The target temperature of To was 348.17 K for the simula-

tion results using the no water mist model. This result has also
been presented in Table 3 to verify the results of the previous
model. Figs. 9 and 10 show a 2D contour plot of To according to
the amount of water and Ta . In Fig. 9, the red dots represent each
of the ten case studies (Case 1–10) results. The higher the amount
of water sprayed and the lower Ta , the lower To . The yellow area
in Fig. 10 shows a temperature zone lower than the target temper-
ature (348.17 K). When Ta is 303.15 K, a minimum of 3.364 kg/h
of water must be sprayed to cool To below the target temperature,
and when Ta is 313.15 K, this value becomes 7.928 kg/h. Based on
these results, a total of four cases met the target temperature con-
ditions, i.e., Case 3–5 and 10. We confirmed that for high Ta , the
cooling effect can be significantly improved by spraying water. And
if Ta is higher, more water is needed to cool the fluid in the pipes.

3.3.1. Nusselt number

The Nusselt number is calculated by using experimental results
and CFD simulation results (Case 1–10). Fig. 11 shows the Nusselt
number by the amount of water and Ta . The black and red lines
are Nusselt numbers based on the results for Case 1–5 and Case
Fig. 8. Velocity contours of the pipes. 6–10, respectively. The blue triangle is a representation of the Nus-
selt number calculated based on the experimental results. It can
be seen that the Nusselt number increases as the amount of water
let and outlet of the pipes. Additionally, the cooling effect in both being sprayed increases. On the contrary, the ambient air temper-
cases (with water mist at Ta of 303.15 K and without water mist ature does not affect the Nusselt number. Comparing the Nusselt
Ta of 313.15 K) were compared by changing the amount of water numbers obtained experimentally and using simulation under the
sprayed from the nozzle. same conditions, no difference was observed.
The amount of water sprayed from the nozzle was divided into
five cases at Ta of 303.15 and 313.15 K each, and the case stud- 3.3.2. Temperature contours of the pipes
ies were conducted. The amount of water sprayed was 0, 2.097, Figs. 12 and 13 show the temperature contours of the pipes at
4.194, 6.291, and 8.388 kg/h. Tables 4 and 5 show the conditions Ta of 303.15 and 313.15 K. The following characteristics were ob-
and results for Case 1 through Case 10. In all ten cases, the Ti was served in the temperature contours. First, along the x-direction, i.e.,
387.15K with the same conditions, and all of the water sprayed as we move farther away from the middle of the pipes, the color
from the nozzle was 100% evaporated. To of the fluid is calculated of the pipes changes to blue and the temperature drops. This is
using the surface area-average. This confirmed that when more because not only the flow of fluids is low, but also the area that
water has sprayed at the nozzle, the cooling effect for the fluid meets the ambient air is so large that it is highly affected by the
flowing through the pipe is better. As evident from Tables 4 and 5, ambient air. Second, the fluid entering 387.15 K from the pipe inlet
the best cooling effect was observed in Case 5 and 10 where the becomes colder as the outlet approaches.
water flow rate was 8.388 kg/h. As the amount of water being sprayed increases, the character-
Additionally, to have the same cooling effect as that of not istics in the temperature contours of the pipes changed, as illus-
spraying water at low Ta , the amount of water required to be trated in both Figs. 12 and 13. The red color estimated at 387 K
sprayed from the water mist system was inferred through the case at the center part of the pipes reduces and fades. Additionally, the

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 9. 2D contour plot of fluid outlet temperature (To ).

Fig. 10. Overlay plot of target temperature and fluid outlet temperature (To ).

blue color estimated at 297 K at the outer part expands and si- was blue, estimated at 297 K at Ta of 303.15 K (Fig. 12) and a sky
multaneously becomes bluer. It is the most likely in contact with blue, estimated at 310 K at Ta of 313.15 K (Fig. 13). This means that
the ambient air and sprayed water droplets, which appears to be the cooling effect of Ta at 303.15 K is more effective than that at
cooling better. These colors denote the temperature contours in the 313.15 K.
Figs. 12 and 13 have common characteristics, but they also dif- 3.3.3. Temperature contours of the pipe outlet
fer. Ta in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 were 303.15 K and 313.15 K, respec- Figs. 14 and 15 show To visually. The closer the color is to blue,
tively; thus, the cooling effect varied even if the same amount of the lower the temperature, further reaching the temperature of
water was sprayed; this was observed by checking the temperature 340 K. The pipe outlet is half-circular because, as mentioned ear-
contours of the pipes outside the part. The color of the outside part lier, the symmetry was used. The edges of the half-circle are dif-

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

posed water mist system was designed based on the CFD water
mist model. Fig. 16 shows the water mist system that was applied
to the commercial process. The applied process was installed in
the order of the pipes, fans, and nozzles from the top in the same
configuration as the experimental water mist system. Fig. 17 shows
a schematic of the target process. The target process system con-
sists of pipes, fans, and nozzles. One set of target process includes
eight fans; each fan has an area of 6 m x 6 m, and the number of
nozzles per fan is 80. Further, we estimated the similarity between
the experiment and the applied process in terms of the area of
the pipe that must be cooled per nozzle. In the experiment, one
nozzle cools 0.419 m2 area of the pipes, and the subsequent ratio
is 0.419 m2 /nozzle. In the applied process, 80 nozzles cool 6 m x
6 m area of the pipes, and the subsequent ratio is 0.45 m2 /nozzle.
Therefore, the experiment and the applied process are similar in
terms of the area of the pipes to be cooled per nozzle.

4.2. Effect of applied water mist system

Fig. 11. Nusselt number by the amount of water and the ambient air temperature
(Ta ). Although the cooling performance is not affected when Ta is
303.15 K, it has been confirmed that problems occur when Ta is
higher than 303.15 K. However, Ta often exceeds 303.15 K in sum-
ferent in color because they denote the pipe walls instead of the
mer, it is necessary to set the appropriate amount of water in the
water mist system to maintain cooling performance even if Ta is
Figs. 14 and 15 show that To decreases as the amount of wa-
higher than 303.15 K. If the process continues to operate with poor
ter sprayed increases. In addition, Fig. 14 shows a lower overall To
cooling performance, the quality of the final production will be re-
compared to Fig. 15. Case 3–5 and Case 10 that have reached the
duced. Therefore, we presented an appropriate amount of water to
target temperature mentioned above are denoted by blue, which
this process based on case study results to solve these problems.
is equal to or bluer than the target temperature in the tempera-
Fig. 18 shows an overlay plot in Fig. 10 that divides the tem-
ture spectrum. Therefore, we can confirm that the more water we
perature distribution in more detail. Since the amount of water
spray, the better the fluid in the pipe is cooled.
required to have the same cooling effect as no water spray at Ta
303.15 K (target cooling performance) depends on Ta , the amount
4. Application of water required was derived according to the six Ta (305.15 K,
307.15 K, 309.15 K, 311.15 K, 313.15 K). The red dots represent the
4.1. Target process: CCR/Platforming same cooling effect as the target cooling performance in the se-
lected Ta . The amount of water derived from case study cannot
The applied process is the process of producing products be applied directly to the commercial process. Because the scale is
through cooling using ACHEs as part of product condenser dur- different between CFD water mist model and the commercial pro-
ing the commercial CCR/Platforming process. This process produces cess. Therefore, the amount of water derived should be adjusted to
low-quality products in summer because it does not cool down to the commercial process. The purpose of the water mist system is
the target temperature owing to the high Ta . Therefore, the wa- not to directly cool using water spraying, but to lower Ta , which
ter mist system was applied to solve the above problem. The pro- is a cooling medium of ACHEs. Therefore, the amount of ambient

Fig. 12. Temperature contours of the pipes at the ambient air temperature (Ta ) of 303.15 K.

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 13. Temperature contours of the pipes at the ambient air temperature (Ta ) of 313.15 K. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 14. Temperature contours of the pipe outlet at the ambient air temperature (Ta ) of 303.15 K. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 15. Temperature contours of the pipe outlet at the ambient air temperature (Ta ) of 313.15 K. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 16. Water mist system applied in the commercial process (a) Bottom view, (b) Top view.

Fig. 17. Schematic of target process.

air affects when adjusting the amount of water. Therefore, it is as- Table 6 shows the amount of water needed according to
sumed that the amount of ambient air is equal to the space occu- Ta . The amount of water was indicated per fan and through-
pied by the device. Furthermore, we assume that the CFD model out the system, respectively. Accordingly, the amount of water
and the commercial process have the same height. Therefore, the sprayed to improve the problem of the CCR/Platforming pro-
area and the amount of air occupied are the same. Thus, we scale cess was 99.783 kg/h per fan at Ta 313.15 K. The total wa-
up the amount of water that needs to be sprayed in proportion to ter required was 798.264 kg/h because the total number of fans
the area. The CFD water mist model has an area of 2.165 m2 owing was 8. After spraying the calculated amount of water into the
to symmetry. However, the actual size of the process is 36 m2 per commercial process, the target cooling performance maintained
fan, which is approximately 16.6 times the size of the CFD model. at Ta higher than 303.15 K. Thus, the CCR/Platforming process
As previously calculated, one fan standard of the commercial pro- can maintain cooling performance without any problem even in
cess was approximately 16.6 times larger than the CFD model. summer.

H. Park, J. Roh, K.c. Oh et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184 (2022) 122297

Fig. 18. Overlay plot of target cooling performance according to the ambient air temperature (Ta ).

Table 6
The amount of water needed according to the ambient air temperature (Ta ).

Ta [K] 305.15 307.15 309.15 311.15 313.15

Scale-up amount of water per fan [kg/h] 14.309 25.813 40.604 67.728 99.783
Scale-up amount of water throughout the process [kg/h] 114.854 206.504 324.832 541.824 798.264

5. Conclusion Declaration of Competing Interest

This study used an experimental device and CFD to derive the The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
optimal water spraying amount of the water mist system according cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
to Ta . The CFD model was developed to represent the phenomena influence the work reported in this paper.
of evaporative cooling using the water mist system. When compar-
ing the experimental results with the simulation results of the CFD CRediT authorship contribution statement
water mist model, the error rate of the fluid temperature at the
pipe outlet was found to be less than 1%. Thus, we confirmed that Hyundo Park: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writ-
the developed CFD model has high accuracy, and we utilized this ing – original draft, Visualization. Jiwon Roh: Investigation, Writing
to conduct case studies. Case studies results, a better cooling effect – original draft. Kwang cheol Oh: Software. Hyungtae Cho: Formal
was observed when more water was sprayed. To achieve the same analysis, Writing – review & editing. Junghwan Kim: Writing – re-
temperature result as a situation where the water mist system is view & editing, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
not used at Ta of 295.15 K, water must be sprayed over 3.364 kg/h
and 7.928 kg/h at Ta of 303.15 K and 313.15 K, respectively. How-
ever, excessive water spraying causes problems when sprayed wa-
This study has been conducted with the support of the Korea
ter does not evaporate, leading to the corrosion of the peripheral
Institute of Industrial Technology as “Development of AI Platform
devices. Therefore, to prevent corrosion, an adequate amount of
Technology for Smart Chemical Process (kitech JH-21-0 0 05)".
water should be sprayed for cooling it to the target temperature.
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