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Information System analysis and design

[COS 107]

Lecturer – Daw Moh Moh Khaing (

moh2khaing@gmail.c om)

Assignment by Ma Ei Myat Pan (

eimyatpan28@gmail. com)

Student ID - 01014

British university college

Tasks Titles Page No.

Task 1 Introduction to RAD 1

Strengths and Weakness of RAD 2

Suitable Environment for RAD 2

Methodology 4
Tools 5
Conclusion 5
Task 2 Class Diagram 6

Task 3 Use Case Diagram 7

Task 4 Activity Diagram 8

Reference List 9
Task 1
Rapid Application Development(RAD)

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an approach or a software development

process that is based on prototyping without specific planning. RAD model has less
attention to planning but more priority to the development tasks. Just like its name, it is
created to target at developing software in short period time. So, the key objectives of RAD
are High Speed, High Quality and Low Cost. RAD modeling has 5 phases as the following:

 Business Modeling
 Data Modeling
 Process Modeling
 Application Generation
 Testing and Turnover

RAD Model Diagram

Page 1
1. It is flexible and adaptable, so it is easy to change when requirements are changed.
2. It is easier to transfer delivering software because scripts, high-level abstraction and
intermediate codes are used.
3. For reducing overall project risk, it is useful to reduce that kind of risk.
4. Because of using code generator and reusing codes, there is reduction of manual
5. Even though we have a few people, we can made completed RAD software in a short
6. Each phase of RAD have higher priority functionality for delivering to clients.

1. When problem or technical risk is too high, it is not suitable for solving.
2. Not all kind of applications or projects are suitable with RAD.
3. We must need professional designers or developers to make a completed RAD.
(Martin, n.d)

RAD is not suitable for all types of projects. RAD is the most suitable for the following
organization or environment:

(1)Management Involvement

To be a complete RAD, we need a complete management team for developing

software. And also, to provide end-user involvement, we must require
commitment of senior user management for RAD. Without that commitment,
more waterfall models will be considered.

(2)End-user involvement

For developing complete RAD, we also need end-user involvement. Because

user are the ones who will use system. Developers will just develop software
and they have to interact with users for their software which is suitable for
them or not. In discussion, end-user involvement will make easier for
developing a system what user wants. The developers and users should
reside in the same location.

(3)The development team

For complete RAD, the development team should know about RAD to
develop. So, we have to commit and train them about RAD knowledge.

Page 2
(4)Project management

There is another problem for developing RAD. It is prototyping that it can

run out of control. So, we need professional project management for good
project control. Without project management, that project will be out of
control and hard to solve the problem.

(5)Empowering the team

One of the problems for developing RAD is to give authority to make decision
to RAD team. Team leaders or team superiors must need to give authority to
their team to make design decisions on a day-to-day basis. Because if he or
she don’t give authority to team, developing system process will stop when
team need decision from their superiors when they don’t come. So, if
superiors give their team authority to make decision, team can continue their
developing process with their own decision even he or she don’t involve.

(6)The size of the project

RAD is good for small to medium project. Because just like the name, it can
run a system in a short period of time. So, small or medium project can be
easily developed with RAD. In larger project, we can use RAD approach but
that project must be a project which can divide or split into smaller projects.
And also each smaller projects need to independent each other, so the project
can run without error.

(7)Team size

To develop a complete RAD, development team size should be small for some
- It can reduce management concerns. If team size is small, we can manage team
easier and system can be developed in a short time.
- It can maintain clear lines of communication. That means small team size can
communicate clearly each other without argument.
- It can increase commitment to development and ownership of the project. If
team size is small, developers will do their parts of the project with their own idea.
So, it can finish in deadline customer wants

Page 3

RAD methodology is software design methodology that is designed to counter the

rigidity of other traditional software development models. This development nearly same
to agile approach, but slightly different. It is divided into following steps.
There are four main steps in RAD methodology.

(1)Plan out Project Requirements

In first stage, the clients describe what they want for their software from
their view of software. Some clients won’t know much about software. They will just tell
what they want. The developers analyze and plan out actual requirements for project. They
discuss with clients and when both of them agree, the second stage will start.

(2)Prototypes and Testing

In second stage, development team start working on the prototype based on

outlines they have. The developers work closely with the customers to develop software
according to what customers needs. If prototype is finished and confirmed by clients, users
will start to test software. The development teams collect feedback from clients and make
changes software according to feedback. And users test new version of prototype. The
developers will make changes repeated until users like.


After testing sufficiently, developers start to begin the final development

stage. In this step, all of the requirements and details are already stored and sorted
completely. At the end of process, all types of developers in development team work
together to finish the system. They test and run their codes to check the final result of the

(4)Finalization and Launch

After testing code and satisfying with code, they launch the software to the
real world. The developers and clients closely monitor the software. The real-world users
use software and give feedback and review. The developers and clients read reviews from
users to look for any bugs or errors. (Haider, n.d)

Page 4

RAD methodology uses both computerized tools and human techniques to

achieve the goals of high-speed and high quality. RAD developers use different types of
frameworks, software and applications and also use existing code to create app and speed
up developing process.
All of RAD tools must have:
(1) Reusable components
(2) Enough budget amount for project
(3) Must be used in all platforms
(4) Must be comfortable or convenient with all types of users
Examples of RAD tools are CASE tools. These tools can be used to develop
models ( eg. Edraw,) and directly generate code based on those models instead of hard
coding.(eg. starUML). Other examples of tools are Kissflow, SetApp, Quixy, etc.
(Haider, n.d)

In conclusion, RAD has brought about a new version in the software system
development. Using RAD have a lot of advantages: reducing costs on project, encouraging
involvement of customers in the whole process of development lifecycle, being able to
speed up process by its methodology, people, management and high-tech computer aided
tools. Not all things are perfect, so, RAD also disadvantages. But comparing to advantages,
disadvantages are too small. So, having RAD or using RAD approach can seduce the clients
more and make them satisfied more because of its good quality, speed and low cost.

Page 5
( Task 2, Task 3, Task 4 are drawn by EdrawMax )
Task 2

Class Diagram for The Feel-Better Animal Clinic

Page 6
Task 3

Use Case Diagram for E-business book exchange system

Page 7
Task 4

Activity Diagram for Movie Corner

Page 8

Egeonu, E., n.d. Distant Job. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 7 June 2022].

Haider, A., n.d. clickysoft. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 7 Jan 2022].

Martin, M., n.d. Guru99. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 July 2022].
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