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A Pragmatic Analysis of Maxim Flouting Performed by the Characters in This

Boy’s Life Movie

By: Wisnu Ngudi Arto

Yogyakarta State University


This research is under pragmatic study. The objectives of this study are to identify the
types and strategies of maxim flouting performed by the characters in This Boy’s Life
movie. Qualitative-quantitative method was applied in this research. The researcher
and data sheet became the instrument of this research. The form of the data was
lingual units. The context of the data was dialogues. Moreover, This Boy’s Life movie
and its transcript became the sources of the data. Furthermore, the analyses were
conducted by using visual analysis. The steps were (1) identifying the data, (2)
classifying and coding the data, (3) analyzing the classified and coded data, (4)
checking the accuracy of the analyzed data, and (5) reporting and drawing the
conclusions of the data. The trustworthiness of this research was gained by having
routine consultations and peer discussion. The results of this research show that all
maxims of Cooperative Principle are flouted by using some strategies. Overstatement
and understatement are the strategies to flout maxim of quantity. Then, metaphor,
hyperbole, irony, and sarcasm are the strategies to flout maxim of quality.
Meanwhile, changing the topic becomes the strategy to flout maxim of relation.
Finally, being obscure becomes the strategy to flout maxim of manner. In This Boy’s
Life, quantity maxim flouting is the most often used types of maxim flouting. The
strategy which is mostly used to flout this maxim is overstatement. It happens
because there is a character named Dwight who wants to dominate the other
characters. There is also the other character named Toby who often flouts the maxims
by giving too much information to prove that what his stepfather thinks to control the
other characters is false.

Key words: Pragmatics, Cooperative Principle, Maxim Flouting, This Boy’s Life

INTRODUCTION used by people to share information

and to express their ideas. It also
As social being, people need to becomes a way in which people can
interact with each other by using express their ideas and build up their
communication. Communication is social relationships. In short,

communication occurs when the However, people may break
meaning delivered by a speaker can be the rules of Cooperative Principle. It
interpreted by a listener as the partner happens because people may utter
of the conversation. something which is difficult to be
The study which is concerned understood. There are implied
with the field of communication and meanings behind their utterances. The
its meaning is called Pragmatics. phenomena when people do not follow
According to Yule (1996:3), the rules of cooperative principle are
pragmatics is concerned with the study called maxim flouting. Cutting
of meaning as communicated by a (2002:37) says that the condition when
speaker and interpreted by a listener. a speaker seems not to follow the
Linguistically, to make a good maxims but accepts to appreciate the
conversation, people need to work meaning implied is known as maxim
together. In other words, both the flouting. There are some problems that
speaker and listener have to ensure that deal with maxim flouting. They are
the meaning carried in communication types and strategies of maxim flouting.
can be delivered properly. Thus, they Therefore, this research has two
must have good intention to be shared objectives which are to identify the
with each other. The way in which types and the strategies of maxim
they cooperate when they are flouting performed by the characters in
communicating is called Cooperative This Boy’s Life movie.
Principle. Grice in Yule (1996:37) says There are some significant
that people will have a successful knowledge which can be gained
conversation if they fulfill the through this research. This study can
Cooperative Principle. They are give additional knowledge in studying
maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, pragmatics, especially maxim flouting.
maxim of relation, and maxim of Furthermore, this study can motivate
manner. people to study more about the

meaning of language in collecting techniques. Therefore,
communication. visual analysis became the method for
RESEARCH METHOD collecting the data. There were some
Qualitative-quantitative method steps which were used to analyze the
was applied in this research. data of this research. First, the
Qualitative method was concerned researcher identified the data. Then,
with the description of the data.. the researcher classified and coded the
However, the researcher also used identified data based on types and
quantitative method only to determine strategies of maxim flouting. After
the percentage of the data and to that, the researcher began to analyze
support analyzing the data. the classified data. The researcher also
In this research, the data were checked the analyzed data again to
in the forms of lingual units such as ensure the accuracy of the data.
utterances found in the conversation of Finally, the researcher reported the
This Boy’s Life. Denscombe data and drew conclusions.
(2007:286) states that qualitative data FINDINGS
take the form of words, either spoken The findings of the research
or written, and visual images which show that all types of maxim flouting
are observed or creatively produced. are performed by the characters in the
Meanwhile, the contexts of the data movie. They are quantity maxim
were dialogues since the object of the flouting, quality maxim flouting,
research was a movie. Finally, the relation maxim flouting, and manner
sources of the data of this research maxim flouting. However, the total
were This Boy’s Life movie and its frequency of occurrence of each type
transcript. is different. The occurrence of quantity
Vanderstoep and Johnston maxim flouting with 33.33% becomes
(2009:189) state that visual analysis, the highest among all. This percentage
such as film analysis is one of data means that quantity maxim flouting

occurs 20 times out of 60. On the character in the movie tries to
second rank, quantity maxim flouting dominate the other characters.
is followed by quality maxim flouting DISCUSSION
with the percentage of 28.33%. The Meanwhile, the discussion of
percentage means that the total maxim flouting is explained by giving
occurrence of quality maxim flouting a detailed example. The dialogue
is 17 times out of 60. The third rank is below is an example of quantity
relation maxim flouting with the maxim flouting which is flouted by
percentage of 21.67%. It means that using overstatement strategy.
the occurrence of relation maxim Toby : I'll be through in a
flouting is 13 times out of 60. Then,
Dwight: You left the lid off the
manner maxim flouting with the damn toothpaste again.
Toby : Dwight, is that the best
percentage of 16.67% becomes the
you can come up
least prominent among all. with?
Dwight: This is my
All types of maxim flouting are
house, and I get to say
flouted by using some strategies. In about the toothpaste.
You got that? Huh?
this research, overstatement strategy
Have you? Huh? If you
becomes the most used strategy which lived with your dad,
Duke, and his rich
is used to flout maxim of quantity with
wife, things might be
the occurrence of 15 times out of 60. different. But he's not
here now, is he? Is he?
This phenomenon happens because
Oh, Duke. Duke, are
some characters tend to give too much you here? Duke?
Dukie? Are you here?
information when they are talking
Oh, how sad. Duke's
about something. They wanted to give not here. Oh, boo-hoo.
My house. My
detailed information with the
bathroom. I get to say
utterances they uttered. Overstatement about the toothpaste.
You got that?
strategy is also used when one

The dialogue happens when 44/Ql/Hy
Toby is brushing his teeth in the
The dialogues happens when Toby
bathroom after having dinner with
and Arthur are going home together
Caroline, Pearl and his father-in-law,
after attending the scout meeting. The
Dwight. Not long after that, Dwight
use of hyperbole strategy appears
also enters the bathroom. Then, he is
when Arthur says that Concrete will
angry to know that Toby left the lid the
kill them. In this case, Arthur fails to
toothpaste. He pushes Toby's shoulder
observe maxim of quality since he
and grumbles a lot about the
exaggerates his statement by saying
toothpaste. Toby disputes what Dwight
something which cannot happen in real
says about him. Then, Dwight answers
life. Actually, Arthur wants to make
Toby’s anger by using overstatement
Toby know that Concrete is a hard
strategy. Here, Dwight fails to observe
place to live.
maxim of quantity since he provides
Then, the example of relation
too much information which is not
maxim flouting which is performed by
needed by Toby. By using
using changing the topic strategy is
overstatement strategy, Dwight wants
explained as follow.
to say more that all of people in his
Caroline: What time is it?
house have to be obedient with his Toby : Almost 7
Caroline: Why didn’t you wake
Furthermore, the following Toby :The potatoes are
frying and I’m
example shows the used of hyperbole
heating up hot dogs.
strategy to flout maxim of quality. I’m sorry.
Caroline: I know you are
Arthur: Wanna walk home with
me and Pepper? I knew
I'd like you, because
The dialogue happens when Caroline
you're an alien.
Toby : An alien? asks the reason why Toby does not
Arthur: You and I don’t belong
wake her. Here, Toby answers
in Concrete. This place
would like to kill us. Caroline’s question by changing the

topic into what he did when she was furious and gives some obscure words.
asleep. Actually, to observe maxim of By saying “I tell you I'm thirsty and
relation, Toby should give an answer you offer me a sandwich”, Toby says
about the reason why he does not wake some obscure words which break the
his mother. On the other hand, Toby rule of maxim of manner. The aim of
provides an irrelevant answer. By Toby’s obscure word is to heighten the
giving an irrelevant answer, Toby tries ambiguity in order to make a point that
to make Caroline realize something Arthur does not help him give the way
behind his utterances. He wants to say to solve his problem.
sorry about his mistake and expects his
mother to forgive him. Therefore, this
The researcher found that all types
datum is categorized as an example of
of maxim are flouted. They are
relation maxim flouting.
quantity maxim flouting, quality
Finally, the example of manner
maxim flouting, relation maxim
maxim flouting is explained in the
flouting, and manner maxim flouting.
following dialogues. Meanwhile, the
The characters in the movie flout the
strategy which is used to flout the
maxims by using some strategies.
maxim is being obscure strategy.
Maxim of quantity is flouted by
Toby : Let me copy your math overstatement and understatement
Arthur: No. But I'll show you strategy. Maxim of quality is flouted
how to do it. by hyperbole, metaphor, irony, banter,
Toby : I tell you I'm thirsty
and you offer me a and sarcasm. Meanwhile, maxim of
sandwich. relation is flouted by changing the
56/Mn/Ob topic. Lastly, maxim of manner is
flouted by being obscure.
Dialogue above happens when Toby
Quantity maxim flouting
asks for Arthur’s math homework.
becomes the most often used type of
However, Arthur does not grant
maxim flouting. It happens because
Toby’s wish. It makes Toby gets

there is one character named Dwight flouting in other areas. There is
who often flout maxim of quantity by possibility that sometimes there are
giving too much information to show misunderstandings between the
his dominance to the other characters. speaker and the listener when they are
Meanwhile, overstatement strategy having conversation. Therefore, it is
becomes the most often used strategy expected that the other researcher will
to flout maxim. understand more about pragmatics and
SUGGESTIONS explore more about the phenomena of
By reading this research, it is expected language use, especially the
that linguistics students will explore phenomena of maxim flouting.
more about the phenomena of maxim

Cutting, J. 2002. Pragmatics and
Discourse: A Resource Book
for Students. New York:
Denscombe, M. 2007. The Good
Research Guide for Small-
Scale Social Research Projects
(3rdEdition). Berkshire: Open
University Press.
Vanderstoep, S. W. and Johston, D. D.
2009. Research Method for
Everyday Life: Blending
Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. San Francisco:
John Willey & Sons Inc.
Yule, G. 2006. Pragmatics. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.


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