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Course MBA
Semester 4 Cost Accounting & Control
Total Marks: 15

Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Discuss in detail the nature scope of management accounting.

B. You are the budget controller of a large organization and prime with budgetary control of large-
scale administrative expenses. How will you manage this? Discuss.
C. Define Master Budget. Explain it in detail with suitable example.

Q.2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. What is machinery and equipment?

B. What is income generated assets?

C. Explain opportunity cost.

D. Define balance sheet.

E. Define prime cost.


Course MBA
Semester 4 Cost Accounting & Control
Total Marks: 15

Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Write a detailed note on Cash Budget in detail.

B. Define Management Accounting in detail with example.

C. Differentiate between Management accounting & financial accounting.

Q.2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. Explain sink cost.

B. Define material.

C. What is travelling expenses?

D. Define resource.

E. Define time and utility.

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