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Subject Code: 22MBA421PE



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
PART-A. Answer all the questions. [10Questions× 1Mark = 10 Marks]
Q.No. 1: Ten short answer Questions covering entire content of 5 units of the syllabus. Two questions from each Unit. CO BTL
1. a. Differentiate between marketing analytics and marketing research. [1] 1 IV

b. Write the procedure for creating PIVOT Table? [1] 1 VI

c. Explain the Pareto Principle in data slicing and dicing. [1] 2 VI

d. What is the purpose of constructing crosstabs of two demographic variables [1] 2 II

e. What is a customer persona? [1] 3 I

f. How to estimate the probability of a customer still being active? [1] 3 V

g. Define price elasticity of demand. [1] 4 II

h. What is price bundling? [1] 4 I

i. What is the role of decision trees in market segmentation? [1] 5 IV

j. What is Monte Carlo simulation [1] 5 III

PART-B. Answer all the questions. [ 5 Questions × 10 Marks= 50 Marks] CO BTL

Q.No. 2&3: Questions covering content of UNIT-I syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b,as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

2. Explain different levels of marketing analytics (descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive) [10] 1 IV
and provide some examples.
3. Provide a detailed explanation of the process of creating pivot tables in MS Excel. [10] 1 III
Discuss the advantages of using pivot tables for marketing data analysis.
Q.No. 4&5:Questions covering content of UNIT-II syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b,as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

4. Discuss the process and benefits of analyzing sales data by income and location. How [10] 2 V
can these demographic analyses aid in market segmentation and targeting?
5. Explain in detail the role and process of GETPIVOT feature in pivot table to analysis of [10] 2 VI
marketing information.
Q.No. 6&7: Questions covering contents of UNIT-III syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)
6. What is customer persona? Explain the process and benefits of creating detailed [10] 3 II
customer personas for marketing strategies and product development.
7. Define Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and discuss how it helps businesses in making [10] 3 II
strategic decisions like customer acquisition, retention, and value optimization.
Q.No. 8&9: Questions covering contents of UNIT-IV syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

8. State the importance of considering complementary products in pricing strategies. [10] 4 I

Explain how complementary products can be incorporated.
9. Explain the benefits and challenges of using Solver Table in determination of prices for [10] 4 I
multiple products simultaneously.
Q.No. 10&11: Questions covering contents of UNIT-V syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)
10. Discuss various applications of cluster analysis in marketing and provide examples to [10] 5 VI
illustrate it.
11. What is pay per click (PPC) advertising? Explain the role and how PPC campaigns are [10] 5 VI
structured in digital marketing?

Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (BTL)

I. II. III. IV. V. VI.
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

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Subject Code: 22MBA421PE


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
PART-A. Answer all the questions. [10Questions× 1Mark = 10 Marks]
Q.No. 1: Ten short answer Questions covering entire content of 5 units of the syllabus. Two questions from each Unit. CO BT
1. a. What are the levels in marketing analytics? [1] 1 II

b. What is the role of MS Excel in marketing analytics? [1] 1 I

c. What is the GETPIVOTDATA function in Excel? [1] 2 VI

d. What is demographic analysis in the context of sales data? [1] 2 II

e. What is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)? [1] 3 IV

f. Define behavior-derived customer metrics. [1] 3 V

g. What is pricing analytics? [1] 4 IV

h. What is mixed bundling? [1] 4 II

i. What is location-wise clustering? [1] 5 VI

j. What are the type of discounting? [1] 5 III

PART-B. Answer all the questions. [ 5 Questions × 10 Marks= 50 Marks] CO BT

Q.No. 2&3: Questions covering content of UNIT-I syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b,as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

2. Write the nature, scope, and importance of marketing analytics? [10] 1 II

3. Discuss the role of MS Excel in marketing analytics. Explain its features and [10] 1 I
functionalities that make it a popular tool for conducting marketing analytics.
Q.No. 4&5:Questions covering content of UNIT-II syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b,as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)
4. What is Pareto Principle in marketing analytics? Explain how slicing and dicing of [10] 2 II
data helps revenue generation.
5. Explain the process of adding data labels to charts and graphs in marketing data [10] 2 IV
presentations and also writes its importance.
Q.No. 6&7: Questions covering contents of UNIT-III syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

6. What is the concept of customer journey mapping? Explain its process and significance [10] 3 III
in understanding customer behavior.
7. Explain the concept of sensitivity analysis in the context of CLV. Discuss how two- [10] 3 V
way tables can be used to measure the impact of different variables.
Q.No. 8&9: Questions covering contents of UNIT-IV syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)

8. Describe the methods for estimating linear and power demand curves, discuss the steps [10] 4 I
which involves in it.
9. What is price skimming? Explain the conditions under which price skimming is an [10] 4 VI
effective strategy of its marketing applications.
Q.No. 10&11: Questions covering contents of UNIT-V syllabus. (Additional row can be inserted to include a,b as sub questions, if
required, by right clicking & click Insert & Insert Rows Below)
10. How conjoint analysis can be used to segment a market?. Discuss the steps involved in [10] 5 III
conducting conjoint analysis.
11. Explain Monte Carlo simulation for media allocation. Provide examples to illustrate [10] 5 V
this model.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (BTL)

I. II. III. IV. V. VI.
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

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