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e-ISSN: 2456-4435
IJ–RIM Website: April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06 th Issue: 2nd

International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine

“Ayurveda Rasayana & its correlation with Modern aspect-A Review.”

Monika H. Kathoke* 1 , Bhawana Bhalmey2 , K. K. Daulatkar 3

1. MD Scholar,
2. Professor, Email:
3. Professor & HOD, Email:
Dept. Samhita & Siddhant, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,

Nandanwan Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: combining it with Achara Rasayana

Rasayana is an Ayurvedic
rejuvenation therapy which helps in It is equally vital in both the treatment
maintenance & promotion of health. It and maintenance of health. Different
is an unique branch of Ashtanga drugs, depending on the condition, are
Ayurveda, and its importance in helpful in rectifying Dhatu Vaishamya
therapy is reflected in its name. It is and achieving Dhatu Samya. (5).
human nature to desire long life, and
this desire is shared by almost all Rasayana has a critical role in
peoples on the planet. As a result, if problems associated with sedentary
longevity is sought, a system of lifestyles, work-related stress, poor
rejuvenation for those who want to eating habits, and non-communicable
stay young must exist (1-2). diseases, particularly in this modern
era. Rasayana's recognition as a
Rasayana Chikitsa is reported by nutraceutical, anti-oxidant, and
several Acharyas in Ayurvedic immunomodulator is based on
writings to improve immunity scientific evidence. Rasayana, on the
(Vyadhikshamatvabala) and prevent whole, is beneficial to one's physical
old age. RasayanaChikitsa is also used and mental health. (5-6).
for disease prevention, treatment, and
promotion. As we get older, we start
Keywords: Rasayana, Charaka
to lose some of our abilities. At
Samhita, Dhatu, Ayurveda,
different ages, different rejuvenating
Rejuvenation, Anti-ageing,
medicines are required to replenish
these losses. Rasayana also entails
escalation of the mind's Satva Guna,
which can only be accomplished by

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 1

INTRODUCTION predominant effect at different levels. The

Ayurveda includes several various Pharmacodynamic characteristics
rejuvenative therapies that use a of these medications are responsible for
particular class of pharmaceutical these wide-ranging effects.The Rasayana
preparations known as Rasayana, effect is a complex phenomenon that
which are thought to rebuild the body, operates through a comprehensive system
mind, prevent degeneration, and delay incorporating fundamental components
or even reverse the ageing process.
such as Rasa-Samvahan, Dhatus, Agni,
The name 'Rasayana' literally means
and Srotsa. It may ultimately be leading to
'Rasa's way' ('Rasa' signifies plasma;
Ayana means path). Ayurveda views the achievement of the comprehensive
the physical structure to be made up of effect as stated by Charaka “labhopayo Hi
seven Dhatus, beginning with Rasa Shastanam – RasadinamRasayanum” (Ch.
(Rasadi Dhatus) and ending with Chi. 1/1/7-8)
Rasayana, which is the instrument
Rasayana medications operating at the
used to build premium Dhatus (body
tissues). In Ayurveda, the properties of level of Rasa by enhancing certain
the 'Rasa-Dhatu' are said to impact the nutritional values of Poshak Rasa create
health of the body's other Dhatus the Rasayana effects indicated in terms of
(tissues). As a result, any treatment Vayasthapana and Ayushkara, Medhakara,
that increases the quality of 'Rasa' and Urjaskara. Rasayana medicines with
('Rasayana') should also strengthen or Madhura, Guru, Snigdha, and Sheeta
promote the health of all body tissues. properties work as Rasayana at the Rasa
‘Rasayana’ therapy is a specialized level by enhancing the Rasa's nutritional
branch of clinical medicine in content, which in turn aids in attaining the
Ayurveda, which mainly deals with greatest attributes of Dhatus. Shatawari,
the preservation and promotion of Madhuyashti, Bala, Dugdha, Ghrita, and
health by revitalizing the metabolism other similar medications are examples.
and enhancing immunity. The Rasayana medicines have a major impact
present review intends to evaluate on Agni, or digestion and metabolism. The
the ancient concepts of Rasayana
Rasayana drugs possessing the Ushana,
therapy and highlight supporting
Laghu, Ruksha and Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
evidences in light of contemporary
Rasa may be acting at level of Agni,
Vitalizing the organic metabolism leading
to an improved structural and function
Rasayana medications are utilised to keep
pattern of Dhatus and Production of the
one's health in good shape. A healthy man,
Rasayana effects. Drugs such as Pippali,
according to Sushruta, is one who has
Guggulu, Rasona, Bhallataka, Rudanti
balanced Doshas, proper Agni function,
mainly acts at level of Agni so improve the
normal condition of seven Dhatus, and is
digestion and create excellence of Sapt
glad and cheerful in his sense organs and
Dhatu. The Rasayana Drugs like Vidang,
thoughts (Su. Su.15/15). Rasayana is a
Chitraka, and Haritaki are experienced to
solution to the problem of healthy lifespan,
enhance Agni at level of Jaathragni.
which includes mental development and
Similarly Amalaki, Amrita, Pippali,
disease resistance. Rasayana is a sort of
Kumari are supposed to act at level of
treatment that affects the fundamental
Dhatu, Agni also causing excellence of all
aspects of the body, such as Dhatu, Agni,
and Srotasa. Distinct Rasayana
medications may have a different

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 2

Srotoshodhana may be caused by The possible mechanisms by which action

Rasayana medications containing Katu, of Rasayana can be interpreted with
Tikta, Kashaya Rasa, Vishada, Ruksha, modern aspects is follow :
Laghu Guna, UshanaVeerya, and
KatuVipaka, and may aid in the evaluation 1. Antioxidant action- e. g. Amla
of the Rasayana effect in the body. fruit, Haritaki fruit
Rasayana medicines that affect oja are 2. Immunomodulatory action- e. g.
thought to bring about Bala and Guduchi
Vyadhiksamatava (immunity).
JivaniyaGana medicines, Swarna, and 3. Hemopiotic effect.
Pippali were used. Rasayana Therapy also
4. Adaptogenic action- e. g.
has the effect of improving mental
faculties (Medhakara effect).
5. Antiaging action-
RasayanaChikitsa is the Sanskrit word for
egChyawanprash, Ashwagandha,
rejuvenation therapy. Rejuvenation
literally means "returning to one's youth"
or "returning to one's normal state after a 6. Anabolic action
period of illness." Rejuvenation therapy
aids in the promotion and preservation of 7. Nutritive function
health, as well as the cure of disease in the 8. Neuroprotective action
sick. The therapy boosts one's energy
levels and has even been known to cure the
ill. It also improves a person's mental and Rasayana :Types with example:
physical capacities when they are in good
health. It has been shown to improve skin (a)In accordance with the scope of use
complexion and texture, modulate voice, 1. Kamya - for a specific reason
Vayasthapana-promotes longevity
and increase sense organ sensing
by minimising cell harm caused
capability. They replace our body's critical
by free radicals.
fluids, keeping us healthy and free of Medhaya -is used to improve
sickness. Taking Rasayana can assist to memory and mental competency
boost a person's immunity and keep them by lowering catecholamine levels
safe from infections. The person became and promoting mental tranquillity.
healthy and strong. Some of Benefits of For example, Mandukparni
rejuvenation therapy are as follows: (Centella asiatica) juice, Licorice
powder with milk (Glycyrrhiza
• Long life glabra), Guduchi (Tinospora
• Increase in memory power cordifolia) juice, Shankhapushpi
root and fruit paste (Convolvu
• Good health Luspluricaulis).

• Young looks 2. Naimittika- Used in patients with

certain disorders, such as prameha, e.g;
• Glowing skin
* Shilajatu
• Modulated voice (AsphaltumPanjabinum) -
• Calmness * Gugul (Commiphoramukul) -
for obsesity/Sthaulya.
• Resistance to disease

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 3

* Loh (Iron preparation) - for (f) According to Satmya :-

* Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - for • Ritu Satmya
cardiac diseases/ hradroga.
1. Aadana kala
3. Ajasrika - eaten as a food on a daily 2. Visarga Kala
e.g., milk, bee honey: Antioxidant • Desh Satmya
1. SadharanaDesha
2. JangalaDesha
(b)Depending on the manner of
application (as per classical texts) 3. AnupaDesha

1. Vatatapita Rasayana - ambulatory or

outdoor routine, for example, milk
(g) According to Sapta Dhatus
2. Kutipravesika Rasayana - An indoor
or non-ambulatory regimen, such as • Rasa
• Rakta

(c) According to contents of Rasayana • Mamsa

1.Aushadha Rasayana (Drug • Meda
Rasayana), e. g., Amlaki Rasayana
2.Ajasrika Rasayana (Dietary • Asthi
Rasayana), e. g., Milk, Honey etc.
3.Achara Rasayana • Majja
(ConductRasayana),e. g., Do not speak
• Shukra

(h) Classification According to Modern

(d) Specific Rasayana drugs and Medical Science :-
• To Promote Immunity
• Medhya Rasayana
• To improve metabolism
• Achara Rasayana
• To improve endocrine and
1. Buddhi MedhaVardhaka exocrine secretions
2. Ayu Vardhaka

(e) According to Prabhava (Effect)
Information was culled from a variety of
• Samshodhana Rasayana Ayurvedic texts and journals, with a few
review articles and cross references
• Samshamana Rasayana thrown in for good measure. The review
looked at published resources on recent
research findings on Rasayana, including

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 4

original publications in Pubmed, body (Bala), allowing one to avoid

Scopemed, Pubmed Central Databases, sickness [11].Rasayana improves the
Dhara online database, and other allied overall operation of the bodily system.
databases. The search was conducted When Rasayana is preceded by
using keywords such as Rasayana, appropriate panchakarma (purification
Dhatu, Ayurveda, Rejuvenation, Anti-
therapy), it becomes more successful and
ageing, Antioxidants, Herbal tonics,
Herbal supplements, Nootropic, effective [12]. Rasayana medications
Immunomodulatory herbs, Adaptogenic modulate the neuro-endocrino-immune
herbs, and so on, in combination with systems inside the human body and have
their equivalent Mesh phrases such as been discovered to be a rich source of
OR, AND. Using this strategy, we were antioxidants. These Rasayana herbs are
able to find over 100 published supposed to have the following
publications. The articles and Ayurvedic properties: they prevent ageing, restore
information that did not meet the search youth, strengthen life, cognitive power,
criteria were eliminated from the final and prevent diseases[11-13], all of which
imply that they boost the body's
resilience to infection or degeneration.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Anti-ageing, antioxidant, cognitive
enhancers and nootropics, adaptogenic,
Rasayana refers to all of the strategies immunomodulators, and other
that aid in the preservation of healthy pharmacological settings are among the
SaptaDhatus-based body tissues [8]. The medications now being investigated for
term Rasayana refers to a method for this aim [14]. Ayurvedic Rasayana
achieving outstanding Rasadi Dhatus medicines have also been documented to
(body tissues). Rasayana's increased work as adjuvant in radiotherapy and
nutritional condition and improved chemotherapy, with considerable efficacy
Dhatus properties result in a range of in lowering the side effects of both [15].
secondary traits that provide lifespan, Stem cell research has resulted in the
formation of a new branch of medicine
vigour, vitality, and other benefits.
known as regenerative medicine, which
Rasayanas are one of the most widely functions similarly to Rasayana therapy
prescribed medicines in India, and they [16-17]. Rasayana therapy can play a
are now known for their antioxidant critical role in the management of certain
properties[9] as well as their potential to lifestyle conditions such as cancer,
activate the immune system[10]. diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and
Rasayana is not simply a medication
therapy, but also a specific technique How it’s corelate with modern aspect?
involving rejuvenation recipes, dietary
regimens, and special health-promoting
correct conduct and behaviour, referred Now, it we compare the modern
to as 'Achara Rasayana.' Rasayana view in relation to cell injury/aging, they
therapy, according to Sushruta (an use some vitamins and antioxidants to
ancient Ayurvedic surgeon), slows down prevent free radicals mediated cellular
the ageing process (Vayasthapam), injury and provides nutrition while
extends life (Ayushkaram), improves Rasayana therapy provides nutrition,
intelligence (Medha), and strengthens the improving digestive function and

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 5

metabo1is m and c1earing the Suvarna (Gold)

11-20 Vriddhi-GrowthBala (Sida
What is Aging? cordifolia)
It’s a process beings at moment of 21-30 Chavi-Luster Amalki Etiiblica
conception, involves the officinalis)
differentiation and maturation of the
31-40 Medha-
organ is mandits cells, at some IntelligenceShankhpushpi(Convolvulus
variable point in time leads to the pluricaulis
progressive loss of functional 41-50 Tvak-ComplexionJyotishmati
capacity characteristics of (Celastruspanniculattis)
senescence and ends in death. In
Ayurveda, the same thing has been 51-60 Drusthi-EyesightJyotishmati,
described by Sharangadhara that with (Celastruspanniculattis)
each decade of life in individuals
looses certain qualities, so in
respective decade one should use a 61-70 Sukra-SemenAshwagandha
specific Rasayana to prevent loss/cell (WithaitiaSomnifera)
71-80 Vikram-CourageAmalaki
(Enibelica Oficinalis)
How to select suitable Rasayana?
Rasayana has to be selected for 81-90 Buddhi-Knowledge Brahmi
particular individual s according to its- (Centella asiatica)

* Age *State 91-100 Karmendriya- Proper Bala (Sida

of agni, Dhatus and Strotas

* Prakriti Conclusion:
*Environmental factors like Desha, Kala
etc. Rasayana therapy prevents all these by:

* Satmya *Due to its Agni Vardhaka quality- —

Improving digestion and metabolism.
Sharangadhara Samhita has described
that with each decade of life the *Due to its Laghu, Sara, Tikshna quality
individuals looses certain qualities, — Improves tissue perfusion Bio-
hence availability.
Rasayana which may supplement the *Due to its Satvagunapradhan quality —
specific loss asfollows: Anxiolytic action — mentaldepression.

E. g. Use of Amalaki Rasayana as it

Decade of life (Yr.) Qualities contains Vit. Cand in brain (Neurons)
Suitable Rasayana Antioxidant Vit.C.

1-10 Balya-childhood Vacha Rasayana has to accelerate the nutrition

(Acoriiscalanltis), so as to improved biological competence

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 6

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Conflict of Interest: Non Source of funding: Nil

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“Ayurveda Rasayana & its correlation with Modern aspect-A Review.”
Monika H. Kathoke, Bhawana Bhalmey, K. K. Daulatkar
Ayurline: International Journal of Research In Indian Medicine 2022; 6(2):01-8

April- June: 2022 | Vol. 06th Issue: 2 nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 pg. 8

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