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Honors 3 Nonfiction Studies – Chapter3 Lesson1

Chapter 3 Lesson 1 What Is a Star? (pp102~107)

The layers
of the

 What is the Sun made up of?

The Sun is made up of gases, mostly _____________________ and _____________________.

 What are the different layers of the Sun?

The inner layer is called the _____________________, the middle layer is called the
_____________________, and the outer layer is called the _____________________.

 What are sunspots?

Sunspots are _____________________ spots on the Sun’s surface that do not give off as
much light and heat energy as the rest of the Sun's surface.
 What is a solar flare?

A solar flare is an explosive eruption into space of waves and particles from the Sun,
causing a bright eruption on the _____________________. Solar flares may last for minutes
or hours.

 What is the Solar System composed of?

The Solar System is composed of the ____________, ____________ planets, and other objects.

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 How many planets are in the Solar System?

There are ______________ planets in the Solar System.

 What is the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a _____________________ that contains our Solar System.

 What are the different shapes that galaxies can have?

Galaxies can have ___________________, ___________________, or irregular shapes.

 What is a galaxy?

A galaxy is _______________________________________________held together by


 What is the universe?

The universe is everything in ___________________.

 Which galaxy is Earth located in?

Earth is located in the ___________________ galaxy.

 Name an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.

The ___________________is an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.

 What is a star?

A star is a _____________________________________________________________________________________.

 What does a star's color indicate?

A star's color indicates its ___________________.

 Which stars are the least hot and which are the hottest?

___________________stars are the least hot, while ___________________stars are the hottest.

 What is the color and size of the Sun?

The Sun is ___________________ and is a ___________________-sized star.

 How are stars formed?

Stars are formed from clouds of spinning ___________________and ___________________ in


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 What happens to most of the mass of a star over billions of years?

Most of the mass of a star is converted into ___________________and ___________________.

 Why can't we see stars during the day?

We cannot see stars during the day because the Sun is too ___________________.

 Why do many stars appear faint?

Many stars appear faint because they are ___________________ ___________________from Earth.

 How fast does light travel?

Light travels at a speed of ___________________kilometers per second.

 What is a light-year?

A light-year is the distance that light travels in ___________________ year.

 What is a constellation?

A constellation is a group of stars that seems to make an ___________________shape or

pattern in the night sky.

 What are constellations usually named after?

Constellations are usually named after ___________________, ___________________, and


 Give an example of constellations named after animals.

Examples include the ___________________and ___________________.

 Do the stars in a constellation appear close to each other or far apart?

The stars in a constellation appear close to each other, but they are actually very
___________________ apart.

 Which constellation contains the North Star?

The ___________________contains the North Star.

 What are the characteristics of the North Star?

The North Star is a very ___________________, ___________________, yellow-white star.

 How do the positions of stars change with the seasons?

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The positions of stars change with the seasons due to the ___________________ (= a circular
movement) of Earth around the Sun and the ___________________of the Earth in relation to the

 Which star can you see clearly in winter?

You can see the star ___________________clearly in the nighttime during winter.

 What direction do stars appear to move across the sky?

Stars appear to move from ___________________to ___________________ across the sky.

Answer Keys  homework posting

엠폴리어학원 영통캠퍼스

Honors 3 Nonfiction Studies - Chapter 2 Lesson 4

Chapter 3 Lesson 1 What Is a Star? (pp102~107)

layers of
the Sun

 What is the Sun made up of?

The Sun is made up of gases, mostly hydrogen and helium.

 What are the different layers of the Sun?

The inner layer is called the photosphere, the middle layer is called the chromosphere, and the
outer layer is called the corona.

 What are sunspots?

Sunspots are dark spots on the Sun’s surface that do not give off as much light and heat energy as
the rest of the Sun's surface.

 What is a solar flare?

A solar flare is an explosive eruption into space of waves and particles from the Sun, causing a
bright eruption on the chromosphere. Solar flares may last for minutes or hours.
 What is the Solar System composed of?

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The Solar System is composed of the Sun, eight planets, and other objects.

 How many planets are in the Solar System?

There are eight planets in the Solar System.

 What is the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a galaxy that contains our Solar System.

 What are the different shapes that galaxies can have?

Galaxies can have spiral, elliptical, or irregular shapes.

 What is a galaxy?

A galaxy is a huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.

 What is the universe?

The universe is everything in space.

 Which galaxy is Earth located in?

Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy.

 Name an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.

The Milky Way is an example of a galaxy with a spiral shape.

 What is a star?

A star is a huge ball of burning gases that releases energy.

 What does a star's color indicate?

A star's color indicates its temperature.

 Which stars are the least hot and which are the hottest?

Red stars are the least hot, while blue stars are the hottest.

 What is the color and size of the Sun?

The Sun is yellow and is a medium-sized star.

 How are stars formed?

Stars are formed from clouds of spinning dust and gas in space.

 What happens to most of the mass of a star over billions of years?

Most of the mass of a star is converted into light and heat.

 Why can't we see stars during the day?

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We cannot see stars during the day because the Sun is too bright.

 Why do many stars appear faint?

Many stars appear faint because they are far away from Earth.

 How fast does light travel?

Light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.

 What is a light-year?

A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year.

 What is a constellation?

A constellation is a group of stars that seems to make an imaginary shape or pattern in the
night sky.

 What are constellations usually named after?

Constellations are usually named after people, objects, and animals.

 Give an example of constellations named after animals.

Examples include the Great Bear and Leo.

 Do the stars in a constellation appear close to each other or far apart?

The stars in a constellation appear close to each other, but they are actually very far apart.

 Which constellation contains the North Star?

The Little Dipper contains the North Star.

 What are the characteristics of the North Star?

The North Star is a very hot, large, yellow-white star.

 How do the positions of stars change with the seasons?

The positions of stars change with the seasons due to the revolution (= a circular movement) of
Earth around the Sun and the angle of the Earth in relation to the stars.

 Which star can you see clearly in winter?

You can see the star Orion clearly in the nighttime during winter.

 What direction do stars appear to move across the sky?

Stars appear to move from east to west across the sky.

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