NF_Weather and the Atmosphere_part2

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Nonfiction Weather and the Atmosphere


When the air contains a lot of water vapor, the air is humid or moist. In those conditions, our sweat
takes more time to evaporate and we feel much hotter that the actual temperature. But when the
air is dry, our sweat evaporates easily and we can feel much cooler than the actual temperature.
Generally, the air over water bodies is humid while air over land is drier. A hygrometer is a tool used
to measure the amount of water vapor in the air.

Q. In what conditions does our sweat evaporate faster?

- Our sweat evaporates faster in dry air conditions.


Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. When the air is humid, it feels hotter
because our sweat evaporates more slowly. When the air is dry, sweat evaporates faster, making us
feel cooler. Air over water bodies is usually more humid, while air over land is drier. A hygrometer is
used to measure humidity.

[Key Points for Elementary Students]

1. Humidity: Amount of water vapor in the air.

2. Feeling Hot or Cool: Humid air makes us feel hotter because sweat evaporates slowly; dry
air makes us feel cooler because sweat evaporates quickly.
3. Where It's Humid: Air over water bodies is more humid.
4. Where It's Dry: Air over land is usually drier.
5. Measuring Humidity: A hygrometer measures water vapor in the air.

Clouds and Rain

Clouds and rain are other factors that affect weather conditions. A cloud is a collection of very small
water droplets and ice crystals in the air. Clouds form when water vapor cools and condenses
around tiny bits of dust forming water droplets. These droplets join together, forming a cloud.
Clouds move when they are pushed by the wind. The water in the clouds will eventually fall back to
the ground in the form of rain.

There are many types of clouds.

Cirrus clouds are thin, feathery clouds. Cirrus clouds are seen in fair weather.

Cirrostratus clouds are very thin. We can see the Sun and the Moon easily through cirrostratus
clouds. They are usually a sign of an eventual rain or snowstorm.

Cirrocumulus clouds have the form of small white puffs. They are a sign of fair, cold weather.

Altostratus clouds are gray. If they get darker, they are a sign of rain.

Nonfiction Weather and the Atmosphere

Q. What are the differences between cirrus clouds and altostratus clouds?

- Cirrus Clouds: Thin and feathery, seen in fair weather.

- Altostratus Clouds: Gray, and if they get darker, they indicate rain.


Clouds and rain are important factors that affect weather conditions. Clouds form when water vapor
cools and condenses around tiny particles of dust, creating water droplets that come together to
form clouds. When these water droplets become too heavy, they fall as rain. Clouds move with the
wind, and there are various types of clouds that indicate different weather conditions. Cirrus clouds
are thin and feathery, seen in fair weather. Cirrostratus clouds are very thin and can indicate
upcoming rain or snowstorms. Cirrocumulus clouds look like small white puffs and suggest fair, cold
weather. Altostratus clouds are gray and can darken, signaling rain.

[Key Points for Elementary Students]

1. Clouds and Rain: Clouds form from tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the air, and rain falls
from clouds.
2. Cloud Formation: Water vapor cools and condenses around dust particles to form clouds.
3. Cloud Movement: Clouds are pushed by the wind.
4. Types of Clouds:
o Cirrus Clouds: Thin, feathery, seen in fair weather.
o Cirrostratus Clouds: Very thin, seen before rain or snowstorms.
o Cirrocumulus Clouds: Small white puffs, indicate fair, cold weather.
o Altostratus Clouds: Gray, darker ones mean rain.

Altocumulus clouds look like white or gray puffy balls. They are a sign of potential thunderstorms.

Stratus clouds are low gray clouds that cover the whole sky. They can form fog. Sometimes stratus
clouds produce drizzle.

Stratocumulus clouds are low, puffy, and gray. Rain rarely occurs with stratocumulus clouds.

Nimbostratus clouds are dark gray. They produce rain that may last for several hours.

Cumulus clouds are white, puffy clouds. They are a sign of fair weather.

Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunder and lightning and with heavy rain, snow, or hail.
They are also called thunderstorm clouds.

Fog forms on the ground. When air near the ground cools, water vapor condenses into tiny droplets
and forms fog.

Nonfiction Weather and the Atmosphere

Q. What type of weather is usually associated with cumulonimbus clouds?

- Cumulonimbus clouds are usually associated with thunderstorms, including thunder, lightning, and
heavy rain, snow, or hail.


There are many types of clouds that indicate different weather conditions. Altocumulus clouds look
like white or gray puffy balls and can signal potential thunderstorms. Stratus clouds are low and
gray, covering the whole sky and sometimes producing drizzle or forming fog. Stratocumulus clouds
are low, puffy, and gray, rarely causing rain. Nimbostratus clouds are dark gray and produce long-
lasting rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy, indicating fair weather. Cumulonimbus clouds are
thunderstorm clouds, bringing thunder, lightning, and heavy rain, snow, or hail. Fog forms on the
ground when air cools and water vapor condenses into tiny droplets.

[Key Points for Elementary Students]

1. Altocumulus Clouds: White or gray puffy balls, may signal thunderstorms.

2. Stratus Clouds: Low, gray, cover the whole sky, can produce drizzle and fog.

3. Stratocumulus Clouds: Low, puffy, gray, rarely cause rain.

4. Nimbostratus Clouds: Dark gray, produce long-lasting rain.

5. Cumulus Clouds: White, puffy, indicate fair weather.

6. Cumulonimbus Clouds: Thunderstorm clouds with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain, snow, or

7. Fog: Forms on the ground when air cools and water vapor condenses into tiny droplets.

Weather Forecast

A weather forecast is a prediction of air temperature, wind speeds, clouds, and rainfall over a
particular area. Forecasts are usually predictions for the next few days. Weather forecasts help
people plan their day. Meteorologists receive information about weather conditions from over
50,000 weather stations on land and at sea. Satellites are also important data-collecting tools. These
data are put into computers to produce charts and forecasts.

Q. Where will a barometer reading be greater: at the top of a mountain or the bottom of a

- A barometer reading will be greater at the bottom of a mountain.

Nonfiction Weather and the Atmosphere


A weather forecast is a prediction of air temperature, wind speeds, clouds, and rainfall for the next
few days. Weather forecasts help people plan their activities. Meteorologists collect information
from over 50,000 weather stations on land and at sea, and from satellites. This data is used by
computers to create charts and forecasts.

[Key Points for Elementary Students]

1. Weather Forecast: A prediction of air temperature, wind speeds, clouds, and rainfall.

2. Purpose: To Help people plan their day.

3. Data Collection: Information comes from over 50,000 weather stations and satellites. Computers
use this data to make charts and forecasts.

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