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Katrina Inoval

BSCE 2-1

Our leaders and planners routinely use the word "sustainability," but it is not
always clarified or questioned. Making anything last suggests that its
fundamental term, sustain, meaning. But what exactly does it mean to
"sustain" something, and what exactly are we talking about when we refer to
"supporting" nature, our environment, or our world? They are all highly
ambiguous phrases in and of themselves. About the time the term
"sustainability" emerged, scientists had identified a number of environmental
risks and saw these as a significant obstacle to the survival of the human
population. Social, economic, and environmental sustainability are the three
pillars that support total sustainability. The goal of social sustainability is to
ensure that all human needs are addressed and that society continues to run
smoothly indefinitely. Achieving a given degree of economic success over an
extended period of time is economic sustainability. In terms of social
sustainability, it also entails having a very low percentage of individuals who
live in poverty.

Many individuals believe that economics is only concerned with money. Well,
this is true to a certain extent. Money is a big part of economics, including how
much people are paid, how much they spend, how much it costs to buy
different things, how much businesses make, and how much money there is
overall in the economy. Nonetheless, despite how many aspects of our life
include money, economics is more than just the study of money.
Environmentalism, Many ideologies, philosophies, and social movements are
focused on non-human element problems as they relate to environmental
protection challenges and the improvement of environmental health. Ecology
is the study of plants, animals, their environments, and the things that they do.

I choose economics. Why? Because the abilities acquired through studying

economics are crucial for social and personal reasons. Understanding
operational and maintenance expenses is crucial when choosing the right
materials and when to utilize them. Economics is also connected to engineers
because it builders, designers, and creators are engineers. The majority of
what engineers create will be marketed to the general population. The market
controls the items products and services that are offered. As a result, an
engineer's and his or her employer's success depends on having a solid
understanding of how the economy functions. Economics is the study of how
and why critical resources, particularly money, are influenced over time as
well as their appropriate allocation and use. For instance, a CEO of a
business must make sure that funds invested in or allocated for a specific
project are not wasted on ineffective endeavors. It exposes engineers to the
many vocabulary and problem-solving techniques needed for financial stability,
reducing the need for an engineer to feel frightened. Economics, like any
subject or profession, it has it’s beauty. A successful engineer enjoys the thrill
of learning new information and using it to address issues in the real world.
Nonetheless, despite the Philippines' enormous natural resources, overfishing,
urbanization, and severe pollution are only a few of the glaring socio-
environmental issues impeding socioeconomic development. Even with some
of the world's greatest environmental protection legislation, this is still the case.
The government should keep enhancing both its capability for effective
governance and its ability to produce revenues in order to maintain this
process. Such programs would help fill a financing deficit for infrastructure,
boost economic growth, and progressively eliminate poverty.

I've come to understand that sustainability is the practice of balancing and

upholding one's well-being in a manner that safeguards the longevity of our
planet, Earth. Humanity has a propensity to be conceited and greedy, utilizing
large amounts of our natural resources for purposes that are unnecessary
rather than only using what is necessary for survival. That's where
sustainability as a concept appears. There are many various ways people can
learn to live a sustainable existence on a personal, local, and global level with
the notion of not abusing and destroying our world. An individual can increase
their sustainability on a personal level in a variety of ways. You can start by
making an effort to consume less water in order to begin living a sustainable
lifestyle. Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth, for instance.
It is relate to either an economy's long-term performance or, more recently,
the way an economy runs sustainably while safeguarding social and
environmental factors.

“We must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development
is primarily about being more, not having more.”
– from ‘The Earth Charter’

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