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Marks & Spencer P7




PURPOSE To assess the durability of waddings, quilted waddings and

garments containing waddings to washing.

APPARATUS 1. Hoovermatic Twin Tub Washing Machine

(see Note 1), Durawash or Dynawash.
(see Equipment Index Ref: 13A).
2. Tumble dryer (see PG and Equipment Index Ref. 13Y,
24S or a domestic tumble dryer which meets the
same requirements).
3. Marks & Spencer standard makeweights (see
Equipment Index Ref. 11C, 13AB, 22A, 24U).
4. Primary fabric (see Note 2).
5. Overlock sewing machine.
6. Non-rusting mesh trays, large enough to lay the
specimen flat while relaxing (see Equipment Index
Ref. 24AG).
7. Balance/scales capable of weighing up to 2kg in 25g
graduations with a pan capable of holding a 2kg load.
8. Chemical balance accurate to at least ± 0.01g.

TEST SPECIMEN 1. Samples of waddings or quilted waddings:-

(i) Cut three specimens each approximately

350mm x 350mm from across the full width of
the sample. Individually identify the three

(ii) Cut one specimen 150mm x 150mm to be

retained for assessment.

Each test specimen should be sandwiched between two
400mm x 400mm size pieces of the standard primary
fabric. The composite specimen should be overlocked
through all three thicknesses along all four sides before

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P7 Marks & Spencer

Quilted Waddings
Quilted waddings which have fabric on one side already
should be covered on the non-fabric side with a 400mm
piece of the standard primary fabric. The composite
specimen should be overlocked through all the thicknesses
along all four sides before washing. If both sides of the
quilted waddings are protected no additional covering is
required but all four edges should be sewn together.
2. Garments or other merchandise containing wadding
should be tested as complete items.

DETERGENT 30g of a heavy duty low lather detergent containing optical

brightening agent suitable for automatic machines.

TEMPERATURE Temperature must relate to the HLCC Care Label i.e.

Garments or components with a :-
50°C or 60°C Care Label – wash at 60°C
40°C Care Label – wash at 50°C.


A maximum of six specimens may be washed at one time
providing the load does not exceed 1kg. The load should
be made up to 1kg by the addition of the makeweights.
Garments or other merchandise must be washed
separately with the face side outwards and with all
fastenings undone, unless the care label gives a contrary

PROCEDURE Place the makeweights in the machine and heat to

50˚C ± 2˚C. Add 30g of washing powder. Run the machine
for one minute to dissolve the washing powder. Add the
test specimen(s) and run the machine for
15 minutes.
Rinse the specimen(s) and makeweights separately, twice
in the spinner using cold water (do not run water into the
spinner while spinning).

DRYING The entire wash load should be tumble dried at the setting
which would give an exhaust temperature of 65°C ± 15°C
(see Test Method PG) for 90 minutes.
Garments should also be tumble dried unless the care
label gives a contrary instruction.

EXAMINATION 1. Report any change in appearance of the composite

AND REPORTING specimen due to fibre migration, i.e., wadding fibres
OF RESULTS percolating through the covering fabrics.

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Marks & Spencer P7

2. Remove any covering which has been applied for the

purpose of the test and place the specimen on a flat
mesh tray to relax for a minimum of 4 hours.
Compare with the original and report on each of the
following characteristics.
(a) Loss of loft, i.e., loss of bulk/thickness.

(b) Uniformity, i.e., deformation of the wadding by

creasing or movement to give thick/thin areas.

(c) Breakdown, i.e., falling apart.

As – No change

NOTES 1. Details of modification to the timing mechanism are

available from your Marks & Spencer accreditor.

2. The standard primary fabric should be the proposed

fabric to be used in production.

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