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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 (2002) 111 /116

Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activity of Murraya koenigii

leaves in diabetic rats
S. Yadav, V. Vats, Y. Dhunnoo, J.K. Grover *
Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Science, Ansari Nagar, 110029 New Delhi, India

Received 17 February 2002; received in revised form 8 May 2002; accepted 6 June 2002


The commonly used spice curry patta (Murraya koenigii ) is traditionally consumed by diabetics in southern part of India. Feeding
of diet containing various doses of curry leaves (5, 10 and 15%) to normal rats for 7 days as well as mild diabetic (blood glucose
levels /175 mg/dl induced by alloxan 35 mg/kg IP) and moderate diabetic rats (blood glucose levels /250 mg/dl induced by STZ
60 mg/kg IP) for 5 weeks showed varying hypoglycemic and anti-hyperglycemic effect. In normal rats, reduction in blood glucose
was almost negligible ( / 4% with 10 and 15% diet). In mild and moderate diabetic rats, feeding of 5, 10 and 15% diet caused a
maximal reduction in blood sugar by 13.1, 16.3 and 21.4% (NS, P B/0.05 and 0.005) and 3.2, 5.58, 8.21% (NS), respectively. The
mechanism of action is further discussed in light of results of previous and the present study. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Murraya koenigii ; Diabetes; Streptozotocin; Alloxan

1. Introduction resources and a rich history of traditional medicine

(Grover and Vats, 2001). Certain spices used commonly
Diabetes is the world’s largest endocrine disease in Indian cooking have been mentioned in these systems
involving metabolic disorders of carbohydrate, fat and to possess anti-diabetic properties. Murraya koenigii
protein. According to WHO projections, the prevalence (MK) is known as ‘Curry Patta’ in Hindi and is widely
of diabetes is likely to increase by 35% (King et al., use as a spice and condiment in India and other tropical
1998). Currently there are over 150 million diabetics countries. It belongs to the family Rutaceae (citrus
worldwide and this is likely to increase to 300 million or family). Ayurveda mentions its use as a treatment for
more by the year 2025 (King et al., 1998; Boyle et al., diabetics (Satyavati et al., 1987). Whether these claims
2001). Statistical projection about India suggests that are valid is a subject of great interest and should be
the number of diabetics will rise from 15 million in 1995 probed scientifically. With this aim we carried out this
to 57 million in the year 2025 making it the country with study to assess the anti-diabetic property of the leaves of
MK (L. Spengl) in varying degree of hyperglycemia in
the highest number of diabetics in the world (King et al.,
rats induced by different doses of alloxan and STZ.
1998). Therefore, it is necessary to look for new
sloutions to manage this health problem. Although,
many drugs and interventions are available to manage
2. Material and methods
diabetes, in most instances these are expensive (like
insulin, thiazolidinediones) for a developing country like
2.1. Animals
India and have adverse effects (like hypoglycemia).
India is a country with a vast reserve of natural
Animals used for the study were obtained from the
experimental animal facility of the All India Institute of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /91-11-6594897 (O)/4615315 (R);
Medical Sciences after getting approval from Institute
fax: /91-11-6862663; telex: 31-73042 AIMS IN Ethics Committee. Albino rats (both sexes) with body
E-mail address: (J.K. Grover). weight ranging from 150 to 250 g were used for study.
0378-8741/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 8 7 4 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 6 7 - 8
112 S. Yadav et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 (2002) 111 /116

Rats were acclimatized for a period of 2/3 days in the 2.6. Experimental design for anti-hyperglycemic effect
new environment and subsequently used for further
study. Rats were divided into 5 groups; normal control
(NC), diabetic control (DC) and treated group MK-5,
MK-10 and MK-15. Control group were fed normal diet
2.2. Preparation of treatment diet while the treated groups were fed 5, 10 and 15% MK
Fresh green leaves of MK were collected locally (New
Delhi) in the month of July and August and identified
2.7. Parameter studied
by National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources and
deposited at the herbarium in National Institute of . Fasting blood glucose: Blood glucose was estimated
Botanical Research against voucher no NBPGR/ by commercially available glucose kit based on
NHCP2002-23/600. Leaves were dried under shade at glucose oxidase method (Trinder, 1969) Autopak†
room temperature ( B/30 8C). After complete drying, Bayer Diagnostics, Baroda.
the leaves were grounded into a fine powder using a . Body weight: Gravimeterically.
domestic electric grinder and mixed thoroughly with the
already grounded standard chow diet. Binder in the
form of 1% starch paste was added to the mixture and 2.8. Statistical analysis
kneaded into a dough with a semi-solid consistency. The
dough was then spread on a tray and cut into pieces of Values are given as mean9/S.D. The results were
suitable size and it was then dried at 30 8C in an oven. analyzed by one way ANOVA test using computerized
Different dose diets were prepared by mixing leaf software, MICROCAL ORIGIN version 2.9, Northampton,
powder with chow powder in the ratio of 5, 10 and USA.
15% separately.

3. Result
2.3. Preparation of diabetic animals

Administering either alloxan 35 mg/kg or STZ 60 mg/ 3.1. Hypoglycemic effect

kg (IP) produced two different grades of hyperglycemia.
Three days after administration of diabetogenic agents, Basal blood glucose levels of normal control (NC) as
fasting blood glucose was determined and rats with well as MK-5, MK-10, MK-15 were well matched (87 /
more than blood glucose of 175 mg/dl in case of alloxan 89 mg/dl) (see Table 1). After 7 days of treatment, the
and /250 mg/dl in case of STZ were included in the blood glucose levels in the above-mentioned groups
study. were 87.59/5.97, 84.79/8.54, 81.89/7.47, respectively.
Though the levels decreased, the effect was not sig-
nificant. After the 3rd day of alloxan injection (35 mg/
2.4. Sample collection kg) to the same group of animals, the respective blood
glucose values among treated groups were lower (sig-
Blood samples were collected retro-orbitally from nificant in MK-10 and MK-15) as compared with
inner canthus of eyes using Micro Hematocrit Capil- normal treated group (see Table 1).
laries, Mucaps after at least 12 h of fasted animals.
Table 1
Hypoglycemic and prophylactic anti-hyperglycemic effect of feeding
2.5. Experimental design for hypoglycemic and various doses of MK on glucose levels (mg/dl) in alloxanized rats (35
prophylactic anti-diabetic effect
Groups Basal Seventh day Tenth day (third day after
Three different diet containing MK leaves powder alloxan 35 mg/kg)
(i.e. 5, 10 and 15%) were fed to normal rats for 1 week.
DC 8796.30 87.595.97 175.5910.87
On the 7th day, blood sugar was estimated to assess the MK-5 86.697.24 84.798.54 173.796.71
hypoglycemic effect of the plant diet. The same rats were MK-10 86.7598.86 81.897.47 169.2910.56*
then injected with alloxan (35 mg/kg body weight IP) MK-15 86.197.43 81.897.47 162.3911.23*
and plant diet was continued till the next 3 days. Blood
Values are given as mean9S.D. for eight animal each. DC, Diabetic
sugar was estimated on the last day of the experiment control; MK, Murraya koeingii . Treated groups were compared with
(i.e. 10th day) to assess the prophylactic antidiabetic corresponding value of the diabetic control. Values were singnificant at
effect on development of hyperglycemia. *P B 0.05.
S. Yadav et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 (2002) 111 /116 113

Table 2
Effects of feeding various doses of MK on blood glucose levels (mg/dl) in alloxanized rats (35 mg/kg)

Basal Third day First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week

NC 86.5910.21 83.5911.6 84.5913.32 85.5911.92 84.7912.41 85.7910.08 84.7913.32

DC 82.797.94 200.6928.88*** 200.2930.25*** 201929.59 (1.49)*** 200.7927.30*** 200.5927.01*** 200.6926.65
(n 7)***
MK-5 83.899.73 202.7925.32 199.3924.61 (1.66) 195.3924.55 (3.63) 191.6925.16 (5.48) 186.6925.41 (7.95) 176.1918.60
(n 7)
MK-10 86.1912.86 1.99.1924.32 193.3923.02 (2.88) 187.8923.32 (5.64) 182.7923.18 (8.22) 177.5924.34 (10.86) 166.5917.95
(n 7)*
MK-15 85.297.64 204.7928.97 199.3925.69 (2.62) 192.7925.84 (5.86) 186.3925.61 (8.97) 174.7920.82 (14.65) 160.7914.87
(n 7)**

Values are given as mean9S.D. for eight animals in all case except where indicated individually. Abbrevations as in Table 1. Values were
significant at *P B 0.05; **P B 0.005; ***P B 0.0005.

3.2. Antihyperglycemic studies in alloxanized (35 mg/kg) after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks of treatments. However, this
rats reduction was insignificant in comparison to the diabetic
controls at all time periods in the treated groups (see
The basal blood glucose levels of all groups were Table 3). Maximal reduction of 3.2% by MK-5 and
statistically not different from each other (see Table 2). 5.58% by MK-10 was seen at 5th week. However, it was
Three days after alloxan administration, blood glucose 8.21% in MK-15 at 4th week of treatment.
values were 2/5-folds higher (P B/0.0005) in all the
groups in comparison to NC and were not statistically
3.4. Body weight in alloxanized rats
different from each other. Value of blood glucose at 1st,
2nd, 3rd and 4th week decreased in all the treatment
The basal body weight (mean) of all groups ranged
groups but remained stable in diabetic controls. Highest
from 193 to 199 g and there was no inter-group
reduction in blood glucose was seen in MK-15. The
variation. Administration of alloxan led to a loss in
percentage reduction was dose dependent in the MK
body weight after 1 week of treatment but this was
groups animals. However, this reduction was not
statistically insignificant. On the other hand, normal
statistically significant. The reduction in blood glucose
controls showed an increase in body weight by 7% at the
at 5th week was statistically significant in MK-10 (P B/
end of the experiment (i.e. 5th week). The body weight
0.05) and MK-15 (P B/0.005) treated groups. Plateau
of diabetic controls was significantly less at the end of
effect was not reached in either treatment.
3rd week (P B/0.05), 4th week (P B/0.05) and 5th week
(P B/0.005) in comparison to NC. Though the body
weights of the treated groups were increased, it was not
3.3. Antihyperglycemic studies in STZ diabetic rats (60
significantly different from the diabetic controls (see
Table 4).
All groups of rats had nearly same blood glucose
values at basal level and were not significantly different 3.5. Body weight in STZ rats
from each other. Seventy-two hours after administration
of STZ, blood glucose values were significantly raised by Basal body weights of all groups ranged from 197 to
more than 3-folds and the rise was same in all the 203 g and were not significantly different. After 1 week
groups. Blood glucose values decreased only marginally of treatment, body weight decreased by 3 /5% in all

Table 3
Effects of feeding various doses of MK on blood glucose levels (mg/dl) in STZ rats (60 mg/kg)

Basal Third day First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week

NC 86.5910.21 85.3913.02 84.5913.30 85.6910.52 83.7916.50 8399.81 84.298.73

DC 82.797.94 275.3965.31* 276.5964.13* 275.3965.24* 275.5964.38* 274.6962.91* 271.8963.11 (1.4)*
MK-5 83.899.73 287.6931.66 285.6931.36 (0.69) 285.5931.03 (0.73) 282.2932.34 (1.86) 279.7932.83 (2.73) 278.2931.98 (3.2)
MK-10 86.1912.86 290.8934.51 288.3934.52 (0.85) 285.2933.82 (1.93) 281.3932.14 (3.26) 277.2932.01 (4.68) 274.6932.36 (5.58)
MK-15 85.297.64 283954.51 290.5961.30 (1.76) 272.8953.74 (3.57) 267.8954.39 (5.34) 259.7953.12 (8.21) 260.3952.09 (7.99)

Values are given as mean9S.D. for eight animals eight. Abbrevations as in Table 1. Values were significant at *P B 0.0005.
114 S. Yadav et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 (2002) 111 /116

Table 4
Effect of feeding various doses of MK on body weight (g) in alloxanized rats (35 mg/kg)

Basal First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week

NC 199.8913.24 202.5912.71 205.2912.63 207.5912.69 212.3911.79 214.7912.11

DC 195.296.05 191.1915.61 192915.21 192.2914.19* 192.6913.50* 193.6912.7**
MK-5 197.1915.55 192.7915.92 194.5915.41 196915.53 197.1915.30 199.5915.83 (n 7)
MK-10 194.2913.22 189.3912.82 191.3912.83 193.1912.86 195913.80 197915.50 (n 7)
MK-15 193915.60 188.7915.21 190.6915.52 192.7915.62 195.2916.68 196.5916.93 (n 7)

Values are given as mean9S.D. for 8 animals in all cases except where indicated individually. Abbreviations as in Table 1. Values were significant
at *P B 0.05, **P B 0.005.

groups except the normal controls but this decrease was conducted over last several decades has shown plant and
not significantly different. Normal controls showed plant based therapies have a potential to control and
weight gain by 1.47, 3.44, 4.43, 5.9 and 7.3% at 1st, treat diabetes (Oliver Bever and Zahnd, 1979; Bailey and
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th week of treatment, respectively. Day, 1989; Ivorra et al., 1989; Marles and Farnsworth,
On the other hand, body weight in diabetic controls 1995) and its complications (Grover et al., 2001). Role
showed continuous decrease throughout the experimen- of Indian plants as an anti-diabetic has been reviewed
tal period and remained significantly less than the elsewhere (Grover et al., 2002).
normal controls (P B/0.05 at 2nd and 3rd week and Appropriate nutritional management is essential for
P B/0.005 at 4th and 5th week). The body weight lost in restoring and maintaining a normal metabolic state.
the 1st week was regained in the treated groups and Therefore, diet remains a cornerstone in diabetic man-
reached the basal values at 5th week (198.69/16.33, agement. Spices and cereals like Fenugreek, MK,
201.39/13.26, 202.19/18.12 in MK-5, MK-10 and MK- Brassica juncea as dietary constituents have been found
15). However, they remained significantly less in com- to have beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism
parison with normal controls (see Table 5). experimentally as well as clinically (Iyer and Mani, 1990;
Vats et al., 2002; Khan et al., 1995).
In the present study we have investigated the efficacy
4. Discussion of feeding curry leaves (MK) as dietary constituents in
controlling hyperglycemia. Feeding of diet containing
Historical accounts reveal that knowledge regarding various doses of MK to the normal rats for 7 days did
diabetes existed since Brahmic period as this was not show any profound hypoglycemia in this study and
mentioned in the Ayurvedic textbooks-Sushruta Sam- this is in contrast to the report of Khan et al., 1995. This
hita-written in fourth and fifth centuries B.C. (Dhanu- may be possibly due to shorter duration (7 days) of the
kar and Thatte, 1989). In this ancient text, two forms of present study in comparison to 60-day duration in the
diabetes were described; one genetically based and the Khan study. However, MK exerted profound anti-
other as a result of dietary indiscretion (Dhanukar and alloxan effect as diet containing higher proportion of
Thatte, 1989). Even the treatment in the Indian ancient MK significantly prevented the rise in blood glucose
pharmacopoeia mentioned specific treatments for the after administration of alloxan (35 mg/kg).
two types including dietary modifications, medicinal Alloxan and STZ produce hyperglycemia by selective
plant remedies and minerals. Moreover the research cytotoxic effect on pancreatic b cells. One of the

Table 5
Effect of feeding various doses of MK on body weight (g) in STZ rats (60 mg/kg)

Basal First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week

NC 203.7919.77 206.8919.87 210.1919.05 212.8918.68 215.7918.32 218.2918.12

DC 197.5913.35 190.7913.01 189.5912.99 188.2913.41* 188.8912.50* 189.3912.37**
MK-5 200.7915.26 194.2914.58 195.2914.77 196.1915.42 197.5916.02 198.6916.33
MK-10 200.111.59 193.5912.03 195.3911.83 197.2912.30 199.7912.84 201.3913.26
MK-15 199918.72 193918.43 195.2917.90 197.6917.73 199.7917.65 202.1918.12

Values are given as mean9S.D. for eight animals each. Abbreviations as in Table 1.
S. Yadav et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 (2002) 111 /116 115

intracellular phenomenon for its cytotoxicity is through is not likely to be useful and may be of no use in type I
generation of free radicals demonstrated both in vivo diabetes. The spice seems to be safe in long-term use as it
and in vitro (Gandy et al., 1982; Papaccio et al., 1986). has been safely consumed through ages as a dietary
MK probably prevented the destruction of b cells of constituent.
islets in the pancreas. This is an interesting finding and
suggests that it may have antioxidant or free radical
scavenger properties in preventing these changes. Anti-
oxidant/free radical scavenging property of MK leaves
has been stated earlier by many authors (Tachibana et
al., 2001; Khan et al., 1996, 1997; Ramsewak et al., Bailey, C.J., Day, C., 1989. Traditional plant medicines as treatments
1999). Thus MK may have a role in prevention of for diabetes. Diabetes Care 12, 553 /564.
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MK showed moderate antihyperglycemic activity in burden through 2050: impact of changing demography and disease
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Dhanukar, S., Thatte, U., 1989. Ayurveda Revisited. Popular Praka-
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461 /470.
duration. Unlike the sulfonylureas and biguanides, the
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plateau effect was seen with higher doses of MK by
Ivorra, M.D., Paya, M., Villar, A., 1989. A review of natural products
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of diabetes though a clinical study by Iyer and Mani Iyer, U.M., Mani, U.V., 1990. Studies on the effect of curry leaves
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patients. Plant and Foods in Human Nutrition 40, 275 /282.
day (12 gm curry leaves powder per day orally). Khan, B.A., Abraham, A., Leelamma, S., 1995. Hypoglycemic action
The mechanism for hypoglycemia activity of MK as of Murraya Koenigii (curry leaf) and Brassica juncea (mustard):
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