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The first highlight in my practice teaching here in Rosario Advent High

School Inc. is when I was teaching Grade 11 students and we had a group activity,
every group had prepared its own PowerPoint presentation, and each group had its
energizer before the presentation started. Every student participates actively in the
energizer and their classmate's report. The report is all about the problem of senior high
students. All I can say is they are prepared in all ways, and the PowerPoint is readable
and creative. The reporters had a loud voice and authority to make their classmates
listen to them. The discussion or the explanation is clear much information is added in
their report even though I give them a short period to prepare. Some students cry
because they share their problems with the class. After their presentation, I give my
advice to them and my comments about the presentation they have.

The second highlight in my practice teaching is the intramurals which is a
weekly event, they have four teams the maroon crackens, the gray manta ray, the black
orca, and the white sharks which is my team. Every student of RAHS is very excited to
play the game. The game of elementary students is separate from the high school. We
cheer the white sharks but we support also the other team. But the highlight of the
intramurals was when we were assigned to help the other teacher in elementary to
facilitate the game of elementary students on the second floor of the old building. Were
very happy because we experienced that kind of facilitating, we’re secondary practice
teachers but we’re assigned in the elementary. The kids are very happy they enjoy the
game, and they actively participate in every game. And the last day of the event they
announced the overall champion which is maroon crackens.


This is a very exciting part of our practice teaching at Rosario Advent High
School. We are very nervous because our final demo is after the intramurals. The
excitement and nervousness that we felt before and during the demo were on another
level, to the point that we couldn’t eat or sleep properly because we needed to prepare
our instructional materials, like PowerPoint and other materials that we used at that
time. My cooperating teacher always checks my lesson plan, and she always motivates
me to believe that I can do it. The night before the final demo, I’m still preparing my
instructional materials. I didn’t sleep that time. I was very nervous because I had a
cough at that time. I always thought, What if I fail? What if my students didn’t answer my
questions? But I’m wrong; they support me and motivate me to do what I can.
The highlight of my final demo was the assessment I prepared questions for
them, and when they were done answering I used the umbrella’s wheel, I spun the
umbrella, and when the arrow pointed to the name of that student he/she needed to
answer the question and after that spin again and answer again. I can see in their eyes
that they are happy even though they are nervous too. After that, the panel said the
umbrella’s wheel was very eye-catching and I was overwhelmed that time. And my
students congratulated me on my successful final teaching demonstration.
Following my demonstration, I understood that teaching is a difficult profession. It
demands all our love, compassion, and devotion to the field and the students. Devoted
in the sense that as educators, it should be our goal to uplift students via our attitude,
deeds, and even the lessons and activities in which they participate. Furthermore, the
materials should be presented in education must be genuine, accurate, and good. I
have learned several priceless lessons from students. When I consider all of the
lessons and activities together, they have made it easier for me to think through what I
want my students to learn, how I want them to behave, and who want them to become.
These are the lessons that made me a good student-teacher.


Babao, Jenny Rose E. Babao

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