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➢ A basic radar plot can. estimate

➢ A chart made by using the lambert projection can be considered to present? : Correct areas
➢ A coastal passage or voyage plan should indicate the appropriate methods of determining positions and include which of
the following : All of these suggested answers
➢ A complete oscilation of. A cycle
➢ A corner reflector. Increase the detecta
➢ A cumulative list of ntm a year Once
➢ A Decca chain 1 master station and 3 slave stations.
➢ A factor in determining a radar max range : Receiver sensitivity
➢ A factor which affect target surface textu
➢ A function P?of the deflection coils a CRT Cause the electron to form the trace
➢ A geoid refers to? : The actual size and shape of the earth
➢ A large the presentation library is out of date
➢ A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of the horizon forms a continuous line with the
actual image. When the sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant has : side error
➢ A navigator fixing a vessel's can use radar information
➢ A polyconic projection is based on a : series of cones tangent at selected parallels
➢ A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to
➢ A.common time is a(n) : running fix
➢ A position obtained by taking lines of position from one object at different times and advancing them to a common time is
a(n) : running fix
➢ A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n) : estimated
➢ A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time, is a(n) : fix
➢ A radar log should The details of repairs
➢ A radar log. a listing
➢ A radar presentation feature which can often be used to
advantage for position fixing is : An off-centred display
➢ A radar presentation feature which is useful in radar pilotage is : true motion
➢ A radar reflection plotter. make
➢ A radar target gives. 45 degrees
➢ A radar target of a certain size is likely to give a stronger echo if it is made of : Metal.
➢ A radar target of is likely to. Conical
➢ A radar with wavelength 9,375 MHz (X-ban
➢ A raster electronically scanned version of the paper
➢ A raster used both in RCDS&ECDIS
➢ A reference for target bearings is provided by a line on the radar screen called the : heading marker
➢ A reflection plotter is a radar. Fits directly
➢ A relative bearing is always measured from : The vessel's head
➢ A sextant having an index error that is "off the arc" has a: positive correction
➢ A sextant having an index error that is "on the arc" has a : negative correction
➢ A ship is being overtaken. The overtaking
➢ A ship navigating in the . On the right side
➢ A ship’s position is best. Fixed known object on the shore
➢ A side from the rqrments for The mariner
➢ A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) : estimated position

➢ A target with a "rough" surface is likely to : give a good echo at any aspect
➢ A target with a smooth surface 90 degrees
➢ A true motion radar a target's actual
➢ a tug fast. Towing spring
➢ A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information? : Coastline, sub sea dangers and traffic systems
➢ A typical figure for minimum. 25 metres
➢ A typical pulse repetition. 500 to 3000
➢ A typical radar pulse length 0.05 to 1.25
➢ A vertical sextant angle gives : a position circle
➢ A vessel fitted with an. Assess the course
➢ A vessel is fitted to connect to the device in commun
➢ A vessel is stming is east January 25 : 09 24 january
➢ A vessel's position. Fixed known objects
➢ A weather phenomenon. a tropical
➢ According to IMO, what type of charts should be used on ECDIS? : A vector chart
➢ Accurate target bearing are obtained by Synchronizing the radar beam
➢ After changing range A period of time not
➢ All Loran-C transmitting Each station to tra
➢ all persons The Muster List
➢ Altering the range scale. pulse length
➢ An “exchange set” a set of files delivered to the vessel
➢ An aid to identifying. a chart with
➢ An alternative name for the anti-sea clutter control is the: S.T.C. control
➢ An approved ecdis correct for use on a vessel under
➢ An approved ecdis only with approval fr the flag state
➢ An ecdis consist ENC & ECDIS
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information? : Depth contours (WCS)
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information? : Hydrographic data (RAA)
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information?: Soundings (WMR)
➢ An ecdis position showing fluctuating pos of the vessel
➢ An ecdis will the chart datum & nav signal datum
➢ An effect on radar. multiple
➢ An important benefit of ECDIS All of the above
➢ An mercator sailing >>D’long/DMP=Tan Course .. Distance=D’lat/cos. course
➢ An operation check req on determi the lim
➢ An operational check you check the accura
➢ and the marine environment. Bad management
➢ Approach CPA can be obtain radar plot
➢ Approximately how many between 40&50
➢ As a licensed Merchant Marine Officer you are expected to : All of the above
➢ As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass : Turns counterclockwise to port
➢ As distance from the scan Decreases rapid
➢ As per performance standards for nav plus or minus 1deg
➢ As per performance standards It shld rotate at a cons rpm of noless 12
➢ At 0000 you fix your position and plot a new DR track line. At 0200 you again fix your position and it is 0.5 mile east of
your DR. Which statement is TRUE : The drift is 0.25 knot
➢ Attenuation is likely reduced detection
➢ Attenuation is likely to cause. reduced
➢ Attenuation is. the absorption of radar
➢ Attenuation of the radar beam Heavy rain
➢ Be interpreted on ECDIS? Physical buoy pos may differ fr charted location on ECDIS as with any type of chart
➢ Bearing accuracy depends mainly on : Horizontal beam width
➢ Because of the reflecting properties of a sextant, if the sextant altitude reads 60° on the limb, the actual arc of the limb
from 0° to the 60° reading is : 30°
➢ Before taking target bearings the trace is correctly centered
➢ Before using a pre-programmed ECDIS route, … : check all route data throughly
➢ berth and go to sea. Test the steering
➢ Besides initiating Scanner to start scan ro
➢ besides initiating the transmit, the trigg display to start the timebase
➢ By ECDIS for appropriate, (2) System electronic nav
➢ Can a raster chart be displayed in head-up mode on to days ECDIS? : No
➢ Can an ECS chart plotter approved ECDIS? No, as it has unofficial charts on it
➢ Can raster charts be customized no
➢ Can raster charts provide navigational warnings : No
➢ Can voyage planning be executed on ECDIS? : Yes
➢ Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition of information originated by a government-
authorized hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the) : International Hydrographic Organization
➢ Chart Projections are classified according to the type of projection surface used. How many commonly used surface are
there? : 3
➢ Charted depth is the ?: Vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to then ocean bottom
➢ Civil twilight begins at 1910 zone time on 20 July 1981. Your DR position at that time is LAT 22°16'N, LONG
150°06'W. Which statement concerning the planets available for evening sights is TRUE? : Venus will have a westerly
meridian angle
➢ Civil twilight occurs at 0558 zone time on 30 December 1981. Your DR position at that time is LAT 15°02'N, LONG
46°02'W. Which statement concerning the planets available for morning sights is TRUE? : At 0558, Mars can be used
for an ex-meridian observation
➢ Clutter echoes are not usually caus. fog
➢ Clutter echoes are often caused. rain
➢ Coastal radio navigational . By port and harbour authorities
➢ Compared to the visual horizon, the radar horizon is : About 6% further away
➢ Controls testing of bridge equipment One to two hours prior sailing
➢ Define the required interval between Such that the vessel cannot be set appreciable off course, or into danger by the
effects of wind, tide or current
➢ Deviation in a compass is caused by the : Influence of the magnetic
➢ Digitally produced they are produced as a series
➢ Distance along a track line is measured Latitude scale near the middle on the track line
➢ Does, IMO specify special training in use of ECDIS : No
➢ Ducting of the radar beam. extreme super
➢ During the anchoring procedure, what would the 2nd Officer understand by the following request from the bridge, "How
is the chain"? : The bridge would like to know the direction of the anchor cable from the hawse pipe.
➢ During the month of October the Sun's declination is : south and increasing
➢ ECDIS is an abbreviation for?: Electronic Chart Display and Information System
➢ ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT : determine magnetic compass deviation
➢ ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases? : All of the above
➢ ECDIS must have the capability to preserve the record of the voyage track for the previous : 12 hours
➢ ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include : vector and raster
➢ Echoes from rain. differentiator control
➢ ECS is a system Do’snt meet solas requirement
➢ Edges of land. their poor definition
➢ Explain the statement which ecdis devices are manufactured according to the ecdis standard
➢ following request from the bridge, "How is the chain. The bridge would like
➢ For navigational purposes, each great circle on the Earth has a length of : 21,600 miles
➢ For unstabilized display. True bearing
➢ From the following data: Sextant altitude (LL): 38?12.4'; Index error : 3.0' on the arc; Corr'n for HE : 6.6'; Total corr'n for
sun : for UL -17.0' , for LL + 14.8. What is the true altitude of the Sun's Lower limb : 38?17.6'
➢ fundamental requirement .The older ships must be in good
➢ Geodesy is best the sciences that dscribes the earth
➢ Gyrocompass repeaters reproduce the indications of the master gyrocompass. They are : Accurate only in the Polar
➢ Halt the vertical dist. The amplitude
➢ HMI is an abbreviation for? : Human Machine Interface
➢ Horizontal beam width depends mainly on : scanner width
➢ How can a quick check on By viewing the radar
➢ How can an ARPA assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the entrance to a channel : Select ground
stabilised true motion display and alter course so that own ships true vector passes through the middle of the
entrance to the channel.
➢ How can the error of the Gyro compass be determined? : By taking a transit bearing with the gyro compass of two
prominent fixed shore objects and comparing it with the bearing of the same objects on the chart
➢ How can the ships course change be described in detail? : By specifying ships turn radius
➢ How does height above Higher objects are
➢ How is an ellipsoid formed : By rotating an ellipse about its minor axis
➢ How is attenuation affected when using waves of shorter wavelength? : Attenuation is greater
➢ How many fixed objects are needed~ to plot a running fix? : One
➢ How many objects are there more than 200
➢ How many stages are there in the planning of a safe voyage : Four
➢ How many, minimum lines of 2 lines of position.
➢ How often is it recommended At least every 30m
➢ How should the tug be secured to the ship, when the bridge tells the poop that "It is the tug's wire"?? : The tug will send a
wire to the ship for making fast.
➢ How will the position. Collision point will
➢ How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard? : If I saw a person falling overboard I
would shout repeatedly, "Man overboard"
➢ Identify the orientation N-up orie&true motion mode
➢ If automatic acquisition. 20 targets
➢ If Loran-C signal. Signals begin to blink
➢ If manual acquisition is prov. 10 targets
➢ If own ships position in erroneous on an ECDIS system, what is the result?: All positions, directions and courses taken
from the ECDIS are erroneous
➢ If possible the radar display. so it can be
➢ If the ECDIS monitor’s All of the above
➢ If the ecdis shows the time filters on th gps&ecdis
➢ If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS, it must display the minimum data required by IMO/IHO, to include all of the
following EXCEPT : tidal currents
➢ If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate?
Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector. : The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.
➢ If the radar overlay the rdar hding marker could be mis
➢ If the radar scanner of one ship is at the same height as the cargo deck of the other during transfer operations, which type
of radar would pose a greater danger of the induced ignition ?: A 10cm radar
➢ If the radio signal. Skip
➢ If the strength of the wind . The Closer the isobars are
➢ If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure the closer the isobars are together the stronger will be the predicted
➢ If the trace is not correct. measuring bear
➢ If your radar suffers. Determine and rec
➢ If your vessel , while proceeding south at 10 knots-south at 10 kn North at 20knots
➢ If your vessel while proceed. Stationary
➢ IMO made an important they asked countries to produce
➢ In addition to initiating the action Display to start the timebase
➢ In addition to target echoes. scanner
➢ In addition to X-band and S-Band radar C- Band
➢ In celestial nav Sidereal hour angle
➢ In LORAN-C.The master stations transmits 9 pulses and
➢ In Mercator sailing : DMP = D'long x Secant Course
➢ In order to remove index error from a sextant, you should adjust the : horizon glass to make it parallel to the index
mirror with the index set at zero
➢ In restricted visibility Watching the target
➢ In the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force, what is the eight(8)
➢ In the diagram which line would be the "AFT SPRING", if the vessel was port side alongside a jetty : The Aft Spring is
indicated by A, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, the depth of water under the keel is indicated by the letter "C". Which bridge instrument would indicate
this depth : Echo Sounder
➢ In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the "Bridge"? : The Bridge is indicated by A, in the
➢ In the diagram, which letter is indicating the "bits" which would probably be used by the "FORWARD SPRING" when
mooring the ship? : The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by D, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, which letter is indicating the position "MIDSHIPS"?: Midships is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, which letter is pointing at the area known as the "BOW" of the ship?: The Bow is indicated by B, in the
➢ In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the "STERN"?: The Stern area is indicated by
C, in the figure
➢ In the equation d = (t x s) r2, the quantity S is : The speed of the radar waves
➢ In the figure is shown the direction of possible mooring lines from the stern of a vessel, when moored port side alongside
a jetty. Which letter shows the direction which would be used by a "STERN LINE"? : The Stern Line is indicated by A,
in the figure
➢ In the figure, which arrow indicates the direction "ASTERN"? : Astern is indicated by D, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter gives the correct understanding of the term "LENGTH OVERALL"? : Length Overall is
indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates the "BREADTH” of the vessel?: Breadth is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates what is known as "mooring bits"?: The mooring bits are indicated by D, in the
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates which item is the "WINDLASS"? The Windlass is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the future correct, in accordance with..
➢ In the Route Planning Mode Add way, del,way chang the pos waypoint, Alphanumerically & graphically
➢ In what type of display, the zero. North
➢ In what type of waveform Saw- tooth wave for
➢ In which case would it. Relative vector
➢ In which direction would the "FORWARD HEAD LINE"
normally run?: The forward head line would normally lead forward from the bow
➢ In which voyage between two point One point near equator one point is in a high latitude & both are near180
➢ In worst case, how much can the difference be expected to be between local datum
and Satellite datum ? : Up to several nautical miles
➢ Incoming target echoes are detected by the : Mixer crystal
➢ Increase of echo stre The transmit freq
➢ Indicate the main advantage they can be used when
➢ Indicate the main disadvantage the elec dis can make
➢ Indicate the primary to store&dis elec charts
➢ Indicate three important Course, speed&risk of collision
➢ Indirect echoes appear on the display on the true range, but on a false bearing
➢ Indirect echoes are caus. Obstruct close
➢ Indirect echoes can be rec Appear in shad
➢ Is it always possible to use the word "ship" instead of the word "boat"? : Normally a small vessel is called a "boat"
rather than a "ship", otherwise it is not important.
➢ Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when under pilot?: A passage
plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot
➢ Is the location of the Compass Binnacle critical?: Yes, for the reasons stated in all of the suggested answers
➢ is the tug's wire. The tug will send
➢ It is 1200 local time for an observer at 54°E longitude. Which statement is TRUE? : The observer is in time zone -4
➢ jetty to which it was moored. Single up is the term used to describe
➢ Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called : Isogonic lines
➢ Low and sandly beaches. Low accuracy
➢ Magnetic compass deviation : Is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass north
➢ Magnetic variation changes with a change in : The vessel's position
➢ Making raster charts there were lots of paper charts
➢ Malt the vertical. The amplitude
➢ Marine radar wavelengths. centimeter
➢ Mariners are first warned. marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
➢ Max radar range depends. peak power
➢ Min radar range can beUsing a high P.R.F
➢ Min radar range depends. pulse length
➢ Most commonly ships. X - band
➢ Multiple echoes appear. on the correct
➢ Multiple echoes can be recognized because they appear: at constant range intervals
➢ Multiple radar echoes are caused. reflection between
➢ NGA (NIMA) charts are adopting the metric system. In order to change a charted depth in
meters to feet you may use the conversion table found : All of the above
➢ Official electronic charts vector, S57, official ENC
➢ Official vector charts WGS 84
➢ On 6 July 1981, at 1000 zone time, you cross the 180th meridian steaming westward.
What is your local time : It is 1000, 7 July
➢ On a radar display, symbol ident. gain con
➢ On a radar display, the return. Gives a
➢ On a radar display, this symbol indi VRM
➢ On most radar displays the Relative
➢ On the diagram, what is the area at the forward end of the vessel shown by the letter "A"?
It is normally raised by one deck above the main deck : Fo'c's'le or Forecastle
➢ On the diagram, which arrowed line is indicating the "Breadth"
of the vessel?: The breadth is indicated by letter B, in the figure
➢ On the diagram, which letter indicates what is meant by the word "DRAUGHT"
of the ship? : Draught is indicated by D, in the figure
➢ On the diagram, which letter is indicating the "BOW"?: The Bow is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ On what factors. Height
➢ On which of these factors. HBW
➢ On your PPI scope. West at 20 knots
➢ One cause of bearing error is : misalignment of the centre of the trace on the display
➢ One feature of a racon. must be trigger
➢ Plotting position using the method of a running fix is used when : only one bearing line is available
➢ Positions obtain by radar.should be check
➢ Radar bearing discrimination depends mainly. Horizontal beamwidth
➢ Radar bearing discrimination is the two targets at same range on slightly diff
➢ Radar bearing discrimination should be within : 2.5 degrees
➢ Radar does not transmit continuously because it would: Prevent detection of targets
➢ Radar does not transmit continuously because it would: reduce the life of components (awal huruf kecil)
➢ Radar maintenance. operator's manual
➢ Radar navigational techbe practiced
➢ Radar range accuracy depends mainly accuracy of the timebase
➢ Radar range accuracy should. 1.5 % of
➢ Radar range discrimination. 50 metres
➢ Radar reflectors are fitted. make them
➢ Radar targets glue the. hard and dense
➢ Radar uses pulse transmission in order to : detect close range target
➢ Range discrimination depend Pulse length
➢ Raster-scan chart data is : a digitized "picture" of a chart in one format and one layer
➢ Read the text in the diagram and answer the following question: When should training in
personal survival techniques be given? : Before being employed
➢ Read the text in the diagram and answer this question: What should be given
to prospective seafarers? : Approved training in survival techniques
➢ Read the text in the picture before answering the question. What is the fundamental requirement relating to the older
ships, which are still in service? : The older ships must be in good condition.
➢ Read this text and answer the question: To whom. To all seafarers.
➢ Reflection if its Make a quick radar plot
➢ Rigging of the Pilot Ladder and embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot should be supervised by : A responsible Officer
➢ Rule 19 says that. Determine if risk of
➢ S-band radar has a wavelength. 9.2-10
➢ Sea clutter echoes appearA mass of small
➢ Sea clutter is caused. the sides of waves
➢ Second trace echoes appearFalse ranges
➢ Second trace echoes are moreA high P.R.F
➢ Select the option one constructed under the S57
➢ Select the option whch describes at the same scale as the
➢ Select the option whch most the statement is totally inco
➢ Select the wrong acronym : RNC - (Radio Navigation Chart)
➢ Ships approved for ecdis incorrect,there shouldbebackup
➢ Side echoes appear. a symmetrical arc of
➢ Side echoes are caused. the side lobes of
➢ Signals are converted to a suitable form for the display by the : Local oscillator
➢ Signals are converted. video amplifier
➢ SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) regulations, Chapter 5, deals with the Safety of
Navigation and applies to which vessels?: All vessels and on all voyages
➢ Some hydrographic it is the process of recording pos data
➢ Sometimes shipboard. Indirect echo
➢ Spring tides are tides that Have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal
➢ Sub-refraction commonly occurs. a cold
➢ Sub-refraction is likely to result. reduced
➢ Super-refraction is likely. Increase target
➢ Super-refraction is normally Warm air over
➢ Target detection ranges.: Blind sectors
➢ Target echoes appear along a line called the : heading marker
➢ Target echoes are received An increase
➢ Target ranges are obtained from: the range marker
➢ target with a “Rough”. Give a good echo
➢ Targets echoes appear along a line called the : heading marker
➢ targets echoes appear along- timebase
➢ The “flattening” of the earth is approximately?: 1/300
➢ The 1996 correct, but only when an official chart is’nt av
➢ The accuracy of data on a raster chart is exactly the same as?: The Paper chart
➢ The alteration of own ship's. radar plot
➢ The azimuth of a body whose LHA is 195? will be : easterly
➢ The best land target to use for a radar bearing is : A small isolated feature
➢ The best land target to use for. a cliff
➢ The bright spot. Half the speed of the
➢ The briliance control should.the trace is
➢ The brilliance control of a (CRT). the anode
➢ The cause of shadow. obstructions on
➢ The commonest arrangement. Pentagonal
➢ The commonest type of radar scanner is the : Horizontal slotted waveguide
➢ The compass binnacle on the ship has various specific functions, which of the following answers reflect its most
important functions : All of the answers provided
➢ The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and : Annual rate of variation change
➢ The database information that should be shown when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is the : standard display
➢ The database resulting from (1) the transformation of the electronic navigational chart (ENC) by ECDIS for appropriate
use, (2) the updates to the ENC by appropriate means, and (3) the additional data added by the mariner, is called the :
system electronic navigational chart
➢ The date is the same all over the world at : 1200 GMT
➢ The Decca green zone has : 18 lanes
➢ The detection range. sub refraction
➢ The difference (measured in degrees) between the GHA of the body and the longitude of the observer is the : meridian
➢ The difference between local apparent time (LAT) and local mean time (LMT) is indicated by the : equation of time
➢ The difference in local time between an observer on 114°W and one on 119°W is : 20 minutes
➢ The display symbol shown here is for : The power monitor
➢ The display trace. scanner motor
➢ The distance covered by 315 naut miles
➢ The distance of target can be VRM
➢ The distance of the radar horiThe down
➢ The DMP between latitude 20? 30' N and latitude 10? 15' S is : 1863.07
➢ The drift and set of tidal. speed and direction toward
➢ The ECDIS system can operate in how many does?: Two
➢ The effect of the anti-rain clutter control is to : reduce the size of close range echoes
➢ The electrons in the Tubefrom the cathode
➢ The equation of time is 12m 00s and the mean Sun is ahead of the apparent Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your
time zone, at what zone time will the apparent Sun cross the meridian? : 1212
➢ The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent Sun is ahead of the mean Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your
time zone, the apparent Sun will cross your meridian at : 11-51-20 ZT
➢ The first satellite datum waste based on : American NNSS
➢ The function of the local oscillator is to : provide a frequency for mixing with the target signals
➢ The function of the modulator store the energy from the power supplies
➢ The function of the waueguide is to : generate the R.F. pulses
➢ The gain control shouldbe adjust there is a light speckled background
➢ The gain control. there is a light speckled
➢ The GHA of the first point of Aries is 315° and the GHA of a planet is 150°. What is the right ascension of the planet? : 11 hours
➢ The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous
navigational area. What is the probable cause of the error? : An uncorrected course and speed error
➢ The highest level of commercial navigational accuracy is provided by : DGPS, within a coverage area
➢ The horizon glass of a sextant is : silvered on its half nearer the frame
➢ The horizontal pattern. one large lobe
➢ The IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases are recommended to be used when the ship's Officer is verbally
talking to whom? : In circumstances described in all of the answers provided
➢ The index error is determined by adjusting the : micrometer drum
➢ The information obtained Target's closest
➢ The intensity of the electron beam in the CRT. Varying the potential
➢ The intermediate frequency is generated by the : Mixer crystal………………
➢ The level of database information which cannot be removed from the ECDIS display and consists of information which is
required at all times in all geographic areas and under all circumstances is the: display base information
➢ The LMT of LAN is 1210.: 0728
➢ The magnetron is sited. scanner unit.
➢ The magnetron sends the R.F. scanner unit
➢ The main component in the display unit is the : cathode ray unit…………….
➢ The main component of the transmitter is the : power supply……………
➢ The marine sextant is subject to seven different types of errors, four of which may be corrected by
the navigator. An error NOT correctable by the navigator is : prismatic error
➢ the middle of the ocean. The lookout must keep a lookout all-round the ship and
➢ The most common cause ofOther radar
➢ The most common type of radar reflector. the octahedral
➢ The number of pulses. Pulse repetition freq
➢ The parallax angle will vary the most with the time of year for : Venus
➢ The part of a sextant mounted directly over the pivot of the index arm is the : index mirror
➢ The path that vessel track line
➢ The paths of intended travel between three or more points is the : track
➢ the pilot ladder. Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot
➢ The points at which coll. The speed rat
➢ The position accuracy of Loran-C degrades with increasing distance from the transmitting stations as: a result of
variation in propagation conditions
➢ The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a magnetic compass. How should an error of 5
degrees WEST be applied to the compass bearings? : Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings
➢ The positions of the ship provThe ranges
➢ The preferred method of. taking a radar
➢ The presentation if it’snot the latest vers the ecdis will not
➢ The primary function Contribute to safe navigation
➢ The principle of a cornerChanges the direct
➢ The principle of a racTransmits on receipt
➢ The purpose of radar is to enable: The range and bearing of objects to be obtained…………………
➢ The purpose of T/R cell. Protect the rece
➢ The purpose of the anodes in the C.R.T. is to : Attract the electrons to the screen………………….
➢ The purpose of the bearing. measure the
➢ The purpose of the gain. the amplification
➢ The purpose of the transmitter unit is to : detect the returning radar pulses
➢ The purpose of TM. Protect the receiver
➢ The radar beamwidth. The length of the
➢ The radar target. a perpendicular cylinder
➢ The radar transceiver. at a safe
➢ The range of tide is the >> Difference between the heights of high and low tide
➢ The rate of increase.the moon
➢ The reference datum used in determining is Mean high water
➢ The requirements for using International
➢ The SCAMIN objects will be removed as the ope zomms
➢ The Second Officer, when on watch on the bridge, is often referred to as the OOW. What does OOW
actually stand for?: Officer of the Watch
➢ The SHA of star "VEGA" to the nearest minute is : 80?47
➢ The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpradar is set on a range 12 miles on a
course of 314 degrees and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa? : True
➢ The signal from a racon. Enables the
➢ The surface of an ellipsoid is?: Regular…………..
➢ The symbol shown here identifies : Brilliance…………
➢ The symbol shown here identifies the : Bearing cursor (VGB)
➢ The symbol shown here identifies the: Heading marker alignment control (NRH)
➢ The tech of parallel index. a rotatable
➢ The technique used in radar. parallel
➢ The time interval between the transmission of signals from a pair of Loran-C stations is
very closely controlled and operates with : an atomic time standard
➢ The trace on displ. In synchronization
➢ The transmited freq is dtrmn Magnetron
➢ The transmited pulse length Modulator
➢ The transmitted frequency. magnetron
➢ The transmitted pulse length. modulator
➢ The transmitter P.R.F. is determined by the : trigger unit…..
➢ The true wind is from 330°T, speed 6 knots. You want the apparent wind to be 30 knots from10°
on your port bow. To what course and speed must you change? : Cn 090°, 32.5 knots
➢ the tug's wire. The tug will send
➢ The tuning control adjusts the frequency of the local oscillator
➢ The tuning control is best adjusted by using the : Visual tuning indicator………
➢ The typical operating range of (AIS) : 20 nm
➢ The unit which radiates the radar pulse is the : scanner…………..
➢ The unit which sends returning ragets echoes to the receiver is the: scanner unit
➢ The use of radar ranges. they are more
➢ The vertical beam must. rolling and pitch
➢ The world’s first satellite based datum was named? :WGS-72
➢ The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73°15'E. What time would you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to
determine the declination of the Sun at LAN? : 0659
➢ There is a risk of.Her bearing is steady-de
➢ These statement will give : Route planning across thesafet contour ecdis will give Alarm(audible or audibl &visual
➢ This display symbol. head-up present
➢ This symbol identifies the : range scale control (HSC) ……..
➢ To avoid any radiation. keep clear.
➢ To establish additional target data other than the Closest Point of Approach on a relative plot,
You must : Draw a relative velocity triangle.
➢ training in personal survival techniques be given. Before being employed twisting is called a 'Spreader
➢ Under Rule 19, if you get into a close quarters situation with a vessel forward of the beam in
restricted visibility, you must : Navigate with caution until danger of collision is over
➢ Under Rule 5; the radar. whenever it
➢ Under Rule 7, proper use of. radar
➢ Under the ISM Proper equipment&generic training for
➢ used by the "FORWARD SPRING" when mooring the ship. The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by D,
➢ Using relative motion. It’s closest
➢ Variation is not constant; it is different with every change in : Geographical location
➢ Variation is the angular measurement between : Compass north and true north
➢ Vector chart can? : Can be displayed with any direction up
➢ Vertical beam width is determined by : the design of the scanner
➢ Vessels required to have an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid must have a device to
indicate the: speed of the vessel over the ground or through the water
➢ Weaker echoes are converted to signals of detectable strength by the: I.F. amplifier
➢ What is meaning "Calling All Ships". : CQ
➢ What are 10cm. S band
➢ What are such areas known. Blind sector
➢ What are the duties of the bridge lookout during the night, when the vessel is in the middle of the ocean? : The lookout
must standby ready to take the wheel when required by the Officer of the Watch
➢ What are the lists called that give the position and task during a lifeboat drill for all
persons on board the ship? : The Muster List
➢ What are the main components causing the magnetic compass to require a regular evaluation and compass correction? :
Permanent and induced magnetism in the ships structure
➢ What are the minimum range. 3 or 4
➢ What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error : Latitude and Speed
➢ What are the two main. VBW & HBW
➢ What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error? : Variation and Deviation
➢ What can be used on the radar screen to eliminate automatic plotting in selected areas? : Guard zones
➢ What chart should be used when navigating ? The largest scale chart onboard for the area which is properly corrected
➢ What corrections must be applied to the echo sounder reading to compare the depth of water with the depth printed on the
chart : Draught of the ship
➢ What could be the reason for the magnetic compass to swing through large angles when the ship is rolling in a seaway? :
The heeling error magnets are upside down and/or not in the correct position
➢ What could the wheelman be asked to do, to help in the preparations to leave
the berth and go to sea? : Test the steering by putting the wheel hard over both ways
➢ What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any prior position?: Fix
➢ What determines. The scanner rotation
➢ What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting? : The wide rung on a pilot
ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Spreader'
➢ What do you understand by the order: "Move the pilot ladder to the other side : Move the pilot ladder to the other side,
means: to shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.
➢ What do you understand by the term "Let Go" when applied to mooring and unmooring? : Let Go means to cast off the
mooring ropes and wires
➢ What do you understand by the term: "Let go the tug"?: Let go the tug means: to cast off the lines that secure the tug
to the ship
➢ What do you understand by: Bitter end? : Bitter end means: the end link of an anchor cable that is secured within the
chain locker
➢ What do you understand by: Hydrographic vessel in position this means:keep well clear of the hydrographic vessel in
➢ What do you understand by: Let go the port anchor? : Let go the port anchor means: open the port windlass brake
➢ What do you understand by: Rig the accommodation ladder in combination
with the pilot ladder?: Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot
ladder means: lower the accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right next to it
➢ What do you understand by: Secure the tug?: Secure the tug means: to make fast the tug
➢ What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require? : Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude
➢ What does acronym RNC Raster Nav Chart
➢ What does the above diagram indicate? (see figure) : Bearing discrimination. (URM)……………
➢ What does the acronym HDOP Horizontal dilution of pre
➢ What does the acronym SENC Sys elec Nav Chart
➢ What does the word "pirates" mean?: Pirates are persons who attempt to board and take over a ship at sea
➢ What does this control on the radar indicate? (see figure) : Transmitted power monitor.
➢ What does this controlPerform monitor
➢ What error may occur in All of the above
➢ What indicates the true movement of the target being tracked?: True vector
➢ What is "AIR DRAUGHT", in the figure? : Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure
➢ What is "DRAUGHT", in the figure? : Draught is D, in the figure
➢ What is "FREEBOARD", in the figure? : Freeboard is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ What is "LENGHT OVERALL", in the figure? : Length overall is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ What is a "cargo plan", when applied to a ship? : The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what
➢ What is a "Fairlead"? : A Fairlead is a special device through which is passed ropes
or wires to stop them moving sideward’s and reduces friction and chafing
➢ What is a mooring line : A mooring line is a thick rope used to moor the ship
➢ What is a nonadjustable error of the sextant? : Prismatic error
➢ What is a raster chart? : A raster chart is a digital facsimile of the paper chart
➢ What is a ship's "Gangway"? : A Gangway is a portable means of access between the ship and the shore
➢ What is an advantage of the magnetic compass aboard vessels? : It is reliable due to it's essential simplicity.
➢ What is correct UTC N49…11 00
➢ What is definition of a leg? : A line connecting two turn-point
➢ What is important to. Any necessary
➢ What is meant by the term "Single up" when a vessel is preparing to leave the jetty to which it was moored : Single up is
the term used to describe the process of letting go most of the moorings lines and just leaving sufficient lines to stay
safely alongside.
➢ What is name of the machine shown, used to heave on the ropes during mooring and unmooring?: Winch
➢ What is no.12 ? (see figure) : CRT
➢ What is no.4 ? (see figure) : Modulator
➢ What is on the PPI. Ramark
➢ What is raster A raster chart is a digital facsimile of
➢ What is the ability of a radar set to clearly distinguish two targets, on the same range and slightly different bearings, as
two separate targets on the PPI known as?: Range discrimination
➢ What is the advantages of a GPS satellite system compared to other navigational aids : The GPS system gives
information about position, speed and time continuously world wide.

➢ What is the aspect of the target A ? : Port bow (Red 15-75)……………………

➢ What is the basic principle of the magnetic compass? : The Earth's magnetic lines of force are parallel to the surface
of the Earth
➢ What is the closest point of approach of target A : Less than 1 mile ( bnyk kpl)……..

➢ What is the closest point of approach of target A ? : Between 2 - 2.2 miles (1-2, 0.9, 3-3.9)……

➢ What is the closest point of approach of target A ? : Between 1 - 2 miles (ada 0.9)

➢ What is the closest point of approach of target A?: Less than 0.9 miles (no 1 – 2)
➢ What is the correct setting of the "Anti sea clutter"
control on the radar? : A few sea returns remaining on the screen.
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "Block Coefficient" as applied to a ship : The comparison of the
underwater shape of the ship, to a rectangular block of the same extreme dimensions.
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term “Isobar” an “isobar”is a line joining places of equal PRESSURE
➢ What is the critical When the ship stops
➢ What is the crucial aspect in executing a voyage in a safe and efficient way?: An effective detailed passage plan fully
understood and followed by a competent bridge team
➢ What is the daytime signal to be shown when the vessel is at anchor? : A black ball forward where it can best be seen
➢ What is the definition a line connecting turn points
➢ What is the definition ENC of ECBD
➢ What is the definition of a waypoint? : A way point is a position where the ships course is to be changed
➢ What is the definition of an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)?: ENC is a subset of ECDB
➢ What is the direction of wind associated clockwise around the high pressure
➢ What is the effect “Course mode” Ships course will automatically be corrected for off-set
➢ What is the effect of ships course’ll not be corrected for
➢ What is the effect of a radar reflector. it strengthens the reflectivity of the
➢ What is the effect of sailing in “Course Mode”? : Adjusted towards the nearest way point
➢ What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 215°15'? 144°45'E
➢ What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 232°27'? : 127°33'E
➢ What is the height datum lowest astronomical tide
➢ What is the IMO definition of ECDIS?: A system that display hydrographic information in order to assist the Safe
➢ What is the main advantage the stored data base has int
➢ What is the main disadvantage they have little flexibility
➢ What is the main element of geographical data?: Description of positions
➢ What is the main Purpose of the pan function? : Move the current chart on the screen
➢ What is the main purpose of VTS : Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the
➢ What is the main purpose the zoom function? : To select appropriate chart scale to the actual situation
➢ What is the meaning of "make fast" : To secure a rope
➢ What is the meaning of the term "Make Fast", when mooring the ship? : Make Fast means secure the ropes to the bits
➢ What is the most important thing to know about computerized systems?: Their limitations / Their future
➢ What is the name given to unwanted. Spoking
➢ What Is the name of the international standard for exchange of maritime digital Electronic chart and information.: S-57
➢ What is the name of the portable walkway or access between ship and shore?: Gangway
➢ What is the normal name given to the fuel oil used for the ship's main engines?: Bunkers
➢ What is the normal name of the special wire/rope on board the ship used to make a tug fast?: Towing spring
➢ What is the normal name of the waterproof suit shown in the picture?: Survival suit
➢ What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?: Lifeboat drill
➢ What is the number of the IMO resolution concerning ECDIS? : IMO res. A 817
➢ What is the objective of the merchant navy? : To safely transport goods by sea
➢ What is the output shown on the "Rate of Turn" display fitted on the bridge : The Rate of Turn indicator displays the
rate the ship is swinging in degrees per minute
➢ What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system? : Incorrect height of the
➢ What is the purpose Give warning about possible danger
➢ What is the purpose of the “off track” limit? : Assist in controlling the ship track from planned track
➢ What is the purpose of voyage planning? : To support the bridge team
➢ What is the purpose Reduce the sea echoes.
➢ What is the purpose To receive infor about ships in the vic
➢ What is the range ... 60m. 30 m
➢ What is the rate at which two moving objects approach or separate from each other called? : Relative movement
➢ What is the reference datum for GPS? : WGS-84
➢ What is the role of a tug in a port? : A tug assists the ships to moor and unmoor
➢ What is the room often called where the crew eat their meals. The crew mess
➢ What is the selection. Acquisition
➢ What is the term for the number of pulses sent out by the scanner in one second? : Pulsation
➢ What is the time of closest point of approach of target A : Now or passed……………….
➢ What is the time of closest point of approach of target B ?: Between 21-30 minutes
➢ What is the typical amount. 1 to 3 min
➢ What is the value beyond . 2.5 deg
➢ What is the vertical. Vertical beam wid
➢ What is the weather associated light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
➢ What is the worst known 7 NM
➢ What is this called. Target swap
➢ What is this mark. Signal from SART…………
➢ What is this mark? (see figure) : Recon
➢ What is this on the PPI. Raymark.
➢ What is this on the PPI? (see figure) : Clearing bearing…………..
➢ What is true concerning. . New editions are corrected
➢ What is understood by the term "Boat Drill"? : "Boat Drill" means the practical training in the various aspects of
getting all the people onboard safely off the ship, in the event of abandoning ship
➢ What is understood by the term "take the helm"? : Take over the steering of the ship.
➢ What is understood by the term, "The Lee Side"?: Lee Side is the side that faces away from the wind
➢ What is understood by the word "Bollard", when mooring a ship : A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines
are secured
➢ What is used as a portable, plotting device which is clamped on top of the radar screen : Reflection plotter
➢ What is used as a portable, plotting device which is clamped on top of the radar screen? : (spasi) Plotting sheet
➢ What is used to control the amplification of echoes received : Brilliance
➢ What is used to warn the observer if any distinguishable target closes to a range or transits a zone chosen by the observer?
: Guard rings and zones
➢ What is wend in relation A world sys of supply&update
➢ What kind of information Navigational warning.
➢ What letter indicates the direction "AHEAD", in the figure? : Ahead is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ What measures may. Frequent change of
➢ What methoods could be introduced. parallel index lines
➢ What nautical chart are intended for coastal chart
➢ What possible reason could there be for the identification mark associated with a Racon not being visible on the radar
screen? : All of the suggested answers.
➢ What purpose has the Regulations of the light on the PPI.
➢ What should a passage plan include The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to berth
➢ What should be the performance Upto +/-10deg Rolling or pitching
➢ What should be the size.340 mm What the probable. Incorrect high of ante
➢ What should berthing and unberthing
➢ What should over viewing an ocean when planning
➢ What the main element description of position
➢ What the main purpose pan move the current chart on
➢ What the main purpose zoom to select appropriate chart
➢ What type of refraction. Sub refraction
➢ What type of scanner. Slotted wave guide
➢ What type of spurious echoes are these? (see figure): Multiple echoes
➢ What will be the d?long for departure of 66.5? when the ship is on m?lat of 29 degrees N : 76?
➢ What would a large that the presentation library is out of
➢ What would a small that the ecdis is uncertain as to some
➢ What would be the vector chart file&other informati files
➢ When a vessel is transiting a canal with locks and intense bridge activities over many hours, what management issues
should the Master consider : All of these answers
➢ When acting as helmsman, what should be the method of responding to an order : When receiving an order, the order
should be repeated back to the person who gave it before carrying out the order.
➢ When can a raster when there is no vector chart available
➢ When carrying out a radar ranges of prominent features on the beam
➢ When choosing objects for. Sloping land
➢ When does the ENC when the ecdis converts it
➢ When ducting occurs. carried
➢ When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot
while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship? : A passage plan should be
discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team
when deep sea
➢ When initially setting up the gps : select wgs84 and when floting on
➢ When keeping a lookout, what would be the correct understanding of the question "What is the aspect of the other ship :
The question is requesting some indication of the direction the other ship is heading.
➢ When must a passage. Beforethe voyage commences.
➢ When navigating a vessel, you : should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact position
➢ When navigating using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry of the satellites that your receiver is locked onto? :
Horizontal Dilution of Precision
➢ When navigating using the GPS A large HDOP
➢ When obtaining a fix, which is more accurate The intersection
➢ When own ships position input to ECDIS is wrong, what is the result : Positions, range and bearing taken on the
ECDIS will be wrong
➢ When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most suitably cover the most
critical aspects to be considered when deciding the courses to steer? : The anticipated weather and the need for
weather routing. The distances gained by sailing by great circle. The ship's draught and the loadline limits
➢ When sailing with ecdis a duty of care to navigate the vess
➢ When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation? : Only when fixed aids are not available
➢ When should the lookout report another vessel? : As soon as it is sighted or heard.
➢ When should voyage planning be done? Prior to sailing
➢ When side echoes are displayed, the true target echo will appear : at the center of the pattern………….
➢ When taking a compass Calculate the time of the sunset and
➢ When taking an amplitude, the Sun's center should be observed on the visible horizon when : in high latitudes
➢ When the primary the ecdis attempts to pos with the second
➢ When the route planning process is completed, what should then be done? : Validate and check all route data
➢ When two tracked targets are very close to each other, the data of one target shifts over to the other target. What is this
called? : Plotting
➢ When using a buoy. The buoy may not
➢ When using a radar in a unstabilized mode, fixes are determined most easily from : ranges
➢ When using GPS, how many theoretical position lines are required for a two-dimensional fix? : 3
➢ When using the echo sounder in a river the soundings indicated may be incorrect, what would be the most probable cause
of the error? : The density of the water
➢ When using the radar for coastal position fixing the main concern is to : Avoid radar shadow effect……..
➢ Where can the size of the Magnetic Compass Error be found? : By taking a transit bearing of two fixed geographical
positions and comparing it with the bearing of the same points on the chart
➢ Where can you find information about standard term used in connection with electronic charts : IMO resulotion 817
➢ Where is "AFT", in the figure? : Aft is A, in the figure
➢ Where is the "BRIDGE", in the figure? : The Bridge is A, in the figure
➢ Where is the "FORECASTLE", in the figure? : The Forecastle is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ Where is the "PORT QUARTER", in the figure? : e. I don’t know
➢ Where on a ship is the deck known as the "Boat Deck"? :
The Boat Deck is the deck from which persons embark into the lifeboats
➢ Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle? : Aero light
➢ Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any misunderstanding
in communications : The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet
➢ Which are the four main elements of a radar system? : Transmitter, servo link, antenna, target
➢ Which are the two most important pieces of input information required to operate the ARPA accurately? : Speed and
➢ Which are the. Position and GMT time
➢ Which bridge instrument would indicate this depth. Echo Sounder
➢ Which control on the radar is used to suppress clutter? : Anti- clutter
➢ Which data must ECDIS be able to record at one-minute intervals? : All of the above (PEC)
➢ Which data must ECDIS be able to record at one-minute intervals? : Course made good history (ESS)
➢ Which feature, when set to zero, might allow a GPS unit to have an accuracy equivalent to Precise Positioning Service
receiver capability? : Selective Availability
➢ Which herb, navite to the mediterranean region rosemary
➢ Which is the "CAPSTAN", in the figure? : The Capstan is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "CENTRE LINE", in the figure? : The Fore and aft Centreline is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "PANAMA LEAD", in the figure?: The Panama Lead is indicated by C, in the figure
➢ Which is the "QUAY", in the figure? : The Quay is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "STARBOARD BOW", in the figure? : The Starboard bow is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "STARBOARD QUARTER", in the figure? : The Starboard quarter is C, in the figure
➢ Which of ...calibration rings. Range ring
➢ Which of the follow..the sizePulse length
➢ Which of the following 30°00-15°00'-15°00'South. Figure4
➢ Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"? : Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger
and includes both identification of the occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen
➢ Which of the following are data layer categories to be displayed on ECDIS? : All of the above
➢ Which of the following chart is considered “intelligent”?: The vector chart
➢ Which of the following data layer categories is NOT displayed on ECDIS? : Ship hydrodynamic information
➢ your vessel...15 knots. South at 15 knots
➢ Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct for an
observer in position Latitude 30°00' North; Longitude 15°00' West, when observing
the sun on the meridian, if the sun's Declination is 15°00' South? : Figure 4 is correct…………………
➢ Which of the following has most effect on the size and shape of small radar targets : Pulse length
➢ Which of the following Manual corrections constitute user information layers, added by the mariner, with no automatic
➢ Which of the following Meridian N30…Figure 4 is correct.
➢ Which of the following methods do .A three point bearing
➢ Which of the following must an ECDIS system be able to perform : All of the above
➢ Which of the following must the electronic chart of an ECDIS display, as required by IMO/IHO? : All of the above
➢ Which of the following Official updates in digital format
➢ Which of the following Positional navigation sensors (e.g., GPS)
➢ Which of the following The selected safety contour is disp
➢ Which of the following the vector chart
➢ Which of the followingShip hydrodynamic information
➢ Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant causes side error? : Horizon glass not being perpendicular to the
➢ Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant is the principle cause of index error? : Index mirror and horizon glass
not being parallel
➢ Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine the latitude of
the observer when the sun is on the meridian? : Calculation 3 is correct
➢ Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the following situation: Latitude 50°00'N,
Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT. Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept
correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude -computed altitude) : Figure 2 is correct
➢ which of the four figures16 figure is correct
➢ which of the given 1:4000
➢ which of the given a centre for collating and distributing
➢ which of the given a chart made by the UKHO for harbour
➢ which of the given an approved ecdis is acceptable under
➢ which of the given anti piracy&controls authenticity
➢ which of the given any useful input from bridge and engine
➢ which of the given apply the stated offsets on the chart
➢ which of the given correct, but only if they are above 500
➢ which of the given correct, it can be but should not be
➢ which of the given it’s the compiled information making up
➢ which of the given the indicated position will be wrong
➢ which of the given true since vector chart are usually
➢ Which of the mooring lines shown in the figure is known as the "AFT BREAST LINE"? : The Aft Breast Line is B, in
the figure
➢ which of the options they are responsible for ensuring
➢ which of the requirements a license or permit to allow
➢ which of the standards S57
➢ Which of the suggested navigational systems is a "Hyperbolic" navigational system and has hyperbolae as position lines?
: Loran C
➢ Which of theHorizontal beamwidth
➢ Which of these are the characteristics The frequency../Size and shape
➢ Which of these controls. Performance
➢ Which of these does not limit. Peak power
➢ Which of these factors govern the echo presentation?: All of these.
➢ Which of these factors would cause blind sectors on the PPI? : The beam of radar energy is obstructed by a mast
➢ Which of these glues only a bearing and not a range? : Racon
➢ Which of these input information. A delay /The Proposed
➢ Which of these is a result of true motion display? : Course, speed and aspect of any target obtained only by plotting of
triangle of relative velocities
➢ Which of these range scales. 1 to 6
➢ which one of the authorities(ecdis) IMO
➢ which one of the authorities(electronic chart) IHO
➢ which one the given the navigator can be missed by
➢ which one the given various type of inform can be disp
➢ which one the options the elec disp can make the mariner
➢ Which part of the magnetic compass error changes with a change in the course steered? : Deviation
➢ Which part of the radar is a high power RF oscillator. Magnetron
➢ Which position includes the effects of wind and current? : Estimated position
➢ Which search . Sector search pattern/ Co-ordinated creeping

➢ Which target will have the closest point of approach ? : Target A…

➢ Which target will have the closest point of approach ? :……… Target B (ACE)……………..

➢ Which target will have the closest point of approach ? : Target B (AC)………………
➢ which the pip would.At least every hour
➢ Which theoretical minimum number of measurements from satellites does a GPS receiver need in order to provide an
exact three-dimensional position : Four
➢ Which type of electronic a digital vector chart
➢ Which type of GPS receiver has at least four channels to process information from several satellites simultaneously :
➢ While navigating using a paper chart marked WGS84 the OOW plots the ships position by four different methods and
they all give slightly different positions. Which of the following would be considered the most accurate : Radar ranges
from two radar destinctive headlands
➢ While steering a course of 150°T, you wish to observe a body for a latitude check. What would the azimuth have to be? :
➢ Who should conn the vessel at the time of a search and rescue operation? : Master
➢ Who should maintain and control inter ship. Ship that first arrives at the site
➢ Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a vessel emergency when
transiting the Panama Canal? : The Panama Canal Authority
➢ Why could dirty and oily areas of the deck be dangerous? : They may cause people to slip over and hurt themselves
➢ Why is it important(ecdis) because navigation pos can be plotted directly on the chart
➢ Why is it important(enc to senc) because the conversion process allows the chart electronic files to be converted
➢ Why is it that some the ecdis manufacturer interpreted the S57 standard differently
➢ Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the Arpa for anti-collision purposes:
The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.
➢ Why will a VAR to save time on vessel
➢ With a "good" GPS satellite position fix 20 - 100 meters.
➢ With radar overlay on ECDIS, what can : All of the above
➢ With reference to the text in the frame: what is stated as a threat to lives at sea and
the marine environment?: Bad management and poorly maintained older ships.
➢ With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers should provide,
at a minimum : an alarm if a new position has not been calculated within the last two seconds (an, an, N)
➢ With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers
should provide, at a minimum, : All of the above (AA,an)
➢ With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers should provide,
at a minimum, : a warning of loss of position (a,an,an)
➢ Would there ever be the need for two lookouts on
the Bridge watch? : Yes, possibly when there is dense fog and heavy traffic.
➢ You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel "A" and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel's speed is
18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What
aspects would you consider when establishing a "safe speed" for your vessel? : Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles
visibility; traffic density; manoeuvrability of vessel; effectiveness of navigational equipment (ARPA etc); state of
sea and currents and navigational hazards
➢ You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean? : A vessel may proceed only when she has received
specific orders to do so.
➢ You are on board a ship which is not until -15 derajat
➢ You are plotting a running fix in an area where there is a determinable current. How should this current be treated in
determining the position?: The course and speed made good should be determined and used to advance the LOP.
➢ You are proceeding up a channel at night. It is marked by a range which bears 185°T. You steady up on a compass course
of 180° with the range in line dead ahead This indicates that you(r) : Course is in error
➢ You are to assist vessel A. Vessel A is underwayat 4.5knots....13knots to intercept vessel A ? 256
➢ You would expect to find. Australia
➢ You would find the variation on a polyconic projection chart : On the compass rose
➢ Your longitude is 179°59'W. The LMT at this longitude is 23h 56m of the 4th day of the month. Six minutes later your
position is 179°59'E longitude. Your LMT and date is now : 00h 02m on the 6th
➢ Your vessel is to leave a crowded anchorage making a 180 degrees turn. The ship has a righthanded propeller and there is
equal space either side of the ship (as illustrated). What would be the most suitable method to make the turn using as little
space as possible? : Rudder hard to port, full astern. After gaining some sternway, rudder hard to starboard and
full ahead

➢ A cumulative list of notices to mariners are published _____ a year….twice
➢ A ship's position is best plotted by bearings from…….fixed known objects on the shore
➢ A voyage passage plan is made from _____. …berth to berth
an effective Voyage plan……All of the suggested answers
➢ Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum
At least every 30 minutes
➢ Charted depth is the __________.......vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom
➢ Define the required interval between position fixes……Such that the vessel cannot be set appreciable off course, or
into danger by the effects of wind, tide or current
➢ Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the __...latitude scale near the middle of the track
➢ How often is it recommended that a position fix is taken during a sea voyage if the ship is in open waters ? …At least
every 30 minutes
➢ How should a vessel cross a traffic lane when obliged to do so……. On a HEADING as nearly as practical at right
angles to the direction of traffic flow
➢ How should an error of 5 degrees WEST be applied to the compass bearings?.......Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings
➢ If Loran-C signals become unsynchronized, the receiver operator is warned because …. signals begin to blink
➢ If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave distance, there is an area in
which no signal is received. This is called the……skip zone
➢ In which country would you expect the channels to be marked with the IALA-B Buoyage System…..Peru
➢ In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? …..Catalog of Charts
➢ In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumb line distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle
distance?....The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere
➢ Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of __________.
marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
➢ Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of __________.
meridian?.........Calculation 3 is correct
➢ the following suggested methods would be the most accurate? The ranges of three distinctive shore objects on the
➢ The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a magnetic compass. How should an error of 5
degrees WEST be applied to the compass bearings?......Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings
➢ The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain information on __________...... coastal anchorages
➢ The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on
a course of 314 degrees and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?...True
➢ The topics for warnings included in HYDROLANTS, HYDROPACS, and NAVAREA warnings are the same
➢ The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is __________.....predicted in Tidal Current Tables
➢ The world is divided into NAVAREAS for the dissemination of important marine information. Which NAVAREAS
include the Indonesian……..XI
➢ What action should the Officer of the Watch (OOW) take if he is forced to make a major deviation from the voyage plan?
Inform the Master
➢ What chart should be used when navigating ?.... The largest scale chart onboard for the area which is properly
➢ What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart? Any necessary
corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum
➢ What is the advantages of a GPS satellite system compared to other navigational aids?...The GPS system gives
information about position, speed and time continuously world wide
➢ What is the correct setting of the "Anti sea clutter" control on the radar?..A few sea returns remaining on the screen
➢ What is the depth of an iceberg below the surface of the sea?.....The draught of an iceberg varies with the type of berg
and its age
➢ What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system?..Incorrect height of the
➢ What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?...Light winds and
fair weather, sometimes fog
➢ When a ship is steaming along a course line, what is the importance of determining the set and rate of drift due to wind
and current?.......All of the suggested answers
➢ When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation?....Only when fixed aids are not available
➢ When using a buoy as an aid to navigation which of the following should be considered?.. The buoy may not be in the
charted position
➢ Which nautical charts are intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and shoals?....General charts
➢ Which of the answers best summarises the information which should be provided for the bridge Officers of the Watch
within an effective Voyage plan……All of the suggested answers
➢ Which of the following methods do you think will give the most accurate ship?s position? Two distances off two
objects subtending an angle of about 90 degrees
➢ Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine the latitude of the observer when the sun is on the
meridian?.......Calculation 3 is correct
➢ Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the following situation: Latitude 50°00'N,
Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT. Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12 knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept
correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude computed altitude)…..Figure 2 is correct
➢ Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE?..........The topics for warnings included in
HYDROLANTS, HYDROPACS, and NAVAREA warnings are the same
➢ Who is ultimately responsible for the voyage plan?.....The Master
➢ Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the Arpa for anti-collision
purposes…The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water
➢ You are enroute to assist vessel A. Vessel A is underway at 4.5 knots on course 233°T, and bears 264°T at 68 miles
from you. What is the course to steer at 13 knots to intercept vessel A?.........256°
➢ You are preparing to take a tow from San Diego to Portland, OR. Good seamanship would require that you have on board,
available for reference and use, all of the following EXCEPT the __________. …Sailing Directions (Enroute)
➢ You expect to sight land at 2100 where an alteration of course is marked on the chart. By 2120 no land has been sighted,
the visibility is very good. What action would you take? ….Call Master
➢ You would expect to find channels marked with the IALA-A Buoyage System in __________. Australia
➢ Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters.
This indicates the ___. ………rock is dry at high water


➢ A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the required procedure?The overtaking
vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the
whistle or by direct VHF contact
➢ The ship is drifting in the open sea with a temporary engine breakdown. The ship is equipped with GPS navigation equipment. What
should the bridge Officer of the Watch do in this situation?......All of the possible answers.
➢ You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted wide on the port bow. It's bearing is opening, but its
distance is closing rapidly. Which of the following is a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken?
Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I will continue to monitor the situation.
➢ When vessels are in sight of one another, two short blasts from one of the vessels means __________......"I am altering my course
to port"
➢ The vessel is steaming off the coast when the engine room informs the bridge it must stop engines immediately. Shortly afterwards
they informed the bridge they would need a least three hours to fix it. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable taken
by the bridge? Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and determine how the ship is drifting and the probable position
after three hours.
➢ How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment
and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment?....By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the
➢ This vessel is encountered at the mouth of a river which leads to your discharge port. What do the various shapes tell you? This is a
vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations. The two balls in a vertical line indicate the side on which an
obstruction exists; the two diamonds in a vertical line indicate the side on which it is safe to pass; the ball / diamond / /ball in
a vertical line indiacte that the vessel is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
➢ Your vessel is to leave a crowded anchorage making a 180 degrees turn. The ship has a righthanded propeller and there is equal
space either side of the ship (as illustrated). What would be the most suitable method to make the turn using as little space as
possible? Rudder hard to port, full astern. After gaining some sternway, rudder hard to starboard and full ahead
➢ The vessel is to anchor with Pilot onboard. Which of the suggested answers most accurately define the main duties of the Officer of the
Watch on bridge? Assist the Master and pilot and monitor the ships position.
➢ What are we seeing here? A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of
standard sailing lights, seen head-on
➢ A sailing vessel is overtaking a power-driven vessel in a narrow channel, so as to pass on the power-driven vessel's port side. The
overtaken vessel will have to move to facilitate passage. The sailing vessel is the __________.....give-way vessel and would sound
two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts
➢ Under what circumstances would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast?....When
overtaking in a narrow channel
➢ You are underway in a narrow channel, and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. After the overtaking vessel sounds the
proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard side, you signal your agreement by sounding
__________. one prolonged, one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that order e. I don't know
➢ When should operational checks on navigation equipment be done?....When preparing for sea and entering port and at regular
intervals during the voyage
➢ What are the additional duties required by the Officer of the Watch when navigating in fog? Sound fog signal, effective radar watch
reporting ship movements to Master and keep a good lookout for ships and fog signals.
➢ Which vessel may NOT exhibit two red lights in a vertical line?....A vessel constrained by her draft
➢ The lights displayed here indicate that this is one of two types of vessel. What are the two options? A power-driven vessel engaged
in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel and tow restricted in their ability to
manoeuvre, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50 metres in
length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on
➢ What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of another vessel,
or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision?.....Five short and rapid blasts (flashes)
➢ You are on a sailing vessel, underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the starboard bow, on a steady bearing and the
distance is closing. By the International Regulations for the Preventing Collisions at Sea, what action will you follow? ..By Rule 18, a
power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel. I will maintain my course and speed, but will
continue to monitor situation to ensure the other vessel takes avoiding action.
➢ A vessel not under command sounds the same fog signal as a vessel __All of the above
➢ What is the colour and characteristic of a "towing light", as defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea?.....Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side
of the vessel
➢ A vessel constrained by her draft may display __________.....three all-round red lights
➢ Two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast on the whistle is a signal which could be sounded by a __________.....vessel
overtaking another in a narrow channel
➢ The bridge Officer of the Watch (OOW) is plotting the ship's position in the chartroom, when the ship is in collision with a fishing
vessel. Why would the OOW be held responsible for the collision?...Under the rules a proper lookout should be maintained at
all times and by all available means
➢ A man is reported to have fallen overboard and the Officer of the Watch releases the lifebuoy and starts a man overboard manoeuvre,
who are the first persons onboard he should inform?....Master and Engine Room
➢ You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel "A" and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel's speed is 18 knots
and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider
when establishing a "safe speed" for your vessel? Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles visibility; traffic density;
manoeuvrability of vessel; effectiveness of navigational equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and currents and navigational
➢ What do the shapes that this vessel is displaying tell us about her?...That she is not under command
➢ In a crossing situation on international waters, a short blast by the give-way vessel indicates that the vessel turning
to starboard
➢ You are on a tug and are towing an unmanned barge. You are restricted in your ability to manoeuvre. The total length of the tow is
219 metres. What daylight signals are required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?......A diamond
shape, where it can best be seen shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. Three shapes shall also be displayed in a vertical
line, the upper and lower being balls and the middle one a diamond. Diamond shape
➢ The following vessels are all required to make the same sound signal when in or near an area of restricted visibility: a vessel not under
command; a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre; a vessel constrained by her draught / a sailing vessel; a vessel engaged in
fishing; a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another vessel. What is that signal?..One prolonged blast, followed by two short
blasts, at intervals of not more than two minutes


➢ Two power-driven vessels are meeting. A two blast whistle signal by either vessel means __________."I am altering course to port"
➢ According to rule 13 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, what is the definition of "an overtaking
vessel"?....When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
➢ You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You observe this vessel, directly ahead, on a steady bearing, with the
distance closing steadily. What can you tell about this vessel from the lights it is displaying?.....This vessel is not under command
and is not making way through the water. I cannot tell its aspect.
➢ The following vessels are all required to make the same sound signal when in or near an areaof restricted visibility: a vessel not under
command; a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre; a vessel constrained by her draught / a sailing vessel; a vessel engaged in
fishing; a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another vessel. What is that signal?.....One prolonged blast, followed by two short
blasts, at intervals of not more than two minutes
➢ Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a vessel emergency when transiting the
Panama Canal?.......The Panama Canal Authority
➢ Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others?.A vessel on pilotage duty
➢ A man is reported to have fallen overboard and the Officer of the Watch releases the lifebuoy and starts a man overboard manoeuvre,
who are the first persons onboard he should inform?...Master and Engine Room
➢ Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"?...Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and includes
both identification of the occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen.
➢ The lights displayed here indicate that this is one of two types of vessel. What are the two options?......A power-driven vessel
engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel and tow restricted in their
ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50
metres in length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on
➢ What are the immediate duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly runs into a fog bank?....Commence
sounding the fog signal, engines on standby, call the Master and lookout, if not already on duty
➢ SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) regulations, Chapter 5, deals with the Safety of Navigation and
applies to which vessels?.All vessels and on all voyages
➢ A vessel sounds two short blasts. This signal indicates the vessel….. is altering course to port
➢ What is happening here?.....These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair trawling), showing the additional volutary signals
for hauling nets
➢ A vessel sounds two short blasts. This signal indicates the vessel ….is altering course to port
➢ What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of another vessel,
or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision?...........Five short and rapid blasts (flashes)
➢ What is the colour and characteristic of a "towing light", as defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea?......Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side
of the vessel
➢ Which vessel may NOT exhibit two red lights in a vertical line?..A vessel constrained by her draft
➢ Vessel "A" is over taking vessel "B" on open waters and will pass without changing course. Vessel "A" ___................should sound
two short blasts
➢ You are proceeding along a coastal route when you hear this signal. The visibility is severely restricted. What does the signal
mean?...There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional
warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
➢ How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment
and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment?..By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the
➢ Two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast on the whistle is a signal which could be sounded by a ____.........vessel overtaking
another in a narrow channel
➢ You are in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?...That there is a vessel in distress nearby
➢ When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?..At least once a watch
➢ You are underway in a narrow channel, and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. After the overtaking vessel sounds the
proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard side, you signal your agreement by sounding ….one
prolonged, one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that order e. I don't know
➢ This vessel is sighted ahead and slightly to port. What is her situation? What will you do?..This vessel is aground. I will navigate
with extreme caution given the nature of the hazard
➢ If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres, will manoeuvring and warning signals, as defined by rule
34 of the International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, be given on one or both whistles?...........They shall be given on
one whistle only
➢ You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?....That
there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water
➢ You are close to the entrance to a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does it mean?..That there is a vessel
aground in the vicinity
➢ A vessel constrained by her draft may display ____.......three all-round red lights
➢ This vessel is encountered at the mouth of a river which leads to your discharge port. What do the various shapes tell you?....This is a
vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations. The two balls in a vertical line indicate the side on which an
obstruction exists; the two diamonds in a vertical line indicate the side on which it is safe to pass; the ball / diamond / /ball in
a vertical line indiacte that the vessel is
restricted in her ability to manoeuvre

➢ A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information? Coastline,seamarks and traffic separation
➢ A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information?.....Coastline, sub sea dangers and traffic
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information?........Hydrographic data
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information?.......Soundings
➢ Before using a pre-programmed ECDIS route, what should you do?.......Check all route data thoroughly
➢ Can raster charts provide navigational warnings?................Yes
➢ Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition of information originated by a government-authorized
hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the)…..International Hydrographic Organization
➢ ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT ……….determine magnetic compass deviation
➢ ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases?.............All of the above
➢ ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include ____.........vector and raster
➢ Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when under pilot?
A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot
➢ Rigging of the Pilot Ladder and embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot should be supervised by …A responsible Officer schemes
➢ SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) regulations, Chapter 5, deals with the Safety of Navigation and
applies to which vessels?...........All vessels and on all voyages systems
➢ The data base resulting from
1) the transformation of the electronic navigational chart (ENC) by ECDIS for appropriateuse,
2) the updates to the ENC by appropriate means, and
3) the additional data added by the mariner, is called the ….system electronic navigational chart
➢ The ECDIS system can operate in how many does?..................Five
➢ The Ecdis System Can Operate In How Many Does?Five
➢ The highest level of commercial navigational accuracy is provided by……DGPS, within a coverage area
➢ The typical operating range of automatic identification systems (AIS) at sea is nominally __......20 nm
➢ Vector chart can?.................Can be displayed with any direction up
➢ What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require?.......Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude
➢ What is definition of a leg?.........A line connecting two turn-point
➢ What is the definition of a waypoint?....A waypoint is a position where the ships course is to be changed
➢ What is the IMO definition of ECDIS?.A system that display hydrographic information in order to assist the Safe navigation
➢ What is the main purpose of VTS?....Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the vicinity
➢ When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most suitably cover the most critical aspects to
be considered when deciding the courses to steer?..The anticipated weather and the need for weather routing. The distances gained
by sailing by great circle. The ship's draught and the loadline limits
➢ Which data must ECDIS be able to record at one-minute intervals? All of the above
➢ Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"?...Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and includes
both identification of the occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen
➢ Which theoretical minimum number of measurements from satellites does a GPS receiver need in order to provide an exact three-
dimensional position?..............Two
➢ Which type of GPS receiver has at least four channels to process information from several satellites simultaneously?........Continuous
➢ With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers should provide, at a minimum, …All of the above

➢ A lantern combining the sidelights and stern light MAY be shown on a _.....6-meter vessel under oars
➢ A power-driven vessel at anchor, not fishing or otherwise restricted in its ability to maneuver, sounds her fog signal at intervals of not
__.................more than two minutes
➢ A vessel is overtaking when she approaches another from more than how many degrees abaft the beam? 22.5°
➢ A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other vessels may be hidden by an obstruction shall _____sound a
prolonged blast
➢ A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver shall …keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing
➢ According to the Navigation Rules, all of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT a vessel _______..................trolling
➢ Apakahkepanjangan DSC, dalam system radio………….digital selective calling
➢ As a probable result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire? What are your responsibilities to the
other vessel? After checking the extent of the damage and welfare of your crew, if possible your vessel should standby and
offer assistance, until being relieved of that obligation by the other vessel
➢ As a probable result of beingin collision with your vessel,the other vessel involved is on fire?What are your responsibilities to the other
vessel?After checking the extent of the damage and welf are of your crew,if possible your vessel should standby and offer
assistance, untilbeing relieved of that obligation by the other vessel.
➢ Berikut adalah beberapa alarm signal yang harus di bunyikan berdasarkan emergency procedure, kecuali Berthing station
➢ For identification purposes at night, U.S. Navy submarines on the surface may display an intermittent flashing light of which color?
…..Amber (yellow)
➢ IAMSAR adalah metode pencarian dan penyelamatan dengan menggabungan antara dua unsur yaitu Penerbangan dan pelayaran
➢ If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?.............Raise
the fire alarm.
➢ Isyarat kode internasional untuk menunjukan bahaya dan memerlukan pertolongan adalah…“N.C”
➢ Metode yang lebih efektif untuk menolong orang jatuh kelaut (MOB)…………Single Turn
➢ Pancaran berita terkait keselamatan (safety) selalu di awali dengan kata ... ….. Securite
➢ Pesan atau berita yang bersifat mendesak yang berhubungan dengan kapal, pesawatudara dan manusia, di sebut……Urgency
➢ Rencana penanggulangan segala kemungkinan akan timbulnya keadaandarurat di atas kapal, disebut…Contingency plan
➢ Safety massage atau Berita/ pesan yang berisi informasi tentang keselamatan pelayaran, navigasi, dan berita cuaca. Di awali dengan
kata … ……securite
➢ The bridge wheelman has not reported for duty and there is a suspected "Man Overboard" situation on your vessel. The ship has been
searched and there is one seaman missing? The vessel turns round and retraces the course back, calling for assistance from other
vessels in the vicinity. What should be the focal point for any search pattern to be established?...Determine when the seaman was
last sighted and concentrate the search round the course line between the last sighting and present position, taking into
account any prevailing current
➢ The engines have failed and will require at least 24 hours to be available as a reliable means of propulsion. Your vessel is about 20
miles off the coast in a tidal area. What are the initial steps that should be taken to ensure the safety of the ship? Display NUC lights
and investigate the tidal flow over the next 24 hours and the probable drift of the vessel.
➢ The ship is involved in a collision, what is the immediate action by the Officer of the Watch after the incident has taken
place?...............Sound the General Alarm and stop engines
➢ The vessel is passing through the English Channel when the ARPA radars fail completely and navigation must continue without any
operational radars. Should there be any changes to your passage plan or bridge procedures. Your vessel is equipped with an
operational ECDIS..Increase the officers on the bridge to allow greater use of visual navigation
➢ Vessels engaged in fishing may show the additional signals described in Annex II to the Rules when they are
close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing
➢ What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship's steering gear fails?...All of the suggested answers
➢ What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire being reported to the bridge during the 00.00to04.00
watch?.....Sound the Fire Alarm
➢ What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 20 meters in length? ….Whistle and bell only
➢ What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the
ocean?...........Stop engines and call the Master
➢ What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the "Abandon ship" signal ?...the "Abandon ship" signal is not specified, only the
general emergency alarm signal is stated
➢ What special equipment can often provide assistance in locating a survival craft or man overboard and in the water?,,,,,,,,,,,,,A SART
➢ When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to their assigned fire station. Which
one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?...................Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm
➢ Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel of 150 meters in length, at anchor?...She must show all-round white lights forward
and aft.
➢ Which statement is TRUE concerning risk of collision?...Proper use shall be made of radar equipment to determine risk of
➢ Which vessel is to sound a fog signal of one prolonged followed by two short blasts? All of the above
➢ Which vessel must show a masthead light abaft of and higher than her identifying lights? a. A 55-meter vessel fishing……………A
55-meter vessel trawling
➢ While underway in a narrow channel, a vessel should stay _............ to the starboard side of the channel
➢ Yang tidak termasuk penyebab terjadinya keadaan darurat di atas kapal……Kesalahan satelit
➢ You are approaching a bend in a channel. You cannot see around the bend because of the height of the bank. You should
_____.............sound a whistle blast of 4 to 6 seconds duration
➢ You are approaching a vessel dredging during the day and see two balls in a vertical line on the port side of the dredge. These shapes
mean that __....there is an obstruction on the port side of the dredge
➢ You are approaching a vessel dredging during the day and see two balls in a vertical line on the port side of the dredge. These shapes
mean that _.................there is an obstruction on the port side of the dredge
➢ You are underway in reduced visibility. You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow. Risk of collision
may exist. You should _..................reduce your speed to bare steerageway
➢ You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you
➢ You sight another power-driven vessel d ead-ahead showing both the red and green sidelights. The required action to take would be to
_.................alter your course to starboard
➢ You sight another power-driven vessel dead-ahead showing both the red and green sidelights. The required action to take would be to
_.............start a rada r plot in order to ascertain his course
➢ Your vessel has been in involved in a collision with an other vessel. As Master responsible for the ship and persons on board, what is
the first step to take?.....Organise someone to assess the extent of damage and the residual stability of the vessel
➢ Your vessel is progressing within a Traffic Separation Scheme and receives a navigational warning of another vessel progressing the
wrong way within the scheme. What actions should be taken on the bridge, if any?

➢ Identify this symbol:…….. Emergency generator?...............

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Line-throwing appliance……………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Muster Point……………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lower Lifeboat…………………………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Embarkation ladder…………………………..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lavit-launhed lifera,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Immersion Suit……………………………….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoay………………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lower life raft to water symbol……….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Release falls……………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Secure hathches,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Assembly station…
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Survival Craft Dostress signal………..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Rocket parachute flares……
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? EPIRB…………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Evacuation Slide…………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Start Engine……
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with Light………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Life Jacket
➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol: muster station…………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Liferaft………

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with light and smoke………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with line………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with line light and line………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Start water supply………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Child’s Life Jacket………………………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Radar Transponder………


➢ A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information? Coastline,seamarks and traffic separation
➢ A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information?.....Coastline, sub sea dangers and traffic
➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information?........Hydrographic data

➢ An ECDIS is required to display which information?.......Soundings

➢ Before using a pre-programmed ECDIS route, what should you do?.......Check all route data thoroughly
➢ Can raster charts provide navigational warnings?................Yes
➢ Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition of information originated by a government-authorized
hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the)…..International Hydrographic Organization
➢ ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT ……….determine magnetic compass deviation
➢ ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases?.............All of the above
➢ ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include ____.........vector and raster
➢ Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when under pilot?
A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot
➢ Rigging of the Pilot Ladder and embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot should be supervised by …A responsible Officer schemes
➢ SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) regulations, Chapter 5, deals with the Safety of Navigation and
applies to which vessels?...........All vessels and on all voyages systems
➢ The data base resulting from
4) the transformation of the electronic navigational chart (ENC) by ECDIS for appropriateuse,
5) the updates to the ENC by appropriate means, and
6) the additional data added by the mariner, is called the ….system electronic navigational chart
➢ The ECDIS system can operate in how many does?..................Five
➢ The Ecdis System Can Operate In How Many Does?Five
➢ The highest level of commercial navigational accuracy is provided by……DGPS, within a coverage area
➢ The typical operating range of automatic identification systems (AIS) at sea is nominally __......20 nm
➢ Vector chart can?.................Can be displayed with any direction up
➢ What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require?.......Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude
➢ What is definition of a leg?.........A line connecting two turn-point
➢ What is the definition of a waypoint?....A waypoint is a position where the ships course is to be changed
➢ What is the IMO definition of ECDIS?.A system that display hydrographic information in order to assist the Safe navigation
➢ What is the main purpose of VTS?....Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the vicinity
➢ When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most suitably cover the most critical aspects to
be considered when deciding the courses to steer?..The anticipated weather and the need for weather routing. The distances gained
by sailing by great circle. The ship's draught and the loadline limits
➢ Which data must ECDIS be able to record at one-minute intervals? All of the above
➢ Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"?...Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and includes
both identification of the occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen
➢ Which theoretical minimum number of measurements from satellites does a GPS receiver need in order to provide an exact three-
dimensional position?..............Two
➢ Which type of GPS receiver has at least four channels to process information from several satellites simultaneously?.........Continuous
➢ With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS receivers should provide, at a minimum, …All of the above


➢ " On area A1 the function "" Reception of shore to ship distress alerts"" is mainly based on:" the use of VHF DSC
➢ "On area A1 the function""Transmission and reception of signals for locating""is mainly based on:"the use of SART
➢ "On area A1 the function""Transmission of ship to shored is tressalerts""is mainly based on:"The use of
➢ "On area A2 the function""Transmission and reception of on scene communications""is mainly based on: " The use of MF
and / or VHF R/T
➢ "On area A2 the function""Transmission of ship to shored is tressalerts""ismainly based on:"The use of MF DSC
➢ "On area A3 the function""Reception of shore to ship distressalerts""is mainly based on:"The use of HF DSC and
➢ "On area A3 the function""Transmission and reception of on scene communications""is mainly based on: "The use of MF
and /or VHF R/T
➢ "On area A3 the function""Transmission and reception of signals for locating""is mainly based on:"the use of SART
➢ "On area A4 the function""Transmission and reception of signals for locating""is mainly basedo n:"The use of SART
➢ "On area A4 the function""Transmission of ship to shored is tressalerts""is mainly based on:"The use of HF DSC and
➢ "Ona rea A4 the function""Transmission and reception of on scene communications""is mainly based on: "the use of MF
and /or VHF R/T
➢ "Overshoot" is annex pression related to a ship's steering ability.What is the correct under standing of this RECEIVED
MAYDAY” is used in a:………….Receipt of a distress alert
➢ A "Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports" (SITREPs) should be used by vessels in distress. The
SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details).Which of the following information shall be included
when using the "short form"?...Weather on-scene.
➢ A Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB can be used in:…………All sea-areas (A1 to A4)
➢ A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is correct for cancelling
the false distress alert? ?.....Make broadcast on 2182 kHz ""Mayday all stations…"" and cancel the false distress
➢ A ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and message on one or all of
the international distress frequencies. Which of frequencies is in accordance with the present recommendations?..........500
kHz, 2182 kHz and 156.8 MHz
➢ At sea red rocket signals are seen. This is not reported by radio. You have to begin the distress alert procedure via VHF
with the term:…MAYDAY RELAY
➢ During restricted visibility, you are posted as bridge lookout and you hear 1 long blast at intervals of about 2 minutes on
your port bow. What will you report to the OOW (officer on watch)?..Fog signal of one long blast heard on the port
bow at regular intervals of about 2 minutes
➢ expression? It is how many degrees of the compass a ship continues to turn after applying counterrudder
Head line is given by B on the figure
➢ How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call on your VHF DSC
equipment……….."All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN""""
➢ If one requires medical advice by means of an Inmarsat-C terminal one should use the following
address: ……32
➢ If requested by a coastal radio station to participate in a rescue operation, what is the most important information you
may give?.......Your position, name, call sign and speed
➢ If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to:
"Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering". Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and
engage hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm with the OOW the changeover is
complete and the course you are to steer
➢ In radio telephony what is the "URGENCY CALL" which should be used to indicate that you have a very urgent
message to transmit concerning the safety of another vessel or person? Pan Pan (3 times)
➢ On board they want to make a DSC-call with a foreign coast-station. It is an urgent call. Preferably choose:
The national DSC-call frequecies of the coast-station concerned
➢ On board they want to send a safety-call to other vessels. The DSC safety-call:…Has to contain a work-frequency
➢ On the diagram provided, there are four (4) possible directions indicating the term "AHEAD". Which one is the
correct?..............Ahead is given by A on the figure
➢ On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "BREADTH" given. Which one is the correct
one?..............Breadth is given by B on the figure
➢ On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "AFT" shown. Which one is the correct one?
➢ On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "STARBOARD QUARTER" given. Which one is the
correct one? …..Starboard quarter is given by C on the figure
➢ On the figure there are four (4) possible directions, shown by the arrowed lines, which could be the correct direction
associated with the term "HEAD LINE". Which one is the correct one?. Head line is given by B on the figure
➢ Regular ‘updating’ of a ships’ position in an Inmarsat-C installation is necessary…To have the correct position in case
of accidents
➢ Silencing by a station, not in charge of the distress-traffic, is done as follows:. “SEELONCE DISTRESS” followed by
the silencing station's call-sign
➢ The authority to order the use of distress signal or distress alerts is:..Only with the maste
➢ The DSC-controller display the following: DOO: 244562000 CH16 ; S distress sinking After receiving this
DSC message the following is done immediately: Listen out on VHF channel 16
➢ The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the hull in red and the seabed below the ship
shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "FREEBOARD" given. Which one is the correct
one?..........Freeboard is given by D on the figure
➢ The relay of a distress-call by an RCC for coast-station begins with:………MAYDAY RELAY (3x)
➢ The safety message announces that a station:.Will relay a message concerning an important navigational or
meteorological warning
➢ What does the term "Hard a Starboard" or "Hard to Starboard" mean? Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
➢ To receive distress alerting and MSI via an Inmarsat-C set vessels must have:…..SES or an EGC receiver
Wait three minutes and if no acknowledgement is heard from a coast station you should relay the alert.
➢ .What does this flag mean I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.

➢ What does this signal hoist mean?............ I require immediate assistance.

➢ What does this two flag hoist signa lindicate?..... …. I am in distress and require immediate assistance.
➢ What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? The Operator should
immediately set continuous watch on the radio telephone frequency that is associated with frequency band on which the
distress alert was received.
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "FAIRLEAD"?.....The access point where mooring lines are lead when
making fast to the shore.
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "LEE SIDE"….The lee side is the side of the ship which is facing away
from the wind.
➢ What is the emergency channel on VHF?............Channel 16
➢ What is the necessary protection when you are rust chipping with air tools?...... Protective clothing, safety shoes, gloves,
goggles, earmuffs.
➢ What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning "Calling All
➢ What ismeant by the term "keeping a proper look out" as a pplied to the bridge look out? …Keeping a visual look out all
round the ship and also actively listening out for audio signals
➢ What items of clothing should be avoided during mooring operations?....All of the items specified in the alternative
➢ What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring?..All of the mentioned equipment.
➢ What special safety measures are required by a seaman when working aloft on a stage?...Safety harness with a rope
secured to a safe point above.
➢ What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Port 20” and after a while
the order: "Ease to 10"?.....Apply 20 degrees of rudder towards port and then after the second command reduce the
wheel to 10 degrees of helm.
➢ What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: ”Starboard ten”
➢ Repeat the command back and then turn the wheel to make the rudder turn 10 degrees to starboard of amidships
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "boat deck"? The deck where the lifeboats davits are positioned.
➢ Whatisthecorrectunderstandingoftheterm "boatdrill"?Practical exercise for the people on board to practice their duties
and beprepared in the case of an emergency abandon ship.
➢ Whatisthecorrectunderstandingoftheterm"Bottlescrew"?Abottlescrewisametalthreadedsleeve
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "gangway" ? Portable bridge arrangement between ship and shore,
when a long side.
When could there be a demonstration of how to start a lifeboat engine?....A demonstration could be arranged during a
lifeboat drill
➢ When on HF band a DSC distress alert is received, you have to listen to:…. The radio telephony distress frequency in
the band in which the DSC distress alert was received
➢ Which one of the listed items has to be included in a distress message?.Identification of the ship.
➢ Which radio frequency/channels are reserved for emergency communication? …..2182/VHF channel 16
➢ Which type of call will be sent by a ship adrift and needing the assistance of a tug ? (The weather is not bad and the ship
will be aground 24 hours later)………….Urgent call
➢ Which type of call will be sent by a ship sighting another ship in distress which is not itself in position to transmit a
distress alert ?....Distress relay call
➢ Which word will precede an urgency message ?......... .....PAN PAN
➢ You have an important navigational or meteorological warning to transmit. What call should proceed this message when
made on the radio telephone?...Securite Securite (3 times)
➢ Your vessel is acting as the on scene commander during a distress rescue. Various vessels are interfering the distress
traffic on the VHF. What message would you use to stop them interfering with this traffic? Seelonce Distress
➢ You are approaching the portentrance.What do the selight smean?...............
A vessel may proceed Only when she has received specific orders to do so…..
➢ You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks.You see this flag hoist on a vessel
moored On a berth ahead. What does it mean?.You should proceed at slow speed when passing me…….
➢ How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?...If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout
repeatedly, "Man overboard" b. If I saw a person
➢ In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the "Bridge"?.The Bridge is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, which letter is indicating the position "MIDSHIPS"? Midships is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, which letter is pointing at the area known as the "BOW" of the ship?...The Bow is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the "STERN"?..The Stern area is indicated by C, in the
➢ In the figure is shown the direction of possible mooring lines from the stern of a vessel, when moored port side alongside a jetty. Which
letter shows the direction which would be used by a "STERN LINE"? The Stern Line is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter gives the correct understanding of the term "LENGTH OVERALL"?..Length Overall is indicated by B, in the
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates the "BREADTH” of the vessel? Breadth is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates what is known as "mooring bits"? The mooring bits are indicated by D, in the figure
➢ In the figure, which letter indicates which item is the "WINDLASS"?.The Windlass is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ Is it always possible to use the word "ship" instead of the word "boat"?...Normally a small vessel is called a "boat" rather than a
"ship", otherwise it is not important.
➢ On the diagram, which arrowed line is indicating the "Breadth" of the vessel?...The breadth is indicated by letter B, in the figure
On the diagram, which letter indicates what is meant by the word "DRAUGHT" of the ship? Draught is indicated by D, in the figure
➢ On the diagram, which letter is indicating the "BOW"? The Bow is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ Read the text in the diagram and answer the following question: When should training in personal survival techniques be
given?.......Before being employed
Read the text in the diagram and answer this question: What should be given to prospective seafarers? Approved training in survival
➢ The Second Officer, when on watch on the bridge, is often referred to as the OOW. What does OOW actually stand for?.........Officer
of the Watch
➢ What are the duties of the bridge lookout during the night, when the vessel is in the middle of the ocean? The lookout must standby
ready to take the wheel when required by the Officer of the Watch
➢ What are the lists called that give the position and task during a lifeboat drill for all persons on board the ship? The Muster List
➢ What do you understand by the order: "Move the pilot ladder to the other side"? Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to
shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.
➢ What do you understand by the term "Let Go" when applied to mooring and unmooring?...Let Go means to cast off the mooring
ropes and wires
➢ What do you understand by the term: "Let go the tug"?..Let go the tug means: to cast off the lines that secure the tug to the ship
➢ What do you understand by: Bitter end? Bitter end means: the end link of an anchor cable that is secured within the chain locker
➢ What do you understand by: Let go the port anchor?...Let go the port anchor means: open the port windlass brake
➢ What do you understand by: Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder? Rig the accommodation ladder in
combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right next to it
➢ What do you understand by: Secure the tug? Secure the tug means: to make fast the tug
➢ What does the word "pirates" mean? Pirates are persons who attempt to board and take over a ship at sea
➢ What is "AIR DRAUGHT", in the figure?...Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure
➢ What is "DRAUGHT", in the figure?.....Draught is D, in the figure
➢ What is a "Fairlead"?. A Fairlead is a special device through which is passed ropes or wires to stop them moving sideward’s
and reduces friction and chafing..
➢ What is a ship's "Gangway"?..A Gangway is a portable means of access between the ship and the shore
➢ What is meant by the term "Single up" when a vessel is preparing to leave the jetty to which it was moored?
Single up is the term used to describe the process of letting go most of the moorings lines and just leaving sufficient lines to
stay safely alongside.
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "Block Coefficient" as applied to a ship? The comparison of the underwater shape of
the ship, to a rectangular block of the same extreme dimensions.
➢ What is the daytime signal to be shown when the vessel is at anchor?..A black ball forward where it can best be seen
➢ What is the meaning of the term "Make Fast", when mooring the ship? Make Fast means secure the ropes to the bits
➢ What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?......Lifeboat drill
➢ What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat? Lifeboat drill
➢ What is the objective of the merchant navy?,…….To safely transport goods by sea
➢ What is understood by the term, "The Lee Side"?..Lee Side is the side that faces away from the wind
➢ What is understood by the word "Bollard", when mooring a ship? A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are
➢ What letter indicates the direction "AHEAD", in the figure?...Ahead is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ When acting as helmsman, what should be the method of responding to an order?
When receiving an order, the order should be repeated back to the person who gave it before carrying out the order.
➢ When should the lookout report another vessel? ….As soon as it is sighted or heard.
➢ Where is "AFT", in the figure?......Aft is A, in the figure
➢ Where is the "FORECASTLE", in the figure? The Forecastle is B, in the figure
➢ Where is the "PORT QUARTER", in the figure? The Port quarter is D, in the figure
➢ Where on a ship is the deck known as the "Boat Deck"?...The Boat Deck is the deck from which persons embark into the
➢ Which is the "CAPSTAN", in the figure? The Capstan is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "CENTRE LINE", in the figure?.The Fore and aft Centreline is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ Which is the "MOORING BUOY", in the figure? The Mooring Buoy is indicated by B, in the figure
➢ Which is the "QUAY", in the figure?....The Quay is indicated by A, in the figure
➢ With reference to the text in the frame: what is stated as a threat to lives at sea and the marine environment? Bad management and
poorly maintained older ships.

IX. Transmit and Receive Information by Visual Signaling ( Isyarat Visual )

➢ How can an azimuth or bearing be indicated by signal flags?: The letter A + three numerals
➢ In what operations would a ship showing this flag be engaged ? : Diving operations
➢ Signals are often used by aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to direct ships towards a casualty. This aircraft
flies across your stern, rocking his wings. What is the meaning of the signal?: The assistance of your vessel is no longer
➢ Visual signals are used by aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to direct ships towards a casualty. The signals
shown here are part of a sequence. What does it indicate? : The aircraft is directing a vessel towards the casualty
➢ What does this flag mean? : I diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
➢ In what operations would a ship showing this flag be engaged ? : Diving operations
➢ What does this signal hoist mean? : I require immediate assistance ………..

➢ What does this two flag hoist signal indicate? : I am in distress and require immediate assistance

➢ What is the phonetic Charlie (yes)……………….

➢ What is the phonetic Delta (keep clear; maneuvering with difficulty)………………..
➢ What is the phonetic Echo (I am altering my couse to starboard)….
➢ What is the phonetic Foxtrot (disabled, communicate with me)…
➢ What is the phonetic Golf (I require a pilot)………….
➢ What is the phonetic Hotel (POB)…….
➢ What is the phonetic India (I am altering my couse to port)……………
➢ What is the phonetic Juliet (I am on fire)….
➢ What is the phonetic Kilo (you should stop your vessel, I wish to communicate with you)…
➢ What is the phonetic Lima (you should stop)………….
➢ What is the phonetic Mike (my vessel is stopped and making no way…..
➢ What is the phonetic November (no)….
➢ What is the phonetic Oscar (MOB)…
➢ What is the phonetic Papa (in harbour: all persons …)
➢ What is the phonetic Quebec (I request free pratique),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
➢ What is the phonetic Romeo (the way is off my ship)….
➢ What is the phonetic Sierra (my engine are going full astern),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
➢ What is the phonetic Tango (keep clear of me I am engaged in pair trawling)….
➢ What is the phonetic Uniform (you are running into danger)….
➢ What is the phonetic Victor (I require assistance)

➢ What is the phonetic Whisky (I require medical assistance)

➢ What is the phonetic Xray (stop, watch for my signal)

➢ What is the phonetic Yankee (I am dragging my anchor)

➢ What is the phonetic Zulu (I require a tug)

➢ What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning
"Calling All Ships" : CQ What letter is represented by this flag and what is it's meaning when displayed by a vessel in
port : P - All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea

➢ What sort of vessel would display this day signal ?: A sailing vessel which is aground

➢ What type of vessel is this?: A trawler

➢ What type of vessel shows these shapes? : A tug and tow where the length of tow exceeds 200m

➢ Whichflagmeans?"Ihaveadiverdown,keep well clearat slow speed."Flag 1…….

➢ Which "am altering my course to port.": Flag 2 …

➢ Which "I am altering my course to starboard." : Flag 2 ………

➢ Which "I am disabled. Communicate with me." : Flag 1 F……….

➢ Which "I am dragging my anchor." : Flag 2 …

➢ Which "I am on fire and have dangerous cargo' : Flag 3…….

➢ Which "I am operating astern propulsion.": Flag 4 …

➢ Which "I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods." : Flag 2 …...

➢ Which "I have a pilot on board.": Flag 1…

➢ Which "I require a medical assistance.":………….. Flag 3…..

➢ Which "I require a pilot. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the
➢ fishing grounds it means: I am hauling nets." Flag 1…………………

➢ Which "I require a tug. When made by fishing vessels operating in close
proximity on the fishing grounds, it means: am shooting my nets." : Flag 3 ……

➢ Which "I require assistance.": Flag 3 ……

➢ Which "I wish to communicate with you.": Flag 2 ……….

➢ Which "In harbour. All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea. At
sea, it may be used by fishing vessels to mean: My nets have come fast upon an obstruction." : Flag 2 …

➢ Which "Keep clear of me, I am engaged in pair trawling." : Flag 1

➢ Which "Keep clear of me, I am maneuvering with difficulty." : Flag 4…………………….

➢ Which "Man overboard." : Flag 2………

➢ Which "My vessel is 'healthy-and I request free pratique” : Flag 1…

➢ Which "My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.": Flag 4………….

➢ Which "No ( negative )."Flag 1……..

➢ Which "Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals." : Flag 3…………..

➢ Which "You are running into clanger." : Flag 2 ....

➢ Which "You should stop your vessel instantly.": Flag 4………..…….

➢ Which "You should proceed with great caution

➢ Which flag group means " You appear not to be complying with the traffic separation scheme ?

➢ Which flag group means "Do not pass too close to me." ?

➢ Which flag group means "I am ( or vessel indicated is ) in charge or coordinating a search" ?

➢ Which flag group means "I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses" ?

➢ Which flag group means "I am engaged in submarine survey

work underwater operations }. Keep well clear of me at slow speed." ?

➢ Which flag group means "I am going to communicate

with your station by means of the International Code of Signals"

➢ Which flag group means "I am in distress and require immediate assistance ?

➢ Which flag group means "I require health clearance" ?

➢ Which flag group means "I wish to communicate with you by VHF channel 16" ?

➢ Which flag group means "Light vessel out of position" ?

➢ Which flag group means "Look-out for a rocket-line" ?

➢ Which flag group means "The groups which follow are from the International Code of Signals"?

➢ Which flag group means "The words which follow are in plain language ?

➢ Which flag group means "Vessel indicated is reported as requiring

assistance in lat..long..(or bearing. from lace indicated, distance..)." ?

➢ Which flag group means "What is the

name or identity signal of your vessel" ?

➢ Which flag group means "You should

keep away from me or the vessel indicated" ?

➢ Which flag group means "You should proceed
with great caution; Submarines are exercising in this area" ?

➢ Which flag group means Have you a doctor " ?

➢ Which flag group means I is it not safe to fire a rocker?.......

➢ Which flag group means Interrogative or the significance
of the previous group should be read as a question" ?

➢ Which flag group means You should proceed at slow speed ………….

➢ when passing me or vessels making this signal." ?

➢ Which is the correct day signal for a vessel engaged in hydrographic surveying ?: Day signal

➢ You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean? A vessel may proceed only when she has received
specific orders to do so, except that vessels
➢ You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel moored
on a berth ahead. What does it mean? : You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.


➢ .
A ship is equipped with a right-handed fixed pitch propeller, which when going from Full Ahead to Full Astern will make
the ship sheer to starboard. Can anything be done to reduce this change in heading?..The rudder can be put to Hard to Port
to reduce the water flow to the right side of the propeller
➢ .The ship is starting to slow down after steaming at full ahead speed. What will happen to the position of the "pivot
point"?....It will move aft as the ship slows down
➢ A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much area should this be to call it a
balanced rudder?.........It should be about 20%
➢ A large vessel develops a sudden sheer when it stops moving through the water, having been steaming through a shallow
water channel for several miles. The sheer may be strong and unexpected and is due to what reason?....The large volume
of water dragged behind the vessel continues to move forward and cause a strong turning moment on the stern of the
➢ A large vessel is proceeding slowly up a narrow channel, using its own engines and assisted by the use of one tug. Where
should the tug be connected to assist the ship in maintaining its course in the centre of the channel? V Made fast on a line
through the centre lead astern.
➢ A ship experiences an interaction effect known as "Squat" when moving in shallow water. The amount of Squat is
affected by the speed of the vessel through the water. If the speed through the water is HALVED what will be the change
in the affect of "Squat"…The squat effect will be reduced to a quarter of its original value
➢ A ship has turned a complete circle (360 degrees) in deep water at full ahead throughout the turn. The same ship, in the
same conditions, is now to make a complete turn (360 degrees) at half ahead throughout the turn. Would there be any
difference in the size (diameter) of the turning circle?......No, the diameter of the turning circle would be almost the
➢ A ship is passing through a narrow channel and keeping to the starboard side of the fairway, as illustrated. What could be
expected in this situation?....The ship will suffer bank rejection and the bow will be pushed away from the bank
➢ A ship normally turns (swings) around a point which is not the centre of gravity. What is this point normally
called?...........Pivot Point
➢ A ship turns around a point known as the "pivot point". Where is the position of this invisible point when the ship is
stopped and "dead" in the water?..At about same position as the centre of gravity of the ship
A ship which when the rudder is left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course
➢ A tug is connected by a line to the bow of a ship. Will the bollard pull exerted by the tug be the same at any speed?.... No,
when the ship's speed exceeds about 5 knots it will be expected that there will be a reduced pull exerted by the tug
➢ How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?....Maintain a slow speed just
sufficient to maintain steerage
➢ If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a "crash stop" when proceeding at full ahead in deep water.
What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?.....A greater distance
➢ Ships vary considerably in design and underwater shape, but does the ship's trim ever have any influence on its steering
abilities?...Yes, the ship often steers better if trimmed by the stern
➢ The effective stability of a tug, when assisting a vessel to manoeuvre, can be decreased by hydrodynamic interaction with
the ship it is assisting. Where is the most dangerous position of the tug relative to the ship, for this adverse affect to be
found?...The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the bow rounding the forward shoulder of the larger
➢ The effectiveness of a rudder is dependant on the flow of water past the rudder. If the rudder is put hard over when the
ship is at full ahead in deep water, and then the engines are stopped, how much lift force remains?.About 20 %
➢ The engines are going astern and the ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots with the rudder hard to starboard. What
effect will this have on the ship's progress?...This will give the stern a lift force to starboard
➢ The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35 degrees. Do you think this is the angle that the rudder is most
effective?....No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30 degrees, this is because the rudder is "stalling" at 35
degrees angle
➢ The rudder is in the hard over position with the propeller stopped and the ship turning slowly. On a ship with a single
fixed pitch right handed propeller and no thrusters, what can be done to make the ship increase the speed of turn without
significantly increasing the forward speed of the ship?..Give the engines a short kick ahead
➢ The ship has a right-handed propeller and is swinging to starboard when the engines are slow ahead and the rudder is to
starboard. The engines are stopped and the rate of swing rapidly slows down. How could the swing to starboard be
maintained without the ship making much headway….Astern on the engines will allow Transverse Thrust to continue the
➢ The ship has completed a 360 degree turn at full speed in deep water. The ship is now to repeat the turn at full speed in
shallow water. What will be the difference in the turning circle diameter? The turning diameter will be increased in
shallow water
➢ The ship is approaching shallow water where the Under Keel Clearance will reduce to about 0.25 of the ship's draught.
Which of the following answers most accurately summarizes the aspects to be considered when deciding a suitable
speed?........All of the suggested answers
➢ The ship is required to be stopped in the water as quickly as possible, but without major changes to the ship's heading.
What is the most effective method to achieve this?..The use of the rudder hard over both sides combined with reducing
engine power, a method known as "high frequency rudder cycling"
➢ The ship is sailing in shallow water with reduced Under Keel Clearance. If the ship is steaming with the engines at full
RPM, what would be the speed in comparison to the speed achieved in deep water?..Slower than deep water
➢ The ship is steaming at Full Ahead when the engines are reversed to "Full Astern" to stop the ship. The ship has a single,
right-handed fixed pitch propeller. What would be the anticipated reaction of the ship, if there is no wind or
current?........The ship will probably sheer to starboard and gradually lose headway
➢ The ship's rudder is full over when the ship's engines are full ahead. Will the turning effect (lift force) of the rudder be
changed when the engine is stopped?... Yes, the lift force will be dramatically reduced when the engines are stopped the
turning axis, therefore reducing the load on the steering motor
➢ The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the engine speed is reduced during the turn, will there be any
change in the turning diameter….Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced
➢ Two ships travelling in opposite directions are to pass each other in a narrow river, as illustrated. Explain what is likely to
happen as they pass each other?....Due to interaction, the bows will repel each other, and then when alongside each other
the two ships will be sucked together and finally the sterns will be repelled as they start to pass clear
➢ Two vessels are meeting each other in confined waters. What would be the effects of interaction between the two vessels
as they approach each other?.....The bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other
➢ What would be the correct understanding of the term "a ship is directionally unstable"?..... The ship requires
continual application of the rudder to maintain a steady course
➢ What depth of water would be considered as "Shallow Water" in relationship to a change of the ships manoeuvring
characteristics?......When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than 50% of the draught of the ship
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "a ship with good Directional Stability"? A ship which when the rudder is
left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course
➢ What is the correct understanding of the term "bank effect"? If a ship was approaching the bank at an angle, what would
be the effect on the ship?....The vessel's bow is pushed away from the bank
➢ What is understood by the term "Balanced Rudder"?.... A rudder with part of the rudder area forward of the turning
axis, therefore reducing the load on the steering motor
➢ What would be the correct definition of the term "Squat"?....Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance and
➢ What would be the effects of a ship passing into shallow water?.......The ship is less responsive to both rudder and
➢ When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward anchors, to what particular aspect should the officer of
the watch be paying special attention?........When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to
avoid the anchor cables becoming wrapped round each other
➢ When a vessel is moving in shallow water it will experience an effect known as "Squat". Which of the following
statements most accurately specify the results of squat on the vessel?...There will be a reduction of the vessel's underkeel
clearance and a possible change of trim
➢ When a conventional rudder is put hard over it creates a lift force and a drag force.When the ship has started to turn, how
much lift force do you think remains if the rudderangle is decreased to 20 degrees from hard over position (35
degrees)?............About 80 %
➢ Which of the alternative methods of using a tug when escorting The tug made fast on a line through the centre lead astern.
(figure 4)
➢ Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?.A long ship with a narrow beam
➢ Which type of vessel suffers from the greatest squat effects?..Vessel with a high Block Coefficient
➢ Why does a ship move laterally (sideward drift) when turning. Because the pivot point is not at the centre of the ship
➢ You are sailing in shallow water with a 15% Under Keel Clearance. Turning the ship around, what space do you need
compared to deep water?....Need more space than normal


➢ A partly loaded bulk cargo space, whilst the vessel is at sea, may be entered:..Under no circumstances except possibly in
an emergency.
➢ .
During cargo watch keeping on a bulk carrier, it is required under International regulations that:.The vessel's draughts
must be frequently checked and recorded.
➢ .
What might safely be used to prevent a load swinging when lifted by a crane?..Guide or tag lines, tended from a safe
➢ A bulk carrier loading to summer marks would load to..The top of the summer load line mark
➢ A cargo of steel swarf and borings (waste steel material from industrial processes) carried on a Bulk Carrier is particularly
liable to?...Oxygen depletion in the cargo space and self-heating of the cargo
➢ A Combination Carrier is:..A ship designed to carry either oil or solid bulk cargoes.
➢ A good indicator of the possibility of cargo damage on a bulk carrier isThe presence of hatch cover sealing tapes
➢ A stevedore is working in a cargo hold of a bulk carrier while completing discharge of a concentrate cargo. You suddenly
notice that he appears to be taken ill. You should:Assume problem due to lack of oxygen and/or toxic gas and rescue with
selfcontained breathing apparatus.
➢ A very dusty cargo is to be loaded in bulk on your vessel. You should:..Ensure that all cranes, deck storerooms etc. are
fully closed to prevent entry of dust.
➢ After a fresh water rinse, presence of salt in the hold of a bulk carrier can be tested.By carrying out silver nitrate tests
which should turn milky in the presence of chlorides
➢ After completion of cleaning and testing of the bilge spaces in a cargo hold of a bulk carrier, it should be checked that
the:………Drain plate over bilge has been fitted and then covered with burlap.
➢ After completion of discharging coal with a high sulphur content from a bulk carrier, cargo holds should be inspected and
checked for:..Areas of corrosion.
➢ After discharge of a bulk cargo by grabs and bulldozers (bob cats), you should carefully check:Access ladders for any
signs of damage.
➢ After discharge of a bulk cargo by grabs, tank tops and lower hopper side plating must be checked for:
Avoid ballasting all tanks together including fore peak tank (FP) and after peak (AP) tank.
➢ Before starting to ballast double bottom tanks with sea water, the officer responsible for the operation must ensure
that:..Correct valves have been opened, air ventilators are open and ballasting plan has been agreed.
➢ Bulk coal cargoes may produce methane and carbon monoxide gases, their main feature being that both these gases
are…………..Flammable and lighter than air
➢ Cargo holds are usually swept completely prior to washing on a bulk carrier. This is carried out so that:.Cargo residues
will not clog the bilge lines and associated suctions and valves.
➢ Cargo sweat is generally caused when..Warm and moist air is introduced into a cooler cargo hold
➢ During bulk cargo operations, it is required by International regulations that:..Ship's personnel must continuously monitor
cargo operations.
➢ During the draft survey it is noticed that the vessel is trimmed outside the limits of its trim correction tables. Immediate
actions should be to:..Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to carrying out
the survey
➢ For which of the following reasons would a bulk carrier cargo hold inspection be most likely to fail?..Loose rust all
around the cargo hold
➢ If the cargo loading rate on a bulk carrier exceeds the de-ballasting rate and thereby affecting the hull stresses, the OOW
must..Notify the port state authority with whom the loading plan has been lodged
➢ If the temperature of bulk coal cargo during voyage is noted to be above 55 degree Celsius, the recommended procedure
is to,..Seal the hold and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
➢ In a side rolling hatch cover arrangement of a bulk carrier, wedging ensures that:..The compression bar on one panel fits
against the seal on the opposite panel.
➢ It is common practice for all bulk carriers to be trimmed and levelled on completion of loading, so as to:….Reduce the
possibilities of the cargo shifting at sea
➢ On a bulk carrier, provided it is considered safe to do so, the most effective method of cleaning a cargo hold that
contained grain is to:..Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down as discharge progresses followed by a final wash.
➢ On a Bulk Carrier, which of these statements is correct?..Steel slabs must never be permitted to rest directly against any
part of the ship's structure
➢ Prior to loading of steel coils in a bulk carrier, all cargo hatch covers must be tested in the presence of Fully secured to sea
going condition with all cleats in place.
➢ Prior to starting the ballasting operations on a bulk carrier, the responsible officer must check:.That all air pipes are open
and that the pipeline and valve system is correctly set up.
➢ The cargo residues inside the hold space of a bulk carrier is least likely to remain hidden within.Bulkhead corrugations
➢ The main problem when a dry bulk cargo develops a flow state is that..The cargo shifts easily causing major stability
➢ The main problem when a dry bulk cargo develops a flow state is that..The cargo shifts easily causing major
➢ The maximum possibility of sea water entering the cargo hold of a bulk carrier is through:..Hatch covers and coamings
➢ The most practical means for inspection of the upper parts of a cargo hold in a bulk carrier is by the use of:A cherry
➢ The most practical means for inspection of the upper parts of a cargo hold in a bulk carrier is by the use of:….Deck crane
and basket.
➢ The recommended way to stow steel wire rod coils on a bulk carrier is..With their cores aligned fore and aft
➢ The used dunnage of a bulk carrier is classified under MARPOL:.Garbage
➢ To conform with "best practise", can you drive a crane and stand-by for a colleague who has entered a cargo tank at the
same time?,……No.
➢ Under international regulations entries be made with regard to the disposal of bulk cargo residues into the sea in the
ships:………Garbage record book.
➢ Under way to discharging port temperature tests indicate fire in a hold loaded with coal. What is the first action to be
taken?..Close all air ventilators and other openings to the hold in question
➢ Upon completion of ballasting operations on a bulk carrier, it must be ensured that:..All valves have been closed, tank
ventilators are in open position and sounding pipe caps replaced.
➢ Ventilation of steel cargoes carried on a bulk carrier should be carried out..When passing from a cool to a relatively warm
➢ What do you understand by the term "Slewing"?..Turning or rotating a crane boom.
➢ What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe
➢ What is shown in the picture, a crane or a derrick using what loading gear?...A deck crane using grabs.
➢ What is the meaning of the abbreviation "SWL" as stamped on lifting gear around the ship? Safe Working Load.
➢ What might safely be used to prevent a load swinging when lifted by a crane?..Guide or tag lines, tended from a safe
➢ What should you know about the emergency stops on deck?..Where they are located and how to operate them.
➢ When accurate draft readings are required, it is recommended to read both port and starboard drafts. This is
because:…The vessel may appear up right but may have a slight list causing difference in the port and starboard actual
➢ When ballasting double-bottom tanks on a bulk carrier, the responsible officer must:..Avoid ballasting all tanks together
including fore peak tank (FP) and after peak (AP) tank.
➢ When ballasting double-bottom tanks on a bulk carrier, the responsible officer must:
➢ When carried in bulk, which of the following cargoes is most likely to liquefy due to compression and/or
vibrations?..........Iron ore concentrates
➢ When carrying dry bulk cargoes, a low angle of repose indicates that..The cargo is more liable to shift than cargo with a
high angle of repose
➢ When discharging a bulk cargo, it is required by international regulations that:..The method of unloading must not
damage the ship's structure.
➢ When loading a bulk carrier at a high loading rate, the vessel will experience highest tension in bottom structure:..During
loading of heavy cargo in midship section
➢ When loading, it is recommended not to drop iron ore cargo from a height into the cargo hold bottom because this can
cause:…Damage to the tank top and double bottom internals
➢ When preparing a previously ballasted hold of a bulk carrier for cargo, it must be checked that:..The ballast lines must be
blanked off and the bilge lines opened and tested.
➢ When washing down during hatch cleaning operations, the officer responsible for the operation must ensure that:..The
ship has a large trim by the stern.
➢ Who is authorised to operate lifting equipment around the ship?.Those ship's personnel who have been assessed as
competent and are duly authorised to do so by the master as per the procedures as outlined in the ship's SMS system.
➢ With a bulk ship in port, when it would it normally be permissible allowed to start painting over-side only after:…The
necessary permission has been obtained from the port authority.
➢ With respect to carriage of heavy metal cargoes in bulk, the term liquefaction means that..The cargo may suffer moisture
migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow
➢ You are driving a crane and the signalman on deck gives this signal. What does it mean? (Hand signals as per the Code of
Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen)…..Danger, or emergency stop!
➢ You have been assigned to enter a hold and check the general cargo stowed in it, as part of an on-passage monitoring
procedure. What must be in place before you can do that?..The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other
applicable tests.
➢ You have just witnessed a crew member collapse inside a cargo hold. You should:..Raise the alarm and wait for the rescue
party to arrive.


➢ What general background colour is used on warning signs which require a specific "mandatory" action, such as one
which might require the wearing of a safety harness during a particular work task?.............Blue
➢ What hazards are associated with the carriage of wood pellets in bulk?..Spontaneous combustion and self- heating
➢ A heavy metal concentrate bulk cargo has a moisture content of 16 and a transportable moisture limit
Of 18 what should the Master do? Refuse to load the cargo as the moisture content is outside acceptable limits
➢ A bulk cargo declaration shows that the iron ore to be loaded has an angle of repose of 45 degrees; what does this
indicate?..The cargo pile is stable and unlikely to shift
➢ A bulk cargo has a stowage factor (S.F) of 1.50 cubic metres per metric tonne (m3/mt). If 1000 tonnes are to be loaded
what volume will this cargo occupy?....1500 cubic metres ( m3)
➢ A bulk cargo is loaded and the shore cargo figure is 10 000 tonnes; the chief officer calculates 9 500 tonnes have been
loaded; what should the Master do?...Inform Designated Person Ashore( DPA
➢ A bulk cargo of Coal is to be loaded in Australia for Europe; the coal is declared as having a high moisture content (but
less than the transportable moisture Limit (TML)); what must the Master ensure?....All cargo hold bilges are sounded
daily and the amount of water logged; the bilges can then be pumped out
➢ A bulk cargo of steel coils is loaded and a number of the coils are noted by the Chief Officer to be rusted; what must the
Master ensure? …Clause the Bill of Lading with the reference numbers of the rusty coils and so make the Bill of Lading
a "dirty" Bill.
➢ A bulk carrier has to complete loading at a draft of 10 metres. The current amidship drafts are 9.96 metres (port side) and
9.98 metres (starboard side). The sinkage remaining to maximum draft is:..0.03 metres
➢ A bulk carrier is loading to complete at a draught of 10.00m when in salt water. She is currently floating in dock water
and the Dock Water Allowance (DWA) is 80 mm. Her maximum draught at completion of loading should be…..10.08
➢ After completion of discharge of a dry bulk cargo, the CO2 lines in each cargo hold should be.Blown through with
compressed air to ensure that they are clear of any cargo traces
➢ Before a bulk carrier can load a full cargo of grain, what additional stability information is required?..Grain loading
conditions must be shown and the vessel is in possession of a Document of Authorization
➢ bulk coal cargo is to be loaded and the moisture content is declared as 19 ; the transportable moisture limit of the cargo is
declared as 15, what should the Master do?..Refuse to load the cargo unless the vessel is specially designed for the
carriage of cargo which may liquefy
➢ Cargo on a bulk cement carrier is normally discharged by.Using its own pumping system and equipment
➢ Chief Officer to be rusted; what must the Master ensure?...Clause the Bill of Lading with the reference numbers of the
rusty coils and so make the Bill of Lading a "dirty" Bill.dangerously with each other in the event of leakage or other
damageexceeded in the seagoing condition Fire heating
➢ How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length 100% of
the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side,
100% must be provided on each side
➢ It is common practice on bulk carriers to fill only one set of ballast tanks at any one time so as to..Ensure that free
surfaces in ballast tanks do not become excessive during the ballasting operation
➢ Normally, a vessel sails in salt water and therefore salt water draughts are those which are referred to. If there is a change
in density however, this must be taken into account because the true draughts of the ship will change. Which of the
definitions below is that of this "Fresh Water Allowance"?..The number of millimetres by which a vessel's True Mean
Draught changes when she passes from salt water to fresh water, or vica versa piston seals
➢ Reserve Buoyancy is:..The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline
➢ The CO2 injection lines into the designated ballast hold of a bulk carrier are sealed..Prior to ballasting the hold the crane
and therefore a suspended load horizontally towards or away from the crane
➢ The drain pipe covers fitted on the hatch coamings of a bulk carrier are secured.In the event of a cargo hold fire
➢ The first line of defence against flooding of a bulk carrier is its:…Shell plating
➢ The full name for the BC Code is…The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
➢ The full name for the IMSBC Code is The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo Code
➢ The hatch cover hydraulic system of a bulk carrier can be damaged by.Dust and cargo particles around the
➢ The perforated plate cover of the cargo hatch bilges are normally covered with burlap, so as.To prevent small particles of
cargo draining into the bilges
➢ The purpose of the cargo hold ventilator grill is to Prevent any sparks from entering the hold space
➢ To withstand flooding of any one cargo hold, a bulk carrier constructed after 1 July 1999 can be loaded to:To withstand
flooding of any one cargo hold
➢ What do the letters "TPC" stand for?..Tonnes per Centimetre
➢ What do you understand by the term "luffing"?..The raising or lowering of a crane jib, moving the head of
➢ What facility exists under the ISM Code for the provision of individual control measures for specific work-related
tasks?...The Permit to Work system
➢ What hazards are associated with the carriage of wood pellets in bulk?..Spontaneous combustion and self-
➢ What is a "consignee"?...Any person, organization or government entitles to take delivery of a consignment
➢ What is mean by bulk Grain cargoes have a low angle of repose?...Liable to shift
➢ What is meant by the term "segregation"?..The planned, separated stowage of cargoes that may react
➢ What is of utmost concern when steel cargoes are carried in a bulk carrier?..Bending moments being greatly
➢ What is the name given to the special list of cargo loaded on board a ship that needs to be prepared for reporting and
other administrative purposes?..Manifest
➢ What is the primary hazard associated with the carriage of a bulk cargo of salt on a Bulk Carrier?.The only possible
hazard is associated with ingress of water into the hold and a loss of stability
➢ What is this?..The United Nations Packaging symbol used for Dangerous Goods
➢ What kinds of checks must be carried out on slings, wires and other items of lifting equipment before they are used in
routine operations?..They must be visually inspected and ascertained, so far as is possible, as being in good working order
and fit for purpose
➢ What name is given to the inspection and measurements at the end of a bulk carrier's loading operation, that determines
the weight of cargo lifted based on the observed draughts, any list, hog or sag, the dock water density and the calculation
of ballast and consumables on the vessel?..Draught Survey
➢ what should the Master do?.Refuse to load the cargo as the moisture content is outside acceptable limits
➢ When loading a bulk cargo of Coal the ship must be fitted with appropriate instruments to measure the
concentration of what gases within the cargo space?..The gases specified in all of these answers
➢ When carrying bulk coal cargo, during the voyage methane and carbon monoxide gases are measure by…Using the
approved sampling ports fitted on each hatch coaming
➢ When loading a bulk cargo of cement the specific gravity and flow characteristics are dependant on what criteria?..They
are fixed and the cargo has a stowage factor of 0.5 cubic metres/tone d. I don't know
➢ When loading coal on a Bulk Carrier, the vessel should be provided with…Means for measuring cargo
➢ When should a master agree to accept a bulk cargo of concentrates? When he is fully satisfied that the actual moisture
content of the cargo is less than the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML)
➢ Which of these is not used to discharge bulk grain?....Pumps


➢ A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for: 5 years with control every 12 months
➢ A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for: 2 years with control every 6 months
➢ An Oil Record Book, Part 1,shall be provided to every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above to record machinery
space operations.Out of below mentioned operations, it is compulsory to record:…An Oil Record Book, Part 1,shall be
provided to every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage
➢ Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment for the control of
machinery space bilges.What kind of equipment is required in this connection?..Either Oil fitting
equipment , or Oily-water separating equipment , or combination of both
➢ Are there any exceptions from OPA-90……..Yes, transit passage through US waters to a non US port
been pumped overboard according to regulations
➢ For a ship operating or calling in US waters, COTP can request (OPA-90)…Unannounced drills at any time
➢ For how long is the health certificate valid for a seafarer above the age of 18? a. One year. Two years.
➢ For how long time must the printout from the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME) be retained onboard?.........Three years
➢ For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?..........For all vessels.
➢ How frequent should reports from protection and environmental work be send to shore based management?...Annually.
➢ How many annexes do we find in MARPOL and what is the content of annex 1?...We find 6 annexes in
MARPOL and annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil
➢ If pollution takes place, what would you do immediately?.........Report to relevant authorities.
➢ If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the chemicals do?..Disperse or
dissolve the oil into the water
➢ Is there any special area under MARPOL where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues?...There are special areas where
it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues
➢ MARPOL - Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships. What do you understand by the word
"Sewage"?.....Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals.
➢ MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage outside "Special Areas". After unpacking spares, you are left with a limited amount of
packing materials. Is this prohibited, if not, what will be the nearest distance to land for disposal into the sea of these materials?...This
is prohibited members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged onboard the ship in the business of that ship
➢ Most minor oilspills are caused by:…………Human error
➢ New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the oily water separator which was previously certified for 100
ppm be changed to:…15 ppm
➢ New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the previous instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content
(60 litters per nautical mile) was changed to:… 30 litters per nautical mile
➢ Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90)…………...Every report or message must be logged including time and date
➢ OPA-90 is referring to a Qualified Individual (QI) QI is an authorised individual, situated in the US, and
contracted by the owner or operator of the vessel
➢ The OPA-90 notification requirement is:……Notify as soon as you have knowledge of any spill, or threat of a spill
➢ What is definition on clean ballast as per MARPOL Annex 1?.. .Ballast with an oil content of less than 15 ppm
➢ What is the best way to avoid pollution from small oil-spills aboard a ship?......Contain any oil-spill onboard the ship
➢ What can lead to "Unlimited responsibility" (OPA-90)…Wilful misconduct, gross negligence and violation of Federal Safety
➢ What does STCW deal with?..STCW deals with minimum recommendation of education for seafarers and minimum standards for
training centre and schools
➢ What does the abbreviation SOLAS mean?....International Convention for the Safety of Lives at Sea
➢ What does the abbreviation STCW stand for?....The International Convention on Standards of Training,
➢ Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers
➢ What does the term OIL mean, as used in the Oil Pollution Regulations?...All of the mentioned
➢ What is a "passenger" according to SOLAS regulations?...Every person other than the Captain and the
➢ What is full form of VRP (OPA 90)…………Vessel Response Plan
➢ What is SOPEP?..........A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
➢ What is the alcohol content in the blood permissible under US legislation before it is defined as intoxication?..0,04 %
➢ What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?...The chemicals make it difficult to
➢ What is the maximum oil content in the sludge/ bilge water allowed to be pumped over board during a voyage?...30 litres per nautical
➢ What is the purpose of the O.D.M.E. (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) printer ?...To prove that oil has
➢ What is the status of the rules of the SOLAS convention?....Mandatory.
➢ What would be the preferred colour to use when maintaining the paint on shell, plating, structure and bottom/tanktopp in the engine
room?...White or light grey to ensure all minor spills and leakages are noticed and dealt with
➢ What.. are ..the functions of a flag state administration?..They have responsibility for setting, monitoring and enforcing standards of
safety and pollution prevention on vessels flying the countries flag
➢ When a pollution incident occurs there is a plan for actions to be undertaken. State which of following priority sequences to be
considered:……….Stop pumps - report - clean up?
➢ Which of the connections you are shown, are the dedicated shore connection (MARPOLconnection) for discharging of sewage
➢ Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard?....15 PPM
➢ Why shall a duly qualified officer supervise any potential polluting operation?...To avoid pollution
➢ You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Algeria, in the Mediterranean Sea. Are you allowed to dump food
waste overboard?.........No, food waste can not be dumped overboard
➢ You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles
overboard ?....Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen
with 25 mm openings
You are onboard a vessel off the West African coast. You want to dump a mixture of food waste, glass bottles and
floating .packing .materials. .Is .this. .allowed? .and .if so, .how far off the coast would you have to be?......12 nautical
miles off the coast
➢ You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water around your vessel. You are to stop taking
fuel and: …………..Notify the US Coast Guard
XIII. Maintain Seawor this Of The Ship
(Pertahankan Seaworthis Kapal)
➢ A ‘free flow system’ with reference to an oil tanker means A vessel without ordinary bottom lines
➢ A common cause for the weakening of a turnbuckle on container vessels is…Pitting
➢ A large GM on a container ship will result in..Quick rolling period and increasing angles of roll
After completing all p re-starting checks on the flue ga s plant, the first thing that the operator would do is to…….Open the flue
gas isolating valve
➢ As per SOLAS a fast rescue boats shall be capable of:.Manoeuvring for at least 4 hrs at a speed of 20 knots in calm water
➢ As per SOLAS every fast rescue boat shall be provided with: Thermal protective aids for at least 10% of the persons the boat is
permitted to accommodate or two, which ever is greater
➢ As per SOLAS requirement fast rescue boats shall be constructed in such a way that:..They are self
➢ Before departing the berth to ensure the stability of a RoRo vessel which if the following should be completed….Close all Ramps and
hatch covers
➢ By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull? cargoo perations..To ensure the angle between the Ramp and the
Quay are in acceptable limits cone-based lashing systems are more prone to failure than twistlocks Control System.
➢ During Crude Oil Washing, those areas of the cargo tank which are not directly struck by the oil jet from the tank washing machines are
referred to as:…Shadow areas. From the head of the derrick or crane
➢ Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. What information shall as a minimum be
included in the emergency instructions? The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
➢ Fast rescue boats shall be stowed and kept in a state of continuous readiness for launching:..In less than 5 minutes
➢ How are the officers informed of the ship's stability in damaged conditions?..By permanently exhibited damage control plans
➢ How can an approximate value of the initial transverse Metacentric Height (GM) be found from the Curve of Statical Stability (GZ
curve)? Drawing a tangent to the curve through the origin and erecting a perpendicular through the angle of heel of 57.3 degrees
➢ How long should it take to release at least two thirds of the charge of CO2 that is provided for a ro-ro cargo space protected with a
fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system?....Not more than 10 minutes
➢ How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in various conditions, including
righting after capsizing?.....At least 2
➢ How many fast rescue boats are required to be carried by a passenger ship of 500 GRT and above?.At least one of the rescue boats
shall be a fast rescue boat
➢ How many lifejackets are required in a passenger cabin?.Same number as beds in the cabin
➢ how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?.5% ext
➢ How many rescue boats should be provided on passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above..Two, one on each side of the ship
➢ How should cargo hold ventilation be carried out on a Ro-Ro vessel loading or discharging cargoes?..With the ventilation fans set to
➢ How should lashing belts be stowed on board a RoRo vessel?According to their Safe Working Load (SWL)
➢ In context of cargo oil depth and ullage measurements, the abbreviation UTI stands for:..Ullage Temperature Interface.
➢ Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board passenger ships?............Yes, all passenger public spaces
and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
➢ Normally, a twist lock should be greased..Between the twistlock cone and associated housing
➢ On a RoRo vessel, which of the following can cause an unplanned list at sea?Ballast water exchange
➢ On a RoRo vessel carrying no more than 36 passengers, what is the minimum capacity of the ventilation system protecting standard
cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion. 6 air changes per hour
➢ On a RoRo vessel why is it important to ensure the vessel is correctly trimmed prior to commencing cargoo perations..To ensure the
angle between the Ramp and the Quay are in acceptable limits
➢ On a RoRo vessel, how should additional lashings be applied to vehicles if they do not have sufficient lashing points? As detailed in the
instructions provided by the manufacturer or shipper
➢ On a RoRo vessel, if the Manufacturer and shipper of a vehicle have not provided instructions and the vehicle does not have fixed
lasing points what can be used to secure the lashings.The wheel apertures, or other suitable fixed point on the vehicle
➢ On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with damaged expanded metal gratings on loading ramps?Vehicles' tyres may be
damaged during cargo operation
➢ On a RoRo vessel, when loading Double Stacked containers on Maffi Trailers how many twist locks should have used between the 2
containers…One on every corner 4 in total
➢ On a RoRo vessel, where is the best place to find information on loading ramp limitations?...In the loading ramp manual
➢ On board a crude oil tanker, guidance on the washing system and equipment along with the applicable operating procedures, can be
found in:..The Operating and Equipment (COW) Manual.
➢ Parallel sweep search in a co-ordinated manner is achieved when?..............All facilities proceed
➢ Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets
have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?........5% extra
➢ Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, Tanks lids and other
access points on an oil tanker are usually shaped round so as to…. Avoid
➢ The main factor when determining the way containers must be lashed is by..Referring to the cargo securing manual
➢ The function of the scrubber within an Inert Gas system is:…To quench, cool and clean the flue gas.
➢ The limitations of a Cargo Securing Manual of a container vessel may include the fact that ..They are drafted whilst the ship is still
under construction and need to be checked against the ship's 'as completed' condition in order to be fully reliable
➢ The method to avoid adverse effects of free surface on an oil tanker with full liquid cargo would be to ensure that…There are at least
two longitudinal bulkheads and a large initial GM
➢ The primary purpose of the water seal within an inert gas system is:..To prevent the passage of petroleum gases back to the
machinery spaces
➢ The proper funtioning of a bridge fitting on containers is prevented due to…Buckling
➢ The purpose of the demister unit within the Inert Gas System is:.To remove water from the IGS
➢ The purpose of the dovetail foundation on container vessels is….Act as a sliding base for twistlocks
➢ Twist locks are preferred over cone-based lashing systems on container vessels because…Cone-based lashing systems are more
prone to failure than twistlocks
➢ What is the minimum Initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) allowed under the International Load Line Rules?..........0.15
➢ What are safety cones used for on a RoRo vessel,?.All of the alternatives
➢ What are the main elements in a damage control plan? Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of
controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
➢ What can be done to minimize the reduction of GM due to free surface? Reduce the number of slack tanks.
➢ What extra precautions should be taken by the officers and crew if some of the passengers are disabled, i.e. using wheelchair, cane,
blind etc.?.All passengers that will require extra assistance, also in case of an emergency situation/ evacuation, must be registered in
order to allocate crew to assist them if needed..
➢ What is a low location lighting system? A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way
to the nearest exit
➢ What is a Marine Evacuation System?..Evacuation Chute(s)/Slide(s) and Liferafts
➢ What is the adequate marking of liferafts for passenger ships on short international voyages?...SOLAS B PACK

➢ What is the anticipated rolling period of a ship with a large initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) and would there be any
associated dangers to consider? Short sharp period of roll associated with breaking lashings and shifting cargo
➢ What is the correct understanding of the tem "Angle of Loll" when applied to ships stability?.The angle the ship will lie when the ship
has a negative GM
➢ What is the full name of the International Convention dealing with stability of passenger ships?..The International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea
➢ What is the time limit for abandonment of passenger ships?.30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
➢ What must be ensured immediately after lowering and securing the stern ramp on a RoRo vessel?.Control levers should be locked in
the ‘neutral' position
➢ What new stability problems would be caused by having deep double bottom tanks on double hull oil tankers?.....The Metacentric
Height (GM) would have to be considered
➢ What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships.Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously manned
control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up
➢ When a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight off the deck of a ship, from which position can the centre of gravity of the weight be
considered to act?.From the head of the derrick or crane
➢ When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in
passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?........15 degrees
➢ When is track line search normally used? ,…When a vessel or aircraft has disappeared without a trace
➢ When shutting down the flue gas plant, the last step that the operator shall carry out would be to: When is the parallel sweep search
used?.When searching large area
➢ Where and for what are rubber mats used on board a pure RoRo car carrier?...Under the loading ramp flap to prevent vehicle damage
➢ Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board passenger ships?.From the navigation bridge and in at least
one other location
➢ Which of the following appliances are compulsorily in any ro-ro cargo space intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their
tanks for their own propulsion?.At least one portable foam applicator unit
➢ Which one of the following international regulations is normally used when handling dangerous goods?.IMDG code
➢ With reference to oil tanker equipment, the abbreviation VECS stands for:…..Vapour Emission

XIV, Prevent, Control and Fight Fine on Board

(Mencegah, Mengontrol dan melawan baik di kapal…)

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Fire alarm……….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Sprinkler section valve …………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Section valve drenching………………….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Water log applicator…….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. CO 2 Battery………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Fire alarm panel………….….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Locker with additional protective………….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Spinkler……….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Flame detector………….….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Fire fighing equipment…………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. International shore connection……..

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Fire main with fire valves……

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Area protected by sprinkler………………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Area protected by halon………..

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Heat detector…………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. A class fire door self closing…………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. B class fire door self closing………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol 11 DPKP a. Gas detector…….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol CO2 horn………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Sprinkler horn……..…….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Manually operated call point………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Portable foam applicator………

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Remote controlled fire pumps………..

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Smoke detector…..

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Push button for fire alarm….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Fire station….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol Foam monitor gun…

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Space protected by foam…

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Area protected by CO2…….

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol a. Foam installation

➢ Identify this symbol: a. Emergency fire pump?............

➢ A class "D" fire involves what type of material? 1 DPKP…..Metals

➢ A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is water hose with spray jet/spray nozzle.How, if at all,
should you attempt to put out this fire using water?...The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in asweeping
➢ According to European standards (E.N.) fire can be classified….A, B,C,D
➢ Among the additives used to improve the effectiveness of water in the fight against fire thereare the moisturing ones. What is the task
they perform?...They reduce the surface tension of water
➢ Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a CO2 extinguisher?....Black
➢ Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a dry powder extinguisher?..Blue 9 DPKP
area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the area around.
➢ As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a confined space? ..The confined space always has six sides
➢ As a general rule, what is the minimum flash point of an oil used as a liquid fuel on board?.....60ºC
➢ As a general rule, where would you expect to find a portable fire extinguisher in any space? which it is possible to ignite the vapour
above the liquid
➢ Before extinction of an electric fire we need………To disconnect the power source
➢ Besides certain other factors, a BOILOVER takes place:,,,When the container also contains water
➢ Breathing apparatuses is an important piece of equipment for being able to fight a fire onboard a vessel. What routine precautions to
be observed with regard to use and maintenance of such equipment?...All the mentioned alternatives.
➢ Could a lift be considered as an escape route from the engine room….No
➢ Dry chemical powders extinguish fire by...Inhibition and smothering
➢ Fire provokes: ..Gases, flames, smoke and heat
➢ For which of the following groups of substances or materials is the use of water as an extinguishing agent dangerous?....Sodium
hydrosulphite ,
➢ Fuel oil from a leaking fuel pipe has been collected in a drip tray under the boiler furnace.The oil is suddenly ignited by a backflash
from the boiler burner.The boiler room is manned and the person present has the choice of various extinguishers. The fire is purely a
surface fire. What would be the preferable extinguisher?...Powder
➢ Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum concentration of CO allowed in the breathing air of a
breathing apparatus?..........20ppm
➢ Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum concentration ofoil vapours allowed in the breathing air of
a breathing apparatus?.......5mg/m3
➢ Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate action should be taken..Get out of the engine room as soon as
➢ How do the extinguishing agents act? cooling, smothering, combustible suppression, inhibition
➢ How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?...By smothering and also by providing some
➢ Hydrocarbon gas encountered in oil tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing less than approximately what percentage of
oxygen (by volume)? a. 11% b. 13% c. 15% d. 17% 14. If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be ?....A class
➢ If circumstances permit, how should low expansion foam be applied to oil burning near a bulkhead of the engine room?..The foam
should be aimed at the bulkhead behind the fire and allowed to spread out slowly over the fire.
➢ ignited by a backflash from the boiler burner.The boiler room is manned and the person present has the choice
➢ In a liquid fire the surface of which is about 100m²,..Flames are usually higher than the diameter of the fire
➢ In case of a fire inside the Acetylene-line in the ac/ox gas welding equipment, what action is deemed necessary?..Close the valves on
both the Acetylene and the Oxygen bottles.
➢ In case of fire in the switch board, what kind of extinguisant to be preferred?...CO2
➢ In general what is the proportion of concentrate to water to produce foam?...Between 3% and 6%
➢ In general, what is the best extinguishing agent to put out a class A fire?.....Water
➢ In order to extinguish a fire with a portable extinguisher, we must proceed in the following way:…..Maintain a safe distance, apply the
extinguishing agent to the base of the flames with the wind behind us
➢ In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use: ..Anti-alcohol foam
➢ In the fire fighting of fires of a type C with dry chemical powder extinguishers, the application is a continuous way so that
the powder spray is in the same direction as the one of the flame
➢ In which one of the following an oil, the flash point of which only needs to be over 43°C, may be used?.In emergency generators
➢ In which ways is heat transmitted?........Conduction, convection and radiation
➢ is important to observe when using water as an extinguisant in the engine room?..All the mentioned alternatives.DP

➢ Monoammonium phosphate used as a dry powder can be effective on which of the following type of fire?....Solid, liquids, and gases
➢ of various extinguishers. The fire is purely a surface fire. What would be the preferable extinguisher?.Powder
➢ Proteinic foams have the feature of being?...Of low expansion, viscous and solid, easily contaminated by hydrocarbons
➢ reach your work area. Start to return when you have this amount left plus....reasonable reserve
➢ temperature for combustion. What subject must be removed to extinguish the fire?....Either of the mentioned alternatives.
➢ The basic components of the self-contained breathing apparatus are….Mask, bottle, frame, medium pressure valve and low pressure
➢ The effectiveness of CO2 as an extinguishing agent is based on:..Combustion suppression
➢ The effectiveness of foam is based on:….smothering and cooling
➢ The extinguishing agent which can be applied on any fires of class A, B, or C is:..Multipurpose powder 3 DPKP
➢ The fire point is…The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that may burn in contact with oxygen in air,and
at which combustion persists once the source of ignition has been removed
➢ The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is known as the….Flash
➢ The main risk for people when using CO2 as an extinguishing agent in a closed space is........Air suppression
➢ The method of extinction by smothering is based on this basis;…The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel
vapours and the oxygen
➢ The necessary elements to create fire are..combustible, oxygen, heat and chain reaction
➢ The presence of smoke represents one of the greatest dangers in the fire fighting. Why?..It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is
irritating and may be toxic
➢ The pressure in a flexible fire hose must be set up….After it has been laid down
➢ The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in asweeping motion.
➢ To maintain a fire, three conditions need to be met: Oxygen, combustible material and sufficient temperature for combustion. What
subject must be removed to extinguish the fire?,..Either of the mentioned alternatives.
➢ Water is the extinguishing agent which is the most widely employed and its action as an extinguishing agent is due to a combination of
the following phenomena:…….Cooling, smothering and dispersion
➢ What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood,textiles,paper and other carbonaceous materials?.Class A
➢ What are the characteristics of CO2…..All the mentioned alternatives.
➢ What are the components of the personal equipment of the fireman's outfit…All the items mentioned
➢ What are the main basic components of a portable extinguisher?.The container, the extinguishing agent,theimpulsion system
➢ What are the main components of the atmospherical air?...O2: 21% N2:78% H2O: traces CO2: traces, Rare gases: traces
➢ What are the three diameters of fire hoses most commonly found on ships?...25, 45, or 70 mm
➢ What class of fire involves liquids?...Class B fire
➢ What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other carbonaceous materials?....Class A
➢ What is flashpoint of an oil or liquefied gas?...The flash point for an oil or liquefied gas is the temperature
at which it is possible to ignite the vapour above the liquid
➢ What is the "international shore connection" used for?..To connect the ship fire main to the shore lines
➢ What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board?...Rescuing of life P
➢ What is the factor that makes the difference between a deflagrating and a detonating explosion? ..The speed of the shock wave
created by the initial combustion
➢ What is the main advantage of a positive pressure breathing apparatus?..If the face mask has a leak toxic fumes/smoke would still not
enter the mask
➢ What is the main criterion generally taken into account to classify portable extinguishers:…The extinguishing agent
➢ What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam applicator ?.....1 litre
➢ What is the minimum necessary condition for the start and permanence of an oil fuel fire?...The temperature is equal to or over the
flash point
➢ What is the minimum volume of air contained in the cylinders of a SOLAS compliant selfcontained compressed-air operated breathing
apparatus (SCABA)?...1200 litres
➢ What is the most common fixed fire fighting extinguishing system fitted in an engine room?...A carbon dioxide (CO2) system
➢ What is the name given to a devastating explosion that may occur when a rigid container containing a liquefied gas is exposed to a
very high *temperature?...BLEVE P
➢ What is the only reliable way of checking that the CO2 cartridge in a dry powder extinguisher is full?..Remove the cartridge and weigh it
to check that it has the full weight stamped on it
➢ What kind of extinguishing-remedy would you choose to put out an electrical fire?..Dry extinguishing remedy.
➢ What kind of fuel will originate a class A fire?.....solid (cardboard or wood
➢ What kind of process is a fire?...All the mentioned alternatives
➢ What type of nozzles for fire hoses can be provided aboard ships?...Dual purpose (jet/spray) type incorporating a shutoff
➢ What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?...Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.

➢ When fighting fire, why shall you never pour water into hot fat?..The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away
thus..possibly causing severe burns or fire.
➢ Where is the International Shore Connection to be stored….Easy accessible by the gangway
➢ Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?..Extinguishing attempt is started immedia
➢ Which element must be removed to extinguish a fire?...All alternatives. It is enough that one of the mentioned elements are removed.
➢ Which of the following hose lengths corresponds best to the most common ones found onboard?...20 m
➢ Which of the following is a combustion reaction?….All the answers are good
➢ Which of these series of sizes corresponds to the international standard for nozzles,,,,,12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm
➢ Which one of the following appliances is allowed to burn an oil fuel, the flash point of which may be a little bit lower than the one used
for the main *engine?...The emergency generators
➢ Which one of the following is a limitation on the use of chemical powders?....All the below mentioned alternatives
➢ Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an open oil fire?..Foam
➢ Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in anelectric installation (for example the main
➢ Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric installation (for example the main
➢ Whilst in the Engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any should you take…Leave the engine room as quickly as
possible, closing all doors behind you.
➢ would you conduct this search?...Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the area in…front with the foot and
using the back of the free hand to check the area around.
➢ You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room, wearing a breathing apparatus. How would you conduct this search?..Carry out a
right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the
area around.
➢ You are leading a team fighting an interior fire. If you see the colour of the smoke changing from dark black to grey, what is the most
probable reason for that change?...The team is applying water and the temperature is decreasing
➢ you start to make your way out of the compartment….Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to

XV. Operate Life Saving Appliances…

(Mengoperasikan Alat Penyelamat Hidup…)

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Assembly station…….

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lavit-launhed lifera……………..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with line……….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lower Lifeboat…………………...…
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Rocket parachute flares……….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Secure hathches……….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Start Engine………………….…
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Survival Craft Dostress signal…………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? .Embarkation ladder………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Child’s Life Jacket…………………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? EPIRB………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Evacuation Slide…….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Immersion Suit………….……
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Life Jacket………..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with light and smoke…..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with Light……
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Lifebuoy with line light and line…………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Liferaft……….

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Line-throwing appliance………

➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Muster Point…………
➢ Give is the meaning of the following symbol: muster station……..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Radar Transponder………………….…..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Release falls………
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ? Start water supply……….…….
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ?.Lifebuoay………..
➢ What is the meaning of this symbol ?.Lower life raft to water symbol………….
➢ An alarm signal consisting of seven short blast followed by one prolonged blast is sounded by the ship's whistle and alarm bells. What
are you to do?....Go to your lifeboat station
➢ A davit-launched liferaft on board a ship is so arranged to be boarded by its full complement of persons in less than:……3 m
➢ A floating liferaft is capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at least:….4,50 m
➢ A lifebuoy is constructed to withstand a drop into the water from a height of….30 m
➢ A lifebuoy light is capable of working at minimum for a period of, and has a luminous intensity of:…2 h, 2 candelas (about 1,7 mile
range at normal meteorological sight
➢ A lifebuoy light is capable of working at minimum for a period of, and has a luminous intensity of: …..A lifebuoy light is capable of
➢ A person wearing a thermal protective aid shall be able: ……to wear a lifejacket inside
➢ A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:….perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a
rescue boat
➢ A person wearing lifejacket or immersion suit, shall be able to turn from a face-down to a faceup position in not more than:…5 seco
➢ According to SOLAS, every persons assigned to crew the rescue boat or assigned to the marine evacuation system party shall be
provided with:……..An immersion suit or an antiexposure suit
➢ An alarm signal consisting of seven short blast followed by one prolonged blast is sounded by the ship's whistle and alarm bells. What
are you to do?....Go to your lifeboat station
➢ An immersion suit is constructed such that it can be unpacked and donned within: ……2 min
➢ An immersion suit is: a. Not allowing undue ingress of water after a jump from……heoght of not less than 4.5 m into the water
➢ An immersion suit which has its own buoyancy is fitted with:……….A light plus a whistle
➢ An immersion suit will not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in fire for a period of: a. 2 sec
➢ An inflatable lifejacket has:………2 separate compartments
➢ An inflatable lifejacket will inflate:..Either automatically on immersion or by a single manual motion or by mouth
➢ An inflatable lifejacket will inflate:……….Either automatically on immersion or by a single manual motion or by mouth
➢ During the same time, given that the fluid is not flowing along the immersed body? …..Water 2
➢ How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?...3
➢ How much food per person is supplied on a liferaft marked SOLAS B PACK? Not less than 10000 Kj
➢ How much water per person is provided in a liferaft not equipped with a desalting apparatus?.....1.5 litre
➢ How should the hook be released from a davit lowered liferaft?....Just prior to reaching the water, the lanyard should be pulled. This
sets the hook which will automatically release once the raft is waterborne
➢ How should the painter of a liferaft which is fitted with a hydrostatic release be secured to the ship?..Secured via a weak link to a
secure part of the ship
➢ If conditions permit, which is the best way to board a liferaft which is floating close to the ship?...Use a rope ladder close to the raft to
climb down and board
➢ If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?.....Raise the fire
➢ In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?.....Horizontal
➢ On a dark night with a clear atmosphere, the outside manually controlled lamp of a liferaft is visible at minimum at a distance of:……2
➢ On board a ship, how many lifebuoys can you expect to be fitted with a self-igniting light ?.......Half of the total number of lifebuoys
provided on board
➢ The container for an inflatable liferafts shall be made:..watertight, as far as possible,except for drain holes in the container bottom
➢ The grabline of a lifebuoy has a length of: a. 4 times the outer diameter of the lifebuoy
➢ the minimum number of lifebuoys required on a cargo ship depends on:…..the length of the ship
➢ The wearer of a lifejacket can jump into the water without injury and without damaging the jacket from a height of at least: . 4,50 m 1the
wearer to jump from height of at least 4.5 m into the water without injury and without damaging the life-jacket

➢ Wearing an immersion suit when abandon ship is effective permits the person:…to jump from a height of 4.5m into the water without
being injured or damaging the suit
➢ What shall a rescue person use if he has to jump into the water in order to assist a survivor?...Survival suit and lifeline
➢ What is the first thing you are doing when having a lifeboat drill?...Put on the life jacket
➢ What is the greatest interest of the "help" position ?....It lessens the survivor's heat escape
➢ What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)?......Using nets
➢ What shall a rescue person use if he has to jump into the water in order to assist a survivor?.....Survival suit and lifeline
➢ What will you bring in a lifeboat if the ship is abondoned?.........Warm clothes, blankets and lifevests.
➢ What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?.....Start collecting rain water
➢ When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to their assigned fire station.Which
one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?.....Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm bells
➢ When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an
emergency?.......By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
➢ Where do you find instructions for tasks and duties in case of an emergency?...In the muster list.
➢ Which of air and water is the fluid that transfers the greatest amount of heat during the same time, given that the fluid is not flowing
along the immersed body?..........Water
➢ Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferaft over the side?....Check that the painter is
made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear
➢ Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure suit ? ….is fitted with a light and a whistle
➢ Which one of the following requirements regarding lifebuoys corresponds to present SOLAS regulations ?not less than half the total
number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-ignition lights.
➢ Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-jackets corresponds to present SOLAS regulations ? A life-jacket shall be so
constructed that: …it allows
➢ Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of liferafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?....Liferafts shall be
stowed with its painter permanently attached to the ship
➢ Which part of the fresh water quantity provided for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate may be replaced by a de-
salting apparatus?..0,5 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 2 day
➢ You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the following actions should you generally take?...Organise a lookout
system. Join up with other survival craft if possible. Stream the sea anchor
➢ You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. Which of the following actions should you take?...Organize a lookout system and join up with
other survival craft if possible. You should also stream the sea anchor

XVI. Apply Medical First and Board Ship..

(Terapkan Medis Petama dan Naik Kapal…)
➢ A burn may occur when..Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage
➢ A casualty suddenly loses consciousness. What should you do?..Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and
carefully place something soft under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the person in Recovery position.
➢ A faint is a brief loss of……Tell person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep breaths.
➢ Abdominal Thrust is the name on a technique which involves applying a series of thrusts to the upper abdomen in an attempt to force
air out of a choking casualty's lungs. How to perform this technique?....Stand behind the casualty. Clench your fist with the tumb
inwards in the center of upper abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull quickly inwards.
➢ After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating, what is the
rate of inflations given until natural breathing is restored ?....12 - 16 times per minute
➢ burns and scalds?..Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes, but preferably until the pain is gone. If
no water is available, use any cold, harmless liquid.
➢ If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as acetone cyanohydrin and has ceased breathing, you
would:….Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it
➢ If a person is in a state of shock, what of the thing of you to do…Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.
➢ If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is. the performing ECC?...Complete 30 compressions at the rate of 100 compressions
per minute
➢ If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is. the casualty's body?....Place the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the
bottom of breastbone. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.
➢ If mouth-to-mouth (M-T-M) ventilation……15compressions followed by 2 full ventilations
➢ If mouth-to-mouth(M-T-M) Complete…..15 compressions at the rate of 80
➢ In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?.........All mentioned.
➢ Inflatable splints are made in various It is more easy to give correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the control of swelling
and bleeding is more easy to observe.

➢ It is important that a compress is done correctly……. Swelling below the bandage and heavy pain. Swelling below the bandage
➢ Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the ....Pale or grey.
➢ The passage of electrical current through the body……..Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating
➢ Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What is the correct thing to do for minor
➢ Treatment of burns and scalds……Place the injured part under slowly running
➢ Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery PositionWhy is this position
so important?...The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.
➢ Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts….As shown in figure 1
➢ Unfortunately a fish hook has………Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook between the barb and
the skin and gently withdraw the hook.
➢ Unfortunately an insect has……Gently flood the casualty’s ear
➢ What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injuries? …ICE-method.
➢ What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?....Air, Breathing, Circulation.
➢ What does the abbreviation……..Air,breathing,circulation
➢ What is one of the dangerous states a survivor may suffer from? …Hypothermia
➢ What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?.........Warm nutritious drinks
➢ What will you serve seafarers who have been exposed to heat?............Cold drinks and salt.
➢ What will you serve seafarers……Warm nutritious drinks
➢ Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The heart.
➢ Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?...Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose
➢ Which position is the best……Sitting on a chair,leaning forward
➢ witness to man getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to
➢ You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What is the rythm of resuscitation with two First Aiders?....5
compressions after every 1 inflation
➢ You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms ?..The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and
➢ You are witnessing someone about…The person may be very pale

XVII.Monitor Compliance With Legislative…

(Monitor Kepatuhan dengan Legislatif…)
➢ Any person serving on board who without the permission of the shipmaster leaves the ship in distress or other danger while the master
still on board shall be liable to….Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
➢ Any shipmaster who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without this being necessary shall be liable
to:…………Imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.
➢ Anyone who without valid reason places, removes, changes or conceals nationality marks or registration marks of a registered ship
shall be liable to:…Fines.
➢ As per the legislation in question, a copy of the provisions, as you know, shall generally speaking be accessible to the crew. Does this
apply as well as to a collective wage agreement?...Yes, if an employment agreement refers to the collective wage agreement
➢ Can a Norwegian Consulate execute authority on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD)?. A Norwegian Consulate has
already duties on behalf of the NMD and the directorate can in addition instruct a Consulate to act on the directorate's
➢ Do regulations on the scope of the Seamen's Act apply:….to both passengers and cargo ships? Yes.
➢ Does the nationality of the shipowning company have any importance in general to the application of Norwegian law on NIS
➢ For a person whose hours are not divided into watches, the regular working hours on board NIS-ship shall be between:……….0600 -
1700 hrs
➢ For how long shall time sheets concerning working hours on board ships be kept after their completion?...For minimum 3 year
➢ For how long time must the printout from the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME) be retained onboard?.........Three years
➢ For whom does the qualification requirements apply?...For personnel assigned to shipboard duties.
➢ How is the basic safety manning determined?....The Norwegian Maritime Directorate determines the basic safety manning after
an evaluation which includes, inter alia, job specifications and qualification requirements.
➢ How shall accidents and health hazards be prevented?.....By all the other mentioned alternatives.
➢ How should you, methodically speaking, get to know and to find relevant provisions in the book "Excerpts Excerpts from the Norwegian
Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc" ?....By help of the Headword Register, the Chronological Register, the table of
contents, the tables of contents in the respective provisions, the Preface, etc.

➢ If the subject is subject to manning control, which documentation must the master have at hand?...Master's record and
Documentation file.
➢ In the Act relating to the enrolment of employees onboard ships.
➢ Is a repairman not comprised by the specification of crew under obligation to public supervision of maritime service?......Yes, if
engaged by the owner.
➢ Is there any special area under MARPOL where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues?...There are special areas
where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues
➢ MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage outside "Special Areas". After unpacking spares, you are left with a limited amount of
packing materials. Is this prohibited, if not, what will be the nearest distance to land for disposal into the sea of these
materials?......This is prohibited
➢ MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea (Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have
some food waste burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the waste ground in the Grinder
(Lump size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?......12 miles
➢ Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90)….Every report or message must be logged including time and date
➢ Prior to entering service on a vessel in foreign trade for the first time you are required to have a health certificate not older
than?.............Three months.
➢ Service as master on board a NIS-ship for non-Norwegian citizens has to be approved by: Small oil spills on deck can be kept from
going overboard by doing what?...Plugging the scuppers
➢ The book "Excerpts from The Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc." has notes about whether international
regulations have been implented by Norway. Where can you find these notes?...In the main Section numbered VII The Norwegian
Maritime Directorate
➢ To which document does the following clause relate? "The contract is subject to Norwegian laws and Norwegian courts, but cases
concerning the employee's service on the ship may be brought against the owner before a Norwegian court or before a court in the
employee's country of residence. The agreement as mentioned in the first sentence is not a hindrance to a case being brought before a
court in another country when it ensues from the lugano Convention that such action shall be permitted"…To individual employment
agreements for service on NIS ships
➢ To whom do the certification requirements apply on a NIS cargo vessel? To persons in certificated positions as per the manning
certificate and certificated positions of additional manning, if any
➢ What are the average maximum working hours which may not be exceeded, in a year on NISships?.....2912 hours
➢ What are the duties of a master if a seafarer gets ill at sea?...All the other mentioned alternatives according to the situation
➢ What are the prerequisites for having a ship registered in NIS?.....That the shipowner is a Norwegian subject or fulfils other
requirements stated I Norwegian acts
➢ What can be the result of public supervision of maritime service of seafarers?...It could be any of the alternatives listed.
➢ What does normally form the basis for permission to a Non-Norwegian deck or marine engineer officer to serve in a position for which
a certificate of competency is required on NIS ships?...A certificate issued by the authorities of a state which has acceded to the
➢ What does the term DISCHARGE mean, as used in the Oil Pollution Regulations?...All the other alternatives
➢ What is supervision of maritime service of seafarers….Control by the master/employer and public supervisory authority that the
requirements of law or agreement concerning the employee's service on board are satisfied.
➢ What is the book named: "Excerpts from the Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc"? An unofficial translation of
"Den norske skipskontrolls regeler" leaving out some provisions, such as speed limits, relating to local Norwegian waters.
(The authorised Norwegian original applies in cases of discrepancies etc.);
➢ What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?....The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from
the water
➢ What is the minimum age for a seafarer on a NIS ship (foreign trade)?.....A person may serve on board as from the 17th. calendar
➢ What is the purpose of the O.D.M.E. (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) printer ?...To prove that oil has been pumped overboard
according to regulations
➢ What should you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which had burned garbage containing plastics?...Discharge to a
shore facility only
➢ What would be the preferred colour to use when maintaining the paint on shell, plating, structure and bottom/tanktopp in the engine
room?...White or light grey to ensure all minor spills and leakages are noticed and dealt with.
➢ When a pollution incident occurs there is a plan for actions to be undertaken. State which of following priority sequences to be
cons……….Stop pumps - report - clean up?
➢ Where is the master's responsibility for observing the provisions related to supervision of maritime service stated?
➢ Which Act has a provision that reads as follows: " The shipmaster shall take care that a copy of this Act and of the regulations issued in
pursuance of the Act is to be found on board" ?....The Seaworthiness Act.
➢ Which document must a foreign master definitely have before his documents may be considered for public supervision of maritime
service?....A letter "Exemption from the nationality requirement for foreign shipmasters"

➢ Which law applies to NIS-ships?....Norwegian law unless otherwise provided in or pursuant to a statue?
➢ Which of the following signal letters states that the ship is registered in NIS?........LAPQ4
➢ Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard?....15 PPM
➢ Which provisions concerning holidays must the master ensure that is carried onboard?....The Act relating to holydays and
Regulations relating to holydays for employees on ships.
➢ Which, if any, are the restrictions for trading areas on NIS ship when cargo is concerned?...They may not carry cargo between
Norwegian ports.
➢ Who are required to have participated in emergency preparedness training on a NIS cargo ship?.....All members of the crew
➢ Who are to pay the expenses in connection with public supervision of maritime service?...The employer.
➢ Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on board…..Both master and shipping company.
➢ Who is responsible for the storage and use of substances injurious to health on board?...The shipping company and the master
➢ Who may through delegation/agreement be given authority to survey a NIS cargo vessel of 500 gross tons and above (offshore units
excepted)? A ship's classification society recognized by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. b. The Norwegian Ship Control.
➢ Who shall check the ship's medical supplies?
➢ Who shall check the ship's medical supplies?....A pharmacy authorised or accepted by the Norwegian Board of Health or, if no
such pharnacy is available, the master and a doctor approved by a Norwegian Consulate shall perform inspection once every
12 months
➢ You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water around your vessel. You are to stop taking fuel
and:………..Notify the US Coast Guard
➢ Anyone who violates the provisions of Norwegian law or the provisions of regulations laid down by virtue of Norwegian law, relating to
contract of engagements and account book, to notification to, appearance before, or to the taking of evidence, shall be liable to….
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
➢ Convention that such action shall be permitted…………. To individual employment agreements for service on NIS ships
➢ Do regulations on the scope of the Seamen's Act both passengers and cargo ships? Yes.
➢ How can the master ensure obedience?....He shall ensure obedience by the use of force if he finds it necessary, but not use
harsher means than the circumstances make necessary.
➢ How does the Norwegian Maritime Directorate keep the master/ shipowners updated on the new and amended legislation relatives to
the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc"…Through stapled-in supplements in the
quarterly NMD magazine "Navigare" and Ships Documents.
➢ How shall accidents and health hazards be prevented?.....By all the other mentioned alternatives.
➢ In which areas is plastic material accepted for overboard disposal…. Not permissible any where.
➢ Is it the duty of the Master to see to it that legislation and CWA/CBA are available to seafarers on board?..The seafarers shall have
available for their use the Seamen's and NIS-acts with regulations, together with all relevant CWA's/CBA's.
➢ Is there any particular procedure to be followed when dismissing a seafarer?...A hearing shall be held before a committee on
requirements of law or agreement concerning the employee's service on board are satisfied
➢ Ships of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and more, shall be fitted with oil filtering equipment, complying with Reg.14 (7) of MARPOL for the
control of machinery space bilges. What would be the maximum oil content of oily-water mixture to pass through the filter?...15 ppm
➢ specified requirement
➢ The OPA-90 notification requirement is:…..Notify as soon as you have knowledge of any spill, or threat of a spill
➢ themployee's service on the ship may be brought against the owner before a Norwegian court or before a court in the employee's
country of residence. The agreement as mentioned in the first sentence is not a hindrance to a case being brought before a court in
another country when it ensues from the lugano
➢ To which Act(s) do(es) the special provisions relating to the seafarers in the NIS Act chiefly relate?....The Seamen's Act and the
Seaworthiness Act
➢ To whom do the certification requirements apply on a NIS cargo vessel?...To persons in certificated positions as per the manning
certificate and certificated positions of additional manning, if any
➢ To whom working on Norwegian ships does the Seamen's Act in principle apply?...To everyone engaged in work on board, except
those who only work on board while….the ship is in port
➢ Under ISM, what is a "non-conformity"?....An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a
➢ What are the average maximum working hours which may not be exceeded, in a year on NISships?....2912 hours
➢ What are the prerequisites for having a ship registered in NIS?...That the shipowner is a Norwegian subject or fulfils other
requirements stated in Norwegian acts
➢ What does normally form the basis for permission to a Non-Norwegian deck or marine engineer officer to serve in a position for which a
certificate of competency is required on NIS ships?...A certificate issued by the authorities of a state which has acceded to the
➢ What is supervision of maritime service of seafarers?...Control by the master/employer and public supervisory authority that the
➢ What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate……….5 years
➢ Which institution gives regulations concerning certificates of competency for marine deck and engineer officers?...The Norwegian
Maritime Directorate

➢ Which law applies to NIS-ships?....Norwegian law unless otherwise provided in or pursuant to a statue?
➢ Which of the connections you are shown, are the dedicated shore connection (MARPOLconnection) for discharging of sewage ?....4
➢ Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard?..... 15 PPM
➢ Which provisions concerning holidays must the master ensure that is carried onboard?.. The Act relating to holydays and
Regulations relating to holydays for employees on ships.
➢ Which, if any, are the restrictions for trading areas on NIS ship when cargo is concerned?..They may not carry cargo between
Norwegian ports.
➢ Who is responsible for ensuring that ratings forming part of a watch and personnel assisting o…performing cargo operations on tankers
are properly qualified?.... It is incumbent on the shipowners and the master to ensure that the requirements are complied with
and documented.
➢ Who may through delegation/agreement be given authority to survey a NIS cargo vessel of 500gross tons and above (offshore units
excepted)?...A ship's classification society recognized by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.
➢ You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water around you vessel. You are to stop taking fuel
and..Notify the US Coast Guard

XVIII. Application of leadership and teamworking skills

(Menerapkan keterampilan kepemimpinan dan kerjasama kelompok)
➢ All necessary information for the next port of call should be…Procured before departure from a port
➢ Allnecessaryinformationforthenextportofcallshouldbe:Procuredbeforedeparturefrom aport
➢ An alien crewmember with a D-1 permit leaves the vessel in a foreign port and fails to return. The first report you make should be to the
__________.Immigration Service
➢ AnaliencrewmemberwithaD-1permitleavesthevesselinaforeignportandfailstoreturn.Thefirst
➢ and commonspacesaremaintainedinaclean,safeandhygieniccondition
➢ Anemergencysituationonboardmustbereportedtothecompanyby:Thefastestmeansavailable
➢ auditberikutnyatidakdilakukanperbaikandisebutdengantemuan:Finding
➢ Berapa tahunkan berlakunya DOC ( Documen Of Compliance ) ?... 1 th
➢ BerapatahunkanberlakunyaDOC(DocumenOfCompliance)?3th
➢ Bukti objective yang ditemukan menunjukkan kondisi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan yang ditetapkan sewaktu
dilakukan external audit dan diberi catatan untuk diperbaiki namun sewaktu external audit berikutnya tidak dilakukan perbaikan
disebut dengan temuan .. Finding
➢ Buktiobjectiveyangditemukanmenunjukkankondisiyangtidakmemenuhipersyaratankeselamatanyang
Crisis Management
➢ ditetapkansewaktudilakukanexternalauditdandibericatatanuntukdiperbaikinamunsewaktuexternal
➢ formalmeetings&discussions
➢ Identify 4 of the Five Steps in Team Formation and Development…..Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing
➢ Identify4oftheFiveStepsinTeam FormationandDevelopment.Forming,Storming,Normingand Performing
➢ If Master finds reason to doubt whether the agent is giving the vessel's interest full and proper attention he should… Investigate the
matter carefully and report the findings to the company
➢ IfMasterfindsreasontodoubtwhethertheagentisgivingthevessel'sinterestfullandproperattentionhe
➢ It is the Master's responsibility to ensure that… concerned personnel carry out the on-board traing progamme effectively
➢ Itis the Master's responsibilityto ensure that:concerned personnelcarryoutthe on-board traing progam meeffectively
➢ Manajemen yang mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yang susah diatur atau dalam situasi krisis,disebut: Crisis Management
➢ Manajemen yang mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yang susah diatur atau dalam situasi krisis, disebut …..Crisis Management
➢ Manajemenyangcenderungpadapengaturanmassayangbanyakdimanakitaharusmampumengatasinya,disebut:CrowdManagement
➢ Master of every ship must provide…. A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore
➢ Masterofeveryshipmustprovide:Alinkbetweentheshipboardtrainingofficerandthecompany
➢ Onboard training should be organised in such a way that……….It is an integral part of the overall training plan
➢ Pihak–pihakmanasajakahyangtidakterlibatdalam pemberlakuanISMCode?Buruh
positive at mosp here among the crew
➢ Prior to ordering stores for any department;…..The store inventory should be checked so that you order only the items required
➢ PriortoarrivalataUSportfrom aforeignport,asperpresentregulation,theUSCGrequires:96hours noticeofarrival
➢ Priortoorderingstoresforanydepartment;Thestoreinventoryshouldbecheckedsothatyouorderonly
➢ Properandaccurateinventoryofstoresshouldbemaintainedinorderto:Controltheship'sbudget
➢ reportyoumakeshouldbetothe__________ImmigrationService

➢ Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best possible treatment:…For ship's clearance to take place quickly
and without complications
➢ Representativeoftheportauthoritiesshouldalwaysreceivethebestpossibletreatment:Forship's clearance to take place quicklyand with out
➢ SalahsatukeuntunganadanyaISM Codebagipelautadalah:Menjadikan kapal sebagai tempat bekerja yang aman bagi pelaut Ship'sOffice
➢ should:Investigatethemattercarefullyandreportthefindingstothecompany
➢ Suatu manajemen kapal yang sudah berjalan dengan baik dapat dilihat dari indicator – Indikator, diantara indicator – indicator tersebut
➢ Suatu proses atau sejumlah aktivitas yang berkesinambungan dan saling berhubungan yang melibatkan manusia, tekhnologi, metode,
modal untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi didalam pengoperasian kapal disebut….Shipping Management
➢ Suatuprosesatausejumlahaktivitasyangberkesinambungandansalingberhubunganyangmelibatkan manusia,
tekhnologi,metode,modaluntukmencapaisuatutujuanorganisasididalam pengoperasian
➢ The majority of convensions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into which of the three main categories:…Maritime Safety,
Prevention of Marine pollution, Liability and compensation It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere
among the crew
➢ The office phone, fax, telex and after office hours telephone numbers can be found in:…….The Ship's emergency contingency
➢ The responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is……Master
➢ The Roles and Responsibilities of a team includes:.Quality Management
➢ ThemajorityofconvensionsadoptedundertheauspicesofIMO fallintowhichofthethreemain categories:
➢ Theofficephone,fax,telexandafterofficehourstelephonenumberscanbefoundin:TheShip's emergency contingency manual
➢ Theproperwaytocorrectamistakeinthelogbookisto___drawonelinethroughtheentry,rewrite,and Initial the correction
➢ Theresponsiblepersonformaintainingbudgetonboardnormallyis:Master
➢ TheRolesandResponsibilitiesofateam includes:c)QualityManagement
➢ To be an effective communicator in……..Never Praise your team mates
➢ To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be….Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect
from both sides
➢ Tobeaneffectivecommunicatorinateam c)NeverListenbyyourself
➢ TohelpCreateandManageDiversityinateam youneedtoActivelytaketimeouttoincludepeoplein
➢ TohelpturnanindividualintobecomingaTeam Playerwewouldneedtod)Rewardandmotivatethem
➢ Tomaintaingoodrelationshipamongthecrew onboardavessel,onemustbe:Understanding,Cooperative, and have respect from bothsides
➢ What Individual or Group Behaviours might lead to an effective Team?........Able to listen to feedback
➢ WhatIndividualorGroupBehavioursmightleadtoaneffectiveTeam?Abletolistentofeedback
➢ Whenobservinghow teams communicate what signs do weseew henidentifyingeffectiveteam
➢ Where will you normally find the ship's documents including Crew Passports and CDC on board a vessel?.....Ship's Office
➢ Wherewillyounormallyfindtheship'sdocumentsincludingCrewPassportsandCDConboardavessel? Which of the Following is not a Type of
➢ Which of the following will be reported to a company on the emergency phone?..... All accidents where crew are injured or killed
➢ Which of these is a Disadvantage of Teamwork?..More time is taken to perform the tasks
➢ Which of these is an Advantage of Teamwork?.....Can provide Support
➢ WhichoftheFollowingisnotaTypeofTeam?Individual
➢ Whichofthefollowingwillbereportedtoacompanyontheemergencyphone?Allaccidentswherecrew are injuredor killed
➢ WhichoftheseisaDisadvantageofTeamwork?Moretimeistakentoperform thetasks
➢ WhichoftheseisanAdvantageofTeamwork?CanprovideSupport
➢ Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's document…Master
➢ Whoisresponsibleforthesafekeepingoftheship'sdocuments?Master
➢ Why is it important to make weekly/routine rounds in the accomodation areas?...To ensure that cabins and common spaces are
maintained in a clean, safe and hygienic condition
➢ Whyisitimportanttohavegoodrelationshipon-boardavessel?Itleadstobetterworkperformanceand
➢ Whyisitimportanttomakeweekly/routineroundsintheaccomodationareas?Toensurethatcabins
➢ Yangbertugastanggungjawabsemuaperalatankeselamatanyangadadiataskapaladalah:Mualim III
➢ YangtidaktermasuksetifikatsesuaidenganISMCodeadalah:CLC

XIX….Contribute to The Safety of Porsonnel…

(Berkontribusi Pada Keselamatan Personil)
➢ A lifejacket or immersion suit light has a luminous intensity of, and is capable of working at minimum for a period of…..0,75 candelas
(about 0,6 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 8 hours
➢ Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?...Starting achieved within 2 min
of commencing the start procedure at an ambient temperature of -15°C
➢ AsperSOLASregulations,thegeneralemergencyalarm system mustbetested:Everyweek
➢ During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?.........As instructed by the helicopter pilot
➢ During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release system, precautions to ensure that the gas is not
released into the engine room due to a mistake are to be ensured. What precautions should be taken? The main supply line to be
blanked off prior to the work.
➢ Duringabombsearch,whichofthefollowingisanimportantprincipletofollow?"Donottouchany
➢ Duringtestand/ormaintenanceworkoftheCO2system affectingthereleasesystem,precautionstoensure
➢ Everyinflatableliferaft,inflatablelifejacketandhydrostaticreleaseunitsshallbeserviced:Every12months.
➢ Everythreemonths.DetailsoftestwithsignaturesofMasterandwitness
➢ For how long should the self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat having its engine running be capable of
providing safe and breathable air ?.........10 minutes

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol………………..Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol……………….Start air supply

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol…………..........location of embarkation ladder

➢ Give the meaning of the following symbol…………..…..EPIRB

➢ Hand flares and buoyant smoke signals can continue to burn or emit smoke after having been
➢ heavy for its size."
➢ HowoftenmusttheEmergencySteeringGearbetested,andhowisthisinformationrecordedintheOLB? Every three months.Details of test with
signatures of Master and witness
➢ Howoftenshouldthelifeboatwirefallsbeturnedandrenewed? Turnedatintervalsofnotmorethan30 month sandrenewedevery5years
➢ immersed for a period of 10s…Right if the immersion depth is smaller than 100 mm
➢ In what language/languages must the fire control plans or booklets (or copies of these) be
➢ Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from accommondatio and work areas.
➢ On board passenger ships an abandon ship drill must be performed……….Every week
➢ On all UM Soperated vessels and alsoon mosto ther vessels the engine room is equipped with fire detectors. What requirement sof
testing and checking of the detector sare to be observed? All the mentioned alternatives.
➢ Ship Security Plans alllook the same.FALSE
➢ Should be taken?Themainsupplylinetobeblankedoffpriortothework.
➢ SOLAS regulation?...Each lifeboat shall be launched, and manoeuvred in the water with its assigned crew at least once every three
months during an abandon ship drill
➢ that the wearer's body core temperature does not fall at a rate of more than:..1.5°C per hour after the first 0.5h immersion in calm water
at a temperature of 5°C
thatthegasisnotreleasedintotheengineroom duetoamistakearetobeensured.Whatprecautions
➢ The emergency fire pump is in accordance with good seamanship and precautionary routines run and tested weekly. Routine checks
and maintenance are normally carried out by dedicated personnel. To ensure safe and appropriate operation of the pump, would you
consider it beneficial that the same dedicated personnel operate the pump in emergencies?....In case of accidents, it is important that a
wide range of personnel must b permitted and trained to operate the pump.
➢ The thermal insulation provided to the wearer of an anti-exposure suit is sufficient to ensure
➢ ThebestwaytoidentifyanIEDisto?Recognizeitscomponents.
➢ Thestepsoftheembarkationladderusedmustbeproportionedasitfollows:length=480mm,breadth=115mm,depth=25mm
➢ Thestepsoftheembarkationladderusedmustbespacedapartbyadistanceof:Equallyspacedandnot less than 300mm ormorethan380mm
➢ This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?.......Pallet scanner
➢ Thisdevicecandetectapackageofdrugsinsidealargedeliveryofship’sstores.Whatisit?Palletscanner
➢ What are the tricing pendants made for?.They automatically prevent any gap between the ship side and the lifeboat at the first stage of
its launching
➢ What is an IED?....A homemade bomb

➢ Whatdocrew,visitorsandcontractorsallhaveincommon?"Theyallhaveopportunitytosmuggledrugs.
➢ WhatisthepurposeoftheShipSecurityPlan?Protectyourshipfrom risksposedbysecuritythreatsor incidents.
➢ When a Master takes the leadership in approaching a problem, Must his first action be a decision that will directly solve the
problem?...Not necessary, he shall use all available resources. He should resist the temptation to step in and do it all by himself
➢ When reasonable and practicable, how often shall rescue boats be launched with their,assigned crew aboard and manoeuvred in the
water?...Every month
➢ Whenhandlingdrugs…Wearskinprotectionandafacemask.
➢ WhenisavisitoronboardrequiredtopresentanID?"OnSECURITYLevel1,2&3"
➢ Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to members of the crew….Preparation and
launching of the survival craft
➢ Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats….a manually controlled lamp fitted on the inside
➢ Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list?......Action to be taken by crew and passengers
➢ Which of the following requirement sregardingl ife-buoy scorrespond to present regulations? (SOLASIII/7.1)
➢ Which of these are indications that a parcel is suspicious?"The parcel is addressed to no one in particular, arrives unexpectedly and
➢ Which of these procedures should crew follow when conducting a bomb search?..Stand quietly in various spots around the space,
listening for unusual sounds like the tick tock of a clock mechanism
➢ Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?..........Gun
➢ Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat equipment correspond to present regulations? The normal equipment of every
lifeboat shall include…. A survival manual
➢ Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each
survival craft shall be stowed…..In a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion
➢ Which one ofthe listed requirements regarding service and maintenance oflife-saving appliances correspondto present
regulations?Instructionsforonboardmaintenanceoflife-savingappliancesin accor dance with the regulations shall beprovided
➢ Whichofthefollowingareasmaybepossiblerestrictedareas?(Reviewallanswers)Allalternatives
➢ Whichoftheseactionsshouldcrew takeifasuspiciousobjectthatmaybeabombislocatedduringa search? Confirm
➢ Whichoftheseareindicationsthataparcelissuspicious?"Theparcelisaddressedtonooneinparticular,
➢ Whichoftheseareindicatorsthatanindividualmaybeadrugsmuggler?Theindividualwearsbulkyorout of seasonclothing.
➢ Whichoftheseproceduresshouldcrewfollowwhenconductingabombsearch?"Standquietlyinvarious
➢ Whichofthesetypesofinformationisconsideredsensitive?Voyageitineraryanddepartureandarrival times.
➢ Whichoneofthelistedrequirementsregardinglife-savingappliancescorrespondstopresentregulations?All prescribed life-saving appliances
shall bemadeofnon-combustibleorfireretardantmaterial
➢ WhichSecurityLevelsrequiresthehighestsecurityalert?SecurityLevel3
➢ WhichstatementaboutIED’sistrue?AllIED’shavefourcommoncomponents.
➢ Whichtypeofequipmentcanbeusedtodetectexplosives?Particulatedetecto
➢ written?........In the Flag State official language with copies in English or French


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