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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Project Guide – Mrs. Suparna Pal

Subhomoy Chakraborty, Anupam Debnath, Soumini Some, Tanmay Dey, Ritabrata Bagchi, Ishita Choudhury
Project Leader, Circuit Designer, Model Designer, Project Report maker, Project Report Maker, Mathematical Analysis
B.Tech Electrical Engineering Department
Jis College Of Engineering, Kalyani, India

Abstract: Transmission Line Fault Detection is a crucial aspect of the electrical power system that helps to ensure the stability and
reliability of the power supply by detecting and isolating faults in the transmission line. In this project, advanced electrical
components such as a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer are used to detect and isolate faults in the
transmission line. The relay module acts as a switch, controlling the power supply to the thermistor sensor. When a fault occurs,
the relay module switches the power supply to the thermistor sensor, which then senses the rise in temperature due to the fault. The
transformer is used to step down the voltage from the transmission line to a level that can be safely handled by the thermistor sensor.
The system is compact, reliable, and can be easily integrated into existing power systems to improve their stability and reliability.
The use of a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer in the fault detection system offers several advantages,
including accurate and timely fault detection, compact and reliable design, and ease of integration into existing power systems. The
implementation of this project is expected to significantly improve the stability and reliability of the electrical power system.
Transmission lines play a vital role in delivering electrical energy from power generation plants to load centres. However,
faults like short circuits can occur in these transmission lines, which can cause significant damage to the equipment and disrupt
power supply. To ensure the stability and reliability of the electrical power system, it is imperative to detect and isolate such
faults in a timely manner. This is where the concept of Transmission Line Fault Detection comes into play.
In this process, advanced electrical components such as a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer are
used to detect and isolate faults in the transmission line. The relay module acts as a switch, controlling the power supply to the
thermistor sensor. When a fault occurs, the relay module switches the power supply to the thermistor sensor, which then senses
the rise in temperature due to the fault. The transformer is used to step down the voltage from the transmission line to a level that
can be safely handled by the thermistor sensor.
The use of a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer in the fault detection system offers several
advantages. The system is compact and reliable, making it easier to integrate into existing power systems. The thermistor
temperature sensor is highly sensitive and can accurately detect faults in the transmission line, allowing for quick and effective
isolation of the affected section. The transformer helps to ensure the safety of the system by reducing the voltage to a level that
can be safely handled by the thermistor sensor.
In conclusion, the Transmission Line Fault Detection system using a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a
transformer is a crucial component of the electrical power system. It helps to ensure the stability and reliability of the power
system by detecting and isolating faults in the transmission line in a timely manner. The use of advanced electrical components
makes the system compact, reliable, and easy to integrate into existing power systems.

Literature Survey
Transmission Line Fault Detection is a crucial aspect of the electrical power system that helps to ensure the stability and reliability
of the power supply by detecting and isolating faults in the transmission line. In recent years, many researchers have focused on
developing advanced electrical components and techniques for transmission line fault detection. In this literature survey, we will
review some of the recent research works in this field.
One of the recent studies focuses on the use of artificial intelligence algorithms for transmission line fault detection. The study used
a neural network-based approach to detect faults in the transmission line. The results showed that the proposed approach was able to
detect faults in the transmission line with high accuracy and in a timely manner.
Another study focused on the use of digital signal processing techniques for transmission line fault detection. The study proposed a
new approach based on the analysis of the power system frequency response. The results showed that the proposed approach was
able to accurately detect faults in the transmission line and was able to improve the accuracy of the traditional fault detection methods.

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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
In a different study, researchers proposed the use of microcontroller-based systems for transmission line fault detection. The
proposed system used a relay module, a thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer to detect and isolate faults in the
transmission line. The results showed that the proposed system was able to accurately detect faults in the transmission line and
was able to improve the stability and reliability of the power system.
In conclusion, the literature survey shows that there is a significant amount of research work being done in the field of transmission
line fault detection. Researchers are developing advanced electrical components and techniques to improve the accuracy and
reliability of fault detection systems. The use of artificial intelligence algorithms, digital signal processing techniques, and
microcontroller-based systems are some of the recent approaches being used for transmission line fault detection. The
implementation of these advanced techniques is expected to significantly improve the stability and reliability of the electrical
power system.


Transmission line faults are a major problem in the electrical power system and can cause significant disruption in the power
supply. Some of the main problems associated with transmission line faults include:
1. Power Outages: Transmission line faults can result in power outages, which can affect both residential and commercial
customers. This can cause significant inconvenience and financial losses, especially for businesses that rely on a constant
power supply.

2. Equipment Damage: Transmission line faults can cause damage to electrical equipment, such as transformers and
capacitors, which can be costly to repair or replace.

3. Increased Energy Losses: Faults in the transmission line can result in increased energy losses, which can have a significant
impact on the efficiency of the electrical power system.

4. Safety Hazards: Transmission line faults can also pose a safety hazard, as they can cause electrical arcs and fires. This can
put both the public and electrical workers at risk.

5. Reduced Reliability: Faults in the transmission line can reduce the reliability of the electrical power system, as they can
result in power outages and disruptions in the power supply.

In conclusion, transmission line faults pose a significant problem for the electrical power system, and it is important to have
effective methods for detecting and isolating these faults to ensure the stability and reliability of the power supply.

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Flow diagram for problem identification

Transmission line fault occurs

Power outages

Equipment like transformers,

insulators etc. gets damaged

Energy losses increases

Causes of Arc & Fire

Reduced in reliability

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Circuit Diagram

Mathematical Derivation

i) Line to line fault: A line to line fault is one where short-circuiting occurs between two phases of a system.

ii) Line to ground fault: A line to ground fault is one where short-circuit occurs between one phase of the system

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From here we identify that, here in this prototype we supplied the 4.95A current and after the fault happened it was detect and
switch off the transmission line in 0.5 - 1sec(by the help of multimeter).

Meantime detecting the fault and engineers are clear fault in short time and re-establish power system as quickly as possible on
very minimum interruption.

Research Gapping & Analysis

The research gap and analysis for the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer involves identifying the current limitations and challenges of existing transmission line fault detection methods, and
exploring the potential for further improvement using advanced electrical components and techniques.

One of the current limitations of existing transmission line fault detection methods is the inability to accurately detect faults in a
timely manner. This is due to the limitations of traditional fault detection techniques such as overcurrent protection and differential
protection, which are based on the analysis of current and voltage signals. These techniques may not be able to accurately detect
faults in real-time due to the complex nature of power system signals.

Another limitation is the lack of reliability and stability of existing fault detection systems. Some existing systems may not be able
to detect faults in certain conditions, leading to power outages and disruptions in the electrical power system.

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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)

To address these limitations, the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer explores the potential of using advanced electrical components such as relay module, thermistor temperature sensor,
and transformer for transmission line fault detection. The use of these components offers several advantages, including accurate
and timely fault detection, compact and reliable design, and ease of integration into existing power systems.

In terms of research gaps, there is still room for further improvement in the accuracy and reliability of the fault detection system
using these components. For example, further research can be done to optimize the design of the relay module, thermistor sensor,
and transformer to improve their performance and reduce the cost of the system.

In conclusion, the research gap and analysis of the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor
Sensor, and Transformer highlights the current limitations and challenges of existing transmission line fault detection methods, and
explores the potential for improvement using advanced electrical components and techniques. The implementation of this project
is expected to significantly improve the stability and reliability of the electrical power system, and further research is needed to
optimize the design of the components and improve their performance.

∙Equipment List

1) Double channel relay module - The relay module is the primary component of the fault detection system. It is used to switch
the power supply to the thermistor temperature sensor, based on the fault conditions.

2) Jumper wire female to female - The jumper wire is used to connect the various components of the system, such as the relay
module, the thermistor sensor, and the transformer.

3) Thermistor temperature sensor module - The thermistor sensor is used to detect the rise in temperature due to the fault in the
transmission line. The relay module switches the power supply to the thermistor sensor when a fault occurs, and the thermistor
senses the rise in temperature.

4) Transformer - The transformer is used to step-down the voltage from the transmission line to a level that can be safely handled
by the thermistor sensor.

5) Copper wire - The copper wire is used to make connections between the components of the system and to carry electrical signals.

6) Steel towers - The steel towers support the transmission line and help to keep it in place.

7) Three bulb - The three bulb is used to represent the load on the transmission line.

8) Hard card board - The hard card board is used as a base for mounting the components of the system.

3.3 Theoretical framework

The theoretical aspects of the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer involve the understanding of the electrical components and techniques used for fault detection in transmission lines.

Relay Module: A relay module is an electrical component that is used for switching and controlling electrical circuits. In this project,
the relay module is used for detecting and isolating transmission line faults. When a fault occurs, the relay module will detect the
change in current or voltage and trigger the appropriate action, such as opening a switch to isolate the faulted section of the
transmission line.

Thermistor Sensor: A thermistor is a type of temperature sensor that is used to measure the temperature of an object or environment.
In this project, the thermistor sensor is used to detect the temperature increase that occurs during a fault in the transmission line.
The thermistor sensor will detect the rise in temperature and trigger the relay module to isolate the faulted section of the transmission

Transformer: A transformer is an electrical component that is used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another through
electromagnetic induction. In this project, the transformer is used to isolate the faulted section of the transmission line and prevent
the fault from spreading to other parts of the electrical power system.

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The combination of these electrical components and techniques results in a highly reliable and efficient transmission line fault
detection system. The relay module detects the fault and triggers the appropriate action, while the thermistor sensor provides
accurate temperature readings to confirm the presence of a fault. The transformer isolates the faulted section of the transmission
line, preventing the fault from spreading and minimizing the impact on the electrical power system.

In conclusion, the theoretical aspects of the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer involve the understanding of the electrical components and techniques used for fault detection in transmission lines,
and how these components can be combined to create a reliable and efficient fault detection system.

Methodology of our Project

∙Flow Of Diagram
The methodology of the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and Transformer
can be outlined as follows:
Design and setup: The components such as the double channel relay module, thermistor temperature sensor module, transformer,
capacitor bank, copper wire, steel towers, three bulbs, and hard card board will be assembled and connected according to the
schematic diagram.
Power supply and testing: The system will be powered up and tested to ensure that all components are functioning correctly. The
three bulbs will be used to indicate the status of the system, with each bulb representing a different stage of the fault detection
Monitoring and detection: The relay module will continuously monitor the current and voltage in the transmission line. If a fault
occurs, the relay module will detect the change in current or voltage and trigger the appropriate action. The thermistor sensor will
also detect any temperature increase that occurs during a fault, confirming the presence of a fault.
Isolation and protection: If a fault is detected, the relay module will isolate the faulted section of the transmission line by opening
the switch. The transformer will then prevent the fault from spreading to other parts of the electrical power system. The capacitor
bank will also help to stabilize the system and reduce energy losses during a fault.
Evaluation and improvement: The performance of the transmission line fault detection system will be evaluated and any necessary
improvements will be made to ensure its reliability and efficiency.
In conclusion, the methodology of the project Transmission Line Fault Detection using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer involves the design and setup of the components, power supply and testing, continuous monitoring and detection,
isolation and protection during a fault, and ongoing evaluation and improvement to ensure the reliability and
efficiency of the system.

Isolation and
Design Power supply Monitoring protection
and setup and testing and detection

Evaluation and Isolation and

improvement protection


The system works as follows:

1. Normal Operation - When the transmission line is functioning correctly, the relay module does not switch the power supply to
the thermistor sensor.
2. Fault Detection - When a fault occurs in the transmission line, the relay module switches the power supply to the thermistor
sensor, and the thermistor senses the rise in temperature due to the fault.
3. Isolation of Fault - The fault is isolated by switching off the power supply to the affected section of the transmission line.
4. Repair and Restoration - The repair and restoration of the fault can be carried out after the fault has been isolated.


Industrial Advantages of our Project

The industrial advantages of the Transmission Line Fault Detection project using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and
Transformer are as follows:
1.Improved Safety: The fault detection system helps to prevent electrical hazards by isolating the faulted section of the
transmission line and reducing the risk of fire or other damage to equipment.
2.Improved Reliability: The system helps to ensure the reliability and stability of the electrical power system by detecting and
isolating faults in a timely manner, reducing the likelihood of power outages and service interruptions.

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3.Reduced Energy Losses: By detecting and isolating faults, the system helps to reduce energy losses due to the fault, improving
the overall efficiency of the power system.
4.Increased Asset Life: The fault detection system helps to extend the life of electrical assets, such as transformers and
capacitors, by reducing the frequency and severity of faults.
5.Improved Maintenance: By detecting faults early, the system helps to minimize the maintenance requirements for electrical
equipment, reducing the costs associated with repairs and replacements.
6.Enhanced Monitoring and Control: The system provides real-time monitoring and control of the transmission line, allowing
for prompt and effective response to faults.

These advantages make the Transmission Line Fault Detection project a valuable tool for improving the safety, reliability, and
efficiency of electrical power systems in industrial settings. By detecting and isolating faults in a timely manner, the system can
help to prevent electrical hazards, reduce energy losses, and improve the overall performance of the power system.

Implementation on Society

The implementation of the Transmission Line Fault Detection project using Relay Module, Thermistor Sensor, and Transformer
can have significant benefits for society. Some of the key benefits include:
1.Improved reliability of the power system: By detecting faults on the transmission lines in a timely manner, the project can help
to prevent power outages and ensure a more reliable power supply to homes and businesses.
2.Reduced energy losses: By detecting and addressing faults on the transmission lines, the project can help to reduce energy losses
and improve the efficiency of the power system.
3.Increased safety: By detecting faults on the transmission lines, the project can help to prevent electrical fires and other safety
hazards, improving the safety of communities.
4.Improved sustainability: By reducing energy losses and improving the efficiency of the power system, the project can help to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.
5.Cost savings: By detecting and addressing faults on the transmission lines, the project can help to reduce maintenance costs and
improve the financial stability of the power system, leading to lower energy costs for consumers.

Overall, the implementation of the Transmission Line Fault Detection project can have a positive impact on society by improving
the reliability, safety, sustainability, and efficiency of the power system.


In conclusion, the Transmission Line Fault Detection project is a significant advancement in the field of power systems. The
project utilizes a combination of relay modules, thermistor sensors, and transformers to detect faults on transmission lines and
improve the reliability of the power system. The use of these technologies allows for a timely and accurate detection of faults,
preventing power outages and ensuring a safe and sustainable power system.
The project also brings numerous benefits to society, including reduced energy losses, improved reliability, increased safety, and
cost savings. The integration of the project with other systems, and continued advancements in technology, will lead to even greater
benefits for society in the future.
Overall, the Transmission Line Fault Detection project is a valuable contribution to the field of power systems, and has the potential
to play a significant role in improving the reliability, safety, and sustainability of the power system for years to come. By continuing
to advance and improve the technology used in this project, it is possible to create a more efficient, safe, and sustainable power
system for future generations.
It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the successful completion of our final year project named as “Transmission Line Faults Detection
System with Temperature Protection”. We would like to thank our guide of this project Mrs. SUPARNA PAL madam from JIS
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, for the guidance and support throughout the project. We are also grateful to our group members
and classmates who assisted us in the completion of this project. Finally, we would like to thank all other faculty members of Jis
College of engineering who provided their help, guidance and support whenever needed. we would also like to thank everyone who
supported us during this project including our family and friends and all the other people who provided us some advice and
encouragement during this endeavor. we are completed this project and looking forward to the future opportunities and projects that
will come our way. Lastly, thank you all for your support.

(1) Fault Detection in Transmission Lines The study proposed a neural network-based approach for transmission line fault
detection using wavelet transform analysis. The proposed method was tested on real-time transmission line data and showed high
accuracy in detecting faults in the transmission line.
Reference: R. Sharma and S. C. Srivastava, "Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network-Based Fault Detection in
Transmission Lines," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 244-252, Feb. 2018.
(2) Frequency Response Analysis-Based Fault Detection in Transmission Lines The study proposed a new approach based on the
analysis of the power system frequency response for transmission line fault detection. The proposed method was tested on real-time
transmission line data and showed improved accuracy compared to traditional fault detection methods.
Reference: P. Kundu, A. Biswas, and S. Chakrabarti, "Fault Detection in Transmission Lines Using Power System Frequency
Response Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2005-2014, Oct. 2019.

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(3)Microcontroller-Based Fault Detection System for Transmission Lines The study proposed a microcontroller-based system for
transmission line fault detection using a relay module, thermistor temperature sensor, and a transformer. The proposed system was
tested on a laboratory-scale transmission line and showed accurate fault detection and isolation capabilities.
Reference: R. K. Yadav, V. Jain, and V. Jain, "Microcontroller-Based Fault Detection System for Transmission Lines,"
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 2586-2593, Jun. 2020.

(4) Hybrid Fault Detection System for Transmission Lines The study proposed a hybrid fault detection system for transmission
lines that combines wavelet transform analysis and artificial neural networks. The proposed system was tested on real-time
transmission line data and showed high accuracy in detecting faults in the transmission line.
Reference: T. G. Guesmi, M. N. Harmel, and M. F. Mimouni, "A Hybrid Approach for Fault Detection on Power Transmission
Lines," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 150, pp. 156-164, Nov. 2017.
(5) Fault Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques for Transmission LinesThe study proposed a machine learning-based
approach for transmission line fault detection using k-nearest neighbor and support vector machine algorithms. The proposed method
was tested on real-time transmission line data and showed high accuracy in detecting faults in the transmission line.
Reference: S. Kumar and V. K. Pandey, "Transmission Line Fault Detection Using k-NN and SVM Techniques," International
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 102, pp. 205-212, Dec. 2018.

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