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Name Designation Signature Date

Henry Akinniran HSE Manager 20-11-22
Hasan H M Project Manger 20-11-22




Contents 3

1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................4

2 Application..................................................................................................................4

3 Definition....................................................................................................................4

4 Potential Hazards........................................................................................................4

5 Principle......................................................................................................................4
Appendix B - Management of Change for Personnel & Organization Change Procedure......................12

1 Purpose
To provide all employees clear direction with regard to Management of Change (MOC)
requirements for all BNITC Operations.

2 Application
All BNITC Construction, Technology, Engineering Change, and Personal Change.

3 Definition
Qualified means one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional
standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully
demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or
the project.

4 Potential Hazards
Injury and or damage to personnel or equipment due to incorrect risk mitigations &
management of design changes to existing equipment

5 Principle
4.1 Purpose
 Corporate and Regulatory compliance
 BNITC requirement compliance
 To protect BNITC people & asset
 To assure that any changes which have the potential to impact the safety, health, and
environment are recognized, evaluated and properly authorized prior to any physical
change occurring, and documented.
4.2 Objectives and specific requirements for BNITC MOC
4.2.1 General Requirements
All MOC processes at any BNITC operation asset facilities for Technology and
Engineering Change are to be addressed in the following methods:
 The technical basis for the change proposed,
 The impact of change proposed on Asset facilities safety and health,
 Technical Review and Risk Assessment by the related qualified personnel
 The modification to operating procedures,
 Duration,
 Authorizations required;
 Informing and training employees affected by the change
 Updating process safety information and operating procedures or practices.

Pre-start Safety Review prior to start up

4.2.2 Change to Personnel and organization structure requirement
Personnel Change or change to the organizational structure shall be reviewed for their
potential impact on the facility risk levels. Prior to personnel movement or change, a
transfer of experience must be pursued properly to ensure remaining safe operations.
4.2.3 Change Duration Requirement
Any changes for Temporary duration shall not be more than 6 months. Any extended time
required for the temporary change will require a review of the MOC, hazards and reasons
for extension. This information is to be provided to the assigned person for each Asset.
4.2.4 Document Requirements
All MOC process document are to be stored electronically in the BNITC SAP MOC
Notification database
All Engineering documents produced from the MOC process such as P&ID, Cause &
Effect, Safe Chart, Safety Data Sheet, operating manual, etc. are to be reviewed,
approved and stored by the approved document management system.
The time limit for updating document and drawing to be as-built is 45 days from
the date designated red lined. All documentation for MOC must be retained
according to the BNITC document retention policy.
4.3 Management of Change Audit
To ensure compliance with this standard and to recognize the opportunity for
improvement, the MOC process in all BNITC Operation area is to be audited periodically.
The BNITC MOC process shall be audited via a three tier audit process.
 Tier 1 audit is conducted by the Site MOC Coordinator
 Tier 2 audit should be scheduled and conducted by the HSE Department -
Corporate Audit Program.
 Tier 3 audit will be conducted as part of BNITC corporate audit program.

4.4 Training
The appropriate level and type of training for all changes will be identified during
M O C review process and implemented prior to the affected personnel operating the
equipment or process affected by the change. Training due to the MOC process is an
independent training requirement, in addition to BNITC standard training requirement.
4.5 Reporting requirements
BNITC will use a standardized metrics system to implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis, and improvement MOC process.

Goals Key Performance Indicator

 Ensure all MOC compliance 1. Number of MOC Non-conformance vs.
to MOC procedure number of MOC audit

 Reduce MOC turnaround time 22. Average time require for each of the step
from initiation to . for the MOC process.
33. Number of MOC request vs. number of
 Ensure that all changes to
. MOC close
existing facility manage
4. No Facility Change found at site without
through management of
4 any MOC Documentation.
change process

The Key Performance Indicator are to be reported quarterly and needed:

 To demonstrate and ensure the conformity of the process.
 To continually improve the effectiveness of MOC process.

4.6 BNITC MOC Process

BNITC MOC process consists of activities to:
1) Change Initiation
2) Change Identification
3) Technical Review and Risk Assessment
4) Inform and/or train affected personnel
5) Pre Start up Safety Review
6) Change Closure

4.6.1 Change Initiation Process

Once potential change is recognized by the initiator. The change shall be
requested and communicated to appropriate level of supervisor/
management from where the change is initiated.
4.6.2 Change Identification
This standard applies only to non-RIK changes. Determination of whether
a change is RIK and/or covered by a current SSP shall be made by the
supervisor/ manager responsible for the imitating the change.
4.6.3 Technical Review and Risk Assessment
Any changes shall be reviewed by a minimum of three qualified individuals.
More reviewers may be necessary depending on the scope of the change.
Any changes that impact Engineering Document(s)/ Drawing(s) shall be
reviewed by the appropriate level and type of engineering as appropriate
for the change.
Examples of items that the review team may consider the following when
reviewing proposed changes:
 Environmental & Regulatory Requirement:
 Regulations and Standards
 Occupational Safety & Health Review

 Installation
 Warranties

 Structural and Mechanical Review

 Safety Case
 System and Electrical Review
 Facility Review
 Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
 Drilling/Well Operations
 Procedures
 Mechanical Integrity
 Project Management of Physical Change
 Personnel Training Requirements

Based on the technical review and assessment the discipline review team
shall provide the initiating supervisor with those actions which will be
required to ensure the change does not result in exceeding the risk
acceptance criteria for the asset or against regulation.
The review team will retain the final responsibility for verifying and
signing off that the required MOC actions have occurred prior to placing
the change into service. Any change to the scope of work that occurred
during the execution of work area is subject to this MOC standard.
4.6.4 Pre-start Up Safety Review
The intent of the PSSR is to ensure that prior to placing the change into
effect, that the change has been made per design and that all actions
identified during the MOC review process have been implemented as
Minimum requirements include that the pre-startup safety review
confirm the following:
 Construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications
 Required risk assessments have been performed and
recommendations implemented
 Modified facilities meet the requirements
 Training affected employee involved in the process has been
completed or will be completed prior to them being required to
operate the change.
4.6.5 Change Closure
The closure of the change indicates the following:

 PSSR has been carried out and the required certification have been
 All related drawing(s) and documentation, including Operating
procedures, have been updated, approved “As Built” and issued.
 All necessary environmental and regulatory requirements have
been completed and revised (applicable)
 The personnel affected by the change have been inform and trained
 The closure change has been verified with the Project Manager.

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