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 Definition of Art and Music

• Art is an element of culture that is inseparable from human life. Things that are
artistic in nature have existed since ancient times until now and continue to
experience development.

• Music is a branch of art that discusses and defines various sounds into patterns
that humans can understand and understand. Music has become a part of
everyday human life. In fact, there are people who make music a necessity of life.
He can only function properly when he is on the move while listening to music.


1. What type of music do you like ?

• Pop

• Rock

• Kpop/ Pop

an average of 59% of SMK Eka Wijaya students like this type of pop music and
the remaining 40,7% likes kpop

2. How often do you listen to music? • Often

• Seldom

• Sometimes

the average student of SMA Eka Wijaya often listens to music as much as 63% and
the remaining 33% only sometimes listens to music

3. What app do you usually use when listening to songs?

• Youtube

• Spotify

• Apple Music
The average, 85.2% of SMK Eka Wijaya students listen to music more often using
Spotify and the remaining 14.7% use YouTube as a player

4. What art do you like? • Music

• Painting

• Theatre

The average, 80.8% of SMK Eka Wijaya Vocational High School students prefer
music and the remaining 14.4% like painting

5. Who is your favourite singer?

• Tulus

• Mahalini

• Taylor Swift

the average student of SMK Eka Wijaya Vocational High School as many as 55.6%
chose Taylor Swift, maybe because his voice is better than Tulus and Mahaini,
who only got 33.3 votes for Tulus and 11.1 for Mahaini

6. Where do you usually get inspiration to create a work or art? • Museum

• House

• School

The average, 55.6% of SMK Eka Wijaya Vocational high school students often get
inspiration at home, especially when they are in the bathroom, and the remaining
25.9% and 18.5% often get inspiration at museums and schools

7. Do you think art is important or not in your life? Give the reason!

according to some people art is very important because art can make us happy
and make our lives not boring
8. Why is art the most underrated field according to many people? Explain
your opinion!

because art is a field that is most often considered easy to do for some people,
but in reality art requires skill and proficiency in doing it, many people do not
understand the values of art, therefore they consider art to be something that is
not important

9. What do you think music means? explain!

Music is a combination of tones, rhythms and sounds that have emotion and
cognition. According to some people, music is an art that makes people happy
because it contains a collection of words taken from a person's life story to
express his heart to the listener.

10. Explain the influence of music in your life!

music is very influential in life because music can make someone happy and calm
there are some songs that have a very deep meaning that can make a person's
mood rise.

 Conclusion from our survei

art and music are very important for everyone's life because they can change the
mood to be calmer and can change one's mindset.

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