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Biological Life Part of a Universal Natural Process In The Universe


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2024
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A Theory For Biological Hydrocarbons………………………………………………….4

The Principle of Least Action………………………………………………………………..6

Our Theory For Hydrocarbons………………………………………………………………10

The Data For Verifying The Equations…………………………………………………. 13

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Introduction I have a theory for the star systems, the planets and their suns, wherein such
systems are solved with the Schrödinger wave equation that is used to solve atomic systems. The
result is that star systems and atomic systems, systems on the macro scales and micro scales, are
governed by the same underlying principles. It came to pass that this theory indicated an
overlap with biological systems indicating that biological life could be part of the same idea, and
that is what I hope to pull out of that paper and develop here.

The theory for the planets, which also predicted the radius of a proton, which is one of the
fundamental particles out of which matter is made, suggested that star systems which support
life are a part of a Universal natural process. One of the conditions for star systems that support
life made use of the interesting fact that has mystified science for some time now, that the Moon
is the right size and distance from the Earth that it nearly perfectly eclipses the Sun. The reason
a moon would be necessary for life to be optimally successful on a habitable planet is that we
know our moon that orbits our Earth, makes life here successful because it holds the Earth at its
inclination to its orbit around the Sun allowing for the seasons, thus preventing extreme hot and
extreme cold.

Interestingly, the solution for the planets of the Schrödinger wave equation, was quantized in
terms of the Earth’s moon, and a base unit of one second. The Moon seems to be some sort of a
natural yardstick. The strange thing is that the basis unit of time is one second and the second
was not developed with the planets and atoms in mind, so it is strange that it lands upon the
function of a natural constant in our theory. In the theory (An Abstract Theory of Reality,
Beardsley 2024) I talk a little about why that might be. The second came to us from the Ancient
Sumerians, who invented civilization with settling down from following the herds and hunting
with stone spearpoint to invent agriculture, metallurgy, writing, and mathematics. They had a
base 60 counting system, and found it convenient then to divide the Earth day (rotation period)
into 24 hours, which in the end became adopted by the world. Their base 60 counting resulted in
the Babylonians dividing the hour into 60 minutes, and that in turn into 60 seconds, and that is
how we have the duration of a second we have today. They chose base 60 (sexagesimal) because
60 is evenly divisible by so much from which they gave us the 12 hour day and 12 hour night or
24 hour day from sunrise to sunrise, sunset to sunset. 12 times 5 is 60, also 60 times 6 is 360,
they gave us the 360 degree circle as well.

In this paper I show that the same unit of a second that describes planetary systems and atomic
system in common describes hydrocarbons, the skeletons of biological life chemistry. I further
show that it predicts the atomic radii of the hydrogen and and carbon atoms from which such
skeletons are made. Hydrogen and carbon are the most abundant elements in life chemistry,
carbon is the core element upon which life is made, and hydrogen is the simplest element,
element one in the periodic table of the elements, consisting of 1 proton, and is the most
abundant element in the universe by far, and plays the dominant role in all of chemistry.
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A Theory For Biological Hydrocarbons I have found that the basis unit of one second is
not just a Natural constant for physical systems like the atom and the planets around the Sun
(See my paper An Abstract Theory of Reality, Beardsley 2024) but for the basis of biological
life, that it is in the sixfold Nature of the chemical skeletons from which life is built, the
hydrocarbons. I found

1 rp 4πh
1). 1secon d = ⋅
6α 2 mp Gc
K Em
2). 1secon d = (Ear th Da y)
K Ee

Where α = 1/137 is the fine structure constant, rp is the radius of a proton, mp is the mass of a
proton, h is Planck’s constant, G is the constant of gravitation, c is the speed of light, K Em is the
kinetic energy of the Moon, K Ee is the kinetic energy of the Earth, and Ear th Da y is the
rotation period of the Earth is one day.

The first can be written:

1 h 4π rp2
3). = 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
4). = 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α 2 mp Gc

From which instead of saying the left sides of these equations are seconds, we say they are
proton-seconds by not letting the units of mp cancel with the bodies of these equations on the
left, which are in units of mass, but rather divide into them, giving us a number of protons. I say
this is the biological because these are the hydrocarbons the backbones of biological chemistry.
We see they display sixfold symmetry. I can generate integer numbers of protons from the time
values from these equations for all of the elements with a computer program. Some results are:
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A very interesting thing here is looking at the values generated by the program, the smallest
integer value 1 second produces 6 protons (carbon) and the largest integer value 6 seconds
produces one proton (hydrogen). Beyond six seconds you have fractional protons, and the rest of
the elements heavier than carbon are formed by fractional seconds. These are the hydrocarbons
the backbones of biological chemistry. And carbon is the core element of life. We see the
duration of the base unit of measuring time, 1 second, given to us by the ancients (the base 60,
sexagesimal, system of counting of the Sumerians who invented math and writing and started
civilization), is perfect for the mathematical formulation of life chemistry. Here is the code for
the program, it finds integer solutions for time values, incremented by the program at the
discretion of the user:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
float value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): ");
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
float decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);

We have that

1 rp 4π h 0.833E − 15 4π (6.62607E − 34)

⋅ = 18769 = 6.029978s ≈ 6s
α2 mp Gc 1.67262E − 27 (6.67408E − 11)(299,792458)

Since this 6 seconds is also proton-seconds we have

1 1 rp 4π h
5). ⋅ 2⋅ = 1secon d is carbon (C)
6pr oton s α m p Gc

1 1 rp 4π h
6). ⋅ 2⋅ = 6secon d s is hydrogen (H)
1pr oton α m p Gc
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Because this is the biological part of a theory of everything in physics (An Abstract Theory of Reality,
Beardsley 2024) we want to talk a little about this physics for biologists.

The Principle of Least Action Action is the Lagrangian, L, is the difference in kinetic and
potential energy:

2 ( dt )
1 dx
L= m − U(x)

The path, S, of a mass from the initial time to the final time is the integral of action over time:

S= L dt

The trajectory it takes is the Path of Least Action, which is not a derived or proven law of
Nature, but a principle of Nature that underlies all of Nature and is at the basis of physics, it is
Newton’s Second Law, F = m a, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,
where the force is the acceleration of the mass. The principle of least action was first put
forward by Louis Maupertuis 1698-1759 a French mathematician and philosopher. He said:

The laws of movement and of rest deduced from this principle being precisely the same as
those observed in nature, we can admire the application of it to all phenomena. The movement
of animals, the vegetative growth of plants… are only its consequences; and the spectacle of
the universe becomes so much the grander, so much more beautiful, the worthier of its Author,
when one know that a small number of laws, most wisely established, suffice for all movements.

We can explain this by taking a small change in the path ϵ:

x(t) → x(t) + ϵ(t)

The Lagrangian then changes with a small change in path:

d x dϵ dU
dL = m − ϵ
dt dt dx
Integrate the first part by parts, where integration by parts comes from the product rule for

(u(x)v(x))′ = v(x)u′(x) + u(x)v′(x)

Integrating both sides and rearranging we have integration parts is:

∫ ∫
u(x)d v = u(x)v(x) − v(x)du

dt ( dt )
d dx d x dϵ
m ϵ =m 2 ϵ+m
dt dt dt
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We have

dt ( dt )
dU d dx
dL = − m 2 ϵ − ϵ+ m ϵ
dt dx
We take the integral of this for the action

( dt dx )
d 2 x dU
∫t dt ( dt )
d dx
dS = − m 2 − ϵ+ m ϵ dt

And we set this equal to zero to get the minimum, the shortest path. In the second term epsilon
vanishes at t_i and t_f because it is very small and even smaller because we take the
derivative of it, so the second term goes to zero. We have

( dt 2 dx )
d 2 x dU
dS = − m − ϵ dt = 0

For this to be zero we must have

( dx )
d 2 x dU
m − =0
dt 2

And this is Newtons second Law, F = m a. Let us see how we can use the principle of least
action to predict a law of Nature. Here we consider the angle of incidence equals the angle of

We want the path from A to B off

some point P.

The path of least action is the

shortest path, is to set the derivative
of the path equal to zero. The path

d1 + d2 = f (x) = a2 + x2

+ b 2 + (c − x)2

The derivative of its path is

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x (c − x))(−1) x c−x
f′(x) = + = − and we set it equal to zero:
a2 + x2 b 2 + (c − x)2 d1 d2
x c−x
= = 0, which is cos(α) = cosβ, which means α = β
d1 d2
Thus the path of least action is when the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.

Let us find the law of

refraction called Snell’s Law.
By the principle of least
action the path from A to B
refracted by the line
between two mediums, say
air and water, is the path of
least time, which is the
shortest path. Let us say t is
time, c is the speed of light
in air, and v is the speed of
light in water. We have

x2 + a2 b 2 + (s − x)2
t (x) = +
c v
dt 2x 2(s − x)(−1)
= +
dx 2c x 2 + a 2 2v b 2 + (s − x)2
By the principle of least action dt/dx=0, we have

1 x 1 s−x
⋅ = ⋅
c d1 v d2
Which is

sin(α) sin(β )
c v
Which is Snell’s law for refraction.
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We now only need to understand time. Time is the direction through which events are
separated as space moves through it at the speed of light c.

We consider a particles, say a proton, as pictured

at left in space. As it moves through space (x) it
actually travels through times (t) as well so it
really moves the distance d. We cannot measure
the distance t with a yardstick because our mind
cannot conceive of this direction, so we measure
it with clocks, which are periodic, that have a
frequency, cycles per second. Like an oscillator,
or the Earth’s rotation, which is one rotation
(cycle) per 24 hours, is its frequency.

Thus as the particle move through x, it moves through a distance t, of time. But how do we
consider time a distance? We have either the distance d is

d= t 2 + x 2 Or

d= c 2t 2 + x 2

The latter because distance is velocity times time and ct is the distance the particle has moved
through time. We set the two equal and get

t2 + x2 = c 2t 2 + x 2 And it says

t = ct
Thus we have

d= c 2t 2 + x 2 Which can be written

x2 v2
d= 1+ 2 2 = 1 + 2 Since x /t = v, where v = velocit y
c t c

Since we don’t perceive ourselves as moving through the time direction we find the faster we
go, the more time slows down in our inertial frame, and the more distance dilates. We take the
conjugate of this last equation and we have the factor by which time and space dilate in
Einstein’s theory of relativity:
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t′ =

L′ = L 1− 2

Our Theory For Hydrocarbons With all that has been said we are equipped to proceed. We
want to consider the radius of a hydrogen atom and the radius of a carbon atom. The radius of
a carbon atom given in your periodic table of the elements is often 70 to 76 picometers. The
covalent radius of hydrogen is given as 31 picometers. The atomic radius of hydrogen is 53
picometers and the atomic radius of carbon is 67 picometers. We want to consider the atomic
radii of both, because the covalent radius, determined by x-ray diffraction for diatomic
hydrogen, is the size of two hydrogen atoms joined H2 divided by two, where it is measured
that way, joined, in the laboratory. Carbon is C2 divided by 2. We are interested in the single
carbon and hydrogen atoms, because we want to know what our theory for their six-fold
symmetry with one another in their representations in proton-seconds says about the way they
combine as the skeletons of life chemistry. We start with the Planck constant, h, which is like
flux, a mass (perhaps a number of particles) per second over an area. That is it is kilograms per
second over square area:

h = 6.62607E − 34J ⋅ s = 6.62607E − 37 ⋅ m2
We have equations 5 and 6:

1 1 rp 4π h
5). ⋅ 2⋅ = 1secon d is carbon (C)
6pr oton s α m p Gc

1 1 rp 4π h
6). ⋅ 2⋅ = 6secon d s is hydrogen (H)
1pr oton α m p Gc

We can write these

( )
kg 6secon d s
6.62607E − 37 ⋅ m2 =
s mp

( )
kg 6secon d s
7). 6.62607E − 37 ⋅ m2 = 2.37689E − 6m 2
s 1.67262E − 27kg

( ) 6mp
kg 1secon d
6.62607E − 37 ⋅ m2 =

( )
kg 1secon d
8). 6.62607E − 37 ⋅ m2 = 6.602486E − 8m 2
s 6(1.67262E − 27kg)
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We have from 7 and 8…

h (6seconds)

mp 1 2.37689E − 6m 2
(1second )
= = 35.9999 ≈ 40
⋅ 6.602486E − 8m 2
mp 6

We find the ratio between the surface areas of the hydrogen and carbon atoms:

10). Hsurface = 4π (rH2 ) = 3.52989E − 20m 2

11). Csurface = 4π (rC2 ) = 5.64104E − 20m 2

4π (53pm)2
= 0.62575 ≈ 0.618... = ϕ
4π (67pm)2
It is the golden mean. These atomic radii are the radii between the nucleus of the atoms and
their valence shell, which is what we want because the valence shell is the outermost electrons
responsible for the way the hydrogen and the carbon combine to make hydrocarbons. We will
write this

12). = ϕHC
I am guessing the reason we have the golden mean here is that it is the number used for
closest packing. But what we really want to do is look at the concept of action, for hydrogen
given by six seconds and carbon given by 1 second. We take equations 5 and 6:

1 1 rp 4π h
5). ⋅ 2⋅ = 1secon d is carbon (C)
6pr oton s α m p Gc

1 1 rp 4π h
6). ⋅ 2⋅ = 6secon d s is hydrogen (H)
1pr oton α m p Gc

And, we write

Gc t
h ∫0
13). mp d t = rA

Where rA is the radius of the atom, and t its time values given here by equations 5 and 6. We have for

Gc t (6.67408E − 11)(299,792,458) 6sec

h ∫0 ∫0
14). mp d t = (1.67262E − 27k g) dt
6.62607E − 34

=(9.2E − 12m /s)(6secon d s) = 5.5E − 11m

This is actually very close to the radius of a hydrogen which can vary around this depending on how you
are looking at it, which we said is given by 5.3E-11m. For hydrogen we have:
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Gc t (6.67408E − 11)(299,792,458) 6sec+1sec

h ∫0 ∫0
15). mp d t = (1.67262E − 27k g) dt
6.62607E − 34

=(9.2E − 12m /s)(7secon d s) = 6.44E − 11m

And this is actually very close to the radius of a carbon atom which is 6.7E-11m. The thing is if we consider
the bond length of the simplest hydrocarbon CH4, methane, which can be thought of as

16). rH + rC = 5.3E − 11m + 6.7E − 11m = 1.2E − 11m

our, equations give

17). rH + rC = 5.5E − 11m + 6.44E − 11m = 1.2E − 11m

which are the same thing. Thus we have the basis for a theory of everything in that it includes the macro
scale, the Earth/Moon/Sun System, because equation 2 gives 1 second:

K Em
2). 1secon d = (Ear th Da y)
K Ee
and it includes the radius of the proton which is the radius and mass of a proton and gives 1

1 rp 4πh
1). 1secon d = ⋅
6α 2 mp Gc

and we have the hydrocarbons the skeleton of the chemistry of life give one second

1 1 rp 4π h
5). ⋅ 2⋅ = 1secon d is carbon (C)
6pr oton s α m p Gc

1 1 rp 4π h
6). ⋅ 2⋅ = 6secon d s is hydrogen (H)
1pr oton α m p Gc

and because they predict the radii of the Carbon and hydrogen atoms at the core of life

Gc t (6.67408E − 11)(299,792,458) 6sec

h ∫0 ∫0
14). mp d t = (1.67262E − 27k g) dt
6.62607E − 34

=(9.2E − 12m /s)(6secon d s) = 5.5E − 11m

Gc t (6.67408E − 11)(299,792,458) 6sec+1sec

h ∫0 ∫0
15). mp d t = (1.67262E − 27k g) dt
6.62607E − 34

=(9.2E − 12m /s)(7secon d s) = 6.44E − 11m

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The Data For Verifying The Equations

mP : 1.67262 × 10−27 kg (Proton Mass)

h : 6.62607 × 10−34 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)
rp : 0.833 × 10−15m (Proton Radius)
G: 6.67408 × 10−11N 2 (Gravitational Constant)
c : 299,792,458m /s (light speed)
α : 1/137 (Fine Structure Constant)
qp = qe = 1.6022E − 19coulom bs
Nm 2
ke = 8.988E 9 2
Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds. Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and
Earth’s orbital velocity at perihelion we have:

K Emoon = (7.347673E 22kg)(966m /s)2 = 3.428E 28J
K Eearth = (5.972E 24kg)(30,290m /s)2 = 2.7396E 33J
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The Author

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