Hazards due to earthquakes

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A number of naturally occurring events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and floods, are capable of causing
deaths, injuries and property damage. These natural hazards cause tremendous damage around the word each year.
Hazards associated with earthquakes are commonly referred as seismic hazard. Earthquakes are the cause of
thousands of deaths and colossal loss and damage of properties and the natural landscape. Such a devastation and
loss could be significantly mitigated through advance assessment of seismic hazard and risk and through the
implementation of appropriate land use, construction codes, and emergency plans. If major earthquakes could be
predicted, it would be possible to evacuate population centres and take other measures that could minimize the loss of
life and perhaps reduce damage to property as well.

1. Ground or Seismic Shaking

2. Structural Hazard (Destruction of Infrastructure)

3. Liquefaction

4. Landslides

5. Tsunami

6. Fire

7. Flooding

8. Lifeline hazards (Disruption of service)


Ground or seismic Shaking is a term used to describe the

vibration of the ground during an earthquake. Seismic shaking
is caused by body waves and surface waves. As a
generalization, the severity of ground shaking increases as
magnitude increases and decreases as distance from the
causative fault increases. Seismic shaking is generally strongest
closest to the epicenter. Strong seismic shaking can occur in
areas of loose soil or filled in land far from an epicenter. The
filled soil magnifies the effects of the seismic waves. Structures
in such an area can experience severe damage though far from
the epicenter.

Without doubt, the most dramatic and memorable images of

earthquake damage are those of structural collapse. From the
predictable collapse of the unreinforced masonry and adobe
structures in which many residents of underdeveloped areas of the
world lives to the surprising destruction of more modern
construction. Structural damage is the leading cause of death and
economic loss in many earthquakes. However, structures need not
to collapse to cause death and damage. Falling objects sucks as
brick facings and parapets on the outside of the structure or heavy
fixtures and shelves within a structure have caused casualties in
many earthquakes. Interior facilities such as gas and water piping,
lighting, electrical lines and storage system can also be damage
during earthquakes.

Liquefaction takes place when loosely packed, water-logged sediments

at or near the ground surface lose their strength in response to strong
ground shaking. Liquefaction occurring beneath buildings and other
structures can cause major damage during earthquakes. When
liquefaction occurs, what had been stable soil suddenly turns into liquid.
The liquid cannot support buildings or other structures. Buildings and
bridges may settle and collapse. Underground storage tanks or sewer
lines may float to the surface. For example, the 1964 Niigata earthquake
caused widespread liquefaction in Niigata, Japan which destroyed many
buildings. Also, during the 1989 Loma Prieta, California earthquake,
liquefaction of the soils and debris used to fill in a lagoon caused major
subsidence, fracturing, and horizontal sliding of the ground surface in
the Marina district in San Francisco.

Earthquakes can trigger different types of mass movements. These

mass movements can often do more destruction and loss of life than
the initial quake. Earthquakes often cause loose rock and soil on
slopes to move. These movements are called landslides. More
commonly, earthquake-induced landslide cause damage by
destroying buildings, or disrupting bridges and other constructed
facilities. Manu earthquake-induced landslide result from liquefaction
phenomena, but many others simply represent the failures of slopes
that were marginally stable under static condition. In areas where the
water content of the soil is high, an earthquake can start a mudflow.
During a mudflow, a mixture of soil and water slides downhill rapidly
burying everything beneath.

Rapid vertical seafloor movement caused by fault rupture during earthquakes

can produce long -period sea waves called tsunamis. In open sea, tsunamis
travel great distance at high speeds but difficult to detect – they usually have
heights of less than 1 m and wavelengths (the distance between the crest) of
several hundred kilometers. As a tsunami approaches shore, however, the
decreasing water depth causes its speed to decrease and the height of the
wave to increase. In coastal areas, the shape of the seafloor may amplify the
wave, producing a nearly vertical wall of water that rushes far inland and
causes devastating damages.
Earthquake-induced waves in enclosed bodies of water are seiches. Typically
caused by long period seismic waves that match the oscillation of the water in
the lake or reservoir. Another cause of seiche can be formed when faulting
causes permanent vertical displacement within lake or reservoir.

The six main earthquake hazard is fire. These fires can be

started by broken gas lines and power lines, or tipped over
wood or coal stoves. They can be a serious problem,
especially if the water lines that feed the fire hydrants are
broken, too. For example, after the Great San Francisco
Earthquake in 1906, the city burned for three days. Most
of the city was destroyed and 250,000 people were left

Another main hazard is flooding. An

earthquake can rupture (break) dams or
levees along a river. The water from the
river or the reservoir would then flood the
area, damaging buildings and maybe
sweeping away or drowning people.

A network of facilities that provide the services required for commerce and
public health can be found in virtually any developed area. These networks,
which include electrical power and telecommunication, transportation,
hospital and emergency services, water and sewage, oil and gas distribution,
and waste storage systems, have collectively come to be known as lifeline.
Lifeline systems and facilities that comprise them provide services that many
take for granted but which are essential in modern industrial areas. Lifeline
failures not only have severe economic consequences but also adversely
affect the environment and quality of life following an earthquake. Lifeline
failure can cause disruption and economic losses that greatly exceed the
cost of repairing facilities directly damaged by earthquake shaking. Lifeline
failures can also hamper emergency response and rescue efforts
immediately following damaging earthquakes. For example, Most of the
damage in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, was caused by a fire that
could not be fought properly because of the broken water mains.

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