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A fairy tale approach to cooperative vehicle positioning

Conference Paper · January 2014


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5 authors, including:

Scott Stephenson Xiaolin Meng

AECOM The Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre; Global Geospatial Engineering Ltd.


Terry Moore Tim Edwards

University of Nottingham Motor Industry Research Association


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A fairy tale approach to cooperative vehicle
Scott Stephenson¹, Xiaolin Meng¹, Terry Moore¹, Anthony Baxendale², and Tim Edwards²
¹ Nottingham Geospatial Institute, University of Nottingham, UK
² MIRA Ltd, UK

BIOGRAPHIES ground vehicle technologies. He also has an effective and

innovative management portfolio with a proven track record
Scott Stephenson is a postgraduate student at the Nottingham
of successfully delivering a broad range of transport related
Geospatial Institute within the University of Nottingham. He
research projects for a wide range of government agencies,
holds a BSc degree in Surveying and Mapping Science from
commercial organisations as well as internally funded R&D
the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. After completing his
degree, he was a Senior Engineering Surveyor working in the
UK. Scott’s postgraduate research is sponsored by MIRA Ltd Tim Edwards is a Principal Engineer responsible for
through an EPSRC CASE studentship. Intelligent Mobility (IM) research activities within the Future
Transport Technologies group at MIRA Ltd. Tim graduated
Xiaolin Meng is Associate Professor, Theme Leader for
from the University of Leicester in 2002 with a BEng (Hons)
Positioning and Navigation Technologies, and MSc Course
in Electronic and Software Engineering. He stayed on at the
Director for GNSST & PNT at the Nottingham Geospatial
University within the Embedded Systems Laboratory and was
Institute of the University of Nottingham. Dr Meng’s main
awarded an MPhil for his academic research in the area of
research interests include ubiquitous positioning, location
’Fault-tolerant software architectures for control applications’.
based services, intelligent transportation systems and services,
Recent projects at MIRA have included the development of
network real-time kinematic GNSS positioning, etc. He is
unique, purpose-built, ITS test facility known as the MIRA
author of more than 200 papers and founding Director of
City Circuit and the Network Guided Vehicle (NGV), a
Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre. He also holds a few
demonstrator vehicle that includes automated and cooperative
Professorships in renowned academic organisations in China.
driving functionality.
Terry Moore is Director of the Nottingham Geospatial
Institute (NGI) at the University of Nottingham; where he
is the Professor of Satellite Navigation and also currently
an Associate Dean within the Faculty of Engineering. He This paper outlines an innovative approach to the cooperative
holds a BSc degree in Civil Engineering and PhD degree in positioning of road vehicles by sharing GNSS information.
Space Geodesy, both from the University of Nottingham. He Much like the children’s fairy tale Hansel and Gretel by the
has 30 years of research experience in surveying, positioning Brothers Grimm, GNSS receivers on road vehicles gener-
and navigation technologies and is a consultant and adviser ate detailed Pseudo-VRS “breadcrumbs” as they accurately
to European and UK government organisations and industry. position themselves. These breadcrumbs can then be shared
He is a Member of Council and a Fellow of the Royal with other vehicles in the locality to help position themselves,
Institute of Navigation; a Fellow of the Chartered Institution much like traditional RTK GNSS positioning. Similar to the
of Civil Engineering Surveyors; and a Fellow of the Royal breadcrumbs in the fairy tale that are eaten by birds shortly
Astronomical Society. after being dropped, the Pseudo-VRS correction information
Anthony Baxendale graduated in 1982 with a BSc (Eng) is only valid for a short period of time. By using this
honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial technique, off-the-shelf GNSS receivers can be used without
College of Science and Technology and in 1986 with a PhD any major hardware or software adjustments, including those
in Offshore Engineering from Heriot Watt University. In 2003 of different receiver brands or legacy receivers. The techniques
he graduated with a Master of Business Administration from employed in this paper aim to deliver absolute positions, to
Henley Management College. Dr Baxendale joined MIRA enable high-accuracy ITS applications that involve road agents
Ltd. in 1991 after a period of 5 years at the Aircraft Research and infrastructure alike.
Association. He is now Head of Advanced Technologies & The Pseudo-VRS technique incorporates high-precision
Research. He was also formerly a board director of innovITS GNSS positioning methods, recent developments in vehicle-
the UK National Centre of Excellence in Telematics and to-vehicle communication, and open source GNSS positioning
chairman of the European Car Aerodynamics Association. Dr software (RTKLIB).
Baxendale is responsible for MIRA’s research strategy and Pseudo-VRS is shown to significantly increase the avail-
the management and development of the programme to deliver ability of ambiguity fixed solutions, for both dual and single
this. The key pillars of this programme are low carbon vehicle frequency receivers; and improves the performance of DGNSS
technologies, intelligent transport technologies and unmanned receivers. However there needs to be caution, as the use of a
single epoch of raw observations from a moving base station real-time, in order to maximize the efficiency of movement,
is less reliable than traditional static base station Network dramatically reduce the number of accidents and fatalities, and
RTK GNSS positioning. Fixing the integer ambiguity is more make transportation more environmentally friendly.
likely to be successful (passing the ratio test), but also more In the US, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Admin-
likely to be incorrect, and relies heavily on the initial position istration (NHTSA) recently commented that connected vehicle
of the moving base station. technology “can transform the nation’s surface transportation
The processing parameters are adjusted to assess the op- safety, mobility and environmental performance”, with indus-
timum configuration for successful cooperative positioning try experts predicting the widespread uptake of the technology
(delivering accuracy and reliability), and the limitations of within 5-6 years. This provides an opportunity for road
the technique are addressed. It is shown that the cooperative vehicles to share GNSS information. (As the V2X technology
position of a second vehicle can match the positioning accu- is not under test in this paper, any V2X communication is
racy of the initial moving base station vehicle (<5 centimetre). made using a local Wi-Fi P2P network).
However, if the delay or latency of the Pseudo-VRS message
reaches 8 seconds, the successfulness of the dual frequency To an extent this is possible with current technology.
RTK ambiguity fixing begins to fall and the 3D positioning Communication is fairly pervasive and pretty robust, with
accuracy drops below 10 centimetres (based on epoch-by- the explosion in personal hand-held mobile devices, using the
epoch processing). Once the latency reaches 30 seconds to GSM/GPRS, 3G, and 4G cellular communications networks.
accuracy has dropped to 30 centimetres. Positioning systems exist that will provide a reasonably ac-
Keywords: V2V, Cooperative vehicle positioning, Network RTK, curate and reliable location most of the time. However, the
Pseudo-VRS. type of applications included in cooperative driving demand
much higher performance from these positioning systems. For
INTRODUCTION instance, as shown in the example in Figure 2, two vehicles
V2X and future Intelligent Transport Systems approaching an intersection at relatively high speeds require
accurate and reliable high output position information, and an
HERE is little doubt in the benefit gained from co-
T operative modes of road transport, as agents working
together generally perform better. In simple terms, this is the
ability to communicate with one another, in order to assess
the likelihood of collision.

holistic idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its These requirements are partly inter-linked, and can be
parts [1], commonly known as synergy. On top of this clear mutually beneficial. For instance, communications methods
advantage, the complex systems theory of emergence suggests can be used to share information to aid positioning, and some
that novel strategies will develop from the as yet undefined existing positioning systems can also be utilized to share
patterns and structures. It is clear however, that in order information.
to facilitate this development, certain technological advances
need to be achieved. In this case, individual road agents
need to accurately identify their location, and communicate
easily and safely with other agents. This is a shift away from
protective and passive systems towards preventative and active
transport safety.

Figure 2. Vehicles approaching a road intersection would benefit from V2X


Many recent solutions in vehicle tracking research have

Figure 1. Vehicle-to-vehicle communications as envisioned by the United
shifted the GNSS receiver to a supplemental role in the
States Department of Transportation [2]. positioning system, favoring an inertial device as the core
of the integrated solution. The clear advantage is that an
Cooperative driving, or V2X, is proposed as the next inertial device operates continuously, although other sensors
major safety breakthrough in road transport. An example of are required in order to achieve the required navigation per-
the concept is shown in Figure 1 and further details are formance. The GNSS receiver is demoted due to its inherent
available in [3], [4]. This involves agents in the road transport limitations, namely the requirement of a clear view of the
environment communicating on local and national levels in satellites and the availability of correctional information.
Positioning solutions for V2X and ITS are relatively close geographically (within 100 metres), the
The majority of vehicle positioning research over the past integer ambiguity is easily and successfully fixed.
two decades has focused attention on GNSS centred systems.
1.0 10
This is emphasised by the abundant use of ‘Sat Nav’ devices
0.8 9
used to assist in-car navigation. Despite its apparent monopoly
0.6 8
over vehicle positioning in the commercial sector, the most
0.4 7
successful systems developed to guide autonomous vehicles

Baseline Error (metres)

Fix Type / No. of SVs

either relegate GNSS to one of a suite of sensors [5], [6], [7], 0.2 6

or almost disregard it altogether [8], [9]. This is often due to 0.0

12:50:50 12:51:00 12:51:10 12:51:20 12:51:30 12:51:40

its apparent lack of positioning accuracy or availability [10]. -0.2 4

Popular terrestrial positioning sensors include LIDAR, radar, -0.4 3

image-based cameras, UWB, and signals of opportunity [11]. -0.6 2

Clearly the combination of different complimentary sensors -0.8 1

is important, but it would be a mistake to discount the more -1.0 0

Time (UTC)
advanced GNSS positioning techniques that are available and
Dual (L1+L2) Single (L1) Fix type (Dual) Fix type (Single) No. SVs
with the expansion of the four global GNSS services.
Figure 3. Baseline errors during relative positioning trials.
Cooperative positioning
The positioning of GNSS receivers relative to one another Figure 3 shows the results from two GNSS positioning
is a common application in transportation; for instance, during solutions. The first uses dual frequency observations (GPS
the aerial refueling of an airborne fighter jet by another L1 and L2): The dark blue line shows the distance error in
airplane. In this case, it is important to know accurately the the calculated baseline length, and the green line shows the
relative position of the two airplanes, but not necessarily their corresponding fix type (in this case either 1: fixed, or 2: float).
absolute position. The second technique uses single frequency observations
Relative positioning of road vehicles is more complex. (GPS L1 only): The red line shows the baseline distance error,
By their nature, road vehicles are almost always close to and the purple line the fix type. The same original data was
other vehicles or road infrastructure, and there are many used in each method, post processed using the open source
separate agents in each scenario. Vehicles can also travel RTK LIB software, hence there is only one line for the number
large distances, and in terms of GNSS positioning, this may of available satellites (light blue).
mean vastly different atmospheric conditions. Hence, relative There is little difference between the two techniques. When
positioning in road transport is useful if all GNSS receivers the number of satellites increases or decreases, the ambiguity
relate to the same datum, which in most cases is effectively resolution process can be disrupted causing a float solution to
absolute positioning. be adopted (fix type 2), that also introduces an error into the
Work carried out in [12] concentrates on using GNSS code relative baseline length (the worst case here is an error of 0.38
and Doppler measurements for the relative positioning of metres). Otherwise, when the ambiguity is fixed, the relative
vehicles, as it offers a simpler implementation method and baseline length is accurate to a few centimetres (3D). The
is not susceptible to the cycle slips attributed to carrier phase dual frequency technique has the advantage when the number
measurements. However, this means sacrificing the higher ac- of visible satellites drops, as shown towards the end of this
curacy solution available from carrier phase measurements. A short test when the number of satellites drops to seven.
major obstacle to GNSS positioning for V2X applications, is This example shows the ease with which relative RTK po-
the likely scenario of mixed receiver and antenna technology sitioning can achieve a high accuracy baseline length between
between vehicles. As noted by [13], this has a major influence two receivers. However, this is a best case scenario: The
on the performance of relative positioning. By comparing vehicles are relatively close (less than 100 metres), moving
various V2X relative positioning solutions, [12] found that an slowly, and observing the same number of satellites. Fig-
increase in positioning accuracy was typically accompanied ure 4 shows how the accuracy of the relative baseline length
by a decrease in availability and an increased demand for decreases as the baseline length increases. The figure only
transmission bandwidth between the vehicles. includes instances when the fixed ambiguity was resolved.
The relative positioning accuracy of two GNSS receivers During this more taxing test, the number of common satellites
operating on two separate vehicles is shown in Figure 3. Each varies more frequently and the multipath environment is more
vehicle carried a matching Leica GR10 GNSS receiver and dynamic. The fixed ambiguity resolution passes the ratio test
Leica AS10 antenna. The known baseline between the two successfully, but as the baseline length increases this becomes
vehicles was calculated by differencing the post processed less reliable, to the point where a 1,200 metre baseline will
absolute positions of each receiver, using a very local con- be in error by approximately 0.5 metres.
tinuously operating reference station. The absolute positions
of each vehicle were checked independently with total station Network RTK GNSS positioning
and INS systems. By sharing the raw RINEX information Real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS positioning can be used
of one receiver with another, it is possible to calculate the to provide a solution at an accuracy of better than 5 cen-
baseline vector between the two receivers, and as the receivers timetres (horizontal) [14]. This relies on the static reference



Baseline error (metres)







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Baseline length (metres)

Figure 4. The decrease in accuracy and precision of the RTK baseline length
over increasing baseline length (fixed integer solutions).

receiver being located within 20 kilometres of the roving

receiver, observing a good selection of common satellites with Figure 5. The Ordnance Survey network of Continuously Operating Refer-
dual frequency receivers. ence Stations in the UK.
When RTK positioning is used, the distance to the reference
station has a bearing on the successfulness of the integer to 20 centimeters. The ground truth was provided by a tightly
ambiguity resolution. A short baseline will benefit from a coupled post-processed solution, from the NGI’s Applanix
closer correlation of errors, due to the GNSS signals traveling POS/RS inertial navigation system (INS). This consists of a
through very similar parts of the atmosphere. Assuming each NovAtel OEM4 dual-frequency GPS receiver combined with
receiver is observing common satellites, this similarity will a navigation-grade Honeywell Consumer-IMU [25].
typically result in a higher success rate in the ratio test (using
the common LAMBDA (Least squares ambiguity decorrela- Table I
tion adjustment) technique [15]). This is particularly important C OMPARISON OF THE T IGHTLY C OUPLED (GPS+IMU) S OLUTION WITH
following a GNSS outage. THE N-RTK S OLUTION .

RTK or Network RTK GNSS positioning of road vehicles Tightly coupled solution minus N-RTK solution (m)
can provide highly accurate (<5 centimetres), high integrity E N Ht 2D
, real-time tracking information with little delay and at a SD 0.009 0.010 0.009 0.013
high output rate. The proliferation of Network RTK GNSS Max 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150
Min 0.007 -0.009 -0.009 -0.009
positioning systems has increased dramatically over the last
decade. As an example, Figure 5 shows the location of the
As described in [3], the availability of a Network RTK
OS Net CORS run by Ordnance Survey in Great Britain.
solution is determined by the availability of GNSS signals and
Network RTK GNSS positioning can minimise the spatial
the Network RTK corrections. As Network RTK positioning
decorrelation of errors as distance between reference and rover
uses carrier phase observations, GNSS outages and cycle slips
receivers increases that is a character of single reference RTK
significantly affect the performance of the receiver. However,
positioning [16], [17][18][19]. This allows the wide mobility
the re-initialization of the fixed integer ambiguity resolution
range demanded from automotive applications.
following a GNSS outage (such as caused by an over-bridge)
The transmission protocol of the Network RTK corrections
was relatively fast at 13.13 seconds (mean value). From a cold
is typically RTCM v3.0 or higher, and the composition of
start the ambiguity resolution can take up to two minutes. This
the correction information varies depending on the commer-
limits the widespread adoption of the technology for vehicle
cial service provider. The most common type of correction
message format is Virtual Reference Station (VRS), although
the most comprehensive and versatile method is the Master-
Auxiliary Concept (MAC [20]). See [18], [19], [21] for further NGI Road Vehicle and Electric Locomotive Testbeds
details. Research is carried out at the Nottingham Geospatial In-
In V2X and ITS applications, the position must be accurate, stitute (NGI) using state of the art testing facilities. These
reliable, available, and continuous, as described in the Re- bespoke in-house facilities allow repeated controlled experi-
quired Navigation Performance (RNP, [22], [23]). As shown ments, and are a useful tool in the development of ITS and
in previous research [3], [24], and highlighted in Table I, V2X technology.
Network RTK GNSS positioning can deliver a highly accurate In order to test the positioning performance thoroughly
and precise solution in an ideal observation environment. Over and under real world conditions, experiments were carried
99% of the observations lie within 2 centimeters of the truth out using the NGI’s road vehicle (Figure 6), which carries a
solution, with a very small number of anomalous results of up collection of on-board ground truth systems.
If vehicles could communicate with one another on the
road, this would help to overcome the communication system
limitation in Network RTK positioning of road vehicles. For
instance, if vehicle A has an external connection to a Network
RTK service provider (e.g. mobile internet connection) and a
local connection to a second vehicle (B), then it could share
its Network RTK correction messages directly. Effectively
vehicle A would re-broadcast the correction information it
has received from the corrections provider to the receiver
Figure 6. The Nottingham Geospatial Institute road vehicle. on vehicle B. However, this would rely on the functional
capability of the receiver of vehicle B, as Network RTK real-
time processing can be computationally intensive.
The roof of the Nottingham Geospatial Building (home
of the NGI) is the location of a remotely operated electric Not all Network RTK correction messages can be shared in
locomotive running on a 200 millimeter gauge railway track. this way, and the range over which the correction messages are
A photograph of the locomotive and plan of the track are still valid needs to be determined. As vehicles communicating
shown in Figure 7. The locomotive can carry a selection of with V2X devices are likely to be relatively close (a few
various positioning instruments, such as GNSS receivers, INS hundred metres at most), the feasibility of sharing Network
devices, and tracking prisms, and can travel at a speed of over RTK information is good. For instance, Figure 8 shows that
three metres per second. The position of the track is accurately MAC Network RTK correction messages cover large cell areas
known, and has previously been scanned at a resolution of 2 (inter reference station distances are 50-100 kilometres), and
mm [26]. even roving receivers such as X and Y that are in separate
cells could share relevant information.

Figure 8. An example of N-RTK cells formed from clusters of CORS defined

in MAC Network RTK positioning.

However, the Network RTK VRS technique may offer

more advantages. It is the most common form of Network
RTK used around the world, and requires significantly less
bandwidth (approx. 10Kb/s at 10Hz). The rover receiver is
also less burdened by processing requirements. A VRS system
operating on buses in Minnesota restricts the baseline to 2
miles, by updating the VRS location every 2 minutes [27].
Figure 7. The NGB2 reference base station and electric locomotive track on Correction messages typically have a lifespan – in the case
the roof of the Nottingham Geospatial Building. of the Leica SmartNet corrections this has been determined
to be 10 seconds. After this time the receiver determines the
Three control solutions are used to assess the performance messages to be too old and does not compute a fixed integer
of the cooperative positioning techniques in real world tests: position. It can however use the information to calculate a
An RTK GNSS control solution provided by a local static DGNSS position. Therefore the relayed message must arrive
continuously operating reference station (CORS); a Network at the receiver on vehicle B well within 10 seconds. Previous
RTK GNSS solution based on the MAC standard; and an Ap- trials at the NGI found that the typical message latency of
planix POS/RS dual frequency GPS inertial navigation system the original correction message reaching vehicle A via a
[25]. Each vehicle can also be independently tracked using GSM/GPRS connection is 0.85 seconds [28]. The additional
survey-grade total stations, or a proprietary ultra wideband V2X communication to transfer the message to vehicle B
positioning system. should not add a significant delay.
Capturing Network RTK messages 339720

To demonstrate the potential benefit of sharing Network 339715

RTK messages between vehicles, Network RTK messages

were captured on-board a vehicle and shared with a second

Northing (metres)
vehicle. Vehicle A is the NGI van, and vehicle B is the 339705

NGI electric train. Most off-the-shelf Network RTK enabled

GNSS receivers are designed to communicate directly with 339700

the Network RTK server using a connected communication

device (GSM modem, UHF/VHF radio, cell phone, etc), Shared NRTK Known
which typically provides a stable connection to minimise data 339690
454915 454920 454925 454930 454935 454940 454945 454950 454955
loss. Easting (metres)

Figure 10. Sharing the Network RTK message from vehicle A to vehicle B.

require download speeds of 1.8 Kb/s (VRS) and 5.6 Kb/s

(MAC) [29]. This is well within the typical speeds available
from cellular wireless communications, which offer 80 Kb/s
down-link speed from 2.5G systems to beyond 40 Mb/s for
recent 4G systems.
The GNSS receiver on vehicle B is operating in an ideal
location, with a clear view of the sky and a high number of
visible satellites, which improves the probability of successful
RTK ambiguity resolution.
Figure 9. Flowchart showing the capturing and sharing of Network RTK
correction messages (left), and the NTRIP client program running on an GENERATING PSEUDO-VRS CORRECTIONS
Android Smartphone (right).
The potential benefit to GNSS positioning of using V2X
communication between various road vehicles and infrastruc-
In order to intercept the Network RTK correction message, ture can be expanded by the implementation of Pseudo-VRS
the GNSS receiver was setup to simply accept the correction positioning. This system resemble the children’s fairy tale
message from a Smartphone via Bluetooth. In this case, the Hansel and Gretel, where in order to help remember the route
connection to the Network RTK service provider is established through a forest that guides them back to their home, Hansel
between the Smartphone and the Network RTK server. An drops markers along the path (in separate cases small white
application running on the Smartphone as shown in Figure 9 pebbles, and then breadcrumbs). By using the markers the
requests information from the Network RTK server, logs children can navigate their way through the forest, but without
the data, and passes the message directly to the Bluetooth them they are left lost and disoriented.
connected GNSS receiver on vehicle A. By intercepting the The Pseudo-VRS system uses a similar principle, where
correction message, it can also be forwarded on to a second vehicle A marks its path by leaving behind small packets of
receiver, in this case on vehicle B. information that can be used by other nearby vehicles. The
small packets of information are VRS-like, and are broadcast
Sharing N-RTK messages with second receiver using V2X communication devices and technology. Like the
breadcrumbs in the fairy tale that are eaten by birds shortly
Figure 10 shows the positioning solutions generated by a
after being dropped by Hansel, this VRS-like packets of
shared Network RTK correction message. The original mes-
information have a short lifespan.
sage was captured by the Smartphone application operating
on-board vehicle A (the NGI van), and applied to GNSS
observations made by a receiver on vehicle B (the NGI VRS requirements
train). The baseline between the two vehicles was less than It has been long established that a short baseline between
100 metres, and the location of the VRS requested from reference and rover receivers leads to more accurate and
the Network RTK server was the NGI building (in geodetic successful relative GNSS positioning. A short baseline can
coordinates to three decimal places). As Figure 10 clearly effectively deal with the satellite orbit and atmospheric errors,
shows, the shared VRS corrections are equally valid for any which become difficult to deal with as the baseline length
receiver operating in the vicinity of the VRS. The thick red grows, and is the reason why RTK GNSS positioning is
line is the fixed position of the train track, and the thin blue typically limited to baselines of less than 20 kilometres [14].
line represents the positions generated by the GNSS receiver A typical RTK baseline may be between one and ten kilo-
using the shared Network RTK corrections. metres, but it is still beneficial to reduce the baseline further,
The VRS message type was chosen as it requires much less particularly if there is a large difference in elevation. This
bandwidth [21], takes less processing capacity, and is preva- is enabled by the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) Network
lent amongst legacy receivers. Network RTK users typically RTK technique. By using the observation data from several
permanent reference stations that surround the rover location Table II
(for instance, using the OS Net reference stations shown in RTCM MESSAGE TYPES ( V 3.1).
Figure 5), a virtual reference station is created close to the Message Type Description
location of the rover, including virtual observation measure- 1001 DGPS corrections
ments and position. This VRS information is transmitted to 1002 Delta Differential GPS Corrections
the rover, and the rover receiver treats the information like that 1003 Reference Station Parameters
1004 Surveying
of a real reference station. This technique can deliver better 1005 Constellation Health
than 5 centimetre accuracy up to 35 kilometres [30]. 1006 Null Frame
The principle builds on the transfer of measurements made 1007 Beacon Almanacs
at the real reference stations to the virtual reference station 1008 Pseudolite Almanacs
1009 Partial Satellite Set Differential Corrections
[14]. The carrier phase measurement at the real reference 1010 P-Code Differential Corrections (all)
station (Φsr ), shown in Equation 1, is made up of the geometric 1011 C/A-Code L1, L2 Delta Corrections
distance between the receiver and satellite ( λ1s δsr (t)), the 1012 Pseudolite Station Parameters
1013 Ground Transmitter Parameters
integer ambiguity (Nrs ), and the receiver and satellite clock
1014 Surveying Auxiliary Message
bias ( f s Δδsr (t)). The key to the VRS technique is that the 1015 Ionosphere (Troposphere) Message
integer ambiguity and the receiver and satellite clock bias are 1016 Special Message
not location dependent, so they can be transferred directly to 1017 Ephemeris Almanac
1018 Uncorrected Carrier Phase Measurements
the virtual reference station from the real reference station 1019 Uncorrected Pseudorange Measurements
[21]. 1020 RTK Carrier Phase Corrections
1021 RTK Pseudorange Corrections
1 s 1022 Undefined
Φsr = δ (t) + Nrs + f s Δδsr (t) (1) 1023 Undefined
λs r 1024 Undefined
1031 Undefined
By differencing the carrier phase equation of the real and 1059 Proprietary Message
1060-63 Multipurpose Usage
virtual reference stations (Φsr (XA ,t) and Φsr (XV ,t), respec-
tively), the ambiguity and clock errors are canceled. The result
is shown in Equation 2. There are 64 types of messages, and each binary message
format is a sequence of 30 bits. A selection of the pre-
1 s defined message types are shown in Table II. The message
Φsr (XV ,t) = Φsr (XA ,t) + [δ (XV ,t) − δsr (XA ,t)] (2)
λs r types 1001 to 1017 are available in older RTCM standards,
while messages 1018-1021 were added in version 2.3 to
By combining the carrier phase measurement equations at make the standard applicable to RTK corrections. Versions
the real and virtual reference stations, only two unknown 3.0 and 3.1 added additional messages to deal with modern
terms remain. The first includes the coordinates of the virtual GNSS positioning techniques like Network RTK. Proprietary
reference station (δsr (XV ,t)), which is in principle arbitrary messages 4001 to 4096 are reserved by RTCM, and can be
and is typically the approximate location of the rover receiver. assigned to organisations for their own use.
The second is the observable of the VRS (Φsr (XV ,t)), which The RTCM messages required for VRS positioning are the
can now be obtained without actually measuring it. (In prac- station coordinates 1003, and the GNSS observables using
tice the technique is a little more complex, as satellite orbit either 1018 and 1019, or 1020 and 1021. The sampling rate
and atmospheric errors and biases need to be modeled for of RTCM messages is 1Hz.
the VRS position) [14]. The VRS information can then be
packaged using the RTCM standards and delivered to the rover Pseudo-VRS
receiver to enable Network RTK VRS positioning. Using the established VRS techniques and standards de-
scribed above, it is proposed here to use the GNSS observa-
tions and subsequent position information to simulate the ex-
RTCM generation istence of a VRS. Imagine vehicle A carries a GNSS receiver
Special Committee 104 of the Radio Technical Commis- together with the means to calculate its position accurately
sion for Maritime Services is tasked with developing and (for instance, it is also receiving differential corrections or has
recommending standards for the transmission of differential other positioning devices on-board). So long as the receiver
GNSS information. The binary format RTCM-SC 104 is an can successfully resolve the integer ambiguity, it can also
internationally recognised standard for the transmission of produce each component required to describe a VRS. Clearly
GPS and GLONASS correction data [14]. The latest version in this case, the receiver on vehicle A is a “real” reference
(RTCM Standard 10403.1 [31]) was released in October 2006. station, but the existing VRS standards can be exploited to
This international standard is widely used by GNSS receiver transfer this information to a other local GNSS receivers.
manufacturers and service providers to stream DGNSS and For instance, a receiver operating on vehicle B can use the
RTK information between receivers and control servers in information as a local real-time differential correction service.
real-time. It supports various GNSS positioning techniques, As the VRS technique is well established (the most popular
including the latest Network RTK methods. form of Network RTK positioning), legacy receivers are able
to take advantage of this Pseudo-VRS information. RTCM As this paper regards the exploitation of such V2X devices,
standards are also well defined for the transfer of GNSS the nature of the communication medium is not under test.
information in the form. For this reason, off-the-shelf wireless routers (2.4 GHz) are
The Pseudo-VRS information is valid for several seconds, used to communicate between vehicles, using fixed local IP
so the delays introduced in transferring the information from addresses. However, the performance of the routers under
one vehicle to a second can easily be accommodated. Like cooperative driving tests is limited by range, multipath, and
any communication device based on radio waves, V2X com- signal obstruction. In order to generate significant test results,
munication devices are likely to be subject to a level of delay some of the following tests use recorded and replayed data.
and message loss that requires redundancy in the system. It
is important that during one epoch the whole Pseudo-VRS REAL WORLD TESTS
message is delivered, as there is little similarity between one Test setup
epoch and the next. The original reference receiver is likely
To test the performance of a Pseudo-VRS positioning
to be on a moving vehicle.
system, and the success of different configurations, real
world tests were carried out at the Nottingham Geospatial
Institute. Two vehicles were used. Vehicle A was the NGI’s
road vehicle (shown in Figure 6), and vehicle B was the
NGI’s electric locomotive (the test track is shown in
Figure 7). As the position of the test track is very accurately
known, this can be used to measure the performance of the
Pseudo-VRS system.
Vehicle A was equipped with six GNSS receivers (Leica
GS10 with individual AS10 antennas), a tactical grade INS
system (Applanix POS/RS with Honeywell C-IMU), wheel
odometer, and tracked using a Leica Nova TS50 and 360ž
Figure 11. The flow of data during the generation and sharing of Psuedo-VRS prism. This provided multiple position solutions to ensure
data. significant results.
Vehicle B was equipped with a GNSS receiver (Leica GS10
Effectively, the Pseudo-VRS imitates the VRS in Equa- and AS10 antenna), and tracked using a proprietary ultra
tion 2 by providing the virtual reference station coordinates wideband system for related V2X tests.
(δsr (XV ,t)) and carrier phase observable (Φsr (XV ,t)). The Also on the roof of the NGB, and lying inside the track
information is also delivered to the second receiver in the same perimeter, is the NGB continuously operating reference sta-
format RTCM message. A slight difference here is that only tion. This hyper-local reference station allows local RTK
one way communication is needed, as the original coordinates solutions, and acts as a barometer of GNSS activity when
of the virtual reference station do not need to be supplied by tests are carried out at episodically.
the second receiver. Figure 12 shows an aerial image of the test scenario. The
The Pseudo-VRS processing is carried out using the RTK- Google background shows the NGB to the West, and sur-
LIB open source software. RTKLIB has limited options to rounding roads to the South and West (still under construction
vary the position of the base station during RTK positioning, during the image acquisition). The thin yellow line is a ground
so the program is seeded with customised configuration files distance of 100 metres. The red dots signify the position of
and run independently for each epoch. This creates an addi- vehicle A (in the East), and the purple dots show the position
tional feature: The processing of each epoch has no effect on of vehicle B (on the roof of the NGB building). The accuracy
any other. of the Google image is unknown, and is used here purely for
illustrative purposes.
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication
There exists multiple EU and US standards regarding V2X Test results
communication, most of which is based on the technology These tests are designed to show the performance of a
developed for automated toll collection. A large safety pilot Psuedo-VRS system using a V2X communication system.
is currently underway (August 2012-13, and then extended by However, the results shown here were created using recorded
6 months) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the United States. This raw data. The open source GNSS processing software RTK-
collaborative research project involves government agencies, LIB was used. The test results will help to design the correct
research institutions, and vehicle manufacturers. No signifi- RTCM message to share between vehicles in future tests.
cant results have been released as yet, although reports suggest To simulate the operation of a Pseudo-VRS system, vehicle
the project has been successful. A must share its known absolute position and some raw
Both in the EU and the US future V2X communication RINEX information for each epoch with vehicle B. Vehicle B
devices will be based on Dedicated Short Range Communi- can then use this information, together with its own observed
cation (DSRC), a Wi-Fi like technology operating around 5.9 RINEX data for the same epoch, to calculate its known
GHz. absolute position. In practice, there will be a slight delay in



Northing (metres)



Pseudo VRS (DGPS) Known

454915 454920 454925 454930 454935 454940 454945 454950 454955
Easting (metres)


Figure 12. Aerial image of the test.


Northing (metres)
Table III 339705


METRES ). 339700

Solution 20 Hz 1 Hz 339695

Dual freq. RTK 0.054 0.004 Pseudo VRS (L1 only) Known
Single freq. RTK 0.707 0.669 339690
454915 454920 454925 454930 454935 454940 454945 454950 454955
DGNSS 0.323 0.319 Easting (metres)

the delivery of the information from vehicle A (much like in a
traditional RTK system), so that information from concurrent 339710

epochs are unlikely to be used.

Northing (metres)

The RTK LIB software cannot directly handle the varia- 339705

tion of a base station’s coordinates (and output an absolute

solution), so a small separate script was designed to utilise
the processing capability of the software in a Pseudo-VRS 339695

system. Pseudo VRS (L1+L2) Known

Figure 13 shows the results of Psuedo-VRS position- 339690

454915 454920 454925 454930 454935 454940 454945 454950 454955

ing. During dual frequency tests, 99.67% of observations Easting (metres)

achieved fixed ambiguity (1197/1201). During single fre-

Figure 13. Results from Psuedo-VRS positioning.
quency (broadcast ionosphere) RTK, 61.45% (738/1201) ob-
servations achieved fixed ambiguity. Ratio test threshold was
2.0. Around the area of 454930E 339708N, the number of every epoch (100%), and when compared to the known track
common visible satellites dropped from 8 to 7, and then again position appeared correctly fixed. The single frequency RTK
from 7 to 6 three seconds later. This caused each of the three solution achieved a fixed ambiguity for 70.02% (897/1201) of
solutions to degrade slightly. The dual frequency RTK solution the observations; a slight improvement over the 20Hz results.
very briefly lost its fixed ambiguity solution (for two epochs,
or 0.1 seconds), before regaining the fixed solution. The single Table IV
frequency RTK solution could not achieve a fixed ambiguity E FFECT OF MESSAGE LATENCY ON POSITIONING QUALITY.
solution again until the number of common visible satellites Latency (s) % fix 3D 1sd.
returned to 7 (five seconds after the initial satellite was lost). 0 100 0.031 100% 0.5

The DGNSS solution saw a similar degradation in its solution 1 100 0.031 80% 0.4
3D sd. (metres)

during this period. 5 100 0.033

% RTK Fixed

60% 0.3
8 99 0.112
The mean coordinate errors for the three solutions are 10 98 0.149 40% 0.2

0.054, 0.707, and 0.323 metres (3D, 1 sd.), as shown in 15 98 0.149 20%
% RTK Fixed 3D sd.

Table III. This is compared to a solution calculated using 20 97 0.182 0% 0.0

25 92 0.263 0 10 20 30
the local CORS base station. The error in horizontal and 30 88 0.315
Latency (seconds)

vertical follows the typical ratio of 1:2. Test results were

also completed using a lower Pseudo-VRS update rate. At Table IV and the imbedded figure show the performance
1Hz the results prove even better. Although the latency of the of the Psuedo-VRS system under different latency scenarios.
correction is up to 1 second (positioning is calculated epoch This is important as a message transmitted by vehicle A
by epoch), the results were better than updates at 20Hz. The may be delayed or newer messages may be disrupted. Once
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