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Presented By


A Project work report submitted to the Pokhara University in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

At the

SHUVHASHREE College of Business Administration

Banewor, Kathmandu

September, 2021

I hereby declare the project work report entitled “A study on Customer Satisfaction
towards Mobile banking services in Chandrapur-2” submitted for BBA is my
original work and the Project work Report has not formed the basic for the award of
any degree, diploma, or other similar titles.


September, 2021


This is to certify that project Work titled ''A Study On Customers Satisfaction
Towards Mobile Banking Services In Chandrapur -2 ” submitted by Arun kumar
patel , ( Roll No: 18031732) for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of BBA
embodies the bonafide work done by him. We found this research project work has
fulfilled university’s guidelines. Therefore, we accept this report


Prof Dr. Bal Krishna Shrestha

External Supervisor (Viva- Voice)

Tribhuvan University
Central Department of Business Management


Mr. Dipesh Lamichhane

Program Coordinator Of BBA

Shuvhashree College of Business Management


Mr. Nischaya Subedi

In Charge of Research Report, Project

September, 2021


My outmost gratitude goes to the Pokhara University for including this Project Work
in the syllabus of BBA, which is very helpful in developing practical knowledge of
the student. This report reveals the emerging trend and its usage by banks and the
bank customers.
I would like to present my appreciation to the bank customers who were very
cooperative and genuine to the questions. Without their participation my project
would not be completed, who helped me out directly or indirectly in my research. I am
very thankful to the BBA Program Coordinator Amit Pradhan Sir, whose guidance
gave my research an extra effort and support. My profound gratitude goes to
supervisor Mr. Bibek Jha and Central College of Business management and all other
associates for creating a supportive environment.

Thank You

DECLARATION ...........................................................................................................i
i CERTIFICATE............................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................................
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the
study ......................................................................................1 1.2 Statement of
problem ...........................................................................................2 1.3 Aims and
Objective of study................................................................................3 1.4 Need and
1.4.1 Need and Importance of the study.................................................................4
1.5 Literature Review.................................................................................................4
1.6 Significant of The
study .....................................................................................10 1.7 Conceptual
Framework ......................................................................................10 1.8 Research
Sample: ........................................................................................................11
1.8.3 Data collection.............................................................................................11
1.8.4 Data analysis................................................................................................12
1.9 Limitation of the
study .......................................................................................12 CHAPTER
II :..............................................................................................................12 DATA
ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION ............................................................12
2.1 Personal Information of respondents..................................................................13
2.2 Perception of Customers satisfaction towards on mobile banking: ...................17
2.3 Customer perception about risk of using mobile banking .................................21
2.4 Challenges faced by NIC Asia Bank:.................................................................22
2.5 Customer satisfaction .........................................................................................25
2.6 Key Findings......................................................................................................28
CHAPTER III ..............................................................................................................30

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION........................................30
3.1 Summary of the findings....................................................................................30
3.2 Conclusion..........................................................................................................32
3.3 Recommendation................................................................................................32
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................34
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................3

FIGURE 1: NO OF GENDER .............................................................................................13

FIGURE 2: AGE OF GROUP .............................................................................................14
FIGURE 3: MARITAL STATUS.........................................................................................15

FIGURE 4: LEVEL OF EDUCATION ..................................................................................16

FIGURE 5: OCCUPATION................................................................................................17



FIGURE 9: RISK OF USING MOBILE BANKING .................................................................22

FIGURE 10: RESPONSE ON ENGAGED IN CR ACTIVITIES ................................................23
FIGURE 11: RESPONSE ON UNETHICAL HACKING...........................................................24

FIGURE 12: GETTING INFORMATION ABOUT MOBILE BANKING .....................................25


FIGURE 14: USE THE MOBILE BANKING SERVICE IN FUTURE OR NOT .............................27


Table 1: No of gender Table 2: No of respondent on the basis of age Table3:

13 14
Distribution of respondent on the basis of marital status Table 4: On the basis of
education Table 5:Distribution of respondent on the basis of occupation:
16 17
Table 6: Satisfaction level while giving discount and offer Table 7: Level of
satisfaction while charged on mobile banking service Table 8: Mobile banking
service are friendly and responsiveness Table 9:Risk of using mobile banking
20 21
Table 10:Response on engaged in CR activities Table 11: Response on unethical
hacking Table 12: Getting information about mobile banking Table 13: level
23 24
of satisfaction on the basis of their facilities Table 14: Use the mobile banking
service in future or not Table 15 :Whether the mobile banking service is
beneficial or not


∙ BBA : Bachelor of Business Administration ∙ CCBM

: Central College Of Business Management ∙ CEO :

Chief Executive Officer

∙ PU : Pokhara University

∙ REG : Registration

∙ No. : Number

∙ BBA : Bachelor in Business Administration ∙

T.V : Television

∙ Fig : Figure

∙ Tab : Table

∙ ATM : Automated Teller Machine

∙ % : Percentage

∙ IBM : International Business Machines Corporation


1.1 Background of the study

Mobile banking is a unique change that has simulations rendered itself in pervasive
ways cutting across various financial institution and other sector of the economy. In
this 21st century, mobile banking has graduated from providing mere text messaging
service to that of spurious internet banking where customers could not only view their
balance and set up multiple types of alert but also transaction activities such as fund
transfer and deposit cash by the mobile phone and instruct payroll based transaction
(Vaiya,2011). Technology advancement has greatly played a vital role in improving
the standards of service delivery in the financial institution sector. Gone are days
when customers would line up in the banking halls waiting to pay their bills, school
fees, or any other financial transactions. They can just do this now at their
convenience by using their automated teller machine (ATM) cards or through the
internet from the comfort of their homes. Also due to the massive growth of mobile
phones industry most financial institution sector have gone into the untapped
opportunity and have partnered with mobile phone network providers to offer banking
services to their clients. Mobile banking also known as M-Banking has changed the
traditional banking Customer satisfaction is important because it provides wireless
application protocol.

Customers have become more demanding nowadays. They want banking facilities to
be easily accessible so that they can do their task when they are available. Thus the
banks are forced to provide them with proper satisfactory answer and if they fail to
provide the minimal facilities they might loose bon their valuable clients there for
some of the banks have introduced the mobile banking service. This might be
beneficial to the customers as it provide sustainable maintenance and availability of
account to them to transfer or withdraw money, in traditional process, the client had to
go to the bank .but now going to the bank is not must with the introduction of mobile
banking service.The introduction of mobile banking within the banking sector of NIC
Asia has diversified. Banks in NIC Asia are offering their clients/customers to access

their financial accounts remotely from their mobile devices. According to Jeplering,
Oscar and Burti. "The mobile units use solar power to run a computerized transaction
processing system that is directly Linked to the home branches by global positioning
system (GPS) and satellite". This system open multiple routes to the customer service
( ATM machine, telephone, Internet and mobile phones) According to Aghdaeiand
Faghine[1]. Commercial Banks in NIC Asia has over the over the years introduce a
variety/range of projects within county to get their products and services to the
customers, by doing road shows, installing new Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
introduce of online banking, mobile banking, e-wallet service and many more.
According to Bharti[2].,"adoption of mobile banking has received more attention in
recent years, because there are more phone users than computer user in the market.
Mobile service and their consumption have lately become a burning issues in among
information systems (IS) and marketing scholars".

The mobile banking service amongst the commercial Banks in NIC Asia provides a
range of different service which includes buying airtime, buying or paying electricity,
sending money ( e-wallet), checking your mini statement , at a fee of just Rs 300 and
this service is highly secured as you need to enter a password to access it, According
to Kahandawa and Vijaynayak[4], in this cashless society, majority of people would
not like spend their valuable time at bank branch for financial transactions.

The research question of the study are as follows:

∙ What are the impacts of mobile banking factors on customer satisfaction? ∙

Are you satisfy with the service of mobile banking?

∙ What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and the factors that

influence customer satisfaction?

∙ What are the effects of demographic characteristics on the selected factors of

mobile banking services?

1.2 Statement of problem

Commercial Bank want to achieve a competitive in the domestic and global market,
through build a strong relationship with customers by provision a new services with
good quality and high secure, So banks should invest and reload their information

technology to present a service to get confidence and satisfaction that customer
aspires through mobile banking service . In developed nations so that Smart phone
penetration is higher and their are already more than 1.08 billion Smartphone users in
the world, statistics showed that the proportion of using Smart phone amounted to
42% of the domestic market, while 61% of Smartphone owners use mobile
application (advisors, 2013). The power of mobile banking show the utilization of
multiple mobile banking channels to understand what mobile tools will be need to
become the premium choice for all banking activities. Jepleting(2013) studies the
effects of mobile banking on customers satisfaction with specific interest on Equity
bank of Malangwa town. This narrowed the study to only customers of Equity bank in
the town. From the above discussion, it is evident that not much research that has
focused on the economic implications of mobile banking as a strategy for customers
satisfaction on commercial Bank. This research therefore aimed at bridging the gap.
To achieve this study sought to establish the effect of mobile banking as a strategy for
customers satisfaction of university ofPokhara students.

1.3 Aims and Objective of study

The main objective of the study is to understand the customer satisfaction toward
mobile banking. The sub objectives of this study are:

∙ To determine consumer behavior in mobile banking.

∙ To determine the main influences in mobile banking.

∙ To identify people's perception towards benefits and risks of mobile banking. ∙

To gain information about mobile banking among customers.

∙ To know the management strategies used in the mobile banking. ∙ The aims of

study is to know the satisfaction level of the customer towards the mobile banking

∙ To make recommendations for improving mobile banking activities of second –

generations banks in NIC Asia.
1.4 Need and Scope

1.4.1 Need and Importance of the study

This study will help us to know about the current situation and it's future prospects of
Customer satisfaction towards mobile banking. The key significant of the study was
to identify the determinants of mobile banking adoption among the consumer in areas
of Malangwa,Sarlahi. This research focuses about the satisfaction level of customer or
Nepalese people towards on mobile banking. This study can help Nepalese to
encourage the people to shop goods service through the global market. Mobile
banking helps people to take service through the internet and take the advantage of
competitive market. Once the study will completed, it would be highly useful to The
related institution and individuals. This study will provide information and
suggestions that can be useful in formulating appropriate police to the concerned

1.5 Literature Review

A literature Review is the summary and evaluation of previous published and
unpublished researchers made by various scholars and researchers. The source of
literature review maybe newspaper, article, journals, books, magazines, thesis, report
etc. Review of literature help to demonstrate familiarity with the body of knowledge
and established credibility,as well as, showing how the current research is linked to
past research. Moreover, to thy literature review help, integrate and summarize what
is know in the area, learn from other and stimulate new ideas. In addition the literature
review show what research has been done with the finding. Therefore, the potential
literature of" Customers satisfaction towards on mobile banking, in city of Malangwa,
Sarlahi" is provided in this section.

Customer Satisfaction :This is the value or utility drawn by customers from products
offered by financial institutions. The key drivers of customer satisfaction as
relatesmobile banking are 9 mobile convenience, followed by accuracy,diverse
mobile application features, ease of use and content ( Minjoon,2016& Sergio,2016).

Mobile-banking service Quality: This is the excellence and worth of service provided
to customers on mobile banking platforms (Ayo,Oni,Adewoye,2016).

Ease of product use: This is the simplicity with which customers conduct transactions
on the mobile banking platforms (Carlos & Tiago,2016).
Technology proficiency: This is the knowledge that the customer has when using
mobile phone technology, as well as, mobile banking platforms (Sylvie &
Consumer Attitudes: These are the outlooks that customers have on mobile banking
platforms offered by financial institutions (Carlos & Tiago,2016). Mobile banking:
This is the use of mobile phones in carrying out financial transactions. Timaru and
Buses(2011) define mobile banking as the provision and availing of banking and
financial services with the use of mobile telecommunication devices.

Banking: Banking is the service of saving, sending and receiving of funds from the
instruction of the bank. Banking provides the liquidity needed for families and
businesses to invest for the future through Bank loans and credit. It also provides a
safe place for deposits ( Kimberly, 2016).

Extant research has focused on monitoring the behavior of people who use mobile
banking (MB) but it has paid little attention to understanding the impact of
information technology usage behavior due to cultural differences. Humans are the
weakest link in information technology adoption; past research has shown that not all
users are predisposed to change their behavior radically and adopt new channels of
banking. This paper examines the demographic patterns of users and non-users of
(MBAbdullah M. Abdullah (2019). The paper also investigates the attitudinal
influences of users and non-users of MB based on innovation attributes. Using
empirical research, the study identifies constructs of innovation attributes that were
perceived to be significantly different among the users and non-users of MB. The
study provides valuable insights into MB in Saudi Arabia that have not been
previously investigated. From a practical point, Al-Khalaf, E., Choe, P. (2020).
Increasing customer trust towards mobile commerce in a multicultural society:
findings of this study will be particularly useful to banks, financial institutions and
telecommunication service providers.

The long-term development of mobile banking (m-banking) relies on users’ continued
usage. Motivated by the need to better understand the motivations and barriers of
users’ continuance intention towards m-banking, this study develops a research model
based on the incorporation of the technology acceptance model (TAM): task
technology fit model (TTF) and perceived risk into the expectance-confirmation
model ECM (Yuan, Yong Liu,(2016).

Empirical data from 434 users who had prior experience with m-banking were tested
against the proposed research model by using structural equation modeling (SEM).
The results indicate that satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived task-technology
fit, and perceived risk are the main predictors of continuance intention, satisfaction,
Alkhowaiter, W. A. (2020). Digital payment and banking adoption research in Gulf
countries: A systematic literature review in turn, is determined by confirmation,
perceived usefulness, and perceived risk. Perceived usefulness is affected by
confirmation, perceived ease of use, and perceived task-technology fit. However, the
direct effect of perceived ease of use to continuance intention is not significant. The
results also show that gender significantly moderates the effect of perceived risk to
continuance intention. Implications of the findings and future research directions are
discussed.(Yuan, Yong Liu, (2016))

Banks seem to be one of the most business that are really interested in such systems to
provide their customers better services as well as to enhance their effectiveness and
efficiency. However, the successful implementation of Mobile banking largely
depends on the extent of how much customers are fully motivated to adopt it. In fact,
over the Jordanian context, the adoption rate of mobile banking is very low and quite
few studies that have examined the related issues of mobile banking. Parrey, S. H.
(2018). Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Banking Sector: A Mediational
StudyThus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing
behavioral intention and adoption of Mobile banking by customers of Jordanian
banks. The proposed model has assimilated factors from the extended Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) along with trust. Alalwan, A. A.,
Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P. (2017). Factors influencing adoption of mobile banking
by Jordanian bank customers

Mobile banking is increasingly being used for banking service applications. However,
few empirical studies have been conducted on mobile banking services. Therefore, the
current study focuses on whether or not trust in mobile banking influences the
relationship between customer satisfaction and perceptions of the system quality,
information quality and information presentation of mobile banking (Chung, Soon Jae
Kwon, 2009)

Using the partial least squares approach, the analysis reveals that information quality
and system quality influence customer satisfaction, whereas information presentation
does not have an effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, the research model
articulates how perceptions of the system quality, information quality and information
presentation of mobile banking moderated by trust influence customer satisfaction
with this type of service.(Chung,soon Kwon,(2019)

This research aimed at applying for SERVQUAL model to examine the relationship
between mobile banking services and customer satisfaction. While the previous
researchers had already examined the effect of qualities services on banking customer
satisfaction, no previous study was done on mobile banking. Thus, the current paper
attempted to fill the gap in the literature by applying SERVQUAL model to study the
quality of the mobile banking services rendered by the banks in Iran F
Faghani(2012).The researcher has used the customer satisfaction as the dependent
variable and the five dimensions of service quality; namely, tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy, as the independent variables.Results showed
that the four variables tangible (0.204), reliability (0.342), responsiveness (0.282), and
empathy (0.345) would correlate with satisfaction significantly. However, the
assurance factor would have no relationship with CSR.The ANOVA test showed that
there was a significant correlation between mobile banking services and customer
satisfaction. Marziyeh (2014)

This study provides insights into factors affecting the adoption of mobile banking in
Iran. Encouraging clients to use the cell-phone for banking affairs, and negative trends
in the adoption of this technology makes it imperative to study the factors affecting
the adoption of mobile banking. Accordingly, this study builds a comprehensive

theoretical model explaining mobile banking adoption. By incorporating 361 bank
clients in Iran, eight latent variables of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
need for interaction, perceived risk, perceived cost, compatibility with life style,
perceived credibility and trust were examined. It was found that these constructs
successfully explain adoption of mobile banking among Iranian clients. Adaptation
with life style and trust were found to be the most significant antecedents explaining
the adoption of mobile banking. (SF AmiriAghdaie, f Faghani ,2020)

This special issue of the International Journal of Bank Marketing focuses on mobile
banking, which has recently received a dramatic increase in attention among
practitioners and academics alike. As consumers are increasingly moving online and
becoming ever more mobile, digitalization is forcing banks to undergo the most
extensive transformation in their history. Mobile banking refers to an interaction in
which a customer is connected to a bank through a mobile device such as a cellphone,
smartphone, or tablet. Mobile banking thus differs from mobile payments, which
involve the use of a mobile device to pay for small purchases at the point of sale. M.
U., Yao, W., Yang, S., & Li, J. (2018). Icariin: A Potential Compound for the
Recovery of Tibial Dyschondroplasia Affected Chicken Via Up-Regulating BMP-2
Expression. Compared to traditional banking at a branch, or computer-based internet
banking, mobile banking offers benefits such as true freedom from time and place,
and efficiency for banking transactions. Considering the vast development and global
hype around mobile banking, this special issue is highly timely. It contains six
original research papers that deal with mobile banking from different perspectives.
The first paper is a limited in many developing countries, the interest in mobile
banking has grown rapidly. This special issue has two articles focusing on consumer
adoption behavior and attitudes to mobile banking, with a particular focus on
developing economies. The article by Aijaz Shaikh, Richard Glavee-Geo, and
HeikkiKarjaluoto provides insight into the factors affecting consumers’ intention to
adopt mobile banking in Pakistan. This study is particularly interesting as it tests
gender differences in a developing country using a combined model that derives from
the technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior. The authors
suggest that instead of the “one size fits for all” strategy, bank marketers should

approach men and women with tailored strategies in order to increase mobile banking
adoption rates in developing and emerging economies. The following article, by
Sreejesh S. Pillai and Debjani Sahoo, studies the influence of mobile banking services
cape on customer attitudes and engagement in India. The authors use the concept of
mobile banking services cape to refer to the aesthetics, layout and functionality, and
financial security of a mobile banking app. The results demonstrate that mobile
banking services cape is a strong predictor of customer attitude toward mobile
banking, which then influences customer engagement. Given the fact that mobile
banking penetration differs greatly across countries and regions, an interest toward
cross-national comparison studies and the effect of culture on mobile banking
adoption become apparent. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2017

Increasing customer trust towards mobile commerce in a multicultural society:

clarified that the use of mobile banking by wireless shows the difference between
online banking and mobile banking settings, while customers consider portability to
be the most critical feature of the mobile banking industry. Reliability is the most
crucial part of mobile banking. More importantly, bank customers believe that
valuable internet banks are being used, although web-based banking is considered the
cheapest channel.(Rana, N.P. 2017)

The global spread and use of internet and mobile contributed to the development of
digital payments and baking. There is a lack of research which provides
comprehensive synthesis and analysis of factors affecting the use and adoption of
digital banking and payment methods in GCC countries. Alkhowaiter, W. A. (2020).
Digital payment and banking adoption research in Gulf countries: A systematic
literature Review. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature
review and perform weight and meta-analysis. By reviewing 46 studies, it was found
that best predictors for digital payment and banking adoption in GCC countries are
trust, perceived security and perceived usefulness. Based on the extensive literature
review, the conceptual of factors affecting adoption digital banking and payment
methods in Gulf countries model was proposed, which will set agenda for future
research. Practitioners will be able to use the findings from this

study to improve adoption and quality of digital banking and payment services. ( AL
Khalaf and choe,2020;Alalwan et al.,2017)

1.6 Significant of The study

The study would be of benefit to researchers, academics, policy makers and the
banking sector in general. The study would also be immense benefit to students,
researchers and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the
subject matter.

1.7 Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a visual representation that has to illustrate the expected
relationship between cause and effect in financial context. A conceptual framework is
tool that is used before a study. The conceptual Framework is suppose to help the read
may logical sense of the relationship of variables/factors/them that have been deemed
relevant to the research problem. It presents the relationship between the dependent
and independent variable that helps to develop hypothesis. It can also be explained
through flowing diagram:

1.8 Research Methodology:

Research methodology is the way to solve systematically about the research problem
(Kothari, 1990:30). Research methodology is the procedure of planned outline which
deals with research design, data collection procedure, nature of data, identify the
population, making confidence of the sampling method and sampling variables, data
selecting styles, presentation style of collected information data and interpreting it.
Now, no doubtingly it is obvious that the research methodology is helpful to attain the
objectives of the research.

1.8.1 Research Design:

Research Design is the first step of present case study. The research Design of the
present case study is analytical, comparative and graphic study approach. This design
is less descriptive but more prescriptive because the historical secondary data have
been mainly employed for analysis. For the analytical purpose some questions have
been asked to concerned personnel, which is considered as primary data and the
secondary Data includes the annual report published by NIC ASIA Bank etc. Such

data and information have been processed through various process like auditors,
tabulations, calculation and results have been interpreted in the form of ratio and
percentage for clear vision.

Types of Research Design

1. Exploratory: A research Design that is used to identify problem and analysis

of problem, selection of alternative and finding new idea in the area where is
less knowledge is know as E exploratory research. Exploration is useful when
researcher likes a clear idea of the problem
2. Descriptive: A research Design that is developed with the aim of studying the
subject of research in detailed and explain the facts and characteristics related
to research problem is known as descriptive research define. It collects and
presents the fact and figures in certain situation.

1.8.2 Sample: sampling is the process used in statistical in which a predetermined

number of observations are taken from a larger population. The methodology used in
sample from population depends of type of analysis being performed but may include
random sampling or systematic sampling. In this research there are used 50 samples.

Sampling Methods: I have convenience and purposive which are described as


Convenience: Researcher selects the units as sample on the basis of his/her

convenience is considered as convenience sampling. The Researcher selects those
units that are available, nearby and wiling to participate or has relationship.

Purposive: A sampling methods where samples are selected by the Researcher based
on his or her judgment is known as purposive sampling. Those units or individual are
selected as a sample which can fulfill the purpose but it doesn't considered the
convenience of the Researcher.

1.8.3 Data collection

A closed ended questionnaire will be used for the accumulation of information. The
Questionnaire is a research question designed to be asked to be respondent and extract

specific data. It helps in compiling the appropriate data, making data comparable for
analysis and minimizing mistakes in phrasing and asking questions.The questionnaire
will be used on five points of lickert scale, ordinal scale and Nominal Scale. The
information is also shown on graphs and table for more clarification. Graphs and table
are also being used to perform the study

1.8.4 Data analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap and evaluate data .

Bar diagram- A diagram that presents the data preparing bar is known as bar
diagram. It is one of the easiest and commonly used diagram to present data. It consist
of the data and the value of the data is presented by the length or height of the
rectangle and width does not having any meaning

Table- Arrangement and presentation of data in logical order is known as table .table
create base for the analysis of data. Table can be classified into different group on the
basis of it's construction Data is considered the central pieces in the research onion
framework. For data analysis,. IBM/SPSS tool used as statistical tool in this research.

1.9 Limitation of the study

∙ Area bounded: due to area bounded researches is not be able to collect the data
out of Malangwa city so that the findings of the study may not be generalized
in the organizations operated outside of the Malangwa city.

∙ Time constraints: the report may not be comprehensive due to limited

respondents because of time constraints.

∙ Lack of female respondent: there is very difficult to find many female

respondents due to our narrow minded to thinking.



2.1 Personal Information of respondents

From the result of the study out of 50 respondents it shows that 4 are female and 46
are male. The results of the gender are presented in the following diagram:
Table 1: No of gender

Distribution of respondent on the basis of Gender:

Gender No of respondent percentage

Male 46 92%

Female 4 8%

50 Age group:
45 46
0 4

MALE FEMALE Figure 1: No of gender

From the study of result, out of 50 respondents 25% of them have age group between
0-20 years old, 40% of them have age group between21-25, 20% of them have age

group between 26-30 years old and 15% of them have age group between above 30
years old.

Table 2: No of respondent on the basis of age

Respondents Frequency Percent

below 20 10 20%

21-25 20 40%

26-30 15 30%

above 30 5 10%

TOTAL 50 100.0


3 0 Above 30


Figure 2: Age of group

From this figure 2 we can explain that age group between 0-20, 21-25, 26-30 and
above 30 have 25%, 40%, 20% and 15% respectively. This means majority of
respondents age is between 21-25 i.e. is 40% and minority of the respondent age
group is above 30 i.e. 15%.

Marital status:

According to the result of the study of 50 respondents, 7 are married and 43 are
unmarried. The information above mention is described in the following diagram:
Table3: Distribution of respondent on the basis of marital status
Marital status No. of respondent percent

Married 7 14%

Unmarried 43 86%

Marital status
married unmarried

Figure 3: Marital status

Level of education:

Among 50 respondents 6% have passed below SLC/SEE, 30% of them have passed
SLC/SEE, 26% of them have higher secondary and 38% have passed bachelor degree.
The above information represents below in the diagram:

Table 4: On the basis of education

Education level No. of respondent percent

Below SLC/SEE 3 6%

SLC/SEE passed 15 30%

Higher secondary 13 26%

Bachelor 19 38%

Uneducated 0 0%

Level of education
0% 6%

38% 30%


Blow SLC/SEE SLC/SEE passed Higher secondary

Bachelor and above Uneducate

Figure 4: Level of education


Among 50 respondents, 72% respondents are Students, 6% are the Business person
and 22% of them are employed.

Table 5: Distribution of respondent on the basis of occupation:
occupation No. of respondent percent

Student 36 72%

unemployed 0 0%

Business person 3 6%

Employed 11 22%

50 100%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 72% 22% 6%

20% 10% 0% occupation0%

student Unemployed Business persson Employeed

Figure 5: Occupation

2.2 Perception of Customers satisfaction towards on mobile banking:

Satisfied with the discount and offer provided by NIC Asia bank while using
mobile banking:

According to the research out of the 50 respondent 30% of the customers are highly
satisfy, 50% of the customers are agreed, 20% of the customer are neutral and .we can

find that all of the customers are satisfied with this service. The above information are
showed below in the diagram.

Table 6: Satisfaction level while giving discount and offer:

Satisfaction level while giving discount and offer:

Satisfaction level No. of respondent Percent
while giving
discount and offer:

Strongly agree 15 30%

Agree 25 50%

Neutral 10 20%

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0%

satisfaction level while giving discount and offer


10 25

Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 6:

Satisfaction level while giving discount and offer

From the figure 6 we can find out that 40% 0f the customers are strongly agree with
service provided by NIC Asia bank and 6% of them are just we can says
that positive response are higher than negative.

Customers are satisfied with yearly charged by using mobile banking:

From the analysis of result, it is found that only 14% of the customers are strongly
angry and 38% of them are agree, only 6% of them are neutral and 42% of them are we can find that maximum customers are not satisfied with the charged by
using mobile banking.

Table 7: Level of satisfaction while charged on mobile banking service

Yearly charged on No. of respondent percent
mobile banking

Strongly agree 7 14%

Agree 19 38%

Neutral 3 6%

Disagree 21 42%

Strongly disagree 0 0

Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly disagree




Figure 7: Level of satisfaction while charged on mobile banking service

Mobile banking service are friendly and responsiveness

From the analysis of result, it is found that 15 of them are strongly agree and 25 of
them agree and 10 0f them are neutral. In the survey of 50 respondents, all of them are
positively agree that the mobile banking service are friendly and responsiveness.
Table 8: Mobile banking service are friendly and responsiveness
Friendly or not No. of respondent percent

Strongly agree 15 30%

Agree 25 50%

Neutral 10 20%

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Mobile banking is friendly and responsiveness
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly disagree
Series1 15 25 10 0 0 Figure 8: Mobile banking service are friendly and


2.3 Customer perception about risk of using mobile banking

From the analysis of result, it is found that 44% of respondent agree, 40% of
respondent are neutral, 14% of them are disagree and 2% of them strongly disagree.
So we can find that the maximum number of customer are agreed that using of mobile
banking is risky.

Table 9: Risk of using mobile banking

Risk of using No. of respondent percent
mobile banking

Strongly agree 0 0

Agree 22 44%

Neutral 20 40%

Disagree 7 14%%

Strongly disagree 1 2%

risk of using mobile banking
14% 2%

strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Figure 9: Risk of using mobile banking

2.4 Challenges faced by NIC Asia Bank:

NIC Asia bank are engaged in corporate social work

In the survey of 50 respondents, 25 of the respondents are strongly agree, 20 of the

respondents are agree and 5 of the respondents are neutrally. So we can find that 45 of
the respondents are agreed that NIC Asia bank are engaged in corporate social work.
It is presented in the following chart.

Table 10: Response on engaged in CR activities

Response on engaged No. of respondent percent
in CR activities

Strongly agree 25 50%

Agree 20 40%

Neutral 5 10%

Disagree 0 0%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Response on engaged in CR activities 30




strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Figure 10: Response on engaged in CR activities

Distribution of respondents on the basis of Unethical Hacking:

Among the 50 respondents, it was founded that 14% of them are strongly agree, 16%
of them are agree, 16% of them are neutral, 40% of them are disagree and 14% of
them strongly disagree. Analysis of the survey we can find that maximum respondent
give negative feedback about the Unethical hacking.

Table 11: Response on unethical hacking

hacking Response No. of respondent percent
on unethical

Strongly agree 7 14%

Agree 8 16%

Neutral 8 16%

Disagree 20 40%

Strongly disagree 7 14%

Response on Unethical hacking

40, 40% 16, 16%

14, 14% strongly agree agree

14, 14% 16, neutral

16% disagree
strongly disagree

Figure 11: Response on unethical


Distribution of respondents on the basis of getting information about mobile


From the result study, out 50 respondents, 58% of them are

getting information through Facebook, 20% of them are getting
information through Instagram and 22% of them are getting
information through other sources. These information are shown
Table 12: Getting information about mobile banking
Information about No. of respondent percent
mobile banking

Facebook 29 58%

Instagram 10 20%

Others 11 22%

Getting information about mobile



facebook instagram others

Figure 12: Getting information about mobile banking

2.5 Customer satisfaction

Distribution of respondents on the basis of their satisfaction whether they are satisfied
or not satisfied

From the result of the study, out of 50 respondents, 84% of the respondents are
satisfied, 6% of the respondents are not satisfied with the facilities of mobile banking
of NIC Asia and 10% of them neutral.

Table 13: level of satisfaction on the basis of their facilities

level of satisfaction No. of respondent percent
on the basis of their

Yes 42 84%

No 3 6%

Maybe 5 10%


0% 24% 76%

yes No Maybe

Figure 13: level of satisfaction on the basis of their facilities

Distribution of respondents on the basis of whether they would like to use the
mobile banking in future or not:

From the result of the study , among the 50 respondents, 76% of the respondents are
use this service in future and 24% of the respondents are not sure about that, they are
using this service in the service. This information are shown below in the diagram.

Table 14: Use the mobile banking service in future or not

Use the mobile No. of respondent Percent
banking service in
future or not

Yes 38 76%

No 0 0

Maybe 12 24








yes No Maybe

Figure 14: Use the mobile banking service in future or not

Distribution of respondents on the basis of whether the mobile banking service is

beneficial or not:

From the result of the study, among the 50 respondents, 80% of the respondents are
agreed that the mobile banking service is beneficial, 18% of the respondents are not
sure that, the service of mobile banking is beneficial or not and 2% of the respondent
are not satisfied that the mobile banking service is beneficial.

Table 15: Whether the mobile banking service is beneficial or not

Whether the No. of respondent Percent
mobile banking
service is
beneficial or not

Yes 40 80%

No 1 2%

Maybe 9 18%









yes No maybe

Figure 15: Whether the mobile banking service is beneficial or not

2.6 Key Findings

∙ Among the total respondents, 92% are male and only 8% of them are female. ∙

25% of respondents are of age group between 0-20, 40% of respondents are of
age a

∙ Most of the respondents has formal education secondary, higher secondary

and bachelor i.e, higher secondary and bachelor level is 26% and 38%
respectively and so on.

∙ Among the total respondents 72% are students, 60% are business person and
22% 0f them are employed.

∙ When asked about whether they are satisfied or not with the offer and discount
offered by NIC Asia bank while using mobile banking, 40% respondents are
highly satisfied and 6% of them are not satisfied.

∙ When asked about whether mobile banking is friendly and responsiveness,

15% of them are strongly agreed and 10% of them neutral.

∙ From the result, it is found that 44% of respondents fell that mobile banking is
so risky and 20% of respondents feel that it is completely safe to use mobile

∙ Among the total respondents 45 of the respondents are agreed that NIC Asia
bank are engaged in corporate social work.
∙ 84% of the respondents are satisfied with service using mobile banking and so

∙ Among the total respondents 76% of the respondents will be used the mobile
banking service in future and so on.

∙ 80% of the respondents are agreed that mobile banking service is beneficial
and only 2% of them are not agreed.



This chapter focuses on the summary of ''A STUDY ON CUSTOMER

MALANGWA-9’’. In the first section, it presents the summary of the study. In the
second section, it is presents the conclusion based on the study and finally, the third
section deals with the recommendation of the study and suggestion for future

3.1 Summary of the findings

This research is about the Customers satisfaction towards mobile banking. Customer’s
response were studied through the demographic variable like age, gender and income.
From the followings facts it was found that majority of people were aware about
mobile banking and they use this facility. Similarly people are highly satisfied
towards this service and they believe and recommend that it is the better way of
performing and managing the financial transaction. According to summarized view
people are using this facility because it provides better services and is also reliable
and secure. However, most of the respondents seems to be in confusion whether the
bank revels the personal information or not.
Respondents were also asked various questions regarding the matter and it has been
found that they were satisfied with the service and it can be said that mobile banking
is the better way of banking. Majority of people also feel it convenient to use it. It
leads us to conclusion that it has simple structure and is easy to understand. The
relationship between cost efficiency age group has also been shown. It concluded that
mobile banking is cost efficient to use. It also indicates that these days mobile
banking is being user friendly and easy to use. In the above table there has been
shown that majority of people believe mobile banking is reliable and creditable and
most of the respondents were literate. As moving towards to security minority of
people were found to be confused either mobile banking has security threat or not.

The area of my research is Malangwa city. The area is selected in order to find out the
satisfaction of mobile banking service. From the population we selected total of 50
respondents as sample. The respondents has been interviewed and done purposive
sampling. The respondents were interviewed using different questionnaires. The
descriptive research design is chosen for this study. The survey data is inputted into
excel and analyzed as per needed and necessary coding, recoding, adding and
calculation are done and analytical method were based on bar- diagram and pie-chart.

From the 50 respondent 92% of the male are well educated under the age between
21-25 years old. 38% of the respondents have bachelor degree. When asked about
whether they are satisfied or not with the discount and offered by NIC ASIA BANK
while using mobile banking 40% of respondent that they are highly satisfied and 6%
are not satisfied. 15% of respondents are strongly agree that mobile banking is
friendly and responsiveness. 44% of respondent are fell that mobile banking is risky
and 20% of respondent that is completely safe to use mobile banking. 80% of
respondents are agree that mobile banking service is beneficial. 84% of respondents
are satisfied with the service of mobile banking.45% of respondents are agreed that
NIC ASIA BANK are engaged in corporate social work. The impact of 22%
customers told that it is over charged where as 66% think that it has good
reputation.72% of the respondent will be suggest to other to use the mobile banking
service of NIC Asia bank.

3.2 Conclusion
From the research, we came to know that most of the respondents are male who use
mobile banking service. Their main purpose is to get satisfaction and save time. We
also came to know about present situation of mobile banking services customer
influence in mobile banking is risky as well as the unethical hacking strategies.

People are more attracted to use mobile banking service because they find
comfortable and friendlier to get direct transaction. this study has showed that most of
the customers are satisfied with their services. There are many online transaction that
are helps to save the time and money also. Customers told that mobile banking has
become better than past and it make their life easy. It also save money by providing
discount and also give happiness to providing some offer. Mobile banking service
helps to buying tickets of plane, bus and so on. Customers are highly satisfied with
the service of using mobile banking. Only they think that organization have should
play some important role to make it more better and future use.

3.3 Recommendation

This research is limited to only Malangwa city. According to my view, if the research
can capture large area just beside this place then the data, findings and conclusions
could have been drawn more accurately. It does not represent all the parts of the
country. Similarly, the respondents could have been more than 50 in order to
represent the views of many people, which would provide the proper finding and
output. The submission of project report is less to prepare due to the recent Covid-19
pandemic situation and I also unable to collect the appropriate data.

Although the data generated from research highlighted the following recommendation
to those who wish to conduct research on the Customer satisfaction towards mobile
banking service:

• Scope: If the research can capture large area, the finding can be generalized

since It will be generate more accurate data.

• Sample size: If numbers of sample can be increased, more reliable will be
the Findings.
• Access: Due to pandemic the research has been conducted through online,

hence the findings is limited to certain people.

• Approach: If qualitative approach with in depth interview can be used to cover

larger number of people it will increase fragrance to the result. • Time bound:

Research is conducted within short time frame, hence trend analysis could add

value to the research finding.

• Method: Regression, Standard deviation, t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA

could generate variety results from multiple angle, so it should be consider.

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Survey Questionnaire
Hello sir/madam
My name is Nitesh kumar Raut. I am undergraduate student at Central college of
business management affiliated to Pokhara university. At the present time, I am
doing research project work under the title "customer satisfaction toward using
mobile banking services in NIC Asia bank ". In order to meet this objective
5pondents have been selected and you are one of them.your participation is
completely voluntary. This information is being collected for academic purpose
only and details related to your privacy will be kept confidential. The interview will
take approximately 5 to 10 minutes, but with your cooperation it can be done

May I have permission to undertake this interview?

Yes = Proceed with interview.
No = Thank the person and look for the next respondent.
General Information:
Name of respondent

Religion of respondent

Education of respondent

Gender of respondent

Contact Number

Section A: Customers behavior towards on mobile banking services

S.N Questions Answers

01 Since how long are you using o Less than 1 year

mobile banking? o 1 -2 years
o 3 -5 years
o 5 -7 years

02 How often you use mobile banking? o Occasionally

o Frequently
o Regularly

03 In general what do you feel o Over charged

about mobile banking o Good reputation
o Core of my welfare

04 What do you use mobile banking? o Money transfer

o Mobile recharge
o Plane ticket

05 Who influenced you using for o Friend

mobile banking? o Family
o My self
o Other

06 Where do get information o Facebook

about mobile banking? o Instagram
o Other

Section B: Perception of Customers satisfaction towards on mobile banking

07 Do you think customer are satisfied o Strongly agree
with the discount and offer provided o Agree
by bank while using mobile o Neutral
banking? o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

08 Do you believe mobile o Strongly agree

banking services are friendly o Agree
and o Neutral
responsiveness? o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

09 Are you satisfied with the o Strongly agree

yearly charged of mobile o Agree
banking? o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

10 What is your perception about risk o Strongly agree

of using mobile banking? o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

Section C: Challenges faced by NIC Asia Bank

11 Do you agree NIC Asia bank o Strongly agree
are engaged in corporate o Agree
social work? o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

12 Do you agree that o Strongly agree

unethical hacking has o Agree
made mobile o Neutral
banking more devastating? o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

Section D: Information about Customer satisfaction

12 Are you satisfied with o Yes
their facilities? o no

13 Do you want to used o Yes

this service in future? o No

14 Do you think mobile o Yes

banking service is o No

15 Do you face any problem o Yes

while using mobile banking? o No

16 Will you suggest your o Yes

friends to use this service? o No

Thank you

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