NTGP-SJCS. Usefulness of nursing theory-guided practice

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REVIEW ARTICLE doi: 10.1111/scs.


Usefulness of nursing theory-guided practice: an integrative


Ahtisham Younas BSN, MN (Doctoral Student, Former Junior Lecturer)1,2 and Shannon Quennell RN, BN,
MN (Clinical Nursing Instructor)
School of Nursing, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 2Shifa College of Nursing, Islamabad, Pakistan and
Clinical Nursing Instructor, Nipissing University, North Bay, ON, Canada

Scand J Caring Sci; 2019 adaptation model and Peplau’s theory of interpersonal
relations. The effect of theory-guided interventions was
Usefulness of nursing theory-guided practice: an
evaluated in improving quality of life, self-efficacy, self-
integrative review
care and stress of patients with chronic, acute, cardiac and
psychological illnesses. The quality rating was judged to be
Background: Nursing theory-guided practice helps strong for three studies, moderate for 25 studies and weak
improve the quality of nursing care because it allows for seven studies. All of the strongly rated studies found
nurses to articulate what they do for patients and why nursing theory-guided interventions useful. Overall, nurs-
they do it. However, the usefulness of nursing theory- ing theory-guided interventions improved all of studied
guided practice has been questioned and more emphasis outcomes in 26 studies and at least one outcome in nine
has been placed on evidence-based nursing and tradi- studies. None of the studies reported that nursing theory-
tional practice. Therefore, an examination of experimen- guided interventions as not useful.
tal studies was undertaken to analyse the extent of use Conclusion: Nursing theories have guided practice in both
and usefulness of nursing theories in guiding practice. eastern and Western countries, and theory-guided prac-
We reviewed experimental studies because in this era of tice has been found useful compared to traditional nurs-
evidence-based practice, these designs are given more ing practice. Therefore, nurses should continue to guide
weightage over other research designs. This examination their nursing practice through the lens of nursing theo-
would corroborate the usefulness of nursing theory- ries and should continue to evaluate the effectiveness of
guided practice compared to traditional practice. nursing theory-guided practice.
Methods: An integrative review was conducted. Literature
search was performed within multiple databases, and 35 Keywords: experimental studies, nursing theory-guided
studies were reviewed and appraised. practice, nursing theories.
Results: Majority of the studies were from Iran, the United
States and Turkey and used Orem’s self-care model, Roy’s Submitted 8 August 2018, Accepted 23 January 2019

important as EBP. Nursing theories enable nurses to dis-

cern and evaluate their essential role in different health-
Nursing is a theory- and practice-based profession. Nurs- care settings. Therefore, nurses should value both EBP
ing theories guide practice by helping nurses clarify their and Nursing Theory-Guided Practice (NTGP) because the
values and beliefs about human health processes and inter-relationship between theory, practice and research
seeking an awareness of patient care approaches (1). It is crucial for knowledge development (5, 6). NTGP
has been argued that nursing theories are idealistic and describes, predicts and explains nursing phenomena and
impractical, and nursing practice is informed by evi- allows nurses to recognise the nature of nursing practice.
dence-based practice (EBP) (2, 3). In response to such It serves as a serve tool for personal knowing, reflection,
notions, McCrae (4) argued that nursing theories are as reasoning, critical thinking and effective decision-making
(7). Some nursing theories are abstract and may not be
testable through empirical research, but theories which
Correspondence to:
can guide both nursing knowledge and practice are
Ahtisham Younas, School of Nursing, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, 174 Patrick Street A1C, 5C4, St. John’s,
needed and essential for improving patient care (8).
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Nursing Theory-Guided Practice is defined as a ‘human
E-mail: ay6133@mun.ca health service to society based on the discipline-specific

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science 1

2 A. Younas, S. Quennell

knowledge articulated in the nursing frameworks and type of analysis would help in substantiating the extent to
theories. The discipline-specific knowledge reflects the which nursing theories have guided nursing practice.
philosophical perspectives embedded in the ontological,
epistemological, and methodological processes that frame
nursing’s ethical approach to the human-universe-health
process’ (9: p. 177). Nursing practice which does not To examine the research regarding the use of nursing
entail the above-mentioned elements and is not guided theories as guiding framework in experimental studies
by nursing theories is referred to as traditional practice. It and to evaluate the usefulness of NTGP compared to tra-
also includes nursing practice based on medical knowl- ditional nursing practice.
edge. For example, a patient who refuses any medical or
nursing treatment would be called noncompliant by
many nurses while some nurses may rationally explore
the reasons for the patient’s refusal and plan the care An integrative review was used because it allows for com-
accordingly. In this example, the former nurses would be pilation of empirical research about a topic and helps
practising traditional nursing care because their practice determine areas for future research. Unlike systematic
is based on traditional knowledge (6). Colley (10) under- reviews, integrative reviews include studies with various
scored the need for adaptation of nursing practice and purposes that address an overarching phenomenon rather
emphasised that nurses should guide their practice and than studies with similar research questions (15). How-
research through the lens of nursing theories, rather than ever, because of the nature the research question (i.e.
theories of medicine and social sciences. NTGP is essential exclusive focus on experimental studies addressing the use
for the continuous progress of nursing as a discipline and of multiple nursing theories in guiding practice), we did
a science and for improving the quality of nursing care. not include a mix of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-
It provides a voice for nurses to articulate what they do methods studies. A systematic review and a meta-analysis
for patients and their families and why they do it (11). were not feasible for two reasons: (i) the studies included
Bond et al. (5) examined research published in nursing a range of theory-guided interventions and multiple out-
journals from 2002 to 2006 to determine the extent of the comes, thereby rendering the development of a focused
use of nursing theories. They retrieved 2857 articles com- systematic review question impossible and (ii) a meta-ana-
prising 2184 (76%) research articles and 673 (24%) theo- lysis is usually conducted after a systematic review and
retical and philosophical papers. Of 2184 research articles, entails mathematical compiling or pooling of individual
837 (38%) used different theories as the guiding frame- randomised control trials (RCTs) to seek statistical general-
work (460 (55%) were nursing theories while 377 (45%) isations (16, 17). Therefore, a meta-analysis of experimen-
were theories from social sciences and psychology). Many tal studies requires a focused research question, a
of those studies integrated some of the concepts of nursing systematic review and studies reporting specific interven-
theories indicating the consistent use of nursing theories tions targeting one or more outcome variables (16–18).
to guide research. However, this review had a few limita-
tions: the authors did not identify specific nursing theories
Data sources
used in those studies, the analysis was limited to publica-
tions in some specific nursing journals, and the analysis A comprehensive search was performed within CINAHL,
provided no evidence about the usefulness of NTGP. Faw- Google Scholar, PubMed and Science Direct databases
cett (12) suggested that the comparison of NTGP with tra- using specific keywords and phrases: ‘NTGP intervention/
ditional nursing practice could corroborate the usefulness experimental studies’, ‘NTGP’, ‘nursing theories and
of nursing theories in guiding practice and theory apprai- research’, ‘nursing theories and models in nursing prac-
sal. This kind of comparison is often an aim of experimen- tice’ and the names of various nursing theorists such as
tal designs which are also considered to be the best Rogers, Parse, Watson, Roy, Orem, Newman, Neuman,
designs for comparative research in health care, medicine Meleis, Kolcaba and King along with the term ‘experi-
and nursing (13, 14). Therefore, other research designs mental studies’. The initial search retrieved 67 073 arti-
such as cross-sectional, case studies and other descriptive cles of which 62 004 were book results and duplicate
designs which do not aim to compare different practices articles that appeared in all the databases. A further
cannot be useful for this evaluation. Moreover, in this era search limit and screening excluded 4321 articles includ-
of evidence-based practice, experimental designs are also ing dissertations, discussions, commentaries, descriptive
given more weightage over any other kind of research designs, concept analyses and literature reviews. Finally,
(8). Therefore, to substantiate the usefulness of NTGP and 744 articles were screened after reading the titles and
research, analysis should focus on experimental studies abstracts which resulted in final selection of 35 articles.
that used nursing theories as the guiding framework. This The detailed search strategy is presented in Fig. 1.

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice 3

The records identified from

the databases CINHAL (n =
47 479), Google Scholar
Additional records identified
(n = 17 600), PubMed (n = 131),
through other sources
and Science Direct (1863) (n = 0)
(Total = 67 073)

Records after duplicates and book results concept analyses,

removed editorials, and
(n = 5069) literature reviews
excluded. The articles
that borrowed
theories from
Records screened after
psychology and
reading the titles and/or
social sciences were
excluded. The
(n = 744)

observational studies
and case studies that
used nursing theories
Full-text articles as framework were
assessed for eligibility also excluded.
(n = 37) (n = 4321)

Two full-text articles

excluded, because
Studies included in the
these were in Persian
Figure 1 Literature search strategy (adapted review
and Korean
from Moher et al. (57) PRISMA http://www. (n =35)

size, intervention and its duration, outcome measures

Inclusion and exclusion criteria
and their significances were extracted. Then, the statisti-
The experimental studies from January 1995 to October cal significance of the outcome measures was assessed by
2017 were included. The final selection of the articles considering the p-values, and the confidence intervals
was based on the following criteria: (i) studies published and findings were judged to be useful, somewhat useful
in the English language, (ii) experimental studies pub- and not useful, in terms of the number of significant out-
lished in peer-reviewed journals, and (iii) the studies come measures. Each author compiled the summary
which only used nursing theories developed by nursing tables separately and then compared their findings. Any
theorists/authors as the guiding framework. Editorials, lit- arising discrepancies were resolved, and a consensus was
erature reviews, dissertations, commentaries, book reached. The selected studies were appraised using vali-
reviews and concept analyses were excluded. The articles dated critical appraisal checklists proposed by Greenhalgh
which borrowed theories from disciplines such as psy- et al. (19). For data synthesis, the information from the
chology and social sciences and observational studies and studies was synthesised in relation to the twofold pur-
case studies that used nursing theories as the guiding pose. During this synthesis, we gave more weightage to
framework were also excluded. the strongly rated studies, irrespective of the nature of
experimental design.

Data analysis and compilation

Study characteristics
For data compilation and interpretation, the studies were
read at least three times to develop a comprehensive The commonly used design were RCTs (n = 19), quasi-
understating of the methodology and findings. Literature experimental designs (n = 11) and pre- and postexperi-
summary tables were developed and information about mental designs (n = 4). One study used mixed-methods
authors, country, nursing theory, study purpose, sample experimental design, but only quantitative findings were

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

4 A. Younas, S. Quennell

reported. Most of the studies were conducted in Iran Rogers science of unitary beings (n = 2). Other nursing
(n = 17), United States (n = 5) and Turkey (n = 5). One theories that guided these studies were Watson’s caring
study each was conducted in Pakistan, Canada, India, science (n = 1), King’s goal attainment theory (n = 1),
Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Oman and UAE. Fifteen studies Meleis’s transitions theory (n = 1), Kolcaba’s comfort
were conducted in healthcare centres and clinical set- theory (n = 1), Burkhart’s spiritual care theory (n = 1)
tings, 12 studies were conducted in hospital settings, six and the heart failure self-care theory based on Orem’s
studies were conducted in community settings, and only model (n = 1). In total, 26 studies were guided by grand
one study was conducted in a both education and hospi- theories which included Roy’s adaptation model, Rogers’s
tal setting. The sample sizes of the studies ranged from 9 science of unitary human beings and Orem’s self-care
to 100 (Table 1). model, whereas nine studies were guided by middle
range and practice theories.

Critical appraisal
What contexts and outcome variables were studied?
All of the included studies clearly outlined their research
question, purpose, theoretical framework, sample and its These studies addressed a wide range of health conditions
characteristics. The conceptual frameworks were well laid such as chronic diseases, acute conditions, cardiac and
out, and theoretical frameworks were appropriately inte- psychological illnesses. Most of the studies focused on
grated in the study design. All of the studies used valid patients with heart failure and other cardiac conditions
and reliable data collection questionnaires and indices, (n = 10), asthma (n = 3), cancer (n = 5), diabetes
which were also pretested in their own settings. The (n = 2), acute conditions (n = 3) and multiple sclerosis
descriptive and statistical analyses employed were perti- (n = 2). One study each focused on patients with depres-
nent to the research questions. The methodology was sion, infertility, postpartum, postnatal, fibromyalgia,
also explicitly outlined. All of the studies did not use any stroke, burns, limb amputation, dialysis and prostate
kind of blinding except three studies that used the single gland issues. The main outcome variables included the
(20, 21)- and double-blinding (22) approach. The studies patients’ life quality (n = 11), self-efficacy and self-care
which did not use blinding are subject to the chances of abilities (n = 7), and stress and coping (n = 7). The
intervention contamination. A few studies were pilot in remaining outcomes were pain, spiritual care, wound
nature (23, 24) which limits their generalisation to other care, fatigue, sleep quality and general nursing care.
similar populations. A short follow-up time was the
major limitation of most of the studies (n = 20). The
What is the difference between nursing theory-guided practice
remaining 15 studies (21, 23–37) used an adequate fol-
and traditional nursing practice?
low-up time ranging from three to six months.
Of 35 studies, the quality rating was judged to be All of the reviewed studies investigated the usefulness of
strong for three studies (20, 22, 38), moderate for 24 NTGP in a variety of nursing settings. We identified three
studies (21, 24–26, 28–30, 32–35, 37, 39–49) and weak categories of studies: studies comparing NTGP with rou-
for seven studies (23, 27, 31, 36, 50–53). The major limi- tine care, studies comparing NTGP with no intervention
tation of most of the weakly rated studies was the groups with the comparison or control group and studies with-
were somewhat noncomparable at the baseline, indicat- out a comparison or control group. In total, 20 studies
ing the chances of selection bias and the chances that the compared NTGP with routine/traditional nursing practice
outcomes could have been due to other variables which (21–23, 25, 28–33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47–50, 53, 54). A total
were not accounted for during baseline comparison. The of 14 studies compared NTGP with no intervention on
sample size was small which could have resulted in low the control or comparison group (22, 24, 27, 34–38, 41,
statistical power. It was indicated that there was a loss of 42, 45, 46, 51, 52), and only one study did not involve
follow-up, but the strategies to account for the follow-up any comparison group (26).
were not described, thereby leading to the risk of bias.
The detailed critique of the studies can be found in
What type of nursing theory-guided interventions was
Tables 2 and 3.
Various nursing interventions were evaluated in these
studies. The most common intervention was the integra-
tion of nursing theory-guided assessment along with a
What are the commonly used nursing theories and models?
nursing care plan. For example, Mathew and Devi (46)
Out of 35 studies, most of the studies used Orem’s self- assessed the effectiveness of Roy’s adaptation model-
care model (n = 13), Roy’s adaptation model (n = 11), based care in improving the life quality of patients with
Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations (n = 3) and cervical cancer. The patients were assessed using a tool

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Table 1 Study characteristics and findings

Authors/Country Theory Design Sample Intervention Duration Outcome Tools Significant outcomes Usefulness Conclusion

Afrasiabifar Orem’s self-care theory RCT Patients with multiple Orem nursing process- 1.5 months Fatigue Fatigue severity scale 1 (Fatigue) (p = 0.001, SU The care reduced the
et al. (20), Iran sclerosis EG = 31 based care CI: 4.35–4.73) fatigue of patients
CG = 32
Farsi & Azarmi Roy’s adaptation model RCT Patients with lower Educational intervention 2 months Coping strategies Lazarus and Folkman 6 out of 8 (problem- U The educational
(22), Iran extremities amputation coping strategies solving (mean score intervention improved
EG = 30 CG = 30 questionnaire change 15.40–17.16, coping strategies of
p = 0.03), avoidance patients
(15.30–14.0, p = 0.04),
distancing (15.33–
13.33, p = 0.009),
confrontive coping

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

(13.76 to 15.86,
p = 0.01), self-
controlling (17.46–
19.26, p = 0.02),
accepting responsibility
p = 0.02))
Artinian et al. Orem’s self-care theory RCT with a Patients with functional A web-based monitoring 3 months Weight, blood pressure, Heart failure self-care 1 (Quality of life (51–38, SU The quality of life
(23), USA qualitative class II–III congestive system with medication activity, heart healthy behaviour scale, pill p = 0.02) lower score improved in patients
component heart failure EG = 9 compliance device diet counts, 6-minute walk indicates greater quality who used the
CG = 9 test and the Minnesota of life medication compliance
living with heart failure device
Paradis et al. Situation-specific theory Pre- and Patients with heart Motivational interviewing 1 month Self-care maintenance, Self-care of HF-Index, 1 (Confidence of SU Motivational interviewing
(24), Canada of heart failure self-care post-test RCT failure EG = 15 management, general self-care to HF patients in performing was useful for
based on Orem’s CG = 15 self-care management, management scale, HF-specific health care increasing the
self-care model and confidence to perform Therapeutic self-care behaviours (68.57– confidence of patients
trans-theoretical model. self-care and conviction scale, confidence and 73.02, p = 0.005, in performing HF-
to perform self-care Conviction Scale effect size = 0.86) specific healthcare
behaviours behaviours, but was
nonsignificant in
increasing other
Wengstrom Orem’s self-care theory RCT Women with breast Orem’s theory-guided 3 months Coping ability regarding Wheel scale 1 (motivation (8.67 to SU The intervention was
et al. (25), Sweden cancer EG = 67 care structure (ability of 8.25 to 8.17, p < 0.05) useful for the patients
CG = 67 appraisal), motivation over 59 years of age
(degree of emotional
involvement), emotional
balance and coping
Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice
Table 1 (Continued)

Authors/Country Theory Design Sample Intervention Duration Outcome Tools Significant outcomes Usefulness Conclusion

McEwan et Meleis’s transitions Uncontrolled Women with diabetes Diabetes education and 6 months Diabetes knowledge, Diabetes knowledge 3 (Diabetes knowledge U The education and social
al. (26), USA theory pre- and EG = 15 social support self-efficacy and health- questionnaire, Medical (16.27–18.93, support intervention
post-RCT with intervention related psychological outcomes, Social p < 0.001), self-efficacy was useful in
a qualitative and behavioural support inventory, Self- (48.33–76.73, facilitating the
component problems Efficacy for diabetes p < 0.001), and health- outcomes
scale related (4.07–2.02,
p < 0.001)
A. Younas, S. Quennell

psychological and
behavioural problems
(3.80–2.67, p < 0.001))
Erci et al. Peplau’s interpersonal RCT Surgical patients Spending time with 1 week Anxiety Beck anxiety inventory 1 (Anxiety) (18.5–1.4, U The intervention was
(27), Turkey relations model EG = 60 CG = 60 patients in accordance p < 0.001) useful in reducing
with the interpersonal patients’ anxiety.
process of Peplau
Altay & C glu
ß avusßo Orem’s self-care theory RCT Adolescents with asthma Individualised care plans 5 months Personal responsibility in Newly developed self- 5 (use of asthma drugs U Nursing theory-based
(28), Turkey EG = 40 CG = 40 and home visits self-care in terms of care data form (38 using, 2 not using, care was beneficial.
five behaviours p < 0.001), PEF meter
(31 using, nine not
using p < 0.001),
asthma action plan (33
applying, seven not
applying p < 0.001),
daily care schedule (40
keeping, p < 0.001)
and protection from
triggers (10 protected,
30 not protected
p = 0.001).
Brandon et al. Orem’s self-care theory Pre- and Patients with heart Telephonic delivered 12 weeks Hospital readmission, Minnesota living with 3 (hospital readmission U The use of telephone-led
(29), USA post-test RCT failure EG = 10 patient education self-care behaviours, heart failure scale and (F = 7.63, p = 0.013), intervention was useful
CG = 10 and quality of life self-care behaviour self-care behaviours for the patients
scale (F = 21.85, p < 0.001)
and quality of life
(F = 5.89, p < 0.000)
Burkhart & Hogan spiritual care in Pre- and Nursing students Educational and 13 months Spiritual well-being, Spiritual Care Inventory, 1 (Increase in students’ SU A nursing theory-based,
Schmidt (30), USA nursing practice theory post-test RCT EG = 28 CG = 31 reflective programme religious well-being, or Spiritual Care in perceived ability in process-oriented
with a run concurrently with existential well-being, Practice survey and providing spiritual care approach was useful
programme the clinical practicum students’ perceived Spiritual Well-Being (difference score = 5.7, for preparing nursing
evaluation ability in providing Scale p < 0.01) students to integrate
component spiritual care (p < 0.05) spiritual care in their
Apay et al. Roy’s adaptation model NRCT Women with postpartum Nursing process-based 7 home visits 35 nursing diagnosis Postpartum follow-up Of 36 diagnosis, only 22 U Roy’s adaptation model-
(31), Turkey haemorrhage EG = 65 care over 1.5 under physiological, outcome form were evaluated and 20 based care prevented
CG = 69 months interdependence, self- resulted in improved complications
concept and role patient condition associated with
function (p < 0.1 or 0.05) postpartum

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Table 1 (Continued)

Authors/Country Theory Design Sample Intervention Duration Outcome Tools Significant outcomes Usefulness Conclusion

Arslan-Ozkan Watson’s caring theory RCT Women with infertility Watson’s caritas process- 8 months Distress, self-efficacy, Infertility distress scale, 3 (distress (39.7–30.2, U The theory-based care
et al. (21), Turkey EG = 52 CG = 53 based care adjustment Infertility self-efficacy p < 0.001), self-efficacy decreased the negative
scale and fertility (28–21.9, p < 0.001), impact of infertility on
adjustment scale and adjustment (25.4– women
19.1, p < 0.001))
Khajeh-goodari Roy’s adaptation model RCT Patients with heart Training programme 3 months Quality of life, Minnesota living with 3 (life quality (p < 0.001, U The training programme
et al. (32), Iran failure EG = 21 interpersonal support, heart failure CI 42.29–36.69), was effective for
CG = 22 walk questionnaire, interpersonal support patients
Interpersonal Support (p < 0.001, CI 19.44–
Evaluation List and the 23.59), and walk
6-Minute Walk Test

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

(p < 0.01, CI 0.31–
Dahmardeh Orem’s self-care theory RCT Patients with multiple Supportive educational 4 months Sleep quality Pittsburg sleep quality 1 (sleep quality (12.58– U The supportive
et al. (33), Iran sclerosis EG = 39 intervention index 10.38, P < 0.01) educational
CG = 39 intervention improved
sleep quality of patients
Maghsoodi Roy’s adaptation model Pre- and Elderly patients EG = 30 Care plan, education 1.5 months Self-efficacy General self-efficacy For intervention group U Roy’s adaptation model-
et al. (34), Iran post-NRCT CG = 30 sessions, and direct scale. the self-efficacy score based care and
care increased from 21.56 education was useful
to 27.41 and for for increasing self-
control group the score efficacy of the patients
changed from 21.42 to
21.78 (p < 0.001)
Mohammadpour Orem’s self-care theory RCT Patients with MI Supportive educational 1.5 months Self-care abilities in Myocardial infarction 3 (knowledge (1.4–2.0, U The supportive
et al. (35), Iran EG = 33 CG = 33 intervention terms of knowledge, self-care ability p < 0.001), motivation educational
motivation and skills questionnaire (1.7–2.0, p = 0.001), intervention improved
and skills (1.3–20. self-care abilities of
p < 0.001) patients
Zarea et al. Peplau’s interpersonal RCT with pre- Patients with coronary Seven therapeutic 2 to 4 months Anxiety and depression Hospital anxiety and 2 (anxiety score U Therapeutic
(36), Iran relations model and postdesign artery bypass grafting communication sessions depression scale decreased from 10.23 communication was
EG = 37 CG = 37 to 9.38 (p < 0.001) useful in reducing
and depression patients’ anxiety and
decreased from 11 to depression
9.13 (p < 0.001))
Onieva-Zafra Rogers’ science of Pre- and Patients with Two guided imagery CDs 2 months Pain and depression McGill Pain questionnaire In the intervention U Guided imagery
et al. (37), Spain unitary human beings post-NRCT fibromyalgia EG = 30 entailing different long form and the VAS group, lower levels of alleviated patients’ pain
CG = 30 relaxation techniques and depression with pain (7.66–4.89, and depression
and exercises the Beck Depression p < .046) and
Inventory. depression (6.48–
34.34, p < .010) were
noted than the control
group at the week 4
evaluation. At week 8,
no significant
differences were found
Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice

for pain
Table 1 (Continued)

Authors/Country Theory Design Sample Intervention Duration Outcome Tools Significant outcomes Usefulness Conclusion

ostolo & Kolcaba Kolcaba’s comfort theory NRCT Patients with depression Guided imagery 10 days Anxiety, depression, Psychiatric inpatients All four. The reported U Guided imagery was
(38), Portugal EG = 30 CG = 30 stress and comfort comfort scale and the power for all the useful for improving
depression, anxiety and outcomes was 0.92 patient outcomes
stress scales
Bakan & Akyol Roy’s adaptation model Secondary Patients with heart Education, exercise and 3 months Quality of life, functional Minnesota living with 2 (Improvement in SU The intervention was
(50), Turkey data analysis failure EG = 21 social support capacities, and social heart failure patients’ quality of life, useful for patients with
of an RCT CG = 22 programme support questionnaire, functional capacities heart failure
A. Younas, S. Quennell

interpersonal support and social support

evaluation list and the within the
6-minute Walk Test. interdependence
dimension of the
intervention group
(each with p < 0.05))
Alimohammadi Roy’s adaptation model RCT Patients with stroke Roy’s model-based 2 months Roy’s adaptation model- 1 (physiological SU The care helped patients
et al. (54), Iran EG = 25 CG = 25 nursing care and based questionnaire for adaptation (47.4–94.7, in adapting to their
educational sessions measuring physiological p < 0.0001)) physiological changes
care of patients
Hemati et al. Orem’s self-care theory Pre- and Adolescents with asthma Five training sessions (45 2 months Self-esteem Coppersmith Self-esteem Self-esteem of patients U Orem’s model-based
(39), Iran post-NRCT EG = 32 CG = 32 –60 minutes) about inventory increased from 28.34 care was useful for
nutrition, self-care, to 31.53, p < 0.01) improving nutrition and
fatigue reduction and compared to control decreasing fatigue of
sleep quality group 28.12–27.90 patients
Hemati et al. Orem’s self-care theory Pre- and Adolescents with asthma Education about asthma 2 months Stress Cohen perceived stress The stress scores in U The care was useful for
(40), Iran post-NRCT EG = 32 CG = 32 and its management, scale intervention group decreasing perceived
breathing types, proper decreased from 29.18 stress adolescents
application of spray to 25.46 (p < 0.05)
and ways to relieve
Borzou et al. Rogers science of unitary RCT Patients with diabetes Educational programme 1 month Quality of life regarding Diabetes specific quality 3 (diabetes control (8.91 SU The educational
(41), Iran beings EG = 30 CG = 30 diabetes control, social of life scale –10.13, p = 0.00), programme has some
support, energy and social support (2.73– benefits for the
mobility, anxiety and 4.38, p = 0.00), energy patients
sexual activity and mobility (7.74–
11.87, p = 0.00))
Hashemi et Orem’s self-care theory RCT Patients with burn Orem nursing process- 1–2 months Quality of life Burn Specific Health 1(Quality of life (73.33– U The self-care programme
al. (42), Iran EG = 56 CG = 56 based care Scale and quality of life 98.12, p = 0.00) improved patients
questionnaire quality of life
Karimi et al. Orem’s self-care theory Pre- and Patients with colorectal Five training sessions (45 3 months Food habits and fatigue Food frequency Nutrition habits of U The care was useful for
(43), Iran post-NRCT cancer EG = 35 –60 min) about questionnaire, Fatigue patients were improved improving nutrition and
CG = 35 nutrition, self-care, inventory (p < 0.0001) and decreasing fatigue of
fatigue reduction, and fatigue was decreased patients
sleep quality (p < 0.0001) compared
improvement to control group

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Table 1 (Continued)

Authors/Country Theory Design Sample Intervention Duration Outcome Tools Significant outcomes Usefulness Conclusion

Maghsoodi et Peplau’s Interpersonal RCT Patients with coronary Peplau’s nursing process- 2–4 months Anxiety Beck Anxiety Inventory 1 (Anxiety (30.35–25.38, U Peplau’s therapeutic
al. (44), Iran Relations Model artery bypass grafting based care p < 0.001) model-based care was
EG = 37 CG = 37 reduced patients’
Maslakpak et Roy’s adaptation model Pre- and Nursing home residents Care plan and two 1.5 months Quality of life Quality of life For intervention group U Roy’s adaptation model-
al. (45), Iran post-NRCT EG = 30 CG = 30 education sessions to questionnaire (SF-36) the quality of life score based care improved
manage maladaptive increased from 43.36 quality of life of
behaviours to 67.59 and for patients
control group the score
changed from 43.49 to

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

43.69 (p < 0.001)
Mathew and Roy’s adaptation model Pre- and Patients with cervical Oral counselling and an 2 weeks Quality of life Maladaptive behaviour The quality of life score U The care was useful in
Devi (46), India post-NRCT cancer EG = 30 information booklet for assessment tool and increased from 71.5 to improving the quality
CG = 30 improving the life newly developed 92.1 (p = 0.00) of life of patients with
quality quality of life tool cervical cancer
Shahed et al. Roy’s adaptation model Patients with The intervention included 3 months Marital satisfaction and Enrich marital Marital satisfaction score U Roy’s model-based care
(47), Iran mastectomy and 4 education sessions maladaptive behaviours satisfaction and Roy’s of the intervention was useful for patient
chemotherapy EG = 35 (45–60) about disease adaptation assessment group increased from care
CG = 34 care, exercise, healthy scale 6.7 to 5.9 (p < 0.03)
habits and diet, fatigue compared to control
and stress management group 6.7–8.5
Shearer et al. Rogers science of RCT Patients with heart Telephonic delivered 6 phone Self-management, Power as knowing 1 (self-management SU The intervention was
(48), USA unitary beings failure EG = 45 empowerment calls over purposeful participation participation in change (16.42–19.60, useful in improving
CG = 45 12 weeks in meeting personal tool VII, Ware’s short- p < 0.001)) self-management of
goals and perception of form health survey and heart failure through
functional health Self-management of self-care activities
heart failure scale
Zarandi al. Orem’s self-care theory RCT Patients with migraine Orem nursing process- 3 months Quality of life regarding SF36 All with each p < 0.001 U The self-care programme
(49), Iran EG = 43 CG = 40 based care physical functioning, improved patients
physical role limitation, quality of life
body pain, general
health, vitality, social
functioning and
emotional role
limitation and mental
Afrasiabifar Roy’s adaptation model Pre- and Patients with Educational booklet 81 sessions Adaptation modes Newly developed scale 3 (physiological (68.76– U The intervention was
et al. (51), Iran post-test RCT haemodialysis EG = 31 over 8 weeks. physiological, self- 79.15, p = 0.001), self- useful for increasing
CG = 28 Outcome concept and role concept (33.31–38.96, the patients’ adaptation
assessment function modes p = 0.03), and role in physiologic, self-
at 2 months function mode (29.75– concept and role
32.93, p = 0.04)). function modes
Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice
10 A. Younas, S. Quennell

designed to measure physiological needs, self-caring

Orem’s self-care model-

based care was useful
intervention improved
behaviours, daily role functioning and the ability to per-

patients’ outcomes
The clinical pathway
form daily activities with or without support from family.
Conclusion The intervention consisted of counselling and social sup-
port sessions and the postassessment was performed
using the same tool. Hemati et al. (39) and (40) investi-

gated the outcome of Orem’s self-care model-based care

on self-esteem and the perceived stress of patients with

asthma. The patients were assessed using a self-care

care healing compared

to wound care group
increased episiotomy
needs assessment form and then education was provided
Significant outcomes

Self-care group had

about asthma and methods of controlling symptoms,
12 outcomes

(p < 0.05)
effective breathing types (diaphragmatic and lip-bud),
proper application of spray, and ways to relieve stress
and anxiety and improve self-esteem. Karimi et al. (43)
assessed the effect of self-care theory-based care on the
perineal care checklist
Approximation Scale
(REEDA) and self-

nutrition and fatigue of patients with colorectal cancer.

Redness, oedema,

Episiotomy site,
Discharge from

The assessment explored the desire for self-care, self-

awareness and skills for managing nutrition and fatigue.

The intervention consisted of a training and a supportive


session about nutrition, fatigue reduction techniques,

postoperative problems,

complications, finances,
and patient and staff

sleep quality improvement and self-care.

Nursing, physicians,
discharge plan,

Other interventions included the use of web-based

Wound healing


monitoring and teaching, telephonic education sessions,


face-to-face education sessions, supportive educational

sessions, educational booklets, clinical pathways and edu-
cation sessions conducted using CDs/DVDs. For example,
4 months

Artinian et al. (23) used a web-based monitoring and


4 days

education system to improve the patients’ compliance

with home care for congestive heart failure. This system
Comparison of 6-hour

included a medication compliance device linked with

dressing with self-
nurse-led wound

patients’ telephone line. The device encouraged the

Clinical pathway

perineal care

patients to eat heart healthy diet, engage in exercise


answered their questions regarding self-care and emer-

gency symptoms. The clinicians read patient’s data and
answered their questions in a timely manner. Erci et al.
Postnatal mothers with
Patients with prostate

episiotomy wounds

(27) determined the effectiveness of Peplau’s interper-

EG = 50 CG = 50
surgery EG = 100

sonal relations model by spending time with the patients

CG = 100

and discussing their anxieties about their surgery. The


intervention was aimed at improving the therapeutic

relationship of nurses and patients so that patients could
share their concerns openly. Brandon et al. (29) also
studied the usefulness of a nurse-led telephone interven-
tion on hospital readmission, life quality and the self-care
Pre- and

of patients with heart failure. Through telephone conver-



sations, the nurses educated patients about HF, smoking

cessation, low sodium diets, emergency signs for calling a
Orem’s self-care theory
King’s systems model

doctor and flu/pneumonia vaccination. Khowaja (52)

studied the use of clinical pathway integration for care of
patients with transurethral prostate resection surgery.
Table 1 (Continued)

This pathway included variances and outcomes such as

electrolyte imbalance, phlebitis, constipation and urinary
tract infection related to nursing, physicians, discharge
Raman (53), India

Khowaja (52),

plan, postoperative problems, postoperative complica-


tions, finances, and patient and staff satisfaction. McE-

wen et al. (26) determined the effect of transitions

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice 11

Table 2 Quality checklist for randomised control trials

Adequate & Valid Reliable Long

Clear and rigorous Comparable primary primary Contamination Follow- follow-up
focused group Baseline study outcome outcome of up for outcome
Authors question allocation measures groups measure measure intervention Blinding >80% measurement Rating

Wengstrom Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (25)
Artinian Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y W
et al. (23)
Erci et al. (27) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y W
McEwan Y N N/A N/A Y Y N/A N Y Y M
et al. (26)
Shearer Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (48)
Bakan & Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N W
Akyol (50)
Brandon Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (29)
Paradis Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (24)
Burkhart & Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
Schmidt (30)
Altay & Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
ß avusßog
C lu (28)
Zarea et al. (36) Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y W

Arslan-Ozkan Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (21)
Hashemi Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (42)
Zarandi Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (49)
Maghsoodi Y Y N N Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (44)
Alimohammadi Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (54)
Mohammadpour Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (35)
Khajeh-goodari Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (32)
Dahmardeh Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (33)
Afrasiabifar Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N S
et al. (20)
Farsi et al. (22) Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N S

Key: Yes = Y, no = N, unclear = UC, weak = W, moderate = M, strong = S.

theory-guided intervention on the health–illness transi- enhancement and then implemented a supportive devel-
tion of Mexican women with diabetes. This intervention opmental programme about migraines, activity, nutrition
included educational and social support sessions with and relaxation techniques. The life quality was measured
patients to increase their knowledge, social support and in terms of physical functioning, pain, general health,
self-efficacy and to decrease psychological- and health- vitality, social functioning and physical and emotional
related behaviours. role limitation, and the mental well-being of patients.
Zarandi et al. (49) assessed how Orem’s model-based Mohammadpour et al. (35) studied how a supportive
care can affect the life quality of patients with migraines. educational intervention affects the self-care abilities of
They determined patients’ self-care needs in terms of patients with myocardial infarction (MI). The education
nutrition, activity, stress control techniques and sleep session included information about the functions of

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

12 A. Younas, S. Quennell

Table 3 Quality checklist for quasi-experimental designs

Sufficient Long
data to Intervention follow-up to
Intervention enable may have measure the
Randomi independent reliable Valid affected Follow impact of
Clear sation of changes statistical Correct primary Reliable data -up primary
Authors question possible over time. inference statistics outcome outcome collection Blinding >80% outcome Rating

Khowaja Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N N UC W
Apostolo & Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N S
Kolcaba (38)
Afrasiabifar Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N W
et al. (51)
Apay & Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y W
Borzou Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (41)
Maslakpak Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (45)
Maghsoodi Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (44)
Raman (53) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N W
Onieva-Zafra Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (37)
Hemati Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (39)
Mathew & Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
Devi (46)
Hemati Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (40)
Karimi Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N M
et al. (43)
Shahed Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y M
et al. (47)

Key: Yes = Y, no = N, unclear = UC, weak = W, moderate = M, strong = S.

cardiovascular system, the aetiology, risk factors and outcome variables) (Table 1), and none of the studies
management for MI, and their adherence to treatment reported nursing theory-guided interventions as not
and dietary routines. After the assessment, the self-care being useful at all.
abilities were measured in terms of their knowledge, The three strong studies reported that nursing theory-
motivation and skills. Shahed et al. (47) studied the use- guided interventions were useful and effective for
fulness of a supportive educational intervention concern- improving patient health outcomes. For example, Afrasi-
ing the marital satisfaction of patients with mastectomies abifar et al. (22) studied the effect of Orem’s self-care can
who were undergoing chemotherapy. They conducted be used to reduce fatigue in patients with multiple sclero-
educational sessions about disease and its care, exercise, sis. They developed a nursing care plan. The care plan
healthy habits and diet, fatigue management and stress evaluation and redevelopment continued for one month
and then determined the satisfaction level of patients. over six sessions of 45–60 minutes. The researchers noted
significant pre- and postdifferences (p < 0.05) in fatigue
of the patients in intervention group and compared to
How useful were nursing theory-guided interventions?
the control group (p < 0.05). This study found significant
In total, 26 studies found nursing theory-guided inter- differences in all of the studied outcomes. On the other
ventions to be useful (Table 1), nine studies found nurs- hand, Farsi and Azarmi (23) studied how education can
ing theory-guided interventions somewhat useful (in this improve the coping strategies of veterans with limb
review ‘somewhat useful’ interventions were defined as amputations. They assessed the patients’ coping strategies
those interventions which improved only one of the such as avoidance, positive reappraisal, distancing and

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice 13

seeking social support and then identified their maladap- and control groups, but there was a significant increase
tive behaviours in terms of meeting physiological needs, in students’ perceived ability to provide spiritual care
self-caring behaviours, daily role functioning and ability (p < 0.05). Shearer et al. (48) examined the usefulness of
to perform the daily activities with or without support an empowerment session delivered via telephone on the
from family and friends. The educational programme health outcomes of patients with heart failure. The
resulted in significant score differences between the two nurses made phone calls to the patients and supported
groups in dimensions of coping strategies (p < 0.05), but and encouraged them to focus on their goal attainment
no differences in scores of social support seeking and posi- and self-management strategies in order to increase their
tive appraisal (p > 0.05). Apostolo and Kolcaba (38) deter- perceptions of functional health. The authors found sig-
mined the usefulness of guided imagery for decreasing nificant differences in self-management (p < 0.001)
depression, anxiety and stress and increasing comfort in between intervention and control groups. However, no
patients with depressive disorders. They invited the inter- differences were noted in purposeful participation and
vention group to engage in daily deep breathing exercises, perceived functional physical health. Afrasiabifar et al.
muscle exercises, and showed them image relaxing scenes, (51) studied the usefulness of Roy’s adaptation model-
best people in life and other comforting images. The out- based education on adaptation of patients with haemodial-
comes were measured after 10 days. This intervention ysis. An educational booklet about self-care was given to
resulted in has lower levels of depression, anxiety and the patients. This intervention was extended for 81 ses-
stress (p = 0.00), and higher levels of comfort scores in sions over 8 weeks. There were significant differences
the intervention group compared to the comparison group noted in the mean scores of physiological, self-concept
(p = 0.00). Since all of the strongly rated studies found and role function mode between the interventional and
nursing theory-guided interventions effective compared to control groups (p = 0.01, p = 0.03, p = 0.04, respectively),
the traditional nursing interventions, it is apparent that but no significant difference existed in interdependence
nursing theory-guided practice was useful. In support of modes.
these strongly rated studies, other moderately rated stud-
ies also support this usefulness of NTGP. For example,
Bakan and Akyol (50) developed an education, exercise
and social support programme based on Roy’s adaptation The purpose of this review was to determine the extent of
model for persons with heart failure. The programme was the use of nursing theories in guiding experimental
conducted for three months and reported significant research and to evaluate the usefulness of NTGP in com-
improvement in patients’ quality of life (p < 0.05), their parison with traditional practice. The findings are discussed
functional capacities (p < 0.05) and social support within in relation to the twofold purpose. Regarding the extent of
the interdependence dimension in patients (p < 0.05). the use of nursing theories, most of the studies used
Dahmardeh et al. (33) developed an educative-supportive Orem’s self-care and Roy’s adaption model, which implies
nursing system and studied its effect on the self-care that these models may be easier to apply in real-life prac-
abilities and practices of patients with multiple sclerosis tice compared to other models and theories. Although the
regarding their quality of sleep. They reported an selection of a theory is mainly based on the type and the
improvement of patients’ sleep quality in the interven- nature of research questions, the level of theory abstrac-
tional group compared to the control group (p = 0.004). tion could be a factor taken into consideration for using
Nine studies reported that nursing theory-guided inter- nursing theories as the guiding framework for experimen-
ventions were somewhat useful for patients. For exam- tal studies. The frequent use of these theories in research
ple, Paradis et al. (24) studied how motivational could be because of the simplistic language used in these
interviewing affects the self-care activities of patients theories. However, other grand theories use esoteric lan-
with heart failure. The motivational interviewing was guage therefore are difficult to apply in real-life practice
conducted at the time of discharge, the 5th day after dis- (55). Some possible ways to make such grand theories
charge and 10th day after discharge. This intervention more relevant to everyday nursing could be (a) to revisit
was useful for increasing the confidence of patients in the language used in such theories and present them in a
performing HF-specific healthcare behaviours, but was more practical manner, (b) to combine concepts of differ-
nonsignificant in increasing other behaviours. Burkhart ent grand theories which are based on the same paradigm
and Schmidt (30) determined the effect of an educational and develop practice and midrange theories, and c) empiri-
and reflective programme to enhance students’ abilities cally test selected concepts and relational statements of
to provide spiritual care and to improve their own spiri- these theories and present them as research frameworks
tual well-being. This programme was run in parallel with rather than as practice theories. Future research could
a clinical role transition practicum. The authors found no focus on the development of such synthesised nursing the-
differences in spiritual well-being, religious well-being or ories and their evaluation and testing for research and
existential well-being of the students in the intervention practice.

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

14 A. Younas, S. Quennell

Regarding the types of nursing interventions, a variety of the strongly rated studies found that NTGP was useful
of tools, monitoring systems, and educational, support, compared to routine nursing practice. The moderately
guided imagery, counselling, and self-care management rated studies also indicated the usefulness; however, most
programmes were developed, implying that the nursing of these studies did not use a comparison group which
theories can guide the development of interventions for limits the broader generalisations of these studies, and
managing multifaceted human health problems. Among warrants further testing and evaluation. Several of the
several types of interventions, the integration of nursing moderately rated studies did not compare NTGP with
theories into the nursing care process was quite consis- routine care, did not use blinding and had small samples,
tent. This indicates that nursing process can serve as a which could have led to low statistical power and may
simplistic framework for the application of nursing theo- limit the generalisability. However, the number of statis-
ries because it allows nurses to assess, plan, implement tically significant outcomes in strongly and moderately
and evaluate their care. Therefore, nurses can integrate studies implies that the chances of power loss were mini-
this approach to inform their practice. Future research mum. These studies also provided comprehensive discus-
can further explore the use of nursing process-based sions about the sample characteristics, settings and
NTGP and the strengths and limitations of using nursing demographic, primary and secondary variables, which
process as an integrative component for NTGP. limits the possibility of alternative explanations arising
Interestingly, there is a decrease in the number of stud- from the effects of other unaccounted variables. There-
ies that evaluated nursing theory-guided interventions in fore, the studies substantiate the usefulness of NTGP.
the recent years which imply two things. First, nursing Given these limitations and because of only three strong
researchers do not consider nursing theories useful any- studies, it is recommended that future studies should
more. It could be attributed to researchers’ and practicing consider the limitations reported in the reviewed studies
nurses’ beliefs that nursing theories are not relevant to to further test the usefulness of NTGP, especially studies
day to day nursing practice (55). Second, there is a lim- with larger samples and comparison group are needed.
ited emphasis placed on the nursing theories and their
application in nursing curricula. These findings are consis-
tent with those of another bibliometric review regarding
the use of nursing models from nursing education, Despite many experimental studies, a systematic review
administration and practice during the years 2005 to 2009 was not conducted due to the differences in the nature of
and 2010 to 2014 (56). The authors reported that nursing research questions, sample, sample characteristics and the
theories are not widely used in countries other than diseases studied in the reviewed studies. A wide range of
China. Bond et al. (5) also reported that despite the literature could not be included because of the nature of
increase in the use of theories from other disciplines, the the study question which may limit the complete under-
use of specifically nursing theories and models in research standing of the topic. Although this review indicates the
and practice had declined. Therefore, application of these usefulness of NTGP in general, the findings are not helpful
theories in various settings and cultures is needed to for researchers who want to learn about the usefulness of
examine their usefulness. Most of the reviewed studies specific nursing theories and models. Therefore, future
included NTGP for patients with chronic illnesses, thereby studies and reviews should be conducted to address this
leaving a research gap for the application and evaluation gap. Throughout the quality assessment and synthesis,
of NTGP in acute and emergency care situations. Addi- subjective judgements were made which could have intro-
tionally, almost all of the strongly and moderately rated duced researcher bias at any stage of the review. There-
studies used quantitative experimental designs which are fore, findings should be interpreted with caution.
useful for determining the usefulness of NTGP in statisti-
cal terms, but provides no information about the feasibil-
ity sustainability of these interventions from providers’
and receivers’ perspectives. Therefore, further NTGP Nursing theories have been used to guide practice in both
evaluation type studies may include an additional qualita- eastern and Western countries, and NTGP has been use-
tive component (i.e. use a mixed-methods intervention or ful compared to traditional nursing practice. The findings
evaluation design) for explanatory purposes in order to also indicate that although most of the nursing theories
determine the feasibility and sustainability of tested were developed in the United States, they were used to
interventions. guide research and practice in other parts of the world,
Regarding the usefulness of NTGP, the review indicated showing the cross cultural utility of these theories. This
that NTGP resulted in promising outcomes compared to implies that nursing theories are invaluable for guiding
traditional nursing practice. Overall, nursing theory- nursing practice and research across a wide range of cul-
guided interventions improved all of studied outcomes in tures and nursing settings. Therefore, nurses should con-
26 studies and at least one outcome in nine studies. All tinue to guide their nursing practice through the lens of

© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

Nursing theories and their usefulness for practice 15

nursing theories and nursing researchers should continue

to evaluate the effectiveness of NTGP.
This research received no funding or grant from any
institution or organisation.
Author contributions
AY conceived the idea; AY performed the literature
Conflict of interest
search; AY and SQ extracted the data and reviewed the
manuscript; AY and SQ wrote the manuscript and made The authors declared no conflict of interest.
revisions to the manuscript.

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© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science

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