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Heat shock protein 70 protects the quail cecum against oxidant stress,
inflammatory injury, and microbiota imbalance induced by cold stress

Chunpeng Liu,∗,†,‡ Maria Tabassum Chaudhry,§ Dan Zhao,‡ Tong Lin,‡ Yunbo Tian,∗,†,1 and
Jing Fu∗,†,‡,1

Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; † Guangdong Province Key
Laboratory of Waterfowl Healthy Breeding, Guangzhou 501225, China; ‡ College of Animal Science and
Technology, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China; and § Faculty of Veterinary Sciences,
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan 60000, Pakistan

ABSTRACT The intent of this study was to inves- activities decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while the
tigate the effects of cold stress on oxidative indexes, nitric oxide (NO) content and inducible nitric oxide
inflammatory factors, and microbiota in the quail ce- synthase (iNOS) activity increased significantly (p <
cum. A total of 192 male quails (15-day-old) were ran- 0.05). Moreover, mRNA levels of inflammatory factors
domly divided into 12 groups (16 in each group) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), prostaglandin E synthase
were exposed to acute (up to 12 h) and chronic (up (PTGES), and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) were
to 20 D) cold stress at 12 ± 1◦ C. After cold stress higher in both acute and chronic cold stress groups
treatment, we examined morphological damage, oxida- when compared with the control group (p < 0.05). Fur-
tive stress indexes, inflammatory factors, and intesti- thermore, the intestinal microbiota was changed in both
nal microbiota. Results of morphological examination the acute and chronic cold stress groups. These results
showed that both acute and chronic cold stress can suggested that cold stress caused oxidative stress and
lead to cecal tissue injury. In addition, both acute and inflammatory injury in cecal tissues, influenced cecal
chronic cold stress, especially chronic cold stress can in- microbiota, and increased expression of Hsp70, which
fluence the activity of oxidative stress mediators. Glu- may contribute in protecting the cecum against cold
tathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) stress in quails.
Key words: cold stress, quails, intestinal inflammatory injury, microbiota, heat shock protein70
2019 Poultry Science 98:5432–5445

INTRODUCTION sue damage, and ultimately death (Dhanalakshmi et al.,

Cold temperature, one of the main restraining factors The gastrointestinal (GI) tract possesses an epithe-
that influence animals’ health and limits animal pro- lial layer, which is the functional unit that provides
duction in cold areas (Morris et al., 2017). The stress a regulatory barrier when exposed to a variety of
correlated with cold temperatures regulates antioxidant nutrients, microbes, and exogenous toxins (Hirata et
system, neuroendocrine system, immune system, and al., 2007; Melo et al., 2017). Cold-stress-induced ep-
inflammatory responses (van den Brand et al., 2010). ithelial cell proliferation and inflammation in the small
These transformations can affect the health, well-being, intestine of rats (Kaushik and Kaur, 2005). In addition,
and productivity of animals. Moreover, cold stress is in our previous study, we found that prolonged cold
one of the main factors that causes onset of various dis- stress resulted in increased oxidative stress (OS), mor-
eases. Cold stress inevitably emerges as the surrounding phological damage, and inflammation in the duodenum,
temperature drops below 18◦ C, driving down the body jejunum, and ileum of quails (Fu et al., 2013a, b), how-
temperature and the body is unable to warm itself. It ever, there was no data recorded about OS, morpho-
later causes severe cold-related sickness, irreversible tis- logical damage, inflammation index, and microbiota in
the caecum of quails.
Nitric oxide (NO) is recently documented as a power-
ful inter- and intra-cellular effector molecule that plays

C 2019 Poultry Science Association Inc. a key role in physiology and pathology. Nitric oxide
Received January 4, 2019.
Accepted June 4, 2019. plays a critical role in several physiological functions
Corresponding authors: (JF); tyunbo@126. in the GI tract and gut responses to injury. It is gen-
com (YT) erated in nerve cells of central and enteric nervous
systems, where it serves as neurotransmitter to regu- diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, and the mi-
late functions ranging from digestion to blood flow and croorganisms normally present in the small intestine fa-
to memory and vision (Rodeberg et al., 1995). The data cilitates intestinal functioning, including digestion and
obtained from animal studies proposed that NO plays absorption of nutrients, which ultimately affects the
an essential role in protecting the gut from destruction. growth and performance of chickens (Gong et al., 2002).
Intrinsic NO in neurons in the myenteric and sub- As the environmental stressors can influence the sus-
mucosal regions participates in modulation of smooth ceptibility of birds to temperature, it is important
muscle tone and regulation of intestinal peristal- to learn how stressors affect the quail cecum. There-
sis (Di Lorenzo and Krantis, 2001). Tumor necro- fore, the present study, which was based on a model
sis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is a pro-inflammatory of acute and chronic cold stress in quails, identified
cytokine, produced by macrophages in response to bac- changes in morphology and intestinal flora, antioxi-
terial endotoxins (Raabe et al., 1998). Cyclooxyge- dant responses [glutathione (GSH) and glutathione
nases (COXs) are key enzymes for the biosynthesis peroxidase (GSH-Px)], NO content and inducible ni-
of prostanoids, which play important roles in the gut. tric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity, COX-2, TNF-α,
There are 3 known isoforms of cyclooxygenase: COX-1, and Hsp70 mRNA levels in the quail cecum after cold
COX-2, and COX-3. COX-1 and COX-3 are constitu- treatment. The presence of OS, inflammation, and dys-
tively expressed, whereas COX-2 expression is induced bacteriosis led us to explore quail cecal injury induced
by cytokines and stresses (Lugo et al., 2007; Wang et by cold stress.
al., 2018). Liu et al. (2011) found that cold treatment
induced a significant increase in TNF-α production in
mouse ileal tissue (Liu et al., 2011). Furthermore, in our MATERIALS AND METHODS
previous study, we found that cold stress affected COX-
2 gene expression in the quail intestine (duodenum, je- Birds, Exposure to Cold Stress, and Sample
junum, and ileum). Therefore, it can be observed that collection
COX-2 and TNF-α are important pro-inflammatory cy-
tokines and play an important role during intestinal tis- A total of 192 Shaweimate male quails (1-day-old)
sue injury induced by stress. Oxidative stress can induce were purchased from Xiangyang Co., Ltd. (Harbin,
mRNA expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) China). Quails were treated according to the rule of
in the early stage and heat shock proteins (Hsps) are animal welfare, wherein the birds were housed in an
composed of a family of highly conserved stress proteins environmentally controlled enclosure, the whole animal
that are present in every organism and play important house was kept clean, bacteria free, and non-polluted
roles in stressed cells (Zhao et al., 2017). Hsp70 has been feed and water were supplied freely. Moreover, all the
widely reported to be an evaluation index in cold stress experiment procedures, including the prior ethical ap-
studies and mRNA expression of Hsp70 was increased proval was followed by Northeast Agricultural Univer-
significantly in heart and immune organs of chickens ex- sity (approved protocol number SRM-11). All quails
posed to cold stress (Zhao et al., 2013, 2014). Moreover, were fed in cages (16 quails in each cage). Feeding ex-
several studies have demonstrated that Hsp70 plays an periment was conducted according to meat quails feed-
important role in the process of OS and inflamma- ing management manual. For light protocol, 24 h of
tory response. It was found that increased expression light was provided in the first 7 D, after that the pho-
of Hsp70 protected the spleen against OS and inflam- toperiod was changed to 16 h light and 8 h dark. For
matory damage induced by cold stress in quails (Ren et temperature, the brooding temperature was maintained
al., 2018). Moreover, experimental study by Bianchi et at 37 to 36◦ C during 1 to 6 D of age, 36 to 35◦ C dur-
al. revealed that OS increased the expression of Hsp70 ing 7 to 10 D of age, 34 to 33◦ C during 11 to 15 D
and some inflammatory mechanisms, such as COX-2 ex- of age and decreased 1◦ C per day from day 16, until
pression and NF-kappaB (NF-κB) pathway (Bianchi it reached room temperature i.e., 28◦ C. Humidity in
et al., 2014). However, until now not much of the lit- the house was maintained at 65 to 70%. The diet con-
erature is available to elaborate the correlation among sisted of commercial corn−soybean-based feed that met
Hsp70, OS, inflammatory injury, and intestinal flora in all NRC requirements (Nation Research Council, 1994).
quails cecum exposed to cold stress. In the whole experimental period 2 kinds of diets were
The gut microbiota is known to affect the health and used. From day 1 to 21 (ME was 11.95 MJ/Kg and
growth of host animals. In healthy animals, the balance crude protein content was 23.97%), from day 22 to 35
of intestinal microbiota remains stable. However, this (ME was 12.37 MJ/Kg and crude protein content was
stability is affected greatly by environmental stresses 22.15%). Composition of basal diets is shown in Table 1.
(e.g., extremely high or low temperatures, overcrowd- At 15 D of age, quails were selected to establish cold
ing, poor feeding, and transportation; Lan et al., 2004). stress model and the cold stress temperature was 12 ±
To our knowledge, there are no studies on the effects 1◦ C. For acute cold stress, the duration of cold stress
of cold stress on intestinal microbiota in quails. As we was 0.5, 1, 3, 6, and 12 h. For chronic cold stress, the
know, the cecum has a high density of bacteria of nu- duration of the cold stress was 5, 10, and 20 D. Quails
merous types in birds (Gong et al., 2007). In addition, in control group were maintained at 28◦ C, which is a
cecal microbiota helps to protect quails against enteric natural temperature for quails in the brooding period.
5434 LIU ET AL.
Table 1. Composition of basal diets.

Nutrition level
Ingredients Day1 to 21 Day22 to 35 Day1 to 21 Day22 to 35

Corn 51.16 54.5 ME(MJ/kg) 11.95 12.37

Soybean meal 32 31 CP(%) 23.97 22.15
Fish meal 3.5 3.5 M-AA(%) 0.52 0.5
Corn gluten meal 5 2.5 L-AA(%) 1.32 1.3
Bran 3.5 2 Ca(%) 1.03 1.02
Soybean oil 1 2.6 AP(%) 0.46 0.45
Salt 0.3 0.3 NaCl (%) 0.46 0.47
Limestone 1.3 1.3
Calcium phosphate dibasic 1.3 1.3
DL-methionine 0.12 0.14
lysine 0.15 0.19
Choline chloride 0.12 0.12
Mineral premix 0.5 0.5
Vitamin premix 0.05 0.05

Table 2. Primers used for quantitative real-time PCR.

Target gene Primer sequence (5 -3 ) Product size (bp)

Hsp70 Forward 5 -CGGGCAAGTTTGACCTAA-3 250

Quails were killed with sodium pentobarbital after Determination of Antioxidant Enzyme
limosis for overnight, following exposure to cold stress Activities
for the specified durations. A total of 5 quails were
randomly selected from each treatment group and Quail cecums were homogenized on ice in physio-
cecal tissues were collected immediately under a sterile logical saline and centrifuged at 750 × g and the su-
environment. The cecal tissues were fixed for use pernatants were collected. Here, we detected metabolic
in light and electron microscopy, which were used enzymes such as GSH-Px, GSH, NO, and iNOS as an
for morphological evaluation; the intestinal contents index of oxidative damage. Commercial assay kits for
from 5 additional quails in each group were collected all the antioxidant indexes were provided by Jiancheng
and were then mixed evenly for analysis of microbial Biotechnology Research Institute (Nanjing, China) and
community by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis the assays were performed according to the manufac-
(DGGE). These samples were dissolved in sterile turer’s instructions.
water to obtain a concentration of 50 ng/mL and were
then stored at −20◦ C, with some other surplus tissues
stored at −80◦ C for q-PCR. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)
The methods for total RNA extraction and real-time
Microscopic and Ultrastructural quantitative reverse-transcription PCR were the same
as those used in our previous study (Fu et al., 2013b).
The primer sequences are shown in Table 2.
For light microscopy, after the dissection of 3 quails,
cecum tissues were removed and washed, fixed in 4%
buffered formaldehyde, and processed in paraffin. Each Diversity Analysis of the Intestinal
tissue was sliced into thin sections (5 to 6 μm), mounted Microbiota
onto the glass slides, and were stained with hematoxylin
and eosin (H&E). Finally these histological slides were Extracting Total Bacterial DNA The bacterial ge-
observed under an Olympus light microscope. nomic DNA was extracted using Qiagen DNA extrac-
For electron microscopy, cecum tissue specimens from tion kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) as per the manu-
the same quails were washed, fixed in 2.5% glutaralde- facturer’s protocol. The total DNA concentration was
hyde, dehydrated, embedded, stained, and observed un- measured with a nucleic acid quantification system and
der a transmission electron microscope. was stored at −20◦ C.

Figure 1. Histopathological lesions in cecum of quails exposed to acute cold stress (A and C) and chronic cold stress (B and D), stained with
hematoxylin and eosin (HE).

PCR-DGGE Assay Primers V3–3 (5 -CGCCCGC Statistical Analysis

GGCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3 ) and V3-2 (5 - In Statistical analysis, acute stress was analyzed
ATTACCGCGGCTGCTGG-3 ) were used to amplify among 6 periods of time and chronic stress was
the V3 region of 16S rDNA (Liao et al., 2015). The analyzed comparing stressed against their correspond-
PCRamplification was performed in a 25-μL reaction ing control.
system containing 1 μL of DNA template (50 ng), 1 μL For the PCR-DGGE assay, the similarities between
(25 pmol) of each primer, 2.5 μL of 10 × PCR buffer, the PCR-DGGE profiles were analyzed based on the
2 μL of dNTPs, 1.5 μL of Taq DNA polymerase, and locations of DNA bands on PCR-DGGE gel using
15 μL of ddH2 O. The PCR program was performed SYNGENE Gene Tools ver. 4.03 (b) and SYNGENE
following the protocol of Xie et al. (Yong-Zhu and Cui, Gene Directory Application ver. 2.01(c) from SYN-
2011). The PCR-DGGE profile was generated using GENE INTL. LTD (Bengaluru, India), a division
the Dcode System from Bio-Rad (Shanghai Invitrogen of Synoptic Ltd., Dice similarity coefficient and un-
Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China). The electrophoresis weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
was performed using 40 to 55% denaturing gradient (UPGMA). In addition, the obtained sequences were
with 100% corresponding to 6 M urea and 40% subjected to BLAST search of GenBank database
formamide on 8% polyacrylamide gel; the gel was run (
at 80 volts for 1 h, followed by 200 volts for 5 min and The statistical analysis of OS and gene expression
then 60 volts for 11 h at 60◦ C. After the PCR-DGGE data were performed using SPSS for Windows (SPSS,
step, a dendrogram was constructed for clustering of Chicago, IL) and was completed similarly to analyses
the PCR-DGGE profile according to the method used in our previous study (Fu et al., 2013b).
in a previous study (Ruengsomwong et al., 2014). To
identify the bacterial species, the bands of interest were
cut and eluted in sterile pure water. Each eluted band RESULTS
was then reamplified with V3-3-GC and V3-2 primers
and run on the DGGE system at a suitable gradient
Pathological Observations
concentration to check the purity of the cut band. The results from histopathological observation under
Following the purity check, each band was reamplified light microscopy showed that cecal histology manifes-
without a GC clamp and was then purified using a tation structures of quails in control groups (cold stress
QIAquick PCR Purification kit (Shanghai Invitrogen for 0 h, A; without cold stress, B) (×100) were clear
Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China). The purified PCR and intact, and no obvious histopathological changes
products were analyzed by direct sequencing analysis were observed in mucosa, lamina propria, submucosa,
performed by Huada Biotechnology Company (Beijing, and muscular layers. By contrast, obvious histopatho-
China). logical changes in cecum of quails in the group exposed
5436 LIU ET AL.

Figure 2. Histopathological effects of cold stress as observed by electron microscopy. Acute cold stress (A and C) and chronic cold stress (B
and D). The arrows show the morphological changes after cold exposure.

to acute (C, × 400) and chronic cold stress were ob- and 3B. The results showed that there was decrease
served (D, × 400). For the group of acute cold stress, in GSH levels, while GSH-Px levels fluctuated; there
the cecal mucosal epithelial cells displayed vacuolar was an increase from 0.5 to 6 h followed by a de-
degeneration (→), even diffused necrosis (←), and the crease to 12 h. The effects of chronic cold stress on
muscular fibers in muscular layers fused and homog- the GSH and GSH-Px activity levels in the cecum are
enized (↑) (C, × 400). For the group of chronic cold presented in Figures 3C and 3D. The results showed
stress, the histopathology changes in mucosal layer was that activity of both GSH and GSH-Px was signif-
obvious, the intestinal villi became shrunk (↓), and the icantly lowered (p < 0.05) after 5, 10, and 15 D
arrangement of damaged villi were disordered (#) (D, in the chronically stressed quails than in the control
× 400) (Figure 1). quails.
The results from histopathological observation un-
der electron microscopy showed that the cecal histol-
ogy manifestation structures of quails in control groups
(cold stress for 0 h, A; without cold stress, B) (× 10,000)
were observed that the subcellular organelles appeared Changes in the NO Content and iNOS
to be regular and dense in the cecum of control birds. In Activity
the control group, we saw that epithelial cell nuclei were
clear and ovoid in shape, mitochondrial cristae were ar- The effects of acute cold stress on NO content and
ranged regularly, and inner and outer membranes were iNOS activity in cecum are presented in Figures 4A and
clearly visible. In contrast, in acute cold stress groups, 4B. The results showed that NO content fluctuated; it
the nuclei of the cecum appeared karyorrhexis (C, × originally increased, then decreased at 3 h and later in-
10,000), while the cecum from the chronic cold stress creased again. The iNOS activity showed an increasing
birds showed that the mitochondria were damaged and tendency and there was significant increase (p < 0.05)
some nuclei were deformed (D, × 10,000). The arrows in iNOS activity in quails exposed to cold stress after
show the morphological changes after cold exposure. 12 h as compared to the control quails. The effects of
chronic cold stress on NO content and iNOS activity in
cecum are presented in Figures 4C and 4D. The results
Changes in the Antioxidant Enzyme Activity showed that NO content and iNOS activity were signif-
The effects of acute cold stress on GSH and GSH- icantly higher (p < 0.05) after 5, 10, and 15 D in the
Px activity in the cecum are presented in Figures 3A chronically stressed quails than in the control quails.

Figure 3. Effects of cold stress on glutathione (GSH) activity and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) levels in the cecum. (A) The effect of
acute cold stress on GSH activity. (B) The effect of acute cold stress on GSH-Px levels. (C) The effect of chronic cold stress on GSH activity.
(D) The effect of chronic cold stress on GSH-Px levels. The different letters in panels A and B and the ∗ in panels C and D indicate that there
were significant differences (p < 0.05) between any 2 groups. Each value represents the mean ± SD for 5 individual birds.

Figure 4. Effects of cold stress on NO content and iNOS activity in the cecum. (A) The effect of acute cold stress on NO content. (B) The
effect of acute cold stress on iNOS activity. (C) The effect of chronic cold stress on NO content. (D) The effect of chronic cold stress on iNOS
activity. The different letters in panels A and B and the ∗ in panels C and D indicate that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between
any 2 groups. Each value represents the mean ± SD for 5 individual birds.
5438 LIU ET AL.

Figure 5. Effects of cold stress on COX-2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α ), and heat shock protein (Hsp70) mRNA expression in the
cecum. (A) The effect of acute cold stress on COX-2 expression. (B) The effect of acute cold stress on TNF-α expression. (C) The effect of
acute cold stress on Hsp70 expression. (D) The effect of chronic cold stress on COX-2 expression. (E) The effect of chronic cold stress on TNF-α
expression. (F) The effect of chronic cold stress on Hsp70 expression. The different letters in panels A, B and C and the ∗ in panels D, E, and F
indicate that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between any 2 groups. Each value represents the mean ± SD of 5 individual birds.

Change in the mRNA Expression Levels of and Hsp70 displayed trends similar to those shown by
COX-2, TNF-α, and HSP70 Genes COX-2.

The effects of acute cold stress on COX-2, TNF-α,

and HSP70 mRNA expression in cecum are presented Diversity Analysis of the Intestinal
in Figures 5A−5C. The results showed that COX-2, Microbiota
TNF-α, and HSP70 mRNA expressions were higher in
the group exposed to cold stress than in the group not Influence of Acute Cold Stress on Microbial
exposed to cold stress. The effects of chronic cold stress Populations in the Quail Cecum There were 14 clear
on COX-2, TNF-α, and HSP70 mRNA expressions in bands in the cecal content from acute cold-stressed
the cecum are presented in Figures 5C−5E. The re- quails (Figure 6). All of these bands were used in se-
sults showed that there was a significant increase in quence analysis. From the DGGE schematic, using the
COX-2 mRNA expression (p < 0.05) after 5, 10, and group exposed to 30 min of acute cold stress as the con-
15 D in chronically stressed quails when compared with trol group, it is seen that profiles of groups exposed to
the control quails. The mRNA expression of TNF-α cold stress for 0 h, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h displayed

Figure 6. PCR-(DGGE) DNA profiles of the 16S rDNA V3 region from the cecal microbiota of acutely cold-stressed quails. (A) Bands in the
DGGE gel showing the DNA amplified from the bacterial content. (B) Bands corresponding to the pattern numbers, where abscissa 1 refers to
the cold stress exposure of 0 h and abscissas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 refer to the cold stress exposures of 30 min, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h, respectively, in
Figure 6A.

Table 3. Diversity index of the cecal microbiota of quails exposed to acute and chronic cold

Group Cold stress time

Acute Lane 0h 30 min 1h 3h 6h 12 h
0h 100.0
30 min 64.8 100.0
1h 69.9 58.3 100.0
3h 25.1 27.0 17.7 100.0
6h 68.3 58.5 68.7 34.6 100.0
12 h 67.6 62.0 75.9 17.5 72.4 100.0
Chronic Lane 5d 5k 10 d 10 k 20 d 20 k
5d 100.0
5k 12.8 100.0
10 d 21.3 71.2 100.0
10 k 0.0 48.5 59.9 100.0
20 d 17.1 24.5 8.1 15.9 100.0
20 k 20.5 51.9 53.6 64.5 26.9 100.0

64.8%, 58.3%, 27.0%, 58.5%, and 62.0% similarity, re- bands in the cecal content from acutely cold-stressed
spectively, with the profile of the control group. This quails (Figure 7). All of these bands were used in se-
result indicated that the bacterial species in the cecum quence analysis. From the DGGE schematic, using the
of quails exposed to cold stress for either 0 h or 30 min group exposed to chronic cold stress for 5 D as the con-
have a high degree of similarity (89.9%). Table 3 (acute trol group, it is seen that profiles of 5 k, 10 D, 10 k,
group) shows that there is a higher similarity (75.9%) 20 D and 20 k groups displayed 12.8%, 21.3%, 0.0%,
between the cecal microbiota of quails exposed to acute 17.1%, and 20.5% similarity, respectively, with the pro-
cold stress for 1 h or 12 h than there is between the ce- file of the control group. This result indicated that the
cal microbiota of quails exposed to these durations of bacterial species in the cecum of quails exposed to cold
acute cold stress and the control quails. The similar- stress for either 5 D or 10 D have a high degree of sim-
ity between the cecal microbiota of cold-stressed quails ilarity. Table 3 (chronic group) shows that there is a
after 6 h and 12 h is 72.4%. higher similarity (71.2%) between the cecal microbiota
Influence of Chronic Cold Stress on Microbial of chronically cold-stressed quails in 5 k or 10 D groups
Populations in the Quail Cecum There are 15 clear than there is between cecal microbiota of quails in other
5440 LIU ET AL.

Figure 7. PCR-(DGGE) DNA profiles of the 16S rDNA V3 region from the cecal microbiota of chronically cold-stressed quails. (A) Bands
in the DGGE gel showing the DNA amplified from the bacterial content. (B) Bands corresponding to the pattern numbers, where abscissas 1, 3,
and 5 refer to the 5 d, 10 d, and 20 d chronic cold stress groups, respectively, and abscissas 2, 4, and 6 refer to the 5 k, 10 k and 20 k chronic
cold stress groups, respectively. d, control group; k, cold stress group.

groups. The similarity between the cecal microbiota of cultured bacterium clone, Enterococcus, Streptomyces,
cold-stressed quails in 10 k and 20 k groups is 64.5%. Bifidobacterium, and an uncultured Lachnospiraceae
bacterium (Table 4 and Figure 6). The advantageous
quail cecal microbiota present after acute cold stress
Cloning, Sequencing and Identification of was similar. There were 2 main groups; M1, M4, M9,
Advantageous Microbiota Under Cold M10, M3, M6, and M8 comprised 1 group; M14, M13,
Stress Conditions M12, M2, M5, M11, and M7 comprised the other group
(Figure 8, acute cold stress).
Compared to that in the group of quail exposed to The cecal microbiota in the control group was sim-
acute cold stress conditions, the normal microbiota in ple. However, after 5 D of cold stress, complexity of
the quail cecum is simpler and more stable in the con- cecal microbiota increased gradually and was unsta-
trol group. After 30 min of cold stress, normal flora ble, while that of the control group remained same.
gradually disappeared and new flora emerged. After 1 After 10 D of cold stress, cecal microbiota was sim-
h of cold stress, original flora present at the 0 h time ple in the control group but increased gradually and
point was recovered. After 3 h of cold stress, new flora was unstable in the stressed group. The fluctuating
emerged including Sinorhizobium sp. and Ochrobac- microbiota possibly indicated that the quails were un-
trum sp. (determined by sequencing), both of which accustomed to cold environment. After 20 D of cold
belong to class α-Proteobacteria. After 6 h of cold stress, cecal microbiota remained simple in the con-
stress, complement of bacteria present looked similar trol group, while in the stressed group cecal micro-
to that present at 3 h and after 12 h of cold stress, biota diversity increased gradually and new bacteria
intestinal flora gradually returned to population found appeared. This result indicated that chronic cold stress
in the control group, however, new bacteria also ap- significantly affected the quail cecal microbial flora
peared. This result indicated that acute cold stress did (Table 5 and Figure 7). Analysis of intestinal micro-
not significantly affect the quail cecal microbial flora. biota composition showed that majority of dominant
Analysis of intestinal microbiota composition showed bacterial community comprised of uncultured Lach-
that there were 8 types of bacteria, majority of dom- nospiraceae bacterium and uncultured bacterium clone,
inant bacterial community comprised of Pseudomonas, Brevibacterium, Microbacterium, Weissella, Bacillus,
Clostridiaceae, Weissella, Lactobacillus casei, an un- an uncultured soil bacterium, and Bifidobacterium. The
Table 4. Intestinal 16S rDNA sequence similarity comparison results for the bowel segment containing the appendix in quail exposed
to acute cold stress.

Lane Accession number Source of the most similar GenBank sequence Similarity (%)

M1 JN637314 Pseudomonas sp. 99

M2 JN173113 Uncultured Lachnospiraceae bacterium, uncultured Clostridia bacterium 99
M3 HM359077 Uncultured Weissella sp. 100
M4 HQ417030 Sinorhizobium sp., Ochrobactrum sp. Pseudochrobactrum sp. 100
M5 JN560900 Enterococcus sp. 98
M6 JN560892 Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus sp. 100
M7 FJ835153 Uncultured bacterium clone 100
M8 JN560892 Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus sp. 100
M9 FJ440082 Uncultured Firmicutes bacterium, uncultured Clostridiales bacterium 100
M10 FJ835153 Uncultured bacterium clone 100
M11 HM124318 Uncultured bacterium clone 100
M12 JF703641 Uncultured Streptophyta clone 99
M13 HM359077 Uncultured Weissella sp. 100
M14 JF519651 Bifidobacterium sp. 100

advantageous quail cecal microbiota present after that cold stress induced oxidative damage in the quail
chronic cold stress was extremely similar. There were cecum (Figures 1 and 2) and the morphological damage
2 main groups: M4, M11, M9, M15, M5, M6, M7, and in chronic stress is more serious than it in acute cold
M13 comprised 1 group, M8, M2, M1, M12, M3, and stress.
M14 comprised the other group (Figure 8, chronic cold The excessive production of NO gives rise to several
stress). pathological conditions (Walker and Drummond, 2011).
A study by Lee and his group (Lee et al., 2002) re-
ported that immersion of rats in cold water adversely
DISCUSSION affected NO content. In another study by Teshfam and
his team (Teshfam et al., 2006) reported that eNOS
Cold stress alters physiological responses associated and iNOS gene expression was significantly increased
with oxygen consumption and causes changes in sub- in broiler chicken lungs on exposure to cold. Addition-
sequent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) ally, a study by Zhang and his team (Zhang et al., 2011)
(Sun et al., 2016). The increased production of ROS revealed that the activity of NO in the duodenum fluc-
can damage cellular structures and macromolecules, in tuated when induced by cold stress. This variation in
the form of protein carbonylation, lipid peroxidation result may be due to numerous factors for example,
(LPO) and DNA oxidation. The human body has a extent of cold exposure, exposure temperature, and ge-
defensive system to overcome the excessive production netic background of the experimental animal. Similar
of ROS by increasing the activity of ROS-scavenging to studies described above, our study showed that cold
enzymes (Chen et al., 2015). Glutathione is an antioxi- stress caused an increase in iNOS and NO levels in the
dant and prevents harm to main cellular components quail cecum. These results indicated that the antioxi-
caused by ROS such as free radicals and peroxides. dant defense system was damaged in vivo under cold
GSH-Px is considered an “emergency enzyme”, as it stress conditions, causing excessive production of ROS,
is the first line of cellular defense which prevents oxida- followed by release of a large number of inflammatory
tive damage (Ferreccio et al., 1998). Previous studies mediators. Moreover, excessive production of NO stim-
reported that exposure to acute and chronic cold caused ulated an increase in iNOS activity.
oxidative damage in the chicken intestine (Zhang et al., To further study the extent of tissue damage and de-
2011) and immune organs (Zhao et al., 2014). Addi- fense mechanisms such as inflammatory reactions in-
tionally, in our previous study we found that acute and duced by cold stress, mRNA expression levels of TNF-α
chronic cold exposure caused oxidative damage in the and COX-2 were examined by qPCR. COX-2 inhibitors
quail duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (Fu et al., 2013b). decreased mucosal destruction, thus further indicating
In the present study, activity of both GSH and GSH-Px the contribution of prostaglandins in tissue damage and
were significantly decreased in the quail cecum, indi- inflammatory responses (Zheng et al., 2012). Prolonged
cating inability to scavenge free radicals and hence, im- and persistent ROS can limit the production of im-
paired antioxidant potential. This finding revealed the mune system compounds. In addition, immune func-
presence of OS in the cecum of quails exposed to low tions are impaired upon exposure to inflammatory stim-
temperatures. Meanwhile, cecal tissues exposed to cold uli (e.g., LPS) (Su et al., 2018). TNF-α, a potent pro-
stress showed mucosal layer lesions, intestinal villi rup- inflammatory cytokine and a master regulator of im-
ture, and inflammatory cell infiltration that led to mor- mune system is thought to be produced primarily by
phological damage. As it is well-known, OS can cause macrophages. Mast cells are also prime source of pre-
damage to structure and function of biomolecules via formed TNF-α. An increase in TNF-α level will cause
inactivating the antioxidant defense system. Thus, it is main signs and symptoms of inflammation to occur.
not surprising that our current study findings showed In the present study, it was found that COX-2 and
5442 LIU ET AL.

Figure 8. Phylogenetic tree of the cecal microbial flora from cold-stressed quails.

TNF-α mRNA levels were significantly increased in the lar homeostasis (Gabriel et al., 2002). Zhao et al. (2013)
cecal tissue (p < 0.05) in the stressed groups, suggest- reported that the expression of Hsp70 was increased un-
ing that these molecules may contribute in inducing der heat stress in chicken hearts, which suggested that
inflammation on exposure to cold stress. In this exper- Hsp70 has a protective role in cells (Zhao et al., 2013).
imental study, cold stress increased the expression lev- Yu et al. (2008) found that the chickens exposed to
els of inflammation-related genes in quails. These genes high temperature stress, the gene for Hsp70 had a high
exerted pathophysiological effects on the cecum by me- expression level in the hearts (Yu et al., 2008). In the
diating inflammation and tissue injury. Heat shock present experimental study, we noticed that the Hsp70
proteins are a group of stress proteins induced in a mRNA levels were significantly increased in the cecal
living cell in response to rise in temperature above the tissue (p < 0.05) of birds in the stress groups, this find-
normal level (Lee et al., 1991) and are also produced ing is consistent with those of previous studies indicat-
within the cell on exposing to oxidative stresses (Liao ing that an increase in Hsp70 is linked to the protection
et al., 1994). Among the HSP family members, Hsp70 of key proteins from stress sensitivity.
has been most widely studied because of its promis- Maintaining the normal intestinal structure and func-
ing protective potential against various forms of stress, tion is essential to prevent bacterial translocation
the increased production of these inducible proteins in from the intestinal tract (Evans et al., 1992). Stresses
stressed cells and organisms play a central role in cellu- have severe effects on overall physiology, productivity,
Table 5. Intestinal 16S rDNA sequence similarity comparison results for the bowel segment containing the
appendix in quail exposed to chronic cold stress.

Lane number Source of the most similar GenBank sequence Similarity (%)

M1 AB262681 Bifidobacterium sp. 100

M2 EU459661 Uncultured bacterium clone 100
M3 JN082691 Uncultured Corynebacterium sp. 100
M4 EF703130 Uncultured Lachnospiraceae bacterium 100
M5 JF820124 Rhizobium sp., Mesorhizobium sp., Microbacterium sp. 99
Nanobacterium sp.
M6 HM359077 Uncultured Weissella sp. 100
M7 N635497 Bacillus sp. 99
M8 EF706627 Uncultured Lachnospiraceae bacterium 100
M9 JF905606 Brevibacterium sp. 100
M10 AB254309 Uncultured bacterium clone, uncultured soil bacterium Uncultured 90
Bacillus sp., uncultured Clostridium sp., uncultured Acinetobacter sp.,
uncultured Lactobacillus sp., uncultured Firmicutes bacterium,
uncultured Clostridiaceae, uncultured actinobacterium
M11 CR933232 Uncultured bacterium clone 98
M12 JF519651 Bifidobacterium sp. 100
M13 FR682866 Uncultured soil bacterium, uncultured Chloroflexi bacterium, uncultured 97
Cohnella sp., uncultured Bacillus sp., uncultured Acinetobacter sp.
M14 CR933232 Uncultured bacterium clone 98
M15 JF519651 Bifidobacterium sp., uncultured bacterium clone 97

health, and well-being of animals. Gastrointestinal tract study, the increased Hsp70 has been shown to pro-
is mostly sensitive to stressors, which causes various tect skeletal cells against OS (Hernandez-Santana et al.,
changes such as, altering beneficial microbiota and de- 2014). The study of Bianchi suggested that OS was en-
creasing intestinal integrity. The microbiota play a key tirely responsible for the increased expression of Hsp70
role in the intestinal defense system, as the gut mucosa and the increased expression of Hsp70 was partly re-
is the first line of defense against bacteria (Kim et al., sponsible for some of the inflammatory mechanisms,
2011; Lee et al., 2010; Lemonakis et al., 2017). There- such as the NF-κB pathway and COX-2 expression
fore, a change in cecal microbiota is a notable marker (Bianchi et al., 2014). In the study of Inflammatory
of intestinal nonspecific immune response. The cecum Bowel Diseases (IBD), it was found that overexpression
had a high density of bacteria of numerous types (Byrd of Hsp70 could inhibit the inflammatory response in
et al., 2017). Previous studies conducted using culturing large intestinal mucosa (Samborski and Grzymislawski,
of bacteria from the cecum revealed that this intestinal 2015). In summary, Hsp70 is a key factor in regulating
part harbored a complex microbiota (Duggett et al., OS and inflammation.
2016). Environmental stressors tend to affect the nutri- In our present study, it suggests that antioxidant
ent requirements, suppress the immunity and produc- defense system could be damaged in the quail ce-
tivity of animals by decreasing food intake, thereby re- cum by both acute and chronic cold stress. The in-
ducing heat production produced during digestion and crease in mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory fac-
absorption of nutrients. This will also alter the GI mi- tors and change in the intestinal microbiota further
crobiota by favoring the multiplication of certain anaer- suggests that cold stress damaged the quail cecal tis-
obic species (Moro et al., 1998). Our model showing the sue. The increased Hsp70 mRNA expression levels ex-
induction of massive gut microbial changes and dysbac- plored that Hsp70 may have the potential to pro-
teriosis by cold stress is similar to that suggested in the tect quail cecal tissues from cold stress. However, to
previous literature (Zhang et al., 2017). As we know, date, the particular cold stress-activated induction and
abnormal microbial composition or microbial dysbiosis regulation mechanisms of different Hsps and intesti-
has been implicated in numerous autoimmune diseases nal microbiota are unclear and needs to be further
and in intestinal inflammation (Laffin et al., 2017). studied.
This study indicated that changing habitat factors (cold
stress) lead to altered microbiome compositions, which
could in turn fuel inflammation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
It is well-known that Hsp70 provides protection This work was supported by the Creative Talents in
against free radical toxicity. Due to its prominent re- Heilongjiang Province (UNPYSCT-2016002).
sponse to diverse stressors and increased synthesis of
inducible proteins, it is involved in the protection of
stressed cells and organisms. Thus, several studies have REFERENCES
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