PHD Previous Year Questions

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PHD previous year questions:


1) Describe the procedure with methods to carryout dental health education in school.

2) Describe the difference between healthcare of an individual and a community.

3) Write short notes :

A. principles of ethics.
B. tobacco counselling
C. oral health policy

4) Define survey. What are the different types of oral health survey.

5) Define dental fluorosis. Discuss systematic fluoridation vs topical fluoridation.

6) Write short notes :

A. caries diagnostic techniques.
B. waste disposal techniques


1) What are the objectives of public health dentistry? What are the possible limitations in
achieving its objectives.?

2) Describe the important elements of school dental health check up programme?

3) Write short notes on the following:

A. WHO probe
B. importance of recall visit
C. scaling and root planing

4) Write about the various measures used for purification of water for domestic purpose?

5) Define index. What are the criteria for ideal index.

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. bio-statistics
B. slandered deviation
C. DMF index

1) Define index. What are the criteria for ideal index.

2) Define surveying. Discuss the manpower used in surveying.

3) Write short notes on following:

A. cohort study
B. double blind trail
C. longitudinal study

4) Define public health dentistry. Describe the role of mass media in Dental Health

5) What is the incidence of oral cancer in india? Write the role of dental surgeon in
prevention of oral cancer,

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. plaque index
B. water purification
C. disposal of wastes.

2018 (||)

1) Define survey. Write in detail about types and steps of survey.

2) Discuss in detail about purification of water on large scale.

3) Write short notes on the following:

A. pit and fissure sealants
B. plaque index
C. disposal of waste.

4) Classify topical fluorides. Write in detail about APF gels.

5) Define dental auxiliary . classify and discuss in detail about operating dental auxiliary

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. sterilization
B. chemical plaque control
C. data presentation.

1) Discuss in detail about purification of water on large scale.

2) Define biostatistics. Enumerate and explain in detail the methods of data presentation.

3) Write short notes on :

A. incineration
B. chemical plaque control

4) Define dental auxiliary. Classify and discuss in detail about operating dental auxiliary.

5) Define epidemiology. Describe cohort study.

6) Write short notes on:

A. pit and fissure sealants
B. epidemiological triad


1) Define survey. Write in detail about types and steps of survey.

2) Define plaque control . classify plaque control methods and discuss in detail about
mechanical plaque control.

3) Write short notes on the following:


4) Classify topical fluorides. Write in detail about APF gels.

5) Define planning. Elaborate about the steps of planning.

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. CPITN probe
B. Pit and fissure sealants.

1) Define epidemiology? Describe Cohort study?

2) Write in detail about indications,contra indications and steps of pit and fissure

3) Write short notes on :

A. Consumer protection act.
B. Principles of health education.

4) Define prevention? Describe different levels of prevention with suitable examples.

5) Define index. Classify index and describe inn detail DMFT/DMFS?

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. epidemiological triad
B. mean, median, and mode.


1) Define primary health care. Enumerate elements of primary health care and write in brief
about the principles of primary health care.

2) What is the role of a dentist for the primary prevention of dental diseases.

3) Write short notes on the following:

B. sugar substitutes

4) Describe the objectives of school dental health program and write in detail on concept of
incremental dental care.

5) What is dental manpower? Write about dental hygienist and health educator?

6) Write short notes on:

A. presentation of data
B. health education Vs propaganda
2014 (||)

1) Define epidemiology. Enumerate the principles and classify epidemiological methods.

Describe the uses of epidemiology.

2) Define dental auxiliary, classify dental auxiliary.

3) Write short notes:

A. voluntary organisation

4) Define ethies. Enumerate and discuss the principles in detail.

5) Define Public health dentistry. Describe the role of PHD in promoting the oral health of

6) Write short notes on :

A. sampling
B. presentation of data.

1) Define dental auxiliary . classify dental auxiliary. Describe school dental nurse and dental

2) Define plaque. Describe various mechanical plaque control methods.

3) Write short notes on the following:

A. epidemiology and periodontal disease.
B. voluntary organisations.

4) 145/2/4/1

2012 (||)

1) Define public health dentistry. Describe the role of public health dentistry in promoting
the oral health of communities

2) Describe in detail the procedure with methods to carry out dental health education in

3) Write notes on the following:

A. dental ethics
B. use of epidemiology

4) What is epidemiology? What are aims and different types of epidemiological


5) What is health education? Describe various educational media used for the improvement
of community dental health.

6) Write short notes on the following:

A. fluoridation and its dental benefits
B. disclosing agents
C. anti plaque agents

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