IG Summer Vacation

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Different types of numbers Make sure you know the correct mathematical words for the types of numbers in the table. Natural number | Any whole number from 1 to infinity, sometimes | 1,2, 3,4,5, called ‘counting numbers: 0 is not included. Odd number | A whole number that cannot be divided exactly | 1,3, 5,7, by2 Even number | A whole number that can be divided exactly by 2. |, Integer Any of the negative and positive whole numbers, | ...—3,—2,—1, 0,1, 2, including zero. as Primenumber | A whole number greater than I which has only | 2, 3,5,7, 11, ‘two factors: the number itself and 1 Square number | ‘The product obtained when an integer is 1,4,9,16.. multiplied by itself Fraction A number representing parts ofa whole number, | 4,1,4,1,18,2 ‘can be written as a common (vulgar) fraction in the form off or as a decimal using the decimal | 9-5: 0.2, 0.08, 1.7 point. List: the next four odd numbers after 107 four consecutive even numbers between 2008 and 2030 all odd numbers between 993 and 1007 the first five square numbers aoce a What are the first three multiples of 12? b Is 300 a multiple of 12? Find the lowest common multiple of 4 and 7. Find the factors of: a 12 b 25 ‘SC PO} The highest common factor (HCF) ‘The bigest common factr of wo of more numbers the highest number tat factor ofall the ven aumbers Coreen Find the HCFof @ and 26, Prime numbers Prime numbers have exactly two factors: one and the number itself. Composite numbers have more than two factors. ‘The number I has only one factor so it is not prime and it is not composite. 5 Is 149 a prime number? Explain how you decided. Write the following numbers as the product of prime factors. a 36 b 48 Find the HCF of 168 and 180. Find the LCM of 72 and 120. Square numbers and square roots ‘A number is squared when itis multiplied by itself. For example, the square of Sis 5x5 =25. The symbol for squared is. So, 55 can also be written as 5 ‘The square root of a number is the number that was multiplied by itself to get the square number. The symbol for square root is v”. You know that 25 = 5°, so v25 =5. Cube numbers and cube roots ‘A number is cubed when itis multiplied by itself and then multiplied by itself again. For example, the cube of 2 is x 2x 2=8. The symbol for cubed is *.So 2x 2.x 2.can also be written as 2° Round 64.839906 to: a_ the nearest whole number b 1 decimal place © 3 decimal places Round: a 1.076 to 3 significant figures b 0.00736 to 1 significant figure Use algebra to write an expression in terms of h for: a aheight 12cm shorter than average b a height 2x taller than average c a height twice the average height d a height half the average height. Write expressions in terms of x to represent: a a number times four b the sum of the number and five ¢ six times the number minus two d_ half the number. Work out the value of: a 273 b 25° Measuring and drawing angles ‘The size of an angle is the amount of turn from one arm of the angle to the other. Angle sizes are measured in degrees (°) from 0 to 360 using a protractor. f clockwise seale ‘entre baseline ‘A 180" protractor has two scales. You need to choose the correct one when you measure an angle. Angle relationships Mike st ono the following ang ste = Angesina ph ange ad up 0 50" Tip ‘Wien the sm of wo angles 0 hoe two angles ar complementary angle & sen term ‘oe cmplementry . one angel theater rae be90" andce For supplementary ange, oneange =the other rahe" and vce Supplementary angles ‘Angles on a straight line add up to 180°. When the sum of two angles is 180° those two angles are supplementary angles. NO Gh 2+ (180° —) = 180° Angles round a point Angles at a point make a complete revolution. ‘The sum of the angles at a point is 360°. a 360° atb+e=360° atb+etd+e= 360° Vertically opposite angles “The apn rg pars veal Pa arated cf vertically opposite anges are formed Sipolerenary ares because hey Vertically opposite angles are equ in sie. ‘Ropotveity eames pl 1 ho eso each ter ‘When two ines intersect, wo} siyo tse Angles and parallel lines When two parallel lines are cut by a third line (the transversal) eight angles are formed. ‘These angles form pairs which are related to each other in specific ways. Corresponding angles (‘F’-shape) When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal four pairs of corresponding angles are formed. Corresponding angles are equal to each other. HEF Alternate angles ('2’-shape) ‘When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal two pairs of alternate angles are formed, Alternate angles are equal to each other. Covinterior angles ('c’-shape) ‘When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal two pairs of co-interior angles are formed. Co-interior angles are supplementary (together they add up to 180°). ee men= 180° ot p= 180° Parallelogram Opposite sides parallel and equal Opposite angles are equal. Diagonals bisect each other. a-c b-d Rectangle Opposite sides parallel and equal. All angles = 90°. Diagonals are equal. Diagonals bisect each other. Square All sides equal All angles = 90°. Diagonals equal. Diagonals bisect each other at 90°, Diagonals bisect angles. Rhombus All sides equal in length, Opposite sides parallel. Opposite angles equal. Diagonals bisect each other at 90°, Diagonals bisect angles. ‘Trapezium aN ‘One pair of sides parallel. Kite d ‘Two pairs of adjacent sides equal. 5 | One pair of opposite angles is equal. we by. | Diagonals intersect at 90°. Diagonals bisect angles. ois ABis amminor arc and angle xis subtended, by are AB a Express 16 as a percentage of 48. The value of a house increases from $120000 to $124800 between August and December. What percentage increase is this? Ina sale all items are reduced by 15%. If the normal selling price for a bicycle is $120 calculate the sale price. AAstore is holding a sale in which every item is reduced by 10%. A jacket in this sale is sold for $108. How can you find the original price ofthe Jacket? Write 320 000 in standard form. Estimate the value of: 46+3.9 a a08 b J42.2-5.1 Write each of the following in standard form. a 0.004 b 0.00000034 Cuboids A cuboid has six rectangular faces, 12 edges and eight vertices. If the length, breadth and height of the cuboid area, band c (respectively) then the surface area can be found by thinking about the areas of each rectangular face. Notice that the surface area is exactly the same as t the area of the cuboid’s net. é Surface area of cuboid = 2(ab+ ac+ be) { Volume of cuboid = ax bx ¢ : t b ' ‘The volume of a cuboid is its length x breadth x height So, volume of cuboid = ax bx ¢ Prisms A prism is a solid whose cross-section is the same all along its length. (A cross-section is the surface formed when you cut parallel toa face.) Teneth a cross-section ‘The cuboid isa special case of a prism with a rectangular cross-section. A triangular prism has a triangular cross-section. _ ar Lene Tenet cross-section cross-section “The surface area ofa prism is found by working out the area of each face and adding the areas ‘together. There are two ends with area equal to the cross-sectional area. The remaining sides are all ‘the same length, so their area is equal to the perimeter of the cross-section multiplied by the length: surface area of a prism = 2 x area of cross-section + perimeter of cross-section x length “The volume of a prism is found by working out the area of the cross-section and multiplying this by the length. volume of a prism = area of cross-section x length, Cylinders ‘A cylinder is another special case of a prism. Itisa prism with a circular cross-section. | | @ 9 6 By shading the umwanted region, show the region that represents the inequality 3x-5y < 15. The diagram shows an isosceles trapezium ABDC. Calculate the area of the trapezium. ‘The diagram represents a room which has the shape of a cuboid. AB = 6m, AD = 4m, and AP = 2m, Calculate the angle between the diagonal BS and the floor ABCD. 4 om B ‘A shopkeeper buys an article for $500 and sells it for $600. What is the percentage profit? A person buys a car for $16000 and sells it for $1200. Calculate the percentage loss. Atrader sells her product for $39. If her mark up is 30%, what is the cost price of the product? Exponential graphs Exponential growth is found in many real life situations where a quantity increases by a constant percentage in a particular time: population growth and compound interest are both examples of exponential growth, Equations in the general form of y =a" (where a is a positive integer) are called exponential equations ‘The shape of y=a' is a curve which rapidly rises as it moves from left to right; this is, exponential growth. As x becomes more negative, the curve gets closer and closer to the x-axis, but never crosses it. The x-axis is an asymptote. The shape of y= ais a curve which falls as it moves from left to right; this is exponential decay. 2 Complete the table of values for y = 2" for -2 < x < 4 and draw the graph. ma a j-osfo 1[2[s| | Use the graph to find the value of 2®* and check your result using the fact that 22> _ 93 _ (2°. 3 fixy=sx—2 hia) =28 +7 4 Workout 1, i He ngi, e b +3 ia) © 1. showingall your working and giving your answers correct to2 decimal paces. 5] @ Find £00. ia] © Solves) =-05. tt) {amb GCSEs 050 Pper 205 tbr eee 24 4 fayeres ger Ma? a Find @), i wa0) al b Bnd (9. el Find fh), giving your answers in its simples form. Pl 44 ind theinteger vals ofx which sis this inequality fig) <9 el cambria 080 Pape «28 Coe event 215)

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