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MGT201 ,Mid 2023

What do you mean by help a firm develop a sustainable competitive advantage./ sustainable
competitive advantage? Br


A sustainable competitive advantage is an advantage over the competition that is not easily
copied and thus can be maintained over a long period of time. iTunes made the iPod so easy
to use that it was difficult for other MP3 players to compete. Over time, some competitors
have created similar tools, but it has been difficult enough to copy that these competitors
have never really caught up.

Ford and Toyota began working together in 2011 to develop by

example of
technology knowledge, while Ford brings its leadership in the
a. Franchising
b. Joint venturing
c. Exporting
d. Direct Investment Department of Business Administration

3. A generational cohort includes (CH-5, CLO-4)

2: A group of people of the same generation
b. Typically have similar purchase behaviors
c. Are in the same stage of life.
d. All the above

: 4. What effect of social media engagement is achieved when individuals pos

upload a video to YouTube, or share a link to an article they have liked on Fi
a. Dynamic effect
b. Network effect
c. Information effect
d. Connected effect

Depletion of the ozone layer, pollutants in water systems, rapidly

important concerns about adverse changes to the (CH-5, CLO-2)
a. Economic environment
b. Physical environmen
c. Legal Environment
d. Political Environment

: indicates the characteristics of the human population and segm

dentify consumer markets. (CH-5, CLO-4)
a. Demographics.
b. Income
c. Ethnicity
d. Education

: ensive men's and women's clothing stores like Nordstrom, Neima

nore likely to appeal to which kind of consumer's needs? (CH-6,
. Functional

: is the first step of both the B2C and B2B buying processes. (CH-7, CI
a. Need recognition.
b. Post-purchase dissonance.
c. Alternative evaluation.
d. Order specification

: The manager for Panda hypermarket considers re-ordering items for his sto
oncession and quality improvements. The manager is engaged in whic
ituations? (CH-7, CLO-3)
a. Straight Rebuy
b. New Buy
c. Modified Rebuy
d. None of these

: 1. The three stage process that firms use to engage cuntomers through socia involves
listening. analyzing, and (CH-3, CLO-4)
A Doing
B Correcting
C Planning
d. Processing
: represents all the activities necessary to get the product to the right customer when
that customer wants it.
A) Place
B) Promotion
C) Social media
D) Value cocreation
E) Supply chain marketing

: is the processes by which goods, services, capital, people, informational borders.

b. Segmentation
d. Education

: 21) Disney's My Ma ic system, which enables visitors to swipe their Magic Band wristbands
get on rides, make purchases, and open their hotel room door, is an example of
A) operational
B) locational
C) customer.
D) product
E) service

: Demonstrate your understanding of the terms internal locus of control and external locus
control by giving an example of each.

Answer: People who have an internal locus of control believe they have some control over
outcomes of their actions, in which case they generally engage in more search activities.
With an
external locus of control, consumers believe that fate or other external factors control all

Taking into account customer demographics like income, market size, education, and
ethnicity, discuss briefly hot factors to market their customers better?


Customer demographics are categories of consumer populations that are useful to a
business for purposes, such as marketing and product design. The term also refers to
the study of such categories in a business context.
An endless number of variables can be used to categorize customers and potential
customers. Some examples of the most common customer demographics for
business purposes

، ‫التركيبة السكانية للعملاء هي فئات من السكان المستهلكين مفيدة للأعمال التجار ية لأغراض‬
‫ضا إلى دراسة هذه الفئات في‬ ‫يشير المصطلح أي‬. ‫مثل التسو يق وت صميم المنتجات‬
‫سياق‬ .‫الأعمال‬
‫تتضمن بعض‬. ‫يمكن استخدام عدد لا نهائي من المتغيرات لتصنيف العملاء والعملاء المحتملين‬
‫الأمثلة على التركيبة السكانية للعملاء الأ كثر شيوعا لأغراض العمل‬

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