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How To Earn an

Extra $12,901.50 per

Month From Home

Copyright @ 2021
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When I was very young, the Internet was not as developed as it is today. At the
moment, there are already more than 1.4 billion sites in the world and their
number is constantly increasing.

New companies always need to build their website. Trading networks, online
stores, political parties, famous actors, football players, etc. have their own
websites. After a pandemic broke out in 2020 and many started to stay online at
home for a long time, another boom in online commerce began. This boom is not
declining. Online commerce is booming as many people lose their jobs and want
to make money selling items from their own online store. Many entrepreneurs
have not only one, but two or three online stores, as having learned how to make
money from one store, they started to invest in opening the next ones. However,
many online entrepreneurs understand that when starting their business on the
Internet, they need at least some initial capital to buy a domain, find a good web
hosting with a good price and.., of course, they need a website, online store.

Of course, they need to turn to an expert who could create such a website for
them. There are already such services on the Internet, but I, for example, did not
find any single single service that would have a full-fledged team for creating a
web design for a site, creating the site itself and, in general, whose team would
create very professional turnkey websites, taking into account absolutely all the
wishes of the customer. (on-page SEO and off-page SEO, speed up website
loading etc.)

Of course, there are many different experts, as they call themselves, who make
turnkey websites, but at the same time they delay deadlines, do everything
unprofessionally, etc. As a result, the client turns out to be dissatisfied with the
expensive service and he has to hire new experts in web design, programming,
etc. to fix all the mistakes of the previous experts. This way, the project can be done
in not 2 weeks, but in 3-4 months and the customer can spend 2-3 times more
money on it.

I got the idea that I could create a universal web service that would solve all
customer problems and the team of the service could create really wonderful
turnkey websites. However, first I wanted to test one of the affiliate programs to
see if online companies still need such a service. More on this later in the rest of
the chapters, but for now we will consider how to create our own website
creation service.

Then you can choose for yourself what you want, namely whether to create your
own web design company and attract affiliates, or become an affiliate and
promote other sites. Here the choice is always yours.
How to do it right
Many newbies always start with some complex business plans, or the creation of
complex services with payment systems, and in general their thoughts are wrong
at the very beginning of opening an online business.

The most important thing is to first check whether your online service will be
interesting to people, whether they are willing to pay money for it and how much
they are willing to pay for it.

We can first go to Google and make our own analysis of how much it costs to
create a website.

I carried out my analysis and realized that the information on this topic is quite
diverse and the price range for different kinds of services is also different here.

In any case, I realized that the most optimal price should be neither low nor high.
It should be approximately $497 for creating a simple online store or website,
including all the basic solutions that a client might need. You can also add a text to
your service, where you mention that you can also negotiate all prices additionally,
if the client wants to ask some questions. Also, at the very initial start of your
online project, do not forget to add a live chat to your site.

I often use this live chat in some of my online projects as it is very convenient, but
you can use any other one.

Also, if you do not have any ideas, then try to legally steal what already exists, that
is, to understand what similar services are at the top of search engines.

Now there are many different web design companies that offer their services, but
their own sites, where they advertise their services, are not well built. I do not
want to give any special examples, but I will say that 80% of all services themselves
have a rather primitive design. It seems that it was created decades ago.

First, you need to understand what your sales page should look like (your landing
page). Your main task here is to make the visitor see your website and want to
scroll down. This requires an attractive headline. Also do not forget about a
sub-headline that provides extra info.
Please remember about benefits that the customer of your service will receive (a
shortlist of the major benefits of your service, tailored to your visitors).

It is also worth adding additional features that will help your customers better
understand how everything works.

Be concise, clear and visual. Avoid useless forms, navigation bars and company
history. The user is most concerned with how his personal website will look and
function, not what your company has achieved. You can only mention which
companies you have already worked with and this must be true information.

Later I will tell you how to make such large companies place an order and do it
reasonably so that they themselves will be willing to work with you.
The next element is the bonus. It can be a discount, a free trial, a gift etc.
Maximise the conversion funnel by asking something in return. Use a simple and
clear design here.

The next element should be a call-to-action. It must be compelling and not contain
more than one call-to-action per page. Don’t forget to create a catchy button.

I would not recommend scaring your service visitors with prices first. To get
started, try to start communication and learn from them as much as possible
about what they would like to get from you as experts.

If you devote at least 15-25 minutes a day listening to what your future clients tell
you and you start delving into their problems, then trust will gradually arise
between you and the client, which will most likely gradually develop into
cooperation beneficial to both of you.
So once again, let's take a look at what elements can be (should be) on your site.

a) Headline - within 3 seconds, a website needs to tell visitors what the site has
to offer. Keep your headline clear and simple.
b) Sub-headline - it should offer a brief description of what you do/offer. Avoid
jargon and don’t just talk about yourself.
c) Benefits - it’s not only important to describe what you do, but also why it
matters. Prospects want to know about the benefits of buying from you. Try
to speak the language of your customers.
d) Solid (social) proof - this is a powerful indicator of trust. Include just a few
companies you worked with. Adding a photo (logo) of the company gives
these testimonials more credibility.
e) Bonus - It can be a discount, a free trial, a gift etc.
f) Call-to-action - the goal of your homepage is to compel visitors to dig
deeper into your website and move them further down the funnel.

These are the basic elements of how your landing page should be structured. You
can also add a blog to your page to attract your future customers from search
engines. You can fill the blog constantly with articles.

Also search on Google for other similar sites that offer similar services. Check out
what their design is so you have some ideas on how to structure your landing
Method 1: How To Find Customers
As I mentioned earlier in this ebook, I decided to start testing one of the affiliate
services in order to understand whether someone would need my website
development services. (Now I have an idea to create my own web development
company, because I’d like to attract affiliates who would make me sales on
autopilot), but first of all I decided to test one affiliate program to see how people
will convert on it.
My ad campaign was successful and I earned $12,901.50 in 36 days. I had a certain
advertising budget and I was not afraid to use it. Before launching the main
advertising campaign, I run certain tests in advertising, but more on that later.

To get started, you too can test certain niches and act as an affiliate to make sure
that the niche is popular and you can make money there. You can use the following

a) At the first stage, your task is to find web agencies that have been on the
market for a long time and they are quite famous. Such agencies have very
high rates for their services and here you may be necessary for them. (As I
mentioned above, all the data of such web design agencies can be found
through Google)
b) The next step is to get in touch with the owner or agency staff to find out
how much they charge for the project. Sometimes this information is
provided on their page, but more often you need to ask about it personally.
c) The conversation should be conducted in such a manner that you would first
like to know the prices, then ask to show you samples of those projects that
have already been done by them and then find out if they need top-notch
promoters. (ask them if they have an affiliate program as well).
d) It is best when the web design agency has a live chat on the site. This way
you can also ask the contacts of the owner of this service in order to talk
with him personally (it happens that employees and not the owner reply you
back in the chat and they do not always have the necessary information
which you require)
e) Of course it is very important to discuss all the details with the site owner. I
know this from my own experience.
f) When you receive information about their affiliate program, you can
already start promoting their site through their affiliate link, but more on
that later.

I'll tell you later in the rest of the chapters exactly how to promote your affiliate
link, but in the meantime, you will learn about one more collaboration that is
possible between you and the owner of such a web development agency.

You can also offer one very interesting service that is likely to interest agency
owners. Tell them you could help them in building sites for clients and for cheap, it
often happens that these companies agree to cooperate with you. The algorithm
here is as follows:

a) Some well-known companies have prices for website creation from $5,000
per project. Usually this price is too high to cover taxes, salaries for
programmers and designers, office rent, etc.
b) You offer to create a website for $797 and when the owner of the web design
agency does not agree, then make a discount of $100 and then another $100
if necessary. Try to convince him that you create the sites yourself (you don't
need to tell him that this is not really the case) and you do not need to pay
rent, etc., so your prices are very low.
c) Then you find an expert on Upwork who would create a website for $200 and
then put the difference of $300 in your pocket after finishing the work. It is

Another trick I use is this site https://rocketreach.co/ which allows you to search
for emails of all employees of a particular company. Even the owner of the
company cannot hide his email. This site will find his email too :-)
If you do not want to use this tool and pay a monthly price for it, you can find the
contacts of the owners and other employees on other resources and contact them

First of all, we enter in Google the domain of the company we want to find and put
in front of the domain the symbol @ hoping to find some emails of the owners.

The next step is to find the owner, or key employees. Often they can be found on
the site LinkedIn.com

Now your task again comes down to contacting the site owner and asking him
about the services, and then offering cooperation according to the scheme I
described earlier in this chapter.

The owner or employees can be found anywhere. Try to look for them on Twitter,
Facebook. If they are there, then their data can be found through Google. In any
case, very often the salaries of employees are high due to the fact that the client is
also required to pay a very impressive amount for the creation of the site. Your
task is to convince the owners of the major web agencies that you really do the job
of building a top notch website and can meet the needs of the main web agency.
Method 2: Twitter is a miracle
Many people do not know that twitter is a launching pad for virtually any business
and there is a very serious audience that is interested in startups, making money
on the Internet and all similar topics. Therefore, you can offer website building
services there, although if you have any other services, then they can also be sold

When you enter some keywords in the search box on twitter, then you get different
requests from other people and you can answer them, or write your suggestions in
a personal message to them.

There are a lot of requests every day and your task is to find at least 5 requests per
day and write your proposal to people in private messages. Try not to write the
same message to everyone at once, so that Twitter does not ban you. Pause 20-50
minutes between each message and slightly change the text of each message.
It is not difficult as you will see later. Moreover, if you send 5 messages per day,
then this is already 150 messages per month.

Even if your conversion is at the level of 3%, then you already get 4-5 clients who
will pay you for your work. At the same time, you can often set the price for your
services personally. It means the customer can see some specific prices for your
services, but then you can increase them if the client has some complex
requirements and he wants something special to be created etc.

As I said earlier, you don't have to do everything yourself. Your task is just to find
experts on freelance services and put the margin in your pocket.

Throughout my life, I have opened different businesses and I have had clients who
bargained for $100 for weeks, and it happened that a client, having talked to me at
Skype or WhatsApp for about 10 minutes, immediately paid $2,000 for the service.
Of course, the whole secret is to be able to communicate with customers.

You personally should communicate in such a way as to gradually find out what
kind of income the clients have. If the profit is excellent, then you can ask for more
from them. If you promote services as an affiliate, then here you can only offer
fixed prices that the partner has on the site. In any case, you need to lead the
client to buy a service and then offer him your affiliate link.

In order to understand how it all works you can start practicing as an affiliate
partner of other sites. Then you can create your own online service and start
making serious money with it.

In any case, there are a lot of requests on the creation of websites, web design and
other similar requests on Twitter, and they appear every day. Your task, as I said,
is to interest the author of the post and show him that you are really an expert and
you can be counted on. You will be able to do the job quickly and efficiently.
Even if you do not have your own site and you do not want to be an affiliate of
partner sites, you can always start by offering your services just like that and send
them only your PayPal so they pay you immediately and you do the job.

As I said If you don't know how to create websites (create web design elements),
you can always hire someone who can do this job very cheaply, and you can charge
more for the job. All these freelancers can be found on Fiverr or Upwork. There are
good experts out there with low prices.

In any case, you need to create your portfolio with at least 3-4 completed jobs that
you could already show to other people.

But again, as I said, try first to promote your affiliate links in order to learn the
skills of promoting other sites. Once you know how to do this, it will be very easy
to create your own online business.

In any case, get some initial orders to get started, add 3-4 reviews from existing
customers to your portfolio and you can already start giving affiliate links to
another resource in order to attract people to the partner website. Also, do not
forget to search for these kinds of requests and respond to them every day.
Do not be disappointed if you have already written more than 20-30 messages, but
have not received any answer yet. Maybe the customer is considering cooperation
with you and thinking over what to reply back to you, or maybe he is busy with
something else and will answer later. In any case, you will not always get answers,
but this is not a cause for disappointment. Doing business is not always easy,
especially at the initial stage, but if you do everything calmly and consistently,
then you will succeed.

Also, do not forget that there are brands on Twitter that charge $5,000 or more for
a website creation and other similar services and you can legally steal their future
customers from them. You can find famous brands using Google that create
websites or are engaged in web design, and then look on Twitter for persons who
want to ask those web agencies a question and/or place an order. Then you can
write to this person in private messages on Twitter and tell him that you can do
everything for a lower price, quickly and efficiently.

You can also use paid advertising on Twitter and someone says that it brings
results, and someone says it doesn’t. I haven't tried creating Twitter ad campaigns
yet, but you can try. In any case, if your check is from $500, then it's worth
spending $40 - $50 on advertising to see the result.
Method 3: Pinterest is the best source of
traffic for your blog
Just don't be scared and think that I will force you to create some kind of a complex
blog, fill it with hundreds of articles and promote it on Pinterest. In fact, you need
to create a blog, but you don't need to create hundreds of articles and make a
complex project out of it. Not necessary at all! Your task is only to create 3-4
articles and skillfully monetize them (you just need to write a few articles related
to the creation of sites and then put links to your services inside the articles, or
your affiliate links), and I will show you how to do it intelligently and plus you can
overtake those of your competitors who also use Pinterest, but do it stupidly. And
you didn't know that 90% are not successful here just because they do not use any
reasonable strategy, or they are sure that they have a strategy, but still make

You don’t need to add hundreds of pins to Pinterest a day and you don’t need to
think that you will become a millionaire in a couple of weeks, but if you approach
working with Pinterest wisely, then in 2-7 months you can easily earn from $1,000
to $5,000 per month and constantly increase this profit. This is not a joke, as many
bloggers, brands and the rest of the online business use pinterest to intelligently
monetize their content. Therefore, fully study the technology of working with
Pinterest and you will understand that here you can get a lot of targeted traffic and
monetize it.

1. Try to focus your attention on very interesting content, because if your

content is of interest to a lot of people, then it will lead people to your web
resource all the time. If someone posts some really crappy content with
relevant keywords etc, you can go to the top in Google too, but it will be
difficult for you to monetize it, so only QUALITY CONTENT. Just
concentrate on content, because people share and save the best content.
STAY FOCUSED ON CONTENT. The more content you publish the more
followers you gain.
2. If you post content frequently and regularly, then Pinterest encourages it.
Users can often share such content with other users, friends and their
3. If you are a newbie, you may not be trying hard to squeeze anything out of
this online business. You can create your own blog and place 3-4 articles
there that are filled with affiliate links, that is, such reviews of certain
affiliate programs. Then we add them to Pinterest and then we look at the
number of interested people.

At the same time, our task is to take part in the BlueHost affiliate program and by
creating articles about how other newbies in blogging can create a blog and make
money on it, promote links from this BlueHost web hosting, which currently pays
$65 for each attracted visitor who has become a client of the web hosting. (Of
course, you can strongly promote in your blog only articles related to the websites’
creation, but why not promote similar niches and make some extra money here?)

Later in this chapter, I will tell you how to create content correctly so that it would
be easier for you to monetize it, since, again, many simply add pictures to
Pinterest, believing that they will succeed, and then while disappointed write on
various forums that Pinterest does not bring them traffic and profit, although if
they did everything right, they would start making after one year of mediocre
labor from $7,000 - $10,000 every month.

In any case, it's not such hard work to create your own blog, add 3-4 articles to it,
start getting traffic and make the first profit from affiliate programs and then
scale it up to $7,000 - $10,000 per month. In fact, writing articles is very easy and
you can always add new content to existing articles, as this will positively affect the
SEO in general and the trust and interest of users in your blog will grow.

You can start by writing a 1000 - 1200 word article, and then expand it every day by
adding 200 words. When you have a 5,000 word article, new users will understand
that they have decent and interesting content and will read your articles more

Again, it may seem to you that this is a laborious process, but after a month of
your work, you can start receiving the first results in the form of traffic, and after
3-7 months the first profit.

Again, I am not going to describe how to create your first blog, how and where to
buy a domain, how to install everything on web hosting etc. All this you can find
freely available on the Internet. Our task is to learn how to get targeted traffic,
monetize it and gradually reach an excellent level of income.

4. First you can pin your content manually on Pinterest, but then I need
TAILWIND. It helps to make this process run automatically. It also helps to
track followers, to see which pins are performing better than others. They
have another great option TRIBES - The best way to share content on a new
Pinterest account and boost your engagement when you don't have too
many followers yet. You don't need to buy the paid version of this service
right away. Try to learn how to manually create and add Pins and learn how
to get the first traffic from Pinterest, so that you can automate all processes
gradually in the future. Pinning to at least a couple of group boards every
day and to a couple of tribes every day is going to be the best strategy in
combination with pinning on your own boards.
5. It happens that your account can be suspended, but don’t panic. It can be
that you were pinning too much within a specified period and commenting
on pins too much (or including your email address in pins), following or
unfollowing too many people within a specified time period, repinning
spam or other bad content (check websites before you pin or repin
anything), sending too many direct messages. There are probably many
other reasons that are unknown, but these are just a few. Remember to use
Pinterest as regular person was and that too many repetitive actions are
generally seen as "spammy" on Pinterest. Send an email to
creators-support@pinterest.com and explain what happened. I would
advise to not take an offensive stance on this and immediately "blame"
6. It's a little funny, of course, but the fact remains that 70% - 75% of Pinterest
users are actually female. Median age of a Pinterest user is 40. In this case,
if you write blog articles, then make sure that they are of interest to the
female audience.
I find this even a cool fact, since women often make spontaneous buying decisions
and if you write your articles correctly (we will talk about this later), then you will
not even need to be able to sell those affiliate services that you will write about on
your blog. You only need to direct the interest of women to certain points in your
article and that's it.

50% - 60% of Pinterest users are from the US, so they have money and you can
target this audience. It is known that 80% - 85% of Pinterest users access Pinterest
from mobile devices, so just be sure to adapt your blog for mobile devices.
According to pinterest statistics and surveys, it turned out that 87% of pinterest
users made purchases because of Pinterest. This is a really impressive figure and it
makes us all happy. This means that people trust Pinterest and the content posted
on it.

Average time spent on Pinterest is about 15 minutes per visit and this is a good
time. It means that the platform does more than just connect people. It sends
people to online vendors more than any social channel other than Facebook.

7. To begin with, you do not need to come up with any complex schemes. Just
start in the first 2-4 weeks with a broader focus. Start spreading your
content on Pinterest to find out what gets you most clicks and traffic to your
website. Then you get an idea which pins are the most popular and then you
can optimize your pins and content properly. Learn which categories your
audience likes the most and spend more time writing blog articles about
those topics. For example if your topic is HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH
YOUR BLOG and the most popular category is for example HOW TO BE A
SUCCESSFUL AFFILIATE so try to be more concentrated on this particular
8. You need to create your content with a purpose. If your content is created
without any purpose it would be hard for you to monetize this content and
start making money. For example when you teach people how to do
something or write articles that solve some problems then it’s easier to
monetize such content. It is also very good to monetize the content that
offers to solve some complex problem in the client's understanding, but in
an easy way. For example, the 21 Day Money Making Challenge. It is a great
headline for an article. Usually such headlines force people to do what is
described in the article. Then you can present your affiliate links to those
warm audiences, but I’d recommend collecting people’s emails and building
an email list to whom you can sell again and again. So you can present them
your affiliate links and your own online courses, or you can promote other
people’s courses to them and get an affiliate commission for that.
You can also drive this traffic to any social media platform to grow your
niche community. Just sit down and ask yourself - IS YOUR CONTENT

9. You need to choose the main topic and then the subtopics. This is the only
way it works best. For example Main Topic - Pets (Subtopic - Dogs, Subtopic
- Cats, Subtopic - Potty Training) This is a crucial part of having a successful
Pinterest brand. One of the bigger mistakes people made was focusing on
having a subtopic (weight loss) as the main topic (healthy living) in the
beginning. If you're still unsure of how to organize everything, check out
how other famous people have organized their content (main topic and
subtopics) on Pinterest.

I'll show it again with an example. Let's say your main topic is Photography, and
subtopics are Fashion & Senior Posing, Weddings & Couples Posing, Maternity
10. I do not want to tell you in detail how to register your Pinterest account, as
there are many different tutorials on this topic, but the most important
thing is that from the very beginning you need to register a business
When you have a business account you get access to some useful additional
features that a simple Pinterest account doesn’t have.

Let’s assume you already have a Pinterest account with 100-200 followers. I
recommend transforming your personal account into a business one to get access
to features like Pinterest Analytics and Promoted Pins. Use this link to change
your account https://www.pinterest.com/business/convert

11. You should claim your website on Pinterest. This way, you make it clear to
Pinterest that you are the owner of the domain and of the website and all
content that will appear on your behalf on Pinterest belongs only to you.
When you add a meta tag to your header or upload a file to your website
Pinterest sees that you are the owner of this website. (This process is
described in more detail on the Internet on free resources. I'm just showing
you the steps to take)
12. In any case, all women's topics, as I said, are mega popular and if you create,
let’s say, a course on Yoga, or how to quickly lose weight, then you will
quickly begin to gain popularity and here you can already earn a lot of
money. Of course, everything is not as simple as you may think, but when
you start working regularly on the development of your Pinterest account,
you will start earning.
13. When you're just starting to promote your content on Pinterest, the best
strategy to learn about your competitors is to see which content they are
adding to their boards. Also try to follow your competitors to see regularly
which new content they add and legally steal their ideas to create your own
14. Again, we will talk about how to post on boards later. Another important
topic is creating creatives for boards on Pinterest. So you need
high-converting Pinterest pins and you can use CANVA.com to do that. First
of all login into your account there. To get started, you can use those free
templates and layouts that are existing there on Canva. When the pictures
are ready, upload them to Pinterest. You don't need to create a huge number
of niche images. Try adding 5 pins to your Pinterest board first to see what
the result will be. If people start to react positively to your Pins, then you
need to keep going in this direction and work further.
15. SEO also plays an important role in generating targeted traffic to your
website. You all know if your keyword has the first spot for a search term
then you will start getting tons of traffic every month. Pinterest is a search
engine, but not as smart as Google is, but anyway it is a search engine and
we need to use this feature for our needs. So it's a lot easier to get top on
Pinterest for some images etc. When you are on the top of Pinterest you will
start getting tons of traffic each month.Here you won’t be competing with
businesses that have the top spots on Google for the 5-10 years. When you
post useful content on Pinterest you reach the top more easily and will stay
there forever (don’t forget to post more useful content to have more targeted
traffic from pinterest) Indeed, every year it is more and more difficult to
break through to the top of Google for certain keywords and it would be
better to pay attention to Pinterest. Sometimes it is even impossible to
break into the top of Google in some niches at all, since the competition
there is terrible. On the contrary any niche is welcome on Pinterest. There
are virtually no competing niches here. If people like your content, they will
follow the release of your new useful content.
16. How does Pinterest SEO work? You need to optimize your board titles,
board descriptions, pin descriptions, pin itself, blog post titles. First of all
try to find some top keywords for Pinterest. Unsurprisingly, a huge number
of keywords revolve around the female audience, since it has already been
said that there are a huge number of women on Pinterest. If you start
looking for the most popular Pinterest keywords, then such keywords will
start to be shown to you - Dinner recipes, keto recipes, healthy dinner
recipes, hair styles, nails etc.
17. The other way to find relevant keywords is to use the Pinterest keyword tool.
It’s hidden inside the Pinterest advertising platform. But don’t worry,
because you don’t need to advertise on Pinterest to use their keyword
volume and research tools. You can access the Pinterest keyword research
tool by going to your Business Hub and clicking the Ads tab at the top of the
page. Then click on the Create Ads.

We don't need to create an ad campaign, we just want to get to the keyword search
tool. Our next step is to choose TRAFFIC on our PC screen and then click continue
to be redirected to the next page.

On the next page, you will need to scroll a little through the page and then you will
see what you were looking for.
Now you can conduct your search for the keywords you need. Again, remember
that there isn't a lot of competition here, and you don't have to think that you need
to grab exactly the keywords that are popular. You can take different niches, as I
said, the main thing is to attract readers with useful content.

18. Edit your board where you add the name of the board and the description
including 5-7 niche keywords in the description of your board. Select your
category which will be relevant to your topic. Boards will be ranking in
searches just like pins and people can choose to follow individual boards.
When creating Pins, do not use faded colors and create content in such a
way that it attracts people from the first seconds they see your Pin.

19. The next step is to learn how to add Pins to Pinterest correctly. Use stock
images to design your Pinterest pins. Stock photos were licensed for public
use. If you search for example for some images in Google, you can have
some copyright problems with the owner of such photos. If you use a stock
photo you can use it for any purpose you want. It can be that you want to
use some photos from Google, but the company which owns it can report
you and Pinterest will cut off all traffic to your website that the pin was
generating. It happens too often when people steal images and other
owners report them and then those bloggers can even get their Pinterest
account deleted, so please use only FREE stock images while creating your
pins. Don’t worry if some photos are big, because you can always resize
them to fit your pin needs. There are plenty of poor quality images on
Pinterest, because many users don’t understand that quality is very
important, so you have a good chance to be in the top wth your high quality
images. I have listed free options below - https://pixabay.com -
https://unsplash.com - https://www.pexels.com and you can utilize
canva.com and it provides both free stock photos and $1 photos
20. Now consider the main Pin design recommendations. All pins are
organized into columns, so vertical Pins take up more space and tend to
stand out more on our platform. The ideal aspect ratio for a vertical Pin is
2:3 / 1,000px wide x 1,500px high. When we talk about square images then
they are 1,000px wide x 1,000px high and can work well, too. Pins longer
than 1260px high will get cut off, and people will only see the entirety of the
Pin when they tap it for a closeup. Pinterest optimizes Pins that fit within
these preferred aspect ratios. Pinterest reps have also stated that your pins
WILL be penalized in search the more you deviate from the 2:3 aspect ratio.
They are discouraging "giraffe pins" - what they call the VERY long pins.
Find what size works best for you based on how you design your pins and
how they look on Pinterest. I recommend using a size of 1,000 x 1,500 px for
both your main Pinterest pin and the image that you add to your blog posts.
21. If you want to understand in more detail how to create pins that would
attract attention, then I will not dwell on this in detail. You can find tons of
interesting videos on YouTube that tell you how to do this.
22. At first it may seem that this is a long process, but in fact, when you learn
how to do it quickly, then you can create 20-30 pins in 1 hour and this is
enough to start promoting your blog full of articles with affiliate links on
Pinterest. I am sure that you will succeed, because if you have a goal of
becoming a successful blogger and earning from $20,000 every month in
1-3 years of your efforts, you still need to put in some minimum effort to
start earning.

Then, if you don't want to further develop your blog, then sell it for $1
million dollars and then you can start your next blog by hiring a team of 2-3
people (there are many cheap freelancers who do their job very well) and
repeat the process. In 10 years you accumulate 10 million dollars by selling
10 such blogs. There is nothing difficult here. I really give you an excellent
strategy for making money and your task is to use it. You just need to make
some effort at the start, so that later you can enjoy your life without working
too much.
23.Your content must stand out, because people scroll through their feeds at
lightning speed and your content won’t get clicked if it doesn’t stand out. If
you have the best content on Pinterest you are going to win the game. What
makes a great pin? You need to have long vertical pins, images with text
overlays, clear and readable text, large engaging photos and contrasting

Don’t use tiny photos with no text and with bad colors. Just use a good photo with
a text related to your niche etc. There is no need to make users guess what the
picture is about. They should clearly understand what idea you want to convey in
your picture and what meaning your text carries.

In the text of your pin, it is desirable to make sure that you raise some problem
and give a recipe for its solution. For example - HOW TO SOLVE TOP 3 MOST
COMMON LEASH PROBLEMS. Those who have problems with dogs will always
pay attention to such a pin.

Or if, for example, you have a niche related to DOGS, then there are many
problems that you can disclose in your pins, such as narrower problems - HOW TO

24. I will try to share my best tips for creating successful pins. I am sure those
tips will help your pins get NOTICED amongst other pings on Pinterest.
First of all keep demographics in mind, because different designs are aimed
at different age groups, genders etc. If you are blogging about SEO and
Affiliate Programs then please create more technically oriented pins. If you
aim at a female audience then make pins more wth floral designs and add
some soft colors. Design pictures that create curiosity. Avoid faces, because
people don’t like faces on Pinterest.

25.Try to avoid duplicate content. Of course you can pin the same content
again and again, but Pinterest is trying to discourage duplicate content. The
best strategy is when you create new content that is similar to the previous
one, but which is somewhat better than the previous one. Then it works
really well. Just try to post a new pin image on a new board that this image
has never been pinned on before. Note that a NEW pin does not have
anything to do with the URL or the post you're linking to. It's simply a new
image plus a new board that you're pinning to. Pinterest recommends not to
duplicate pins on boards any less than 4-6 months. What this means is that
when you have a "new" pin, you can post it on every relevant board that you
have on your account. Once you've posted it on every relevant board, you
should not save that same image to these boards again until another 4-6
months. This is why it's super important to use a scheduler like Tailwind. It
will help you stay organized and set timers on how often content is
scheduled (i.e. not repeating for 4-6 months on specific boards).

26.Create 5 Pins Per Post A great way to avoid duplicate content or to have more
content to post without duplicating is to create 5 pins for every blog post
article (or landing page) that you have. This ensures that you have plenty of
content to share before having to duplicate posts. It's also a great way to test
out which type of content performs best on Pinterest. To effectively test out
different pin designs, make sure that the pins that you design are
significantly different (i.e. different colors, different images, or even
different headlines - as long as they still describe the content linked to the
pin). This is a very important step, and I do realize that it will be very
time-consuming to set up. Once you've got it all set up and scheduled in
Tailwind for the next 4-6 months, you can sit back and focus on other
things. In ayn case try to focus on producing new content and new pins
regularly and sharing them in various places like group boards, Tailwind
Tribes, and your own account for maximum exposure.

27.Experiment on Your Own. Expanding on what I just said about adjusting

your strategy, I highly recommend experimenting with your own strategies.
This is how you will learn what works on Pinterest and what doesn't. No
problem if you make some mistakes at the start. You will learn by trial and
error until you see what works best of all for you. Remember that Pinterest
is a search engine, so the goal is to have your content found organically on
the platform via search - not through followers seeing it at the time that you
are first pinning the content.

28.Just try to follow my advice. You won’t be able to pin as much of your own
content in the beginning, but if you're just getting started on Pinterest and
don't have too many posts, you shouldn't be pinning much of your own
content. It’s better to pin more of other people’s content in the beginning
because you are pinning content that is already popular. This will help boost
your own board scores in the algorithm and make your content perform
better when you start pinning more of it. Fill in the gap with other people’s
content while you're just getting started and work on CREATING MORE
CONTENT (blog posts). It's the most important thing you can do in the

29.Final Note: Now that Pinterest has set stricter rules on duplicate content, I
believe that signing up for Tailwind is 100% a necessity. You NEED a
scheduler AND Tailwind Tribes for fast success. Using the interval feature
on Tailwind is the only way to make sure your content is organized enough
and not duplicated within the 4-6 month period and Tailwind Tribes is the
BEST way to boost your engagement when you are starting out and don't
have many followers
30.Recommendations to AIM for: 20 Personal Boards (at least, more is
perfectly fine), 5 Group Boards, 5-10 Tailwind Tribes, Pin 10-15x/day / With
group boards and Tailwind tribes, remember that it's better to have fewer
that are higher quality. You don't HAVE to have a maximum of 5 boards and
10 tribes if you can't find any that provide you with good engagement. 80/20
Ratio + 80% of your own content and 20% of other people’s. What this
means: If you pin 10-15 times per day, 10-12 of those should be your own
pins and 3-5 should be other people's.

31. You want to be careful setting goals of getting 'maximum repins' with your
content because some of the most viral content on Pinterest that get the
most repins are actually quite terrible for getting click-throughs to your
blog. Infographics are super shareable and generally get tons more repins
than other types of pins, but they are also notorious for the lack of
click-throughs they receive. It's okay to create infographics and I do
encourage you to do so on occasion because they are great for boosting your
blog's popularity on Pinterest, but they should never be the ONLY type of
content that you create or even a majority of that content. The problem with
infographics is that they don't create any CURIOSITY. The reader has
everything they need on the pin, so they have no incentive to click over to
your blog. Make sure that your pins create curiosity to drive the reader to
engage with your content and visit your blog.

32. Use Pinterest search to look for content in your niche that is already
popular. You will get an idea on how to organize your own niche content on
Pinterest. It’s the same process you use when you look for keywords in
Google. Look at the top pins in your search results. Try to find out which
topics and headlines have the most repins.
People love lists, because lists are organized and easy to read and people love
structured information. Users like this and are more likely to click and to view
other articles on your blog.

33. How to’s content is also popular on Pinterest. It allows users to understand
they will learn something from you and your content will solve their
problems. If you really solve their problem and help them, then they will
start trusting you and buying your products or services.

34. It can be that one day your account may be suspended. It happens because
people add some low quality or spammy pins. You can also use some
copyright images that are not allowed to utilize, so please avoid it. In any
case when your account is suspended, the pins are not removed from
Pinterest (so you will still receive traffic from existing pins), but your profile
will be removed and inaccessible. Try to abide by the rules and your account
won’t be suspended.

35. The best way to reach your target audience is to use group boards. This is a
board in which multiple people called collaborators can all pin content on.
Group boards are by invitation only. If you accept someone’s invite to pin on
their board, the board will show up on your profile and you will have access
to pin to it.

36. The most important topic is how to find niche Group Boards.
https://pingroupie.com - is the fastest way to find relevant group boards,
but please remember - it isn’t necessarily the most efficient when it comes
to actually getting invites. It happens that for every 30 boards you request to
join you can expect to hear back from maybe 1 or 2 people at most. Of course
you need to have excellent unique content to be accepted by those boards’
owners. I will not talk about how to use this service, as you can find a lot of
instructions on how to use it in the public domain. The only important
advice is to look at the profiles of your competitors to see which group
boards they joined. You also need to be able to get as many invites as
possible to the group boards you need, so look for email addresses in the
group board description or send the owner messages using pinterest
messages. Try to contact the group board owner and remember that you
have only one shot at this. Treat it like a formal business meeting or
proposal. If your proposal will benefit the group board owner in some way
then you will be added to this board of course. NOTE: Don’t share your
email address on Pinterest as your account can be suspended.

37. When you start using a software to schedule pins saves you a ton of time
every month and it ensures that you are pinning often to all of your boards.
It frees up your time very much. You can then concentrate on other
important areas such as writing blog articles etc. The scheduler allows you
to add pins when you are away, for example on vacation. You need to utilize
a scheduler when you have at least 10-15 pins. Which scheduler should be
used for adding pins? I’d recommend Tailwind because it comes with
analytics and it’s recommendable to track growth and other metrics. There
are also some other schedulers such as BoardBooster but I’d recommend
Tailwind. You can sign up for free here, but you won’t be able to see any of
the performance scores on your individual boards or accounts. Again, you
don't need to start paying monthly for this service right away. Try to post at
least the first 100 pins and see how you get the result. Try to understand
which pins give you the best result, and only then when you understand
where the wind is blowing from, you can also connect a paid Tailwind
service. This service also has some online videos on how to start and act on
Pinterest. Experts share their experience etc. there.

38. There is a browser extension and that makes scheduling easier. All this
information is freely available and I will just tell you how best to use this
extension. The important trick is to create board lists to pin the same pin to
multiple related boards including group boards. Don’t forget to add time
slots based on high traffic times and how many times you want to pin each

39. By the way, if you want to sell women's clothing, then of course you will be
successful. I often like to read various case studies myself, which tell about
successful online businesses. Here's an example of the success story of one
owner who started to receive over a million views of his pins every month
after a year of launching his online store. This online store’s owner already
has over 50,000 followers on Pinterest and this is a great result.

In any case, I have not yet tried to promote an online store using Pinterest, but I
see that this is a great idea and even here you can make a lot of money without
opening the store itself. How can you do that? As I said, many people love this type
of content when you list certain types of food for example. 25 MOST PINNED ONE
POT MEALS for example etc. You can also create your own blog and post similar
posts there, but already promote the other online stores by posting articles on your
blog. So you act here as an affiliate.

a) You create a blog, for example, on the simplest engine, namely WordPress
b) The next step is to fill your blog with articles that include your affiliate links
leading to different online stores. For example, below you can see an
example of an article with 30 reviews on various popular online sites that
have an affiliate program and those online stores pay you to attract visitors
to their online stores.
c) You can fill your blog with 5-7 articles, start promoting your blog little by
little on Pinterest and start looking at the result.
d) Little by little, you start earning with the help of affiliate programs from
$1,000 per month and this amount is very easy to achieve even in the first
two months of easy efforts.

To find different niche affiliate programs where the online store pays you, you just
need to go to Google and look for similar articles. There are about different
women's popular online stores depicted in those articles. Your task is to find some
online stores that pay super affiliate commissions to you.

I could, of course, advertise this or that online store and its affiliate program, but I
will not do this, since Google has a lot of reviews both on the online stores
themselves and on their affiliate programs, so you can find everything yourself. As
mentioned earlier, we will concentrate on the most profitable strategies in our
ebook, and we will not talk about what you can find yourself in Google. I also do
not want to do this, so that you yourself have an incentive to actively start doing
everything according to my strategies, and not just read this ebook and do

40. Tailwind tribes is another great feature to get your useful content in
front of more people. Sometimes it happens that some of the big users like
your content and just one REPIN from them will allow you to get tons of
traffic and this is not a joke. The tribes work in a way that for every pin you
share you have to share someone else’s as well. Most of them work on a
one-to-one basis.

41. You can see on your dashboard how many people shared your content, how
many repins you got etc. There are also many different tribes and you can
join your niche tribe. Just click on FIND A TRIBE and type in your desired
keyword. You can also send requests to other tribes’ owners and they can
reply back and accept your requests or not. There is also an activity bar on
the left side of each tribe you look for and this way you can see which tribe’s
audience is active and which is not. When you just start working with
Tailwind tribes try to find active tribes with a small number of people in
your niche, since you have no activity yourself, you are unlikely to be
accepted into very large communities.

42. Although you can try and join more active and larger communities.
Sometimes it works. Before joining the tribe you can click on PREVIEW
TRIBE and see what kind of content people share there.

Remember and this is very important, when you add a new article to your blog
share it with all your niche tribes on the same day. This will help to boost the pin's
visibility in the first day or week that you post it and signal to Pinterest that it's
great content. It will help it get some initial traction.

You also need to pin other people’s content. I recommend pinning the most
popular and useful content that you can find in your tribes. You can gauge
popularity with the little blue fire icon displayed up in the top right of the pin.

43. You can also automate the process of adding pins with SmartLoop. That is,
when your content can be added to selected boards over and over again. You
choose only one pin to your schedule, and Tailwind does the work for you.
The Smart Loop feature makes it possible for users to add their most
popular pins to the existing schedule, and Tailwind will be repinning them
over and over until you remove the pin from the list
When you first get started with smartloop you can set up multiple loops each with
different types of content that automatically be distributed across your schedule
for the best time of your audience. In any case, this is a great feature, and again I
will not talk about it in more detail, so that you have a 100% incentive to find how
to work with this wonderful feature. Again, I only do this because I want you to
start working in this direction and get results.

44. There is another strategy to sell your own or affiliate products to people that
see your pins and click on them. You probably already know what a
pre-landing page is and how to use it to convert cold traffic into warm one.
If not, read the Facebook chapter again. In any case, there is another similar
strategy, when you have your blog and already have several interesting
articles on it and start getting traffic from Pinterest. Articles will be your
pre-landing (presale articles) pages, where you present very nice niche
content to your readers in order to interest them, and then you can safely
sell the services of your partner sites through affiliate links. As you know
promoting a product to a cold traffic is going to be a hard sell, so just use the
strategy described above. Creating VALUE before you make the sale is a
better strategy. Also, when you start getting more and more traffic from
Pinterest, then start collecting an email list. You can then promote your
affiliate offers through email funnels.

45.When you see content on Pinterest so people highlight the GAIN. First,
there is a certain pain and we immediately give a solution to how to get
through the pain in order to get the result or the GAIN. For example,
someone wants to start his own business and does not have the money for
it. I am sure that 90% have no desire to invest a lot of money in online
business. You show everyone that it is possible to start your own business
without a lot of investment. HOW TO START A BUSINESS WITH NO
MONEY. Someone is sure that blogging is very difficult and, moreover, this
someone does not have a clear plan. You show this pain and show that there
is an easy and quick solution to the problem. 7 SIMPLE STEPS TO START A
BLOG (start blogging in just 15 minutes) Another person can be confident
that his blog will not be successful and you show what steps to take to make
BLOG FROM SCRATCH that is, your task is to attract people to your
website or blog in such a simple way through pain and GAIN.

Not many people who add Pins to Pinterest already know this strategy. You can see
it for yourself. Many have a common call to action and those call-to-actions are
often quite aggressive but they shouldn't be like those ones. There is no need to
force another person to follow the link. It is best to use the method of attraction
through PAIN and GAIN as described above.

GAIN means the positive REWARD that the person gets at the end of his efforts.

Topics about fitness, yoga and weight loss are also very popular on Pinterest. You
can often see very fat women and below the inscriptions calling to lose weight in 14
days. There are also photos of women showing how she looks now and how slender
she will become in 14 days. This all works great on the brain of those who are on
Pinterest and want to lose weight. They see that they need to go through some
pain, but in the end they will get a quick and high-quality result.
Figure out what your audience’s biggest problems are and highlight them on your
pin and in your article title. Of course you don’t need to concentrate only on pins
with PAIN and GAIN. Try to have a good mix of different pins to see what works
best for you and get you the most traffic to your blog.

46. Why do you need to post more content on Pinterest and do not stop
posting? The more content that you have on Pinterest, the bigger the chance
you will have your content going viral reaching your target audience and
reaching your end goals. Bigger accounts can randomly find your content
and repin your content of course when they like it. That thing can skyrocket
your visibility. Some of you are more concentrated on Google’s SEO, but just
think over it and you will understand it’s much better to create more short
articles for Pinterest and get traffic to them from the same service than
writing one epicly long post and doing an SEO job. Create three 1,000 word
articles instead of one 3,000 word article and drive traffic from Pinterest to
those articles. The important thing is that this article should be useful and
interesting for your readers. The more content you have spread throughout
Pinterest, the more chances you have of content going viral throughout each
week and month. Your content will remain on Pinterest permanently and
you will not depend on Google's algorithm, which can devalue backlinks to
your website or blog and you lose all traffic to your blog.

47. Do not forget that it’s also recommendable to create your own email
subscriber’s list, to whom you could then sell your ebooks, or promote other
services through affiliate links. You are not the owner of Pinterest and
cannot influence some changes on the service, but you do own your email
list and it should be treated as an asset. This is also one of the quickest ways
to monetize your blog. Just start driving traffic to your opt-in (landing page)
where you have a free ebook. The main thing is to create a colorful niche
page where you can collect emails.

Just start building your email list as soon as possible. It’s one of your big assets as
a business owner. Use landing pages or other articles of your blog as opt-ins.

If the landing page is structured correctly then you will start having more emails
and then you can promote ebooks and some other affiliate products to this email
list of your own.

48. Don’t be pinning other people’s content all the time. Gradually pay attention
to how best to promote your own content. Of course many experts will say
that you have to pin 80% of other people’s content while only pinning 20% of
your own. I do not adhere to this theory 100% since you are doing an online
business and you yourself want your content to be promoted, so your task is
to promote your content as much as possible. It can be a good strategy at
the very beginning, but it’s not the best strategy for long-term growth. Your
task is not to drive a bunch of traffic to other people’s websites. Your main
goal is to have more traffic to your online projects. Don’t feel bad about
self-promotion. This is your business and try to develop it to make money
online. As you grow and publish more content, begin to pin more and more
in your own favor. Just pin 90% of your own content and 10% of other
people’s content. Pinterest still needs to know that you are engaging with
other people’s content as well.
49.As soon as you start getting the first traffic from Pinterest to your blog or
website, then you need to understand how to organize the sale of content.
This could be some kind of site where you act as an affiliate. You can also sell
your ebooks, or whatever. There are many different theories on how to do
better. Sell your personal services and ebooks or the services of others
through affiliate links. I would recommend combining those two methods
and see which one works best. In any case, if you do not have your own
product yet (service site, e-book), then you can safely promote other services
and receive your affiliate commission. It is best to take those services where
you get not $20 per sale, but more than $99, and better $199 per sale. Where
you cannot control prices, it is best to do so. Take more expensive services
and get better affiliate commission. Moreover, when you sell someone else's
services, you just need to direct traffic to their services and that's it. Of
course, you can create a pre-landing page, but sometimes I personally don't
want to create such a page and I drive traffic directly to the sale page using
my affiliate link. However, the Pinterest algorithm often changes and now it
is better to drive traffic to your blog, where you can review different affiliate
programs, and then warm (not cold) traffic will start buying products from
other services through your affiliate link(s).

50.If your desire is to create your blog and then promote it using Pinterest,
then first you need to identify your target market. The next step is to find or
build a product that solves a need your audience has. Of course you need to
build a funnel and trust to start selling your own or other people’s products.
Try to get people into that trust funnel with sales-centered content and then
continuously improve the funnel for maximum conversions.
Of course, I could still tell you how to create your own blog, but there is a huge
amount of such information on the Internet and you can easily familiarize
yourself with it. My task was to inform you exactly about what you will not find in
the public domain. I also wanted to convey to you information on how to properly
organize your work on Pinterest in order to get as much traffic from this service as
possible and monetize it correctly.

Wrap It Up

Many people complain that it is harder to get traffic from Pinterest than before,
while others, on the contrary, claim that they are getting great traffic from
Pinterest and making great sales. Let's try to figure out what is the matter here
and understand whether it is worth doing Pinterest marketing at all.

I must say right away that if you have a new account, then at the initial stage you
simply have to make some effort to first warm up your account on Pinterest. It
usually takes 1 to 3 months, but again it all depends on your own efforts, your
niche, and other little things.

In my experience, if you post from 10 to 15 pins on Pinterest and do everything

according to the strategy described above, then after about 2 months the growth of
traffic from Pinterest to your blog begins to grow regularly. Pinterest loves it when
a lot of useful Pins are added and if your content is really interesting, then you will
start getting enough traffic.

You also need to constantly optimize keywords and pins in order to understand
what content your target audience is reacting to and what keywords bring you the
most traffic.
You can post about 200 pins and none of them will interest your audience.
Otherwise, you can add 10-15 pins and each of them will start bringing in a good
amount of traffic, but again you need to understand which pins to optimize. To do
this, you just need to post 10-15 pins for 2 months on a regular basis. After that,
you will already have a vision of how to put less effort and at the same time get
more effective results.

Also, don't forget that Pinterest gives you a boost in Google traffic too. Not so many
people understand how it works, but there are bloggers who, after a year of
promoting their blog on Pinterest, begin to receive somewhere between 30% - 40%
of additional traffic from Google. It means that without any additional SEO from
you, Pinterest helps to display your blog’s articles for various requests on the top of
Google, and there is already an audience that is interested in buying your services,
etc., since they are already more purposefully looking for what you want to offer to

You don’t have to play a very long game with Pinterest, but again try to
SEO-optimize your pins so that they rank in Pinterest. They will then rank in
Google as well. I'm seeing more and more pins rank on Google in certain niches.

Of course Pinterest changes its algorithm constantly and you may have some
fluctuations in traffic, but this does not mean that you cannot receive targeted
visitors from Pinterest. On the contrary. When you have a specific working
strategy, then everything is possible.

Method 5: Effective Facebook Ads

Many people, having tried advertising on Facebook, are in a hurry to say that it
does not bring results. Of course, if you did not succeed in achieving the desired
result, then you can draw such conclusions and this is quite normal, since such is
human nature. We don't want to dig deeper and think about how to create FB ads
so that everything is effective. We have no desire to test over and over and then get
the result we want.

In fact, there is one effective technique that brings results and it is so simple that
you spend time here just on simple preparation and setup, and only then you start
getting first inquiries from potential customers. This works for all areas of online
business, and not just for affiliate business.

So let's take a look at the results of one of the Facebook ad campaigns. I value my
business time very much, as I have a lot of different projects and I often have to
contact different experts. In this case, it was an expert from Russia who helped me
set everything up. I could set up everything myself and run it, but when you have
only 24 hours in a day, you need to deal not only with creating FB creatives, setting
it up, selecting an audience, etc. Then I immediately hire an assistant for such
purposes. Of course if you have a lot of free time, then you can do everything
Seriously though, I noticed that many people praise Facebook experts from the
former USSR very much. They charge quite cheaply for their services and do the
job quite well. I was able to verify this.

In any case, you have two options - hire an expert and he will do everything for
you, or do everything yourself. If you choose the first option, then you can find lots
of such experts on Fiverr and Upwork. You can choose whoever you want, but be
sure to ask them for a portfolio to make sure they can effectively customize your
ads for you too to get you great results.

Let me nevertheless decipher the screenshot that I attached earlier in this chapter.

1. Different FB creatives were shown to potential customers for 36 days.

2. Advertising led people to the Facebook page, then they were interested in
the advertising offer and went to the FB messenger to start a
correspondence with me (in this chapter we will analyze later how to
create an FB page and how to send people to FB messenger )
3. The advertising budget that was spent is $1,413 (therefore, if you are
thinking about where to invest better, then paid advertising is the best
option for getting new customers)
4. 1417 correspondences were started with an average price of $1 per
messaging (FB does not always give the most accurate figures to the cent)
5. The cost of the correspondence was $0.35 in the past days, since the
advertising campaign was optimized almost every day. New creatives were
added and those that did not work well were removed.
6. ROI - 1360.48% There were 813 sales made, but only about 97 of them were
affiliate ones. All the rest of sales were from other different projects of
mine (Therefore, for now, we will only take into account those 97 affiliate
As you can see, I earned over $12,901.50 in 36 days and this is only from 97 affiliate

There were 716 other sales related to other online projects, so in total I made a lot
more from this advertising campaign all thanks to skillful customization of
advertising campaigns and enhanced intelligent and consistent communication
with clients, but I want to focus your attention on only 97 affiliate sales so that you
understand that even with the price per messaging of $5 and even at $10.., I would
have expected success and profit. This suggests that you do not need to pay
attention to the price per messaging, but just need to understand what profit you
will get in the end. When you are afraid to spend your advertising budget even on
testing ads, then this is sad. In any case, try to allocate the amount for tests that
you will not mind spending on advertising. Don't be afraid to spend a certain
amount on tests! Never be afraid to break out of the circle of poverty and make
money as an affiliate!

So let's take a closer look at which factors you need to take into account when
setting up advertising, which FB creatives I used and you can use them too (I
optimized them for advertising a partner site and you can then create any other
FB creatives based on them), how to create a chat bot and etc. I will try not to miss
anything, so that you too can launch an effective advertising campaign and get a

1. Setting up Facebook ads (Messages, FB Pixel, Pre-landing page)

I want to say right away that you can find a lot of useful articles on the Internet
about how to set up advertising on Facebook, and this material is absolutely free.
Try to study it carefully, as there is a lot of it and it is freely available. I will just
reveal those secrets that you are unlikely to find in the public domain, since many
do not want to reveal how they get a lot of clients from Facebook.
So first, go to your Facebook Ad Manager to create an advertising campaign. Start
by selecting the MESSAGES

When you are just creating your FB advertising campaign, then usually many
people want to use the standard settings that numerous bloggers recommend to
you. Often, you just need to first test about 5-7 Facebook Creatives with different
settings in order to understand how to further optimize your advertising

Again, I do not want to show you any complex Facebook advertising settings, since
you can find everything in the public domain. There are tons of interesting videos
on setting up Facebook ads, and you can also contact any expert who could help
you set up ads. My task is to show those features that you need to use in order to
get the maximum result in FB advertising.
Of course, if you have your own website where you promote your own services,
then it will be important to install the Pixel on the Facebook site - this will be
needed to collect information about your users. It allows you to create a custom
audience of everyone who’s been on your website. However, if you do not want to
create your project, then you do not need it yet. Although you can create an
intermediate web page where you can install FB pixel to collect information about
your users. There the user goes to this intermediate web page of yours and sees
your offer(s). There you can talk in more detail about one or different affiliate
programs. Then give the user a CALL-TO-ACTION button, the user clicks the
button and will be redirected to the main site (you are an affiliate of this site). Then
the user decides whether to make a purchase or not.

An intermediate landing page is needed in order to maximize the attention of the

audience and interest it to go to the site of which you are a partner. (you are an
affiliate of this website).

It is also called a pre-landing page and it often looks like a post from a personal
blog with examples "before" and "after", an expert article on the benefits of a
product, an interview with a celebrity, news about the successful use of a product
or service by a famous person. Affiliate programs often provide layouts (or a web
designer can create them for you) for their offers for different traffic sources and
topics. But a page made individually for a specific offer and audience can be more

2. Setting up Facebook ads (Your Facebook Page)

Before setting up ads, we need to create a Facebook page. It can also work as a
pre-landing page, when a user can see some very useful information on your
Facebook page, he certainly wants to know more detailed information.
You can also direct your potential customers to the main partner website through
your affiliate link, but I would recommend making both a Facebook page and a
pre-landing page that lead people to the partner's site. As I said, do not forget to
put affiliate links on the pre-landing page. (Later in other chapters, I'll show you
how it all works, so that you can understand the whole process. )

I will not tell you how to create a Facebook page, since you can find this
information absolutely free on YouTube. The only thing you need to understand is
to make it understandable to the target user. What do I mean ?

Try to understand how your future customer thinks. In any case, you need to
create a niche page that would be understandable to those users who it is aiming

Find different niche Facebook pages that are popular. Take a closer look at their
web design. Think about whether a similar design will appeal to your users. Then
you can hire a designer and tell him in detail what your Facebook page should look
like, or you can create a header for the page and other elements in Photoshop
yourself. In fact, it's not difficult at all, and there are a lot of lessons on how to do
that on YouTube.
Do not forget to fill the page with useful information a little so that users
understand that there is a certain activity here, because an empty page with one
header is unlikely to interest anyone. Users must understand that the page is
active. To do this, you need to warm it up a little.

If your task is to attract as many users as possible to the pre-landing page, then
you can give them some interesting information in posts on your FB page, and
then a link to the pre-landing page, or to the partner's website page (you can use
the service bit.ly to hide your affiliate links). In any case, when we start setting up
ads, you will immediately understand everything I mean about how it works.

3. Setting up Facebook ads (Conversation Ads)

You have already chosen MESSAGES when creating your FB advertising campaign
so that everyone who contacts us using FB messenger can find out more
information about our offer, then get into our manychar.com subscriber’s base.
(later I will tell you how to build a subscriber base to whom we can send our offers
over and over again.)

Then come on down and name your campaign.

A/B Test and Campaign Budget Optimization is not of great interest to us right
now. We need to move forward.
We are into the ad set settings and we need to choose our destination and of
course it will be Facebook Messenger. We select here Click To Messenger which
means sending people from Ads in Facebook, Instagram and/or Messenger into
Messenger Conversations. It means when they click on the ad it’ll pop up
messenger and they will start a conversation.

I recommend using those ads as your constant advertising funnel. If you target a
very small audience or want to reach some narrow goals you need to use FB
messenger. If you wish to have lots of cold traffic when targeting for example
2,000 000 US people then don’t use FB messenger.

The next option is to choose age, gender and language. I would recommend
choosing an age of 30 years or more for tests, as they are more solvent. Also, if you
are promoting a business where you need to create websites, then I would
recommend choosing a male audience, although if your offer is aimed at how to
create a blog for women, then you can also choose the female gender. The main
thing here is to interest women.

Now we get into placements and I recommend to select Automatic Placements, so

that Facebook automatically optimizes to get you more people talking to you in

You can also select Manual Placements to choose where your ad would appear,
let’s say on Instagram Stories, but I recommend choosing Automatic Placements
while you still don't know where your potential audience is.

Next, we choose Conversations, because someone clicks on your ad and starts

talking to you on Facebook Messenger.
We also set a daily budget of no more than $20 per day, since first we need to test
our FB Ad Creatives in order to understand which of them need to be left, so that
they will continue to bring us clicks and customers, and which we need to delete

On the next page we choose Single Image or Video since we need to first test how
users react to image ads.
I know that, for example, video advertising works well when you sell, let’s say,
fishing rods, where you need to show how it functions etc.. When I was promoting
the website creation service, I also had an idea to promote it through a video that
would interest users, but then I realized that first I would test the pictures and
would try to catch the FB users with an image, and then I would try to promote it
on Facebook messenger by offering the service to create a website. This is a
marketing chain that seems to be complicated at first glance, but in fact brings
excellent results, but more on that later.

Of course, you get 1 great FB creative when you click this link , as I want you to
understand which creatives work and bring results. This FB creative worked
perfectly for me and you can change it, create new creatives based on them and do
everything you want in order to optimize your images for advertising on

This way you would spend time and money creating creatives, but now you have a
ready-made solution. When you download a creative, it should look like this.
In any case, test this creative, but if you fail to attract people and convert them into
customers, then the matter may not be in the creative, but in the audience itself,
or in the wrong communication with them, or in the wrong advertising settings.
Therefore, always try to understand what the problem might be, if the creatives
seem to be working, but there are no orders. Sometimes it happens that you
change some settings, or become more interested in what customers need and
immediately the number of sales begins to increase.

If you still don't have any ideas, then go to Google and find which creatives other
online entrepreneurs are using. Then you may have some interesting ideas on how
to create similar FB creatives. I usually always do this to understand which
creatives would be clicked on more often.

Take a look at the creative below and rate it. There are tons of such creatives on
Facebook and they do not attract customers very much, since they are very simple.
A lot of people really don't want to waste their time to create exactly those ad
images that would bring them tons of customers + money. You have a great chance
to create colorful and attractive advertising images.

Next, we continue with the ad setup. We need to add Primary Text, so we will add
here our advertising text. Try to come up with a text where you reveal the client's
pain first, and only then give a specific solution. For example, such a text is
perfect: Is your site not attracting customers? Are your sales dropping every day?
There is a great solution to increase sales. An optimized website that converts
your visitors to customers. Want to know more about it? Contact us today!

However, try not to use similar texts in all of your advertising campaigns. Try to
change the text so that later you can understand which of your ad messages attract
your customers the best.
Also, do not forget that people must send us messages so that we can read them
and respond to them. So please leave the button Send Message as you see it on the
screen. Also, later I will show you how you can connect to manychat.com for
collecting subscribers. It means you could send them messages on Facebook as if,
for example, they were your email subscribers.

Scroll down a bit and click on the CREATE button to be redirected to the next
The next step is to customize your text that people see as the Welcome Message
when they click on your ad.

If you want to add an image, then this can also be done by clicking on TEXT ONLY
and then select TEXT AND IMAGE and add your image to your Welcome

When a person receives a message and answers it, you can send him a quick reply
while you are busy, but soon you will answer his request of course. In this case, you
can mention the link to your website / blog to which he can visit and get
acquainted with your offers and later ask questions that interest him.

To let the person know that his request has been accepted and he is in the waiting
system, send him such a message - A human will be in touch within 10 hours.
Thanks for your patience - this message will pop up when the person clicks the
text - I'd like to learn more -

In fact, all the settings seem to be somehow complicated, but if you only devote a
couple of hours to the settings, then the next time you will do it all in literally 20
In any case, I described what worked for me, and you can play a little with the
settings to first learn how to set up ads, and secondly, see later what works best for
your audience.

When you are ready with the settings, then click SAVE TEMPLATE and go to the
next page. This way you will not waste time next time making new ad campaign
settings, but you can, if necessary, take a ready-made template and create a new
advertising campaign on its basis.

Facebook pixel data helps ensure your ads are seen by the people who are most
likely to take your desired action. This allows you to improve your Facebook ad
conversion rate and get better ROI. The Facebook Pixel works by dropping a
cookie that will track visitors on your website so you can reach out to them later,
also known as retargeting. Once you advertise to people that have been on your
website, you can also use the Facebook Pixel to track their behaviour when they're
back on your website.

When your advertising campaign is ready, now we are just waiting for approval so
that Facebook launches it and you would start getting messages from interested

I would also recommend setting up a LIVE CHAT (for example crisp.chat) on the
pre-landing page if you also want your future customers to contact you via chat
and then you could reply to these requests. This also works very well, because
when a client has a lot of questions, and you answer them in a Facebook
messenger, or in a live chat, then trust in your business gradually arises. The client
understands that you want to help him and then it is easier for him to pay you.
This method is very effective, because I am sure that you yourself have experienced
this method yourself.

I am sure that you have had such a thing that you asked a question in a live chat or
by email and the company ignored you. Then you were looking for the same
similar company and there they helped you a lot. You paid for the service

4. Setting up Facebook ads (ManyChat.com)

As you have noticed, I am not giving you any complicated strategies for setting up
paid advertising and I am not telling you how to earn $20 per day. My task is to
make it so that you can set up everything quickly and the advertising campaign
brings you the greatest maximum profit when you promote your online business,
or partner sites, while receiving a solid affiliate commission.

This is a service that allows us to automate the sending of our messages to our FB
messenger subscribers. In fact, it looks like email marketing, but here you make
some settings to send messages to those who contact you via Facebook messenger.
This is also a great way to send messages about discounts, new products and
services to your Manychat.com subscribers. It is also your gold asset, as instead of
spending a new budget on advertising each month, you can send a few messages
from Manychat.com to your subscribers and get sales again.

I'm not going to tell you about some complicated settings, as there are tons of
videos on YouTube that show you how to configure everything correctly, but again,
the tactics of automating messages do not always work effectively. Moreover,
when we need to sell goods or services from $99 and above, then there is already a
need for human communication, when you can explain in detail to a person what
interests him.

At the same time, when you sell many goods and services at a very low price, then
you need to do a lot of tests and optimize each day your FB campaigns in order to
sell 1,000 items with a net profit of $10 - $15, and it will also take you a lot of time
for optimizing ad campaigns, for corresponding with customers, etc.
My task is to simplify this work for you, so that you understand that you can make
everything much easier and at the same time increase your profits. My principle is
to work less and get more!

Your first action is, of course, to connect a Facebook Page to Manychat.com and I
will not write about it, since this information is available here

Then I don't do any complicated settings, I just create a Welcome Message so that
subscribers can read the welcome message and then follow the link that leads to
my pre-landing page.

I do not make any other complex settings, as I do not consider it necessary to

bombard a potential client with unnecessary messages. If he is interested, he will
write to me and I can then convert him into a customer, and if not, then even
though you will bombard him with tons of messages, this will annoy him very
much and in the end you will not be able to sell him anything.

What to write in the Welcome Message?

Again, my main task is not to show you how to configure everything, since there is
a huge amount of such information on the Internet and I'm not going to write to
you about what you yourself can find in the public domain. My main goal is to tell
you what you will not find anywhere. The main thing is to show you how to make
sure that the client stays in touch with you and finally buys your goods and

Naturally, many online entrepreneurs experience problems getting clients and our
task is to show once again this pain to those online entrepreneurs and offer them a
solution. As you can see, there are no complicated marketing decisions here. This
Welcome Message works great. In any case, if you do not want to promote other
people's services that create websites, and for example, you have some other ideas
for promoting other niches, then here you can also come up with similar
messages. The main thing here is that you get into the pain of your clients and
offer them solutions to the problem. It always works great and is profitable.

Sometimes it happens that people who contact you in the chat reply in a week, or
even a month. This is completely normal. Even after a long conversation with you,
not everyone makes an instant decision to buy your product or service. This is also
quite normal, as many of us take a longer time to make a decision.

Again, there is no need to bother a client with your mailing every 24 hours. Try to
communicate only with interested clients, and send a newsletter (new message)
every two weeks. This is the most effective way to communicate in my experience.
Your task is to make sure that already at the stage of personal communication via
chat, the client can buy what you want to sell to him.

Try not to use commercial words like “buy”, “price”, “cost” while messaging people.
There is an opportunity of being banned. Use words of this kind only in a personal
chat conversation with a client.

In any case, try not to make complex settings. As already mentioned, this is to
make sure that the client is interested in your advertising offer and clicks on the
call-to-action in the advertisement, and then you could convert it into a client
while communicating with him.

5. Setting up Facebook ads (Conclusion)

In any case, a couple of days will be enough for each of you to study and
understand everything, unless, of course, your niche is the same as mine, because
I have provided you with all the FB creatives and gave you knowledge on how to
effectively work with Facebook advertising, namely with people who are looking
for support from you through a messaging system.

I tried to show exactly those settings that work and bring effective results. Of
course, you need to spend some time setting everything up and then talking with
potential customers, but it's worth the effort.

There is no need to despair if something does not work out. All of us can make
some small mistakes and this is quite normal. When I see something new in my
business, I also make mistakes, but I always try to figure out how to fix them. I try
to see where I am doing something wrong. Gradually, I fix the bugs I made and
everything works fine.
The main thing is not to sit still, but to constantly look for solutions to this or that
problem. If customers do not come to you, then see how effectively your ad is
created. Try to optimize your Welcome Message etc.

Take some time to study all the details of working with messages and Facebook
ads and try to invest some small amount in advertising to see what brings you
great results. Gradually, you will understand what works for you and what does
not, and you will be able to focus your attention on the working strategies.

Even if you do not have time, or for some reason you do not want to study the
strategy of attracting customers through Facebook, you can always hire a
freelancer who will do all the settings for you. Your task in this case will only be to
answer the questions of future customers and watch how your affiliate sales grow.

Secrets and Tricks to Help You Better Optimize Your Facebook Ads

1. Determine the age that responds best to your ads. I noticed that those who
are from 28 to 42 are very active in the chat and ask a lot of questions. Plus,
they were mostly men and it was easier to communicate with them. With
women it was a little more difficult and they often disappeared from the

2. Sometimes it happens that you have created 10 FB ad creatives, set up your

ads correctly, but there seem to be not so many customers yet, although you
did everything right. Now try to change the header in the Facebook group,
create 2-3 more ads based on those that have already given you at least some
customers, also try changing the Welcome Message in manychat.com... Very
often, even small changes lead to the fact that the number of clients
3. It often happens that your future client thinks that the price you are offering
is overpriced. Try to chat with him and ask questions to find out why he
thinks so and taking into account his arguments offer him a discount saying
that he is right. Very often, such clients start to trust you during the
conversation and appreciate the fact that you want to give them a discount.

4. Facebook recommends spending at least $1,000 per week on advertising,

but now such recommendations do not work as they did before. At least no
one noticed that the advertising rates in the Facebook account were
changing. Therefore, try to still save your budget, but not much, since your
task is to bring as many subscribers to manychat (your chat in your FB page)
as possible. Then warm them up a little and prepare them for the purchase
of your service.

5. Your best bet is to have your budget spread across all ad sets. If your budget
is $100 per day and you have 10 creatives, then when you optimize your
budget, the entire budget will be distributed among all creatives.

This is a very convenient feature that allows you to evenly distribute the entire ad
budget and analyze each creative separately at the end of each day. If the creatives
did not run well, then we delete it and create new ones based on those that
brought more clients to us.

If you set up ads yourself, then be sure to enable this function, but if some
freelancer will set up ads for you, then make sure that he also turns on this feature.
Don't forget to check it out

6. Try to get orders from these countries only: USA, Canada, Australia and UK
since these countries have the most solvent audience. I also noticed that
there are many customers from Germany who are even willing to pay much
more for the creation of very solid projects, but since I tested the service
with fixed prices, I decided that it would be nice to work with these
customers individually. In any case, I don't know if you should test
Germany, but if you are still new to Facebook advertising, then try only
those 4 countries that I indicated above. In any case, already in the chat
during an individual conversation, you can understand what the customer
needs and then you decide if you can cover his needs or not and for which
price, but this is only if you have your own website creation service. Here
you can already raise the prices yourself, but here you need to subtly feel
how much the customer is willing to pay.

7. When you set up an ad in Facebook for the first time, remember that testing
takes 24 hours. If you receive clicks or leads per messaging for more than $1,
then immediately disable such creatives. We leave only those creatives
where clicks or leads per messaging cost less than $1. Of course, it would be
better to leave even those where the cost is less than $0.50, but if you are a
beginner, the main thing for you is to start getting your first subscribers in
the business and then learn step-by-step during optimizing campaigns how
to start getting less expensive leads. There is no special science here, since I
will not know what kind of creatives you use in advertising, but the main
thing is to understand that you need to optimize creatives every day and
quickly turn off those that spend your budget and do not bring customers.

8. Almost everyone has poor ad performance in the first 1-3 days of using
Facebook. Initial tests are always needed and Facebook wants to take your
money. When the first tests are carried out, then you can already more
clearly assess the situation and understand which creatives to delete and
which ones to leave. Which settings to change and, in general, which
improvements to make to increase the number of subscribers and reduce
the waste of the advertising budget.

Usually on the 5-7th day, the first sales are already taking place, provided that you
have configured everything correctly. Here you need to intensively disable those
ads that do not work, and on the basis of those that give good indicators, quickly
create new creatives and launch them quickly. It is best to take the best ad, make
5-7 creatives based on it, and run it again to see the result. So at the end you will
have about 10-15 of the best creatives and an understanding of what your target
audience is positively reacting to. Here you can start to scale to get even better

Method 6: Make Money Reselling Ebooks

I am sure that for some of you the business of creating websites may seem not so
attractive as a business itself, since some of you may not know how to respond to
customers correctly, or you do not have a lot of time and energy at the initial stage
of starting this business, plus there may be some other circumstances. In this
regard, I would like to propose a more simplified model of this business, namely
the resale of e-books.
However, as already mentioned, it is not necessary to sell an ebook here
immediately to the customer. Your job is to attract people and try to interest them.

In order to do this, you need to create a certain lead magnet that would interest
your future customers. It could be anything and it all depends on which niche
you’d like to choose for your future ebook.

By the way, you don't have to invest money in Facebook Advertising at all (first, you
create a free 10-12 pages ebook so that customers contact you using Facebook
messenger, and then you start sending your customers new messages to introduce
your subscribers your paid ebook), but you can simply promote your landing page
through Pinterest. You already know this Pinterest promotion technology and
have all the techniques on how to use Pinterest to get a lot of traffic to your landing
page or blog. It is also important to create such a landing page design that would
convert visitors of your landing page into regular customers.

As you can imagine, any information related to yoga, fitness, sports, healthy
eating and other more feminine is quite popular, as I said. Therefore, if you want
to choose a popular niche, then think more about how the female audience will
perceive this or that information from your ebook. Think about whether this
information will be of interest to a large Pinterest female audience. If so, then feel
free to create such an ebook. Only then will your ebook be a success!
Everything is very simple, but, of course, you also need to be able to communicate
with clients.

You also need to write the ebook itself, or buy resale rights to it from some author
who is ready to resell these rights to you. Again, you can start by writing or buying
some not very voluminous ebook(s) of 25-30 pages to make the first sales, and then
you can safely invest the money you earned in expanding the book reselling
business. I would not recommend stopping here when you earn your first $3,000,
but try to invest into this business so that every month it starts bringing you at
least $10,000 so that you constantly improve your financial level.

Let's take another look at how everything works and what are the basic steps you
need to go through to start making good money reselling ebooks.

1. A well-optimized landing page that you will attract initial traffic to.
2. A well-written and a useful ebook, as well as a lead magnet for attracting
first subscribers.
3. A properly configured Facebook page, as well as FB ad creatives and the
correct configuration of the ad itself and the chat bot.
4. You also need a certain amount of patience, since you cannot create
everything in a couple of days. It takes at least a month to do everything

I could help you create such a turnkey online business, but it will not be cheap and
I need to add that you yourself will be responsible for your actions, since I create
just a business and teach you how to properly run an online business so that it
turns out to be at a good level, but I cannot be responsible for your actions.

In any case, I can create and optimize a landing page for your needs, I can write an
ebook for you (you should have material, and I will try to structure it intelligently
and will write a good ebook) , I can also set up Facebook ads and create FB
creatives, and I can even suggest how to communicate with clients in FB
messenger if you want to, but again it will be your personal business and you are
entirely responsible for your actions. What does it mean? Let me give you an
example from my own experience. I collaborated with different people, but often
everything happens according to the following scenario - a person is eager to
create an online business and start earning, but at some stage he begins to be lazy,
actually doing nothing and as a result accuses me of being guilty of his problems. I
do not want this kind of cooperation. I am always ready to help, but only to those
who sincerely want to achieve excellent results in online business, and not just sit
still and think that they can get rich quickly. I like to cooperate with those who
believe in themselves and are ready to face both good luck and bad luck. Of course,
if you are reasonable, then you understand that in any business everything can not
be 100% ok and you have to think all the time what is the reason for failure. When
you find this mistake and fix it, then your business starts to make a profit.

Of course I am not God and I cannot guarantee anything, but if you really put a lot
of effort into the work, then everything will work out 500%, and you know it
yourself, but if you constantly pay attention to failures, then of course nothing will

In any case, you need to go forward to get the result, no matter what it will be. My
results were also not always positive, but I did not pay attention to the failures.
Every day I tried to correct my little mistakes in order to gain experience in solving
problems in business and start getting good money.

Maybe some of you thought that reselling ebooks is associated with some
difficulties, but in fact, here you just need to set up the correct lead capture
channel and then, after communicating correctly with customers in the
messenger, sell them whatever you want. Why did I choose to resell ebooks over
physical products? The ebook does not go for several days and it doesn’t arrive by
regular mail. In addition, physical goods can be lost on the way, broken, etc. In
addition, buyers often have a lot of questions before buying a physical product,
before and after it. The reselling of ebooks is pretty simple. The client paid for it
and received the ebook immediately.

Method 7: Get More Customers From

Upwork allows everyone to earn money by helping others in the implementation
of their projects. I will not talk about how you can earn money there as a
freelancer, since there is a lot of this information on the Internet. My task is to
give you the knowledge that I am 100% sure you will not find anywhere else on the
Internet, since there are techniques that I probably thought of alone. Of course, I
could be wrong, but so far I have not seen that this strategy was used by someone
else on the Internet.

It doesn't matter what you do online, but of course it would be better if your
minimum Upwork order was $200 or more. This way, you would greatly minimize
your Facebook advertising costs. However you can offer additional services here to
your customers and we will also talk about this later.

So let's look at the whole scheme that will allow you to get clients on Upwork,
however, this scheme allows you to get clients in any kind of online and even
offline business when you set up advertising for a local nearby target audience.

a) First, you need to attract customers and make them write to you on
Facebook messenger (they also get to you as subscribers in manychat.com)
You already know how everything works and how to set up ads etc., as I
described all this in the chapters above.
b) You attract customers with creatives, when you describe the problem, and
then give a solution (I also wrote about this above)
c) When you start getting first messages from people on Facebook messenger,
try to understand what their problem is and offer them the best solution.
Usually people find it difficult to spend larger amounts of money, but here
we can go for a trick. You can offer to solve the problem step-by-step. For
example, if a client needs a website for $500, then say that you can create
some simple design for $100, and if the client likes it, then carry out other
work on the website (on-page SEO and off-page SEO, speed up website
loading, creation of creatives for website promotion etc.).
d) However, ask the client to deposit the entire amount on Upwork. Tell him
that it will be more convenient for him and it will be more convenient for
you to do everything step-by-step. Assure your future client that this way he
will be able to be sure that every part of the work will be completed by you
on time and the client will be satisfied. In my personal experience,
customers very often agree to split the entire work into small parts, because
if a person does not have enough trust in you, then he wants to understand
what he will receive from you first by paying you a small amount of money.
When he realizes that you are really an expert and do everything efficiently,
then he pays you again and again. He begins to trust you with his money.
e) Over time, you will start getting organic customers’ requests on Upwork.
You should take the first 7-15 orders and you will already feel that customers
from Upwork itself are beginning to come to you and you can even stop
advertising your services on Facebook. But you only need to do this when
you really understand that you are getting enough money from your clients
on Upwork.

Sometimes it can happen that you got 100 subscribers from advertising to
manychat.com and you can contact those people using FB messenger. These are
already real people who are interested in your advertising offer on Facebook. Some
of them may have clicked on your ad offer out of interest. Someone, of course, will
continue to communicate with you and some percentage will buy your service or
services. This is quite normal, as not all those 100 manychat subscribers will
become your clients. However, it happens very often that you can receive a
message from any of your subscribers later. A week or even a month passes and
then he can write to you. I've had this happen on Facebook messenger. Maybe
some people leave somewhere, or are distracted by their own affairs, but they
return later to the correspondence. Therefore do not forget to regularly monitor
your Facebook messenger and promptly answer questions of your subscribers.

However, I do not think that you will have any difficulties in getting clients. Of
course, it cannot be said that this is a very fast process, but there are still a lot of
newcomers who create their own online projects, launch advertising and gradually
bring their business to an excellent financial level. This also applies to services
such as Upwork. If you skillfully communicate with clients, then success awaits
you here. Maybe it will not be fast, but definitely when you regularly work to get
customers and provide them with quality services, then your profit will constantly

Again, you don't have to work hard. You just need to set up an advertisement,
launch it and start working with the first customers. Advertising works and this
has been proven not by me, but by many internet marketers. When you
communicate correctly with clients, they regularly order services from you.
Therefore, if you wait for money to fall from the sky, then this will not happen, but
if you go to your goal every day, then your profit will be growing.

I tried to share with you all the information and the best practices that I own.
My task was to test some specific affiliate program and make money on it. I can
also successfully take any other affiliate program, choose virtually any affiliate
offer and also start making money on it.

As I wrote earlier, affiliate offers related to website creation, web design and other
similar offers are quite popular, since this niche is still quite popular and you can
earn money in it.

I could give you a list of specific affiliate programs if you don't want to create your
own web agency, but you can choose any offer to promote yourself. To do this, go
to Google and write a request of this type: best affiliate programs

You can read tons of reviews and compare a huge number of affiliate programs
with each other. Then pick the one with the best reviews, highest affiliate payouts,
and the best conversions.
In any case, I would like to thank you again for reading this ebook and I am sure
that all the information from this publication will help you start making excellent
profits in your online business.

Once again, I want to remind you that you should not expect clients to come to you
(your website etc.) on their own. Try to apply all the techniques described in this
ebook and you will see that it will start to bring you customers. If there is no
result, then try to re-read this publication again to understand what exactly you
missed. It happens that some little thing does not give you an influx of customers,
and you do not pay attention to it. One has only to pay attention to the little things
and modify them and everything will fall into place. Therefore, try to pay attention
to all the little things in your online business.

DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are my personal results. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate
them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of having many years of experience. The average person who follows any “how-to”
information gets different results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors...
including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and
action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you. This ebook is not a part of Facebook™ and/or Google Inc. Additionally, this is NOT
endorsed by Facebook™ and/or Google in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™, Inc.

Copyright @ 2021

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